Appendix B—Nominations Submitted to the Senate The following list does not include promotions Samuel D. Hamilton, of members of the Uniformed Services, nomina- of Mississippi, to be Director of the U.S. Fish tions to the Service Academies, or nominations and Wildlife Service, vice H. Dale Hall, re- of Foreign Service Officers. signed. Submitted July 6 Jon M. Huntsman, Jr., of Utah, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Jonathan S. Addleton, Plenipotentiary of the United States of America of Georgia, a career member of the Senior For- to the People's Republic of China. eign Service, class of Career Minister, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Earl Michael Irving, of California, a career member of the Senior of the United States of America to Mongolia. Foreign Service, class of Counselor, to be Am- bassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Anthony Marion Babauta, the United States of America the Kingdom of of Virginia, to be an Assistant Secretary of the Swaziland. Interior, vice Leslie M. Turner, resigned. Douglas W. Kmiec, Rafael Borras, of California, to be Ambassador Extraordinary of Maryland, to be Under Secretary for Man- and Plenipotentiary of the United States of agement, Department of Homeland Security, America to the Republic of Malta. vice Elaine C. Duke, resigned. Joseph A. Main, Gayleatha Beatrice Brown, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor of New Jersey, a career member of the Senior for Mine Safety and Health, vice Richard Stick- Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor, to ler. be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipoten- tiary of the United States of America to Burkina John M. McHugh, Faso. of New York, to be Secretary of the Army, vice Preston M. Geren. Patricia D. Cahill, of Missouri, to be a member of the Board of Di- David H. Thorne, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador Extraordi- rectors of the Corporation for Public Broadcast- nary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of ing for a term expiring January 31, 2014, vice America to the Italian Republic, and to serve Cheryl Feldman Halpern, term expired. concurrently and without additional compensa- tion as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- George H. Cohen, tentiary of the United States of America to the of Virginia, to be Federal Mediation and Con- Republic of San Marino. ciliation Director, vice Arthur F. Rosenfeld, re- signed. Withdrawn July 6 Peggy E. Gustafson, Philip Mudd, of Illinois, to be Inspector General, Small Busi- of Virginia, to be Under Secretary for Intelli- ness Administration, vice Eric M. Thorson. gence and Analysis, Department of Homeland 1883 Appendix B / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 Security (new position), which was sent to the Stephen J. Rapp, Senate on May 4, 2009. of Iowa, to be Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, vice John Clint Williamson, re- Submitted July 7 signed. Matthew Winthrop Barzun, Submitted July 8 of Kentucky, to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Irene Cornelia Berger, of West Virginia, to be U.S. District Judge for America to Sweden. the Southern District of West Virginia, vice David A. Faber, retired. William Carlton Eacho III, of Maryland, to be Ambassador Extraordinary Roberto A. Lange, and Plenipotentiary of the United States of of South Dakota, to be U.S. District Judge for America to the Republic of Austria. the District of South Dakota, vice Charles B. Kornmann, retired. Alexander G. Garza, of Missouri, to be Assistant Secretary for Submitted July 9 Health Affairs and Chief Medical Officer, De- partment of Homeland Security, vice Jeffrey Rolena Klahn Adorno, William Runge. of Connecticut, to be a member of the Nation- al Council on the Humanities for a term expir- Fay Hartog-Levin, ing January 26, 2014, vice Elizabeth Fox- of Illinois, to be Ambassador Extraordinary Genovese, term expired. and Plenipotentiary of the United States of Craig Becker, America to the Kingdom of the Netherlands. of Illinois, to be a member of the National La- bor Relations Board for the term of 5 years ex- Susan L. Kurland, piring December 16, 2014 (reappointment). of Illinois, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation, vice Andrew B. Steinberg. Craig Becker, of Illinois, to be a member of the National La- Patricia Newton Moller, bor Relations Board for the term of 5 years ex- of Arkansas, a career member of the Senior piring December 16, 2009, vice Dennis P. Foreign Service, class of Minister-Counselor, Walsh. to be Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipo- tentiary of the United States of America to the Christopher P. Bertram, Republic of Guinea. of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Transportation, vice Phyllis F. Michael H. Posner, Scheinberg, resigned. of New York, to be Assistant Secretary of State Francis S. Collins, for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, of Maryland, to be Director of the National vice David J. Kramer, resigned. Institutes of Health, vice Elias Adam Zerhou- ni. Alexa E. Posny, of Kansas, to be Assistant Secretary for Special Sherry Glied, Education and Rehabilitative Services, De- of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of partment of Education, vice Tracy Ralph Just- Health and Human Services, vice Benjamin esen. Eric Sasse, resigned. 1884 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 / Appendix B Brian Hayes, Submitted July 14 of Massachusetts, to be a member of the Na- tional Labor Relations Board for the term of 5 Dennis K. Burke, years expiring December 16, 2012, vice Robert of Arizona, to be U.S. Attorney for the District J. Battista, term expired. of Arizona for the term of 4 years, vice Diane J. Humetewa. James A. Leach, of Iowa, to be Chairperson of the National En- Brenda Dann-Messier, dowment for the Humanities for a term of 4 of Rhode Island, to be Assistant Secretary for years, vice Bruce Cole. Vocational and Adult Education, Department of Education, vice Troy R. Justesen. Philip D. Murphy, Steven M. Dettelbach, of New Jersey, to be Ambassador Extraordinary of Ohio, to be U.S. Attorney for the Northern and Plenipotentiary of the United States of District of Ohio for the term of 4 years, vice America to the Federal Republic of Germany. Gregory A. White, resigned. Mark Gaston Pearce, Brendan V. Johnson, of New York, to be a member of the National of South Dakota, to be U.S. Attorney for the Labor Relations Board for the term of 5 years District of South Dakota for the term of 4 years, expiring August 27, 2013, vice Peter N. Kir- vice Martin J. Jackley. sanow. Karen Louise Loeffler, Submitted July 13 of Alaska, to be U.S. Attorney for the District of Alaska for the term of 4 years, vice Timothy Glyn T. Davies, Mark Burgess, resigned. of the District of Columbia, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, class of Minister- Florence T. Nakakuni, Counselor, to be Representative of the United of Hawaii, to be U.S. Attorney for the District States of America to the Vienna Office of the of Hawaii for the term of 4 years, vice Edward United Nations, with the rank of Ambassador. Hachiro Kubo, Jr. Glyn T. Davies, Carter M. Stewart, of the District of Columbia, to be Representa- of Ohio, to be U.S. Attorney for the Southern tive of the United States of America to the In- District of Ohio for the term of 4 years, vice ternational Atomic Energy Agency, with the Gregory Gordon Lockhart. rank of Ambassador. Aaron S. Williams, of Virginia, to be Director of the Peace Corps, Jonathan B. Jarvis, vice Ronald A. Tschetter, resigned. of California, to be Director of the National Park Service, vice Mary Amelia Bomar, re- Submitted July 15 signed. Richard Serino, Bryan Hayes Samuels, of Massachusetts, to be Deputy Administrator of Illinois, to be Commissioner on Children, and Chief Operating Officer, Federal Emer- Youth, and Families, Department of Health gency Management Agency, Department of and Human Services, vice Joan E. Ohl, re- Homeland Security, vice Harvey E. Johnson, signed. Jr., resigned. 1885 Appendix B / Administration of Barack Obama, 2009 Submitted July 16 Gary S. Guzy, of the District of Columbia, to be Deputy Di- Jacqueline A. Berrien, rector of the Office of Environmental Quality of New York, to be a member of the Equal (new position). Employment Opportunity Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2014, vice Christine M. Robert D. Hormats, Griffin, term expired. of New York, to be an Under Secretary of State (Economic, Energy, and Agricultural Af- Anne S. Ferro, fairs), vice Reuben Jeffery III, resigned. of Maryland, to be Administrator of the Fed- Marvin Krislov, eral Motor Carrier Safety Administration, vice of Ohio, to be a member of the National John H. Hill, resigned. Council on the Humanities for a term expiring January 26, 2014, vice Celeste Colgan, term Joseph G. Pizarchik, expired. of Pennsylvania, to be Director of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforce- Jill Sommers, ment, vice Brent T. Wahlquist, resigned. of Kansas, to be a Commissioner of the Com- modity Futures Trading Commission for a Kenneth Albert Spearman, term expiring April 13, 2014 (reappointment). of Florida, to be a member of the Farm Credit Administration Board, Farm Credit Adminis- Submitted July 22 tration for a term expiring May 21, 2014, vice Nancy C. Pellett, term expired. Regina M. Benjamin, of Alabama, to be Medical Director in the Submitted July 20 Regular Corps of the Public Health Service, subject to qualifications therefor as provided Daniel R. Elliott III, by law and regulations, and to be Surgeon of Ohio, to be a member of the Surface Trans- General of the Public Health Service for a portation Board for a term expiring December term of 4 years, vice Richard H.
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