<p> Orcas Daycare Association and Kaleidoscope do not KALEIDOSCOPE* discriminate in employment practices and client services on 2011-2012 the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, marital PARENT HANDBOOK status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, class, age, religion or disability. (def.) kaleidoscope n., from the Greek. kal (s) = beautiful + scope; ...continually changing symmetrical patterns.</p><p>Dear Parents, Thank you for registering your child at * A note about our origin: In 1991 KALEIDOSCOPE Kaleidoscope. We are located at 1292 North Beach Road, evolved from a grass roots effort in the Orcas Island approximately 1/4 mile north of Mt. Baker Road. community to fulfill a critical need for child care. Orcas Please read this handbook carefully and keep it for Daycare Association is a non-profit organization providing future reference. It contains valuable information about the framework for the Kaleidoscope program. our program, communication, closures, activities, health & Kaleidoscope, and the community's children, will thrive with safety, parental involvement, registration information and your support, ideas and donations. We welcome any and all financial procedures. Should you have any questions or support you, our community, can give. concerns, feel free to call or drop by during business PROGRAMS hours. For longer conferences, please schedule an Kaleidoscope is in operation from 7:30 am to 6:00 appointment with the Director. pm, Monday through Friday, year-round. We are licensed to serve children between 1 month and 12 years old. Phone number: 376-2484 Kaleidoscope follows Washington State Licensing Fax number: 376-2486 Requirements from Department of Early Learning for Child Mailing address: P.O. Box 1476 Care Centers, Chapter 388-295 Washington Administrative Eastsound, WA 98245 Code (WAC). Physical Address: 1292 North Beach Road We offer a variety of programs, depending on the Email address: [email protected] community need, financial viability of each program and Website: www.ourkaleidoscopekids.org enrollment. Childcare: Childcare is available for all children 1 month to MISSION STATEMENT 12 years old, Monday through Friday, 7:30am-6pm, in The mission of KALEIDOSCOPE is to provide safe, conjunction with the programs scheduled. Families affordable, high-quality, consistent childcare and preschool determine the days and times needed by returning their while supporting Orcas Island families. monthly schedule, at least 1 week prior to the start of the new month NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Infant Care; 1-12 months (approximately) Our infant classroom provides children with a nurturing trained, verbal, sense of independence, social awareness, no environment in which each baby is encouraged to follow nap (for example). ). Our staff:child ratio is 1:7. their individual schedule. Grown-ups are required to Preschool; 3-5 years (approximately) provide clothing, disposable diapers, formula (if different Our preschool classroom is open during regular business than that provided by center) and clean bottles WITH hours, offering a variety of developmentally appropriate LIDS to keep at the center. (Washington State Law). activities. We also offer a formal preschool program Each child will have their own cubby for items to be kept at Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 12:00, school. Each infant will have a completed “Daily Infant September through May. Our classroom environment is Note” highlighting the significant events of your child’s modeled after The Creative Curriculum. We use a day. We emphasize language development, including storybook based curriculum and provide developmentally Spanish and sign language. When your child is appropriate experiences for children ages 30 months to 5 developmentally ready, and space allows, they may years (approximately). Our staff:child ratio during that transition into our Toddler Classroom. Indicators may time is 1:8. include: walking, independent feeding, sitting at table to ECEAP: We participate in the Early Childhood Education eat, napping schedule that matches Toddler Room, ability Assistance (ECEAP) program, which offers free preschool to follow directions (for example). ). Our staff:child ratio to children who qualify. Spaces are limited and awarded to is 1:4. families who qualify, according to ECEAP standards. Toddler Care; 12-30 months (approximately) Contact Ethna at 370-0593 for more information. All toddlers must have changes of clothes (or DSHS/Working Connections: We also support the DSHS, many), a nap snuggly, and disposable diapers (if they use Working Connections Program which will pay childcare fees them). Each child will have their own cubby. Our toddler for working families who qualify financially. Only hours in classroom has designated “centers” your child can visit which all adults of the household are working will be throughout their day; art area, book corner, dramatic play, covered. Families incur a co-pay, determined by the state manipulatives, music, blocks, discovery and outdoor area. guidelines. Apply on-line or call 800-394-4571. You can We also have daily learning center activities lead by the also contact Orcas Family Connections at 376-3184 for teachers. We strive to provide a balance of self-selected assistance with the application and teacher lead experiences with a strong art base. Summer Care: Summer session begins when the public Children will be encouraged to explore their environment school closes in June. A variety of activities will be offered and engage with their peers to promote positive and weekly walking field trips will be planned. Sunscreen is social/emotional development. We also emphasize language applied daily and water play is a must! development, including Spanish and sign language. Before and after school care: The public school bus Classrooms themes change bi-weekly and schedules/lesson stops at our facility to pick up and drop off children in plans will be posted. When your child is developmentally conjunction with the school schedule. ready, and space allows, they may transition into our Family Support: Our family support specialist, through Preschool Classroom. Indicators may include: Potty Orcas Family Connections, can help you get connected to services within our community and state. She is available to assist you with a variety of issues. She can be reached Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and an evening snack will at 376-3184. be provided by Kaleidoscope for all children attending. It ACTIVITIES is not necessary to bring food from home, except formula Keep in mind that at Kaleidoscope our emphasis is not on for infants. Food program requirements will follow the the end product, but on the creative processes and Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) regulations. problem solving skills your children used to get there! We Menus are planned in accordance with USDA guidelines and also emphasize positive social/emotional development. The are posted in our Parent Place. Deviations from that list of possible experiences is limited only by the time require a doctor’s note. Please save special treats for your available. child for times after Kaleidoscope. Our infant classroom provides children with a nurturing ABSENCES environment in which each baby is encouraged to follow Kaleidoscope cannot offer credit for unscheduled their individual schedule. Our toddler and preschool absences. If you notify us no later than 5:00 the business classrooms have designated “centers” your child can visit day before an absence and/or your child is ill, you will not throughout their day; art area, reading loft, dramatic play, be charged. If you call us the day of an absence or neglect manipulatives, music, blocks, discovery and outdoor area. to call us, you will be charged for the full time scheduled. We also have daily learning center activities lead by the Please do not bring your child in more than one hour late teachers. We strive to provide a balance of self-selected without calling first. It is considered a “no show,” your and teacher lead experiences with a strong art base. From space will be filled and you will be charged accordingly. time to time we will have special guests at the center. CELEBRATIONS FIELD TRIPS Kaleidoscope does not practice or promote any specific We will have periodic field trips, using the bountiful religion. When occasions arise involving holidays, resources of our beautiful island. Trips to local farms, the celebrations may take place. Please let us know if you do library, the big school, the grocery store, the fire hall, not want your child to participate. An alternate activity Moran State Park, The Funhouse and beach exploration are will be chosen for your child during that time. but a few of many possibilities. We may even just venture For birthdays, you are welcome to bring a special snack for out for some fresh air by going for a short walk. All field all the children to help celebrate your child's special day. trips that require personal motor vehicles will have Please do not bring party invitations to Kaleidoscope for licensed and insured drivers with seat belts for each child. distribution unless all the children are invited. We can If your child is younger than 8 and shorter than 4’9”, you provide addresses if needed. must provide a car seat. We will notify parents of children TOYS FROM HOME attending in the morning on or before the day of the trip. If your child wishes to bring one nap/rest time toy they For children who attend only in the afternoon, notification are welcome to do so (this is limited to stuffed animal type will be posted at least one day before the trip. During a toys; no "action figures", weapons/war toys, etc.). trip, a note will be posted on the front door. Each preschool child will have designated “Special Days” FOOD when they may bring something special to share with the other children. Items brought for Special Day should have no loose parts that may get lost and are expected to be Please check your parent cubby daily. It may contain shared. If a child is not willing to share, the item will be important things such as schedules, invoices, ouch reports, taken into safe keeping for the rest of the day. Again, no messages, etc. action figures or weapon/war toys, please. Otherwise, PARENT MEETINGS please do not bring toys from home! In the month of September, a mandatory Parent Night will be scheduled in which parents may gather information about the planned curriculum, play developmentally SCHEDULED CLOSURES appropriate games with your child, meet the teachers and Kaleidoscope is closed for the following days: New Year's the other parents. Kaleidoscope will occasionally schedule Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day additional "Parent Nights" to keep you informed of and the Friday after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Kaleidoscope activities, child development topics, and to PARENT PLACE provide a chance for parents to get to know each other Prior to entering your child’s classroom, you will see our better. Look for "Parent Night" information on the parent Parent Place, where pertinent information is posted for board. parents and guardians. Schedules and lesson plans are posted with events that affect you and your child, including our menu. Copies of our Parent Handbook, Financial Information, Health Care Plan, Disaster Response PARENTS’ HELP Handbook, Blood borne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan To keep the cost of childcare as low as possible it is and most recent licensing inspection are available for imperative that parents help with the center. We prefer review. Announcements will also be written on the that parents choose the work they feel best about doing. blackboard next to the classroom door. Things that are essential for the continuation of the We ask that you take your shoes off prior to entering Center are: serving on the Board of Directors, mowing the our Infant and Toddler classrooms, for the sake of our lawn, weed whacking, work parties, making repairs to the littlest folks who spend most of the day on the floor. building, cleaning of the facility, driving on field trips, toy A bench is provided in the hallway to accommodate this assembly, material preparation, helping with fund raisers, request. carpet cleaning, pet care, grocery pick up or other This is where you will sign your child in and out. Remember suggestions you might have. Each parent is required to to sign your child in on the sign-in sheet as you enter. perform one task off the Kaleidoscope Task List posted on Please follow the same procedure when you pick up your the Parent Bulletin Board each month. child, DAILY! State licensing requires that there be a full CHANGES FOR YOUR CHILD legal signature as well as the time a child is signed in or Please communicate to us any changes in your child's life, out of the center. We also request that you provide a daily such as marriages, separations, operations, moving, an contact phone number. Only persons authorized by parents addition to the family, a death in the family, etc., so that or legal guardians, with photo I.D., will be allowed to sign we may work together to help your child through these your child out of the center. transitions. YOUR CONCERNS Immunization records must be complete and on file before If you have any concerns to discuss about your child, feel your child attends Kaleidoscope. Please fill out the free to make an appointment with the Director. immunization form provided and keep it up to date as your Parent/teacher type conferences will be scheduled upon child receives future vaccines. This form must be updated request. You are also welcome to stop in and visit your each September in order to keep our records current. If child anytime, especially lunchtime! you choose an exemption from any or all immunizations, Kaleidoscope is often celebrated in the newspaper so your your child will be excluded from our center during an child may become a local celebrity. We also use their outbreak and you must complete the appropriate state smiling faces on our website. Please let us know, in writing, immunization form, after consulting with a medical if you would rather not have photos of your child made provider. public. PET POLICY HEALTH & SAFETY Pets are a part of our curriculum. We may have cats, fish, For more detailed information, refer to our Health Care rabbits, gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles, birds, Plan, Disaster Response Handbook, and Blood borne insects, etc. at our center at any time. Unfortunately, all Pathogens Exposure Control Plan, available in our Parent of these animals have potential health risks. Ill or hostile Place. For specific health issues, Kaleidoscope will follow pets will be removed. Children are encouraged to help care the San Juan County Public Health recommendations once for and nurture our pets, learning compassion and they are provided in a clear, concise, written manner. responsibility in return. Hand washing is mandatory after All of Kaleidoscope’s staff is trained in First Aid and CPR.. handling animals. ILLNESS ALLERGIES Kaleidoscope cannot care for children who are ill. Both for Please notify us in writing, with doctor support when their sake, and that of others, please help us stop the necessary, of any food or other allergies your child may spread of illness by not bringing your child if she/he have and the reaction of that allergy. exhibits the following symptoms 24 hours before INJURIES attending: fever, earache, rash, sore throat, diarrhea, (1) Minor injuries, such as a scratch on the knee, will be head lice, scabies, pink eye, vomiting, undiagnosed nose, eye comforted and treated as necessary. or ear discharge, or less than 24 hours since starting (2) Parents/emergency contact person will be called antibiotic treatments. If your child becomes ill while regarding non-emergency injuries that appear to require under our care, you or your emergency contact person will medical attention and the child will need to be picked up. be notified and asked to pick him/her up. If the child is If no one can be contacted, the child will be transported to not picked up within 1/2 hour of notification, Kaleidoscope their doctor. staff will take the child to their doctor (at the parent's (3) In the case of a medical emergency, 911 will be called expense). Children that appear to be ill will not be and the parent notified immediately. accepted for care. You will be informed of any minor injuries at the end of IMMUNIZATIONS your child's day, through an ouch report that must be signed and returned. MEDICATIONS Kaleidoscope follows 2 simple rules; Be Safe and Show By state law, Kaleidoscope cannot dispense any medication Respect. Our Kaleidoscope staff models these rules in our to a child (including over-the-counter and prescription classrooms. medications) unless a Medication Authorization Form is We also use indirect guidance techniques, for example; completed and signed by a parent/guardian and/or a -We give time warnings: “5 minutes until cleanup” licensed medical practitioner and on file at Kaleidoscope. -We give choices: “You may paint or look at a book” All medications must come to Kaleidoscope in the original -We have a regular routine: “We always wash hands before container with the prescription/original label attached. lunch” Please give the medication to the Director or staff person -We avoid nagging: We tell the children what we expect in charge (including diaper rash ointment). just once, clarify we were heard, then offer to help CHILD ABUSE through choices The staff of Kaleidoscope is legally bound to report to the -We are consistent: We do things the same way each day Division of Children and Family Services, any suspected so the children know what to expect and learn to trust and child abuse or neglect. Training occurs information is feel safe in their environment available through the director. -We use positive speech: “Walking feet” PARENTAL CUSTODY -We crouch low and make eye contact when communicating If your child does not live with both biological parents we -We continuously examine our expectations to make sure need to know the legal arrangements in writing regarding they are appropriate your child. If you have any concern that an estranged -We avoid power struggles by offering the child choices: parent might take your child without consulting you, please “You can choose a quiet place to calm down or I will help express your concern. you choose” CLOTHING/HYGIENE If that doesn’t work…., we will first remind children of our Expect your child to come home messy! Please make sure classroom rules (if age appropriate). Next, we attempt to your child wears simple, sturdy clothing that they can put reason with the child, emphasizing choices. The child will on by themselves if age appropriate. Shoes must be be given the opportunity to present her/his side. If included in your child's daily attire, if walking. Please necessary, a "time-out" will be used (with the duration of provide jackets when weather threatens. Label all outer "time outs" appropriate to the child's age). The child and garments with your child's name. During summer weather, teacher will problem solve together to avoid future send along a towel and swim clothes for water play. Please misbehavior. Persistent problems will require a parent bring an extra change of clothing (or many) for those conference. Director, staff and parents will work together sometimes inevitable emergencies. If bathroom accidents to find a solution, bringing in additional support if occur, children will be encouraged to be responsible for necessary. their own mess. Kaleidoscope does not practice corporal punishment. BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT REST TIME Infants will follow their own sleep schedule. Please inform us if your child takes naps. We have padded TYPICAL TODDLER DAY floor mats (with removable, washable cloth covers) 7:30 Open/Welcome available during quiet time in our toddler room. All children Self Selected Activities) will have "quiet time" from approximately 1-1:30, which 9:00 Diaper/Potty/Hand washing includes a story time and “reading” with a buddy. 9:15 Family Style Breakfast EMERGENCY CLOSURES 9:45 Circle Time (base book, songs, movement) Power Outages: When the power goes out we will contact 10:00 Group Experience Time OPALCO in order to find out the duration of the outage. 10:45 Outdoor Experiences During winter months (Sept.-March) if the power will be 11:30 Diapers/Potty/Hand washing out for more than 30 minutes, we have to close our facility 11:45 Family Style Lunch due to a lack of lighting and heat. Parents must pick up 12:15 Read Aloud/Nap Prep their children. We will attempt to contact the parents 12:30 Nap Time (potty upon wakeup) first. If they are unavailable, we will call the emergency 2:00 Outdoor Activities contact person on the child’s registration form. It is 2:30 Diapers/Potty/Hand washing important that your child’s emergency contact person 2:45 Family Style Snack understands that a power outage is an emergency and they 3:30 Self-Selected Activities (indoor/outdoor) may be called upon to pick up your child. 5:00 Diapers/Potty/Hand washing Snow Days: We follow the public school snow closures. If 5:15 Evening Snack the Public school is starting late, we will open 30 minutes 6:00 Center Closes prior to their start time. If a heavy snow starts to fall mid-day, the same procedures will be followed as with a power outage. Emergency information can be obtained by calling Kaleidoscope’s voice mail or through local television or TYPICAL KALEIDOSCOPE PRESCHOOL DAY radio. 7:30 Choice Time (Self Selected Activities) IN CASE OF DISASTER 8:30 Preschool Arrival Our first priority is to get the children to a safe location. 8:50 Welcoming Circle (Special Day) In case of a natural disaster that makes our building 9:00 Family Style Breakfast unsafe, we will take the children to the Orcas Elementary 9:30 Circle Time (base book, songs, movement)Outdoor School at 661 School Road, a designated relief area. If at Activities all possible, we will contact you. We also practice monthly 9:45 Learning Centers Fire and Earthquake drills. For more information, refer to 10:30 Choice Time (ECEAP) our Disaster Response Handbook found in our Parent Place. 11:25 Family Style Lunch 11:50 Closing Meeting 12:00 Self Selected Activity 1:00 Nap Time or Quiet Time w/ Read Aloud (book buddies) 2:00 Group Art 3:15 After School Children Arrive Family Style Snack 4:00 Outdoor Activity 4:30 Group Activity/Homework time 5:00 Finish Projects and Quiet Activities 5:30 Evening Snack 6:00 Center Closes</p><p>TYPICAL PRESCHOOL/SCHOOL-AGED KALEIDOSCOPE DAY (during non-school days) 7:30 Choice Time (Self Selected Activities) 8:50 Morning Meeting 9:00 Family Style Breakfast 9:30 Outdoor Activity 10:00 Group Activity 11:30 Family Style Lunch 12:00 Self Selected Activity 1:00 Nap Time or Quiet Time w/ Read Aloud (book buddies) 2:00 Group Art 3:15 Family Style Snack 4:00 Outdoor Activity 4:30 Group Activity/Homework 5:30 Evening Snack 6:00 Center Closes</p>
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