Beresford City Council s7

Beresford City Council s7

<p> Beresford City Council May 18, 2015</p><p>The Beresford City Council met in regular session in the City Library Community Room on May 18, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.</p><p>Members present: Mayor Jim Fedderson presiding, Gerald Dahlin, Tom Erickson, Gary Lambert, Art Schott, Teresa Sveeggen and Dan Williams. </p><p>Also present: Kathy Moller, Finance Officer, Jerry Zeimetz, City Administrator and Tom Frieberg, City Attorney.</p><p>Absent: None. </p><p>Adopt Agenda: Motion by Erickson, seconded by Lambert to adopt the agenda, motion carried.</p><p>Minutes: Erickson made the motion to approve the May 4, 2015 Council Minutes seconded by Sveeggen. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Public Forum and Visitors Tim Farley – downtown sidewalk concerns: Farley addressed the Council on the status of the downtown sidewalks. Farley was advised that the property owner was responsible for the sidewalk only, not the curb and gutter. He was encouraged to meet with other business owners and discuss hiring one contractor for the entire job. The project completion deadline is June 10, 2015. Code Enforcer Fillingsness asked that if they can’t complete the project by the deadline date to wait until after June 15, 2015 to avoid construction during Wheels N’ Squeals. </p><p>Katie Johnson – Swimming Pool Committee: Swimming Pool Committee President Katie Johnson distributed a handout explaining the history on the pool. Council gave Johnson approval to submit a pool history article to the Beresford Republic. Pool Committee Secretary Lisa Keith presented photos of a proposed facility and explained the suggested layout along with probable construction costs. Katie Johnson discussed methods of payments. The committee would like to create a Capital Campaign and appoint Brendyn Richards as the leader. Richards submitted a fundraising timeline. Lisa Keith explained a survey that will be inserted in the June utility bills and an online survey will also be available. Motion by Erickson, seconded by Schott to approve the survey with the exception of removing the increased utility rates option and change temporary property tax increase to bonds. Dahlin amended the motion to say general obligation bonds. Erickson withdrew his motion. Sveeggen moved to approve the survey with removing the increased utility rates comment and adding potential tax increase, Dahlin seconded. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Capital Campaign Cabinet: Williams made the motion, seconded by Sveeggen, to approve the following Swimming Pool Committee recommendations with the exception of rewording section C. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. a. The committee recommends construction of a new municipal swimming pool as generally shown on conceptual site plan version #7, located at the existing pool site, at a present base cost of approximately $2,565,000.00 plus add alternative options valued at $200,000.00 Unless the Beresford Area Pool Committee sees fit to choose another alternative which has not yet been provided by Burbach Aquatics, INC. b. The Committee recommends funding this project by a combination of a major capital campaign and use of reserved earnings. c. The committee recommends establishment of a Capital Campaign Cabinet so that fundraising may begin to fund the project. d. The committee recommends authorizing Burbach Aquatics, INC to complete Phase I, Step 5 service by assisting with said capital campaign Page 1 of 4 e. The committee recommends a tentative start of construction on or about August 1, 2016 so that the Beresford Area Pool can be opened during the summer of 2017. f. The committee recommends authorizing the Beresford Pool Committee to continue to be proactive throughout the building of the new pool until turnkey ready.</p><p>Dept. Head Reports Jay Nordquist – MRES meeting update: Nordquist updated Council on the recently attended MRES meeting. They discussed security and protection for the substations. </p><p>Surplus High Pressure Sodium Lights: Nordquist noted that the Electric Dept. has high pressure sodium lights that are no longer being used. Erickson made the motion to declare the 150 high pressure sodium lights surplus for scrap, Dahlin seconded. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Committee/Mayor Reports: Mayor Fedderson asked the Public Safety Committee consisting of Council Members Sveeggen, Dahlin and Lambert meet and report back at the June 15, 2105 Council Meeting.</p><p>New Business Lifeguard reimbursement for certification fees: Lambert moved to adopt the Lifeguard contract to compensate up to $200.00 for WSI and LGT training at the end of the summer season. Schott seconded, all present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Pay request #1 and #2 for GA Johnson – FEMA Storm Shelter/Bathhouse: Motion by Erickson, seconded by Schott to authorize pay request #1 of $23,860.20 to GA Johnson for the FEMA Storm Shelter/Bathhouse. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.</p><p>Motion by Lambert, seconded by Schott to authorize pay request #2 of $45,600.00 to GA Johnson for the FEMA Storm Shelter/Bathhouse. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried.</p><p>Pay request #1 for T & R Contracting – SD Hwy 46 Utility Improvements: Motion by Sveeggen, seconded by Dahlin to authorize pay request #1 of $338,105.48 to T & R Contracting for the SD Hwy 46 utility improvements. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Ordinance 2015-03 – An Ordinance amending the Municipal Ordinance by adding Chapter 9.07, Rental Housing: Code Enforcer Geoff Fillingsness asked for Council approval to amend Ordinance 2015-03. After discussing at length the first reading of Ordinance 2015-03 was held and kept on file at City Hall. </p><p>Review bids for surplus property – 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe: Zeimetz stated that two bids were received for the 2010 Chevrolet Tahoe. Motion by Lambert, seconded by Sveeggen to approve the high bid of $2,650.00 from Kendall Monson. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>Approval of Travel Requests: A motion to approve the following travel requests was made by Dahlin, seconded by Erickson. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. Lewis & Clark Regional Water System Annual Meeting, Tea, May 28, Mayor & Council, Moller SDML Human Resource and Finance Officer School, Pierre, June 9-12, Moller, Zeimetz</p><p>Page 2 of 4 2015 Employee Wages for Publication: In accordance with SDCL 6-1-10, the annual publishing of salaries for all officers and employees of the municipality budgeted for 2015 include:</p><p>Department Heads wages effective 01-01-2015: City Administrator, Jerry Zeimetz, $84,718/annual salary; Finance Officer, Kathy Moller, $68,411/annual salary; Telephone Supt., Todd Hansen, $83,034/annual salary; Electric Supt., Jay Nordquist, $80,059/annual salary; Parks/Golf Course Supt., Kelly Knutson, $52,645/annual salary; Event Center/Clubhouse Mgr., Mike Conklin $41,829/annual salary; Street/Water/Sewer Supt., Bill Sebern, $29.85/hr.; Police Chief, Larry Christensen, $24.57/hr.; Liquor Store Manager, Denise Akland, $19.54/hr.; Head Librarian, Jane Norling, $20.42/hr.</p><p>Full Time Employee wages effective 01/01/2015: Street/Water/Sewer, Keith Kropuenske, $22.41/hr.; Street/Water/Sewer, Cameron Voegeli, $20.38/hr.; Street/Water/Sewer, Jeff Heidebrecht, $20.26/hr.; Police Officer, David Steckelberg, $21.68/hr.; Police Officer, Nicholas Fahlberg, $18.06/hr.; Police Officer John Krebs, $18.61/hr.; Finance Assistant, Elaine Johnson, $18.49/hr.; Finance Assistant, Patti Bickett, $18.43/hr.; Finance Assistant, Renee Goltz, $14.70/hr.; Lead Electric Lineman, Andrew Eidem, $30.25/hr.; Electric Lineman, Joe Knutson, $27.60/hr.; Electric Lineman, Daniel Goeden, $27.58/hr.; Central Office Tech, Dean Jacobson, $31.02/hr.; Cable Technician, Ted Lyle, $28.31/hr.; Internet/Telephone Tech, Rob VanBallegooyen, $28.31/hr.; Telephone Tech., Jerry Antonson, $20.45/hr.; Billing/Customer Service, Beth Rasmussen, $43,971/annual salary; Assistant GC Supt., Greg Bates, $34,736/annual salary; Event Center/Clubhouse Asst., Anthony Laurvick, $34,674/annual salary, Asst. Librarian/ 80% Status, Barb Geyer, $12.91/hr.</p><p>Part-time Employee wages effective 01/01/2015: City Hall Custodial, Patti Bickett, $11.19/hr.; Street/Water/Sewer, Dan Andre, $15.68/hr.; Street/Water/Sewer, Milo Twedt, $15.00/hr.; Parks, Tyler Lewison, $12.00/hr.; Golf Course, Kory Diefendorf, $9.25/hr.; Golf Course, Mark Bidne $9.00/hr.; Golf Course, Jason Strand, $9.25/hr.; Golf Course, Greg Peterson, $9.00/hr.; Parks, Chris Kropuenske, $8.75/hr.; Parks, Bailey Nelson, $8.75/hr.; Liquor Store, Rick Akland, $9.73/hr.; Liquor Store, Brian Ivarsen, $9.82/hr.; Liquor Store, Donald Jervik, $8.83/hr.; Liquor Store, Dayton Saugstad, $8.64/hr.; Liquor Store, Janel Tolsma, $8.64/hr.; Police Officer, Joshua Bridenstine, $16.00/hr.; Police Officer, Andrew Minihan, $16.00/hr.; Police Officer, Loren Miller, $16.00/hr.; Meter Reader, Harold Vostad, $12.00/hr.; Meter Reader, Larry Pravecek, $15.00/hr.; Rubble Site, Tom Cotton, $10.89/hr.; Recycling Center, Wayne Akland, $10.42/hr.; Recycling Center, Harold Vostad, $10.25/hr.; Recycling Center, Danny Bovill, $11.00/hr.; Library Custodial, Geri Fitzgerald, $11.82/hr.; Children’s Librarian, Julie Morren, $13.06/hr.; Asst. Librarian, Annie Crist, $12.22/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Jan Antonson, $11.22/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Jeffrey Cordell, $10.17/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Barb Andersen, $9.55/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Deb Conklin, $9.55/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Harold Conklin, $9.55/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Melissa Eastman, $9.55/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Jennifer Antonson, $8.83/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Jodi Nordquist, $8.64/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Lynsey Hoines, $8.50/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Kelsey Brue, $8.50/hr.; Event Center/Clubhouse, Chad Davis, $8.50/hr.; Mayor, K James Fedderson, $3500/yr.; Council member, Teresa Sveeggen, $3000/yr.; Council member, Gerald Dahlin, $3000/yr.; Council member, Art Schott, $3000/yr.; Council member, Tom Erickson, $3000/yr.; Council member, Dan Williams, $3000/yr.; Council member, Gary Lambert, $3000/yr.; Planning Board Chairman, Larry Bork, $600.00/yr.; Planning Board, Brad Muller, $600.00/yr.; Planning Board, Stanford Peterson, $600.00/yr.; Planning Board, Len Hofer, $600.00/yr..; Planning Board, Michael Borah, $600.00/yr..; Bldg. Inspector/Code Enforcer, Geoff Fillingsness, $1,000.00/mo.</p><p>Page 3 of 4 Payment of Bills: A motion was made by Williams seconded by Erickson to approve payment of the bills listed below, motion carried.</p><p>Advantage Co., roll film scanning, $900.00; Alliance Communications, settlement, $120.88; Appeara, svc, $638.28; Baker & Taylor, books, $959.99; Banner Associates, Hwy 46 project, $16,925.04; Bates, Gregory, safety glasses, $50.00; Beresford Baseball Association, 2015 subsidy, $8,750.00; Beresford Cablevision, May ACH, $9,704.44; Bob’s Lock & Key, keys, $16.20; Boom Concrete, aggregate gbg cans, $2,750.00; Border States Electric, UG hdwr, $8,038.27; C & R Supply, supplies, $65.24; Carlson’s HVAC & Plumbing, repair, $663.00; Center Point Large Print, books, $77.61; CenturyLink, E911 Circuit, $82.39; City of Vermillion, tipping fees, $5,141.70;</p><p>Country Sunshine, hanging baskets, $102.00; DAD’s Automotive, repair, $237.58; Dakota Fence, repair, $341.00; Dakota Fluid Power, adapters, $10.36; Dakotacare, insurance, $31,937.70; Eastern Farmers Coop, fuel, $3,329.93; Eidem, Andrew, safety glasses, $170.00; Ferguson Waterworks, supplies, $78.28; Fiber Ring Rev Pooling Assn, pooling fees, $2,292.00; Fiesta Foods, GC food, $595.83; First Rate Excavate, FEMA, $9,330.93; Flowers by Bob, flowers, $60.00; Frisbee Plumbing & Heating, repair, $178.56; GA Johnson Construction, Storm Shelter, $69,460.20; Gale/Cengage Learning, books, $151.38; Genband US, engineering, $800.00; </p><p>Hawkins, digital flow switch, $2,836.17; HD Supply Waterworks, hydrant supplies, $2,076.39; Hillyard, cleaning supplies, $508.57; Int’l City Management Assoc., membership, $677.75; Iowa Information, golf guide, $149.95; Jack’s Uniforms, clothing, $75.89; Kansas City Life, insurance, $147.90; LG Everist, FEMA project, $1,362.54; LECA, settlement, $214.00; Lewis Drug, supplies, $19.96; Mid America Computer Corp, billing fees, $2,314.99; Midwest Tape, DVD’s, $163.42; Mr. Golf Car, lease cars, $750.00; MRES, supplemental power, $102,603.02; NeuStar, LNP fees, $116.55; New York Life, insurance, $112.70; Nordquist, Michael J, mileage, $105.80; </p><p>Office Elements, copier lease, $141.79; Pedersen Machine, spray wand, $42.19; Quill Corporation, chair, $454.78; Rechnagel Construction, gravel, $4,684.13; SD Dept. of Revenue, sales tax, $23,746.27; SD Governmental FO Assn., registration fee, $150.00; SD Governmental HR Assn., registration fee, $100.00; SDN Communications, Internet access, $2,127.32; SDTA, wireshark, $305.00; Sebern, Bill, clothing allowance, $152.56; Sioux Falls Ford, 2003 F550, $89.12; Southeastern Elec Coop, electricity, $526.43; SPX Service Group, transformer, $16,610.00; Stan Houston, 8″ core bit, $405.00; Sturdevant’s, repairs, $80.69; </p><p>T Time Golf, resale, $1,147.61; T & R Contracting, Hwy 46 project, $338,105.48; Taser International, cameras, $1,618.34; The Tessman Co., chemicals, $3,679.16; The Lodge at Deadwood, lodging, $255.00; Titan Machinery, maintenance, $292.00; Total Stop Convenience, fuel, $1,709.14; Tri-State Ready Mix, concrete, $1,408.00; VanBallegooyen, Rob, meals, $53.00; Variety Foods, GC food, $684.79; Walt’s Homestyle Foods, resale, $111.00; Washington National, insurance, $432.10; Wells Fargo, credit card charges, $2,109.01; WESCO Distribution, UG hrdwr, $4,438.20; Zhone Technologies, tech support, $1,920.00; Zimco Supply, chemicals, $338.00.</p><p>Adjournment: As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. on a motion by Sveeggen seconded by Dahlin. All present Council Members voted aye, motion carried. </p><p>______Kathy Moller, Finance Officer Recorded by Elaine Johnson</p><p>Page 4 of 4</p>

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