Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 10-8-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 08, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1977 Volume 59, Issue 35 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 08, 1977." (Oct 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. St".K...... Though some welcomed the picketing Bill Badgett. a janitor walking the picket ••• sw.. Pounds as a change of pace from their normal line at the comer of Oakland and SUff Writers . jobs, many others said they'd rather be Chautauqua Ave., said. Amid onn-ast skies and brisk tem· working instead of puttin~ in the four to Jewell Breeze, Evelyn Robbins. and peratures. striking building service eight hours a day necessary to maintain Amy Ballard took up the position at workers and security 'JOlice officers the around-the·dock strike lines set up Park and Wall Streets at 9 a m Fridav braved the elements Friday in their by the two striking unions. The women agreed that. for the moSt Wet picketers sometimes 1000ely. sometimes wet vigil Even so, nearly all said theY were part, passers-by had been supportive of to maintain picket lines at 20 locations prepared to man the picket lines for the strike. across campus. whatever time it will take before their "We only Rot the finger once. " said the "It's not an enjoyable thing standing demands are met and the stnkes are 59-year-old Breeze. a building service keeping cool settled. worker on noors 11-14 at Schneider Hall ~~~:.c:::,:;=;:tla°: ::!:o~~ Some walked alone or sat in their cars "I'd rather be working than be 001 Douglas Drive and Illinois 13. or trucks on the outskirts of campus. here." Robbins. another Schneider Hall during vigil Heavy jackets, raincoats and plastic. Others stood in pairs or groups of three worker. said. sheeting were standard equipment as they spoke to each other and to "We've seen riots. tear gas. and I10W alongside the familiar "On Strike" curh,us pi1s'Iers-by, waving at the this." saId Ballard, 8 worker at Mae placards as workers lunched on ham­ motori!ds who honked their horns as Smith Tower. burgers, sandwiches from home or they drove ~:. Alvin Boone. a Seelv Hall worker donuts passed out by other union "We talk aOout the administration, stood guard at the ('orne-r of \';dl>~;ngtoo members or support.". and you know we talk about Brandt ... (Continued on Poge 2) 'Town-Qown~tion Daily 'Egyptian Saturday. October., 1977··Vol. 59. No. 35 Southern Illinois University Janitors would ignore injunction order Editor's ~: The fotlowi"9 story was during the strike. written by stoff writers Mark ~dgor. Virgil Trommer. director of the Jean Neu and Andris Straumanis. Security Office. Friday referred all ...... questions about the strike to the Striking custodians would not obey any court order forcing tMln bKk to University News Service. work nen if it means going to jail. the Gene Charleton of the news service custodians' union president said Friday. reported that Trummer said the Meanwhile. the union steward for the st~~ will "assist any place we need 'S1 striking Uni\lel'Sity policemen said them. Cbarleton said Trummer em­ ~ phasized that the students involved are Friday that if the SIU administratiOll does gft an injunciOll against the strike experienced police officers who are the police wiU return to their jobs. The furthering their education at SIU. been steward. Police Officer John Jud.'IOD. The Security Office has also promised assistance, in eme~encies. said that defying an in~tion "would (rom both the Carbondale Police =:::"~te level of defying what you Departmf"nt and Jackson County sheriff. office. --~~~Ii~==~~f~~ if.~ power~~ctz:===~ plant .. cam.,... duriJqr t(Nt strike occurs. strike.... As of Friday aftemoon, however. no The striking police are asking for the word of an injunction had been received. same contract benefits whICh SIU­ The 200 building service workers who Edwardsville police are getting. Those walked off the job Thursday will con­ benefits include tinue to pit-ket. about 20 campus en­ -S1t'·E police receive an average of trances until wage demands for a new SlUO per hour, while SaJ-C gets an contract with an 11 per cent raise have average of 15.61 an hour. been met, Hollis Harrison, president of -SIU-E gives longevity be~~ts. while Building Service Workers Local 316 said. SIU-C does not. After five years in thfo Harrison also said the refu.'lal of other dt-partment an Edward:!;ville off:('er unions to cross the picket lint'S and the receivt'S $-l16 more than when he star­ walkout of University police strengthens ted. After ten years he receivl'S S8:tz the custodians' strike stand. mort'. and after 15 vears the figure "We're iust Itoing to stay out until they jumps to SI.248 more - . come to us and talk to us," Harrison ·-Sn'.E givl'S extra pa~' for offIcers said. "We'd just go to jail." who have college d~n~es Sll'-C' does The custodians asked for the 11 per not. An Edwardsville officer who ha~ a cent pay increase, which would amount two-year associate degree receives $4ll> to about 50 to 55 cents an hour, but the II v ..ar more while an officer who has a University offered 5 per cent. about Z; bii'CheICl'S dewee gets 1600 more a year cents. The custodians IIO'W make about -SlU-E pays a sli~htly. higher wage 15 an hour. for second and third shirt employes. Harrison said no new ~ontr.ct while Carbondale does not. Ed­ negotiations between striking employes wardsville officers who work on the late and thP. University have been scheduled afternoon and evening shift get 10 cents Indicating that the workers would ~ more an hour and officers who work patient and wait out the strike, Harrison during lhe night receive 20 cents an hour added, "Some time or another. the administration will have to talk to m~fl'all. says the union. SlU-E of­ somebodv." fICerS are paid from 16 to ~ ~r cent The ,~licemen. members of the more than Carbondale UR!verslty Teamsters union Local 347. went QUt on ' strike at II p.m. Thursday after a ~~ said the union has received no unanimous vole at a union met!ling. The Universitv administration regarding strikers include tbe Security Office's negotiations during the strike. f'Iltire street fon:e. Charleton also said that no word has HudsOll. who was in Springfield come from the administration. Thunda.... said die strike vote came after state officials told uniOllleaders no money is available for pay raises. gus "We had faith in SprinKfieid. .. Hudson said. "We got shot down." Whit. uniOll policemen are picketing. 'Bode their jobs are being done ~ supervisors and members of the Saluki Patrol. The Saluti Patrol consists 01 student ir,ltems -.:~ whose main regular duty includes b'llm~ Weathering 0 ,,,Ik. can be tauP going• ....-101" If tt. weothw HMIf refUMS to c:ontrol and foot patrol. cooperate. Almost cClftlls-.m rain ,Ince ... ear" Thundor morning walkout has 1be Security Office has accepted an Gus says the cops' .trlke Is Ni"9 sup­ pIogued cUftodionl I•• lilt ~". ,.ted at tt. corner 01 II........ onct Mill offer from some students in the ad­ poned unanl...-.Iy '" the Brotherhood millistram. 01 justice pn>gram to assist til Burglars. LocoIl01. Streetl. Vet It appears that spirits NtMin ""'.11 ....... onct ... strlk. continuel. Outside unions honor picket lines; service slowed Members of two lD1ions Friday began picket lines but Clarence "Doc" United Parcel ServlcelUPS) drivers Other unions ~IU" services in thE' honoring picket lines set up by striking Dougherty. director of campus services, stopped making deliveries to Centra) Carbondale area have indicated that custodians and University policemen. said Thursday that the University has a Receiv;ng docks Thursday. but cen­ they wiD not honor pidret lines. 'Jnion plumbers and pipefitters sufficient suWly of coal to keep heati~ tinue~ to deliver parcels to students John Manis. president Qf !·AlCall961 of .",.-king on the new School of Technica) and air r.ondltioning in operation for living in campus residence halls, RfI!'! the International Association of Fire Careers (STC) building near the Arena about 30 daYS. Orr, UPS supervisor said. Central Fighters, says that the Carbondale FirE' began honoring picket lines Friday. Construction work on both the src site Receiving receives mOISt dellvenes for Department win continue to respond to Hollis Harrison, president of the striking and the (Nlrking lot near the Recreation the campus. alarms OD campus ID1Iess fire fi~hters Building Services Employes Union building began to be slowed Thursday as UPS drivers are members 01 Tt'am­ are told otMrvii!ll! by the union's in· Local 316 said Thursdav. three constructioo unions honored picket sters Local 710 in Chicago. A union ternational headquarters. In addition. severa'-trucklt mcailing lines. worker in that office, .ho declined to Frosty Cummmgs, director of thE' deliveries to the University turned back Membt'rs of the electricians', give his Mme, said that the Local has no Jackson County Ambulance Service. before entering the campus as union operating engineers' and laborers' official plans for dealing .ith the says that ambulances win continue to drivers honored picket lines at campus lD1ions workitag at both sites did not strikes.
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