<p> State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Office of State Procurement Rm. 201 General Administration Building, P.O. Box 41017 Olympia, Washington 98504-1017 (360) 902-7400 http://www.ga.wa.gov </p><p>INVITATION FOR BID (IFB) RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS/ADHESIVES</p><p>Contract Number BidOpening Date & Time 12503 November 4, 2003- 2:00 PM.</p><p>BIDS MUST BE RECEIVED& STAMPED ON OR BEFORE THE OPENING DATE & TIME AT THIS LOCATION: 210 11TH AVE SW, RM. 201, GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING OLYMPIA WA 98504-1017</p><p>Marie Holm State Procurement Officer Phone (360) 902-7436 Fax (360) 586-2426 E-mail [email protected]</p><p>For a site map to the Capitol Campus, click http://access.wa.gov/government/images/campus_map.jpg. Driving directions and parking information http://www.leg.wa.gov/common/maps/parking.htm</p><p>Washington State Department of General Administration Office of State Procurement, PO Box 41017, Olympia, WA 98504-1017</p><p>The State of Washington is an equal opportunity employer. To request this information in alternative formats call (360) 902-7400, or TDD (360) 664-3799. REV 2003-05-15 Invitation for Bid #12503 TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>1 ANNOUNCEMENT AND SPECIAL INFORMATION...... 3 1.1 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE...... 3 1.2 SCOPE...... 3 2 CHECK LIST...... 4</p><p>3 BID SUBMITTALS...... 5 3.1 OFFER AND AWARD...... 5 3.2 BID INFORMATION...... 6 3.3 REFERENCES...... 8 4 BID EVALUATION...... 9</p><p>4.1 EVALUATION AND AWARD...... 9 4.2 EVALUATION CONFERENCE...... 9 5 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS...... 9 5.1 RETENTION OF RECORDS...... 9 5.2 WARRANTY...... 10 5.3 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP...... 10 5.4 USAGE REPORTS...... 10 6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS...... 10 6.1 DAMAGES...... 10 6.2 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE...... 11 6.3 PRICING AND ADJUSTMENTS...... 11 6.4 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE...... 11 6.5 PURCHASING CARD ACCEPTANCE...... 12 6.6 BIDDER COMPLIANCE...... 12 6.7 NEW PRODUCTS ADDED TO CONTRACT...... 12 6.8 DEALER AUTHORIZATION...... 12 7 SPECIFICATIONS...... 13 8 PRICE SHEETS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16</p><p>2 Invitation for Bid #12503</p><p>1 ANNOUNCEMENT AND SPECIAL INFORMATION Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. The Competitive Procurement Standards, which are referred to in this bid package are not automatically printed or sent out with this IFB. By responding to this IFB the bidder agrees to read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at http://www.ga.wa.gov/pca/cps.htm. </p><p>In support of the State’s economic and environmental goals, we encourage you to consider the following elements in responding to our bids. These are not a factor of award (unless otherwise specified in this document):</p><p> Using environmentally preferable products and products that exceed EPA guidelines Supporting a diverse supplier pool, including small, minority, and women-owned firms Featuring products made or grown in Washington</p><p>1.1 PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Bid information, including price sheets, will not be available for public disclosure until after award of the contract. At the time of bid opening, only the name of the bidder and time of bid receipt will be read aloud.</p><p>1.2 SCOPE</p><p>The purpose of this IFB is to establish a mandatory contract for as needed purchases of Raised Pavement Markers and Adhesives. This contract will replace contract 09097. Only those manufacturers and or company brands listed in the Specifications section which have been pre-qualified by the Washington State Department of Transportation will be accepted for this bid.</p><p>Purchasers: The primary purchaser is the Washington State Department of Transportation; however this contract will be made available to all state agencies. Based upon contractor’s agreement, the contract will be made available to political subdivisions and non-profit organizations which are members of the State of Washington Purchasing Cooperative (WSPC) and/or State of Oregon Cooperative Purchasing Program (DASCPP/ORCPP). </p><p>The estimated usage for purchases over the first two years will be approximately $450,000.00. Extensions will be subject to mutual agreement, with the total contract term not to exceed six (6) years.</p><p>This IFB may be awarded to one or multiple contractor(s). See Bid Evaluation criteria for more information.</p><p>Bid evaluation and award criteria can be found in the section entitled BID EVALUATION</p><p>3 2 CHECK LIST. This checklist is provided for bidder's convenience only and identifies the bid documents that must be submitted with each package. Any bid packages received without these documents may be deemed non-responsive and may not be considered for award.</p><p>Bid submittal entitled: Offer and Award Bid submittal entitled: Bid Information Bid submittal entitled: References Bid submittal entitled: Warranty Bid submittal entitled: Dealer Authorization Bid submittal entitled: Price Sheets AFTER AWARD, submit the following: Current Certificate of Insurance Usage Reports:</p><p>Quarterly Sales and Subcontractor Reports Annual Usage Report by Line Item</p><p>4 3 Bid Submittals </p><p>3.1 OFFER AND AWARD Bidders are required to read and understand all information contained within this entire bid package. There are some standard documents, which are referred to in this bid package that are not automatically printed or sent out with this bid. For example, Competitive Procurement Standards (Standard Terms and Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Definitions), Sales/Service & Subcontractor Report are binding terms of this contract. It is important that you read and understand these documents. These documents are available on our website at http://www.ga.wa.gov/pca/cps.htm. If you do not have Internet access, you may contact the State Procurement Officer to obtain copies of any and all documents contained in this bid package.</p><p>STANDARD DEFINITIONS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS revised 06/02/03 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS revised 06/02/03</p><p>Bidder further offers to furnish materials, equipment or services in compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications herein including all amendments. Submitting this document with an authorized signature constitutes complete understanding and compliance with the terms and conditions and certifies that all- necessary facilities or personnel are available and established at the time of bid submittal.</p><p>(Company Name) (Typed or Printed Name)</p><p>(Address) (Title)</p><p>(City) (State) (Zip) (Phone No.)</p><p>(Federal Tax Identification Number) (Bidder’s Signature) (Date)</p><p>Email</p><p>CONTRACT AWARD (For State of Washington Use Only)</p><p>A contract is hereby awarded between the above company and the State of Washington, Office of State Procurement, Purchasing and Contract Administration, to be effective , Year . This is a Partial/Total award for .</p><p>Authorized Signatures</p><p>(State Procurement Officer) (Date) (Purchasing Manager) (Date)</p><p>5 3.2 BID INFORMATION Bidder shall complete the following:</p><p>1. Prompt Payment Discount % 30 days. Note: Prompt payment discount periods equal to (or greater than) 30 calendar days will receive consideration and bid pricing will be reduced (for evaluation purposes only) by the amount of that discount(s). 2. Purchasing (Credit) Cards accepted Yes ______No ______(Washington State Purchasing card is VISA) If yes, please list major brands below:</p><p>Payment discount for transactions involving card use: ______% Discount. Contractor</p><p>______% will be charged to user for using a Credit Card. (This line will be used as part of the evaluation only in the event of a tie breaker).</p><p>3. Authorized Representative: Primary Contact-Contract Administration Alternate Contact - Contract Administration Name: Name: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: Customer Service/Order Placement Name: Name: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: Fax: Email: Email: 4. Lead-time: Materials, equipment or services will be delivered FOB Destination within ____ calendar days after receipt of order (ARO) or as mutually agreed upon date between purchaser and contractor</p><p>6 5. Addresses: Orders to be sent to: Billing will be from: Payment to be sent to:</p><p>6. Federal Tax Identification Number: </p><p>7. Firms bidding from California only: Is your firm currently certified as a small business under California Code, Title 2, Section 1896.12? Yes No .</p><p>8. State your company’s returned goods policy that will be applicable to this contract. Be sure to address restock charges if any and inbound/outbound freight. (This is for informational purposes and will not be part of the evaluation criteria.)</p><p>9. Identify any subcontractors who will perform services in fulfillment of contract requirements the nature of services to be performed and anticipated dollar value of each subcontract. Include federal tax Identification (TIN) number for each subcontractor: 1. $ Tin: 2. $ Tin: 3. $ Tin: CONTRACTOR WAREHOUSE Bidder shall indicate below the warehouse location at which supplies will be stored. ADDRESS: PHONE: CONTACT: EMAIL: SERVICING: Indicate below the names and addresses of sales representatives and specific territories covered. Bidder’s ability to service state agencies including local sales representation may be a factor in the award. Contractor must provide immediate attention to problem areas as they arise regardless of location. Submit an attached letter if necessary. NAME: NAME: ADDRESS: ADDRESS:</p><p>TERRITORY: TERRITORY: PHONE: PHONE:</p><p>7 3.3 REFERENCES To meet minimum requirements, the bidder shall furnish a minimum of three (3) references for which bidder has delivered goods or services on a contract similar in scope and dollar amount to that described in this IFB. Indicate the company name(s) of at least three (3) large commercial/government accounts which you have contract relationships similar to that required on this contract, the company address, contact person, their title, telephone and email address. In addition, provide a brief summary of the products and services provided and the annual dollars spent. Prior to award, s references will be checked and verified to determine the bidder’s responsiveness for the lowest responsible bidder. Companies or organizations providing a poor or bad reference may cause the bidder to be rejected for non-responsiveness, at the State’s sole discretion.</p><p>1. Company Name: Address: Contact Person: Telephone: Email:</p><p>______</p><p>2. Company Name: Address: Contact Person: Telephone: Email</p><p>______</p><p>3. Company Name: Address: Contact Person: Telephone: Email ______</p><p>8 4 BID EVALUATION</p><p>4.1 EVALUATION AND AWARD In compliance with the Competitive Procurement Standards Section, Paragraph 28, the award of this bid will be based on the lowest total cost to Washington State and prices submitted in Price Sheets on an “All or None” basis by category or group of categories. Consideration may also be given to all other contractual requirements stated herein. The State Procurement Officer reserves the right to aggregate line items and to not award one or more line items or group of line items, if deemed in the best interest of the State.</p><p>The contract term worth for the first two years is based on previous usage for 2001-2002.</p><p>The Bidders will provide pricing for each section in the Price Sheets. The unit price will be multiplied by the estimated annual usage for an extended total price. All extended total prices will be summed together for a Total Price for that Section. </p><p>Section H will not be evaluated. In Section H of the Price Sheets, the Bidders shall list a minimum order requirement for FOB Destination, prepaid and included for deliveries to the various regions within WSDOT. After award, if WSDOT chooses not to order the minimum order requirements, the contractor may charge for freight (FOB Destination, Prepay and Added to invoice). Any minimum orders not conducive with the State’s ordering requirements, may be cause to reject your bid as non-responsive.</p><p>4.2 EVALUATION CONFERENCE To aid in the evaluation process, after bid opening, the state may require individual bidders to appear at a date, time and place determined by the state for the purpose of conducting discussions to determine whether both parties have a full and complete understanding of the nature and scope of contractual requirements. In no manner shall such action be construed as negotiations or an indication of the state’s intention to award.</p><p>5 CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>5.1 RETENTION OF RECORDS The contractor shall maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, all relevant records pertaining to this contract. This shall include, but not be limited to, all records pertaining to actual contract performance from the date of contract award. It shall also include information necessary to document the level of utilization of MWBE’s and other businesses as subcontractors and suppliers in this contract as well as any efforts the contractor makes to increase the participation of MWBE’s. The contractor shall also maintain, for at least three years after completion of this contract, a record of all quotes, bids, estimates, or proposals submitted to the Contractor by all businesses seeking to participate as subcontractors or suppliers in this contract. The State shall have the right to inspect and copy such records. If this contract involves federal funds, Contractor shall comply with all record keeping requirements set forth in any federal rules, regulations, or statutes included or referenced in the contract documents.</p><p>9 5.2 WARRANTY Warranty(ies): Bidder will submit a copy of warranty as an attachment to bid and items delivered under this contract will also be accompanied by a copy of the warranty. Unless otherwise specified, warranty period shall be for a minimum period of one (1) year after receipt of materials by the Purchaser. All materials provided shall be new, unused, of the latest model or design and of recent manufacture. In the event of conflict between contract terms and conditions and warranty submitted, to afford the state maximum benefits, the contract terms and conditions shall prevail.</p><p>5.3 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP The Contractor shall be required to furnish all materials necessary to perform contractual requirements. Materials and workmanship for this contract shall conform to all codes, regulations and requirements for such specifications contained herein, and the normal uses for which intended. Materials shall be manufactured in accordance with the best commercial practices and standards for this type of equipment.</p><p>5.4 USAGE REPORTS Usage Reports: The contractor(s) must provide the following report(s) to Office of State Procurement. Sales and Subcontractor Report A quarterly Sales and Subcontractor Report (attached) shall be submitted in the format provided by the Office of State Procurement. You can get the report electronically at http://www.ga.wa.gov/PCA/forms/usage.doc. Total purchases for each State Agency, University, Community and Technical Colleges must be shown separately. Total purchases for all political subdivisions and non-profit organizations may be summarized as one customer. Additionally, all purchases by the State of Oregon or other purchasers must be reported as an aggregate total. The report shall include sales information (Section A) and amounts paid to each subcontractor during the reporting period (Section B). Reports should be rounded to nearest dollar. Contractors will be provided with all necessary sample forms, instructions, and lists. Reports are due thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, i.e., April 30th, July 31st, October 31st and January 31st. SPO Required Report: The State Procurement Officer will provide a specialized report for all contractors to submit sales by line item by state agency(ies). This report will be required annually and due (30) days after the end of the fourth quarter or January 31st. This report is needed to help in future IFB design, contract negotiation, or any other SPO determined need.</p><p>6 SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS</p><p>6.1 DAMAGES The state has an immediate requirement for the materials specified herein. Bidders are urged to give careful consideration to the state’s requirements and to the manufacturer’s production capabilities when establishing a delivery date(s). Liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of actual damages incurred by the state as a result of Contractor’s failure to perform herein.</p><p>10 6.2 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE Cost of Remedying Defects: All defects, indirect and consequential costs of correcting, removing or replacing any or all of the defective materials will be charged against the Contractor.</p><p>6.3 PRICING AND ADJUSTMENTS Unless otherwise stipulated all bids must include unit prices and extensions where applicable and be otherwise in the format requested. All bid pricing is to be FOB Destination, freight prepaid and included, for any destination within the State of Washington. If bidder agrees to extend contract pricing to State of Oregon ORCCP members, a percent increase to bid pricing to accommodate additional freight costs to Oregon locations may be indicated in Section III, Bid Submittals. </p><p>All pricing shall include the costs of bid preparation, servicing of accounts, and all contractual requirements. During the contract period, pricing shall remain firm and fixed for the initial twenty four (24) month period of the term of contract indicated in Scope and bidder shall state in bid a guaranteed maximum increase for remaining months in the term of contract. Failure to state a maximum increase in the bid submission shall result in denial of all subsequently proposed increases.</p><p>Adjustments in pricing will be considered after firm fixed price period on a pass through basis only. A minimum of 90 calendar days advance written notice of price increase is required which is to be accompanied by sufficient documentation to justify the requested increase. Documentation must be based on United States published indices such as the Producer Price Index. Acceptance will be at the discretion of the State Procurement Officer and shall not produce a higher profit margin than that established on the original contract pricing. Approved price adjustments shall remain unchanged for at least 360 calendar days thereafter.</p><p>During the contract period, any price declines at the manufacturer’s level or cost reductions to Contractor shall be reflected in a reduction of the contract price retroactive to Contractor's effective date.</p><p>During the term of this contract, should the contractor enter into pricing agreements with other customers providing greater benefits or lower pricing, contractor shall immediately amend the state contract to provide similar pricing to the state if the contract with other customers offers similar usage quantities, and similar conditions impacting pricing. Contractor shall immediately notify the state of any such contracts entered into by contractor.</p><p>6.4 CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE</p><p>General Requirements: The State, in conjunction with purchasers, monitors and maintains records of Contractor performance. Said performance shall be a factor in evaluation and award of this and all future contracts. Purchasers will be provided with product/service performance report forms to forward reports of superior or poor performance to the State Procurement Officer.</p><p>6.5 PURCHASING CARD ACCEPTANCE In an effort to streamline the purchasing and payment process, the State is encouraging agencies to use the state contracted purchasing card to facilitate small dollar purchases. While at the present time, it is not mandatory that contractors accept credit card purchases, we encourage all state contractors to consider this alternate payment process. Please indicate in Bid Submittals which card(s) you presently accept and payment discount you may offer the state. The current card available for state agency use is a VISA product. 11 6.6 BIDDER COMPLIANCE The State reserves the right to consider the actual level of bidder’s compliance with the requirements specified in this IFB, and to consider a bid responsive if it substantially complies with the state’s intent relative to overall bid requirements and specifications.</p><p>6.7 NEW PRODUCTS ADDED TO CONTRACT At the discretion of the State Procurement Officer, additional approved products may be added to this contract through the current contractors at the best available price.</p><p>6.8 DEALER AUTHORIZATION The bidder, if other than the manufacturer, shall provide a current, dated and signed authorization form from the manufacturer that the bidder is an authorized distributor, dealer or service representative and is authorized to sell the manufacturer’s products. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in bid rejection.</p><p>12 7 SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>General</p><p>Raised pavement markers and adhesives shall conform to the requirements of the 2002 Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction.</p><p>This contract shall furnish Raised Pavement Markers (RPM) and Adhesive of the following type:</p><p>A) RPM Type 1 B) RPM Type 2 with standard coating C) RPM Type 2 with abrasion resistant coating D) RPM Type 2 Low Profile with abrasion resistant coating E) Temporary Flexible Raised Pavement Marker F) Flexible Bituminous Pavement Marker Adhesive G) Epoxy Adhesive</p><p>The following Raised Pavement Markers have been pre-qualified by the Washington State Department of Transportation:</p><p>A) Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 1</p><p>Alpine Products Inc. – Auburn, WA Alpine Model “ANR-W & ANR-Y”</p><p>Apex Universal Inc.- Santa Fe Springs, CA Model “929 ABS”</p><p>Interstates Sales 0 Auburn, CA Model “Diamond Back ABS or Diamond Back Polypropylene”</p><p>Novabrite LLC - Livermore, CA Model “ADOT-W and ADOT-Y ABS”</p><p>Tenacity Inc. – Sedro Wooley, WA Model “RPM T1”</p><p>Zumar Industries Inc. – Tacoma, WA Zumar Brand Model “TM40 ABS W/Y”</p><p>B) Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 with standard coating</p><p>Ray-O-Lite, Division of Pac-Tec, Inc. – Newark, OH Ray-O-Lite Model AA (4x4x0.7)</p><p>Avery Dennison – Niles, IL Stimsonite Model 88 (4x4x0.7)</p><p>13 C) Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 with abrasion resistant coating</p><p>Ray-O-Lite, Division of Pac-Tec, Inc., - Newark, OH Ray-O-Lite Model AA-ARC (4x4x0.7)</p><p>Avery Dennison – Niles, IL Stimsonite Model 911 (4x4x0.7)</p><p>D) Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 Low Profile with abrasion resistant coating</p><p>Ray-O-Lite, Division of Pac-Tec, Inc.– Newark, OH Ray-O-Lite Model 2002 (2.2x4.7x0.5)</p><p>Avery Dennison – Niles, IL Stimsonite Model 948 (2.3x4.7x0.5)</p><p>E) Temporary Flexible Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) with clear polyvinyl chloride protective cover.</p><p>Apex Universal Inc. – Santa Fe Springs, CA Chip Seal Marker</p><p>Davidson Traffic Control Products, Bunzl Extrusion – Tacoma, WA Model TRPM</p><p>Colors for raised pavement markers (RPM) shall be consistent with the following table:</p><p>TYPE 1 RPM COLORS Type 1W White Type 1Y Yellow</p><p>TYPE 2 RPM Type 2YY Yellow and Yellow Type 2W White – one side only Type 2Y Yellow – one side only</p><p>TEMPORARY FLEXIBLE RPM REFLECTIVE TAPE COLORS Type W White – one side only Type YY Yellow – both sides F) Flexible Bituminous Pavement Marker Adhesive</p><p>Flexible bituminous pavement marker adhesive for raised pavement markers shall conform to the requirements of Amended Section 9-02.1 (8) of the 2002 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction.</p><p>Material shall be packaged in self-releasing disposable containers that will stack properly. The containers shall be divided into compartments so that three or four equal individual parts are obtained from each container. Package dividers shall be free of over-spill material providing for easy separation and removal. </p><p>14 The label for the container shall clearly show the manufacturer, quantity, lot or batch number, and an indication that the material is flexible bituminous adhesive for pavement markers.</p><p>The following flexible bituminous pavement marker adhesives have been pre-qualified by the Washington State department of Transportation:</p><p>Craftco Inc. – Chandler, AZ Hot Applied Flexible Pavement Marker Adhesive, Part No. 34270</p><p>Henry Company – Elk Grove, CA Flexible DOT Stick</p><p>G) Epoxy Adhesive</p><p>Epoxy adhesive for raised pavement markers shall conform to the requirements of Section 9-26.2 of the 2002 WSDOT Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. </p><p>The following epoxy adhesives have been pre-qualified by the Washington State Department of Transportation:</p><p>Dura Technologies Inc. – Bloomington, CA D3114-251 A/B Lane Marker Adhesive</p><p>Norris Paint & Varnish Co., Inc. - Portland ,OR Adhesive for Raised Pavement Markers</p><p>QCM Company – Kent ,WA EAS-6 Epoxy for lane markers and EAS-60 ABS Road Button Adhesive</p><p>15 8. PRICE SHEETS PRICE SHEETS</p><p>Bidder shall provide a price per each and then multiply it by the Est. Annual Usage in that line item to get an extended price. Bidder shall sum up all the extended prices for the Total Price for that Section.</p><p>SECTION A</p><p>Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 1</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Each Extended Price 1. RPM Type 1W 90,000 $______$______2. RPM Type 1Y 20,000 $______$______Total $______</p><p>SECTION B</p><p>Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 with Standard Coating</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Each Extended Price 1. RPM Type 2YY 50,000 $______$______2. RPM Type 2W 31,000 $______$______3. RPM Type 2Y 500 $______$______Total $______</p><p>16 SECTION C</p><p>Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 with Abrasion Resistant Coating</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Each Extended Price 1. RPM Type 2YY 1200 $______$______2. RPM Type 2W 500 $______$______3. RPM Type 2Y 500 $______$______Total $______</p><p>SECTION D</p><p>Raised Pavement Marker (RPM) Type 2 Low Profile with Abrasion Resistant Coating</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Each Extended Price 1. RPM Type 2YY 26,800 $______$______2. RPM Type 2W 57,200 $______$______3. RPM Type 2Y 20,000 $______$______Total $______</p><p>17 SECTION E</p><p>Temporary Flexible Raised Pavement Marker (RPM)</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Each Extended Price 1. Temporary RPM Type W with 20,000 $______$______protective cover 2. Temporary RPM Type YY 80,000 $______$______with protective cover Total $______</p><p>SECTION F</p><p>Hot Melt Bituminous Adhesive</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /lb. Extended Price 1. Flexible Bituminous Pavement 97,150 lbs. $______$______Marker Adhesive Total $______</p><p>SECTION G</p><p>Epoxy Adhesive</p><p>Mfg: ______Model ______</p><p>Item Description Est. Annual Usage Price /Gal. Extended Price 1. Component “A” 40 gallons $______$______2. Component “B” 40 gallons $______$______Total $______</p><p>18 SECTION H</p><p>This section will not be evaluated. Bidder is to list any minimum order requirements for deliveries FOB Destination Prepaid and Included. </p><p>After award of contract, the contractor may charge the purchaser freight charges for orders that do not meet the minimum order requirements.</p><p>Delivery will be required at the following six Department of Transportation Regions on a demand basis:</p><p>Northwest Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 6431 Corson Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108</p><p>North Central Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 1551 North Wenatchee Avenue, Wenatchee, WA 98801</p><p>Olympic Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 5720 Capitol Boulevard, Tumwater, WA 98501</p><p>Southwest Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 4200 Main Street, Vancouver, WA 98663</p><p>South Central Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 2809 Rudkin Road, Union Gap, WA 98903</p><p>Eastern Region: Washington State Department of Transportation 2714 North Mayfair Street, Spokane, WA 99207</p><p>MINIMUM ORDER REQUIREMENTS PER EACH DISTRICT – BY DOLLAR AMOUNT</p><p>Section Northwest North Central Olympic Southwest South Central Eastern Region Region Region Region Region Region “A” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“B” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“C” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“D” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“E” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“F” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>“G” $______$______$______$______$______$______</p><p>19</p>
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