<p> Wonders of the Water World</p><p>A Unit Plan brought to you by: The Water Molecools</p><p>Rachel Kennicott Katie Thomas Katey Tindall-Phelps Sara Tennant</p><p>Contact Information: Rachel Kennicott: [email protected] Katie Thomas: [email protected] Katey Tindall-Phelps: [email protected] Sara Tennant: [email protected]</p><p>Target Grade Level: 4th – 6th </p><p>Key Generalization: Water is everywhere and in one way or another effects everything!</p><p>Michigan Curriculum Framework References: . Strand I, CS 1, E1: Generate questions based on observations . Strand II, CS1, E1: Awareness . Strand II, CS1, E4: Awareness of natural world . Strand II, CS4, E1: Plant and animal fossils . Strand III, CS2, E1: Compare and classify organisms based on observations of characteristics . Strand III, CS5, E3: Living things . Strand III, CS5, E5: Positive and negative effects of humans on the environment . Strand IV, CS1, E1: Classifying according to observational attributes . Strand IV, CS1, E3: Identify properties of materials which make them useful . Strand V, CS2, E1: Describe how water exists on Earth in three states . Strand V, CS2, E2: Trace the path of rain water, . Strand V, CS2, E3: Identify sources of water . Strand V, CS3, E2: Describe weather conditions and climate</p><p>1. Changes to the Environment for this unit:</p><p>This unit provides many opportunities for the teacher to make changes in the classroom that will get, and keep, the attention of the students throughout the duration of the unit. The first change would be to purchase a new class pet such as a fish or small shark. There would also be a word wall that would be large enough to extend the whole perimeter of the classroom that would include water terminology that may be used throughout the unit. This way, if students need to reference it for any assignment, it is always accessible. The last change would to be to convert one corner of the classroom into “Water World.” This corner would include a table with a bulletin board behind it. The bulletin board would be an interesting display that included facts and stories about water that students could read during free time. The table would have various hands on things that students also could investigate during free time. This would also be the location of the new class pet. </p><p>2. Introductory Activity:</p><p>Water Tasting Activity:</p><p>To help students understand that clear water is not necessarily free of pollutants, place 5 clear liquids in portion cups. Things to include should have a definite taste that students would recognize. Use sugar water, white vinegar in water, salt water, distilled water, and tap water. Using cotton swabs, have students taste each liquid (dispose of swab after each taste) and record what they taste after each. After students have all had a chance to taste, discuss that some kinds of pollution can't be seen.</p><p>3. Closing Activity:</p><p>As a closing activity, we would have an outdoor water activity day. A note would be sent home to parents to explain the planned events of the day, as students would need to bring bathing suits and towels, and parent volunteers would be needed. The students would participate in various stations that involved water in some way. Some example stations include a race in which students would carry water from a kiddy pool in a Frisbee to fill a bucket, an obstacle course involving pools and sprinklers, and a water balloon relay race, etc. </p><p>4. Summative Assessment: The summative assessment for our unit plan consists of a weeklong project in which students will need to figure out how to clean up an oil spill using the information we learned about water throughout the unit. The scenario given will then be given several different twists to force students to use knowledge from all lessons. On the day that the assessment is to begin, the students will walk in to discover their beloved class pet’s home has been terribly polluted with an oil spill. (Replace real fish with a plastic one first!) This will be the catalyst to jumpstart the ideas in students’ minds. Once all students have taken notice, have a discussion on what could’ve happened. As soon as students bring up the concept of an oil spill, launch into the project. Each group of 3-4 students will be given the scenario and will have to answer questions at the end to come up with a plan of action to clean up the spill. The initial scenario: An oil tanker just ran into an iceberg off the coast of Antarctica! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been contacted by the oil company responsible in seek of help. The EPA turns to your team, the leaders of the oil program department. Your job is to report to them what effect this will have on the environment, plants, animals, and how they should go about cleaning it up. Remember what you have learned about water and its properties to aid you in this process. You may use any resources that you wish. After students come up with a plan for this, throughout the week, the scenario is slightly changed. Different locations: nearer to the equator, the Great Lakes, etc. Conditions and other questions: What if there was a storm, a hurricane, or a tsunami? How would this affect the oil spill and your plan of action? If this occurred in the Great Lakes, would our water supply be affected? How might we have to conserve water if there was less available to us? The last part of the project would be to find out if oil affects the chemical structure or pH of the water. Also, some of the methods used to clean up oil spills involve chemicals. How would this affect the water? Students would turn in their finding in letter format to the oil company responsible. The paper would be worth 100 pts, and would be graded on the following: Evident knowledge of topics discussed in class, effective use of resources available, ability to work as a team, correct letter format with few grammar and spelling errors, and participation of all individuals in the group. </p><p>Resources: </p><p>Books: Listen to the Rain by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault, Illustrated by James Endicott McPhail, David.The Puddle. Farrar Straus Giroux: 1998. The Lorax by Dr. Suess Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle Zolotow, Charlottle (1991) The Seashore Book. HarperCollins Publishers</p><p>Websites: http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/ http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/waterproperties.html http://www.angelfire.com/weird/funnypoems/KidsPage.html http://www.atozkidsstuff.com/weather.html http://www.austmus.gov.au/wild_kids/quickfinder/saltwater_animals.htm http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/page3.html http://www.cln.org/themes/water.html http://www.col-ed.org/cur/sci/sci161.txt http://www.creativekidsathome.com/science/water.html#Trivia%20Answers http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm http://www.eduref.org/cgi- bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Science/Environmental_Education/ENV0065.html http://www.epa.gov/reg5rcra/wptdiv/p2pages/water.pdf http://www.epa.gov/region01/students/pdfs/ww_intro.pdf http://www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/kids_4-8.html http://www.mass.gov/agr/waterwellbeing/water_facts.htm http://www.first-school.ws/activities/science/drippy.htm http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/exper2/exper2.htm#introduction1 http://www.gmpdc.org/webquests/villiard/SavingWaterville.htm http://www.kidzone.ws/water/ http://www.kimballmedia.com/Drippy/DrippysWorldTrialStories/ToMountainsAndBack/Entry.h tm http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ScienceMathLATheWaterCyclePlan34.htm http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/pdf/canelab.htm http://www.njawwa.org/kidsweb/waterprojects/Default.htm http://www.oceansonline.com/water_props.htm http://www.proteacher.com/cgi-bin/outsidesite.cgi? id=423&external=http://www.biologylessons.sdsu.edu/classes/lab1/index.html&original= http://www.proteacher.com/110056.shtml&title=Properties%20of%20Water http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000109 http://www.wateruseitwisely.com/100ways/NEindoor.html http://www.wfpa.org/ee/WFPAEE/ESS/ESS_home/Issaquah_curriculum/1_WaterLessonPlan.ht m http://www-k12.atmos.washington.edu/k12/pilot/water_cycle/precipitation.html http://yn.la.ca.us/cec/cecsci/cecsci.26.txt http://mbgnet.mobot.org/fresh/lakes/index.htm http://members.aol.com/jtankard/ocean/oceanfacts.html http://www3.iptv.org/exploremore/water/uses/use_drinking_water.cfm Lesson Science Area and Type of Subject Order Lesson</p><p>1 Intro/Importances/Uses (Katey) Earth/Life, Technology</p><p>2 States of Water (Katie) Physical, Book</p><p>3 Chemical Structure (Rachel) Physical, Technology</p><p>4 Surface Tension (Sara) Physical, Book</p><p>5 Water Cycle (Rachel) Earth, Stations</p><p>6 Water Related Weather (Sara) Earth, Stations</p><p>7 Bodies and Types of Water (Katey) Earth, Stations</p><p>8 Aquatic Plants (Katie) Life, Stations</p><p>9 Ocean Animals (Katey) Life, Book</p><p>10 Fresh Water Animals (Katie) Life, Technology</p><p>11 Conservation (Sara) Earth/Life, Technology</p><p>12 Water Pollution (Rachel) Earth, Book</p><p>Name: Sara Tennant</p><p>Type of Lesson: Centers/Stations</p><p>Contact Info: [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: Weather the Weather, Whatever it May Be!</p><p>Grade Level: 4th – 5th Materials: TQPDAC, “Thunder and Rain” poem, television at home Station 1: hot water, large wide-mouth container (such as a mayonnaise jar), small plate, ice cubes Station 2: clear plastic container about the size of a shoebox, red food coloring, ice cubes made with water dyed with blue food coloring, colored pencils, white paper Station 3: computers with internet access Station 4: jar, vinegar, dish soap, teaspoon, glitter Station 5: computers with internet access</p><p>References: </p><p> http://www.atozkidsstuff.com/weather.html</p><p> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/pdf/canelab.htm</p><p> http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/</p><p> http://www.angelfire.com/weird/funnypoems/KidsPage.html</p><p> http://grow.arizona.edu/Grow--GrowResources.php?ResourceId=207</p><p>Science Process Skills: Observing, Communicating, Inferring, Constructing Models, Formulating Lesson Objectives: questions, Experimenting Discover how water relates to formulation of weather patterns; Determine how storms and hurricanes are formed using water; Generate idea of the pattern of key ‘ingredients’ for weather to occur </p><p>MCF and Science Topics:Key Question: How does water relate to weather? Strand I, CS1, E1 (Generate reasonable questions through observation) Strand V, CS 3, E2 (Describe weather conditions and climate) </p><p>Task Description Method/Theory Engage Activity NOTE: Stations should be set up around the room Poem prior to beginning of lesson. Inquiry/Constructivism: (The students will be While the students are in their seats, put on the prompted by the questions visualizer and read aloud the poem “Thunder and raised in the poem to think Rain.” Ask questions like, “Has anyone ever about possible answers and wondered some of these same things, or then come up with questions something else about weather? We’ve talked an of their own having to do awful lot about water, what does water have to do with water and weather.) with the weather?” Learning Modalities: Auditory and Visual Exploring Activities Stations: Break up students into groups of 4. Instruct that Brain Based: Rain they are to start at one station and work their way *Have all resources available Convection around the room in order. Also, group * Active Processing Currents discussions MUST take place about the questions (All resources are ready for Hurricane handed out BEFORE reading “The Scoop” about students to use, and they are Twister each weather related concept. actively involved in the Humidity experiments) Station 1: Cooperative Learning: Make it Rain! (Students are working at stations in groups where Station 2: teaching, helping, and communicating is taking Make Convection Currents place.)</p><p>Station 3: Multiple Intelligences: *Interpersonal Create-a-cane: * Tactile (Working with others and Students will go to a station with computers and getting their hands right into go to the bookmarked websites below. First, they the material in the need to read a bit of information about hurricanes experiments.) at the first website. They then may go to the second where they will do an activity that allows Modalities them to adjust settings to create conditions that *Visual would allow a hurricane to form. (Computer simulations aid those who need to see charts http://eo.ucar.edu/webweather/hurricane2.html and graphs.)</p><p> http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/HAW2/pdf/canelab.htm</p><p>Station 4:</p><p>Twister in a Jar Station 5:</p><p>Humidity</p><p>Students will go to the bookmarked website below and explore what humidity is and how it “works.”</p><p> http://grow.arizona.edu/Grow-- GrowResources.php?ResourceId=207</p><p>Processing Student Poem When students are done at all stations, have them Multiple Intelligences: return to their desks. *Verbal-Linguistic (Poetry is helpful here due to Instructions to students: the fact that verbal-linguistic students have “well- “Now that you have discovered a lot about water developed verbal skills and and weather, write a poem on this topic. Use at sensitivity to the sounds, least one new word that you learned while at any meanings and rhythms of of the stations. You may decorate your paper as words”) well.” Further Investigation Any Questions? Instructions for students: Choice Theory “Choose one type of water related weather that *Freedom was covered today. Is there anything that you (Letting the student choose were wondering that wasn’t answered through part of the assignment) our experiments? How could you find out the answer to this question? You can use any resource in this room for the remainder of the class period to find out your answers.” </p><p>Have wrap up discussion about findings at end of class. Applications At-Home Students will watch a weather report at home and HOTS TQPDAC follow the TQPDAC attached. (Analysis)</p><p>*This will be due 1 week from today in order to allow students/parents with hectic schedules ample time.* Assessment Students’ poems Students will turn in the poems they wrote during Participation in the Processing Activity. They will be worth ten Stations points, and graded on creativity and display. Two TQPDAC of the ten points will be given for a new word included in the poem. </p><p>Students will also be given 10 participation points for partaking in all of the stations and the wrap up discussion of what was learned at the end of class. </p><p>TQPDAC will be turned in for a possible 10 points upon completion and evidence of well thought out responses. Visual Aids and Handouts “Thunder and Rain” will be put up on the Poem visualizer as the teacher reads it. Instructions for Stations “The Scoop” on each Station TQPDAC</p><p>Summaries of Internet sites: Station 3, Create-a-Cane: The first website is an informational website to allow students to understand the process that takes place in order for a hurricane to be formed. Knowledge of this is necessary to complete the task on the second website. The second website is involves an activity where students manipulate different aspects of weather patterns (wind speed and direction, temperature, air pressure, etc.) until they can create the right conditions to make a hurricane. Station 5, Humidity: This website gives a visual representation and explanation of how water exists in the air as humidity. </p><p>Back up plans for stations 3 and 5: Station 3: A short video clip from will be viewed (from the weather channel, discovery channel, etc.) on hurricanes. Clip should include information on what conditions cause a hurricane to form. Students will jot down notes and draw a diagram of how a hurricane is created. Station 5: Students will do a KWL about humidity. To complete the last portion (“What I learned”) students can use information in classroom encyclopedias, other websites if possible, dictionaries, or any other resource like magazines and textbooks that might contain useful information. THUNDER AND RAIN</p><p>Nothing to do, nothing to say Just laying at home On this rainy day No school, no work Not even a little homework Just looking at rain While the drops Drop At the bottom Of my window frame</p><p>Can't stand the boredom Of this day I just can't stand This horrible display</p><p>Rain or thunder That's what I wonder? First comes rain Then comes thunder Something so easy So why do I wonder? Or maybe its thunder... Then rain</p><p>Is this so dificult To explain I think I´ll just Blame the rain Or is it The thunder I have to blame</p><p>Thunder Or rain It seems Like just A word game Marion - Age 11 *Cut in half or thirds and place at each station*</p><p>Station 1 Make it Rain!</p><p>1. Pour two inches of very hot tap water into the glass container and cover with the plate. </p><p>2. Allow water to sit for a few minutes. </p><p>3. Place ice cubes on the plate.</p><p>4. Watch what happens.</p><p>What’s Happening?</p><p>Discuss with your group members what is happening and why.</p><p>Station 2 Convection Currents</p><p>1. Fill the plastic container 2/3 full of room temperature water. </p><p>2. Let the water sit for 30 seconds or until it is completely still.</p><p>3. Place a blue ice cube at one end of the plastic container.</p><p>4. Add two drops of red food coloring to the water at the opposite end of the plastic container. Be careful not to disturb the water.</p><p>5. Observe where the red and blue food coloring goes.</p><p>6. Using the red and blue pencils to draw what you see happening.</p><p>What’s Happening?</p><p>Where did the red go? How about the blue? Discuss this with your group. What does this have to do with weather? Station 3 Create-a-Cane 1. Go to the bookmarked sites on the computer titled “Station 3 part 1” and “Station 3 part 2” 2. Read on the first website about how hurricanes are formed. 3. Go to the second website and using your new knowledge, follow the instructions. </p><p>Station 4 Twister in a Jar</p><p>1. Fill the jar 3/4 full of water. </p><p>2. Put in one teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of dish soap.</p><p>3. Sprinkle in a small amount of glitter.</p><p>4. Close the lid and twist the jar to see a vortex like a tornado form.</p><p>What’s Happening?</p><p>Discuss why the water behaves this way. How does this relate to weather? How would a column of air begin to rotate without a huge fan placed on top of the thunderhead?</p><p>Station 5 Humidity</p><p>*Go to the website bookmarked as “Station 5,” and then answer the following questions*</p><p>1. How does humidity relate to the types of weather you have learned about thus far? </p><p>2. If this is your first station: Can you predict what types of weather are affected by humidity? </p><p>3. See if you can find evidence of your ideas. (Internet, text book, etc.) Station 1</p><p>The Scoop</p><p>The cold plate causes the moisture in the warm air to condense and form water droplets. This is the same thing that happens in the atmosphere as warm, moist air rises and meets colder temperatures high in the atmosphere. Water vapor condenses and forms precipitation that falls to the Earth as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.</p><p>Station 2</p><p>The Scoop</p><p>Water is flowing from one position to another; heat is being transferred; convection is occurring in the container! The cold, blue water sinks, while the warmer, red water rises. The red water stays higher than the blue.</p><p>What type of air mass does the red water represent? Red water represents a warm air mass.</p><p>How about the blue? Blue water represents a cold air mass.</p><p>How does this relate to a thunderstorm?</p><p>A thunderstorm is caused by unstable air. A body of warm air is forced to rise by an approaching cold front. A strong, persistent updraft of warm moist air is formed. The approaching cold front helps build the updraft into a cumulus cloud. Speeds of an updraft have been recorded at 90 miles per hour. When the warm air rises and meets the cold air, it condenses (releases latent heat). The heat helps fuel the thunderstorm. The next stage is when the cumulus cloud has grown into a cumulonimbus cloud rising above 30,000 feet. Then a downdraft forms, bringing cold air and precipitation down to the Earth's surface.</p><p>Station 4</p><p>The Scoop</p><p>As you twist the jar, the water inside up against the glass is pulled along due to its friction again the glass walls. The fluid toward the inside takes longer to get moving. But eventually both the glass jar and the fluid are spinning as you rotate the bottle. When you stop rotating the jar, the fluid inside keeps spinning. A mini twister can be seen for just a few seconds when the outer fluid slows down and the inner fluids continue to spin rapidly. Try it again!</p><p>This is not completely understood by scientists, but one way the rotation appears to happen is when winds at two different altitudes blow at two different speeds creating wind shear. For example, a wind at 1000 feet above the surface might blow at 5mph and a wind at 5000 feet might blow at 25mph. This causes a horizontal rotating column. </p><p>If this rotating column of air gets caught in a super cell thunderstorm, the updraft tightens the spin and it speeds up (much like a skater spins faster the arms are pulled close to the body. A funnel cloud is created.</p><p>The rain and hail in the thunderstorm cause the funnel to touch down creating a tornado. Name: ______Date: ______We Must Weather the Weather, Whatever it May Be!</p><p>Think First! What types of weather do you think you would see in the report? What types won’t you see? Why? </p><p>Question: How did the weather report relate to water? </p><p>Procedure: Watch the forecast! (Hint: It may be helpful to tape the news so you can refer back to the words used by the newscaster.) Include the forecast for the next day, as well as the week. What types of words did the newscaster use? Did you hear any new words? (Find out what they mean if you don’t know!) What types of weather were predicted that involve water, and how do they involve water? Is it possible that the prediction may not involve water? (Think carefully!) Data:</p><p>Weather Words Used Definitions of New Words</p><p>Weather Predicted How Does it involve Water?</p><p>Analysis: Did the weather report surprise you? Did you already have an idea of what weather may be coming up? How?</p><p>Conclusion: If the forecast did not obviously involve water (for example, rain or snow) does it mean that water was not involved? Why or Why not? Name: Sara Tennant</p><p>Type of Lesson: Children’s Literature</p><p>Contact Information: [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: You Can Cut the Tension With a Knife! </p><p>Grade level: 4th - 5th </p><p>Materials: The Puddle , by David McPhail, a temporary outdoor setting, one 2 liter bottle of pop, 1 roll of Mentos candy, 1 paper or plastic tube (just big enough to fit the mentos through but small enough to fit inside the opening of the pop bottle).</p><p>*Enough of the following to supply each group of students: beakers, water, newspaper, 2 X 2 squares of plastic cling wrap, water dropper, graduated cylinders, tupperware container or large bowl, index cards, liquid dish detergent, scissors</p><p>References: http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiment/00000109 , http://www.creativekidsathome.com/science/water.html#Trivia%20Answers , http://www.funsci.com/fun3_en/exper2/exper2.htm#introduction1 , McPhail, David.The Puddle. Farrar Straus Giroux: 1998. </p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF and Science Topics: Lesson Objectives: Observing, Classifying, Strand I, CS1, E1 Observe behavior of water Experimenting, (Reasonable Questions) in experiments, construct Communicating, Strand IV, CS1, E1 ideas as to why water Measuring, Predicting, (Classifying according to behaves in this manner, Formulating Questions observable attributes) design TQPDAC to answer own questions, discuss new knowledge and share ideas</p><p>Key Question: What is surface tension and how does it affect the behavior of water? Task Description Theories/Methods Engage Activity Book: With students at their desks, read aloud Inquiry Book The Puddle to get kids wondering about what Mentos Fountain topic you will be exploring. If desired, put book Learning up on visualizer while reading. They may not modalities: understand at first why you chose this particular Visual, book, so later in the lesson ask if they can relate Auditory the book to the activities they are doing. </p><p>Mentos Fountain: Take the students outside to a safe area with a lot of grass where you will not cause a disturbance. Make sure the students are far enough away (unless they have raincoats!) to not be splashed. Bring the 2 liter of pop, the mentos candy, and the paper/plastic tube. Open and set the pop on the ground making sure that it will not tip over. The idea is to get all of the mentos pieces into the bottle at the same time, so get the tube in position in the bottle opening, and dump the candy in. (Back up fast!) This will cause a huge fountain of pop to come exploding out of the bottle! The cause is the weakening of the surface tension that surrounds each bubble of carbon dioxide by the gum arabic that is found in the candy. When this tension is disturbed the gas can expand more rapidly (similar to shaking the bottle prior to opening it). Also, as the candy dissolves, ‘nucleation sites’ develop (tiny pits in the surface of the mentos) in which even more carbon dioxide can form. The result? A massive explosion of pop! Don’t give away the explanation right away though, let the kids try and come up with reasons for the explosion after they have completed the rest of the activities for the lesson. </p><p>Exploring Activities Students will work in groups for the following: Inquiry “Skin” on a beaker Water Magnifiers “ Skin” on a beaker: Let the kids see how they can Multiple Soap Boats overfill a beaker with water causing the top to Intelligences take on a rounded appearance instead of spilling over. Experiment with different beakers and Learning different amounts of water. See if they can Modalities: measure exactly how much water can fit in the Tactile beaker before it will spill out (allow them to use a graduated cylinder to aid in this process). Water Magnifiers: Let the kids explore how water changes the appearance of newspaper and other objects below it. Have them drop a few drops of water onto a piece of cling wrap (enough to make a good sized rounded drop of water) and hold it taught about an inch above the newspaper. What happens to the letters? What happens when the distance from the newspaper changes, when the size of the water drop is changed? Soap Boats: On an index card, have the students draw a simple boat shape with a notch at the back Size and shape of end. Fill the tupperware containers with water. boat:</p><p>Book Summary: A boy sets out to sail his boat in a puddle and is joined by a frog, a turtle, an alligator, a pig, and an elephant. Water is made up of one Oxygen atom and two Hydrogen atoms. Each side is slightly charged. </p><p>These slight charges attract other water molecules. Name: Sara Tennant</p><p>Type of lesson: Technology</p><p>Contact Info: [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: Water Works! </p><p>Grade Level: 4th - 5th</p><p>Materials: Two days of class time, computers with internet access (preferably access to a computer lab), globe, 5 gallons of water, tablespoons, aquarium (or similar container), droppers, graph paper, clear plastic cups, coffee cans (each with 5-10 holes already punched in the bottom), sand, Tupperware containers, muddy water, pitchers, calculators, previously collected data on population of school, school district, and city, poster board, copies of Water Use Fact Packet, copies of water usage pie chart, TQPDAC For at-home portion : empty milk jug (or similar container), stop watch or clock with second- hand</p><p>*Students should have already learned about the water cycle at this point, as knowledge of the water cycle will be helpful to the students*</p><p>References: http://www.njawwa.org/kidsweb/waterprojects/Default.htm, http://www.epa.gov/region01/students/pdfs/ww_intro.pdf, http://www.gmpdc.org/webquests/villiard/SavingWaterville.htm, http://www.col- ed.org/cur/sci/sci161.txt, http://www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/kids_4-8.html, http://www.mass.gov/agr/waterwellbeing/water_facts.htm, http://www.wateruseitwisely.com/100ways/NEindoor.html</p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF and Science Topics: Lesson Objectives: measuring, predicting, Water Conservation Develop an understanding observing, interpreting data, Strand II, CS1, E4 that although it appears that experimenting, (awareness of natural there is a lot of water in the formulating questions, world) world, only a small amount understanding models, Strand III, CS5, E5 can be used for drinking or communicating (positive and negative other needs; infer from class effects of humans on the activities that water is a environment) limited resource that requires conscious decisions by people in order to be conserved; influence students to apply learned water conservation strategies in the home. </p><p>Key Question: What is water conservation and why is it important? Engage Activity Inquiry: *As you do this demonstration, stress that the amounts Aquarium Asking students represent relative quantities, not actual amounts of the demonstration questions about different types of water* what happened in 1. Put 5 gallons of water in an aquarium or other container. Ask the demonstration students to imagine the container represents all the water in the will get them world (salt water and fresh water, make sure they understand thinking and spark the difference). other questions, which they will 2. Call up a student helper. Have the student remove 34 want to explore to tablespoons of the water and put them into a clear cup. Tell find the answers to. them this amount represents all the water in the world that is not ocean (fresh water). Make sure to hold the cup high, and then Multiple near the aquarium so students can compare the two. Intelligences: Logical/ 3. Call up a different helper. Have them remove 26 tablespoons Mathematical of water from the clear cup and put it in a different cup. One more helper can remove another 8 tablespoons of water from Thematic: the original cup, and place it in another cup. The 26 tablespoons Could be part of a represent the world’s ice caps and glaciers. The 8 tablespoons Social Studies unit represent the world’s fresh water. A fraction of a tablespoon or a Math unit (1/10) represents the world’s fresh water lakes and rivers. Of that, all rivers amount to less than a drop. Constructivism: Dealing with 4. Compare these to the aquarium. misconceptions</p><p>5. Ask students what they think about the activity. Was it surprising? What does this imply for our use of water? If students are having difficulty, guide the discussion in the right direction, “If you look at a globe, which do you see more of, land or water? But, can we use all of that water? With so much water around, it’s easy to think that we will always have it when we need it…”</p><p>6. This discussion should lead to the fact that water is a limited resource, and that we must take action to ensure that it is not wasted. </p><p>(Be sure to reuse the water. Use it to water plants!) </p><p>Exploring Activities Have students work in groups of 4, hand out TQPDAC Cooperative Build a water Learning: filter Set up materials on a table for students to have access to set up TQPDAC their experiments. (Refer to TQPDAC for procedures.) Students are working in small Walk around to groups as they are working; ask how might this groups which allow apply to what we just learned from the aquarium them to share ideas Back up activities:</p><p>If for some reason you cannot access the computers or the internet is down, instead of having the children do a webquest, do a similar activity on your own. Pass out the pie chart of water usage. Have students brainstorm ways to conserve water (have them work in groups first, then as a class). Encourage them to use their own ideas plus those in the Water Conservation Fact Packet (that you will now pass out to each group) make a brochure giving statistics and ideas on how to cut down on water use on a daily basis. Brochure should convince others of why water conservation is important, be neat, and provide at least five facts for the reader. Students can still make a poster similar to the one that would’ve been made during the webquest. </p><p>Summary of Webquest:</p><p>“Waterville” is in danger of losing its water supply. Students are to seek out the citizens who are wasting water and write letters to convince them to change their water wasting ways. Water Works!</p><p>Think First!: We now know that usable water is not as plentiful as we once may have thought. Sometimes living in Michigan with the Great Lakes surrounding us can lead us to forget that freshwater is a valuable and often wasted resource. </p><p>Question: If we can’t use most of the water that exists on earth, how will we be able to have enough water to suit our needs? To survive?</p><p>Procedure: 1. Place coffee can in tupperware container. 2. Put about 3 inches of sand in the bottom of the can. 3. Observe the water in the pitcher. What do you notice about it? Record your thoughts in the table below. 4. Pour pitcher of muddy water over the sand and collect the water that comes out in the tupperware container. 5. Observe any changes you see in the water and record them in the table below. </p><p>Data:</p><p>Water Before Water After</p><p>Analysis:</p><p>1. What may have caused any changes you saw in the water? </p><p>2. What does this imply for our use of water as humans?</p><p>Conclusion: 1. How might this knowledge help us to extend the life of usable water? </p><p>2. Do you have any ideas on how we could reuse water? Do we already reuse water?</p><p>Where Does the Water Go? How Can We Save Water?</p><p>Tips for Indoors:</p><p>When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water</p><p>Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when they are full and you could save 1000 gallons a month.</p><p>Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost instead and save gallons every time.</p><p>Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap for cold drinks, so that every drop goes down you not the drain.</p><p>Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes. You'll save up to 1000 gallons a month.</p><p>If your shower can fill a one-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, then replace it with a water-efficient showerhead.</p><p>Collect the water you use for rinsing produce and reuse it to water houseplants.</p><p>When you shop for a new appliance, consider one offering cycle and load size adjustments. They are more water and energy-efficient than older appliances.</p><p>Install low-volume toilets.</p><p>Wash your produce in the sink or a pan that is partially filled with water instead of running water from the tap.</p><p>When you clean your fish tank, use the water you've drained on your plants. The water is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, providing you with a free and effective fertilizer. Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl, you have a leak. It's easy to fix, and you can save more than 600 gallons a month. </p><p>Plug the bathtub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills up.</p><p>Designate one glass for your drinking water each day. This will cut down on the number of times you run your dishwasher.</p><p>Don't use running water to thaw food.</p><p>Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It's simple, inexpensive, and can save 140 gallons a week.</p><p>When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.</p><p>Teach your children to turn the faucets off tightly after each use.</p><p>Before you lather up, install a low-flow showerhead. They're inexpensive, easy to install, and can save your family more than 500 gallons a week.</p><p>Soak your pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.</p><p>Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute. That's 200 gallons a week for a family of four.</p><p>Make sure your toilet flapper doesn't stick open after flushing.</p><p>Make sure there are aerators on all of your faucets.</p><p>Install an instant water heater on your kitchen sink so you don't have to let the water run while it heats up. This will also reduce heating costs for your household.</p><p>Cut back on rinsing if your dishwasher is new. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.</p><p>Bathe your young children together.</p><p>Insulate hot water pipes so you don't have to run as much water to get hot water to the faucet.</p><p>Drop that tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save gallons every time. </p><p>If your toilet was installed prior to 1980, place a toilet dam or bottle filled with water in your toilet tank to cut down on the amount of water used for each flush. Be sure these devices do not interfere with operating parts. Install water softening systems only when necessary. Save water and salt by running the minimum number of regenerations necessary to maintain water softness.</p><p>Wash clothes only when you have a full load and save up to 600 gallons each month. </p><p>Listen for dripping faucets and toilets that flush themselves. Fixing a leak can save 500 gallons each month. </p><p>Cook food in as little water as possible. This will also retain more of the nutrients.</p><p>Choose new water-saving appliances, like washing machines that save up to 20 gallons per load.</p><p>Select the proper size pans for cooking. Large pans require more cooking water than may be necessary.</p><p>Turn off the water while you shave and you can save more than 100 gallons a week.</p><p>When you give your pet fresh water, don't throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or shrubs.</p><p>If you accidentally drop ice cubes when filling your glass from the freezer, don't throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant instead.</p><p>To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower.</p><p>While staying in a hotel or even at home, consider reusing your towels.</p><p>Throw trimmings and peelings from fruits and vegetables into your yard compost to prevent from using the garbage disposal.</p><p>Keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up or runs. Use this water to flush toilets or water plants.</p><p>When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather.</p><p>Tips for Outdoors:</p><p>1. Reduce lawn size</p><p>By reducing lawn size you can substantially reduce the amount of water used for landscape maintenance. Replace lawn area with native species of trees and shrubs. Consider alternatives to grass especially when you have steep slopes and shady areas. </p><p>2. Use drought resistant grass species Mixtures of grass species are used to get the most effective and long-lasting seasonal coverage. Fine fescues have low water needs and high drought tolerance. Some cultivars of endophytic seeds tend to have a high tolerance for drought and nutrient deficiencies. Generally an insect resistant mixture of grasses that includes a high percentage of fine fescues will ensure a drought resistant lawn. </p><p>3. Choose native and drought tolerant species</p><p>Native species have adapted to the environmental conditions of New England and have evolved in such a way that they need fewer inputs such as water and chemicals. </p><p>4. Water only when necessary</p><p>In most years, Massachusetts has enough rainfall to naturally supply the water needs of most mature lawns without the need for watering. The two simple ways to tell if your lawn needs water are by the color and flexibility. If you walk on your lawn and leave a footprint or the color of your lawn turns blue/green the grass is not receiving enough water. Mature lawns that go brown in the summer are in a natural period of dormancy. They will green up when wetter cooler weather returns. </p><p>5. Water your lawn in the evening or early morning</p><p>If your lawn does not have a fungi problem, it is best to water between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. Watering can also take place early in the morning just prior to or just after sunrise. Watering early in the morning will allow your grass to dry quickly and lose less water from evaporation. This can reduce disease susceptibility by limiting moist conditions which encourage spore germination and the spread of fungal infection.</p><p>6. Water slowly and deeply</p><p>Watering slowly and deeply will allow the water to be absorbed. You should water four to six inches deep, which means about one inch of water on the surface. If using a sprinkler system, place a rain gauge or shallow cans on either side of the sprinkler and measure the water that it collects. This approach will help you to determine the amount of water you are using. </p><p>7. Collect rainwater for landscaping needs</p><p>Use cisterns or rain barrels to capture rainwater from downspouts to use for newly planted vegetation. Use a lid, mesh fabric or add several drops of baby oil to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.</p><p>8. Water on sloped areas with care When watering on sloped areas do not apply water faster than it is being absorbed. Water regularly until you begin to see run off. Stop the watering until it is absorbed into the ground and then continue until you have watered four to six inches deep.</p><p>Maintain sprinkler systems and irrigation equipment. Make sure that the sprinkler system is appropriate for your landscape and watering needs. Install matched precipitation sprinkler heads which apply water according to area specific needs. Make sure that the irrigation system has a rain shutoff device. Locate irrigation heads at least eight inches from paved areas and watch where water is going! You should not be watering the sidewalk, street, or the neighbor’s yard. </p><p>9. Additional Suggestions</p><p>Check your equipment. Fix leaky hoses or faucets. Install a shut off device on hoses to prevent water loss from unattended hoses. Hoses without a nozzle can spout 10 gallons or more per minute. Do not leave faucets or hoses on when they are not in use.</p><p>Abide by your town’s water bans. Water bans are put in place for a reason!!</p><p>Use mulch: Organic mulch lowers the temperature of the soil, which in turns reduces water evaporation. However, you must be careful not to apply too much (the soil does require some heat). Plastic films do the same (clear), while also preventing unwanted weeds around plants. Rachel Kennicott</p><p>Station Lesson</p><p>Contact Information: [email protected] or 616-299-8867</p><p>Water, H2O, Agua Grade Level: 2-5</p><p>Materials: jars or clear containers computer with internet access potting soil poster board small gravel glass of water water sponges seeds beakers plastic wrap pie pan rubber bands cotton balls funnel References: </p><p> http://www.kimballmedia.com/Drippy/DrippysWorldTrialStories/ToMountainsAndBack/ Entry.htm http://www.kidzone.ws/water/ http://www-k12.atmos.washington.edu/k12/pilot/water_cycle/precipitation.html http://www.first-school.ws/activities/science/drippy.htm http://www.lessonplanspage.com/ScienceMathLATheWaterCyclePlan34.htm http://www.wfpa.org/ee/WFPAEE/ESS/ESS_home/Issaquah_curriculum/1_WaterLesson Plan.htm</p><p>Science Process Skills MCF and Science Topic Lesson Objective Observing and describing MCF1, CS1, E1 Generate Students will observe and changes questions describe the water cycle and Communicating to group its parts. They will do this member and on paper, MCF5, CS2, E1,2,3 by creating and modeling a verbalizing thinking Describe how water exists poster or three dimensional Predicting/Inferring about in three states, trace the example of the water cycle. the water cycle path of rain water, Formulating questions and identify sources of water hypotheses Constructing models accurately</p><p>Key Question: What is the Water Cycle? Task Description Theories/Methods Engage Activity Have a picture of the water Inquiry because students cycle on the overhead when will be asking questions Glass of Water children walk into the about the water sitting on Song classroom, but make sure it the table. is not labeled. As students Multiple intelligences filter in, you have a glass of because students are water sitting out on the learning a song that will table in the front of the later relate to everything in classroom so that everyone the lesson. can see it. That is it. It is Higher order thinking just sitting there. Ask because students can tie this students where they think song in with other this glass of water may have information they will be come from. Discuss learning. responses and record them on paper. Introduce the idea of the water cycle. Now have students follow you over to your reading corner. The children are gathered all around you sitting on the floor. Begin by singing the water cycle song: (Sang to the tune of she’ll be coming around the mountain) Water travels in a cycle, yes it does Water travels in a cycle, yes it does It goes UP as evaporation, Forms clouds as condensation And FALLS Down as precipitation Yes, it does.</p><p>Exploring Activities Students will now get into Cooperative Learning pairs. They will be going because they will be TQPDAC around the room to working with other students Stations individually set up stations. in the classroom on the There will be four of them different stations. set up through out the room. Inquiry because they will be Each station will have asking questions about what instructions already laid out is going on at each station and ready for each pair. Learning Modalities Students will be carrying because students are using their TQPDAC sheet and hands on kinesthetic recording different activities to learn observations for each Choice Theory because station. The rotation should students are free and take about twenty minutes. comfortable to move around The first station will be one the room, choosing their that demonstrates activities and doing them precipitation. Students will for intrinsic values such as have cotton balls at their their own curiosity. station they will feel the Learning Stations are used cotton balls and record their as a method here also. observations. Now the cotton balls are being placed in water. As the students feel them and pick them back up, they are dripping. The next station will be on evaporation. Students will go up to the chalk board and take their wet sponges and wipe the chalk board. They will watch what happens to the water. The third station will be with ice and a glass of water. Students will watch what happens to the outside of the glass. How did the water get there? The fourth station will have a sponge, cup of water, and pie pan. Students will model collection here. Processing Activities Students will go to the Technology Integration is website listed in references used because students will Website number one, and listen to have yet another way to put Journal the story while recording the information into their anything they may want to brains. remember for future Higher Order Thinking activities. They will then because students will pull write a journal entry on the information from here and words precipitation, make it their own condensation, and evaporation. Technology Back-Up: Have the story from the website printed off. Students may then read the story and look at the pictures to write their journals. Further Investigation Students will create a Inquiry because students terrarium. Students will be will be wondering what is Terrarium working individually. Have happening in the them: Terrariums. Place the gravel at the Simulations/Problem Based bottom of their jar. method is used in a Use the funnel to pour terrarium HALF of the soil into the jar. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil. Pour the other half of the soil into the jar. Pour the water into the jar. Place plastic wrap over the top of the jar. Wrap the rubber band around the plastic wrap to hold it in place. Make sure the child places a label on their jar. Terrariums will be monitored over the next week or so. Students will record observations. Applications Create a poster containing Cognitive Development and all parts of the water cycle Higher order Thinking is Poster that were discussed in class. addressed here because This assignment will be students are pulling done individually to everything they have insure that every student learned about the water understands the concept cycle and creating their own of the water cycle. The interpretation of it. poster will have specific Multiple Intelligences guidelines to be given out in because some students learn a rubric. Students may also better visually. wish to make a three dimensional project simulating the water cycle. Materials beyond poster board are up to the student. Options for materials include cotton balls for clouds, real dirt for the ground, small margarine containers for the lake, etc. Tell them to be creative and use their imagination! Assessment Students will hand in their stations packet (this will be graded on completion and accuracy) Students will be assessed on how well their poster project is constructed. (Their poster will be graded with the rubric attached) This will tell you if they understand how the water cycle works. Students will also be expected to keep a log for their terrariums to be handed in. (The logs will be evaluated on how complete they are) Handouts and Visual Aids “Build Your Own Terrarium” “Station Chart” Poster Rubric “Wet Websites” Build Your Own Terrarium</p><p>1. Place the gravel at the bottom of your jar.</p><p>2. Use the funnel to pour HALF of the soil into the jar.</p><p>3. Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil.</p><p>4. Pour the other half of the soil into the jar.</p><p>5. Pour the water into the jar.</p><p>6. Place plastic wrap over the top of the jar. </p><p>7. Wrap the rubber band around the plastic wrap to hold it in place.</p><p>8. Place your name label on the jar. Water, Water All Around</p><p>Think First!: Water Travels in a ______</p><p>QUESTION: What do you already know about the water cycle?</p><p>PROCEDURE: Using the materials provided at each station, carry out your experiments. </p><p>DATA: Make sure you record your data on the “station chart” on the next page.</p><p>Analysis & Conclusion: How many different parts can you think of in the water cycle? Can you name them?</p><p>Station Chart Record your observations here Draw a picture of what happened Station 1</p><p>Station 2</p><p>Station 3</p><p>Station 4 Go to this Website: http://www.kimballmedia.com/Drippy/DrippysWorldTrialStories/ToMountainsAndBack/ Entry.htm </p><p>Follow along with the story. Hit the speak text button to hear it read to you.</p><p>Now go to this Website: http://www.kidzone.ws/water/</p><p>Take notes on the different parts of the water cycle! Rubric for Water Cycle</p><p>Grading Rubric/Guidelines Points Self Teacher Possible Evaluation Evaluation Correctly contains All parts of 35 the water cycle: Evaporation Condensation Collection Precipitation Explanation of the terms in the 10 water cycle attached</p><p>In color or three dimension 10</p><p>Neatly Presented 10</p><p>Creative 10</p><p>Total (out of 75) Evaluation Criteria: 10-9 Thorough and Accurate Results, 8-7 Adequate/Reasonable Results, 6-5 Minimal Effort/Unclear Results, 4-3 Weak Effort/Irrational Results, 2-0 No Effort</p><p>Rachel Kennicott</p><p>Technology Lessson</p><p>Contact Information: [email protected] or 616-299-8867</p><p>Water, H2O, Agua Grade Level: 4-5</p><p>Materials: Copies of handouts provided for each Lemon Juice student Vinegar Gumdrops (2 colors) Milk Toothpicks Water Litmus paper strips Computers with PowerPoint and Internet Beakers Textbook </p><p>References: </p><p> http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/page3.html http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm http://www.oceansonline.com/water_props.htm http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/waterproperties.html http://www.cln.org/themes/water.html http://www.proteacher.com/cgi-bin/outsidesite.cgi? id=423&external=http://www.biologylessons.sdsu.edu/classes/lab1/index.html&original= http://www.proteacher.com/110056.shtml&title=Properties%20of%20Water</p><p>Science Process Skills MCF and Science Topic Lesson Objective Observing and classifying MCF 1, CS1, E 1,2 Students will be able to properties of everyday Generate questions, develop a presentation that substances. develop solutions models all of the chemical Predicts from a developing properties of water. They pattern MCF4, CS1, E1,3 Classify will also create what Infers from predictions and substances, identify molecules look like. verbalizes properties of materials Students will cooperate and Formulate hypotheses by which make them useful develop essential skills on interpreting data how to work in a group Experiments collectively. Constructs a model to share with colleagues</p><p>Key Question: What do I know about water? Task Description Theories/Methods Engage Activity Buddy Tag. Students will This is inquiry. Students be outside; they will get will begin to wonder why into a circle and be in they are in groups of three -Buddy Tag groups of three, there will and why they must stay be two people in the middle linked. This relates to the of the circle. The people way the water molecule is outlining the circle will be bonded. in groups of three linking arms. When the person in the middle runs and links arms with a group of three, the person on the end of that line unlinks. There can only be three linked at a time! The unlinked person is now trying to catch the person who was once tagging. You are monitoring and explaining the game. Make sure students are careful not to run into each other. This activity should be done outside in a grassy field, or it also may be done in the gym. Exploring Activities Water is the universal Constructivism/Inquiry – solvent. Help students students are constructing discover what this means by meaning about what an acid experimenting with and a base is by the - Acids and Bases dissolving things in water. substances they are using. - pH Also provide information They are allowed to - Litmus strips about how much we are experiment using their own - Group Discussion made up of water ideas and this is a very - Journal Response Introduce the idea of acids hands on activity. They are and bases. involved in their own Water has a pH of 7 which learning is considered neutral. Test Higher Order thinking other substances and record because students are their readings with litmus constructing what will strips. Substances can happen when water is added include but are not limited to substances, what an acid to lemon juice, vinegar, really is compared to a base. milk, etc. Students should Choice Theory because be given some freedom to students are deciding what test what they want (saliva, they are going to test in sweat!) Have students certain cases. record their thoughts and Brain based because each readings on a chart. person will learn differently Students should now add and these experiments allow water to some of their them to learn through their solutions and test the pH own discovery. again. Discuss with groups what happened to the pH reading and why. Write a journal response. (Use “Wacky Water” and “pH Test” hand outs) Processing Activities Students will make a water Cognitive development molecule. They will first because there are short gather toothpicks and instructions, children have a gumdrops. One gumdrop visual. - Create a water will be red and two Brain Based because basic molecule gumdrops will be green. needs are met (in more than - Sing MICKEY The green represents the one way –food!) There is MOUSE song hydrogen and the red also a visual hands on - Explain polarity represents the oxygen. model that is created to use Each student will make a as a reference for your brain water molecule. You will in the gumdrops, the song, go around and help students and the actual molecule that with any questions they is drawn. may have. Water molecules Constructivism – students should be three dimensional are creating things hands on and tetrahedral in shape. and learning through Here is where you will inquiry. make sure that students understand water’s polarity. The water molecule looks like mouse ears. You can sing the M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E song to your students to help them remember. Further Investigation Students will get into Higher order thinking groups of two and create a because students are PowerPoint presentation. required to analyze and Their presentation will be synthesize what they have - PowerPoint Project guided by a rubric that really done in the above allows them to see exactly activities in to a mini lesson what needs to be included they are expected to create. in the presentation. They Choice Theory because will use the knowledge they students have a lot of have gained from their freedom in how they create previous activities in this their presentation lesson to create the Inquiry – students are presentation learning through their own Technology Backup: ideas Have students create a Brain Based – students are project packet using constructing new signals drawings with color. and new ways to remember They may create posters the information that they and or use white paper to have taken in through the complete the project. It various activities. should include everything they would have had in their PowerPoint presentation Applications Students will be expected to Constructivism – students present their presentation are reestablishing that they - Class Presentation and discuss what they have know what they are doing learned and also share with by sharing with the class the class the findings in what they have pulled from their experiments. the lessons. Assessment Students will be assessed on Higher order thinking – the information in their students will be only given - Rubric Grade presentation. The rubric a small guideline and they will provide scoring. must create ways to show the information that they have learned. Handouts and Visual Aids “How do you draw Water?” sheet “Wacky Water” “pH Test” Rubric For PowerPoint Presentation How do you draw Water?</p><p>Here is a Drawing of my water molecule:</p><p>The Chemical formula for water is ______. This means there are ______hydrogen atoms and ______oxygen atom. Think First!</p><p>Water is ______</p><p>QUESTION: What are the properties that make water so unique?</p><p>PROCEDURE: Using the attached sheet measure the pH of substances and record your findings.</p><p>DATA: Use The “pH Test” sheet attached</p><p>ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSION: Answer the question on the bottom of your “pH Test” sheet. The pH Test</p><p>Substance pH Color of pH when New color of Litmus water is Litmus Strip Strip added Water</p><p>Lemon Juice</p><p>Vinegar</p><p>Milk</p><p>On the back of this sheet discuss what this information means. Use terminology like acidic, basic, and neutral. Then get in your groups and discuss your findings. Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation</p><p>Grading Rubric/Guidelines Points Self Teacher Possible Evaluation Evaluation Introduction - Should include a title 10 page with names Part I – Structure of Water 10 molecule explained</p><p>Part II – Discuss polarity 10</p><p>Part III - Acids and Bases 10 explained (include results from your experiments) Part IV – Make sure to include any 10 journal entries you made and results from any other activities Conclusion – Summarize your 10 presentation</p><p>Was your presentation creative? 5</p><p>Was your presentation well 5 organized?</p><p>Were you prepared? 5 TOTAL 75 Evaluation Criteria: 10-9 Thorough and Accurate Results, 8-7 Adequate/Reasonable Results, 6-5 Minimal Effort/Unclear Results, 4-3 Weak Effort/Irrational Results, 2-0 No Effort</p><p>Below is a list of websites you may use for your presentation. Your textbook may also be helpful!</p><p> http://www.chem4kids.com/files/react_acidbase.html http://www.ec.gc.ca/acidrain/kids.html http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/page3.html http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/water.htm http://www.oceansonline.com/water_props.htm http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/waterproperties.html http://www.cln.org/themes/water.html Name: Rachel Kennicott</p><p>Type of Lesson: Children’s Book</p><p>Contact Information: [email protected] or 616-299-8867</p><p>Lesson Title: “The Thneeds the World Does Not Need” Grade Level: 3-6 Grade</p><p>Materials: The Lorax by Dr. Suess Large writing tablet Marker Clipboards for pairs of students White computer paper Beakers Water Flour dirt food coloring Sand toilet paper cooking oil Sugar Citric Acid White Vinegar Cotton Swabs At least 10 clear cups Large Paper for group activity Lined paper in journal Trash Bags References: 1. http://www.eduref.org/cgi- bin/printlessons.cgi/Virtual/Lessons/Science/Environmental_Education/ENV0065.html 2. The Lorax by Dr. Suess 3. http://www.epa.gov/reg5rcra/wptdiv/p2pages/water.pdf 4. http://yn.la.ca.us/cec/cecsci/cecsci.26.txt </p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF and Science Topic: Lesson Objective:</p><p>Observing the natural world Students will practice Communicate what MCF 1,CS1, E,1,2 observing the natural world, pollution is in their minds Generate questions, develop an understanding of as well as discuss their develop solutions pollution, and an awareness findings in the water of how humans interact exercise. MCFIII, CS5, E5, Effects with the world in which we Measuring water of humans on the they live. They will create Interpreting Data environment their own solutions to Constructing models problems facing humans Formulating Questions and pollution</p><p>Key Question: What is water pollution?</p><p>TASK DESCRIPTION THEORIES/METHODS Engage Activity Before beginning the book, get a Brain – Based: Students poster and a black marker and ask will have to think about, -Read The Lorax students about pollution while determine, and -Good/Bad Earth students are at their desks. This is distinguish good and bad questions a whole class activity. things that we do to the Using the poster, ask students “What earth are some good things we can do for Multiple Intelligence: the earth or to take care of the Students distinguish earth?”. Record student responses. between good and bad Then ask “What are some bad things Control/Choice: that people do to the earth?” Again, Students are allowed to record responses. Be ready to talk have the answers they about student responses in more choose to write down detail. This is a discussion time. under the appropriate Now have students follow you over column of good or bad. to the reading corner. Have them Inquiry: they must think sit down and get comfortable (this about the meaning of the book is long). book and how it may Introduce the book The Lorax by Dr. apply in real life to our Suess and read it to your Earth class.</p><p>Exploring Activities Take a trip to a local wetland owned Multiple Intelligence: by your school or possibly property Students are out in the on state or federal land. Bring actual environment -Go to a Wetland helpers! discovering for -Putting Have students in pairs one with a themselves what substances in trash bag and the other paper and pollution may be. water experiments pencil. Kinesthetic – students Announce to the students that you are walking around want them to pick up all of the outside as well as pollution that they can find and performing the water record it. experiments. Most will find trash, so ask what Constructivist: students other kinds of pollution there may be are constructing their around. (Use “Wetland Discovery own ideas of pollution Sheet”) from being out in the Back at the classroom, have students environment. They are experiment with putting different also relating the water substances into glasses of water. experiment to pollution Substances can include, but are not Inquiry: this is hands on limited to flour, sugar, sand, balls, and students lead their toilet paper and oil. (They may wish discoveries. to explore more) Choice/Control: Have a separate beaker half full of Students are performing water available for each item that experiments and leading will be placed in the water. themselves to discover Have them record their observations pollution outside. of what the water looked like as well as what happened to the object using words such as opaque, transparent, sediment, translucent, etc. Raise the question of how you would go about removing the things they placed in the water. (Use “Liquid Discovery” Handout)</p><p>Processing Activities Have students break into groups of 4 Inquiry: Students are and discuss the effects of pollution. discussing their ideas -Groups discuss Have them make a list. What does and exploring things by effects of pollution water pollution do to the lives of talking. This is also a humans, animals, plants, what does way for them to develop it do to the environment? Can they good communication think of any real life examples? skills. Choice/Control: they all have input in the group. Further Investigation To help students understand that clear water is not necessarily free -Taste Test of pollutants, place 5 clear liquids in portion cups. Things to include should have a definite taste that students would recognize. Use sugar water, white vinegar, salt water, water mixed with citric acid, and tap water. Using cotton swabs, have students taste each liquid (dispose of swab after each taste) and record what they taste after each. After students have all had a chance to taste, discuss that some kinds of pollution can't be seen.</p><p>Applications Students will be writing in their journals on the following problem: -Design a clean up (“Design a Clean Up Handout”) On Highway I-75 right by your house, an oil truck was driving by and as he was going over the bridge, he crashed and spilled all of his oil in the lake that you live on. What are you going to do? What is going to happen to the wildlife around? How will your life be affected? Rubric For Clean – up is included</p><p>Assessment Students will have a poster with the effects of pollution (graded by effort and participation) Students will turn in their clean up design (graded based on rubric) Students will turn in their substance experiment observations (graded on completion and accuracy)</p><p>Handouts and Visual Aids Wetland Discovery Sheet Liquid Sheet Group List Clean Up Story Wetland Discovery</p><p>1. Write down a description of the area (you may also want to draw a picture on the back of this sheet).</p><p>2. What types of living things do you see?</p><p>Create a list of any pollution you find and explain where you found it.</p><p>Example: Trash Sunken in the water close to the edge. Liquid Discovery</p><p>Substance Placed In What did it look like? What did it do? Water Group Discovery Make a list of the items your group comes up with</p><p>1.</p><p>2.</p><p>3.</p><p>4.</p><p>5.</p><p>6.</p><p>7. </p><p>8.</p><p>9.</p><p>10. On Highway I-75 right by your house, an oil truck was driving by and as he was going over the bridge, he crashed and spilled all of his oil in the lake that you live on. Don’t worry, although he was covered in oil, the driver swam out of the lake and was not hurt! However, his truck is still in the lake and so are the truck’s contents. What are you going to do? What is going to happen to the wildlife around? How will your life be affected? Design a plan of what you are going to do to clean up your lake as if you were in charge of the clean up plan and crew. Clean – Up Rubric</p><p>Points Points Possible Earned Effects on People is discussed 10</p><p>Effects on Animals is discussed 10</p><p>Effects on the Land is discussed 10</p><p>Solutions are offered for effects on 10 people, animals, and land</p><p>Evident Thought and preparation before 10 writing </p><p>Total 50 Katie Thomas Centers/Stations Lesson Plan (810)531-6774 “Plants: Not Just a Land Thing” Grades: 3-5 Materials: 3 types of aquatic plants Pencils Paper (lined and construction) Markers Books and articles about aquatic plants Access to internet</p><p>References: None</p><p>Science Processing Skills: Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Predicting, Inferring, Formulating Hypotheses, Interpreting Data, Experimenting, Constructing Models</p><p>MCF and Science Topic: Strand I, CS1, E1: Generate questions based on observations. Strand III, CS2, E1: Compare and classify organisms based on observations of characteristics.</p><p>Lesson Objective: This lesson will allow students to discover the different types of aquatic plants and characteristics of them.</p><p>Key Question: What are some different types of aquatic plants? Engage Activity: Ask the students what types Inquiry Method: Looking at Look at pictures of plants of things they would find if these pictures of plants gets Ask key question they went to the bottom of the students to start thinking the ocean. Then show and asking questions about different pictures of plants. aquatic plant-life. Have students figure out Brain based learning: This what plants are aquatic activity gets students’ plants and what plants live brains working and allows on the land. Ask what plants them to think about the live in the water. different plants. Exploring Activity: Bring in 3 different kinds of Inquiry Method/Multiple Observing aquatic plants aquatic plants (ex. Seaweed, Intelligences: Observing the TQPDAC kelp, algae, lily pad, ect). plants gets the students Place them in the front of thinking more about them. the classroom on a table and Children who are visual have the students gather learners will get a better around the table to observe understanding by looking at the plants. Discuss what the plants, rather than each plant is. Then create a hearing about them. TQPDAC to explore the plants further. Processing Activity: Have the students each Brain-Based Theory: Journals choose one of the 3 aquatic Writing in journals will plants that you brought in. apply the students’ In their journals, they will knowledge of what they discuss the characteristics have observed and what of that plant, and how it is they have learned so far. similar and different to the other aquatic plants. This Choice Theory: Students journal should be have freedom to write in handwritten and at least their journals about what ¾ of a page long. they have researched. Further Investigation: There will be 4 centers. Centers: There are centers Centers Each center will consist of being used for this activity. 6-7 students and each center will last 20 minutes. One Cooperative Learning: center will be the art center. Working in centers allows The students at this center the students to work will use markers and cooperatively in groups to construction paper to each share different ideas with draw pictures of aquatic their classmates. plants. The next center will be the reading center. This Multiple intelligences center will have a variety of theory: There are centers books and articles about to fit visual learners, aquatic plants that they will auditory learners, and read and look through. The kinesthetic/tactile students will record at least learners. 8 interesting facts that they find in these articles. The third center will be a computer center. The children at this center will use the internet to do some research about different aquatic plants and take notes of their findings. The fourth center will be the plant-observation center. These students will look closer at the plants that the teacher brought in. Then they will work together to make a list of all of the similarities and differences that they observe between the 3 aquatic plants. Applications: For homework: have Constructivism: Doing this Homework assignment: students either take a activity outside of class picture of aquatic plant picture or draw a picture of applies the student’s an aquatic plant that they knowledge of what they can see in their home or in learned about aquatic plants the environment around and also allows them to them (ex. In a fish tank, explore their environment to ect.). If they can’t find one, see where aquatic plants can they can look on the be found. internet to find a picture and print it off or draw it themselves. Include where it was found and what the plant is on the back of the picture. Assessment: Collect the journals from Constructivism Theory: Collecting/grading the the students. The students By collecting and grading activities will be given full credit for the activities, you will get this assignment if they and understanding of which completed it. All students students understood the will also turn in a piece of material that was presented paper from each of the 4 about aquatic plants, and centers. which students did not.</p><p>Handouts/Visual Aids: The visual aids include the Learning Modalities Aquatic plants and plants that the students Theory: The visual aids are directions at centers observe. Also, the good for the students who directions for each center learn better visually rather will be on a piece of paper than hearing the directions at the center so that the auditory. students can read them when they arrive to that specific center. Katie Thomas Children’s Book Lesson Plan (810) 531-6774/ [email protected] “Solids, and Liquids, and Gas…Oh My!” Grades 2-4 Materials: 2-3 ice cubes Glass of Water Table Surface Pot of water Burner for water to boil Paper Crayons “Listen to the Rain” (book) Dixie Cups Kool-Aid Popsicle Sticks</p><p>References: “Listen to the Rain” by Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault, Illustrated by James Endicott </p><p>Science Processing Skills: Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Predicting, Inferring, Identifying and Controlling Variables, Interpreting Data, Experimenting</p><p>MCF and Science Topic: Strand I, CS 1, E1: Generate questions based on observations. Strand V, CS 2, E1: Describe how water exists on Earth in three states.</p><p>Lesson Objective: This lesson will allow students to discover the different forms of water and allow them to explore different examples of each.</p><p>Key Question: What are the three stages of water, how does each stage get that way, and what are some examples of each of the three forms? Engage Activity Ask students if they have ever Inquiry method: Read “Listen to the listened to the rain falling. Reading the book gets the students Rain” Have them give descriptions thinking and asking questions about as to what the rain sounds the stages of water. Ask key question. like. Then, while the students are sitting together Reading aloud: The teacher will at the reading area, read read “Listen to the Rain” aloud to aloud “Listen to the Rain.” the class. After reading, discuss book a little bit and then ask the students the key question: “What are the three stages of water, how does each stage get that way, and what are some examples of each of the three forms?” Exploring Activity Take one or two ice cubes and Inquiry method: Gets the students to set them on the table. Take a ask questions about the experiment. Ice cube melting pot of water and put it on a experiment burner for the water to boil. Learning modalities theory: By Boil water As the ice cubes melt and the watching the ice melt, the students water boils, explain to the can visually see the water going TQPDAC students the three stages of from a solid stage to a liquid stage. water; solid, liquid, and gas. Ask them what form of water Cooperative Learning: Students the rain in the story was. Ask will work with a partner when them questions to get them doing the TQPDAC. wondering how each stage gets to where it is going. After the ice melts and the water boils, have the students get with a partner and fill out a TQPDAC about the three stages of water. Processing Activity The students will individually Multiple intelligences theory: Draw pictures of the draw pictures of examples of This activity allows students who 3 stages. water during its three stages. are more tactile/kinesthetic Make sure they label which learners to apply what they know stage is solid, liquid, and gas. by creating a picture of the three stages of water. Further Have the students each fill up Constructivism theory: Allows Investigation a Dixie Cup about ¾ of the “hands-on” work that will show if Making popsicles way with Kool-Aid. Then the students understand the stages of stick a popsicle stick in each water. cup. Put all of the cups in the freezer and leave them until Bloom’s Taxonomy: This activity the next day. Then, the next is very fun for the students. day, the students can observe what happened with the Kool- Aid overnight after being in the freezer. Then the students may eat their popsicle. Applications Have the students give Learning modalities theory: The examples of the different students will demonstrate their Create a list. stages of water and you, as the knowledge of what they learned by teacher, write them down in 3 telling you the different examples of columns (solid, liquid, gas) on the water forms. a big piece of paper hanging on the chalkboard. After the Multiple Intelligences: This columns are filled, discuss the activity allows visual learners uses of each form of water something to look at to get a better from the examples given in understanding of the three forms the list. of water. Assessments I will collect the students’ Constructivism theory: By looking at TQPDAC’s that they made these activities, you will understand Collecting the with a partner. This will be who has a grasp of the water stages Activities scored as a credit/no credit and who does not. assignment. If they did it, they will earn credit. I will also collect the drawing of the 3 stages of water. The criteria for this activity will be as follows: The student must label the stage of water in each of their three drawings. He/She must have an understanding of each stage and must draw a picture of an example of each of the stages. There will be a possibility of earning 35 points on this assignment; 10 points for each stage with a matching drawing and 5 points for creativeness. Handouts and The book and the ice Multiple Intelligences Theory: Visual Aids cube/boiling water experiment Some students who are visual Book were both visual aids to help learners may need these visual aids Ice cubes and boiling the students to understand the to help them learn rather than just water stages of water. hearing the teacher explain. Katie Thomas Technology Lesson Plan (810) 531-6774/ [email protected] “Diving Into the Freshwater” Grades 3-5 Materials: 2-3 different freshwater animals in a jar with freshwater Access to computers Construction paper Index cards Markers Large roll of blue paper Glue</p><p>References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_freshwater_aquarium_fish_species </p><p>Science Processing Skills: Observing, Classifying, Communicating, Inferring, Interpreting Data, Constructing Models</p><p>MCF and Science Topic: Strand I, CS 1, E1: Generate questions based on observations. Strand III, CS 2, E1: Compare and classify organisms</p><p>Lesson Objective: This lesson will allow students to discover the different types of plants and animals that live in freshwater.</p><p>Key Question: What animals live in freshwater?</p><p>Back Up Plan: If the technology part of my lesson plan happens to not work on the day that I am teaching this lesson, we will have to postpone the lesson to the next day. The technology part of my lesson plan is very important and there is no other way the students would receive that information about the freshwater animals, other than on the website. Engage Activity Bring in a few different Inquiry method: Freshwater animal freshwater animals and Showing the class the different interaction present them to the class. Find freshwater animals allows them to Ask key question. out if the students know what start thinking about what types of each animal is and then ask animals live in freshwater. what the animals all have in common. Then ask key question: “What animals live in freshwater?” Exploring Activity Students will work with 3 Inquiry method/Constructivism Create list of other students whom they theory: questions are sitting with to create a Researching the freshwater animals Research freshwater list of questions they have gets students wondering and asking animal on computer about what animals live in more questions and also it is a hands saltwater and why. on type of activity that they can Have the students each go to explore. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L ist_of_freshwater_aquarium_f Higher Order Thinking: ish_species. They will read Students will need to use their this page and then each higher order thinking skills to student will chose a specific come up with the list of questions freshwater animal to research. about freshwater animals. Have the students click on their animal that they wish to Cooperative Learning: research and jot down some The students will be working in notes on a piece of paper. groups of 4 to create their list of Give them about 25 minutes questions; therefore cooperative to do this activity. learning is being used. Processing Activity When they are done Multiple intelligences theory: Creating your researching their specific This activity allows students who are freshwater animal. animal, have them go back to more tactile/kinesthetic learners to their desks with construction apply what they know by creating a paper, an index card, and saltwater animal of their own rather markers. Each student will than just reading about it. then create their freshwater animal that they researched using the construction paper and markers. On the index card, they will write what their animal is and 2-3 facts about their animal. Further On a roll of blue paper, have Brain based theory: Investigation each student come to the front By sharing what they learned with Creating a freshwater of the classroom one by one the rest of the class, you as a teacher habitat. and glue their animal on the will be able to see what they have piece of paper. They will read learned from this activity. Also, the the index card to the class to rest of the class will learn more share what they have learned about the other animals by hearing about that animal. The index the facts from their other classmates. card should be glued right next to the animal that they made. After all of the students have done this, the class will have their very own freshwater habitat to hang in the classroom. Applications Students will work on this Brain based theory/inquiry method: Worksheet worksheet individually. Applies the students’ knowledge of Pass out the freshwater what they learned. animals worksheet to students and allow them a few minutes to work on it. If they do not complete the worksheet in those few minutes, they will take it home and complete it as homework. Assessments Collect the worksheet from Constructivism theory: Collecting the each student and also grade By looking at these activities you activities. the construction paper will understand who has a grasp on freshwater animals/index freshwater animals and who does cards. The worksheet must not. By looking at the worksheet and have the correct answers. If index cards for each of the animals the student created a that were created you can see if the freshwater animal, he/she will students researched the website like receive all of the points for they were supposed to. that portion of the activity. For the index cards, if the students wrote down at least 2 facts about their animal, they will receive all of the points for that activity. Handouts and The website was a great visual Multiple Intelligences Theory: Visual Aids aid to help the students Some students who are visual website research their freshwater learners may need these visual aids animal and also the pictures of to help them learn rather than just the animals on the website hearing the teacher explain. gave them a better understanding of what the animal looked like for when the students created their own freshwater animals. Name: Katey Tindall-Phelps</p><p>Type of Lesson: Technology</p><p>Contact Information: 248-895-3584 or [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: What does water do for you? Grade Level: 4th or 5th grade</p><p>Materials: A bottle filled with water, a couple pieces of white poster board and then word cards with the uses of water printed on them.</p><p>References: http://www3.iptv.org/exploremore/water/uses/use_drinking_water.cfm</p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF: Lesson Objective: The The students will be using MCF II, CS 1, E1 children will be able to their observing, (awareness) orally state all the uses of classifying, inferring and water. They will also be formulating questions MCF I, CS 1, E1 able to describe the skills. (questions, observations) importance of water.</p><p>Key Question: How important is water to the Earth and to you? Task Description Theories/Methods Engage Activity I will place a bottle filled Inquiry-this activity gets with water on a table in the the children thinking about The bottle of water as front of the room and I will what is in the bottle. They lesson starter. ask the students to tell me also begin to brainstorm what it is. Once they say about all the different jobs “water”, I will then ask water has. them for all uses they think water has. I will write all Higher Order Thinking-the the responses on the board children are in the lower so we can make it into a levels of this and I am Key Question: How list. There are many looking for knowledge and important is water to the answers but the one I want comprehension. Earth and to you? to make sure they say is that they need water to survive. </p><p>Exploring Activities The children will be Inquiry-the students have working on the computers named the different uses Computer Time at this time. They are and now I am asking them allowed to work with to explore theses thoughts partners. I will provide a little bit further. Some them with this website- students have their own http://www3.iptv.org/explo thoughts and some may not remore/water/uses/use_dri be to sure as to what some nking_water.cfm of the uses are. This is a There are different links on great activity to help them the side of the page and I learn the uses. would like them to read each link. Each link Constructivism- since the discusses a little more in children are using the depth the uses of water. computers it is a hands on This is a good website lesson. They can visually because there are some see on the monitor the bigger words that the different links of the uses children may not know, but and they are able to read on if they click on them a their own about each own. glossary pops up with the There are also pictures in pronunciation and the each article to give them a definition. better idea as to what it really is. Processing Activities After the lesson I will ask Cognitive Development- the children to write in the children are using their Journal Time their journals about we accommodation and have discussed as well as assimilation skills to group any facts they found on the all the different uses websites that they think is together. They are interesting. I want them to modifying old schemas as pick their favorite use of well as creating new ones. water and explain why. How does this particular use relate to their everyday life? Could they survive without it?</p><p>I will give them about 15 minutes to reflect on their thoughts before I ask them to put their journals away and we move on to the next task.</p><p>Further Investigation After they have reflected Constructivism- Instead of on all the uses, I will put the students just listening them into groups of about to me lecture about each Group Work 5 to 6 people. Each group use they are able to figure will get one of the uses of it out themselves. water and it will be their job to go back to that Brain Based Learning-The website I provided, children will find it more http://www3.iptv.org/explo fun to interpret the remore/water/uses/use_dri information on their own nking_water.cfm and draw the pictures of And they will write a short each use. It might be paragraph about that use easier for some students to that can be shared in front remember the uses if they of the class. I also want can associate it with a them to draw me a picture picture drawn by a fellow as to what that use looks classmate. like. Applications After each group has Higher Order Thinking-the finished their picture and children are recalling the paragraph we will come knowledge that they have Class Presentations back together as a class. I just learned at computer will tape the poster boards time. Since each group has to the wall in the front of drawn a picture and we are the room. Each group will putting them all together, come up separately and tell our finished poster makes the class all about the use for a great visual aid for of water they looked at. the students. They will be They will tape their picture able to look to this poster if to the poster board and I they are having difficulty will put the name card recalling any of the uses under it of water use it that we have talked about. portrays.</p><p>Assessment I will collect each students I plan on displaying all of journal so I am able to read the work that the students Collect the work what they think about all accomplished during this the different uses of water. lesson they will be I will also collect the reminded of their hard paragraph each group work as well as what they wrote and display them have learned. This helps next to the poster that we with their cognitive made. development, brain based learning, and the multiple intelligences. Visual Aids are a MUST! Handouts and Visual The chart with the words Multiple Intelligences- Aids matched up is an excellent Some children are visual visual aid that I will post learners and having the on the wall so the children posters on the wall will are reminded of all the remind them of these uses of water. Their issues instead of me telling paragraphs that each group them over and over again. wrote will also be displayed. I also plan on putting up a poster that has a picture of a glass of water and has a few facts about why it is so important and necessary to drink eight glasses of water a day. Name: Katey Tindall-Phelps</p><p>Type of Lesson: Centers/Stations</p><p>Contact Information: 248-895-3584 or [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: Is it an ocean or lake…let’s go exploring together! Grade Level: 4th grade</p><p>Materials: Mister Seahorse book, Four different stations, computers, ocean artifacts, ocean fact sheets, river books, station worksheets, station rule sheets, poster board, colored markers, plant and animal worksheets</p><p>References: Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle http://mbgnet.mobot.org/fresh/lakes/index.htm http://members.aol.com/jtankard/ocean/oceanfacts.html</p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF: Lesson Objective: The students will be using MCF I, CS 1, E 1 (generate The students will be able their observing, questions) define each different type classifying, formulating MCF II, CS 1, E 4 of body of water. They hypotheses, and (awareness of world) will be able to classify and formulating questions MCF III, CS 5, E 3 determine where different skills. (living things) living things belong.</p><p>Key Question: What is the difference between the various bodies of water on Earth?</p><p>Task Description Theories/Methods Engage I will start the class by gathering all the Inquiry- by asking the Activity children in a reading circle in the reading questions before the corner. I will introduce the book Mister story the children minds Read book Seahorse by Eric Carle. I will ask if anyone begin to think while the knows what a seahorse is? Where do they live? story is being read. Key Question: Then I will read the book aloud to the children. What is the After I am finished I will ask the children if the Higher Order Thinking- difference know where seahorses live now? Could he live The children are having between the in a lake? A river? A sea? A ocean? Do you to recall previous various bodies know the difference between any of these knowledge skills. of water on different types of bodies of water? These are Earth? all questions we are going to answer today in our stations. I will then ask the students to return to their desk and wait for further instructions.</p><p>Exploring During this time the class will be divided into Inquiry-the students Activities pairs. There will be four different stations set will be formulating up in different spots of the classroom. They their own ideas and Stations will be titled-Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, and Seas. questions during some Each student will be given a worksheet that has of the stations. these titles on it. There will be questions that have to fill in about each different station. Higher Order Thinking- Each station will have a different activity that The students will be will help the students learn the differences. using their classifying Since the students will be in pairs after they and defining skills at finish the station they will sit down and fill in each station. the spaces on the worksheets and discuss with their partner what they learned while they wait Brain Based and for the next station to become available. For Multiple Intelligences- the Lake station, there will be a computer with Each station is slightly this website on it- different so they are http://mbgnet.mobot.org/fresh/lakes/index.htm geared towards different There are many links on the side bars that have types of learning styles. different topics regarding information about lakes. At the River station there will be a few different educational books that describe rivers. At the Ocean station there will be many different types of artifacts that you find at an ocean. Examples would be seashells, sand, shark teeth etc. There will also some information sheets that talk about oceans. At the Sea station I will have the students using the TQPDEC. I want them to come up with their own ideas and then they will have an opportunity to research their ideas on the computers. Processing The students will write in their Science Cognitive Activities journals about what they learned during Development- the stations. I would like them to write down the children are using their Journal Time definition of each body of water that was accommodation and talked about as well as two interesting and fun assimilation skills to facts that they learned about each. group the different types of bodies of water into new categories.</p><p>Further After journal time we will come back together Constructivism- The Investigation as a class and share our interesting facts. I plan students will be on discussing all the differences that we exploring their own learned today at the stations. If there are still knowledge that they Individual any questions we will answer them together. have just acquired in Work Time After we have discussed each different body of order to answer the water I will then give them a worksheet that worksheet questions. has different types of animals and plants on it. I want them to tell me according to their research which plant or animal belongs where.</p><p>Applications The class will then be divided up into four Brain Based Learning- different groups. Each group will receive a The children will find it poster board and some markers. I will then more fun and more assign a different body of water to each group. rewarding to interpret Once they have received their topic I would the information on their like them to make a poster all about that one own and make posters type. I would like them to be creative and use with their classmates. the fun and interesting facts they learned at each station. These poster will be displayed on Multiple Intelligences- the walls and used as references throughout Creating and hanging this unit. the posters will help some of the children who are visual learners.</p><p>Cooperative Learning- The students will be working in groups and working together to make their posters. Assessment I will collect each students paper and check I plan on displaying all what they have written down. I want to make of the work that the Collect Papers sure they got the right facts for each different students accomplished station. I will use a simple grading system. If during this lesson they they did it and the answers were right they will will be reminded of receive a “good job” or “nice work”. their hard work as well Something along those lines. If their work is as what they have unsatisfactory or incorrect, I will write the learned. This helps correct responses on the paper and write with their cognitive “needs more work” or comments along those development, brain lines. I want the students to have the right based learning, and the information since it is very likely that they will multiple intelligences. be tested on it in the future. Visual Aids are a The posters will also be displayed in the MUST! classroom and as a daily reminder.</p><p>Handouts and The posters that we make will be displayed on Multiple Intelligences- Visual Aids the walls for visual aids so the students can be Some children are reminded of what we learned. visual learners and having the posters on There are two handouts-stations worksheet and the wall will remind animal worksheet. them of these issues instead of me telling them over and over again. Name: Katey Tindall-Phelps</p><p>Type of Lesson: Children’s book</p><p>Contact Information: (248) 895-3584/ [email protected]</p><p>Lesson Title: What lies beneath? Grade Level: 3rd grade</p><p>Materials: The Seashore Book by Charlotte Zolotow, a shoebox for each child, a lot of colored paper, scissors, glue, markers or crayons, sand and seashells</p><p>References: Zolotow, Charlottle (1991) The Seashore Book. HarperCollins Publishers</p><p>Science Process Skills: MCF: Lesson Objectives: I The students will be using MCF 1, CS 1, E expect the students to learn their classifying, MCF 2, CS 4, E what animals can live communicating, under water. At the end of constructing models and this lesson they will have formulating questions their own habitat shoebox skills. of the ocean that they can always refer to .</p><p>Key Question: What do you think lives in the ocean?</p><p>Task Description Theories/Methods Engage Activity: The Since some children have Visuals aids are used to Seashore Book never been to the ocean I help get the children’s would have a soundtrack minds going. This playing of waves crashing and help’s their cognitive all the sounds of the ocean. development Then I would plan on reading the book to the students to get Key Question: What do their minds thinking about the you think lives in the ocean. I want them to either ocean? remember what the ocean is like if they have been there and if they haven’t been to the ocean I want them to try and imagine what they think it would be like. </p><p>Exploring Activities: Start a discussion with the Inquiry method is used children about what they can in this step because the remember or what they know children are allowed to about the ocean and what explore their own lives in there. thoughts and ideas. Processing Activities: The students will write in Inquiry- children are their journals about what the given a chance to class discussed during our process their own exploring activity. As well as thoughts as well as the add in their own thoughts. thoughts from the class. Brain Based-Children remember certain things when they can tie things together. Further Investigation: Each student will receive a Constructivism- Make your own Habitat shoe box and there will Children are able to supplies up at the front such make their own models as the colored paper and of the ocean. They can markers. Put the shoebox on express themselves its side and put the lid through their project. underneath and glue it so it It’s all hands on! will stand upright. Using the supplies provided create your own ocean habitat. This is a chance for the child to express themselves in their own way with how they create their box. Applications: Group the children into Multiple Intelligences- Communicating with peers groups of two or three and the children can have the students explain to verbalize and use the other people in their group visuals to explain their how they made their project thinking. and explain why they think this is how the ocean looks. Assessments: Collect everyone’s habitat and Cognitive Collect finished projects put them on display so all the Development- children other students can see each have visuals aids and others work. they are give then the chance to see the other students work.</p>
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