Student-Parent Handbook 2016 - 2017

Student-Parent Handbook 2016 - 2017

<p> Woodward Middle School GRADES 6, 7 & 8</p><p>STUDENT-PARENT HANDBOOK 2016 - 2017 Ninth & Oak Woodward, OK 73801</p><p>South Campus Telephone 256-7901</p><p>COMMITMENT STATEMENT</p><p>I pledge to respect myself by doing what is right and by treating others the way that I would like to be treated.</p><p>The community of Woodward Middle School will empower individuals with knowledge and life long skills to succeed in meeting the challenges of the 21st century.</p><p>Woodward Middle School Mission Statement 2016-2017 SCHOOL OFFICES Web Access:</p><p>CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION</p><p>Superintendent 256-6063 Administrator for Student Instruction 256-3284 Administrator for Support Services 256-6063 Central Kitchen 256-2512 Transportation 256-3245</p><p>HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>Principal 256-5329 Music 256-6517 Assistant Principal 256-6669 Industrial Arts 256-6306 Alternative School 256-8713 Gymnasium 256-6489 Counselor 256-2858 Industrial Arts 256-6306 Financial Secretary 256-8703 Kitchen 256-8411 Football Stadium 256-4042 Vo-Ag 256-6374</p><p>MIDDLE SCHOOL</p><p>Principal 256-7901 ext 1920 Asst. Principal 256-7901 ext 3604</p><p>Attendance Office 256-7901 ext 3508 Counselor 256-7901 ext 3547 Registrar 256-7901 ext 3603 Technology Ed 256-3854 Music 256-2408 Nurse 256-2323</p><p>ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS</p><p>Cedar Heights 256-6521 Horace Mann 256-2660 Highland Park 256-2500 WW ECC 256-2561</p><p>WOODWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Ms. Sarah Hall Principal Patti Thompson Attendance Ms. Diana Ball Assistant Principal Jeannine Moore Discipline Barbara Roberts Registrar </p><p>COUNSELORS NURSE Ms. Amy Whitewater Ms. Shay Stewart Ms. Kelli Burton PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE TO STUDENTS Woodward Middle School organizes its goals and objectives around basic middle school themes: Strong academic emphasis Advisory Periods Parent Involvement Interdisciplinary learning experiences Exploratory experiences Activity/laboratory approach Recognition of the social needs of young adults</p><p>The policies and information contained in this student handbook are an effort on the behalf of the administration and the faculty to provide middle school students with the guidelines relating to school life. This information has been carefully prepared and presented in order to clarify rules as they apply to middle school students so that it will be of great value in helping you as a student to adjust to our school and become an intricate part of it. The ultimate purpose of education is to help you, as a student, to become an effective citizen in a democracy. The development and acceptance of responsibilities and obligations of good citizenship will help you participate successfully in the world of tomorrow. We hope that you will participate in our varied activities and thus find those things within our school, which will prepare you to live a better life, and finally take your place in this complex society. Remember, your success in school will be directly proportional to your efforts. THREE DRIVING FORCES OF WOODWARD MIDDLE SCHOOL School Spirit May Be Divided Into Three Categories: 1. COURTESY – Toward teachers, fellow students and officials. 2. PRIDE – In everything our school endeavors to accomplish and has accomplished. 3. SPORTMANSHIP – The ability to win and lose gracefully. SCHOOL COLORS Old Gold and Black SCHOOL EMBLEM Boomer Wagon WEB ACCESS ADDRESS: PARENT CONNECT ACCESS: Ask you school secretary for info or principal</p><p>*** STUDENT – PARENT/GUARDIAN GENERAL INFORMATION </p><p>CALENDAR 2016-2017 August 16 & 17 Professional Days December 21 -January3 Christmas Holiday August 18 Teacher Site days January 4 Teacher Site day August 19 First Day of Classes January 5 Classes Resume January 16 Professional Day February 20 Professional Day September 5 Labor Day March 10 End of 3rd Nine weeks September 15 Professional Day March 13-17 Spring Break October 19 End of 1st Nine Weeks March 24 Parent/Teacher Conferences October 20&21 Fall Break April14 Free Fridays October 28 Parent Teacher Conferences May 5, 12, &19 Free Fridays November 23-25 Thanksgiving Holiday May 23 Last Day of Classes December 20 End of 1st Semester May 24 Site Day</p><p>WE’RE HERE TO HELP: From now until the time a child leaves Woodward Middle School, we will have student progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, and Parent connect – whatever is necessary to keep parents informed about how a student is doing in school. Parents are encouraged to call the school offices with any questions or concerns. VISITORS: Parents are invited to visit the school as frequently as they wish. All visitors are required to report to the office upon arrival at school where a nametag will be issued. Student visitors or younger relatives will not be permitted at any time. If, in the judgment of the school principal, the visitation is inappropriate, the visitor(s) will be asked to leave. USE OF PHONE: Students will be allowed to use the phone in the office only to contact their parent/guardian or in case of emergency. Students who use the phone must have permission from their teachers, the secretary, or the principal. DO NOT make any long-distance calls that will be charged to the school phone. HALL PASS: Your planner will be used as your hall pass this year. The Hall Pass sheet must be completed each time you leave during class unless you are called to the office. If you do not have this Hall Pass sheet you will not be allowed in the halls during class time. SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS: Woodward Middle School will have security cameras in use. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: All serious accidents or illnesses are reported to parents. Parents are asked to inform the school of changes in phone numbers or persons to contact in case of an emergency. It is absolutely necessary to have phone numbers available to reach parents. EARLY MORNING ARRIVALS: Students should not arrive at school before 7:45 a.m. Students who find it necessary to arrive prior to 7:45 a.m. are to enter the cafeteria through the south doors. The cafeteria will not open until 7:30 a.m. each morning. The cafeteria is used for the purpose of allowing students to be inside to study and as a shelter from the weather. Students may not go to their lockers until the bell.</p><p>BAD WEATHER: School Closing – Should school be postponed due to inclement weather, announcements will be made on local radio stations or watch television channels 4, 5, or 9 in the morning. During this time an announcement will be made if classes are to be cancelled. If Woodward Public Schools are NOT mentioned in the closings, school will go on as usual. You can also check for school closings on our WMS Facebook page or twitter. An automatic call will be sent out to phones of our Middle School parents. (Please make sure those numbers are correct). School will continue the following day unless otherwise noted. LOST AND FOUND: Woodward Middle School keeps a Lost and Found box in the principals’ office. If your child loses something at school, please have him/her check the Lost and Found. All items brought to school should have the student’s name clearly written in permanent ink.</p><p>DELIVERIES: Deliveries from parents, florists, candy stores, and/or other businesses not for educational purposes (EXAMPLE – Birthdays, Homecoming Celebrations, Valentine’s Day, etc) WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Due to problems with non-educational deliveries in previous school years, Woodward Middle School will no longer accept deliveries for students before, during, and/or after school hours. (06/07)</p><p>PRINTED MATERIAL: All printed material, signs, or posters not sponsored by Woodward Public Schools must have clearance through the principal’s office.</p><p>LOCKERS: Lockers will be assigned at the beginning of the year through the registrar’s office. Students will be expected to use the lockers assigned to them and to keep them clean and neat at all times. Students are not to use any lockers that have not been assigned to them. Students have no reason to expect privacy rights from school officials where school lockers, desks, or other school property are concerned. Personal locks may be brought from home to secure assigned lockers. A second key or combination must be made available in the office prior to securing a school locker.</p><p>MAKE-UP WORK: Students are required to make up all work missed due to absence. Students have one school day to make up work for each day they are absent. (A student who was absent 3 days would have 3 school days including his/her first day back at school to complete all missed assignments.) It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher(s) to obtain make-up work. Any parent wishing to pick up work on the second day a student is absent may call the school offices. Parents wishing to pick up work should call before 9:00 a.m. </p><p>HOMEWORK: Student homework assignments may be given per the teacher’s classroom policy. Students will be allowed a minimum of a day-for-a-day to turn in homework when the student has been absent from school with permission. (Ex: A student who is absent for 2 school days due to a documented illness has 2 school days to turn in assignments for the classes missed.) If homework is not done in class or at home, the student can then be assigned FOCUS. Attached document explains FOCUS. </p><p>CLOSED CAMPUS: We have a closed campus for students in grades 6 through 8. This means students are to remain at school during school hours and during their lunch period. Parents may take ONLY their child out of school during regular school hours. Parents must sign their student out for appointments, lunch, etc, and the student must sign back in upon returning to school. Students not returning to their class directly after lunch will have an unexcused tardy or unexcused absence recorded for that class.</p><p>MIDDLE SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER: The media center will be open from 7:50 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. everyday unless otherwise notified. Students will be allowed to come to the library any time either before school, after school, or during classes to do work or for extra reading time. Students not using the library for those purposes will be sent back to their designated areas. Overdue lists will be posted every week. It will be the students’ responsibility to check that list and make sure they are clear in the library. Having unpaid fines for overdue or lost library books may cause the student to lose a class or team reward activity.</p><p>PARTICIPATION IN FLAG SALUTES AND MOMENT OF SILENCE: Each day, students of Woodward Public Schools shall be asked to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the Oklahoma Flag salute, and remain standing for a “Minute of Silence” as required by Senate Bill 815. The minute of silence is for the express purpose of allowing each student to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in other silent activity. The public announcement shall be, “Please stand for the flag salutes. We will then observe a moment of silence to reflect, meditate, pray, or engage in other silent activity.” ~~~~~ ANY STUDENT NOT WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PLEDGE WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO DO SO.~~~~~</p><p>~~~~~~~~~~DISTRICT STATEMENT~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Woodward Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex/gender, age, or disability in admission to its programs, services or activities, in access to them in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of their operations. The Woodward Public School system also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. This notice is provided as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Questions, complaints, or requests for more information regarding these laws may be forwarded to the designated compliance coordinators. LUNCH ACCOUNTS (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): Prices of student breakfast and lunches will be announced prior to school starting in August. Students in grades 6 through 8 may put money on their account at the Cafeteria during their regularly scheduled lunch period or with teacher permission. All checks for the lunch program should be made payable to the Woodward Middle School for amount of lunch purchaces only. NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN – CHECKS WILL NOT BE CASHED FOR MORE THAN THE AMOUNT OF LUNCH TICKETS. Students may bring a sack lunch to the cafeteria. All students will be encouraged to have a lunch everyday. (6/07) Lunch prices are subject to change by board approval. LUNCH CHARGES: No student will be allowed to charge meals. Students with no money on their meal accounts will be provided a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and milk. Parents may take ONLY their child out of school during regular school hours. Students not returning to their class directly after lunch will have an unexcused tardy or unexcused absence recorded for that class. LUNCHROOM: NO FOOD OR DRINK MAY LEAVE THE CAFETERIA.</p><p>FUND-RAISING PROJECTS: These projects are undertaken to purchase extra instructional materials that the regular budget will not cover. Please remember participation is optional.</p><p>RETURN OF SCHOOL PROPERTY AND FUND-RAISER ACTIVITIES: Students who fail to return school property (e.g. books, fund-raiser products, uniforms, ipads, etc.) will not be allowed to participate in fund-raisers, activities relating to fund-raisers or other extra-curricular activities until the property or funds paid to the school.</p><p>PROMOTION & RETENTION POLICY: If a teacher recommends that a student be retained in the same grade, the teacher(s), counselor, and principal shall review the student’s records and the teacher(s) shall make written recommendations to the parent(s). Parents may appeal this recommendation to the Superintendent.</p><p>*** HEALTH AND SAFETY ISSUES ***</p><p>FIRE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS: Exit plans for fire and emergency situations are posted in each classroom. Teachers are to discuss pathways and alternate routes with students. Emergency Action Plans provide teachers with definite steps to follow for specific emergencies. A middle school crisis response team has a step-by-step plan ready should a crisis occur.</p><p>HEALTH AND SAFETY: Woodward Middle School is making a special effort to help students establish good health habits and stay healthy. The success of our efforts, however, depends on your follow-through at home. Children should not come to school when they are ill, have an elevated temperature or a suspected contagious condition. This is for his or her protection as well as others in the classroom. Students will be sent home if they have elevated temperatures, head lice, are vomiting, have diarrhea, have an undiagnosed skin rash, or have red inflamed eyes. Parents are required to call the school offices by 9:30 a.m. if their child will be absent or tardy.</p><p>PRESCRIBED MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: Students may not bring medication to school unless they have a “Request for Medications to be taken at School” form signed by the parent and physician on file in the front office. These forms will be supplied during enrollment and will be available from the Registrar throughout the year.</p><p>IMMUNIZATION: Immunization of school-age children is a very important way of protecting and promoting the health of children in Oklahoma. In accordance with Oklahoma law for the fall 2006 semester, every school-age child must comply with the following requirements: 6 TH THROUGH 8 TH GRADE: 5 DTP/DTaP/Td, 4 ORAL POLIO, 2 MMR, 3 HEPATITIS B, 2 HEPATITIS A, and 1 Varicella. Tdap vaccine for students entering 7th grade for the 2011-2012 school year. BY STATE LAW STUDENTS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND SCHOOL IF THEIR IMMUNIZATIONS ARE NOT CURRENT AND THE SCHOOL NURSE DOES NOT HAVE AN UPDATED IMMUNIZATION RECORD ON FILE. A.I.D.S. PREVENTION EDUCATION: An A.I.D.S. Prevention Education program is offered to students in the Woodward School System pursuant to H.B. 1475 of the 1987 Legislative Session. The State Department of Education of Health developed the curriculum materials used for this program. At least one month prior to teaching A.I.D.S. Prevention, a forum to preview the curriculum materials will be held for the parents or guardians of 7 th grade students. No student shall be required to participate in A.I.D.S. Prevention Education if a parent or guardian objects. A student permission letter will be sent home to notify parents/guardians of time and date of forum and permission for their child to attend the A.I.D.S. Prevention program.</p><p>*** STUDENT/PARENT SERVICES *** GUIDANCE: Guidance services are available for every student in the school. These services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of scores, occupation information, study helps, help with home, school and/or social concerns, or any question the student may feel he/she would like to discuss with the counselor. Students wishing to visit a counselor should contact the counselor or let a teacher know so arrangements can be made for an appointment. Several standardized tests are administered to students throughout their Middle School years. These tests are one method of determining the academic level, interest, and abilities of students. This information enables the school to assist all students in achieving success in school. Testing information is available from the counselors. A cumulative record folder is kept for each student, and is a comprehensive record of the student throughout his/her school years. Parents are always welcome to call or make an appointment to visit with the school counselor.</p><p>POWER SCHOOL is a Web-based home-to-school collaboration solution allows you examine up-to-date information on your child’s grades, attendance, homework assignments, and more—all through a secure, easy-to-use online link to school records. Power School also makes it easy for parents and teachers to communicate via e-mail messages. GRADE CHECKS: To facilitate home and school communication, a parent or guardian may request a grade check on his/her child. The request may be made by calling the counselor’s office. If the grade check reveals any problems in a subject area, the parent or guardian should immediately contact the student’s instructor(s). The Power School Web-based home-to-school collaboration solution allows you examine up-to-date information on your child’s grades, attendance, homework assignments, and more—all through a secure, easy-to-use online link to school records. </p><p>CONFERENCES AND REPORT CARDS: Parent-Teacher conferences will be held during the first and third 9-week periods. Grade reports are given to students on the Friday following the close of each quarter. Conference scheduling will begin two weeks before conference dates. Teachers must be notified if a conference appointment cannot be kept. The teacher will schedule another appointment. A student must be present 20 days to receive a report card or have grades recorded. Mid-term progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday, the 5th week of every 9-week period.</p><p>GRADING SCALE: A: 90-100 B: 80-89 C: 70-79 D: 65-69 F: 0-64 S: Satisfactory I: Incomplete U: Unsatisfactory NM: No Mark</p><p>STUDENT COUNCIL: The Woodward Middle School Student Council is a student organization with two representatives from each homebase. Elections for officers and representatives are held in the early fall. To be eligible to participate, a student must be in good standing in the following areas: Discipline, Attendance, and must carry at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) from the previous school year. The primary objective of the council will be to represent the student body in organizing service learning projects. The student council will sponsor positive activities throughout the year for the students. The funds raised will be used to benefit the students, teachers, and school. An instructor is appointed to be the student council sponsor. Each campus will have a separate student council. STUDENT RECOGNITION Superintendent’s Honor Roll: Students who make all A’s during a quarter will receive a Superintendent’s Honor Roll certificate. Principal’s Honor Roll: Students who make “A’s” and “B’s” during a quarter will receive a Principal’s Honor Roll certificate. Citizenship Award: This award is given to all students who demonstrate excellent citizenship during a school year. Perfect Attendance: Students can be neither absent nor tardy to receive this award. Early check out will count as an absence. Subject Awards: Subject awards will be given to individual students who excel in a single academic subject. Academic subjects are defined as math, English, social studies, geography, civics, technology education and science. Spelling and Geography Bee Certificates and Trophies: These will be awarded to qualifying 6h through 8th grade students. Certificates and trophies will be awarded during the spelling and geography bees.</p><p>STUDENT ID BADGE INFORMATION</p><p>1. THE STUDENT ID BADGE IS SCHOOL PROPERTY. The student will be required to replace his/her ID if the ID has been defaced or lost. Replacement costs are as follow: A. 1st ID badge - $1.00 B. 2nd ID badge - $3.00 C. 3rd (plus) ID badge - $5.00 2. Student ID badges must be appropriately worn at all times while at school. 3. Student ID badges are used for purchasing lunches and checking out library books. 4. Student ID badges will be required for admittance to school functions. (06/06)</p><p>***TRANSPORTATION REGULATIONS*** BUS CONDUCT: Bus transportation to and from school is a privilege. The behavior of students on our school buses is a concern of everyone involved with school transportation. It is the responsibility of each bus rider to behave in an orderly and courteous manner to ensure the safety and well being of all passengers. Students should obey the bus driver at all times and treat them with the same courtesy they show their classroom teacher. Bus rider rules are clearly posted in each bus. Students should review these rules regularly and ask the bus driver for clarification of the rules if needed. Parents will be notified if there is misconduct by a Woodward Middle School student on the bus. If such misconduct continues, school authorities may suspend the student’s bus riding privilege. ACTIVITY BUS: Any student who rides to an event on a school bus will also return home on the bus unless the sponsor has a written or personal permission from the parents for the student to return home some other way. Special permission forms may be obtained in the office. STUDENT MISCONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES: School bus transportation is a privilege. Students are to obey the requests of the bus driver, just as they would obey a teacher. Failure to follow the bus ride rules will be dealt with as follows: 1. First Offense: Ticket must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the driver before the student will be allowed to ride a bus again. A letter will also be mailed to the parent/guardian by the transportation director. 2. Second Offense: Ticket will result in student being suspended from riding any school bus for 15 school days. Ticket must be signed by parent/guardian and returned to the driver before the student will be allowed to ride a bus again. A letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian by the transportation director. Parent/Guardian may be contacted by school building principal or and/or transportation director. 3. Third Offense: Student is suspended from riding any bus for the rest of the semester. (if less than 30 school days remaining, the suspension will extend into the next semester. A letter will be mailed to parent/guardian by the transportation director. 4. Fourth Offense: Suspension from riding any school bus the remaining school year. A letter will be mailed to the parent/guardian by the transportation director. *** ATTENDANCE POLICY *** ATTENDANCE: State laws of Oklahoma require compulsory school attendance for anyone who has not reached the age of eighteen (18), graduated from high school, or furnish satisfactory written evidence as to why the student should not attend school. The work offered in school is based on the assumption that the student will be present every day. No single factor will do more to aid you in your progress in school than regular attendance. IF A CHILD IS ABSENT, PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO CALL THE SCHOOL EACH DAY THEIR CHILD IS ABSENT. IF NO TELEPHONE AVAILABLE, PLEASE SEND A NOTE TO SCHOOL WHEN THE CHILD RETURNS. A student who has not attended classes ninety (90) percent of the time for the semester in any of his/her scheduled classes shall be ineligible. A student who is absent 10% of scheduled school days is subject to meeting with the attendance review committee to determine if the student will receive a passing grade for that course. A student must be in attendance at least ninety (90) percent of the time from the beginning of the semester term to participate in athletic contests or other school activities. Hospitalization, contagious diseases or illness, which requires direct medical care by a physician, constitutes an exception. 7 Exceptions may be made by the principal due to illness, injury, death in the immediate family, valid reasons for late enrollment, or late with the beginning of attendance. Parents’ notes or telephone calls will NOT excuse students from school absences or tardies. ONLY notes from a physician or court representative will excuse the absence or tardy. Students will have five (5) days after each semester to obtain a doctor’s note or court representative’s note on file in the attendance office. Should you not agree with this policy, your parent may call the office and set up an appointment to appeal this ruling within five (5) days of the final notification from Woodward Middle School. (06/07)</p><p>PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES: If a parent knows in advance that the student will be absent for more than one day in the near future, they can prearrange the absence under the following conditions. 1. A notice of three to five (3-5) days should be provided in writing from the parent of guardian. Notice of less than three (3) days will be considered on an individual basis. 2. A prearranged absence form is obtained from the Principal’s office. 3. The student must return the completed prearranged form, including parent or guardian signature, to the Principal’s office prior to the day of the absence. (06/07) 4. The student needs to make arrangements for homework with the individual teacher. 5. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES: On the first absence of any type, the parent must make contact with the Attendance Office. Upon the ninth (9th) absence in any semester, parents will be notified and an Attendance Review Meeting will be held with the attendance officer, counselor and principal. (06/07)</p><p>TRUANCY: Being absent from class or classes without permission is an unexcused absence and an act of truancy. There is no legitimate reason for cutting class or skipping. Cutting class will result in one day of I.S.D. (In-School Detention) for every day truant. A police report will be filed. Severity of discipline will depend on the record of the student and the frequency of the offense. A parent conference with a school official will be required before admitting a student who has been truant. Physicians’ notes and/or court representative notes will be the only excuse accepted for an absence. (06/07)</p><p>STUDENT TARDIES: Administrators’ notes, physicians’ notes, and/or court representative notes will be the only excuse accepted for tardies. Parents’ notes or telephone calls will NOT excuse students from school absences or tardies. Teachers will handle the first three tardies per quarter with parental contact before referring student to office. Once student has been referred to office the student will be subject to being assigned Supervised Study. Four tardies PER CLASS will equal one unexcused absence and result in supervised study. (06/07) MORNING TARDIES: A student will only be allowed five (5) morning tardies per semester. Supervised study will be assigned for the sixth (6th) and/or more tardies. Administrators’ notes, physicians’ notes, and/or court representative notes will be the only excuse accepted for tardies. Parents’ notes or telephone calls will NOT excuse students from school absences or tardies . (06/07) After the 6 th morning tardy a truancy report will be filed.</p><p>*** DISTRICT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ***</p><p>Woodward Public School District Grievance Procedure GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: The Woodward School district recognizes that parents and other school patrons have a fundamental right to discuss grievances that they might have with the district. However, it is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for carrying out the grievances. Level One: If the grievance is directed toward a teacher, the parent should make an appointment to visit with the teacher. Level Two: After this initial meeting, if the grievance is not settled, the parent should discuss the problem with the principal. Level Three: If the issue is not resolved, an appointment should be made with the superintendent or his/her designee.</p><p>Level Four: After exhausting all of these available channels, the parents may appeal to the Board of Education following board policy. The board’s action shall be a final determination of the grievance.</p><p>GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE FOR FEDERAL FUNDED PROGRAMS: The Woodward School District recognizes that parents and other school patrons have a fundamental right to discuss grievances that they might have with the district. However, it is also recognized that there must be an orderly procedure for carrying out the grievances. Level One: If the grievance is directed toward a teacher, the parent should schedule an appointment to visit with the teacher. Level Two: After this initial meeting, if the grievance is not settled, the parent should discuss the problem with the principal. Level Three: If the issue is not resolved, an appointment should be made with the superintendent or his/her designee. Level Four: After exhausting all of these available channels, the parents may appeal to the Board of Education following board policy. Level Five: If the issue is not resolved, the party with the grievance can contact the Oklahoma State Department of Education. (06/06)</p><p>POLICY STATEMENT: The school district of Woodward does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, national origin, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability or handicap in its education programs or activities. Federal law prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex or handicap. (06/06)</p><p>STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: All students are expected to behave in a manner, which is acceptable to everyone, concerned— other students, teachers, administrators, and society in general. All students are under the authority of the principal, teachers, bus drivers, and school personnel. In serious disciplinary cases, students may be suspended from school for up to ten (10) days. Expulsions may be for the current and following semesters. At the middle school level, parents are crucial in the support given to their children and the school. It will be our aim to work with students and parents in a positive manner. It is of the utmost importance for teachers and parents to communicate in order to work together for the best interest of the students. Parents will be contacted by mail, email, or telephone by the school concerning all discipline actions administered by school officials.</p><p>POLICY ON DISCIPLINE AND CONTROL: IMPLIED AUTHORITY – A school district… may exercise those powers necessarily implied, but or delegated by law to any other agency or official. (70 O.S. § 5-117; S.L.O. § 68) The teacher or administrator shall have the same right as a parent or guardian to control and discipline a child while the child is in attendance in school or in school vehicles to or from the school or while attending or participating in any school function authorized by the school district. All students enrolled in Woodward Public Schools will be expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the administration, teachers, and the board of education while in attendance at school-sponsored activities, or while being transported to or from school or school-sponsored activities in district-owned transportation equipment. Any student who is found to be disobeying the rules or showing disrespect for any teacher and/or school property will be subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary action taken will depend on the severity of the violation and the number of times the student has broken regulations. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION (PDA): Inappropriate physical contact including, but not limited to, intimate touching, kissing, etc., at school or a school-sponsored activity is prohibited.</p><p>CHEATING/PLAGIARISM: Grade of zero (0) for all work resulting from the cheating/plagiarism for the student and any student who assisted the student to cheat. Any student found to have committed or assisted another student in committing cheating or plagiarism shall be ineligible for any academic honor or award for the current semester and following semester.</p><p>SKATEBOARD/SKATE SHOES: Skateboards and/or skate shoes WILL NOT BE PERMITTED on school grounds during school hours. Skateboards and/or skate shoes will not be stored in any school office or classroom. (06/07)</p><p>PERSONAL APPEARANCE DRESS CODE: Good standards of dress and appearance reflect good judgment, poise and maturity and help to create the business-like and purposeful atmosphere of a good school. Therefore, the following dress and personal appearance code has been developed and officially adopted by the Woodward Board of Education. The following articles and types of apparel are not considered suitable for school purposes and WILL NOT BE PERMITTED unless authorized by the principal: 1. Shorts are permissible if they are of appropriate length. Shorts are to be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. No cutoff shorts, boxer shorts, or tight shorts (bike shorts) are allowed. ***Skirts have to be of appropriate length also. Shorts or skirt have to be of appropriate length even if tights are worn under them. Tights must have shirt over them that is at least fingertip length. 2. Spaghetti strapped shirts, muscle shirts, see-through blouses, or midriff tops will NOT be allowed. Tops and pants MUST meet at all times (EX. – No exposed skin when standing, sitting, or arms raised.) No exposed cleavage and or undergarments. 3. Apparel with reference to drugs, alcohol, tobacco or any vulgarity, offensive or disruptive to the learning environment will not be allowed. Any item, jewelry or clothing that promotes or imitates sexual innuendos, wording, or content (Ex: Hooters, Big Johnson, Playboy, or any other sly implications.) 4. Pajamas, pajama pants, or house shoes (slippers) will not be permitted. 5. Any headgear (hats, hoodies, etc) will not be permitted to be worn in any school building. Students may not carry hats or caps between classes during school hours. Hats, caps, or other headgear must be placed in lockers before school; between class periods; and may not be removed from students’ lockers until the end of the school day. Hats, caps, etc. will not be stored in any school office or classroom. (06/07) 6. Bandanas and/or “do” rags WILL NOT BE PERMITTED in any school building. (06/07) 7. Excessive oversized or tight clothing will not be permitted. Pants must be worn at the waist. A belt may be required to meet this policy. Jeans with rips, and/or holes above the knee will not be permitted. 8. Long coats/trench coats are not allowed to be worn during school hours. 9. Jewelry, chains, or sunglasses that disrupt the learning process may not be worn. 10. Any article that disrupts the learning process may not be worn. 11. Students are not allowed to write on each other’s bodies or clothing at school.</p><p>STUDENT APPEARANCE VIOLATION: A student found to be in violation of the dress code will be required to change the article of clothing or cover the article of clothing. The violation will be documented and the parent is to be notified. If the parent cannot be contacted for the purpose of enabling the student to conform to the dress code, the student will be placed in the I.S.D. program for the remainder of the day. Future dress code violations may result in Out of School Suspension (OSS.)</p><p>DISRUPTION OF SCHOOL: A student shall not by use of violence, force, noise, coercion, threat, intimidation, fear, passive resistance, or any other conduct intentionally cause the substantial and material disruption or obstruction of any lawful mission, process or function of the school. A student who fails to comply with directions of teachers, student teachers, substitute teachers, teacher aides, principals, or other authorized school personnel during any period of time when he/she is properly under the authority of school personnel shall be in violation of school rules and regulations.</p><p>MISINFORMATION: Willfully giving misinformation by commission (lying), or omission (misinforming by remaining silent.)</p><p>THREATS: NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN THREATS WILL BE TOLERATED. Verbal or written threats towards teachers, students, school personnel, or school property could result in short term or long term suspension; depending on circumstances. </p><p>FIGHTING: Fighting will not be tolerated at Woodward Middle School. All students have the right to feel safe and free from harm while in attendance at school. All fighting offenses are subject to filing a police report.  First Offense: In-school Detention (I.S.D.) for five (5) days.  Second Offense: Subject to a combination of I.S.D for ten (10) days and Out of school suspension (O.S.S.) for ten (10) days.  Third and Subsequent Offenses: Subject to O.S.S. for ten (10) days plus an evidentiary hearing, which could result in expulsion for the remainder of the semester or school year. BULLYING: Bullying will not be tolerated at Woodward Middle School. Bullying occurs whenever someone uses his or her power unfairly and repeatedly to hurt someone. Bullying can be done physically or verbally. Punishment will be determined by the severity of the incident(s) and a police report will be filed with the school resource officer.</p><p>WEAPONS AND DANGEROUS INSTRUMENTS: A student shall not possess, handle or transmit any object that may be considered a weapon. For the purposes of this act, the term “dangerous weapon” shall mean pistol, revolver, any instrument or knife, sharpened metal file, comb of any length with a handle pointed and sharpened, billy club, loaded cane or club, metal knuckles, razor, hand chain or other offensive weapon. Each incident involving a weapon or facsimile weapon will be subject to the appropriate Oklahoma Statutes. A. Students who possess or use any firearms or dangerous weapons during school time, on school premises, on school buses, or during school-sponsored activities will be subject to suspension for one semester and may be suspended from school for two semesters. B. Students who possess or use any dangerous or annoying device or item that could be used as a weapon or other weapons used for assault during school time, on school premises, on school buses, or during school-sponsored activities will be expelled for one semester and may be expelled for two semesters. C. Any reported case of possession of a dangerous weapon will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation.</p><p>DRUGS, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, STIMULANT AND DESIGNER DRUG POLICY The following shall be the policy of the Woodward Public Schools relative to substance abuse – drugs: Students shall not knowingly possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or show evidence of having used any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, stimulants, counterfeit drugs, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverages, low point beer, or intoxicant of any kind while in any way connected with the school during regular hours, school activities or going to and from school. 1. The selling or distribution of illegal drugs, use of/possession of/under the influence of drugs, steroids, or prescription medication to anyone other than the person for whom the prescription was written or non-prescription medication for improper purposes. First Offense: Student may be suspended from school for the remainder of the semester and possibly suspended for the next Semester. 2. Students in possession of drug paraphernalia of any kind while in any way connected with the school during regular school hours or school activities may be suspended from school from ten (10) days up to a semester. 3. Use of/possession of/under the influence of alcohol. Whenever it appears a student may be under the influence of low alcohol beverages as defined in Section 2-101 Title 63 of the Oklahoma Statutes that teacher shall report the matter upon recognition to the school principal or his/her designee. The principal or his/her designee shall immediately notify the superintendent of schools or designee and a parent or legal guardian of the student of the matter. First Offense: Student may be suspended from school ten (10) days or up to one (1) semester and may be allowed to do make-up work for 75% credit for each day suspended. Second Offense: Student may be suspended for the remainder of the semester and possibly the succeeding semester.</p><p>NON TOBACCO USE POLICY: Possession of tobacco or tobacco related products by students are prohibited at school or school sponsored activities. Possession of tobacco products by a minor is a misdemeanor and will be reported to law enforcement. (21 O.S. § 21-1241; 1242; S.L.O. 827, 828; Section 131.17 City Ordinance.) This rule applies on the way to and from school, during lunch, at school activities, and during the school day. First Offense: In-School Detention for five (5) days. Second Offense: Suspension out of school five (5) days plus five (5) days In-school Detention. Third and Subsequent Offenses: Could result in expulsion for the remainder of the semester or school year. All of these will be at the discretion of the administrator. </p><p>ASSAULT/BATTERY: Assault and battery is the physical attacking of another student. Acts of this nature will not be tolerated at Woodward Middle School. A POLICE REPORT WILL BE FILED. (06/07) First Offense: Five (5) to ten (10) days suspension plus an evidentiary hearing which could lead to suspension for the remainder of the current semester and the next semester. </p><p>VANDALISM AND PROPERTY DAMAGE: Our school building and equipment cost the taxpayers to construct purchase and maintain. Students who destroy or vandalize school property will be required to pay for losses or damages. If students willfully destroy school property suspension and subsequent expulsion may be necessary. If you should happen to damage something by accident you should report it to a teacher or the office immediately.</p><p>PROFANITY/OBSCENITY/PORNOGRAPHY: The use of obscene language constitutes a serious offense and is in direct violation of school policy. A student who engages in such acts will receive severe discipline that could result in I.S.D., suspension, or expulsion from school. Pornography in any form is unacceptable. Students found to be in possession of pornography or pornographic materials may be subjected to I.S.D., suspension, or expulsion from school. </p><p>Student Code of Conduct regarding Personal Electronic Devices: WPS is making a focused effort to provide students with technology resources that will help them develop skills and habits that will enable them to be successful beyond school: however, we recognize that personal electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, laptops, and etc.) are a common, every-day part of our students’ lives outside of school, many will have those devices in their possession at school. We expect that students will use personal electronic devices in a responsible manner with a focus on digital citizenship and common courtesy. Disciplinary measures for students who violate the Code of Conduct will be subject to the following disciplinary actions as deemed necessary by the principal: (Students are not allowed to capture, share, or post images of other students or school employees without the explicit permission of those individuals.) Disciplinary Action: Unauthorized or inappropriate use of cell phones or other electronic device may result in the following consequences: First Offense: Use of device without teacher permission or inappropriately. Disciplinary action will include at least one day of Supervised Study and/or possibly ISD, Parent will need to pick up device. Second Offense: The device will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will be required to pick up the device at the end of the school day. Disciplinary action can include ISD/and or OSS dependent on the infraction. Third/Future Offense: The device will be confiscated and a parent/guardian will be required to pick the device up at the end of the school day. Disciplinary action can include ISD/and or OSS. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment of students, employees, or volunteers is unlawful under both Oklahoma and federal law and is contrary to the commitment of this school district to provide an effective learning environment. The school district will not tolerate sexually harassing behavior as defined by law and/or by district policy, false reports of sexual harassment or retaliation against persons reporting allegations of sexual harassment or cooperating in the investigation of such complaints. Sexual Harassment is prohibited and is defined as: (1) Unwelcome sexual advances; (2) Requests for sexual favors; or (3) Other verbal or physical conduct or communication of an intimidating, hostile or offensive sexual nature. SEXUAL HARASSMENT COULD RESULT IN SHORT TERM OR LONG TERM SUSPENSION. Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure A student who believes that he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment should promptly notify the building principal or guidance counselor. Complainants are encouraged to report any conduct, statements, or physical contact, which makes them, feel uncomfortable.</p><p>SEARCHES: To maintain order and discipline in the school and to protect the safety and welfare of students and school personnel, school authorities may search a student, student’s locker and desks under the circumstances outlined below and may seize any illegal, unauthorized, or contraband materials discovered in the search. Student lockers and desks are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school district; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers and desks. Students should not expect privacy regarding items placed in school property because school property is subject to search at any time by school officials. School authorities for any reason may conduct periodic general inspections of lockers and desks at any time without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. A student’s failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in the policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. A student’s person and/or personal effect (e.g., purse, book bag, athletic bag) may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials. If a properly conducted search yields illegal or contraband materials, such findings shall be turned over to proper legal authorities for ultimate disposition. The following rules shall apply to the search of school property assigned to specific student (locker, desk, etc.) and the seizure of items in his/her possession: 1. There should be reasonable suspicion for school authorities to believe that the possession constitutes a crime or rule violations. 2. General searches of school property may be conducted at any time. 3. Search of an area assigned to a student should be for a specific item and be in his/her presence in most situations. 4. Illegal items (firearms, knives, weapons) or other possession reasonably determined to be a threat to the safety or security of others may be seized by school authorities. 5. Items, which are used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process, may be temporarily removed from student possession.</p><p>Any section of this document, or portion thereof, found by adjudication to be contrary to law or constitutional rights shall be stricken without effect to the remainder. PROHIBITION OF GANGS AND GANG-RELATED BEHAVIOR/INCIDENTS: Gang-related incidents in our school create an atmosphere of intimidation and harm. The mere presence of such conditions is disruptive and potentially dangerous. It is, therefore, the policy of Woodward Middle School that gangs and gang-related behavior or incidents are prohibited in Woodward Middle School. Definitions and Descriptions of What is Prohibited A.Gangs—Any assembly of three or more individuals who gather together on a continuing basis, whose purpose the district reasonably believes is to commit anti-social behavior or to violate school district policy. B.Gang-Related Behavior or Incidents—Any behavior or event, including but not limited to the following items which has the effect of disrupting school activities or which fosters, enhances, or encourages gang activity in Woodward Middle School. All gang- related activity will be referred to the proper legal authorities. Repeated offenses will result in a temporary suspension with a parent conference/hearing before student is readmitted to school. 1. Possession, wearing, use, distribution or display of any sign, symbol, badge, color or other item that is evidence of affiliation with or membership in a gang. Students will not be permitted to wear their pants below waistline (sagging or dragging) or wear their caps, bandanas, handkerchiefs or any other items associated with gang-related behavior. 2. Participation in any act, either verbal or non-verbal, to include gestures, expressions, handshakes, etc., that may indicate an affiliation with or membership in a gang. 3. Participation in any act that may further the interest in gang affiliation or gang membership. 4. Participation in any act that may evidence intimidation, threats, “pay for protection”, or any other behavior of potential violence. 5. Participation in writing, painting, or inscribing gang-related graffiti to include messages, symbols, or signs on school property. 6. Assembling or congregating as a gang or members of a gang for any purpose.</p><p>DISCIPLINE AND PENALTY ALTERNATIVES</p><p>DISCIPLINE VIOLATION LEVELS Level I (Minor Violations) 1. Dress Code 2. Tardies 3. Hall/Corridor/Locker Abuse 4. Boy/Girl Relationships 5. Lunch Infractions 6. Possession of Non-Educational Material 7. Gum/Candy/Pop Sale or Use 8. Bullying Level I violations – Students are subject to but not limited to: Verbal Warning, Detention (before, after, lunch) and Supervised Study. Students who abuse these violations will be moved to Level II.</p><p>Level II (Major Violations) 1. Truancy 2. Disorderly Conduct 3. Leaving School Grounds Without Permission 4. Throwing Objects 5. Cheating 6. Foul Language or Gestures 7. Internet/Computer Violation 8. Writing, passing, reading, or being in possession of notes. 9. Bullying Level II violations – Students are subject to but not limited to: Detention (before, after, lunch), Supervised Study, In-School Detention, and/or Out of School Suspension. Students who abuse these violations will be moved to level III. THESE INFRACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO HAVING POLICE REPORTS FILED.</p><p>Level III (Serious Violations) 1. Sexual Misconduct 2. Disrespect/Disobedience/Insubordination 3. Fighting/Assault/Battery/Threatening 4. Possession of Pyrotechnics 5. Possession of Weapons/Explosives 6. Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco 7. Vandalism/Theft 8. Notes of Threatening Nature/Profanity 9. Internet/Computer Violation 10. Bullying Level III violations – Students are subject to but not limited to: Supervised Study, In-School Detention, Out of School Suspension, Short Term Suspension, Long Term Suspension. or Permanent Expulsion. THESE INFRACTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO HAVING POLICE REPORTS FILED.</p><p>FAILURE or REFUSAL TO SERVE ASSIGNED DISCIPLINE: If the student fails to serve the discipline due to circumstances genuinely beyond the student’s control, the student must make up the discipline. If the student forgets to serve the discipline, the discipline is doubled. If the student refuses to serve the discipline the student will receive out of school suspension (OSS). </p><p>PENALTY ALTERNATIVES Lunch Detention: A form of student discipline requiring students to spend the entire lunch period at a designated area.12</p><p>Teacher Assigned Detention: A detention assigned by a classroom teacher during a lunch period or after school. The detention is served in the teacher’s classroom.</p><p>After School Detention: The After-School Detention is a part of each teacher’s discipline plan and will be held in a designated room from 3: to 3:45 P.M. The following is a list of infractions that could justify being assigned to detention: tardies, chewing gum or eating candy, continuously being disruptive in class, continuously coming to class without material, defying authority, excessive talking, and continuously being rude and discourteous to teacher or students.) </p><p>In-School Detention (I.S.D.): A detention in which students are removed from the regular school program for a designated period of time. The I.S.D. program will be a highly structured class situation with the emphasis being placed on intensive student work. Students who refuse I.S.D. or fail to adhere to the policies set forth in the student handbook may be suspended from school for as many days as the I.S.D. assignment. The student is not permitted to attend or participate in any school activities while he/she has been assigned I.S.D. </p><p>Supervised Study: Supervised Study will be used in two ways: 1. Mandatory Attendance – As a form of discipline, students will be assigned Supervised Study. 2. Team/Administrator assigned to make-up work or for remediation.</p><p>Suspension: After investigation, if deemed necessary by the principal, he/she may order a student to be suspended from class or from school for a period up to and including ten (10) days and possible suspension for the remainder of the semester and the succeeding semester. A pupil who has been suspended for a public or private school in the state of Oklahoma or another state for a violent act or an act showing deliberate or reckless disregard for the health or safety of faculty or other pupils shall not be entitled to enroll in a public school of this state, and no public school shall be required to enroll such pupil until the terms of the suspension has expired. The student is not permitted to attend or participate in any school activities while he/she is suspended.</p><p>Expulsion: An expulsion is whereby a student is excluded from attending school for a designated period of time. After investigation, if deemed necessary, and after a hearing, an administrator may order a student to be suspended from school for not more than the balance of the current semester and the succeeding semester (unless state law permits a suspension of a longer length of time) one year from the date of the decision and in accordance with the laws of the Oklahoma and policies set forth by the school board. The hearing may be made immediately after the infraction occurs. The administrator will consider in-school punishments as possibilities for correction prior to making a determination for correcting behavior. If the appropriate out-of-school punishment has been determined to be the appropriate punishment prescribed by policy, law, or practice, the administrator will adhere to those selected punishment limits unless extreme circumstances are prevalent and warrant additional consideration.</p><p>DUE PROCESS An evidentiary hearing will be held by an administrator for any student who might face suspension. No evidentiary will be needed if the student admits to the charges; only alternative punishments need to considered, and, if suspension is determined to be appropriate, the length of suspension need be determined. For a suspension of ten (10) days or less, the student or parent may make an appeal to a committee. Any request for such an appeal must be received within three (3) days of the initial suspension decision by the administration. Unless the appeal committee can meet quickly to determine whether the suspension will be upheld, modified or overturned, the committee will meet to determine the appropriate placement of the student prior to the hearing, keeping in consideration the best interest of the student body and other appropriate alternative placements. If the student is allowed to remain in school, pending the appeal and the initial suspension is upheld, the number of days the student remained in school shall be added at the conclusion of the suspension. The appeal committee shall determine the guilt or innocence of the student and reasonableness of the term of the Out- of-school suspension (O.S.S.) The decision of the committee shall be final. The student may present any written arguments or documentation to the appeals committee for its consideration. No witnesses will be heard unless desired by the committee. For suspensions of more than ten (10) days, any requested review of the initial decision to the administrator must be submitted to the principal in writing within three (3) days. An assigned administrator will conduct the review. If the assigned administrator does not withdraw the suspension, the student may request an appeal before the Board of Education. The Board of Education shall review the documentation of the administrative hearings and determine the guilt or innocence of the student and the reasonableness of the punishment. The student may submit any written documentation or arguments to the Board of Education for its consideration. The appeal to the Board is an appeal, not a new hearing and thus there will be no hearing of witnesses upon the appeal unless requested by the Board of Education.</p><p>FAMILY EDUCATION RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT OF 1974</p><p>(Annual Notice to Parents & Eligible Students of Woodward Public Schools) In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), Woodward Public Schools affirms the following rights: 1. The right of a student’s parents and eligible student to inspect and review the student’s education records. 2. The rights of Woodward Public Schools to limit the disclosure of information contained in a student’s education records except: (a) by the prior written consent of the student’s parent or the eligible student; (b) as directory information; and (c) under certain limited circumstances, as permitted b the FERPA. 3. The rights of a student’s parents or an eligible student to seek to correct parts of the student’s education record which he/she believes to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of student rights. The rights include the right to a hearing to present evidence that the record should be changed if the district decided not to alter it according to the parent or eligible student’s request. 4. The right of any person to file a complaint with the Department of Education if Woodward Public Schools violates the FERPA. 5. The right of a student’s parent(s) or an eligible student to obtain copies of this policy and procedures at no expense by requesting this policy from the Woodward Public School Board Office at 1023 Main. The district will arrange to provide translations of this notice to non-English speaking parents in their native languages. All rights and protections given parents under FERPA and this policy transfer to the student when he/she reaches age 18 or enrolls in post-secondary school.</p><p>WOODWARD PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY FOR INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTERIZED RESOURCES Woodward Public Schools have established this system for a limited educational purpose. The term “educational purpose” includes classroom activities, career development, and limited high quality search activities. The smooth operation of the Internet relies on the cooperation of the end users (students) who must follow strict guidelines. 1.Acceptable Use: The NSFNET (Internet) was developed by the National Science Foundation to support research and education in learning centers (schools, universities, etc.) in the U.S. by providing access to unique resources and the opportunity for collaborative work across distances. School use must be in support of education and research and consistent with educational objectives. Transmission of any material in violation of U.S. or state regulation is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: (a) copyrighted material; (b) threatening or obscene material or; (c) material protected by trade secret. Use for commercial activities is generally not acceptable. Use for product advertisement or political lobbying is also prohibited. 2.Privileges: The use of the Internet and other computerized resources within the school boundaries is a privilege, not a right and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. Each student who receives access permission will be instructed by a designated staff person at each school site pertaining to the proper use of the network. The system administrators and teachers will deem what is appropriate use and their decision is final. The district may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user access. 3.Netiquette: You are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of network etiquette. They include, but are not limited to the following.  Be polite. Your message should not be abusive to others.  Use appropriate language. Do not swear; use vulgarities or any other inappropriate language. Do not reveal your personal address or phone number or that of students or colleagues.  Note that electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. People who operate the system do have access to all mail.  Messages relating to or in support of illegal activities may be reported to the authorities.  Do not use the network in such a way that you would disrupt the use of the network by other users.  MI communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private property.  Illegal activities are strictly forbidden. These include but are not limited to: a. Accessing another person’s account or files. b. Attempting to disrupt the computer system or destroy data by spreading computer viruses or by any other means. c. Using system to engage in any illegal act, such as arranging for a drug sale or the purchase of alcohol, engaging In criminal gang activity, threatening the safety of person, etc. 4.Personal Safety: We believe at Woodward Public Schools that safety is of the utmost importance and is a prerequisite for learning. Please observe the following guidelines to ensure the personal safety of students using the Internet.  You will not post personal contact information about yourself or other people. Personal contact information includes your address, telephone, school address, work address etc.  You will not agree to meet with someone you have met on-line.  You will promptly disclose to your teacher or other school employee any message you receive that is inappropriate or make you feel uncomfortable. 5.Woodward Public Schools and the Oklahoma State Department of Education make no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. Woodward Public Schools and the Oklahoma State Department of Education will not be responsible for any damages suffered. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, misdeliveries, or service interruptions caused by negligence, errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via Woodward Public Schools or the Oklahoma State Department of Education is at the user’s own risk. Woodward Public Schools are not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained. 6.Security: Security on any computer system is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can identify a security problem on the system (including the Internet and any other computerized resources), you must notify a teacher who will in turn notify a system administrator. Do not demonstrate any problems to other users. Do not use another individual’s account without written permission from that individual. Attempts to log in to the Internet or the local network, as a system administrator will result in cancellation of user privileges. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the Internet. 7.Vandalism: Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges. Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, data of another user, the Internet, or any agencies or other networks, that are connected to the NSFNET (Internet backbone). This includes but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses. 8.Exception of Terms and Conditions: All terms and conditions as stated in this document are applicable to Woodward Public Schools, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, and NSFNET. These terms and conditions reflect the entire agreement of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements and understanding of the parties. These terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma and the United States of America.</p><p>Woodward Middle School</p><p>STUDENT AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE USE OF THE INTERNET AND OTHER COMPUTERIZED RESOURCES WOODWARD PUBLIC SCHOOLS (6/04)</p><p>Student Name (Please Print) ______Grade ______</p><p>I have read and understand the Woodward Public School District's Acceptable Use Policy. I agree to follow the rules contained in the policy. I understand that if I violate the rules, my account can be terminated, and I may face other disciplinary measures, consistent with the present handbook policies. I have read the materials in this handbook and understand my rights and responsibilities as a student.</p><p>Student Signature ______Date ______</p><p>Parent or Guardian: I have read and understand the Woodward Public School District's Acceptable Use Policy. I hereby release the district, its personnel, and any institutions with which it is affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child's use of, or inability to use, the Woodward Public School District's Internet access system, LAN/WAN, and other computerized resources. This includes but is not limited to claims that may arise from the unauthorized use of the Internet to purchase products or services.</p><p>I will instruct my child regarding any restrictions against accessing material that are in addition to the restrictions set forth in the Woodward Public Schools District's Acceptable Use Policy. I will emphasize to my child the importance of following the rules for personal safety as listed in the Acceptable Use Policy. I give permission for my child’s teacher to publish pictures of my child on the school web site as a part of classroom or extra-curricular activities, and I understand that no personal or confidential information will be published. If I do not wish for my child’s pictures to be published, I will notify the school at the beginning of the school year.</p><p>I give permission to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained in this form is correct. I have read and discussed the material in this handbook with my son/daughter. I am also aware of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) notice that is printed in this handbook.</p><p>Parent or Guardian Name (Please Print) ______</p><p>Parent or Guardian Signature ______</p><p>Home Address ______Phone ______(This agreement must be returned to the Woodward Public Schools where it will be kept on file.)</p><p>Woodward Public Schools Board of Education Addendum: "No student will be allowed access to any workstation on the network which does not have blocking software installed."</p><p>Woodward Middle School After-school Math & Reading Tutoring</p><p>What is it? The after-school program is being implemented as a time and place where students can receive extra help with homework assignments and receive assistance in math and reading. The primary focus of the program will be mathematics. Core teachers may recommend to parents that their student attend based on grades and progress in the classroom. </p><p>Our goals for the after-school program: 1. To offer students who have been recommended by their teacher and signed up by their parents, direct instruction in math and/or reading. 2. To allow students who need a quiet place to complete their homework, or to receive assistance with assignments of any subject, the opportunity to “drop-in” as needed without signing-up. 3. To offer hands-on activities in the area of math and computerized instruction through Classworks and Reading Plus. 4. To make a connection between reading and other curricular areas. 5. To increase math and reading scores in the classroom and on standardized tests.</p><p>Who will be tutoring? Three teachers will be present during each session. These teachers meet the No Child Left Behind Act and state standards of being highly qualified. They are also qualified as reading teachers. When is it? Sessions will begin immediately after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It will dismiss at 4:10 p.m. Woodward Middle School will not be providing transportation home afterwards. Please make arrangements in advance.</p><p>Where will the after-school program be held? The after-school program will be held in the Library Media Center. There are several tables and computers available for use</p><p>If you have any questions, contact the school at 256-7901. ------After you have read and understand the above information, please sign below and have your child return only this portion of the form to their home base teacher. Please note that if your child is ineligible in any class, he/she will automatically be enrolled in the program, but by signing this form, you are giving us permission to help your child succeed in school.</p><p>Student’s name: ______</p><p>Parent Signature: ______</p><p>17 Welcome to Middle School Media Center!!</p><p>I look forward to your child’s visits to check out books to read at home. During the year, we will be working with the classrooms to help students gain information skills and to promote lifelong reading habits. </p><p>In order to encourage the proper care of materials and appropriate behavior in the Media Center, student will be expected to:  Return books in good condition within a 2 week check out period. Books needed beyond this time period need to be returned and renewed for additional time. </p><p> Care for books responsibly –keep away from small children and pets, keep writing/art tools and food away from books, carry books appropriately, protect books from wet weather conditions, hold reading place with a bookmark, and report any damage to the librarian. ***Please do not attempt to repair books at home!!!***</p><p> Be responsible to make prompt payment to replace a book if it is damaged beyond repair or if it is lost. Refunds will be made within the school year for lost books that are returned in good condition by May. </p><p> Understand that repeated failure to follow these expectations may result in the loss of book check out privileges.</p><p> Behave with respect and follow all school rules. Jill Lintner, National board Certified Library Media Specialist Woodward Middle School 580.256.8011</p><p>SIGN AND RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION OF THIS LETTER. THANK YOU!!</p><p>My child and I have read the student guidelines for appropriate use of materials and student behavior for the WMS Media Center.</p><p>Student Signature______Parent Signature______</p>

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