<p>LOCKLAND SCHOOLS</p><p>Dear Parents and Students, </p><p>Welcome to Lockland Schools, proud home of the Panthers. On behalf of the faculty and staff we hope you will find the 2013-2014 school year both challenging and rewarding. Lockland Schools is a family-like school community with strong academic and extracurricular programs. </p><p>This booklet is prepared to help all students and parents understand the various policies and procedures used in our school district. The information will be helpful on a day-to-day basis to assist students in planning their studies and activities. In addition, the booklet provides rules, regulations and procedures that are needed to maintain a safe and genuine learning environment. </p><p>At Lockland, who we are, what we will become, and the heights we will climb – will be a direct product of your efforts, ideas, and enthusiasm. We pride ourselves on the core values as outlined in the Lockland Cares campaign initiated 2012-2013. Those values are caring, citizenship, trust, responsibility, respect and achievement.</p><p>The staff at Lockland is committed to providing students with the best education possible. We believe the quality of school life for your student is enhanced by a committed partnership between school and community. Please contact appropriate members of our staff as questions and concerns arise. </p><p>We are very proud to be part of the Lockland School community and look forward to working with parents and staff to help prepare our students for the challenges they will face in the 21st Century. </p><p>Go Panthers!</p><p>Greg Rulon Chuck Soule Sarah Lord Principal Principal Principal Lockland High School Arlington Heights Academy Lockland Elementary</p><p>PLEASE CUT ON THE LINE BELOW AND RETURN TO THE TEACHER. </p><p>------I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE INFORMATION IN THIS HANDBOOK INCLUDING THE DISCIPLINE CODE OF CONDUCT AND THE INTERNET USAGE POLICY. </p><p>Parent’s Signature Date </p><p>Student’s Signature Date</p><p>This page is to be blank CONFLICT RESOLUTION</p><p>From time to time you may need to work through a situation. Use these steps to successfully solve the problem.</p><p>1. Stop, step back.</p><p>2. Get control of yourself.</p><p>3. Ask for help or calmly identify problem.</p><p>4. Consider all of your choices.</p><p>5. Decide what to do.</p><p>6. Take responsibility for your actions. Got Goals! First Quarter Worksheet </p><p>“The first and most important thing about goals is having one.” -GeofferyAbert</p><p>MY NAME:______TODAY’S DATE:______</p><p>TARGETED ACHIEVEMENT DATE:______GOAL PARTNER:______</p><p>MY GOALS:</p><p>1. 2. 3.</p><p>I WANT THESE GOALS BECAUSE… 1. 2. 3. NECESSARY ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES</p><p>Goal 1</p><p>Goal 2</p><p>Goal 3 Got Goals! Second Quarter Worksheet </p><p>“If you can dream it, you can do it.” -Walt Disney</p><p>MY NAME:______TODAY’S DATE:______</p><p>TARGETED ACHIEVEMENT DATE:_____ GOAL PARTNER:______</p><p>MY GOALS:</p><p>1. 2. 3.</p><p>I WANT THESE GOALS BECAUSE… 1. 2. 3.</p><p>NECESSARY ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES</p><p>Goal 1</p><p>Goal 2</p><p>Goal 3</p><p>Got Goals! Third Quarter Worksheet </p><p>“Someday is not a day of the week.” -Michael Nolan</p><p>MY NAME:______TODAY’S DATE:______</p><p>TARGETED ACHIEVEMENT DATE:_____ GOAL PARTNER:______</p><p>MY GOALS:</p><p>1. 2. 3.</p><p>I WANT THESE GOALS BECAUSE… 1. 2. 3.</p><p>NECESSARY ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES</p><p>Goal 1</p><p>Goal 2</p><p>Goal 3</p><p>Got Goals! Fourth Quarter Worksheet </p><p>“Reach beyond your grasp. Your goals should be grand enough to get the best of you.” -Teilhard de Chardin</p><p>MY NAME:______TODAY’S DATE:______</p><p>TARGETED ACHIEVEMENT DATE:_____ GOAL PARTNER:______</p><p>MY GOALS:</p><p>1. 2. 3.</p><p>I WANT THESE GOALS BECAUSE… 1. 2. 3.</p><p>NECESSARY ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES</p><p>Goal 1</p><p>Goal 2</p><p>Goal 3</p><p>What If?</p><p>You’re late for school? Students who arrive late to school, after 8:00 AM, must sign in at the attendance desk located in the main office for LHS, LES and AHA respectively. Students who arrive late at the Lockland campus must enter door #1 located by the circle drive on N. Cooper Avenue. You need to leave the building during the day? The Attendance Office must obtain written or verbal parent permission from the legal guardian and an authorized adult on the emergency form must sign you out. You become ill during the day? Obtain a pass from your teacher and report to the nurse. If you are ill, do not go to the restroom during class change on your own. You are injured at school? Seek a staff member immediately for assistance. You need to see your counselor? Sign-up sheets are located outside the counselor’s office. For emergencies, seek permission from a teacher and obtain a pass. You lose personal property? Check the main office for lost items. You have property stolen? Report the theft to an administrator or obtain a pass from your teacher to visit the administration. You lose your locker combination or schedule? Report to the main office. You have problems with your schedule? Sign-up to see your counselor in the guidance office. You’re being harassed at school? See your counselor, SRO or an administrator immediately. You hear a rumor about drugs, weapons, or fighting? See a teacher, SRO, counselor or administrator immediately. You need to call parent to obtain lunch money? Get permission from your teacher to call home . You can use the phone in the teacher’s classroom or the main office. Can I have a cell phone at School? Yes. Cell phones can be brought to school, and it is recommended that you lock the phone in your hall locker. Cell phones are not to be used during school hours. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of a cell phone will result in disciplinary action being issued.</p><p>DISTRICT-WIDE CALENDAR Tuesday, August 20 All Staff – full day (8:00-3:15) Wednesday, August 21 All Staff – full day (8:00-3:15) Thursday, August 22 First Day for Students Grades 1-12 Monday, September 2 Labor Day – No School Friday, October 11 Teacher In-Service Day-No School for Students Friday, October 25 End of First Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30 Thursday, November 14 Parent Teacher Conferences-No School for Students Wednesday, November 27 Conference Exchange Day-No School Thursday, November 28 Thanksgiving Holiday- No School Friday, November 29 Thanksgiving Holiday – No School Monday, December 2 School Resumes Monday, December 23 Winter Break Begins- No School Wednesday, January 6, 2014 School Resumes Friday, January 17 End of Second Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30 Monday, January 20 Martin Luther King Day – No School Monday, February 17 President’s Day- No School Friday, March 21 End of Third Quarter-Students Dismissed at 1:30 Monday, March 24th – 28th Spring Break Begins- No School Monday, March 31 School Resumes Friday April 18 Good Friday – No School Friday, May 26 Memorial Day – No School Tuesday June 3 Last Day for Students & Staff Students Dismissed at 1:30 End of Fourth Quarter</p><p>LOCKLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT EXPECTATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Students:</p><p> Work to excel academically, socially, and emotionally. Be at school every day, on time, and prepared for classes. Understand and obey school and classroom rules and follow the Lockland Code of Conduct. Complete all assignments on time. Respect the rights and property of students and staff. Behave in a safe and responsible manner. Be respectful to others; Profanity, insults, threats, and harassment are prohibited. Follow the school dress code policy and use proper hygiene. Ask for help with problems from teachers or school staff. Practice good citizenship by being helpful and honest at all times. Seek, promote and practice peer mediation procedures when resolving problems. </p><p>Teachers:</p><p> Set high expectations for students’ academic, social, and emotional goals. Develop an engaging classroom environment using research based best practices. Use fair and consistent discipline to teach students responsible behavior. Keep accurate records of progress, grades, attendance, and behavior. Make class work and homework appropriate with clear directions. Create a classroom environment where students can ask for help and feel safe and respected. Communicate regularly with parents/guardians about progress and/or problems with attendance, behavior, and academics. Help students understand classroom and school rules Seek training and education that lead to a safe and successful school. Be a role model of self-control and responsible citizenship. Assist the parents/guardians in accessing resources relevant to individual student growth and development. </p><p>Parents/Guardians:</p><p> Stress the importance of an education with your child (set high expectations). Support the school’s discipline measures and assist the school with discipline when needed by attending re-entry meetings. Keep the school up-to-date on telephone numbers and address changes, medical problems, family or social problems that may affect school performance. Report absences to the office by 8:00 a.m. Inform staff early and in writing if your child must arrive late or be dismissed early for the day. In order for your child to be dismissed early, parents must enter the school at door #1 located on N. Cooper Avenue and sign him/her out in the elementary office. Send your child to school on time every day. Expect your child to complete assignments and study daily. Monitor student progress and voice concerns through Progress Book, attending conferences, student agenda books, and contact with teachers. Expect your child to dress appropriately, follow the school’s dress code, and practice good hygiene. Expect your child to be responsible, respectful, and behave appropriately in school. Make sure your child has current immunizations and required medical exams. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION</p><p>The following is designed to aid you and your parents in making curriculum choices during your high school career. Each pupil should discuss his/her course selections with his/her parents. It is strongly suggested that pupils plan in advance their courses for each year toward graduation. Pupils who have difficulty in selecting courses are encouraged to seek additional help from the counselor, teachers and if possible, from people employed in occupations you may wish to consider in the future.</p><p>Listed below are graduation requirements as established jointly by the Ohio State Department of Education and Lockland Board of Education. Students must meet both testing requirements and curriculum requirements in order to earn a diploma. </p><p>I. Curriculum Requirements</p><p>English language arts ...... 4 units Health ...... ½ unit Mathematics ...... 4 units Note (1) Physical education ...... ½ unit Note (2) Science ...... 3 units Note (3) Social studies ...... 3 units Note (4) Electives ...... 5 units Note (5) </p><p>Class of 2014-2016 Passage of the Ohio Graduation Tests (All five sections) Reading, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies Notes 1. Mathematics units must include 1 unit of algebra II or the equivalent of algebra II. 2. The Ohio Core allows school districts to adopt a policy that would exempt students who participate in interscholastic athletics, band or cheerleading for two full seasons from the physical education requirement. Students must take another course of at least 60 contact hours in its place. 3. Science units must include 1 unit of physical sciences, 1 unit of life sciences and 1 unit advanced study in one or more of the following sciences: chemistry, physics, or other physical science; advanced biology or other life science; astronomy, physical geology, or other earth or space science. 4. Social studies units must include ½ unit of American history and ½ unit of American government. 5. Electives units must include one or any combination of foreign language, fine arts, business, career-technical education, family and consumer sciences, technology, agricultural education or English language arts, mathematics, science or social studies courses not otherwise required. 6. All students must receive instruction in economics and financial literacy during grades 9-12 and must complete at least two semesters of fine arts taken any time in grades 9-12. Students following a career-technical pathway are exempted from the fine arts requirement. BECAUSE WE ARE THE LOCKLAND PANTHERS</p><p>STUDENT EXPECTATIONS All Lockland School students are expected to behave appropriately. The following indicates what is expected of all students in school. </p><p>IN THE CLASSROOM: </p><p> Prompt - On time for school, class, work, and appointments. Prepared - Materials on hand, right frame of mind, enough sleep. Polite - We all have a right to be treated politely. Positive Mental Attitude - Keep your attitude positive. Participate - Must participate to produce. Produce - Complete submissions, assignments, and tasks assigned. Demonstrate skills learned.</p><p>MISSION STATEMENT Our small, diverse school community offers students in grades Pre- K thru 12 unique opportunities to interact individually with all peers, staff, and interested stakeholders. We develop critical thinking skills through instructional continuity in order for students to become responsible, informed, and civic-minded.</p><p>ARLINGTON HEIGHTS MISSION STATEMENT Arlington Heights Academy is a school of choice that strives to develop learners who demonstrate core life skills, achieve academically, and make positive contributions to society. We achieve this through a cohesive and personalized approach where all members have a strong voice in our school community. </p><p>During the 2003-04 school year, the Lockland School District made the strategic decision to bring about a unique and extensive alternate educational choice for district students and their parents. This new program includes an experimental curriculum with hands-on projects, work-based learning, service learning, a social skills component called Discovery, and on-site counseling and family support. Arlington Heights Academy is a non-traditional school for students who have struggled in the traditional school setting and have exhibited a need to facilitate their diverse styles of learning in a knowledge-building environment. We are a school committed to connecting with our students as human beings first, and as learners second. The staff recognizes that since our students are adults-in- training they need many opportunities to practice adult behavior and adult decision-making.</p><p>We are also a school that believes in the infinite possibilities of our students. Consequently, we have set our academic standards high and expect to set them higher as our students grow into a sense of their capabilities. We pledge ourselves to developing those capabilities so that our students’ achievements in the classroom translate naturally into post-high school achievements. Finally, and most importantly, we are a school of choice. The staff, students, and parents choose to participate because they believe in the mission and vision of the program.</p><p>DEVELOPMENTAL PHILOSOPHY We believe that the Lockland school years are a time of great growth and development for children. Not only do dramatic physical changes occur, but mental changes impacting learning happen as well. Children start their school years as concrete thinkers and progress to varying degrees of abstract thinking by the time they leave the high school. This progress is developmental in nature, occurring at different times for different children. Our learning program at Lockland Schools is designed to address these developmental issues through an academic program that recognizes the diversity that exists within the walls of our schools. Each course and class has been designed to have high learning expectations, which are matched to the developmental level of the students. </p><p>SUPPORTIVE PROGRAMS</p><p>GUIDANCE / PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES A school psychologist is employed by Lockland School District. The function of the school psychologist is to support the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students. Some of the services provided may include educational evaluations and consulting with students and parents regarding counseling services as needed.</p><p>SPEECH / LANGUAGE THERAPY Individual and small group help is given to students qualifying for this program. </p><p>SPECIAL EDUCATION Students who qualify for special education receive services as recommended by the Individualized Educational Program (IEP). Special education is specially designed instruction to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. There is a full continuum of services available from consultation with the Intervention Specialist to Resource classes. Along with access to a Speech and Language Pathologist, occupational therapist, and other support services as deemed necessary. Parents and students are encouraged to participate in meetings to develop the IEP.</p><p>GIFTED AND TALENTED Students with gifted ability qualify for an enrichment program according to state guidelines through various assessment instruments. Included in the process are teacher and parent recommendations. Lockland’s Gifted & Talented program supplements the regular school program.</p><p>ACADEMIC HONORS (LMS, LHS) Student achievement is recognized in a variety of ways. Typically, Perfect Attendance and Honor Roll students are recognized each quarter at a breakfast in which parents are welcome to attend. Certificates are issued at the ceremony. Yearly awards will be given at the end-of-the-year assemblies for the middle school and high school. </p><p>ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY Athletes at Lockland Middle and High School compete in the Miami Valley Conference and are members of the Ohio High School Athletic Association.</p><p>Athletes are expected to maintain high standards for academics and behavior. It is a privilege to play sports, and athletes are representatives of the school, school district and community. Therefore, they should be good citizens and role models for others at school, at sporting events and in the community.</p><p>To be eligible, he/she must meet both of the following requirements: Receive a passing grade in a minimum of 5 (five) one credit courses or the equivalent in the grading period immediately proceeding the sports season. For example, the eligibility for the fall sports season will be determined by 4th quarter grades. Board Policy dictates that an athlete must maintain a GPA of 1.50 or higher in the preceding grading period of the sports season to be played.</p><p>Athletes who are ineligible for a particular sports season will not be able to regain eligibility until the following sports season. He/she will not be able to participate in any practices or activities during this time. For example, if an athlete becomes ineligible for the winter sports season, he/she will not be able to play in a sport until the spring season.</p><p>Athletes should refer to the Lockland Athletic Handbook for further information on guidelines and rules.</p><p>HARRASSMENT AND BULLYING</p><p>Hazing means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person.</p><p>Throughout this policy the term bullying is used in place of harassment, intimidation and bullying. </p><p>Bullying, harassment and intimidation is an intentional written, verbal or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once. The intentional act also includes violence within a dating relationship. The behavior causes both mental and physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student. This behavior is prohibited on school property or at a school-sponsored activity.</p><p>Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing, bullying and/or dating violence does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.</p><p>The District includes, within the health curriculum, age-appropriate instruction in dating violence prevention education in grades 7 to 12. This instruction includes recognizing warning signs of dating violence and the characteristics of healthy relationships.</p><p>Prohibited activities of any type, including those activities engaged in via computer and/or electronic communications devices, are inconsistent with the educational process and are prohibited at all times. No administrator, teacher or other employee of the District shall encourage, permit, condone or tolerate any hazing and/or bullying activities. No students, including leaders of student organizations, are permitted to plan, encourage or engage in any hazing and/or bullying.</p><p>Administrators, teachers and all other District employees are particularly alert to possible conditions, circumstances or events that might include hazing, bullying and/or dating violence. If any of the prohibited behaviors are planned or discovered, involved students are informed by the discovering District employee of the prohibition contained in this policy and are required to end all such activities immediately. All hazing, bullying and/or dating violence incidents are reported immediately to the Superintendent/designee and appropriate discipline is administered.</p><p>The Superintendent/designee must provide the Board President with a semiannual written report of all verified incidents of hazing and/or bullying and post the report on the District’s web site. The administration provides training on the District's hazing and bullying policy to District employees and volunteers who have direct contact with students. Additional training is provided to elementary employees in violence and substance abuse prevention and positive youth development. </p><p>District employees, students and volunteers have qualified civil immunity for damages arising from reporting an incident of hazing and/or bullying. Administrators, teachers, other employees and students who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties in compliance with State and Federal law.</p><p>No one is permitted to retaliate against an employee or student because he/she files a grievance or assists or participates in an investigation, proceeding or hearing regarding the charge of hazing and/or bullying of an individual.</p><p>School Personnel Responsibilities and Complaint Procedures Hazing, bullying behavior and/or dating violence by any student/school personnel in the District is strictly prohibited, and such conduct may result in disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from school. Hazing bullying and/or dating violence means any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical acts, including electronically transmitted acts, either overt or covert, by a student or group of students toward other students/school personnel with the intent to haze, harass, intimidate, injure, threaten, ridicule or humiliate. Such behaviors are prohibited on or immediately adjacent to school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity; in any District publication; through the use of any District-owned or operated communication tools, including but not limited to District e-mail accounts and/or computers; on school-provided transportation or at any official school bus stop.</p><p>Hazing, bullying and/or dating violence can include many different behaviors. Examples of conduct that could constitute prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to: </p><p>1. physical violence and/or attacks; 2. threats, taunts and intimidation through words and/or gestures; 3. extortion, damage or stealing of money and/or possessions; 4. exclusion from the peer group or spreading rumors; 5. repetitive and hostile behavior with the intent to harm others through the use of information and communication technologies and other web-based/online sites (also known as “cyber bullying”), such as the following: A. posting slurs on web sites, social networking sites, blogs or personal online journals; B. sending abusive or threatening e-mails, web site postings or comments and instant messages; C. using camera phones to take embarrassing photographs or videos of students and/or distributing or posting the photos or videos online and D. using web sites, social networking sites, blogs or personal online journals, e-mails or instant messages to circulate gossip and rumors to other students. 6. excluding others from an online group by falsely reporting them for inappropriate language to Internet service providers.</p><p>In evaluating whether conduct constitutes hazing or bullying, special attention is paid to the words chosen or the actions taken, whether such conduct occurred in front of others or was communicated to others, how the perpetrator interacted with the victim and the motivation, either admitted or appropriately inferred.</p><p>Teachers and Other School Staff Teachers and other school staff who witness acts of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence as defined above, promptly notify the building principal/designee of the event observed, and promptly file a written incident report concerning the events witnessed. Teachers and other school staff who receive student or parent reports of suspected hazing, bullying and/or dating violence promptly notify the building principal/designee of such report(s). If the report is a formal, written complaint, the complaint is forwarded to the building principal/designee no later than the next school day. If the report is an informal complaint by a student that is received by a teacher or other professional employee, he/she prepares a written report of the informal complaint that is forwarded to the building principal/designee no later than the next school day.</p><p>Complaints</p><p>1. Formal Complaints - Students and/or their parents or guardians may file reports regarding suspected hazing, harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or dating violence. The reports should be written. Such written reports must be reasonably specific including person(s) involved; number of times and places of the alleged conduct; the target of suspected harassment, intimidation and/or bullying and the names of any potential student or staff witnesses. Such reports may be filed with any school staff member or administrator. They are promptly forwarded to the building principal/designee for review and action.</p><p>2. Informal Complaints - Students, parents or guardians and school personnel may make informal complaints of conduct that they consider to be harassment, intimidation and/or bullying by verbal report to a teacher, school administrator or other school personnel. Such informal complaints must be reasonably specific as to the actions giving rise to the suspicion of hazing, harassment, intimidation and/or bullying, including person(s) involved, number of times and places of the alleged conduct, the target of the prohibited behavior(s) and the names of any potential student or staff witness. The school staff member or administrator who receives the informal complaint promptly documents the complaint in writing, including the above information. This written report by the school staff member and/or administrator is promptly forwarded to the building principal/designee for review and action.</p><p>3. Anonymous Complaints - Students who make informal complaints as set forth above may request that their name be maintained in confidence by the school staff member(s) and administrator(s) who receive the complaint. The anonymous complaint is reviewed and reasonable action is taken to address the situation, to the extent such action (1) does not disclose the source of the complaint, and (2) is consistent with the due process rights of the student(s) alleged to have committed acts of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence.</p><p>Intervention Strategies</p><p>Teachers and Other School Staff - In addition to addressing both informal and formal complaints, school personnel are encouraged to address the issue of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence in other interactions with students. School personnel may find opportunities to educate students about harassment, hazing, intimidation and bullying and help eliminate such prohibited behaviors through class discussions, counseling and reinforcement of socially appropriate behavior. School personnel should intervene promptly whenever they observe student conduct that has the purpose or effect of ridiculing, humiliating or intimidating another student/school personnel, even if such conduct does not meet the formal definition of harassment, hazing, intimidation or bullying.</p><p>Administrator Responsibilities A. Investigation - The principal/designee is notified of any formal or informal complaint of suspected harassment, hazing, intimidation or bullying. Under the direction of the building principal/designee, all such complaints are investigated promptly. A written report of the investigation is prepared when the investigation is complete. The report includes findings of fact, a determination of whether acts of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence were verified, and when prohibited acts are verified, a recommendation for intervention, including disciplinary action, is included in the report. Where appropriate, written witness statements are attached to the report. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when a student making an informal complaint has requested anonymity, the investigation of such complaint is limited as is appropriate in view of the anonymity of the complaint. Such limitation of the investigation may include restricting action to a simple review of the complaint (with or without discussing it with the alleged perpetrator), subject to receipt of further information and/or the withdrawal by the complaining student of the condition that his/her report be anonymous.</p><p>B. Non-disciplinary Interventions - When verified acts of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence are identified early and/or when such verified acts do not reasonably require a disciplinary response, students may be counseled as to the definition of the behavior, its prohibition and their duty to avoid any conduct that could be considered harassing, hazing, intimidating and/or bullying. If a complaint arises out of conflict between students or groups of students, peer mediation may be considered. Special care, however, is warranted in referring some cases to peer mediation. A power imbalance may make the process intimidating for the victim and therefore inappropriate. The victim’s communication and assertiveness skills may be low and could be further eroded by fear resulting from past intimidation and fear of future intimidation. In such cases, the victim should be given additional support. Alternatively, peer mediation may be deemed inappropriate to address the concern. </p><p>C. Disciplinary Interventions - When acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying are verified and a disciplinary response is warranted, students are subject to the full range of disciplinary consequences. Anonymous complaints that are not otherwise verified, however, cannot provide the basis for disciplinary action. In and out-of- school suspension may be imposed only after informing the accused perpetrator of the reasons for the proposed suspension and giving him/her an opportunity to explain the situation. Expulsion may be imposed only after a hearing before the Board of Education, a committee of the Board or an impartial hearing officer designated by the Board of Education in accordance with Board policy. This consequence is reserved for serious incidents of harassment, intimidation or bullying and/or when past interventions have not been successful in eliminating prohibited behaviors. Allegations of criminal misconduct are reported to law enforcement, and suspected child abuse is reported to Child Protective Services, per required timelines.</p><p>Report to the Parent or Guardian of the Perpetrator If, after investigation, acts of harassment, intimidation and bullying by a specific student are verified, the building principal/designee notifies the parent or guardian of the perpetrator, in writing, of that finding. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against such student, a description of such discipline is included in such notification. </p><p>Strategies are developed and implemented to protect students from additional harassment, intimidation or bullying, and from retaliation following reporting of incidents.</p><p>Reports to the Victim and His/Her Parent or Guardian If, after investigation, acts of bullying or hazing against a specific student are verified, the building principal/designee notifies the parent/guardian of the victim of the finding. In providing such notification, care must be taken to respect the statutory privacy rights of the perpetrator. </p><p>Bullying matters, including the identity of both the charging party and the accused, are kept confidential to the extent possible. Although discipline may be imposed against the accused upon a finding of guilt, retaliation is prohibited.</p><p>School administrators shall notify both the parents of a student who commits acts of harassment, intimidation, bullying and/or dating violence and the parents or guardians of students against whom such acts were committed, and shall allow access to any written reports pertaining to the incident, to the extent permitted by law.</p><p>Police and Child Protective Services In addition to, or instead of, filing a complaint through this policy, a complainant may choose to exercise other options including, but not limited to, filing a complaint with outside agencies or filing a private lawsuit. Nothing prohibits a complainant from seeking redress under any other provision of the Ohio Revised Code or common law that may apply. The District must also investigate incidents of hazing, bullying and/or dating violence for the purpose of determining whether there has been a violation of District policy or regulations, even if law enforcement and/or the public children’s services are also investigating. All District personnel must cooperate with investigations by outside agencies. (Approval date: October 25, 2007) (Re-approval date: February 11, 2010)</p><p>REPORTING TO PARENTS Communication between school and home is the most important link in a student’s education. There is no request too large or too small when it comes to a student’s education. Formal lines of communication have been established through the following methods: </p><p>PROGRESSBOOK – Web based grade book accessible to parents 24/7 (contact school for account set-up).</p><p>INTERIM REPORTS are issued each grading period for a total of four (4) times per year. </p><p>REPORT CARDS are issued each nine weeks during the year for a total of four (4). Unified Arts courses final grades are on report cards. </p><p>PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES are scheduled formally twice (2) per year. We encourage you to come more often if you feel it is necessary. </p><p>Bi-QUARTERLY NEWSLETTERS will help keep families informed about curriculum, special events, achievements, projects, or opportunities for parents to get even further involved in the education of their child.</p><p>INFORMAL COMMUNICATIONS can be initiated by a telephone call requesting information or a conference. Telephone calls will be returned within two school days. We will do our best to arrange a conference time and place that is convenient to all parties. All teachers have voice mail and e-mail which parents are encouraged to use.</p><p>LOCKLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT-WIDE NOTIFICATION OF FAILURE POLICY In an effort to communicate more effectively with parents and to encourage becoming partners with parents in increasing student success, this district notification of failure policy will be effective beginning this school year. Teachers will notify the parents of any student receiving a “D” or an “F” at the interim by phone, email or a mailed letter. Teachers will notify the parents of any student receiving a “D” or an “F” two weeks before the end of the quarter grade again by phone, email or a mailed letter. Notification will be defined as a documented conference, a phone conversation, email or a letter mailed home. Leaving a voice mail as a documented notification is not acceptable. Teachers will keep a log of each documented notification. This log will be submitted with quarter grades to the counselor and the building administrator. Parents who were not notified of their child’s failing grade(s) should contact the appropriate administrator to discuss this issue.</p><p>GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL TIMES School hours are from 8:00am – 3:00pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. School is in session from 8:00am until 1:30pm on Wednesdays. Students are expected to arrive to school no earlier than 7:45 and are to leave school grounds immediately upon dismissal unless engaged in a school sponsored activity.</p><p>STAYING AFTER SCHOOL Only students who are involved in a school-sponsored activity are permitted to stay after school. Students are to leave school grounds at dismissal and arrive back at school no earlier than 30 min prior to the start of event. High school sports events typically begin at 4:30PM unless otherwise stated. A staff member must supervise ALL students staying after school. Students are not permitted to use computer labs after school without supervision of a staff member. Students who are in the building after school hours without proper supervision or permission may be disciplined using board-approved consequences.</p><p>ABSENCES/ATTENDANCE/TARDINESS Success in school is dependent upon good attendance. Poor attendance disrupts the continuity of instruction. Students must maintain at least a 93% attendance rate for the year. Under section 3313.205 of the Ohio Revised Code, it is the responsibility of the parents/guardian to notify the school in the event a student is absent or tardy. Please call the school for which the child attends before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. The absence is considered unexcused if the attendance office is not notified by telephone or personal contact. Parents may call the school to excuse an absence six times during the year. After six parent calls, all absences must be verified with a doctor’s note or court document to be excused from school.</p><p>Reporting absence lines: 513-563-5000 Lockland Elementary – ext. 124 Lockland Middle / High School - ext. 166 Arlington Heights Academy – ext 302</p><p>Reporting to school promptly is also important for the overall success of a student. Students who arrive late to school miss key instructional time as well as important information. For determination of truancy, every 3 tardies will equate to one unexcused absence. Students who leave school before dismissal time also miss out on important instruction and information. These students will be marked as “early dismissal”, and it will be counted as a tardy unless the early dismissal can be verified by a doctor’s note or court document in a timely manner. Students who are excessively absent will be considered habitually or chronically truant and referred to juvenile court as follows: a) Unexcused Absences for 5 consecutive days b) Unexcused Absences for 7 or more days in one month c) Unexcused Absences for 12 or more days in one school year Once a student has accumulated an excessive number of unexcused absences, a diversionary hearing will be set up with a school designee or the truancy officer to discuss the issues to help resolve the problems. The parent and student should attend the meeting. Note: Parents who are referred to juvenile court may incur court costs as well as other penalties assigned by the Juvenile Court judge. Parents and their child will be required to attend juvenile court to resolve the truancy problem. A Lockland representative or the truancy officer will also attend the hearing.</p><p>TARDINESS TO SCHOOL For school purposes, attendance for the day is taken at the very beginning of 1st period. Students who are not in 1st period class (8:00 a.m.) are considered tardy to school and must sign in at the attendance desk located in the main office. Students who are late to school must enter Door #1 on N. Cooper Avenue. Disciplinary action can occur for accumulation of tardies. Tardiness due to court appearances or medical appointments must be verified in writing by the court or the physician/dentist. Documentation must be submitted to the attendance clerk in order to be marked as an “excused tardy” for those who are not in 1st period class (8:00 a.m.).</p><p>TARDINESS TO CLASS Students are expected to be in their scheduled classes when the bell rings. Students who are repeatedly late to class will be referred to the administration for disciplinary consequences which can include suspension from school.</p><p>SKIPPING CLASS A student shall not be absent from class without authorization from school personnel. A student found skipping class will be issued disciplinary consequences. Students who leave the school grounds without permission may be suspended for the first offense. </p><p>TRUANCY A student will be considered truant if he/she is absent from class without the knowledge or consent of a parent and/or school officials. It must be noted that parents cannot detain their children from school without legal cause. Continual truancies will be referred to juvenile court. Students caught leaving school grounds during the school day will receive disciplinary consequences.</p><p>EARLY DISMISSAL A note is required from a parent for any changes from the dismissal routine. This note should include the requested dismissal time, the reason for the early dismissal, and name of person picking your student up. Only persons listed on your child’s Emergency Medical Form are authorized only to pick up your child.</p><p>CHANGE OF TELEPHONE NUMBER OR ADDRESS The school must be able to contact you if there is an emergency involving your child. Please notify the office when you have made a change of address, home telephone number, day time (work) telephone number, or legal guardian.</p><p>EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND ATTENDANCE Every student is expected to spend the entire day in school. Students absent in excess of 1/2 day of school are NOT eligible to participate in or attend any extra-curricular activity on that day. An extra-curricular activity is any school activity conducted after school hours, associated with school programs, whether they are held on campus or off school grounds. </p><p>In the event of a true emergency, an exception may be granted by the building principal for an extra-curricular activity. The parent of the absent student must contact the building principal as early in the day of the activity as possible to request such an exception. A student who is absent because of illness on the day of an extra-curricular activity does not have a valid reason for an exception to this rule. </p><p>EXAMS (HIGH SCHOOL ONLY) Exams are given at the end of each semester for all classes. Only a doctor’s or court note may excuse an absence for exam days. Students would need to make up the exam the day they return to school. Vacations are not permitted during exams. Exams are very important and are figured into a student’s grade point average. A student who is truant, refuses to take the exam, or does not follow exam procedures may be given an “F” for the exam.</p><p>MAKE-UP WORK Upon returning to school after an illness, students have one day per excused absence to make up any missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to promptly contact each teacher about missed work. An exception would be a quiz, test, or project that was announced prior to the absence. In this case, a student may be required to do such work on the day of return. Work missed due to an unexcused absence or truancy may not be made up and may result in a zero. Students who are absent due to a field trip are required to return assigned work on the following day. If a student is absent for 3 days or more, make-up work may be retrieved from the school by notifying your child’s counselor.</p><p>INCOMPLETE WORK At the end of a quarter, a grade of incomplete may be given for a subject at the discretion of the teacher for approved reasons. Incomplete work must be made up within two weeks after the end of a grading period. After two weeks, incomplete grades automatically become an “F”.</p><p>MAKEUP WORK DURING A SUSPENSION The first time that a student is suspended out of school for 5 days or less, he/she is permitted to make up work for full credit. This includes assignments, tests, projects, speeches, etc. The student is responsible for contacting his/her teachers to receive the assignments and to gather the appropriate materials. All completed work is due the day the student returns from the suspension. An exception to this policy is made for students who are suspended for ten (10) days and/or a recommendation for expulsion. Because of the seriousness of the offense, students who receive 10 days OSS or expulsion will not be given the opportunity to receive credit for their work. In addition, students who are suspended out of school a second time (or more) will not be afforded the privilege of making up work for credit.</p><p>MEDICATION Absolutely no medication is to be permitted or taken on school property unless proper paperwork and doctor’s order have been completed and turned into the main office (clinic) by the parent/guardian. This may include, but is not limited to, such medications as Tylenol, aspirin, and cough drops.</p><p>SCHOOL RECORDS A student’s permanent record is available to his or her parent at any time. An appointment with the appropriate administrator or counselor should be secured by the parent in advance. The student’s permanent record, which is maintained in the records office, contains the academic record, standardized test scores, and record of school activities. This information will not be made available to out-of-school authorities without the permission of the student and parent unless a subpoena is issued by the court. The information in the file routinely is made available to the student’s teachers to aid them in meeting the student’s special needs and interests. Students 18 years of age or older are permitted to look at their records without parental permission.</p><p>PARENTAL ACCESS TO RECORDS AND CHILD CUSTODY All natural parents, adoptive parents, and legal guardians have the right to review student records and communicate with school personnel concerning their child’s progress. Any natural parents, adoptive parents, and legal guardians will also be allowed to review records, visit the child’s classroom or pick the child up from school unless we have a copy of the latest court order restricting visitation rights. State law requires parents to provide the school with a copy of the most recent custody papers issued by the court. There are procedures for challenging material found in the records if it is found to be inaccurate and damaging to the student. </p><p>NOTICE OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION The Superintendent shall provide, upon request, certain information known as “directory information.” The Board designates as student “directory information” the following: student name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; awards received. Directory information shall not be provided to any organization for profit-making purposes. Parents and adult students may refuse to allow the Board to disclose any or all of such “directory information” upon written notification to the Board within seven (7) days after receipt of the student planner. In accordance with Federal and State law, the Board shall release the names, addresses, and telephone listings of secondary students to a recruiting officer for any branch of the United States Armed Forces or an institution of higher education who requests such information. A secondary school student or parent of the student may request in writing that the student’s name, address, and telephone listing not be released without prior parental consent. The recruiting officer is to sign a form indicating that “any information received by the recruiting officer shall be used solely for the purpose of informing students about military service and shall not be released to any person other than individuals within the recruiting services of the Armed Forces.” The Superintendent is authorized to charge mailing fees for providing this information to a recruiting officer. LOCKERS (LMS, LHS, and AHA) Each student is assigned a locker for schoolbooks, supplies, lunches and personal items, which are needed for school. It is the student’s responsibility to see that his/her locker is kept locked and in order at all times. Since lockers are a permanent part of the building, students are expected to keep them in good, usable condition. </p><p>School officials may inspect any locker at any time when the safety and/or welfare of the school or student body are in question. Lockers remain the property of the school. </p><p>Students are instructed not to give their locker combination to any other person and not to use lockers assigned to other students. Lockers are to be kept locked at all times. Since the school cannot be held liable for stolen property, students should not keep personal property of great value at school. Students should not bring large sums of money to school. </p><p>Lockers must be cleaned out by students prior to the end of the school year. Personal property left in the school lockers will be disposed of when the lockers are cleaned immediately after school in June. </p><p>Students are not permitted to use their own locks on hall lockers. Such locks will be removed. Students to whom the lockers are assigned are responsible for all items found in their lockers. There are no sharing of lockers. </p><p>Students are responsible for any damage to their hall lockers. Stickers, tape, or other adhesives, which could cause damage to lockers, should not be used. Locker displays, which are not considered school appropriate, are prohibited. </p><p>Students must have a locker pass from a staff member to go to their lockers at any other time. It is requested that students not return to the locker areas after events or practices. </p><p>Students will be assigned lockers and they are not to change lockers without authorization from the team. </p><p>STUDENT SOLICITATION Students are not permitted to sell candy or other items at school unless authorized by administration. </p><p>CONFIDENTIALITY Information concerning individual students is considered confidential and is shared with only those school personnel who have reasonable need to know of it. No information will be shared with outside agencies without the parent’s written consent. </p><p>VISITS FROM PARENTS Parents are welcomed and encouraged to spend time in our school. This should be arranged with the teacher or the office a minimum of 48 hours prior to the visit. All visitors must first sign-in at the office and wear a guest badge while in the building. It is hoped that you will always feel free to contact your child’s teacher when you have questions or concerns. Please call the office and ask for the teacher’s voice mail to return your call at his/her earliest convenience. Except in extreme emergencies, teachers are not interrupted from class for conferences. We would ask that you call the school for an appointment to see any school personnel. This should eliminate long waits. </p><p>EMERGENCY CLOSING OF SCHOOL Various courses of action have been planned for the times during the winter when road conditions do not permit the school to operate as regularly scheduled. The alternate plans will be used only when road conditions are thought to be extremely hazardous. The safety of the students is our first consideration. The announcement of an alternate plan will be made over several local radio stations from approximately 6:00 A.M. until 8:00 A.M. Please listen for the radio or television announcements to obtain the information. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL so that the school telephones can be kept clear for emergency calls. </p><p>ONE-HOUR DELAY This will allow road crews to clear the roads. Remember, when a one-hour delay is announced, school does not begin until 9:00 A.M. Students will not be admitted in the building until 8:45 A.M.</p><p>TWO-HOUR DELAY This will allow road crews to clear the roads. Remember, when a two-hour delay is announced, school does not begin until 10:00 A.M. Students will not be admitted in the building until 9:45 A.M.</p><p>SCHOOL CLOSING School, extra-curricular activities and other programs may be delayed or postponed due to inclement weather. Students and parents should check your radio, local TV stations, or the school district website for announcements of cancellation. DO NOT CALL SCHOOL for confirmation. School may be delayed by 1 or 2 hour increments. School would then begin at 9:00a.m.or 10:00 a.m. according to the exact delay. The school or district may also send out a voice message to notify parents of an emergency, delay or school cancellation. Please keep phone numbers updated at school. EARLY DISMISSAL DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER In extreme situations, school may be dismissed early whenever it becomes apparent that road conditions are becoming so severe that transportation of your student could be dangerous. To insure that no students are left unsupervised at home because of early dismissal, please follow these steps: </p><p>Provide an alternate place for your student to go if you are normally not at home during the day. On your student’s emergency medical form, please state where your student should go and provide a telephone number where this person can be reached if necessary. Give instructions to your student explaining where he/she is to go or who to call. </p><p>ARTICLES NOT ALLOWED IN SCHOOL OR CLASS Any object, which presents a safety hazard or interferes in any way with the educational operation of the school, is prohibited. Examples of these items may include weapons, knives, pagers (beepers), glass bottles, animals, video games, playing cards, dice, yo-yos, radios, sound players, televisions, tapes, CD’s, CD and tape players, MP3 players, cameras, chains, and laser pens/pointers. Students may not take hairbrushes and make-up to class. Cell phone usage is prohibited during school hours. </p><p>CHEWING GUM Chewing gum is not permitted during the school day. </p><p>HALL PASSES All student planners have hall pass pages. Students are to carry a signed pass inside the planner any time they are in halls except during class changes or lunch. Parents are encouraged to check regularly to see when their students are leaving classes. </p><p>TELEPHONE Office telephones are for business calls only. Calling home for gym clothes, homework, etc. is discouraged. We hope all students will plan ahead so that this situation will not occur. Students will not be called from class to answer telephone calls except in cases of emergency. The office will not give out staff home phone numbers. </p><p>DANCES AND OTHER ACTIVITIES (LHS, LMS, and AHA) Dances and other activities are held throughout the year. The following is a list of rules that pertain to these events: Dances will be open to Lockland students only. Students must be in attendance the day of the event. No one can purchase a ticket for another student. Students will not be permitted to re-enter once they leave. Dress code for dances is the same as school dress code. </p><p>LUNCH PROGRAM (Prices may change after publication of this handbook) Breakfast prices are $1.20 full price / .20 reduced. Hot lunches are served for students at a cost of $2.75 Full / .40 reduced. Other snack items may be purchased. Students who bring their lunches may purchase milk for $.30 per half pint. </p><p>Lockland Schools operate on a CLOSED lunch system (soft drinks and food from restaurants may not be brought in). Students will have thirty (30) minutes to each lunch period. Disciplinary action will be taken if students are exhibiting inappropriate behavior/conduct such as leaving their seat, throwing food, or eating in an unassigned lunch time. Due to seating capacity and other safety reasons, visitors are not permitted to eat lunch in the cafeteria. If you would like to eat lunch with your child, other arrangements will need to be made with an administrator. Free and Reduced lunch applications will be sent home to the students with the summer mailing. An application for each family, with all household members listed, is to be completed and returned to the school for approval. Guidelines for the qualification for this government program will accompany the application.</p><p>INTERROGATIONS AND SEARCHES The District has responsibility for the control and management of the students during the school day and hours of approved extracurricular activities. While discharging its responsibility the school administration is to make an effort to protect each student’s rights with respect to interrogations by law enforcement officials. The administration has developed District regulations to be followed in the case of searches and interrogations. </p><p>The right of inspection of students’ school lockers or articles carried upon their persons and the interrogation of an individual student is inherent in the authority granted school boards. Administrators will employ procedural safeguards to protect the well- being of those children. All other searches will be conducted sparingly and only when such search is reasonably likely to produce anticipated tangible results to aid in the educational process, preserve discipline and good order, or promote the safety and security of persons and their property within the area of the school’s responsibility. </p><p>Student lockers are property of the District, and since random searches have a positive impact on reducing drugs and other criminal activity, it is the policy of the Board to permit the building administrator to search any locker and its contents as the administrator believes necessary. This policy will be posted in every building. DISTRICT-WIDE DRESS CODE</p><p> Students need to be in uniform at all times during school hours. Students need to remain in uniform during the entire school day as long as they are on campus. Teachers will check student uniforms each bell. Students out of uniform will be sent to the office. Students will be required to change clothes. If they can remedy the infraction, they will be sent back to class. If not, they may receive an In School Detention. Office referrals may result in Wednesday/Saturday school assignments for chronic violations. Students who become repeat offenders will receive a parent letter mailed home to communicate to parents this failure to comply with the uniform code (discipline paperwork mailed home). This parent letter will be placed in the student’s discipline file. It is expected that every school employee assist the administration in monitoring the uniform code and administering school detentions and office referrals for infractions of the uniform code. Descriptions of the appropriate uniform are below.</p><p>PANTS / SHIRTS (not to be altered in any fashion) SHOES SHORTS/SKIRTS Black, navy or tan Collared shirt only (except Lockland spirit wear). Closed toes, Shorts colors as Manufactures logo may not exceed the size of a typical athletic listed above. 2 ½ x 3 business card. shoes No Jeans. (Denim No distracting patterns. allowed material spandex Shirts may not be altered in any fashion. (laced and or other forms of Button up oxford dress shirts or polo shirts with long or tied) tight fitting short sleeves. No flip material) Turtlenecks & long sleeved tee shirts may be worn flops, house Belt required (no under polo shirts or oxford dress shirts. shoes, oversized belt Shirt tucked in at all times while on campus. slippers, or buckles). Sweaters, zip-up cardigans without hood; sweatshirts, athletic slip- Pants must be without hood, solid colors only Logo may not exceed on allowed worn at waist (top the size of a typical 2 ½ x 3 business card. due to of hipbone). School produced Spirit shirts (t-shirts, pullovers, safety Skirts and Shorts approved hoodies, etc.….) displaying a Lockland logo, requiremen must extend past purchased at spirit shop or given by school office as a ts fingertips at all reward may be worn at any time. The clothing cannot times. be altered in any fashion.</p><p>NOT PERMITTED: No exposed shoulders, torsos, midriffs, chests, cleavage, backs, buttocks, no undergarments visible, no see-through materials, no hats, bandanas, head coverings, no lycra, spandex, dry weave or cut-off clothing, no hoods, and no hats or gloves are to be worn in the classroom. Hair no extreme styles. Piercings/Jewelry- Only visible piercings allowed in ears and a single nose stud, no spiked or studded jewelry or heavy chains. No decorative dental coverings (grills).</p><p>DISTRICT-WIDE CELL PHONE POLICY</p><p>Please be advised that the Lockland School District has a strict cell phone policy. Due to serious situations created by cell phones, the district has decided to be proactive in our reaction. Unauthorized use of cell phones is prohibited during school hours (7:55-3:00). Any district employee who observes a student using a cell phone without authorization or inappropriately should immediately refer that student to the appropriate administrator via email or the office referral form. The building principal or designee will issue consequences to that student. If the student continues to violate the cell phone policy, the consequences will become more severe including suspension from school. The district appreciates parental support in these matters of safety.</p><p>STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT</p><p>This code of conduct is adopted by the Board of Education of the Lockland School District pursuant to Sections 3313.661 and 3313.662, Ohio Revised Code. Any student engaging in the following types of conduct either specifically or generally like the kinds of conduct listed in this Code of Conduct is subject to detention, In-school Detention, Extended Day Detention (i.e. Wednesday/Saturday School), suspension, emergency removal, expulsion, removal or permanent exclusion from curricular activities pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. This code of conduct applies while a student is in the custody or control of the school, on school grounds or closely proximate thereto, while at a school-sponsored function or activity or on school-owned or provided transportation vehicles. In addition, the Student Code of Conduct governs a student’s conduct at all times, on or off school property, when such student conduct is reasonably related to the health and safety of other students and/or school employees, or such conduct would unreasonably interrupt the educational processes of the Lockland Schools.</p><p>Student and staff safety is paramount in the orderly operation of the school and to help ensure safety, random use of metal detector devices may be utilized. It should be noted that lockers are school property and school personnel reserves the right to inspect them whenever the need arises. In the case of misuse of the district’s network and Internet resources by a student user, disciplinary action may result in suspension and/or expulsion from school.</p><p>Ohio Revised Code 3313.66 requires that students are provided with a written notice of intent to suspend prior to being suspended.</p><p>The statute also requires that students and parents are provided with a written notice of intent to expel. The notices shall include: (1) a statement of intent to discipline; (2) a description of the acts which were in violation of the Student Code of Conduct; (3) specific rules of the Student Code of Conduct which were violated; (4) and the dates of the suspension or expulsion. The written notice of intent to suspend shall be given to the student at an informal hearing. The notice of intent to expel shall be sent to the student and his parents and the students and parents will be provided an opportunity for an informal hearing prior to a decision to expel. Students will receive an unexcused absence for each school day missed as a result of a suspension. </p><p>A student or his parents may appeal any decision of the Lockland School District administration to suspend a student from school to the Superintendent or his/her designee. A student or his parent may appeal an expulsion from school to the Board of Education or its designee. A student or parent must request an appeal in writing within 10 days after the discipline measure takes effect. The student and his parent may be represented in all appeal hearings. Pursuant to Ohio law, a student or parent may further appeal an expulsion or suspension to the Court of Common Pleas. It is the policy of the Lockland School District Board of Education that students shall not be permitted to return to school pending any appeal process with the administration or the court. The School District will make every effort to promptly hear all appeals to minimize a student’s absence from school. Should the Board of Education, the Superintendent, or their designees, reverse or modify a discipline decision and permit a student to return to school, such student shall be permitted ample time to makeup all assignments and work missed as a result of his or her absence.</p><p>For the purpose of the Student Code of Conduct, the following shall apply:</p><p>“Emergency Suspension” shall be the exclusion of a student who poses a continuing danger to District property or persons in the District whose behavior presents an ongoing threat of disrupting the educational process provided by the District.</p><p>“Suspension” shall be the temporary exclusion of a student by the Superintendent, principal, assistant principal, or any other administrator from the District’s instructional program for a period not to exceed ten (10) school days. Suspension may extend beyond the current school year if, at the time the suspension is imposed, fewer than ten (10) days remain in the school year. The Superintendent may apply any or all of the period of the suspension to the following school year. The procedures for suspension are set forth in the Code of Conduct and Board Policy.</p><p>“Expulsion” shall be the exclusion of a student from the schools of this District for a period not to exceed the greater of eighty (80) school days or the number of days remaining on the semester or term in which the incident that gives rise to the expulsion takes place or for one (1) year as specifically provided in this policy and the Student Code of Conduct. Only the Superintendent may expel a student. The procedures for expulsion are set forth in the Student Code of Conduct and Board Policy.</p><p>“Permanent Exclusion” shall mean the student is banned forever from attending a public school in the State of Ohio.</p><p>The following types of conduct prohibited by this Code of Conduct are as follows:</p><p>1. Contemptuous/Insolent Behavior: A student shall not engage in any act which is rude or disrespectful, degrades, disgraces, or tends to degrade or disgrace a teacher, fellow student, or any other person by written or gestured means. (1.1) Verbal Abuse: A student shall not threaten to harm or cause physical injury nor shall cause mental distress while under the jurisdiction of the school.</p><p>2. Vandalism/Destruction or Defacement of School and/or Private Property: A student shall not cause or attempt to cause damage or destruction to school property, property of school employees or property of other students, on or off school premises, including buildings, grounds, equipment, or materials; nor shall a student cause or attempt to cause damage to private property on school premises or at any school activity on or off school property or in areas controlled by the school.</p><p>3. Disruption of School: A student shall not, by use of violence, force, coercion, written or verbal threat, or in any manner cause disruption or obstruction to the carrying on of a normal school day. A non-exhaustive list of examples of disruption would include unusual dress and appearance, strikes or walk-outs, the possession of fireworks including stink bombs and smoke bombs, the impeding of free traffic to or within the school. </p><p>(3.1) Nuisance Items: Use or possession of non-approved electronic devices [O.R.C. 3313.753 (A)] is prohibited. Due to the potential for violation of student privacy rights and confidentiality, unauthorized use of cameras/camera phones for photos/videos without permission of the proper school authority is not permitted. The District does not take responsibility for missing or lost personal electronic communication devices.</p><p>(3.2) Unauthorized/Inappropriate Computer and/or Internet Use</p><p>(3.3) Behavior Problems: Repeated behavior of a disruptive nature that interferes with the learning environment; or any school activity.</p><p>(3.4) Signs and Slogans: A student may not place signs or slogans on school property without the permission of the proper school authority.</p><p>4. Theft/Stealing: A student shall not take or attempt to take into possession or possess the public property or equipment of the school district or the personal property of another person.</p><p>5. Extortion, Bribery: A student shall not take or attempt to take money or valuable possessions from another person by physical force or the threat of physical force. A student shall not offer money or favors to any person for personal gain. </p><p>(5.1) Forgery: A student shall not falsely use in writing the name of another person or falsify times, grades, dates, addresses, or other data on school forms or correspondence directed to the school. </p><p>(5.2) Cheating/Plagiarism: A student shall not cheat or plagiarize. </p><p>6. False Alarms: A student shall not initiate or circulate a report or warning of an impending fire, tornado, explosion, crime or other catastrophe without cause.</p><p>7. Gambling: A student shall not gamble or possess gambling devices on school premises. Some examples of gambling devices would include dice and cards (not an exhaustive list).</p><p>8. Hazing: No student, including leaders of student activities, shall plan, encourage, or engage in any hazing. Hazing is defined as doing any act, or coercing another to do any act, in connection with initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of mental or physical harm (O.R.C. 2307.44). 9. Loitering/Trespassing: A student shall not be present in a school building or restricted area of same at unauthorized times and in such a manner as may reasonably cause disruption to some activity or function, pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the student, or a disruption to the educational process.</p><p>10. Lying: A student shall not falsely report incidents, falsely accuse or give false testimony to school personnel.</p><p>11. Accumulation of Detentions</p><p>12. Profanity and/or Obscene Language/Gestures: A student shall not use profanity or obscene language, gestures or pictures, either written or verbal, in communicating with anyone. Included in this prohibition would be the possession or publication of obscene pictures or materials.</p><p>13. School Transportation Behavior: Students shall not violate any rules established by the Lockland School District for the purpose of safety and student control while using school buses. School bus behavior rules shall apply for all regular school transportation and/or transportation for activities under the supervision and control of the school.</p><p>14. Truancy/Unexcused Absence from School: It is necessary that a student be in attendance throughout the school day in order to benefit fully from the educational program. Pursuant to Senate Bill 181, students absent from school without legitimate excuse will be considered truant. A student will be considered truant if he/she is absent without knowledge or consent of parent. It must also be noted that parents cannot detain their children from school attendance without legal cause. Pursuant to State Bill (SB) 191 and SB 1, students may have their driver’s license revoked for truancy. [(O.R.C. 3321.18, 3321.19, 3321.191, 3321.20, & 3321.13 (B)(2)]. </p><p>(14.1) Tardiness/Early Dismissal: A student shall not be tardy to school. Early dismissal is to be avoided without compelling circumstances.</p><p>(14.2) Tardiness to class: A student shall not be tardy to class without authorization from an administrator.</p><p>(14.3) Skipping Classes: A student shall not be absent from class without authorization from an administrator.</p><p>(14.4) Leaving School Grounds: Students may not leave school after initial arrival without permission from the proper authority. During school hours, students will not leave school premises without permission from the proper authority.</p><p>(14.5) Out of Bounds: Unauthorized presence in a part of the school or on school grounds where a student has no permission.</p><p>(14.6) Skipping Detention: A student shall not be absent from detention without authorization from an administrator.</p><p>15. Unauthorized Sale or Distribution: A student shall not sell or distribute or attempt to sell or distribute any object or substance which has not been authorized for sale or distribution by the building principal or principal’s designee.</p><p>16. Tobacco/Tobacco Paraphernalia: A student is not permitted to possess, use, purchase or attempt to purchase, sell/distribute tobacco products, including clove cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or other substances, or have in his/her possession any smoking paraphernalia, i.e. lighters, matches, etc. in any form in any school building or on school property or at any school-sponsored activity (O.R.C. 2151.87).</p><p>17. Uncooperative or Insubordinate: A student shall not disregard, fail to respond to, or fail to carry out a reasonable request by authorized school personnel.</p><p>18. Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicles: A student shall not operate a motor vehicle during normal school hours without administrative authorization and parent/guardian consent.</p><p>19. Harassment: A student shall not use words, pictures, objects, symbols, gestures or other actions relating to a person’s race, national origin, handicap, appearance, religion, sex or other reason that may have the effect of causing embarrassment, discomfort or a reluctance to participate in school activities:</p><p>(19.1) Sexual Harassment: Any harassment relating to sexual activity or a person’s gender.</p><p>(19.2) Hate-based Harassment</p><p>(19.3) Gang and/or Cult-Based Harassment</p><p>(19.4) Other Forms of Harassment </p><p>(19.5) Bullying – For the purposes of this rule, “bullying” is defined as an intentional written, verbal, electronic or physical act that a student exhibits toward another particular student more than once; and the behavior both (1) causes mental or physical harm to the student, and (2) is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know, will have the effect of: Placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm or damage to the student’s property; Physically harming a student or damaging a student’s property; or Insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to disrupt or interfere with the school’s educational mission or the education of any student.</p><p>20. Unauthorized Touching: A student shall not touch anyone in an unfriendly manner, nor behave in such a way that could cause physical injury (including roughhousing or horseplay). </p><p>(20.1) Fighting/Violence: Intentional behavior that causes, attempts or threatens physical injury.</p><p>(20.2) Public Display of Affection: Behavior that is not appropriate in the school setting such as kissing, hand holding, hugging, etc.</p><p>(20.3) Inappropriate Sexual Behavior: Engaging in sexual acts, displaying excessive affection or other inappropriate sexual behavior.</p><p>21. Refusal to Report to Alternative Program: Time-out center, In-School Detention, After School Detention (teacher and/or school), Wednesday School, or Saturday School.</p><p>22. Disruptive Behavior in Alternative Program</p><p>23. Failure to Report: Failing to report the actions or plans of another person to a teacher, counselor or administrator where these actions or plans, if carried out, could result in harm to another person or persons or damage to property, when the student has information about such actions or plans.</p><p>(23.1) Aiding and Abetting: Willfully aiding another person to violate school regulations. 24. Other Just Causes: Student misconduct not listed that is as serious in nature as the above may serve as grounds for disciplinary action.</p><p>25. Verbal Assault</p><p>26. Physical Assault (includes biting or spitting on another person)</p><p>27. Verbal Threat</p><p>28. Written Threat</p><p>29. Physical Threat</p><p>30. Inducing Panic</p><p>31. Behavior Dangerous to Self or Others</p><p>32. Intimidation and/or Any Other Threatening Behavior</p><p>33. Physical/Verbal Abuse Constituting Harassment of Staff</p><p>34. Misconduct: Behavior by a pupil that, regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a school official or employee, or the property of such official or employee. O.R.C. 3313.661(A)</p><p>35. Profanity Directed Toward a Staff Member: Includes face-to-face, in response to, in reference to, etc…</p><p>36. Threat/Violence Against a Staff Member</p><p>(36.1) Verbal Threat Toward a Staff Member</p><p>(36.2) Physical/Written Threat Toward a Staff Member</p><p>(36.3) Violence Toward School Staff</p><p>37. Physical Assault Against a Staff Member</p><p>38. Serious Bodily Injury: An incident that results in serious bodily injury to oneself or others. Serious Bodily Injury is defined as “A bodily injury that involves substantial risk of death; extreme physical pain; disfigurement or impairment (18 U.S.C. Section 1365(3)(h))”. O.R.C. 2901.01 (A)(6)</p><p>39. Unauthorized Fire: A student shall not ignite an unauthorized flame including fireworks, stink bombs and incendiary devices in any part of any building or any property of the Board of Education of the Lockland School District.</p><p>40. Weapons: A student shall not possess, handle, transmit or use any object , including look-alike objects, offensively or defensively that can be considered a weapon on school property at any time or at any school- sponsored event.</p><p>(40.1) Use/Possession of Weapon other than Gun or Knife</p><p>(40.2) Sale/Distribution of Weapon other than Gun or Knife (40.3) Use/Possession/Sale/Distribution of any Explosive, Incendiary or Poisonous Gas or Ammunition</p><p>41. Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages and Drugs: A student shall not buy, sell, use, possess, conceal, show signs of, or distribute any of the following:</p><p>(41.1) Use/Possession of Alcohol: Any liquid beverage that contains alcohol;</p><p>(41.2) Use/Possession of Other Drug: Any controlled substances (drugs, narcotics, marijuana, etc.) or inhalants including any over-the-counter medication;</p><p>(41.3) Sale/Distribution of Alcohol/Drugs</p><p>(41.4) Counterfeit Controlled Substances: Any counterfeit controlled substance, defined as any substance that is made to look like a controlled substance, or is represented to be a controlled substance, or that is believed to be a controlled substance;</p><p>(41.5) Drug Paraphernalia: Any drug or alcoholic paraphernalia including instruments, objects, papers, pipes, containers, etc. </p><p>42. Violation of Ohio Criminal, Traffic, or Juvenile Code: Commission by a student of any crime in violation of the Ohio Criminal Code, Ohio Traffic Code, or the Ohio Juvenile Code on or off the school grounds, regardless if school related or not, that would, in the judgment of school officials, be a detriment to the ongoing educational processes and/or orderly administration of the school if the student were permitted to continue regular school attendance.</p><p>43. Bomb Threat: O.R.C. 3313.661</p><p>SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION RULES</p><p>In order to ensure the safety and welfare of all school bus/van passengers, students must adhere to the following rules. Failure to do so may result in suspension or expulsion from the bus, van and/or school.</p><p>1. Observe same conduct as expected in the classroom and obey the Driver promptly and respectfully.</p><p>2. Be courteous and use no profane language.</p><p>3. Do not eat or drink on the bus. NO GUM.</p><p>4. Cooperate with the driver. Follow directions from driver while on the bus/van.</p><p>5. Windows may only be opened with driver permission.</p><p>6. Keep the bus/van clean.</p><p>7. No smoking or tobacco use.</p><p>8. Do not be destructive. 9. Stay in your seat. Do not change seats. Keep aisles and exits clear.</p><p>10. Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus/van.</p><p>11. Driver is authorized to assign seats.</p><p>12. Do not throw or pass any objects on, from, or into the bus/van.</p><p>R.C. 2919.222, 3313.534, 3313.649, 3313.66, 3313.661, 3313.663, 3313.664, 3321.13(B)(3) and (C), 3327.014 18 U.S.C. #921, 20 U.S.C. #3351, 20 U.S.C. #7151, 20 U.S.C. #8921</p><p>INTERNET ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY</p><p>PURPOSE The Lockland Local School District Board of Education is pleased to make available access to interconnected computer systems within the school district and to the Internet for the purpose of productivity, research, curriculum delivery, professional development activities, and electronic storage in the pursuit of learning. The Board of Education has policies which govern the access and use of computer and network systems, including electronic communications. This Acceptable Use Policy is a guideline for use and a contractual agreement between the end user of said systems and the Board of Education. All end users of said systems must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of their access. Misuse under the guidelines of this document may result in loss of privilege to use computer systems, the network, and/or Internet access and may result in disciplinary action under Board Policy and/or the governing code of conduct.</p><p>GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY In making decisions regarding staff and student access to the school district computer system and the Internet, including electronic communications, the school district considers its own stated educational mission, goals, and objectives. Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to preparation of citizens and future employees. The Internet is a global information and communication network that provides students and staff with access to uptodate, highly relevant information that will enhance their learning and the education process. Access to the school district computer system and to the Internet, including electronic communications, enables staff and students to explore thousands of libraries, databases, and other resources around the world. The school district expects that faculty will blend thoughtful use of the school district computer system and the Internet throughout the curriculum and will provide guidance and instruction to students in their use.</p><p>LIMITED EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE The Lockland Local School District Board of Education provides students and employees with access to the District’s computer system, which includes Internet access. The school district’s computer system may only be used for educational purposes. If you have any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational, you should consult with your immediate teacher, supervisor, or director to help you decide if a use is appropriate. Users are expected to use Internet access through the district system to further educational and personal goals consistent with the mission of the school district and school policies. Uses which might be acceptable on a user’s private personal account on another system may not be acceptable on this limited purpose network. Upon reviewing, signing, and returning this Policy and Agreement, each end user will be given an opportunity to enjoy access to computer and network systems at school and is agreeing to follow this agreement’s guidelines and Board Policy. Anyone under 18 years of age must have his or her parent or guardian read and sign the policy. The district cannot provide access to anyone who fails to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed with accompanying signature of a parent or guardian if required. If you have any questions about the guidelines below, please contact the superintendent.</p><p>THE USE OF SYSTEM IS A PRIVILEGE AND BREECH OF AGREEMENT The use of the school district system and access to use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user who violates this policy and breaches his/her agreement, may at the discretion of the Administration, have his or her access terminated for the remainder of the school year. The school district reserves the right to refuse reinstatement of access for subsequent school years. A user breaches his or her agreement not only by affirmatively violating the above policy, but also by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. Further, a user violates this Policy and Agreement if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer network and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated. The school district may take other disciplinary action, including but not limited to: suspension or cancellation of use of access privileges; payments for damages and repairs; discipline under other appropriate school district policies such as the Student Code of Conduct Manual, including suspension, expulsion, discipline of employee; or civil or criminal liability under other applicable laws. Personal Responsibility: By signing this Policy and Agreement, you are agreeing not only to follow the rules in this Policy and Agreement, but are agreeing to report a misuse of the network to your immediate teacher, supervisor, or director. Misuse means any violations of this policy, Board of Education Policy, or any other use that is not included in the policy, but has the effect of harming another or his or her property.</p><p>TERMS OF PERMITTED USE A properly signed and submitted copy of this document is required to have a computer account activated for a given school year. Accounts will be deactivated on September 15 of the school year for any user who has not complied. A new agreement must be submitted by September 15 of every school year for an end user to retain access to a computer account.</p><p>UNACCEPTABLE USES The following uses of the school district system and Internet resources or accounts are considered unacceptable: A. Users will not use the school district system to access, transmit, review, upload, download, store, print, post, or distribute pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit material or other visual depictions that are harmful to minors. B. Users will not use the school district system to transmit or receive obscene, abusive, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or sexually explicit language. C. Users will not use the school district system to encourage use of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco, nor shall they promote unethical practices or activity prohibited by Board Policy. D. Users will not use the school district system to access, transmit, review, upload, download, store, print, post, or distribute materials that use language or images that are inappropriate to the educational setting or are disruptive or likely to be disruptive to the educational process and function of the District. E. Users will not use the school district system to access, review, transmit, upload, download, store, print, post, or distribute materials that use language or images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people (hate literature) or that may constitute harassment or discrimination. F. Users will not use the school district system to knowingly or recklessly post false or defamatory information about a person or organization, or to harass or bully another person, or to engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks. Prejudicial or discriminatory attacks include those that harass or disparage others based on race, national origin, citizenship status, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion or political beliefs. G. Users will not use the school district system to engage in any illegal act or violate any local, state or federal statute or law. H. Users will not use the school district system to vandalize, damage or disable the property of another person or organization, will not make deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt equipment, software or system performance by spreading computer viruses or by any other means, will not tamper with, modify or change the school district system software, hardware or wiring or take any action to violate the school district system’s security, and will not use the school district system in such a way as to disrupt the use of the system by other users. I. Users will not use the school district system to gain unauthorized access to information resources or to access another person’s materials, information or files without the implied or direct permission of that person. J. Users will not use the school district system to post private information about another person, personal contact information about themselves or other persons, or other personally identifiable information, including but not limited to, home addresses, telephone numbers, identification numbers, account numbers, access codes or passwords, labeled photographs or other information that would make the individual’s identity easily traceable, and will not repost a message that was sent to the user privately without permission of the person who sent the message. K. Users will not attempt to hack or gain unauthorized access to the school district system or any other system through the school district system, attempt to log in through another person’s account, or use computer accounts, access codes or network identification other than those assigned to the user. L. Users will not use the school district system to violate copyright or trademark laws, or usage licensing agreements, or otherwise to use another person’s property without the person’s prior approval or proper citation, including the downloading or exchanging of pirated software or copying software to or from any school computer, and will not plagiarize works they find on the Internet. This includes but is not limited to downloading music or video files in any format. M. Users will not use the school district system for the conduct of a business, for unauthorized commercial purposes or for financial gain that is unrelated to the mission of the school district. Users will not use the school district system to offer or provide goods or services or for product advertisement. Users will not use the school district system to purchase goods or services for personal use without authorization from the appropriate school district official. N. Users will not attempt to install, hook up, or attach any electronic devices to the school’s network without the consent and permission of the network supervisor. O. Users will not use, install, or attempt to install peer to peer file sharing programs. P. Users will not use social network sites such as MySpace, Facebook, or Xanga, forum sites, or blog sites for the purpose of posting slanderous, harassing, or otherwise harmful information, whether true or untrue, about the character or actions of district students or staff on district systems or equipment. Q. Users will not use instant messaging, text messaging, and Internet telephony services without the consent of your teacher, supervisor, or director. R. Users will not read another user’s email or files or attempt to interfere with another user’s ability to send or receive electronic mail or attempt to read, delete, copy, modify or forge another user's email. S. Users will not repost (forward) personal communication without the author’s prior consent. If a user inadvertently accesses unacceptable materials or an unacceptable Internet site, the user shall immediately close the site and attempt to return to the previously chosen destination. If this does not work, the individual should leave the Internet entirely and then start the project again beginning at the site of the web browser being used. If the problem persists, the user should log off, power down the machine and start again. If the problem continues, the user shall contact an immediate teacher, supervisor, or director to notify him or her of the situation.</p><p>Expectations for Use of the Internet and Network A. Do make full use of Computer and Network access to enhance, enrich, and enliven the education process at all levels of the school district. B. Do make use of the Computer and Network access to store files, run approved software programs and simulators, perform research, produce original documents, projects, and presentations, and communicate in the pursuit of instruction and learning. C. Do seek help and/or advice when appropriate from your immediate teacher, supervisor, or director. D. Do use appropriate language and etiquette at all times as defined in Board policy and the applicable code of conduct. E. Do keep electronic messages brief and use appropriate language. F. Do report any security problem or misuse of the network to your immediate teacher, supervisor, or director.</p><p>FILTER With respect to any of its computers with Internet access, the School District will monitor the online activities of minors and employ technology protection measures during any use of such computers by minors and adults. The technology protection measures utilized will block or filter Internet access to any visual depictions that are: Obscene, child pornography, or harmful to minors.</p><p>The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that: 1. Taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; or 2. Depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and 3. Taken as a whole lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.</p><p>An administrator, supervisor, or other person authorized by the Superintendent may disable the technology protection measure, during use by an adult, to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.</p><p>INTERNET AND NETWORK USE GUIDELINES A. Understand that Electronic mail (e-mail) is not guaranteed to be private. Systems managers have access to all messages relating to or in support of illegal activities and such activities may be reported to the authorities. B. Understand that all electronic data that passes through a school district owned computer or over the district’s network is subject to monitoring and seizure and may be handed over to law enforcement officials. C. Understand that all electronic data created for the purpose of administration or instruction under the Board approved curriculum for a course or program should be assumed to be property of the school district. D. Understand that the rules and regulations of on-line etiquette are subject to change by the Administration. E. Understand that the user in whose name a computer account is issued is responsible for its proper use at all times. Users must log off the computer to conclude a session or lock the computer if stepping away. Users retain responsibility for the activity of anyone accessing the computer and/or network under their account. Users shall keep personal account information, home addresses and telephone numbers private. They shall use this system only under the login and password information issued to them by the school district. Users shall not grant others access to a computer and/or the network under their login and password. F. Understand that computer systems and the school district network shall be used only for purposes related to education or administration. Commercial, political and/or personal use of said systems is strictly prohibited. The administration reserves the right to monitor any computer activity and on-line communications for improper use. An exception may be considered when a portable computer is assigned to staff for the purpose of at-home productivity outside of regular working hours. Staff is also permitted to check personal email should said email account be used for both work and personal use. G. Understand that vandalism results in the cancellation of user privileges. Vandalism includes uploading/downloading any inappropriate material, creation or deployment of computer viruses and/or any malicious attempt to harm or destroy equipment or materials or the data of any other user. H. Students shall not access social media for personal use from the District’s network, but shall be permitted to access social media for educational use in accordance with their teacher’s approved plan for such use.</p><p>Users who disregard this policy and its accompanying guidelines may have their use privileges suspended or revoked, and disciplinary action taken against them. Users granted access to the Internet through the Board's computers assume personal responsibility and liability, both civil and criminal, for uses of the Internet not authorized by this Board policy and its accompanying guidelines.</p><p>CONSISTENCY WITH OTHER SCHOOL POLICIES Use of the school district computer system and use of the Internet shall be consistent with school district policies and the mission of the school district. Pursuant to Federal law, students shall receive education about the following: A. safety and security while using e-mail, chat rooms, social media, and other forms of electronic communications B. the dangers inherent with the online disclosure of personally identifiable information and, C. the consequences of unauthorized access (e.g., "hacking") cyber bullying and other unlawful or inappropriate activities by students online</p><p>PRIVACY By authorizing use of the school district system, the school district does not relinquish control over materials on the system or contained in files on the system. Users should expect no privacy rights in the contents of personal files on the school district system. The school district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice, any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be and remain the property of the Board of Education. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the school district system may lead to a discovery that a user has violated this policy, another school district policy, or the law. An individual investigation or search will be conducted if school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school district policy. Parents have the right at any time to investigate or review the contents of their child’s files. Parents have the right to request the termination of their child’s individual account at any time. School district employees should be aware that data and other materials in files maintained on the school district system may be subject to review, disclosure or discovery by personnel acting at the request of the superintendent. The school district will cooperate fully with local, state and federal authorities in any investigation concerning or related to any illegal activities and activities not in compliance with school district policies conducted through the school district system.</p><p>LIMITATION ON SCHOOL DISTRICT LIABILITY The Lockland Local School District Board of Education makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this Policy and Agreement. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs (including attorney's fees) or any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any user or his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the users of its computer networks or the Internet under this Policy and Agreement. By signing this Policy and Agreement, users are taking full responsibility of his or her user, and the user who is 18 or older or, in the case of a user under 18, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are agreeing to indemnify and hold the Board of Education that provides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the school district and all of their administrators, teachers and staff harmless from any and all loss, costs, claims or damages resulting from the user's access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user, The user or, if the user is a minor, the user's parent(s) or guardian(s) agrees to cooperate with the Board of Education in the event of the school district's initiating an investigation of a user's use of his or her access to its computer network and Internet, whether that use is on a school district computer or on another's outside the school district's network.</p><p>USER NOTIFICATION All users shall be notified of the school district policies relating to Internet use. This notification shall include the following: A. Notification that Internet use is subject to compliance with school district policies. B. Disclaimers limiting the school district’s liability relative to: 1. Information stored on school district diskettes, hard drives or servers. 2. Information retrieved through school district computers, networks or online resources. 3. Personal property used to access school district computers, networks or online resources. 4. Unauthorized financial obligations resulting from use of school district resources/accounts to access the Internet. C. A description of the privacy rights and limitations of school sponsored/managed Internet accounts. D. Notification that, even though the school district may use technical means to limit user Internet access, these limits do not provide a foolproof means for enforcing the provisions of this acceptable use policy. E. Notification that goods and services can be purchased over the Internet that could potentially result in unwanted financial obligations and that any financial obligation incurred by a user through the Internet is the sole responsibility of the user. F. Notification that should the user violate the school district’s acceptable use policy, the user’s access privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action may be taken. G. Notification that all provisions of the acceptable use policy are subordinate to local, state and federal laws.</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION; POLICY REVIEW A. The School District administration may develop appropriate guidelines and procedures necessary to implement this policy for submission to the Board of Education for approval. Upon approval by the school board, such guidelines and procedures shall be an addendum to this policy. B. The administration shall revise the student and parent notifications, if necessary, to reflect the adoption of these guidelines and procedures. C. The school district’s Internet policies and procedures are available for review by all parents, guardians, staff and members of the community.</p>
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