<p> SECTION 3 HAWKESBURY DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Winter Competition</p><p>Table of Contents</p><p>Part VIII - Winter Competition</p><p>56 Guidelines 3.</p><p>57 Competition Dates 3.3</p><p>58 Playing Conditions 3.3</p><p>59 Results 3.6</p><p>60 Semi-Finals and Finals 3.8</p><p>61 HDCA By-Laws and Playing Rules 3.8</p><p>Appendices</p><p>Appendix 3: NSW Districts Cricket Association Code of Conduct 3.9 Appendix 4: NSW Cricket Association Racial and Religious Vilification Code 3.10 Part VIII - Winter Competition Playing Rules (Rules)</p><p>56. Guidelines</p><p>56.1 Control (a) All matches shall be played under the guidance of the Laws of Cricket (2010 Code) recognised by the Marylebone Cricket Club and in conformity with the rules and decisions of the New South Wales Districts Cricket Association, the latter taking precedence. The penalty provided in Law 2.6 is not applicable. The measurements for Junior cricket provided in Law 5.6 and Law 8.4 are not applicable. Law 24.6 will not be applied to Junior Age groups Under 10, Under 11 and Under 12. Law 40.2 will not be applied until endorsed for introduction by the Australian Cricket Board.</p><p>(b) The decision as to the suitability of grounds for play will be left to the opposing Captains, Umpires or curators where applicable. In extreme circumstances the Executive of the Association may intervene and totally cancel a day’s play, but in these instances such intervention shall take place no later than 7.00 p.m. on the Saturday evening preceding such day's play.</p><p>56.2 Conduct All personnel are expected to conduct themselves in a civil and sportsmanlike manner in accordance with the NSW Districts Cricket Association Code Of Conduct (Appendix 3), the Racial and Religious Vilification Code (Appendix 4) and the current MCC Laws of Cricket whilst participating in all matches arranged by the Association.</p><p>(a) The Winter Competition shall be recognised by participating Clubs, Captains and players as a more intense form of the game involving a mix of higher and lower grade abilities with potential for increased risk of batsman injury from fast bowling. Clubs, Captains and players acknowledge that the use of all necessary forms of personal protection by players to guard against this risk, including helmets, is highly recommended.</p><p>(b) Consistent with the Code of Conduct the use of any intimidatory playing behaviour, crude or abusive language or gesture toward any other player, umpire or spectator, or the open disputing, as opposed to questioning, of an umpire's decision shall be considered not in the best interests of the game of cricket and shall constitute a breach of the By-Laws. Clubs and through their Captains will be responsible for managing such behaviour to avoid breaches of the By-Laws and players will carry individual responsibility to avoid such behaviour.</p><p>(c) Clubs may also be held responsible for the behaviour and action of spectators and/or parents associated with their Club. </p><p>(d) Penalties for breaches of the By-Laws may include, but not be limited to run penalties, removal of a player from a game or the playing attack, fines, loss of points or expulsion from the competition.</p><p>(e) Alcohol must not be consumed by any cricketer participating in a match conducted by Hawkesbury District Cricket Association Incorporated during the scheduled hours of play.</p><p>(f) Smoking on the field is totally prohibited. (g) Players found guilty of a breach of the Code of Conduct will incur a team penalty of up to 3 points, in addition to any personal penalty imposed. Judiciary hearings will be held in the week following the game. I.e Monday to Friday. Failure to appear at the judiciary hearing or entering a response will result in a suspension from playing until the matter is resolved.</p><p>56.3 Organisation of Winter Competition (a) The organisation of the Winter Competiton will be carried our by not less than three (3) delegates from not less than two (2) Clubs affiliated with the Hawkesbury District Cricket Association (HDCA) who are willing to volunteer to operate as the Winter Cricket Sub- Committee (Winter Committee). (b) The Winter Committee will form and meet in March each year to consider the program for the Winter Competition and will determine the level of interest amongst HDCA Clubs in holding the Winter Competition. (c) If enough interest is determined the Winter Committee will seek endorsement from the HDCA Executive Committee to organise the Winter Competition. (d) Following endorsement, the Winter Committee will review and approve at any time any necessary changes to the Winter Competition Playing Rules; liaise with Hawkesbury Sports Council and HDCA Treasurer to determine ground hire and team fees; notify Clubs of the proposed Winter Competition program and fees and call for team submissions; grade and approve players as specified in these Rules by majority decision; prepare and issue the draw; arrange with Hawkesbury District Cricket Umpires Associaton (HDCUA) in relation to Umpire availability; adjudicate team disputes and breaches of these Rules; liaise with the HDCA Webmaster and Hawkesbury Gazette regarding publishing of match results, and otherwise carry out activities that may be anticipated by these Rules for the effective conduct of the Winter Competition. (e) Prior to the HDCA Annual General Meeting each year, the Winter Committee will arrange for key player statistics from the preceding Winter Competition to be submitted to the HDCA Executive Committee for award and annual year book purposes.</p><p>57. Competition Dates</p><p>57.1 The competition The season shall be a senior competition commencing in April or May and concluding in July or August and played on Sundays or as otherwise determined by the Winter Committee.</p><p>57.2 The Final The Final will be concluded before the end of August.</p><p>58. Playing Conditions</p><p>58.1 The Match (a) Matches will be played as one-day limited-overs matches, with each team restricted to one innings of 20 overs maximum.</p><p>(b) HDCA Clubs may register any number of players in a team for the Winter Competition but may only nominate up to 11 of those players for a match subject to Rule 58.1C(ii). Of the nominated players, any may bat and any may bowl. Once approved in a team by the Winter Committee, a player may not be transferred to or substituted in another team for the same or another Club without the prior approval of the Winter Committee and if approved that player will then be treated as a member only of that new team.</p><p>(c) A Team can comprise of players from various grades based on the following:</p><p>(i) A minimum player age of 16 years to play in the senior competition (subject to Rule 58.1C(ix)). (ii) The Team must have a minimum of 25 player points in order to take the field subject to 58.1(c)(vii). Any breach of this Rule will result in a forfeit. (iii) A player’s points value will usually be based on their grading status in the current year’s completed Summer competition for any club subject to their performance in that competition, as well as their performance in the previous Winter Competition, normalised across the competition. The value will usually be on a one for one with their grade, eg. First Grade value is 1 point, Second Grade 2 points and so on. This should be clearly marked down the left hand edge of the Team sheet before handing to the Umpire. The Winter Committee may downgrade a player for the Winter Competition to an appropriate point level where sufficient evidence is available that a player would not ordinarily play in a higher Summer team grade other than to assist the team to be formed. (iv) A player not having played in the current year’s Summer competition for any club and with no previous grading for any club will usually be drafted as 6 points unless the Winter Committee forms the view based on available information that a higher point allocation is appropriate. (v) A player substituting must conform to the minimum player points draft and satisfy the 25 point minimum team points criteria and satisfy Rule 58.1C(viii). (vi) If substituting as a fielder only (excluding keeper) then no restriction will apply. (vii) If fielding a team with less then 11 players nominated on the team sheet with no substitutes, then each missing player value is deemed as 4 points. (viii) A substitute must be a registered player with the Club in question and satisfy the minimum age requirement subject to 58.1(c)(ix). (ix) If under 16 years of age at Winter Competition start but having competed to a skill level deemed appropriate by regular play in the preceding Summer competition in a senior team or as an Under 16 representative player, approval to play and Umpire may be granted by the Winter Committee. The Winter Committee is not obliged to grant such approval and the use of players under 16 years of age in a team is to be minimised. Players under 16 years of age must be identified on the team sheet and participating Clubs and Captains will at all times have regard to the safety of such players. If at any time in a match the Umpire forms the view that a player under 16 years of age is not able to cope with pace bowling, the Umpire may request the bowler to reduce his pace to that player to a level deemed safe by the Umpire.</p><p>58.2 Playing Times (one match per day only) (a) (I) Playing times shall be 10.30 am to 2.00 pm, with a lunch break of 30 minutes to commence at the conclusion of the innings of the team batting first. (ii) With the agreement of both Captains the Umpire may reduce this time to a mutually suitable period.</p><p>(b) (i) In a match without interruption, a bowling rate of 15 overs per hour should be maintained, resulting in: First team 10.30 am to 12.00 pm Second team 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm (ii) By exception the second team start innings can be influenced by Rule 58.2 (a)(ii)</p><p>(c) Play may continue until the end of the over in progress at 2.00 pm in order to complete the match.</p><p>(d) The first innings of each team shall be limited to 20 overs if the team is not dismissed beforehand. If the team batting first is dismissed before receiving its quota of overs, then the team batting second shall be entitled to receive its full 20 overs.</p><p>(e) The team scoring the greater number of runs shall be the winner, subject to the following: (i) If there is no loss of time due to the condition of the ground, weather or light, the innings of the team batting first shall conclude at the completion of the over in progress at 12.00 pm if 20 overs have not already been completed. The team batting second shall be limited to receive the same number of overs as the team batting first. (ii) If the condition of the ground, weather or light causes a loss of time during the innings of the team batting first, then the first 50 minutes play lost will be ignored and the break between innings will be ten minutes only. If more than 50 minutes play is lost, the quota of overs shall be adjusted by deducting one over for each further full eight minutes lost. The time for the completion of the innings will be adjusted back to accommodate one over for each four minutes of playing time. (iii) If during the first innings of the team batting first there is a reduction in the number of overs bowled then the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs as the team batting first. (iv) If for any reason the team batting second does not receive its full quota of overs, then the match shall be decided on the total number of runs scored at the highest number of completed overs received by both teams, regardless of the number of wickets lost, provided that a minimum of 12 overs have been completed by each side and provided that in this event play shall cease at the completion of the over in progress at 2.00 pm. It is the responsibility of team Captains to ensure a record is kept in the score book of runs scored at the completion of each over, commencing at the completion of the twelfth over. (v) If fewer than 12 overs have been completed by each team, then the match shall be declared a draw, unless a result has already been achieved. 58.3 Playing Times (Two matches per day) (a) Playing times shall be Game 1 9.15 am to 12.25 pm .Game 2 12.55 to 4.05.</p><p>(b) In a match without interruption, a bowling rate of 15 overs per hour should be maintained, resulting in: Game 1 First team 9.15 am to 10.45 am Game 2 First team 12.55 pm to 2.25 pm Second team 10.55 am to 12.25 pm Second team 2.35pm to 4.05 pm</p><p>(c) Play may continue until the end of the over in progress at Game1 12.25pm and G ame2 4.05pm in order to complete the match.</p><p>(d) The first innings of each team shall be limited to 20 overs if the team is not dismissed beforehand. If the team batting first is dismissed before receiving its quota of overs, then the team batting second shall be entitled to receive its full 20 overs.</p><p>(e) The team scoring the greater number of runs shall be the winner, subject to the following: (i) If there is no loss of time due to the condition of the ground, weather or light, the innings of the team batting first shall conclude at the completion of the over in progress at Game1 10.45am and Game2 2.25pm if 20 overs have not already been completed. The team batting second shall be limited to receive the same number of overs as the team batting first. (ii) If the condition of the ground, weather or light causes a loss of time during the innings of the team batting first, then the first 50 minutes play lost will be ignored and the break between innings will be ten minutes only. If more than 50 minutes play is lost, the quota of overs shall be adjusted by deducting one over for each further full eight minutes lost. The time for the completion of the innings will be adjusted back to accommodate one over for each four minutes of playing time. (iii) It during the first innings of the team batting first there is a reduction in the number of overs bowled then the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs as the team batting first. (iv) If for any reason the team batting second does not receive its full quota of overs, then the match shall be decided on the total number of runs scored at the highest number of completed overs received by both teams, regardless of the number of wickets lost, provided that a minimum of 12 overs have been completed by each side and provided that in this event play shall cease at the completion of the over in progress at Game1 12.25 pm and Game2 4.05pm. It is the responsibility of team Captains to ensure a record is kept in the score book of runs scored at the completion of each over, commencing at the completion of the twelfth over. (v) If fewer than 12 overs have been completed by each team, then the match shall be declared a draw, unless a result has already been achieved.</p><p>58.4 Restrictions on Batsmen (a) Batsmen must retire upon reaching 30 runs. Once the ball becomes dead, the scorers are to inform the umpire when the batsman has reached 30. The batsman will retire immediately as not out. Retired batsmen may resume their innings once all other team members have been dismissed and only in the order of retirements. A player only needs to retire once in an innings. No batsman will be retired until reaching the prescribed number of runs unless injured. </p><p>58.5 Restrictions on Bowlers (a) Seniors No bowler may bowl more than 3 overs in the match. There will be a maximum of eight (8) balls per over, BUT the FINAL over of each match MUST consist of six (6) legitimate deliveries.</p><p>(b) If less then 7 players are either nominated on the team Sheet or available, the batting Captain shall choose the Bowler/s to make up the remaining overs excluding the Wicket keeper. (c) All bowlers shall recognise that persistent leg side bowling is not in the interests of the Winter Competition and any ball pitched outside leg stump and not hit will be called wide with a normal wide ball penalty of one (1) run. However, a batsmen stepping inside the line of the ball for the ball to travel in a line over or very near the top of leg stump will not be regarded as a leg side wide delivery.</p><p>(d) All bowlers shall recognise that short-pitched bowling with the ball passing the player at shoulder level at normal stance is not in the interest of the Winter Competition or player safety and any such ball will be called a no ball with a penalty of two (2) runs, irrespective of whether the batsman scores runs from such a delivery. Umpires must signal such a no ball to the scorers using the normal no ball signal and holding the other arm straight up with two fingers in the air.</p><p>(e All bowlers shall recognise that fast or medium pace full-toss bowling with the ball passing the player above waist level at normal stance is not in the interest of the Winter Competition or player safety and any such ball will be called a no ball with a penalty of two (2) runs, irrespective of whether the batsman scores runs from such a delivery. Umpires must signal such a no ball to the scorers using the normal no ball signal and holding the other arm straight up with two fingers in the air.</p><p>58.6 Powerplay – There will be no powerplays in this competition.</p><p>58.7 Freehit (a) Any no ball will result in a free hit.</p><p>(b) If the batsman was on strike when the no ball occurred, the field cannot change, and if the batsman crossed the field may change.</p><p>(c) Dismissal during a free hit can only be stumped or runout.</p><p>(d) Umpires must signal a free hit to the scorers by extending one arm straight upwards and moving it in a circular motion (after the normal no ball signal).</p><p>58.8 Attire / Equipment (a) Players: All players must wear proper cricket attire, defined as white, cream or coloured shirt with collar and sleeves, trousers in Club colour, white or cream, white or cream jumpers with or without lines in Club colours around the collar, waist and cuffs, predominantly white shoes, white or cream socks and where a head covering is worn, it shall be a cricket cap, helmet or white, cream or coloured cricket hat.</p><p>(b) In cold conditions, players may wear jumpers or jackets outside the usual guidelines, except football jumpers, but these must be removed when bowling.</p><p>(c) Covered footwear must be worn by umpires officiating at all matches. This includes player umpires, junior coaches or players, standing at either end, or any of them standing at square leg for an Umpire appointed by the Hawkesbury District Cricket Umpires Association. </p><p>(d) In the Winter Competition teams may use either a two or four-piece constructed approved cricket ball. A new ball is not required to start a match, however should be in a condition deemed acceptable for play.</p><p>(e) In the interests of safety players and Clubs acknowledge that it is highly recommended that all batsmen wear a helmet.</p><p>58.9 Umpires (a) Players must be aged 16 years or over (See Rule 58.1C(xi)) to Umpire at the bowler’s end or at square leg. (b) To Umpire in the senior competition a non HDCUA Umpire must be a currently registered and eligible player affiliated with the Club of the batting team. 59. Results</p><p>59.1 Competition match Point Score - (a) Points for the competitions shall be allocated as follows: Dominant Win 6 Win 4 Tie 3 Draw or No result 3 Loss 2 Dominated Loss 0 Bye 0</p><p>(b) A dominant win is obtained in one of two ways, as follows: (i) The team batting first dismisses the team batting second for half the score obtained, or less. (ii) The team batting second passes the score of the team batting first and is then able to double the score of the team batting first.</p><p>(c) A team receiving a forfeit shall be awarded a dominant win.</p><p>(d) A tie is any match where the scores finish level, regardless of wickets lost.</p><p>59.2 Team averages Where a team plays fewer than eleven players and all available wickets have fallen, the scorers shall record “0” against the names of the absent players and the ten wickets shall be considered to have fallen when determining official team averages. Where a player is absent without having commenced batting, this shall not be classed as an innings when determining official team averages.</p><p>59.3 Scores - MyCricket Completed scores of all matches shall be entered and confirmed by both teams in MyCricket by no later than 9.00 a.m. on the Monday following the termination of each match. Non compliance shall render the offending Club liable at the discretion of the Winter Committee to the loss of two competition points for each offence.</p><p>59.4 Team Sheets The listed away team shall forward both team declaration sheets, duly signed by the Captains of both teams on each sheet to the officiating Umpire on completion of each match. Non compliance shall render the offending Club liable to a loss of one competition point for each offence.</p><p>59.5 Umpires Report At matches where an official HDCUA Umpire is appointed, the two Captains shall each submit an umpire's performance report on the official Captain's Report on Umpire form to either the officiating Umpire or completed on the My Cricket Website prior to the next match commencing.Non Compliance shall render the offending Club liable to a loss of one competition point.</p><p>59.6 Match results - Recorders (a) Completed scores of all matches in all grades/divisions, junior and senior, shall be completed by both teams in the My Cricket Web Site. Non compliance shall render the offending Club liable to a loss of two competition points for each offense.</p><p>(b) All correspondence in relation to matches, i.e. Incident reports, points claims etc, must be in the hands of the Secretary within seven days of the conclusion of the match.</p><p>59.7 Scorebooks (a) Score books shall be signed by both Captains at the completion of each days play. Each Captain shall declare their team in writing to the opposing Captain prior to the toss of the coin.</p><p>(b) When an Umpire has been appointed the Score books shall be signed by both Captains and the Umpire at the completion of each day’s play. This will signify agreement by the Captains that the results are true and correct with no further correspondence to be entered into. 60 Semi Finals and Finals</p><p>60.1 General (a) After the completion of the competition rounds, the teams obtaining the highest percentage or points shall be the Minor Premiers in their respective grades or age divisions. </p><p>(b) Averages - formula (i) In the event of two or more teams having equal percentages or points, the final position on the points table shall be decided on averages. Should any teams be equal on points or percentages their positions will be decided on runs per wicket scored for and against. (ii) For the purpose of ascertaining averages the following system shall be adopted: The batting average for a team shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of wickets lost. The batting average against such team shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored against it by the total number of wickets taken. The former (for) shall be divided by the latter (against) to arrive at a quotient. The team with the higher/highest quotient shall be considered to have the better performance. </p><p>(c) Semi-Final draw The Minor Premiers in each grade or age division shall play the team which finished fourth after the completion of the competition rounds and the team which finished second shall play the team which finished third. </p><p>(d) Semi Final/Finals-no result-procedure The Premiers in each grade or age division shall be determined after the playing of the Semi- Finals and Final match. In the event of a tie, or if, for any reason, there is no result in either of the Semi-Final or Final matches, the two teams to contest the Final and the determination of the Premiership respectively shall be decided in accordance with the positions held by the relevant teams at the conclusion of the competition rounds. </p><p>(e) Result A result is any win by a team. Where the match is tied, in either of the Semi-Final or Final matches, the two teams to contest the Final and the determination of the Premiership respectively shall be decided in accordance with the positions hold by the relevant teams at the conclusion of the competition rounds.</p><p>(f) Four team competitions In the event of there being only four teams in one grade or age division in the competition, a Final shall be played by the two teams running first and second.</p><p>(g) Changing a ground due to vandalism The Executive of the Association may, by majority at any time, move any semi-final or final match from one ground with a synthetic pitch to another ground with a synthetic pitch in circumstances where: (i) The umpires report that due to vandalism the original ground is unfit for play, and that play is unlikely to commence, or recommence at all. (ii) The umpires report that due to the surface condition the original ground is unfit for play, and that play is unlikely to commence, or recommence at all. </p><p>If play has previously taken place in the match, the match will be resumed at the same position, scores and performances as when play was terminated, in the same manner as resuming play after an interval.</p><p>60.2 Eligibility</p><p>(a) To be eligible to play in Semi-Finals and or Finals a player must have played in at least three matches. A bye, abandoned game or forfeit does not constitute a match.</p><p>61 HDCA By-Laws and Playing Rules</p><p>The HDCA By-Laws and Playing Rules apply for all matters not covered within these Winter Competition Rules. APPENDIX 3 HAWKESBURY DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED</p><p>NSW Districts Cricket Association Code of Conduct</p><p>Code of Conduct</p><p>1.1 Applies to all players, officials, office bearers and members of clubs that participate in any affiliated Association competition or fixture or the Inter-Association competitions.</p><p>1.2 Applies to all officials, office bearers and members of affiliated Umpires’ Associations.</p><p>1.3 Applies to any person in 1.1 and 1.2 whether they are on the field or off the field taking part in a match or not.</p><p>Rules of the Code</p><p>2.1 If the Code applies to a person, he or she must not:</p><p> a) assault or attempt to assault an umpire, another players or a spectator; or</p><p> b) abuse, either orally or physically, another player, umpire or spectator; or</p><p> c) dispute, as distinct from question, an umpire’s decision or react in an obviously provocative or disapproving manner towards an umpire, his decision or generally, following an umpiring decision; or</p><p> d) use crude and abusive language, or engage in any form of conduct detrimental to the spirit of the game, or likely to bring the game into disrepute; or</p><p> e) in any game use crude and abusive hand signals or other gestures; or</p><p> f) refuse to supply his full name and registered address, if any, when required by a person eligible to lodge a report.</p><p>2.2 The Captain of a team may be held responsible for any continuing breaches of the Code by a player in his team, and may be reported for failure to control his team. APPENDIX 4 HAWKESBURY DISTRICT CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED NSW Districts Cricket Association Racial and Religious Vilification Code 1. Background Cricket is a game where polite interaction between participants and with spectators has always been an essential component. It is part of each Captain’s role to ensure that the behaviour of players in a team meet the expectations of the community generally and the cricket community in particular. The cricket community is anxious to ensure that people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds enjoy playing and watching the game of cricket. To facilitate this endeavour and to demonstrate that cricket is in tune with the wider community in opposing racial and religious vilification in all its forms, the Hawkesbury District Cricket Association introduces this Code. 2. Purpose of the Code The purpose of this Code is to: (i) recognise the commitment of the Hawkesbury District Cricket Association to the avoidance and elimination of racial and religious vilification; (ii) foster an environment where Captains, in appropriate circumstances, deal with any alleged breach of this Code; and (iii) establish a framework for dealing with alleged breaches of this Code where action taken to resolve such matters has not been to the satisfaction of all concerned. 3. Conduct Covered by the Code No person who is participating in a match under the jurisdiction or auspices of the HDCA or its affiliates shall engage in any conduct, act towards or speak to any other person in a manner which offends, insults, humiliates or vilifies such person on the basis of that person’s race, religion, colour, descent or ethnic origin. 4. The Relationship between this Code and other Rules and Regulations This Code does not restrict any other action which may be taken in relation to the conduct covered by this Code under the Australian Cricket Board Code of Conduct. 5. Procedure Following Allegation Any allegation of a breach of this Code against a player should be directed, either verbally or in writing, to the Captain of the team who shall: (a) immediately request the player involved to apologise appropriately to the complainant, or (b) if the allegation is not admitted, undertake an investigation of the matter at the end of the match. Any person found to be in breach of this Code as a result of an investigation by the Captain, will be required to apologise appropriately to the complainant before being permitted to play in any future match. 6. Procedure where Allegations not Resolved to Satisfaction of Complainant Where a complainant who has directed a breach of this Code to the Captain of a team is not satisfied with the outcome, the complainant is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Association governing the competition in which the team participates (the Association). 7. Continuous Breaches of the Code Where a breach of this Code is alleged against a player who has previously breached the Code, the Captain will again attempt to resolve the matter. However if the Captain regards the allegation to be more serious than the earlier occasion the Captain shall refer the matter to the Association for appropriate action. 8. Reporting Any allegation of a breach of this Code and the action taken to resolve it, shall be recorded by the Captain. 9. Continuous Education NSWCA will prepare, maintain and make available to all member clubs and affiliates a booklet covering issues relating to racial and religious vilification. This Code will be included along with references illustrating examples of racial and religious vilification identified in other sports. Where any difficulty is experienced or is expected in implementing the principles of this Code, application should be made to NSWCA for assistance.</p>
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