<p> CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 1</p><p>To: ALA/ALCTS/CCS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access</p><p>From: Task Force on Consistency Across Part I of AACR2</p><p>RE: Area 6: Proposed Revisions (Revised)</p><p>This document is another set of revision proposals from the Consistency Task Force. It deals with Area 6, Series. The document consists of four parts:</p><p>A. Summary of Decisions and Issues for Discussion. The Summary of Decisions lists the general decisions made by JSC in September 2003 [4JSC/M/573.6]. The Issues for Discussion includes some outstanding issues that CC:DA might wish to discuss. This section also includes an outline of the Area 6 rules and a list of issues that have been deferred for future discussion or referred to some other group for resolution.</p><p>B. The revisions proper. The proposed revisions are marked up in the usual way. Prior to each section is a listing of the changes proposed. The rationale for the change is given where it goes beyond consistency. In the revision proposals, the unique rules in Chapters 2–12 are highlighted in yellow.</p><p>C. A clean copy. The clean copy includes all the chapters in Part I (except Chapter 13). Examples that are to be excluded from the Prototype of Part 1 [a separate document, CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Prototype/2003 December] are struck through and highlighted in green.</p><p>A. Summary of Decisions and Issues for Discussion</p><p>Outline of Area 6 rules: Unlike other areas, the X.6 rules in Chapters 2–12 consist of the preliminary (punctuation) rule [X.6A] and a single rule for “Series statement” [X.6B] referring back to 1.6. Only in Chapter 1 are there separate rules for each ISBD element. See the list of major changes below for a discussion of the navigational/reference structure of Part I as it relates to Area 6.</p><p>The following is an outline of the rules in Chapter 1:</p><p>1.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>1.6A. Preliminary rule 1.6A1. Sources of information 1.6A2. Punctuation</p><p>1.6B. Title proper of series</p><p>1.6C. Parallel title of series CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 2</p><p>1.6D. Other title information of series</p><p>1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series</p><p>1.6F. ISSN of series</p><p>1.6G. Numbering within series</p><p>1.6H. Subseries</p><p>1.6J. More than one series statement</p><p>1.6K. Changes in series statement</p><p>Summary of decisions: The following actions were taken as a result of tentative decisions made by the Joint Steering Committee in September 2003:</p><p> JSC asked that a prototype of the revised Part 1 be created. In particular, they asked that the examples in chapter 1 be kept to a number that might reasonably appear in the revised text. The prototype will be presented as a separate proposal. In this proposal, the examples that will not be included in the prototype have been struck through and highlighted in green in the clean copy (part C of this document). The selection of examples was somewhat arbitrary and should therefore not be taken as definite recommendations.</p><p> The FRBR terminology has been updated according to 4JSC/M/573.6.</p><p> Mnemonic rule numbering (i.e., consistent numbering of rules across chapters) has been retained in the prototype for comment; no final decision has been made [4JSC/M/573.3.2]. The rules in chapter 1 have been numbered consecutively, with no gaps.</p><p> The punctuation rules appear in chapter 1 only, and no reference back has been included in chapters 2–12 [4JSC/M/573.3.3].</p><p> The practice of references forward from chapter 1 to special rules in chapters 2–12 has been included in the prototype [4JSC/M/573.3.4].</p><p> The use of bold italics to indicate the scope of special rules has been applied more carefully. In particular, the word “and” connecting two separate categories (e.g., “serials and integrating resources”) should not receive bold italics [4JSC/M/573.3.7].</p><p>Issues for discussion: The following issues may merit particular attention (the numbers refer to revised rule numbering):</p><p> CCC argued that the example proposed for the second paragraph of 1.6G1 was not appropriate. We are asked to come up with a different example involving numbering that indicates a division of a year and which must be transposed in the numbering area CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 3</p><p>[4JSC/M/593.6.3]. ALA is not clear that the example is not appropriate. We interpret the statement to indicate that is the 66th number of the series published during 1976 – which is our understanding of what “division of the year” is intended to mean. However, we have found another example that may be preferred. Both are included in the proposal.</p><p> ALA was asked to check the references to chapter 12 [4JSC/M/593.6.3]. As indicated below, the review of references has been deferred until later.</p><p> Rule 1.6G2 contains a reference to 12.6G for the instruction that numbering is not recorded for serials unless all issues have the same number. CCC had suggested a rewording of this rule, but LC suggested deleting it altogether. JSC asked us to consider whether the reference should be retained and whether it might be more appropriate at 1.6G1 [4JSC/M/593.6.4]. ALA considers the reference to be important, but are not certain where the reference should appear in 1.6G. For this proposal, we have placed it in 1.6G2, but have (a) made it a separate paragraph following the example, and (b) reworded it as an instruction to apply 12.6G2, rather than a simple reference.</p><p> CCC does not like rules in chapter 1 that contain only references. Therefore, they oppose the proposed 1.6K and want the reference to the rules for change in series statements added at the end of 1.6J, the rule for dealing with resources that belong to more than one series. They also want to renumber 12.6K as 12.6J. JSC agreed, but suggested that the caption of 1.6J might need to be changed; we were asked to find "a more inclusive caption" for 1.6J [4JSC/M/593.6.5].</p><p>The caption of rule 1.6J is "More than one series"; that of 1.6K is "Change in series statement"; the former deals with a resource (finite or continuing) that is part of more than one series; the latter deals with changes in series statements between issues/iterations of a continuing resource. These two situations are quite distinct.</p><p>On the other hand, Judy Kuhagen notes that “More than one series” (i.e., two or more series statements for the same time period) can apply to a single-part monograph, a multipart monograph, an integrating resource or a serial. “Change in series statement” can apply to a multipart monograph, integrating resource, or serial. For a multipart monograph or serial, the U.S. practice is to give multiple series statements, each qualified with appropriate span (the rule says to give a note if the information can’t be given clearly in the series area, but U.S. catalogers have been comfortable giving numbering information at the beginning of the series statement). Because the basis of the description for an integrating resource is only the current iteration, any change in series statement is handled via a series statement and/or a note instead of giving the span information in the series statement. This seems to reinforce the argument for keeping 1.6J and 1.6K separate, or at least the question of how to merge the two rules requires further investigation. This seems to be a case in which the ongoing discussion of the seriality of multiparts needs to be concluded before this revision can be completed.</p><p>For the prototype, we propose to retain the distinction between 1.6J and 1.6K. However, we suggest rewording the latter as an instruction to apply 12.6K rather than a simple reference to 12.6K. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 4</p><p> Rule 11.6B1 currently distinguishes two types of series for microforms: the series in which the microform appears (which is covered in 11.6) and the series in which a reproduced original appeared (which is covered by 1.11C). Given that microforms are no longer the only significant type of reproduction, JSC is reluctant to limit this situation to chapter 11. The suggestion is to place a reference to 1.11C in rule 1.6B1. We were asked to consult with Judy Kuhagen about the wording of such a reference [4JSC/M/593.6.7].</p><p>Judy Kuhagen points out that rule 1.11C deals with areas 2, 4, and 6, and that any reference added to 1.6 should be added to 1.2 and 1.4; this has been done in our proposals for these areas.</p><p>We have included a reference in 1.6B1 to 1.11C, phrased as an instruction to record series statements for reproductions as instructed in 1.11C. The point of this instruction is to warn catalogers that there is a special rule about series in the case of reproductions. We wonder whether this warning in 1.6B1 will be sufficient unless it mentions the distinction between original and reproduction made in 1.11C.</p><p>Judy also suggests that rule X.11 on reproductions be added to chapter 11, comparable to the rule currently in chapters 2, 3, 5, and 8; at the same time, consideration should be given to whether a comparable rule is appropriate in chapters 4, 6, 7, 9, and 12. This will be done when the Task Force deals with the X.9+ rules.</p><p>Issues deferred for future consideration or referred to other groups: </p><p> Multiparts: 12.6K1 (currently 12.6B2) covers only changes to series statements that represent either serials or integrating resources. AACR2 needs to provide for changes to series statements that represent multiparts. The Task Force expects this issue to be dealt with by the Library of Congress in its continuing work on the rules for multiparts in AACR2.</p><p> 1.6G: The Task Force notes that there are only two cases in which a reference is made from the rules for series numbering (1.6G) to the rules for numbering in chapter 12 (12.3). It strikes us that a general linkage between these two sets of rules might be useful, as 12.3 covers cases that are relevant to series numbering but are not covered in 1.6G. However, the Task Force did not feel that this issue was within their charge, and simply raises the question for the record.</p><p> 1.6G2: JSC decided to restrict rule 1.6G2 to multipart monographs. There is a comparable rule in 1.6G1/12.6G1. However, there is no comparable rule for integrating resources. It is not clear exactly what form such a rule should take, and therefore none has been proposed here.</p><p> 1.6J–K: As noted in the Issues for discussion above, the ongoing discussion on the seriality of multiparts needs to be completed before the revision of these rules can be finished.</p><p> X.11: The addition of rule X.11 on reproduction will be added to chapters not currently including this rule (if appropriate) when the Task Force deals with the X.9+ rules. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 5</p><p>B. Rule Revision Proposals</p><p>X.6. SERIES AREA: Contents</p><p>1. The area tables of contents in chapters 2–12 have been deleted [except chapter 4, which has none].</p><p>1.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 1.6A. Preliminary rule 1.6B. Title proper of series 1.6C. Parallel titles of series 1.6D. Other title information of series 1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series 1.6F. ISSN of series 1.6G. Numbering within series 1.6H. Subseries 1.6J. More than one series statement 1.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>2.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 2.6A. Preliminary rule 2.6B. Series statements</p><p>3.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 3.6A. Preliminary rule 3.6B. Series statements</p><p>5.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 5.6A. Preliminary rule 5.6B. Series statements</p><p>6.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 6.6A. Preliminary rule 6.6B. Series statements CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 6</p><p>7.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 7.6A. Preliminary rule 7.6B. Series statements</p><p>8.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 8.6A. Preliminary rule 8.6B. Series statements</p><p>9.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 9.6A. Preliminary rule 9.6B. Series statements</p><p>10.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 10.6A. Preliminary rule 10.6B. Series statements</p><p>11.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 11.6A. Preliminary rule 11.6B. Series statements</p><p>12.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 12.6A. Preliminary rule 12.6B. Series statements</p><p>X.6. SERIES AREA: Punctuation rules</p><p>1. The punctuation rules in chapters 2–12 have been deleted; they have not been replaced by a reference to 1.6A2. Rule X.6A, Preliminary rule, has been deleted in chapters 2–12, as the preliminary rules have been collapsed [4JSC/M/573.3.3].</p><p>1.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>1.6A21. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 7</p><p>Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma. For the use of the equals sign to precede parallel statements, see the appropriate rules.</p><p>1.6A12. Sources of information. Take information recorded in this area from the chief source of information or from any other source prescribed for this area in the following chapters. Enclose any information supplied from other sources in square brackets, within the parentheses enclosing each series statement.</p><p>2.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>2.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>3.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>3.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 8</p><p>Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for the subseries by a comma.</p><p>4.6A. This area is not used for manuscripts.</p><p>5.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>5.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>6.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>6.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>7.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>7.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 9</p><p>Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>8.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>8.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>9.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>9.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 10</p><p>10.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>10.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>11.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>11.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma.</p><p>12.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>12.6A1. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 11</p><p>Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for the subseries by a comma.</p><p>1.6B–J. Series statements: Chapter 1 rules</p><p>1. Rule 1.6B1 has been revised per 4JSC/M/573.6.2.</p><p>2. The instruction regarding series numbering for a serial in 1.6G2 has been made a separate paragraph following the example and has been reworded as an instruction to apply 12.6G2, rather than a reference to that rule [cf. 4JSC/M/573.6.4]. See Issues for discussion above.</p><p>3. JSC did not find the example at the 2nd paragraph of 1.6G1 to be appropriate and asked ALA to find another example [4JSC/M/593.6.3]. ALA does not understand why the example is inappropriate; we interpret it to mean that this is the 66th number published in the series during 1976 – which is our understanding of the meaning of “division of the year.” However, we have found another example. The series it “Background papers” issued by the NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service (ISSN 1325-5142); the series contents listed clearly shows that the numbering restarts every year. We include both examples for evaluation.</p><p>4. JSC accepted a CCC proposal to merge rules 1.6J (more than one series) and 1.6K (change in series statement), and asked ALA to find an appropriate caption for the merged rule [4JSC/M/573.6.5]. As noted in the Issues for Discusison above, ALA feels strongly that these two situations are quite distinct and is retaining the separate rules for the prototype. This matter should be discussed further during the evaluation of the prototype; the ongoing discussion on the seriality of multiparts is also relevant.</p><p>5. An instruction relating to reproductions has been added at the end of 1.6B1, replacing a reference to 11.6B1 [4JSC/M/573.6.7]. This is worded as an instruction to apply rule 1.11C. ALA feels that this is a minimal approach to this issue and suggests that the instruction in 1.6B1 should be expanded to make the distinction between the original and the reproduction made in 1.11C.</p><p>1.6B. Title proper of series</p><p>1.6B1. If a bibliographic resource an item is issued in a series, transcribe the title proper of the series as instructed in 1.1B (see also 12.1B).</p><p>(Virago modern classics ... )</p><p>(Great newspapers reprinted ... )</p><p>(The king penguin books) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(A1 street atlas series) [moved from 3.6B1] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 12</p><p>(Bartholomew world travel series) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Master choruses for Lent and Easter) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Disney storyteller) [moved from 6.6B1]</p><p>(Allstate simulation film library) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(Ecology : communities in nature) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(Fant anthology of literature in Ameslan) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(Listening, looking, and feeling) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(Ward’s solo-learn system) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(Practicorp no-nonsense software) [moved from 9.6B1]</p><p>(PCMI collection) [moved from 11.6B1]</p><p>(H.C.) [moved from 12.6B1]</p><p>If the title proper includes numbering as an integral part of the title proper of the series, transcribe the numbering as part of the title proper (see also 1.6G).</p><p>(Publication #122 of the Social Science Education Consortium)</p><p>(The twenty-sixth L. Ray Buckendale lecture)</p><p>(Cuaderno número G del instituto)</p><p>For reproductions , record series statements for the original as instructed in 1.11C.</p><p>1.6B2. If different forms of the title of the series (other than parallel titles) appear, choose the title given in the first of the prescribed sources for the series area as the title proper of the series. Give the other form(s) in the note area if of value in identifying the bibliographic resource item. If the title of the series does not appear in the first of the prescribed sources of information and different forms appear elsewhere in the bibliographic resource item, choose the title given in the other prescribed sources in the order of preference for the sources (e.g., if different forms appear in the second and third sources, choose the one appearing in the second source).</p><p>1.6C. Parallel titles of series</p><p>1.6C1. Follow the instructions in 1.1D (second level of description) when transcribing the parallel titles of a series.</p><p>(Jeux visuels = Visual games ... ) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 13</p><p>(Quellenwerke der Schweiz = Statistiques de la Suisse) [moved from 12.6B1]</p><p>1.6D. Other title information of series</p><p>1.6D1. Give other title information of a series only if it provides valuable information identifying the series. Follow the instructions in 1.1E when transcribing other title information of a series.</p><p>(English linguistics, 1500-1750 : a collection of facsimile reprints ... )</p><p>(Words : their origin, use, and spelling ... )</p><p>1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series</p><p>1.6E1. Transcribe statements of responsibility appearing in conjunction with the series title only if they are considered to be necessary for identification of the series. Follow the instructions in 1.1F when transcribing a statement of responsibility relating to a series.</p><p>(Map supplement / Association of American Geographers ... )</p><p>(Technical memorandum / Beach Erosion Board ... )</p><p>(Research monographs / Institute of Economic Affairs ... )</p><p>(Sämtliche Werke / Thomas Mann ... )</p><p>(Special paper / Geological Society of America) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Nouvelle collection / Maurice Le Lannou) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>1.6F. ISSN of series</p><p>1.6F1. Give the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of a series if it appears on in the item being described (see also 1.6H4). Give the ISSN in the standard manner (i.e., ISSN followed by a space and two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen).</p><p>(Western Canada series report, ISSN 0317-3127 ... )</p><p>1.6G. Numbering within series</p><p>1.6G1. Give the numbering of the bibliographic resource item within the series in the terms given on in the item. Use abbreviations as instructed in appendix B and numerals as instructed in appendix C.</p><p>(Historic instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum ; 4) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 14</p><p>(Beatrix Potter jigsaw puzzles ; no. 1)</p><p>(Environment science research ; v. 6)</p><p>(Russian titles for the specialist, ISSN 0305-3741 ; no. 78)</p><p>(Recent scientific research ; Jan. 1996)</p><p>(Geopolitical statistical data ; CD1)</p><p>(Classic philosophers series ; A) (Parts Items in this series are numbered A, B, C, D, etc.)</p><p>(Typophile chap books ; 7) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Britain advances ; 10) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Publicación / Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geología ; no. 28) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Occasional papers / University of Sussex Centre for Continuing Education, ISSN 0306-1108 ; no. 4) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Olympia Press traveller’s companion series ; no. 105) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9222 ; no. 62) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Scríbhinni Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr ; imleabhar 11) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Works / Charles Dickens ; v. 12) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Climatological studies ; no. 8) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Carte géographique de l’Angleterre ; no 16) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Deutscher Planungsatlas ; Bd. 8) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Saggi e memorie di storia dell’arte ; v. 7) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9992 ; no. 93) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>([Geological Survey of Canada A series] ; 1245A) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Military city map : series A902 1:25,000 = Carte militaire de la ville : série A902 1:25,000 / Mapping and Charting Establishment, Department of National Defence ; MCE 329) [moved from 3.6B1] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 15</p><p>(Early English church music ; no. 7) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Ashdown vocal duets ; no. 384) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Yesterday’s music, ISSN 4344-1277 ; no. 56) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Audio-cassette library for professional librarians ; L-510) [moved from 6.6B1]</p><p>(Sounds of the eighties, ISSN 7981-5137 ; no. 54) [moved from 6.6B1]</p><p>(Images of the seventies, ISSN 7745-2251 ; no. 22) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(Visual media from the American Folklife Center ; no. 1) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(At-a-flash time line cards ; set 1) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(How the health are you? ; no. 3) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(Environmental studies, ISSN 8372-7639 ; v. 32) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(American national election study series ; no. 13) [moved from 9.6B1]</p><p>(Dioramas of American history ; 7) [moved from 10.6B1]</p><p>(Bibliotheca Asiatica ; v. 9) [moved from 11.6B1]</p><p>(AIP-DRP ; 63-2) [moved from 11.6B1]</p><p>(Wright American fiction ; reel A-4) [moved from 11.6B1]</p><p>If the numbering consists of a year and a number that is a division of the year, give the year before the number (see 12.3C4).</p><p>(Treaty series ; 1976, no. 66) ( Numbering appears as: no. 66 (1976) ) [modified and moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Background paper ; 2000, no. 3) ( Numbering appears as: no. 3, 2000 ; numbering restarts each year )</p><p>When the numbering is grammatically integrated with the series title, see 1.6B1. If the numbering that appears on the item is known to be incorrect, transcribe it as found and add the correct numbering in square brackets.</p><p>(Kieler historische Studien ; Bd. 24 [i.e. 25]) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 16</p><p>Optionally, give designations from alternative systems of numbering (see 12.3E).</p><p>(Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte ; 1 = 235) (When series changed title, publisher began a new system with 1 and continued the system from the earlier title with 235)</p><p>If a new sequence of numbering is accompanied by wording to differentiate the sequence, such as new series, include this wording. If a new sequence of numbering with the same system as before is not accompanied by wording such as new series, supply [new ser.] or another appropriate term (or its equivalent in the language of the title proper of the series). See also 12.3G.</p><p>(UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology ; new ser., v. 3)</p><p>(Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought ; 4th ser., 30)</p><p>(Research monographs ; [new ser.], no. 1)</p><p>(Chemie und Fortschritt ; [n.F.], Heft 1)</p><p>1.6G2. If the parts of a multipart monograph item are separately numbered within a series, give the first and the last numbers if the numbering is continuous. Otherwise, give all the numbers. For numbering of a periodical series, see 12.6B.</p><p>(... ; v. 11-15)</p><p>(... ; v. 131, 145, 152)</p><p>Record the series numbering of a serial as instructed in 12.6G2.</p><p>1.6G3. Optionally, if a bibliographic resource an item has both a numeric and/or alphabetic designation and a chronological designation, give the chronological designation after the numeric and/or alphabetic designation. A date of publication, distribution, etc., is not a chronological designation.</p><p>(... ; v. 3, no. 2 (Sept. 1981))</p><p>1.6H. Subseries</p><p>1.6H1. If a bibliographic resource an item is one of a subseries (see Glossary, appendix D) and both the series and the subseries are named on in the item, give the details of the main series (see 1.6A–1.6G) first and follow them with the name of the subseries and the details of that subseries.</p><p>(Biblioteca del lavoro. Serie professionale ... )</p><p>(Geological Survey professional paper ; 683-D. Contributions to palaeontology ... ) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 17</p><p>(Department of State publication ; 8583. East Asian and Pacific series ; 199) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm studies in the history of literature ; 10) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia ; 6) [moved from 2.6B1]</p><p>(The Salvation Army brass band journal. General series ; no. 1565- 1568) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Standard radio super sound effects. Trains) [moved from 6.6B1]</p><p>([Development digest. Premier series]) [moved from 6.6B1]</p><p>(Mathematics for elementary school students. Whole numbers ; no. 10) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(Welding series. Gas metal arc (mig) welding) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>(The sciences. Man and his environment ; TSB 3) [moved from 8.6B1]</p><p>(Series C. Machine-readable texts of Greek authors) [moved from 9.6B1]</p><p>(Three centuries of drama. English, 1642-1700) [moved from 11.6B1]</p><p>1.6H2. If the main series and subseries titles appear in more than one language or script, choose as the title proper for the series area the main series and subseries titles in the language (or the clearly predominant language) of the particular bibliographic resource item being catalogued. If this criterion is not applicable, choose the first main series and subseries titles that are in the same language as each other.</p><p>1.6H3. If a phrase such as “new series,” “second series,” etc., appears with an unnumbered series, transcribe such a phrase as a subseries title. If it appears with a numbered series, transcribe the phrase as part of the numbering of the series as instructed in 1.6G1 (see also 12.3G).</p><p>(Cambridge studies in international and comparative law. New series ... )</p><p>(Marian Library studies ; new ser., v. 12)</p><p>1.6H4. In case of doubt about whether one of the titles is a subseries or a second series, treat it as a second series (see 1.6J). CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 18</p><p>1.6H5. If the subseries has an alphabetic or numeric designation and no title, give the designation. If such a subseries has a title as well as a designation, give the title after the designation.</p><p>(Music for today. Series 2 ; no. 8)</p><p>(Viewmaster science series. 4, Physics)</p><p>(Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Series D, Geophysical bulletin ; no. 29) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Series of atlases in facsimile / Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. 6th series ; v. 1) [moved from 3.6B1]</p><p>(Music for today. Series 2 ; no. 8) [moved from 5.6B1]</p><p>(Automotive damage correction series. Set 5) [moved from 7.6B1]</p><p>1.6H6. Give parallel titles, other title information, and statements of responsibility relating to subseries as instructed in 1.6C, 1.6D, and 1.6E.</p><p>(World films. France today = La France d’aujourd’hui ... )</p><p>(Papers and documents of the I.C.I. Series C, Bibliographies = Travaux et documents de l’I.C.I. Série C, Bibliographies ... )</p><p>1.6H7. Give the ISSN of a subseries if it appears on in the item being described; in such a case, omit the ISSN of the main series.</p><p>(West Virginia University bulletin. Engineering Experiment Station bulletin, ISSN 0083 -8640) [moved from 12.6B1]</p><p>(Janua linguarum. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114 ... ) not (Janua linguarum, ISSN 0446-4796. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114 ... )</p><p>1.6H8. Give the numbering within a subseries as instructed in 1.6G.</p><p>(Sciences. Physics ; TSP 1)</p><p>(Biblioteca de arte hispánico ; 8. Artes aplicadas ; 1)</p><p>1.6J. More than one series statement</p><p>1.6J1. The information relating to one series, or series and subseries, constitutes one series statement. If a bibliographic resource an item belongs to two or more series and/or two or more series and subseries, give separate series statements and enclose each statement in parentheses. Follow the instructions in 1.6A-1.6H in recording each series statement. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 19</p><p>(Video marvels ; no. 33) (Educational progress series ; no. 3)</p><p>(Bulletin of the Iowa Highway Research Board) (Iowa State University bulletin) [moved from 12.6B1]</p><p>If parts of a bibliographic resource an item belong to different series and this relationship cannot be stated clearly in the series area, give details of the series in a note (see 1.7B12).</p><p>1.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>1.6K1. For serials and integrating resources , describe the addition, deletion, or change of a series statement on a subsequent issue, part or iteration as instructed in 12.6K1.</p><p>X.6B. Series statements: chapters 2–12</p><p>1. A general rule referring back to 1.6 has been added in chapter 4.</p><p>2. Rule X.6B, Series statement, and the rule number at X.6B1 has been deleted in chapters 2–11, and the general rule appears as an unnumbered paragraph.</p><p>3. JSC decided that the general instruction in chapter 12 should be made consistent with that in other chapters and that the second sentence of the current rule 11.6B1 should be deleted. The recording of series for reproductions will be handled by a reference from rule 1.6B1 to rule 1.11C [4JSC/M/573.6.7]. ALA feels strongly that reproductions are such an important category of microforms that failure to give an explicit instruction may lead to misapplication of 1.11C. We urge that the reference to 1.11C be repeated in chapter 11.</p><p>4. The special instruction in 12.6B1 not to record series numbering for individual issues of a serial has been retained. JSC asked us to consider whether the reference should be retained and whether it might be more appropriate at 1.6G1 [4JSC/M/593.6.4]. ALA does consider the reference to be important. As indicated in the Issues for discussion, this proposal places the reference in 1.6G2; the rule in chapter 12 has been numbered 12.6G2 accordingly.</p><p>5. The rule in chapter 12 on changes in series information continued to be numbered 12.6K for the prototype. See “Issues for Discussion” above.</p><p>2.6B. Series statements</p><p>2.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Typophile chap books ; 7) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Britain advances ; 10) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(The king penguin books) [moved to 1.6B1] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 20</p><p>(Special paper / Geological Society of America) [moved to 1.6E1]</p><p>(Publicación / Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geología ; no. 28) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Occasional papers / University of Sussex Centre for Continuing Education, ISSN 0306-1108 ; no. 4) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Department of State publication ; 8583. East Asian and Pacific series ; 199) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Olympia Press traveller’s companion series ; no. 105) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm studies in the history of literature ; 10) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia ; 6) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Treaty series ; no. 66 (1976)) (Cmnd. ; 6580) (Numbering of first series transcribed from the item) [first series statement moved to 1.6G1; second series statement deleted]</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9222 ; no. 62) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Scríbhinni Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr ; imleabhar 11) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Works / Charles Dickens ; v. 12) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>3.6B. Series statements</p><p>3.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Climatological studies ; no. 8) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(A1 street atlas series) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Carte géographique de l’Angleterre ; no 16) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Deutscher Planungsatlas ; Bd. 8) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Bartholomew world travel series) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Nouvelle collection / Maurice Le Lannou) [moved to 1.6E1]</p><p>(Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Series D, Geophysical bulletin ; no. 29) [moved to 1.6H5] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 21</p><p>(Series of atlases in facsimile / Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. 6th series ; v. 1) [moved to 1.6H5]</p><p>(Saggi e memorie di storia dell’arte ; v. 7) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9992 ; no. 93) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>([Geological Survey of Canada A series] ; 1245A) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Military city map : series A902 1:25,000 = Carte militaire de la ville : série A902 1:25,000 / Mapping and Charting Establishment, Department of National Defence ; MCE 329) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>[4.6:]</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>5.6B. Series statements</p><p>5.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Master choruses for Lent and Easter) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Early English church music ; no. 7) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Music for today. Series 2 ; no. 8) [moved to 1.6H5]</p><p>(The Salvation Army brass band journal. General series ; no. 1565- 1568) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Ashdown vocal duets ; no. 384) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Yesterday’s music, ISSN 4344-1277 ; no. 56) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>6.6B. Series statements</p><p>6.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Historic instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum ; 2) [duplicated at 1.6G1]</p><p>(Standard radio super sound effects. Trains) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Audio-cassette library for professional librarians ; L-510) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>([Development digest. Premier series]) [moved to 1.6H1] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 22</p><p>(Disney storyteller) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Sounds of the eighties, ISSN 7981-5137 ; no. 54) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>7.6B. Series statements</p><p>7.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Allstate simulation film library) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Ecology : communities in nature) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Automotive damage correction series. Set 5) [moved to 1.6H5]</p><p>(Mathematics for elementary school students. Whole numbers ; no. 10) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Fant anthology of literature in Ameslan) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Welding series. Gas metal arc (mig) welding) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Images of the seventies, ISSN 7745-2251 ; no. 22) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Visual media from the American Folklife Center ; no. 1) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>8.6B. Series statements</p><p>8.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Listening, looking, and feeling) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(At-a-flash time line cards ; set 1) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Ward’s solo-learn system) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(The sciences. Man and his environment ; TSB 3) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Viewmaster science series. 4, Physics) [duplicated at 1.6H5]</p><p>(How the health are you? ; no. 3) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Environmental studies, ISSN 8372-7639 ; v. 32) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>9.6B. Series statements</p><p>9.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 23</p><p>(Practicorp no-nonsense software) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(American national election study series ; no. 13) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Series C. Machine-readable texts of Greek authors) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>10.6B. Series statements</p><p>10.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>(Dioramas of American history ; 7) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Beatrix Potter jigsaw puzzles ; no. 3) [duplicated at 1.6G1]</p><p>11.6B. Series statements</p><p>11.6B1. Record each series statement relating to a microform as instructed in 1.6. If the original was published in a series, record it in a note (see 11.7B12).</p><p>(Bibliotheca Asiatica ; v. 9) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(PCMI collection) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(AIP-DRP ; 63-2) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>(Three centuries of drama. English, 1642-1700) [moved to 1.6H1]</p><p>(Wright American fiction ; reel A-4) [moved to 1.6G1]</p><p>12.6B. Series statements</p><p>12.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6. For serials, do not give series numbering if each issue or part is separately numbered within the series.</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis) [moved to 12.6G2]</p><p>(H.C.) [moved to 1.6B1]</p><p>(Quellenwerke der Schweiz = Statistiques de la Suisse) [moved to 1.6C1]</p><p>(Public Health Service publication ; no. 1124) [moved to 12.6G2]</p><p>(Bulletin of the Iowa Highway Research Board) (Iowa State University bulletin) [moved to 1.6H1] CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 24</p><p>(West Virginia University bulletin. Engineering Experiment Station bulletin, ISSN 0083-8640) [moved to 1.6H7]</p><p>12.6G. Numbering within series</p><p>12.6G2. For serials , do not give series numbering if each issue or part is separately numbered within the series.</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis) [moved from 12.6B1] ( Each part is separately numbered )</p><p>(Public Health Service publication ; no. 1124) [moved from 12.6B1] ( Each issue of the serial carries the same series number )</p><p>12.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>12.6K1.</p><p> a) Serials. If a series is added, deleted, or changed on a subsequent issue or part and this change cannot be stated clearly in the series area, make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B14.2).</p><p> b) Integrating resources. If a series is added, deleted, or changed on a subsequent iteration, change the series area to reflect the current iteration and make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B14.2). CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 25</p><p>C. Clean Copy of Revised Rules</p><p>Chapter 1</p><p>1.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Contents: 1.6A. Preliminary rule 1.6B. Title proper of series 1.6C. Parallel titles of series 1.6D. Other title information of series 1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series 1.6F. ISSN of series 1.6G. Numbering within series 1.6H. Subseries 1.6J. More than one series statement 1.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>1.6A. Preliminary rule</p><p>1.6A1. Sources of information. Take information recorded in this area from the chief source of information or from any other source prescribed for this area in the following chapters. Enclose any information supplied from other sources in square brackets, within the parentheses enclosing each series statement.</p><p>1.6A2. Punctuation For instructions on the use of spaces before and after prescribed punctuation, see 1.0C. Precede this area by a full stop, space, dash, space. Enclose each series statement (see 1.6J) in parentheses. Precede each parallel title by an equals sign. Precede other title information by a colon. Precede the first statement of responsibility by a diagonal slash. Precede each subsequent statement of responsibility by a semicolon. Precede the ISSN of a series or subseries by a comma. Precede the numbering within a series or subseries by a semicolon. Enclose a date following a numeric and/or alphabetic designation in parentheses. Precede the title of a subseries, or the designation for a subseries, by a full stop. Precede the title of a subseries following a designation for a subseries by a comma. For the use of the equals sign to precede parallel statements, see the appropriate rules. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 26</p><p>1.6B. Title proper of series</p><p>1.6B1. If a bibliographic resource is issued in a series, transcribe the title proper of the series as instructed in 1.1B.</p><p>(Virago modern classics ...)</p><p>(Great newspapers reprinted ...)</p><p>(The king penguin books)</p><p>(A1 street atlas series)</p><p>(Bartholomew world travel series)</p><p>(Master choruses for Lent and Easter)</p><p>(Disney storyteller)</p><p>(Allstate simulation film library)</p><p>(Ecology : communities in nature)</p><p>(Fant anthology of literature in Ameslan)</p><p>(Listening, looking, and feeling)</p><p>(Ward’s solo-learn system)</p><p>(Practicorp no-nonsense software)</p><p>(PCMI collection)</p><p>(H.C.)</p><p>If the title proper includes numbering as an integral part of the title proper of the series, transcribe the numbering as part of the title proper (see also 1.6G).</p><p>(Publication #122 of the Social Science Education Consortium)</p><p>(The twenty-sixth L. Ray Buckendale lecture)</p><p>(Cuaderno número G del instituto)</p><p>For reproductions, record series statements for the original as instructed in 1.11C.</p><p>1.6B2. If different forms of the title of the series (other than parallel titles) appear, choose the title given in the first of the prescribed sources for the series area as the title proper of the series. Give the other form(s) in the note area if of value in identifying the bibliographic resource. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 27</p><p>If the title of the series does not appear in the first of the prescribed sources of information and different forms appear elsewhere in the bibliographic resource, choose the title given in the other prescribed sources in the order of preference for the sources (e.g., if different forms appear in the second and third sources, choose the one appearing in the second source).</p><p>1.6C. Parallel titles of series</p><p>1.6C1. Follow the instructions in 1.1D (second level of description) when transcribing the parallel titles of a series.</p><p>(Jeux visuels = Visual games ...)</p><p>(Quellenwerke der Schweiz = Statistiques de la Suisse)</p><p>1.6D. Other title information of series</p><p>1.6D1. Give other title information of a series only if it provides valuable information identifying the series. Follow the instructions in 1.1E when transcribing other title information of a series.</p><p>(English linguistics, 1500-1750 : a collection of facsimile reprints ...)</p><p>(Words : their origin, use, and spelling ...)</p><p>1.6E. Statements of responsibility relating to series</p><p>1.6E1. Transcribe statements of responsibility appearing in conjunction with the series title only if they are considered to be necessary for identification of the series. Follow the instructions in 1.1F when transcribing a statement of responsibility relating to a series.</p><p>(Map supplement / Association of American Geographers ...)</p><p>(Technical memorandum / Beach Erosion Board ...)</p><p>(Research monographs / Institute of Economic Affairs ...)</p><p>(Sämtliche Werke / Thomas Mann ...)</p><p>(Special paper / Geological Society of America)</p><p>(Nouvelle collection / Maurice Le Lannou)</p><p>1.6F. ISSN of series</p><p>1.6F1. Give the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) of a series if it appears on the item being described (see also 1.6H4). Give the ISSN in the standard manner (i.e., ISSN followed by a space and two groups of four digits separated by a hyphen). CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 28</p><p>(Western Canada series report, ISSN 0317-3127 ...)</p><p>1.6G. Numbering within series</p><p>1.6G1. Give the numbering of the bibliographic resource within the series in the terms given on the item. Use abbreviations as instructed in appendix B and numerals as instructed in appendix C.</p><p>(Historic instruments at the Victoria and Albert Museum ; 4)</p><p>(Beatrix Potter jigsaw puzzles ; no. 1)</p><p>(Environment science research ; v. 6)</p><p>(Russian titles for the specialist, ISSN 0305-3741 ; no. 78)</p><p>(Recent scientific research ; Jan. 1996)</p><p>(Geopolitical statistical data ; CD1)</p><p>(Classic philosophers series ; A) (Parts in this series are numbered A, B, C, D, etc.)</p><p>(Typophile chap books ; 7)</p><p>(Britain advances ; 10)</p><p>(Publicación / Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geología ; no. 28)</p><p>(Occasional papers / University of Sussex Centre for Continuing Education, ISSN 0306-1108 ; no. 4)</p><p>(Olympia Press traveller’s companion series ; no. 105)</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9222 ; no. 62)</p><p>(Scríbhinni Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr ; imleabhar 11)</p><p>(Works / Charles Dickens ; v. 12)</p><p>(Climatological studies ; no. 8)</p><p>(Carte géographique de l’Angleterre ; no 16)</p><p>(Deutscher Planungsatlas ; Bd. 8)</p><p>(Saggi e memorie di storia dell’arte ; v. 7)</p><p>(Graeco-Roman memoirs, ISSN 0306-9992 ; no. 93)</p><p>([Geological Survey of Canada A series] ; 1245A) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 29</p><p>(Military city map : series A902 1:25,000 = Carte militaire de la ville : série A902 1:25,000 / Mapping and Charting Establishment, Department of National Defence ; MCE 329)</p><p>(Early English church music ; no. 7)</p><p>(Ashdown vocal duets ; no. 384)</p><p>(Yesterday’s music, ISSN 4344-1277 ; no. 56)</p><p>(Audio-cassette library for professional librarians ; L-510)</p><p>(Sounds of the eighties, ISSN 7981-5137 ; no. 54)</p><p>(Images of the seventies, ISSN 7745-2251 ; no. 22)</p><p>(Visual media from the American Folklife Center ; no. 1)</p><p>(At-a-flash time line cards ; set 1)</p><p>(How the health are you? ; no. 3)</p><p>(Environmental studies, ISSN 8372-7639 ; v. 32)</p><p>(American national election study series ; no. 13)</p><p>(Dioramas of American history ; 7)</p><p>(Bibliotheca Asiatica ; v. 9)</p><p>(AIP-DRP ; 63-2)</p><p>(Wright American fiction ; reel A-4)</p><p>If the numbering consists of a year and a number that is a division of the year, give the year before the number (see 12.3C4).</p><p>(Treaty series ; 1976, no. 66) (Numbering appears as: no. 66 (1976))</p><p>(Background paper ; 2000, no. 3) (Numbering appears as: no. 3, 2000; numbering restarts each year)</p><p>When the numbering is grammatically integrated with the series title, see 1.6B1. If the numbering that appears on the item is known to be incorrect, transcribe it as found and add the correct numbering in square brackets.</p><p>(Kieler historische Studien ; Bd. 24 [i.e. 25])</p><p>Optionally, give designations from alternative systems of numbering (see 12.3E). CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 30</p><p>(Quellen und Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte ; 1 = 235) (When series changed title, publisher began a new system with 1 and continued the system from the earlier title with 235)</p><p>If a new sequence of numbering is accompanied by wording to differentiate the sequence, such as new series, include this wording. If a new sequence of numbering with the same system as before is not accompanied by wording such as new series, supply [new ser.] or another appropriate term (or its equivalent in the language of the title proper of the series). See also 12.3G.</p><p>(UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology ; new ser., v. 3)</p><p>(Cambridge studies in medieval life and thought ; 4th ser., 30)</p><p>(Research monographs ; [new ser.], no. 1)</p><p>(Chemie und Fortschritt ; [n.F.], Heft 1)</p><p>1.6G2. If the parts of a multipart monograph are separately numbered within a series, give the first and the last numbers if the numbering is continuous. Otherwise, give all the numbers.</p><p>(... ; v. 11-15)</p><p>(... ; v. 131, 145, 152)</p><p>Record the series numbering of a serial as instructed in 12.6G2.</p><p>1.6G3. Optionally, if a bibliographic resource has both a numeric and/or alphabetic designation and a chronological designation, give the chronological designation after the numeric and/or alphabetic designation. A date of publication, distribution, etc., is not a chronological designation.</p><p>(... ; v. 3, no. 2 (Sept. 1981))</p><p>1.6H. Subseries</p><p>1.6H1. If a bibliographic resource is one of a subseries (see Glossary, appendix D) and both the series and the subseries are named on the item, give the details of the main series (see 1.6A–1.6G) first and follow them with the name of the subseries and the details of that subseries.</p><p>(Biblioteca del lavoro. Serie professionale ...)</p><p>(Geological Survey professional paper ; 683-D. Contributions to palaeontology ...) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 31</p><p>(Department of State publication ; 8583. East Asian and Pacific series ; 199)</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm studies in the history of literature ; 10)</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia ; 6)</p><p>(The Salvation Army brass band journal. General series ; no. 1565- 1568)</p><p>(Standard radio super sound effects. Trains)</p><p>([Development digest. Premier series])</p><p>(Mathematics for elementary school students. Whole numbers ; no. 10)</p><p>(Welding series. Gas metal arc (mig) welding)</p><p>(The sciences. Man and his environment ; TSB 3)</p><p>(Series C. Machine-readable texts of Greek authors)</p><p>(Three centuries of drama. English, 1642-1700)</p><p>1.6H2. If the main series and subseries titles appear in more than one language or script, choose as the title proper for the series area the main series and subseries titles in the language (or the clearly predominant language) of the particular bibliographic resource being catalogued. If this criterion is not applicable, choose the first main series and subseries titles that are in the same language as each other.</p><p>1.6H3. If a phrase such as “new series,” “second series,” etc., appears with an unnumbered series, transcribe such a phrase as a subseries title. If it appears with a numbered series, transcribe the phrase as part of the numbering of the series as instructed in 1.6G1 (see also 12.3G).</p><p>(Cambridge studies in international and comparative law. New series ...)</p><p>(Marian Library studies ; new ser., v. 12)</p><p>1.6H4. In case of doubt about whether one of the titles is a subseries or a second series, treat it as a second series (see 1.6J).</p><p>1.6H5. If the subseries has an alphabetic or numeric designation and no title, give the designation. If such a subseries has a title as well as a designation, give the title after the designation.</p><p>(Music for today. Series 2 ; no. 8) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 32</p><p>(Viewmaster science series. 4, Physics)</p><p>(Communications of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies. Series D, Geophysical bulletin ; no. 29)</p><p>(Series of atlases in facsimile / Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. 6th series ; v. 1)</p><p>(Music for today. Series 2 ; no. 8)</p><p>(Automotive damage correction series. Set 5)</p><p>1.6H6. Give parallel titles, other title information, and statements of responsibility relating to subseries as instructed in 1.6C, 1.6D, and 1.6E.</p><p>(World films. France today = La France d’aujourd’hui ...)</p><p>(Papers and documents of the I.C.I. Series C, Bibliographies = Travaux et documents de l’I.C.I. Série C, Bibliographies ...)</p><p>1.6H7. Give the ISSN of a subseries if it appears on the item being described; in such a case, omit the ISSN of the main series.</p><p>(West Virginia University bulletin. Engineering Experiment Station bulletin, ISSN 0083-8640)</p><p>(Janua linguarum. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114 ...) not (Janua linguarum, ISSN 0446-4796. Series maior, ISSN 0075-3114 ...)</p><p>1.6H8. Give the numbering within a subseries as instructed in 1.6G.</p><p>(Sciences. Physics ; TSP 1)</p><p>(Biblioteca de arte hispánico ; 8. Artes aplicadas ; 1)</p><p>1.6J. More than one series statement</p><p>1.6J1. The information relating to one series, or series and subseries, constitutes one series statement. If a bibliographic resource belongs to two or more series and/or two or more series and subseries, give separate series statements and enclose each statement in parentheses. Follow the instructions in 1.6A-1.6H in recording each series statement.</p><p>(Video marvels ; no. 33) (Educational progress series ; no. 3)</p><p>(Treaty series ; no. 66 (1976)) (Cmnd. ; 6580) (Numbering of first series transcribed from the item)</p><p>(Bulletin of the Iowa Highway Research Board) (Iowa State University bulletin) CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 33</p><p>If parts of a bibliographic resource belong to different series and this relationship cannot be stated clearly in the series area, give details of the series in a note (see 1.7B12).</p><p>1.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>1.6K1. For serials and integrating resources, describe the addition, deletion, or change of a series statement on a subsequent issue, part or iteration as instructed in 12.6K1.</p><p>Chapter 2</p><p>2.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 3</p><p>3.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 4</p><p>4.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 5</p><p>5.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 6</p><p>6.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 34</p><p>Chapter 7</p><p>7.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 8</p><p>8.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 9</p><p>9.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 10</p><p>10.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>Chapter 11</p><p>11.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6. CC:DA/TF/Consistency/Area 6/3/Rev December 1, 2003; rev. December 12, 2003 page 35</p><p>Chapter 12</p><p>12.6. SERIES AREA</p><p>12.6B. Series statements</p><p>12.6B1. Record each series statement as instructed in 1.6.</p><p>12.6G. Numbering within series</p><p>12.6G2. For serials, do not give series numbering if each issue or part is separately numbered within the series.</p><p>(Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis) (Each part is separately numbered)</p><p>(Public Health Service publication ; no. 1124) (Each issue of the serial carries the same series number)</p><p>12.6K. Change in series statement</p><p>12.6K1.</p><p> a) Serials. If a series is added, deleted, or changed on a subsequent issue or part and this change cannot be stated clearly in the series area, make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B14.2).</p><p> b) Integrating resources. If a series is added, deleted, or changed on a subsequent iteration, change the series area to reflect the current iteration and make a note if the change is considered to be important (see 12.7B14.2).</p>
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