Unit 6 Positive Thinking and Happier Living

Unit 6 Positive Thinking and Happier Living

<p>Unit 6 Positive Thinking and Happier Living 單字測驗 ______1. The company c______ed with the striking workers by increasing their salary. ______2. Richard s______ed the test would be easy, but he was wrong. ______3. Dorothy made every effort to o______n a full scholarship. ______4. The Chinese New Year is a j______s time for both adults and children. ______5. Cecilia caught a cold and was c______ed to bed for some rest. ______6. The violent typhoon was a c______e to the villagers. ______7. Because of his excellent a______c performance, Joshua entered his dream university. ______8. Victoria loves her husband so much that she believes they will be happy together for the rest of their l______e. ______9. Mandy was under a lot of p______e before the singing competition. ______10. Lynn found it almost impossible to s______s her anger when she found that her daughter had stolen her money. ______11. The school was closed because of the low e______t. It didn’t attract enough students last year. ______12. R______r exercise helps people keep fit and stay in shape. ______13. This is Hilary’s last s______r in high school. She will be a college student soon. ______14. The number is just a rough estimate. If you need the p______e one, you have to do detailed calculation. ______15. Little kids will never understand the complicated story unless you s______y it. ______16. The city offers its residents various kinds of ______(entertain). ______17. Students need the teacher’s ______(permit) to leave the classroom. ______18. Many women are ______(envy) of the supermodel’s beauty. ______19. Taking care of her baby daughter brings Sandy a great sense of ______(fulfilling). ______20. All the players showed their ______(confident) before the game started. 片語與句型造句 swarm with . . . 充滿… ‧The theme park always swarms with people on weekends. 1. 這家餐廳用餐時間總是充滿飢餓的顧客。 ______2. 旅遊旺季時,觀光勝地總是充滿遊客。 ______come under (great) pressure from . . . 承受來自…的(巨大)壓力 ‧The manager comes under pressure from his boss to improve the company’s sales. 3. 這先生承受來自太太的巨大壓力要賺 更多錢。 ______4. 許多臺灣學生承受來自父母要他們當醫師或律師的壓力。 ______S (+ aux.) + not only + V1 + but (+ aux.) + also + V2 → Not only + aux. + S + V1, but + S (+ aux.) + also + V2 S + be + not only . . . but also . . . → Not only + be + S . . . , but + S + be + also . . . 不但…而且… ‧Not only did Vincent quit smoking, but he also started jogging. 5. Howard 不但讀小說,他還自己創造故事。 ______6. 搭乘大眾運輸工具不但省錢,還能節省能源。 ______such as 像是… ‧Andrea listens to all kinds of music such as jazz and hip-hop. 7. Nelson 喜歡速食,像是漢堡和薯條。 ______8. 我在這個夏令營學了很多,像是如何清 楚地表達自己和如何當一個好的傾聽者。 ______take account of something 考慮到某事  Eva didn’t take account of all the issues before making the decision. 9. 這名秘書總是幫她 的老 闆 考慮所有事情。 ______10. Damien 很自私。他很少考慮其他人的感受。 ______S1 (+ aux.) + be/V1 . . . if + S2 + be + not/aux. + not + V2 . . . → S1 (+ aux.) + be/V1 . . . unless + S2 + be/V2 . . . 除非…不然…</p><p>‧Juliet will not lose weight unless she exercises every day. 11. 除非 Harry 更用功,不然他無法通過考試。 ______12. 除非雨停,不然這個活動會取消。 ______be good at N/V-ing …擅長… ‧Theodore is good at swimming and cooking. 13. 就像他爸爸一樣,Adam 擅長唱歌。 ______14. Louisa 擅長模仿別人的說話方式。 ______engage in something 參加某事  The teacher was angry that Scully didn’t engage in the class activities at all. 15. Jocelyn 喜歡參加體育活動。 ______16. Isabella 過於忙碌而無法參與學校社團活動。 ______stem from something 起源於某事  The argument stemmed from misunderstanding. 17. 這場意外起源於酒駕。 ______18. Tiffany 的疾病起源於工作過度。 ______pack something into something 在短時間內做很多事情  Darren suffers from great pressure because he packs a lot into his life. 19. 還有很多時間,所以我們不需要在一天內做所有事情。 ______20. Ian 是個愛拖延的人,因為 他總是在行程內安排太多事情。 ______take . . . for granted 將…視為 理所當然 ‧People should not take fresh air and clean water for granted. 21. 孩子不應該把父母的愛和關心視為 理所當然。 ______22. 很多人把健康視為 理所當然。 ______take pleasure in + N/V-ing 享受、樂於… ‧Vera takes pleasure in cleaning her room. 23. Candice 樂於聆聽輕柔的音樂。 ______24. Liam 享受奢華的假期。 ______綜合測驗 During the spring semester of 2006, Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre was crowded every Tuesday and Thursday because of Tal Ben-Shahar’s course called “Positive Psychology.” It was ___1___ popular 1 Ben-Shahar went on to publish several bestselling books helping people to achieve happiness. People seem to be more and more unhappy nowadays. Students are 2___ academic pressure. Adults find it hard to strike a balance between their work and personal lives. Parents want to provide their children with a better living or learning environment. 3 Ben-Shahar, those who seek happiness should take account of the following three questions: What do we find most meaningful? What provides us with the most pleasure? What are we good at? Here 4___ some tips Ben-Shahar offers to help us find happiness. First, we should accept all of our emotions, including the negative ones. We should find a job that brings us pleasure 5 pain. If we lose our job, we can view it as a catastrophe, or we can think positively and take it as an opportunity to get a better one. 6 , we should try not to do too much. Being 7 finish everything frustrates us. Regular exercise, balanced meals, and enough sleep 8 us physically and mentally healthy. We should not take what we have for granted 9 appreciate the wonderful things in life. Positive thinking is the key to happiness. We should stop envying others and start 10 our own joy. ( ) 1. (A) either; or (B) not only; but also(C) so; that (D) too; to ( ) 2. (A) under (B) of (C) from (D) at ( ) 3. (A) According to (B) In order to (C) In the end (D) So as to ( ) 4. (A) is (B) are (C) has (D) have ( ) 5. (A) along with (B) not to mention (C) as well as (D) instead of ( ) 6. (A) Additional (B) In addition to (C) Beside (D) Besides ( ) 7. (A) unaware of (B) unable to (C) unlike (D) under ( ) 8. (A) get (B) help (C) keep (D) have ( ) 9. (A) when (B) for (C) but (D) so ( ) 10. (A) standing for (B) searching for (C) looking after (D) naming after 課文問答 1. During the spring semester of 2006, when did Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre swarm with students? (paragraph 1) ______2. What are the stressful situations parents have to handle? (paragraph 2) ______3. Which three questions should we take account of in order to arrive at the state of happiness? (paragraph 3) ______4. What is OK for students who get low grades at school? (paragraph 4) ______5. Who should try working as a tour guide? (paragraph 5) ______6. What can a man do if he loses his job? (paragraph 6) ______7. What will frustrate us? (paragraph 7) ______8. How can we be both physically and mentally healthy? (paragraph 8) ______9. What should we learn to appreciate and relish? (paragraph 9) ______10. What is the key to happiness? (paragraph 10) ______閱讀測驗 In the past, psychologists focused their research on problems of the human mind and people who are unhappy. However, the science of psychology has taken a new turn in studying what makes people happy. Dr. Martin Seligman, the 1998 president of the American Psychological Association, convinced the organization that mental health was more than not having mental illness and that research in this area should help people do more than just exist. That is, it should help people thrive. Researchers in this new field of study have discovered that education, age, marriage, and money have nothing to do with people’s happiness. But having a job, a friend, and a family are factors in people’s happiness. For instance, the death of a husband or wife and job losses are incidents that can cause loss of happiness. Research also has shown that there are three parts to happiness: pleasure, involvement, and meaning. People who want to be happier can create more pleasure in their lives in several ways. One way is to keep a “gratitude diary” which helps people remember good things that happen for which they are thankful. Another way involves performing kind acts for others such as being a volunteer, visiting a nursing home, and so on and these kind acts add meaning and purpose to life. These actions can help distract people from their problems and feel good about themselves. Instead of focusing on how to improve people’s mental illness, this new research focuses on what makes people feel happy. It will help us discover ways to encourage more happiness among all people. ( ) 1. Which of the following statements about Dr. Martin Seligman is true? (A) He focuses his research on why people are unhappy. (B) He is a psychologist. (C) He does not have any friend or family. (D) He keeps a diary. ( ) 2. According to researchers in the new field of study, ______is a factor in people’s happiness. (A) money (B) education (C) having a job (D) marriage ( ) 3. People who keep a “gratitude diary” ______. (A) remember good things (B) care about others’ feelings (C) have good memory (D) feel hopeless every day ( ) 4. Performing kind acts ______. (A) costs people a lot of money (B) makes people feel good about themselves (C) brings people worries (D) creates social problems ( ) 5. The best title for this article is ______. (A) How to Become a Psychologist (B) How to Make Friends (C) How to Become Rich (D) How to Find Happiness</p><p>翻譯 A 1. Terry 一直都把媽媽的照顧視為 理所當然。 ______2. 看過一部電影後,他知道媽媽有多偉大並開始考慮她 的感受。 ______B 3. Kristen 喜歡參與演戲。 ______4. 她樂於扮演各式各樣的角色。 ______C 5. 路上充滿了抗議這起謀殺案的民眾。 ______6. 警方承受了來自社會要將兇手繩之以法的壓力。 ______7. Susie will not forgive you if you don’t apologize to her. (用 unless 改寫) ______8. Joyce had too many things to do in the weekend and didn’t have enough sleep. (用 pack sth into sth 改寫) ______9. Mother’s exhaustion resulted from working too late. (用 stem from 改寫) ______10. Fast food not only offers Taiwanese people convenience, but it also changes their eating habits. (用 Not only 開頭改寫) ______</p><p>Everyone is under his or her own pressure. For parents, 11. 他們 需要處理 壓力大的情況,像 是如何和他們的孩子有效地溝通。 In addition, 12. 如何提供孩子更好的學習環境是另一個他們 要面對的問題。 11. ______12. ______寫作練習</p><p>請用 120 個左右的單詞(words),描述照片中人物進行的活動。文章分兩段,第一段描述照片內 的情景,第二段寫你 對照片中事件的看法以及 你會不會參與這種活動。</p><p>______Unit 6 Listening Test </p><p>Part 1: 30% In the first part of this test, there are five questions. You are going to see five pictures. Each picture is followed by a question, which will be played only once. Study the pictures, then listen carefully to the CD and choose the best answer for each question. A. Question 1 B. Question 2</p><p>1. ( ) 2. ( )</p><p>C. Question 3 D. Question 4 E. Question 5</p><p>3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )</p><p>Part 2: 30% In the second part of this test, there are five questions. You are going to hear five questions or sentences. Choose the best response for each question or sentence. ( ) 1. (A) I felt bad today, too. (B) That’s not good. It might harm your health. (C) Taylor sent me a present yesterday. (D) Don’t say that again. ( ) 2. (A) You could be a tour guide! (B) Obtain a degree first. (C) Focus on your own pleasure. (D) Just be yourself and be confident! ( ) 3. (A) I passed the exam with flying colors! (B) The teacher made me sit at the front of the class. (C) I know. The pressure is killing me! (D) I would like to have beef noodles. ( ) 4. (A) I’m a history major. (B) I’ll be a teacher next year. (C) I attend Chung Hsing University. (D) I’ll enroll at the end of August.</p><p>( ) 5. (A) Try exercising regularly. (B) One more cookie can’t hurt, right? (C) I’ll give you a hand lifting it up. (D) Why don’t you simplify the whole thing? Part 3: 40% In the third part of this test, there are five questions. You are going to hear five short conversations. Each conversation is followed by a question. Choose the best answer for each question. ( ) 1. (A) She thinks they have been confined too long. (B) She enjoys hearing the children read stories. (C) She finds it really fulfilling. (D) She thinks it’s funny when kids try to help adults. ( ) 2. (A) His mother expects him to do all the housework. (B) He wants the woman to do the dishes. (C) He is too busy to take care of himself. (D) He takes what his mother does for granted. ( ) 3. (A) He thinks she fails to strike a balance between work and life. (B) He doesn’t want to help her with her work again. (C) She always has a precise amount of work to do. (D) She doesn’t know how to do her job well. ( ) 4. (A) He says he won’t travel with the woman. (B) He suggests a way for them to compromise. (C) He wants to shorten the days of their trip. (D) He supposes there’s nothing they can do. ( ) 5. (A) His father didn’t give him permission to go. (B) The date has been changed to a weekday. (C) He was not invited to the party. (D) He has to go somewhere with his dad. [腳本] Part 1 For question number one, please look at picture A. 1. Q: Why is the man at the party? (A) To frustrate everyone. (B) To entertain the children. (C) To make people feel disappointed. (D) To teach children some table manners. For question number two, please look at picture B. 2. Q: How would you describe the team? (A) Tired. (B) Sad. (C) Responsible. (D) Joyous. For question number three, please look at picture C. 3. Q: Why does the little boy seem upset? (A) He envies the girl. (B) The girl is too competitive. (C) The girl ignores him. (D) No one listens to him. For question number four, please look at picture D. 4. Q: What kind of job does the man probably do? (A) He does academic work. (B) He works in the fashion industry. (C) He owns a big company. (D) He is a businessperson. For question number five, please look at picture E. 5. Q: What is going to happen soon? (A) A bomb will explode. (B) A ship is sinking. (C) There will be a natural catastrophe. (D) The king will make a speech.</p><p>Part 2 1. I always suppress all my sad feelings. 2. Do you have any tips for my job interview tomorrow? 3. I really hate the stress of these exams. 4. When are you going to college? 5. I can’t keep my weight down.</p><p>Part 3 1. M: So you read stories to children at the hospital on weekends? That’s great! W: It’s a lot of fun and the children seem to really enjoy themselves. M: I bet it feels great to help people like that. Q: How does the woman probably feel about her volunteer work? 2. W: Shall we do the dishes now? I’ll wash, you dry! M: Just leave them there. My mom will do them later when she’s finished cleaning my room. W: You shouldn’t expect your mom to do everything for you! Q: What do we find out about the man? 3. M: Work, work, work! It’s the weekend. Can’t you take a break? W: It’s my job. I have to get all this done by Monday. What can I do? M: I just think we need to find some time in our busy lives to relax and be together. Q: Why is the man unhappy with the woman? 4. W: I want to take a vacation in Taichung for our four-day trip. M: Taichung is a great city. But I want to go surfing in Kenting. W: It’s too hot in Kenting. I’d prefer to go shopping in Taichung. M: OK. How about this? We can stay in Taichung for two days and then we can go south to Kenting for the remaining two days. Q: What does the man recommend? 5. M: Hey, bad news! I can’t go to the party on Saturday after all. W: Oh no! What happened? M: It’s my dad. He says I’m too young to go to parties. Q: Why couldn’t the boy attend the party? 解答</p><p>單字測驗 1. compromised 2. supposed 3. obtain 4. joyous 5. confined 6. catastrophe 7. academic 8. lifetime 9. pressure 10. suppress 11. enrollment 12. Regular 13. semester 14. precise 15. simplify 16. entertainment17. permission 18. envious 19. fulfillment 20. confidence</p><p>片語與句型造句 1. The restaurant always swarms with hungry customers at mealtimes. 2. During peak seasons, tourist attractions are always swarming with tourists. 3. The husband comes under great pressure from his wife to earn more money. 4. Many Taiwanese students come under pressure from their parents to become a doctor or a lawyer. 5. Not only does Howard read novels, but he also creates his own stories. 6. Not only does taking public transportation save money, but it also saves/conserves energy. 7. Nelson likes fast food such as hamburgers and French fries. 8. I’ve learned a lot in the summer camp, such as how to express myself clearly and how to be a good listener. 9. The secretary always takes account of everything for her boss. 10. Damien is selfish. He seldom takes account of others’ feelings. 11. Harry cannot pass the exam/test unless he studies harder. 12. The activity will be canceled unless it stops raining. 13. Like his father, Adam is good at singing. 14. Louisa is good at imitating the way other people talk. 15. Jocelyn likes/enjoys engaging in sports activities. 16. Isabella is too busy to engage in school club activities. 17. The accident stemmed from drunk driving. 18. Tiffany’s illness stemmed from overwork. 19. There’s still plenty of time so we don’t have to pack everything into a day. 20. Ian is a procrastinator because he always packs too many things into his schedule. 21. Children should not take their parents’ love and care for granted. 22. Many people take health for granted. 23. Candice takes pleasure in listening to soft music. 24. Liam takes pleasure in the luxurious vacation.</p><p>綜合測驗 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B</p><p>課文問答 1. It swarmed with students every Tuesday and Thursday. 2. How to communicate effectively with their children and how to provide their children with a better living or learning environment. 3. What do we find most meaningful? What provides us with the most pleasure? What are we good at? 4. It’s OK for them to feel disappointed. 5. People who like to travel and entertain people with stories. 6. He can view it as a catastrophe, or he can think positively and take it as an opportunity to get a better job. 7. Not having enough time to finish everything we list and failing to complete the tasks as planned will frustrate us. 8. We should exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and eat balanced meals. 9. We should learn to appreciate and relish the wonderful things in life. 10. Positive thinking is the key to happiness. </p><p>閱讀測驗 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D</p><p>翻譯 1. Terry always takes his mother’s care for granted. 2. After watching a film, he knows how great his mom is and starts to take account of her feelings. 3. Kristen likes/enjoys engaging in acting. 4. She takes pleasure in playing various roles/characters. 5. The road swarmed with people protesting about the murder. 6. The police came under pressure from the society to bring the murderer to justice. 7. Susie will not forgive you unless you apologize to her. 8. Joyce packed too many things into the weekend and didn’t have enough sleep. 9. Mother’s exhaustion stemmed from working too late. 10. Not only does fast food offer Taiwanese people convenience, but it also changes their eating habits. 11. they need to handle stressful situations, such as how to communicate effectively with their children. 12. how to provide their children with a better learning environment is another problem they have to face.</p><p>寫作練習 A lot of people are joining a demonstration on the street. Several people walk in the front and carry a big banner. The protestors are marching down the street to call for the government and society’s attention to the issue that concerns them. There are some photographers around using their video or digital cameras to capture the moment. In my point of view, expressing opinions through peaceful protests is acceptable. By encouraging people to gather and speak up, this can instantly and effectively draw the government’s attention. If I have some thoughts in my mind and want my voice heard, I think I will join a well-organized and nonviolent demonstration to express my concerns.</p><p>Listening Test Part 1 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C Part 2 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A Part 3 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A </p>

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