<p> MINUTES OF COMBINED COMMISSION WORKING & REGULAR SESSION MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 BEGINNING AT 9:00 A.M. IN CONFERENCE ROOM #1, IN DUCHESNE, UTAH</p><p>Present Commission Chairman Ronald Winterton; Commissioner Greg Todd, Commissioner Ken Burdick, Deputy County Attorney Tyler Allred, Public Works Director Ben Henderson, Road Department Project Manager Clint Curtis, Clerk Auditor JoAnn Evans, Clel Robinson and Commission Assistant BobbiJo Casper taking minutes of the meeting. </p><p>Consideration Of A Rodeo Contractor For The 2017, 2018, & 2019 Duchesne County Fair Chairman Winterton stated that we opened the two bids received two weeks ago. Mr. Robinson stated that Broken Heart Rodeo is who we have had for the last 15 years. The caliber of livestock is a huge difference. He has witnessed problems with O’Driscoll’s livestock and he feels that the difference in price will make up for the performance with Broken Heart Rodeo. Broken Heart Rodeo is part of an association who has men and women trying to get enough points to win saddles and other things where O’Driscoll is an open rodeo so you won’t get the followers. If you only have a rodeo one night, you eliminate people because they will try to all get in the one night so people will be turned away. If you continue to have it two nights, you get people to stay and bring revenue to our county. Chairman Winterton stated that there isn’t an out on the contract for either party and suggested that the language be added and advertise again for a one night and or a two night rodeo to see what we get. Mr. Robinson stated that he has kept track of all of the sponsorships for the last few years so he knows that the rodeo makes money based on those and what is sold in tickets. Clerk Auditor Evans stated that she has never seen that information because Mr. Robinson has not shared it with her and she doesn’t keep track of it. All of the money made at the fair including the sponsorships goes into an account so she doesn’t know how much is from the rodeos. She is the person who sends the bills to the sponsors and there are a lot who still haven’t paid even though they got their advertisement during the fair. Mr. Robinson stated that he will send the sponsorship information and cost breakdowns from the past few years to Assistant Casper for the commission to review. </p><p>Public Works Department Update Director Henderson stated that they were hit hard with rain last week and they took care of issues where they could but they are still getting it cleaned up with the grader in several areas around the county. They will need to close a road in Arcadia to replace a culvert. Chairman Winterton stated that Dan Crozier called about his road in Myton that needs gravel because it was washed out. He also stated that they need a culvert in Stone Gate on the southeast side; they are pumping water across the road.</p><p>Consideration Of Payments For Mastic Seal & Painting Projects Mr. Tyler Faddis with Jones & DeMille Engineering joined the meeting at 9:46 A.M… Mr. Faddis stated that the Forest Service will reimburse the county for partial pay estimate #1 of both the mastic seal and the painting project. Special Service District #2 will pay for the #2 partial pay estimates. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve payments as they have been provided. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.</p><p>Consideration Of Engineer Bids For Scope Of Work On Highway 87 & Talmage Intersection Director Henderson stated that a part of the process is that we have an engineer go through the scope of work. Chairman Winterton suggested that they check with Larry Montoya with UDOT who was going to look at this intersection last week. See what he says before we proceed. Commissioner Todd suggested asking what Mr. Montoya recommends and if their okay with it.</p><p>Discussion Of Patching Moon Lake Road Through Ute Indian Tribe Area Director Henderson stated that the grader operator is working on this today. Chairman Winterton stated that they received the okay from the Ute Indian Tribe to do the patch work.</p><p>Consideration Of Supporting Law Enforcement Appreciation Day On January 9, 2017 Mrs. Elizabeth Mathews joined the meeting at 9:57 A.M… Mrs. Mathews stated January 19, 2017 is a national recognized Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. She has contacted several local businesses who will be giving donations. </p><p>Combined Commission Meeting September 26, 2016 Page 1 of 4 She has been in contact with the Ute Indian Tribe who will pay for the cost of dinner at around $2,000 and the Crossroads Senior Center is letting us use their building for free to hold that dinner. She has also been in contact with the schools and she would like to have blue and black balloons released by students. Skaggs, UBMC and the Rotary Club are also willing to help and she is here to see if the commission could help with costs for activities that will be held that day. Chairman Winterton stated that they are very supportive and willing to help so they will add this to the budget for next year. Commissioner Todd suggested that Mrs. Mathews contact Sheriff Dave Boren for his input.</p><p>Consideration Of Resolution No. 16-08, A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 08-16, Amending The GRAMA Fee Schedule For Duchesne County</p><p>RESOLUTION #16-08</p><p>A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION #08-16 AMENDING THE G.R.A.M.A. FEE SCHEDULE FOR DUCHESNE COUNTY</p><p>WHEREAS, Duchesne County has previously adopted a schedule for certain fees; and</p><p>WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of Duchesne County to amend the previous adopted fee schedule for fees not established by statute, </p><p>BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County Commission of Duchesne County that the following shall be the Uniform Fee Schedule for services provided within the county:</p><p>The following attached Exhibit A shall be the Uniform Fee Schedule for services provided within the county. </p><p>Dated this 26th day of September 2016.</p><p>Attest: Duchesne County:</p><p>JoAnn Evans Ronald Winterton County Clerk-Auditor Chair, Board of Duchesne County Commissioners</p><p>Approved as to form: Ken Burdick Member Tyler Allred Deputy County Attorney Greg Todd Member</p><p>Commissioner Burdick motioned to adopt Resolution No. 16-08. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.</p><p>Consideration Of Appointing A Chairman On The Duchesne County Fair Board Commissioner Burdick stated that they conducted interviews last week. Commissioner Todd stated that they have two really good applicants. Commissioner Burdick motioned to appoint Chelise Stewart as the Fair Board Chairman for four years. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. </p><p>Follow-Up Discussion With Cheryl Carter Regarding Granting An Easement To Her Home Mrs. Cheryl Carter joined the meeting at 10:24 A.M… County/Community Planning Administrator Mike Hyde joined the meeting at 10:26 A.M… Administrator Hyde stated that the oil well is inactive that is on the county’s property near Mrs. Carters home which is how she accesses her property. He suggested that a survey get done and a map for the easement. Chairman Winterton stated that they could grant an easement to Mrs. Carter’s property, but they wouldn’t maintain the road. County Surveyor Jerry Allred might be able to do a survey without going out on the ground and he asked Administrator Hyde to contact the surveyor about getting a survey as quick as possible.</p><p>Discussion Of A Draft Letter Regarding Nomination Of Multiple Nine Mile Canyon Area Sites Administrator Hyde stated that the letter states that we don’t have any objections to the nomination and listing of the multiple sites in the Nine Mile Canyon area as part of the </p><p>Combined Commission Meeting September 26, 2016 Page 2 of 4 National Register of Historic Places. Fifty six of the 113 sites are located within our county that mostly consists of rock art. This is the direction that we preferred and the letter provides our support. All commissioners agreed that the letter looks good and to go ahead and mail it.</p><p>Discussion Of Conference Call Capabilities IS Department Director Kent Ogletree joined the meeting at 10:44 A.M… Chairman Winterton stated that they recently attended a meeting in Uintah County where they couldn’t conference in more than 10 people so it got us thinking about our conference call capabilities. Director Ogletree stated that the current capabilities are almost nothing. You can do a three way call and that’s it. There are options such as Webex or Go 2 Meeting that costs around $19.00 per month for between 8 and 10 users at a time. Chairman Winterton stated that they should do this and recommended Go 2 Meeting. Commissioners Todd and Burdick agreed.</p><p>Consideration Of Season 7 Sponsorship With The County Seat TV Program & At Your Leisure Chairman Winterton stated that the price with remain the same as it was last year. He suggested that they talk to Crossroads Senior Center Director Irene Hansen about tourism and see where their budget will be. </p><p>Consideration Of An Appointment On The Cedarview Montwell SSD Board Chairman Winterton stated that Clint Taylor has applied for the vacancy but questioned if he was the only applicant and if this opening was advertised. Assistant Casper will follow up on it. Agenda item was postponed by general consent.</p><p>Consideration Of A Hoist & Other Equipment For The New Building & Grounds Facility Building & Grounds Supervisor Shane Jenkins joined the meeting at 11:03 A.M…</p><p>Supervisor Jenkins stated that he would like his department to do all of the light maintenance on county vehicles and he would like a four post hoist to raise vehicles. It will cost $6,000 and he would like to also get double jacks to do tire rotations, which is another $2,000. He would also like an air compressor, shop tools, furniture and a salt shed all for approximately $25,000. Chairman Winterton stated that they can make a change in the allocation for revitalization funds to add this.</p><p>Entered recess at 11:32 A.M…</p><p>Re-entered Combined Commission Meeting at 11:39 A.M…</p><p>Consideration Of Vouchers Deputy Clerk Auditor Connie Sweat joined the meeting at 11:39 A.M… The commission reviewed vouchers #136611 through 136658 dated September 26, 2016 in the amount of one hundred ninety two thousand thirty six dollars and thirty two cents ($192,036.32) as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Burdick motioned to approve the vouchers as presented by the Clerk Auditor’s Office. Commissioner Todd seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed.</p><p>Consideration Of A Business License For The Bears Den Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the business licenses as presented. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. </p><p>Consideration Of A Business License For ZJ Auction Services Inc. Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the business licenses as presented. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. </p><p>Consideration Of Minutes For Combined Commission Meeting Held September 12th & 19th, 2016 Commissioner Todd motioned to approve the minutes with corrections. Commissioner Burdick seconded the motion. All commissioners voted aye and the motion passed. </p><p>Commission Calendaring Payroll & Benefits Administrator Becky Caton joined the meeting at 11:59 A.M…</p><p>Combined Commission Meeting September 26, 2016 Page 3 of 4 Adjourn</p><p>Chairman Winterton adjourned the meeting at 12:34 P.M.</p><p>Read and approved this 03rd day of October 2016.</p><p>Ronald Winterton JoAnn Evans Commission Chairman Clerk/Auditor</p><p>Minutes of meeting prepared by BobbiJo Casper______</p><p>Combined Commission Meeting September 26, 2016 Page 4 of 4</p>
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