<p>July 20, 2016 (#19) 1 Minutes MINUTES TO THE LAUDERDALE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING July 20, 2016 Student Hearing at 4:00 P.M. Board Meeting at 4:30 P.M.</p><p>The Lauderdale County Board of Education met with the following members present: Jerry Fulmer, Chairman Barbara Cornelius Ronnie Owens</p><p>Chad Holden ABSENT Daniel Patterson, Vice Chairman ABSENT</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed the meeting agenda. </p><p>A student hearing was held.</p><p>The following minutes were approved:</p><p>June 29, 2016 (#18)</p><p>Dr. Gray presented the Board with financial statements for the following month:</p><p>Month ending June 30, 2016</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray the account payable disbursements for the following July 20, 2016 (#19) 2 Minutes month:</p><p>Month ending June 30, 2016</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed for the Lauderdale County School System to support the tax-free weekend for the purchase of school supplies which is scheduled for August 5-7, 2016 as was approved by the County Commission. </p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed for Lauderdale County High School to employ Jacob Cosby as summer help at the rate of $10.00 per hour for an additional 50 hours, to be paid from local school funds.</p><p>Presented the components of the Teacher Effectiveness Evaluation Model.</p><p>Presented the following plans to be updated for the 2016-2017 school year:</p><p>(A) LEA Parental Involvement Plan 2016-2017 (B) Lauderdale County Schools Title 1 LEA Plan 2016-2017 (C) LEA Plan for Highly Qualified Teachers for the 2016-2017 school year</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray the following Special Education Contracts:</p><p>1. Southern HomeCare Services, Inc. (ResCare HomeCare Nursing Services, 1008 6th Avenue SE, Decatur, Alabama 35601, to provide Nursing Services to eligible students at the rate of $23 .00 per hour. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 2016-2017 school year and shall not exceed $28,000.00. July 20, 2016 (#19) 3 Minutes</p><p>2. Mrs. Jean Land, COTAIL, 160 Johnson Drive, Florence, Alabama, 35634, to provide Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Services to eligible students at the rate of $40.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $25,000.00. </p><p>3. Mrs. Sonya Skipworth, 7412 Benji Road, Florence, Alabama 35634, to provide Art and Music to eligible students in the Self-Contained classes for two hours a week per school at the rate of $23.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 20162017 school year and shall not exceed $9,000.00. </p><p>4. Family Counseling Associates, Ms. Pamela M. Burkett, 334 Maury Lane, Florence, Alabama 35634 to provide Counseling and Behavioral Aide Services to eligible students at the rate of $88 .00 per hour for counseling services and $36.00 per hour for behavioral aide services plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $20,000.00. </p><p>5. Shoals Speech Services, LLC., Mrs. Angie Abernathy, 104 Knights Bridge Road, Florence, Alabama 35630 to provide Speech Services to eligible students at the rate of$50.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 2016-2017 school and year and shall not exceed $75,000.00. </p><p>6. Mrs. Ramona Evans, COMS (Finatra, Inc.), P. O. Box 1233, Athens, Alabama 35612 to provide Vision Services & Orientation & Mobility Services to eligible students at the rate of $55.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 2016-2017 school year and shall not exceed $30,000.00. </p><p>7. Mr. Carl Bullard, 307 Reddoch Road, Florence, Alabama 35633 to provide special education services to eligible students at the rate of $26.19 per hour plus the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 2016-2017 school year and shall not exceed $20,000.00. </p><p>8. Counseling, Evaluations & Consultation Services, P. O. Box 542, Tuscumbia, Alabama 35674 to provide evaluations and consultation services to eligible students at the rate of $30.00-$300.00 per session plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $65,000.00. </p><p>9. Transportation (Parents), to transport their child round trips to and from school on a daily basis, to be reimbursed at the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until the end of the 2016-2017 school year and shall not exceed $5,000.00 each parent. </p><p>10. The Children's Hospital of Alabama, 2151 Highland Avenue, suite 360 , Birmingham, Alabama 35205 (specifically the HEAR Center), to provide services to eligible students at the rate of $130.00 per hour. Hours will be billed in 15 minute increments. Services will include auditory-verbal therapy and staff training. The contract period will be from June 1, 2016 until May 30, 2017 and shall not exceed $15,000.00. </p><p>11. Parent of Student with special needs to provide Transportation round trips to and from The HEAR Center in Birmingham, Alabama at the current Board approved mileage rate for July 20, 2016 (#19) 4 Minutes travel. The contract period will be from June 1, 2016 until May 30, 2017 and shall not exceed $3,000.00. </p><p>12. Valley Therapy, LLC, P. O. Box 490, Killen, Alabama 35645, to provide Occupational Therapy evaluations at the rate of $70.00 per evaluation and Physical Therapy Assistance to eligible students at the rate of $42.50 per visit plus the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $80,000.00. </p><p>13. Mrs. Emily Rayburn, 1481 County Road 559, Rogersville, Alabama 35652, to provide Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Services to eligible students at the rate of $40.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $35,000.00. </p><p>14. Applied Behavioral Concepts, Inc. (ABC, Inc), 100 Jetplex Boulevard, Huntsville, Alabama 35824, to provide services to eligible students at the rate of $125 .00 per hour for BCBA services and $50 .00 per hour for Behavioral Aide services. Hours will be billed in 15 minute increments. Services might include: school observation, consultation, behavior management plans, behavioral aide services, social skills training, staff training, parent training, etc. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $20,000.00. </p><p>15. The Hamrick Group & Associates, %The Doley's Clinic, 2270 Valleydale Road, Suite 100, Birmingham, Alabama 35244, to provide behavioral services to eligible students at the rate of $800.00 per day for Consultations, $1,500.00-$2,500.00 for Evaluations, and $550.00 for Training Services plus the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $15,000.00. </p><p>16. Mrs. Terri McFall, COTAIL,102 Willow Road, Florence, Alabama 35633to provide Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Services to eligible students at the rate of $40.00 per hour plus current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $45,000.00. </p><p>17. Huntsville Hospital, ATTN: Stephanie Gyorok, 101 Sivley Road, Huntsville, Alabama 35801 , to provide Auditory Verbal Therapy Services to eligible students at the rate of $80.00 per hour. Services will include evaluations, management of assistive listening devices, preparation of records, trainings, and auditory-verbal therapy sessions. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 through August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $3,000.00. </p><p>18. Parent of Student with special needs to provide Transportation round trips to and from The Huntsville Hospital for Auditory-Verbal Therapy Services at the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 through August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $2,000.00. </p><p>19. Mrs. Robin Irwin, Physical Therapy Services Pc. 1931 Central Parkway Suite 5, Decatur, Alabama 35601, to provide Physical Therapy evaluations on an as needed basis to eligible students at the rate of $120 .00 per evaluation plus the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $25,000.00. </p><p>20. S.P.A.N. Program, to provide services for students who are placed in the program by the juvenile court system and require special education services. Services will be provided by a July 20, 2016 (#19) 5 Minutes special education teacher and shall not exceed 15 hours per week. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017. </p><p>21. Jones Institute For Rehabilitative Audiology, LLC, to provide services to eligible students at the rate of $156.00 per hour and $70.00 per travel time plus the current Board approved mileage rate for travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $4,000.00. </p><p>22. Assistive Technology Consulting, 1619 Fairway Dr. SW, Jacksonville, Alabama, to provide assistive technology evaluations for IDEA eligible students according to their Individualized Education Plan. After the evaluation is conducted, a written report will be submitted to the Director of Special Education for consideration by the students' rEP teams. Expenses will be paid from special education funds and will not exceed $2,000.00 from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017. </p><p>23. Riverbend Center for Mental Health, 635 W. College Street, Florence, Alabama 35631, to provide collaborative services to eligible students. The contract period will be from October 1, 2016 until September 30, 2017. </p><p>24. Aundrea McFall, 2900 County Road 1, Waterloo, Alabama 35677 to provide Homebound services to eligible students, two hours per week, at the rate of $26.19 per hour and current Board approved mileage rate of travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $2,000.00. </p><p>25. Suzanne Kilburn. 671 County Road 94, Florence. Alabama 35630 to provide Tutoring services to eligible students, two hours per week, at the rate of $26.19 per hour and current Board approved mileage rate of travel. The contract period will be from August 5, 2016 until August 5, 2017 and shall not exceed $2,000.00.</p><p>26. Southern HomeCare Services, Inc. (ResCare Home Care Nursing Services, 1008 6th Avenue, SE, Decatur, Alabama, 35601, to provide Nursing Services to eligible students at the rate of $23.00 per hour and an initial staff training mileage rate of $.56 per mile. The contract period will be from August 1, 2016 until August 1, 2017 and shall not exceed $34,920.00. </p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed to approve out-of-district students to attend </p><p>Lauderdale County Schools for the 2016-2017 school year. </p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed to disapprove out-of-district students to the Lauderdale July 20, 2016 (#19) 6 Minutes County School System for the 2016-2017 school year. </p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray the following trips for employees:</p><p>(A) The following employees request to attend the License Updates for Cosmetology Meeting by NIC in Montgomery, Alabama on July 28-29, 2016:</p><p>Beth Wallace Cosmetology Teacher Allen Thornton Kandi Cooper Cosmetology Teacher Central</p><p>Expenses will be paid from Perkins Funds. </p><p>(B) The following employees request to attend the SSIP Schools Foundations Training in Pelham, Alabama on July 27-28. 2016:</p><p>Joy Wilsdorf Teacher Brooks High School Laura Ramsey Teacher Brooks High School Callie Rasberry Counselor Brooks High School Celeste Jackson Teacher Brooks High School Luke Mansell Teacher Brooks High School Jacob Fowler Teacher Brooks High School</p><p>Expenses will be paid from SSIP Grant Funds. </p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed to pay Duane Keener for serving as Interim</p><p>Principal at Central High School from April 20, 2016 to June 30, 2016 in the amount of $7,183.05. </p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by </p><p>Mrs. Cornelius and passed the contract between Duane Keener, Principal (240 days) at Central High School and the Lauderdale County Board of Education. July 20, 2016 (#19) 7 Minutes</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray for Ginger England to be paid a stipend of $125.00 from </p><p>Closing the Gap Funds for attending the Co-Teaching Training on June 29, 2016. (She was inadvertently left off the list for the Board Agenda on June 29, 2016). </p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed to pay the following teachers a stipend for attending the following meetings:</p><p>(A) Phonics First Training at UNA East Monday, June 27, 2016 – Friday, July 1, 2016 $125.00 a day from At-Risk Funds:</p><p>1. Jennifer Rumble Brooks Elementary $625.00 2. Kim McDonald Central/Brooks Elem. $625.00 3. Whitney Tedford LCHS $625.00 4. Lisa Cottrell Lexington/LCHS $625.00 5. Laurie Hutchens Lexington $500.00 6. Kristie Leadford Rogers $625.00 7. Whitney McGill Underwood $625.00 8. Freda Bevis Wilson $625.00</p><p>(B) “Educator Effectiveness—Document Cleanup Session #2” Thursday, July 7, 2016 $125.00 a day from Board General Funds. </p><p>1. Deonna Berrens $125.00 2. Katie Griffith $125.00</p><p>(C) “Edgenuity Classroom Set-Up Training” Wednesday, July 13, 2016 $125.00 a day from Title II Funds. </p><p>1. Sara Denard $125.00 2. Kerri Young $125.00</p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded July 20, 2016 (#19) 8 Minutes by Mr. Owens and passed the Employee Handbook. (This was presented at the</p><p>June 29, 2016 Board Meeting). </p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray for the following to serve as volunteer coaches for the 2016-</p><p>2017 school year:</p><p>(A) Sloan Hill Football Lexington High School (B) Taylor Thaxton Varsity/Jr. High Football Lexington High School Varsity/JV/JH Boys Basketball Lexington High School Varsity/JV/JH Baseball Lexington High School (C) Ralph John Passarella Football Rogers High School (D) James Jennings Football Rogers High School (E) Anthony King Football Rogers High School (F) Mike Canfield Football Rogers High School (G) Dan Beavers, Jr. Football Rogers High School </p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed the following personnel actions:</p><p>(A) Amy Mayfield, Title 1 Teacher at Rogers High School for a catastrophic leave of absence as follows: Catastrophic leave of absence beginning: 8/01/2016 Catastrophic leave of absence ending: 8/31/2016</p><p>(B) Tina Willis, teacher at Wilson High School for a family medical leave as follows: Family medical leave beginning: 08/01/2016 Family medical leave ending: 01/02/2017</p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by </p><p>Mrs. Cornelius and passed the following resignations:</p><p>Name School Position Effective Date</p><p>(A) Chad Holden LCBOE Board Member July 9, 2016 (B) Ashley Robison Wilson Varsity Cheerleader Sponsor July 11, 2016 July 20, 2016 (#19) 9 Minutes (C) Minnie Rowell Central CNP, 6 hours a day July 19, 2016 (D) Blake Prestage Rogers Head Varsity Softball Coach July 14, 2016 (E) Blake Prestage Rogers Jr. High Asst. Football Coach July 14, 2016</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray the following personnel with their intent-to-retire:</p><p>Name School Position Effective Date</p><p>(A) Debra Scott Central CNP, 6 hours a day August 1, 2016 (B) Amy Mayfield Rogers Title 1 Teacher September 1, 2016</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed to employ Certified Personnel for the 2016-</p><p>2017 school year, Exhibit “A”</p><p>As recommended by Dr. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed to employ Classified Personnel for the 2016-2017 school year, Exhibit “B”</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Owens and passed as recommended by Dr. Gray to transfer Certified Personnel for the 2016-2017 school year, Exhibit “C”</p><p>The next Board Meeting is scheduled for:</p><p>Wednesday, July 27, 2016 4:30 P.M. At the Lauderdale County Board of Education Conference Room July 20, 2016 (#19) 10 Minutes</p><p>The Board voted to adjourn. </p><p>ABSENT ______</p><p>Jennifer B. Gray Jerry Fulmer Daniel Patterson </p><p>Secretary Chairperson Vice Chairperson</p><p>ABSENT ______</p><p>Barbara Cornelius Chad Holden Ronnie Owens</p>
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