<p> Rochester Conservation Commission Minutes of the June 27, 2007 Meeting</p><p>Members Present: Member Excused Mark Toussaint, Chair Paul Marshall Jeff Winders Jack Hackett Meredeth Lineweber Fred Glidden, Vice Chair Sandra Breton</p><p>Staff: Cecile Cormier, Staff Planner Caroline Lewis, Recording Secretary</p><p>The Chair convened the Public meeting at 6:34 P.M.</p><p>Minutes:</p><p>Minutes of May 23, 2007 regular meeting were reviewed. Fred Glidden remarked that Jack Hackett had been listed as an “alternate” member and Mark Toussaint had been listed as “arrived late”. Both these comments were removed. Jack Hackett made a motion to accept the minutes with the changes as stated. Fred Glidden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>Conservation Overlay District – Conditional Use Review: </p><p>(POSTPONED) Amarosa Perkins Development LLC, Map 242, Lot 3, Airport Drive</p><p>Ms. Cormier received a memo from Scott Lawler, Norway Plains Associates, stating the applicant is postponing their application for a conditional use until later in the fall. They will resubmit a new application and plans at that time.</p><p>Norway Plains Road, Grossman, Map 215 Lot 15 </p><p>Rick Lundborn, Norway Plains Associates, addressed the Commission. He dis- cussed the plans he brought, including ditch lines, buffers, treatment swales, the existing tree line and the area that has been mowed.</p><p>There were questions about the unit on the south side, the steps off the porch and the use of dry wells for roof drainage.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc Conservation Commission Meeting of May 3, 2006</p><p>Mr. Lundborn stated the duplex buildings will be on slabs, and will connect to the existing sewer line.</p><p>There was discussion about orange construction fencing, buffer markers, the lack of garages and cellars.</p><p>Fred Glidden moved to recommend approval with the following notations; or- ange fencing to be put up with the silt fence and markers on metal stakes, placed every 25 feet, for owner notification of buffer area. As built plans to be request- ed and a note on the plan indicating the Conservation Overlay District regula- tions. Sandra Breton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>Discussion:</p><p>Champlin/Brock Street Development, Map 131, Lot 62-2</p><p>Rick Lundborn, Norway Plains Associates, and Adele Fiorillo, Senior Project Manager, NHSC Inc., presented the latest plan concept to the Commission mem- bers.</p><p>Ms. Fiorillo stated she had been before the Commission last February with a con- ceptional plan for this location. The Commission members did a site walk of the property on May 1st and submitted a list of concerns to the Planning Board.</p><p>Ms. Fiorillo informed the Commission that some of the concerns are items that will be addressed in the design stage. She is looking for something more con- crete before they move forward with this project.</p><p>Mark Toussaint explained the position of the Conservation Commission mem- bers, that being they were asked for comments, and they gave comments. </p><p>There was discussion about memos, apparent miscommunications between all parties involved, exactly what was being asked of the Commission, and other is- sues.</p><p>The Commission members discussed the original plans, traffic, flooding, and oth- er issues. Fred Glidden stated he finds it difficult to support this project but does- n’t want to turn it down as he would like to see the enhancement.</p><p>After much discussion which included comments and or questions by Mr. Lund- born, Ms. Cormier, and members of the Commission, the following motion was presented.</p><p>Sandra Breton moved to make the formal statement that the Commission would rather see the option presented this evening than the previous one, with the un-</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc 2 Conservation Commission Meeting of May 3, 2006 derstanding that filling of the low quality wetlands and not using the uplands close to the river, would require enhancement. The Conservation Commission would like to be included in the process of the wetland enhancement. That this is not an endorsement of this project. Jack seconded the motion.</p><p>Voting to accept this formal statement were: Mark Toussaint, Fred Glidden, Jack Hackett, Meredeth Lineweber, and Sandra Breton. Jeff Winders abstained. The motion passed.</p><p>Dredge and Fill Applications: </p><p>Map 253, Lot 47, Mark Berry, Peasley Road & Tebbetts Road Rick Lundborn, Norway Plains Associates, answered questions about the ditch- ing and realigning of the roadway entrance. The members had no concerns.</p><p>Map 232, Lot 16-2, Matthew Scruton, Meaderboro Road, Driveway Crossing The members discussed the changed location of the driveway, and the use of a 15” culvert. The members had no concerns.</p><p>Violations:</p><p>83 Eastern Avenue, Map 111, Lot 10 & 11 (owned by John Piccirillo) Commission members are getting complaints, again, about this property. There are 3 loads of different kinds of fill there now, added to the garden soil and manure dumped there previously. Jack Hackett said he will re-send pictures and a memo out to Dave Price, DES, letting him know more complaints have come in.</p><p>Reports:</p><p>No reports</p><p>Correspondence:</p><p>Items a) b) c) d) e) f) g) and h) had been received by the Commission members for review prior to the meeting. Only item for comments was g) NHDES Letter, Wetlands Permit, Map 221, Lot 48, Pinewood, Ten Rod Road</p><p>Ms. Cormier advised the members this property does contain 4 vernal pools and Norway Plains Associates has moved the roadway, and is putting 100 foot buffers on 2 of the 4 vernal pools as recommended by the Army Corps of Engineers. </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc 3 Conservation Commission Meeting of May 3, 2006</p><p>Ms. Cormier also encouraged the Commission members that if they suspect vernal pools, to request clarification prior to making a recommendation.</p><p>Old Business:</p><p>George Bailey Memorial.</p><p>The Secretary read a memo received from Public Works regarding a possible location to plant 2 or 3 American Chestnut trees.</p><p>Jeff Winders stated there are some trees at the Common that are dying, he will call Public Works about that, as well as talking with the River Walk Committee about the possibility of putting trees in the park area that is being planned. Jeff Winders will also contact the Rochester Fairgrounds to see about planting trees on Chestnut Street.</p><p>New Business:</p><p>Jeff Winders explained his visit to Crown Point Road earlier in the day, as a follow up of a request by Mr. Bo Adams. Mr. Adams was concerned about a possible violation, but no violation was found.</p><p>Jeff Winders informed the Commission members of an upcoming Forest Society Conference. </p><p>Other Business:</p><p>Planning Board application under review. None were presented.</p><p>Rochester Pinewood Real Estate Dev., Ten Rod Road, - vernal pools This was discussed as item g) under Correspondence.</p><p>Natural Resource Chapter of the Master Plan</p><p>Kenn Ortmann, Planning Department Director, and Ea Ksander, Community De- velopment Specialist, were present to discuss the Conservation Commission’s part in the Natural Resource Chapter of the Master Plan, as they are providing the funding and are concerned about the sole source procedure.</p><p>Mr. Ortmann explained the different ways to hire an agency to compile this chap- ter. There was discussion about the advantage of using the Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC), and other agencies in the area that might bid on this project.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc 4 Conservation Commission Meeting of May 3, 2006</p><p>Mr. Ortmann handed out several plans done for surrounding towns, for the mem- bers to review, some showing short term goals, mid term goals, and long term goals for the community.</p><p>Mr. Ortmann stated now that the Conservation Commission has voted to fund this chapter, he feels they should be involved with the process of who will do the work.</p><p>There was discussion about putting future recommended changes right in the Master Plan, as it is adopted by the Planning Board and gets endorsement of the City Council. Also discussed, the work program, work groups and the scheduled deadline date for completion.</p><p>Jeff Winders made a motion to authorize negotiations and to proceed with obtaining the services of Stafford Regional Planning Commission, as a sole source, for the Natural Resource Chapter of the Master Plan, based on their expertise, availability, the time constraints, and their history with the City of Rochester. Sandra Breton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>Mark Toussaint will e-mail Mr. Ortmann with available dates to have SRPC join the Conservation Commission for a meeting as soon as possible, and not wait until the next monthly meeting the end of July.</p><p>Ms. Ksander will be available to attend any meetings and will be the contact person at the City for this project. </p><p>Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (d):</p><p>At 8:40 p.m. Sandra Breton moved to go into non-public session. Jeff Winders seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>At 8:55 p.m. Sandra Breton moved to come out of non-public session and seal the minutes. Jeff Winders seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimous- ly.</p><p>Mark Toussaint stated the Commission goes into a non-public session at the end of almost every meeting. He stated the minutes to the non-public sessions are then sealed. He advised the members the sealed minutes need to be reviewed periodically and a decision made to keep them sealed longer or not. He also stated it would be easier if each “topic” were in a separate non-public session. Starting at the July meeting the Commission will start to review the non-public minutes.</p><p>At 9:05 p.m. Jeff Winders moved to go back into non-public session. Sandra Breton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc 5 Conservation Commission Meeting of May 3, 2006</p><p>At 9:10 p.m. Jeff Winders moved to come out of non-public session and seal the minutes. Jack Hackett seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.</p><p>Ms. Cormier advised the Commission members she had received a draft of a hot asphalt plant air quality for Brox, and a draft of a public notice for the UNH meth- ane gas pipeline. She also stated the Arthur Taylor dredge and fill application was approved and Boston Felt received Emergency Authorization Verification from DES to work on the Baxter Mill Dam.</p><p>Adjournment: . Jeff Winders moved to adjourn, seconded by Jack Hackett The meeting ad- journed at 9:15 p.m.</p><p>Respectfully submitted,</p><p>Caroline Lewis Recording Secretary</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-15\0e89aa30bdc0a7c2c4f18d079d126fc4.doc 6</p>
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