<p> Council 13 30/01/2012</p><p>MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF KNARESBOROUGH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT KNARESBOROUGH HOUSE, KNARESBOROUGH ON MONDAY 30 TH JANUARY 2012</p><p>7.30 pm – Council Meeting PRESENT:</p><p>Chair: The Mayor – Councillor A Willoughby</p><p>Councillors: J Batt, M Gallico, T Handley, P Ireland, P McNamara, C Reid, N Smith, C Willoughby and A Wright</p><p>Staff present: The Clerk </p><p>Also present: District Councillor Ivor Fox</p><p>Late arrivals: None Early Departures: None</p><p>C12/031 Item 1 – To receive Apologies for Inability to attend the meeting</p><p>Apologies were received from Councillors I Avery, P Beardsell, A Gallico, H McNamara & K Sewell.</p><p>C12/032 Item 2 – Councillors’ Declarations of Interest</p><p>All declarations are personal, unless otherwise stated.</p><p>Councillor J Batt Member of NYCC and HBC – will consider any same item at NYCC and HBC in the light of any new information. Item 6 – Planning Application NYC/2011/0493/FUL – as Councillor Batt is a Governor at Meadowside School. Item 7c) – This item will go before NYCC and Councillor Batt will submit evidence. Councillor P Ireland Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information. Councillor C Willoughby Member of HBC – will consider any same item at HBC in the light of any new information. Councillor A Wright Item 6 – Planning Application 6.100.2807.B.FUL – The applicant is Councillor Wright’s next door neighbour at Hambleton Grove and has asked for assistance with the extension. </p><p>C12/033 Item 3 – To consider and if thought fit approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 16 th January 2012</p><p>RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held 16th January 2012 be approved as a correct record subject to the following changes:- a) Minute No. C12/20 - The replacement of the word ‘Unanimous’ with ‘Nem con’.</p><p>The Clerk handed out approved budget sheets for Councillors’ records, along with a simplified budget for members of the public. Councillors asked that 2011/12 is added to the precept line on the public document, showing last year’s precept and that 2012/13 is added by the word ‘precept’ showing the total amount for this year’s budget. Council 14 30/01/2012</p><p>C12/034 Item 4 – KTC Public Speaking Session</p><p>None</p><p>C12/035 Item 5 – Business Remaining from Previous Meetings</p><p>None</p><p>C12/036 Item 6 – To consider the following Planning Applications relating to Knaresborough and make such observations thereon as may be appropriate</p><p>Ref Applicant Details of Application KTC Comments</p><p>6.100.242.A.FUL Mr R Erection of single storey No objections. 12/00135/FUL* Hawley extensions – 14 Chain Lane. </p><p>Listed building application for external works to include demolition of porch, replacement of soil and rainwater pipes, re-rendering, 6.100.496.I.LB Mr & Mrs A replacement ground floor and No objections. 12/00040/LB* Hartley re-roofing, 2 windows, 3 revised openings and reinstatement of 1 window, internal works to include sump pump to cellar and raising of chimney stack – 27 York Place. Application for a Certificate of 6.100.685.O.CLO Lawfulness for proposed PUD Mr Charlie installation of 210 solar panels – No objections. 11/04999/CLOPU Clay Richard Craven & Co. Ltd, D* Manse Lane. Variation of condition 5 of 6.100.1614.BH.DV permission 6.100.1614.F.REM CON Barker & to allow the subdivision of the KTC support this application 12/00208/DVCON Stonehouse existing unit – Unit 4 St James (Unanimous). * Retail Park, Grimbald Crag Road. Riverview Retention of extraction system 6.100.1625.B.FUL Chinese to roof – Riverview Chinese No objections. 11/04527/FUL* Restaurant Restaurant, 52 Bond End. Retention of hardstanding area and provision of aggregate bays with associated landscaping and KTC object to the felling of the felling of 1 Oak tree within 6.100.1824.I.FUL Mr Neil Oak tree. Oak trees are a woodland W1 of Tree 11/05152/FUL* Gaunt valuable contribution to the Preservation Order No 30/1995 environment (Unanimous). – Roosters Brewery Units 3 and 4, Grimbald Park Industrial Estate. Councillor A Wright left the Chamber and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon. Council 15 30/01/2012</p><p>Erection of single storey KTC object to the 1.9m high extension and formation of new gates and gate posts. These are 6.100.2807.B.FUL Mr N vehicular access with 1.9m high excessive and would spoil the 12/00235/FUL* Thatch posts and gates – 6 Whincup visual amenity of the street Avenue. scene (Nem con). Councillor A Wright returned to the Chamber at this point. Erection of two storey and single 6.100.2816.B.FUL Mr & Mrs P storey rear extension [Revised No objections. 12/00026/FUL* Senior Scheme] - 8 The Chase. Proposal to object to the balcony overlooking neighbouring gardens (motion was not seconded). Erection of first floor extension 6.100.2831.FUL Mr & Mrs L KTC would like to comment that to form office – 67 Woodpark 12/00104/FUL* Chandler there are no objections to the Drive. application subject to the building being used solely as an office for personal use by the occupiers. (Unanimous).</p><p>Erection of three single storey classroom extensions, shed and fencing, relocation of bin store, extensions to the car park and playground, and repositioning of KTC support this application NY/2011/0493/FUL NYCC entrance gates on land at (Unanimous). Meadowside CP School – Halfpenny Lane. For plans see: www.northyorks.gov.uk * Item to be determined by HBC Head of Planning or Head of Planning /Chair of Planning Committee. ** Item to be determined by Planning Committee.</p><p>C12/037 Item 7 – Planning Correspondence</p><p> a) Planning Enforcements i) Confidential Papers (1) </p><p>RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous).</p><p> ii) Outcomes of Investigations a) Case No: 12/00001/PR15 - Dropping Well Estate.</p><p>RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous).</p><p> b) To note the withdrawal of planning application 6.100.235.K.FUL – Erection of single storey extensions, raising roof height, conversion of roof space to form additional living accommodation – Sundowne, Forest Moor Road (Mr D Spinks).</p><p>RESOLVED: Receive and note (Unanimous). Council 16 30/01/2012</p><p> c) Application to register new Village Green at the Old Orchard, Blind Lane (Former Somerley Site) – Email dated 19th January 2012 from Common Land & Village Green Officer, NYCC.</p><p>RESOLVED: To write to the Common Land and Village Green Officer, NYCC to state that ‘to the best of the Town Council’s knowledge the land was initially a productive orchard, which became derelict land. The Council is not aware of it ever being used as common land’ (Unanimous). </p><p> d) Station Hotel, Finkle Street - Letter requesting observations dated 19th January 2012 from Wilson Construction Services GB Ltd.</p><p>A proposal to object to this application due to three storey buildings on Kirkgate having a tunnelling effect and potential over-intensification failed. It was therefore</p><p>RESOLVED: That KTC make no further comment on this matter (Nem con).</p><p>C12/038 Item 8 - To note date of the HBC Planning Committee 31 st January 2012 2pm at Crescent Gardens, Harrogate. </p><p>None for Knaresborough. The Mayor moved to the next item.</p><p>C12/039 Item 9 – Correspondence</p><p> a) Olympic and Jubilee Celebrations, email dated 12 January 2012 from Technical Officer Parks and Playgrounds.</p><p>Some concerns were raised about the placing of this in flower beds, but generally it was supported. However, Councillors felt that they would like to discuss the possibilities with an officer from Harrogate Borough Council. It was therefore</p><p>RESOLVED: To invite Jennifer Harrop, Technical Officer (Parks and Playgrounds) to the next Council meeting on Monday 13th February 2012. </p><p>C12/040 Item 10 – Reports of Committees/Working Groups</p><p> a) Minutes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Development Plan Committee held on Monday 16th January 2012 including Terms of Reference for approval.</p><p>RESOLVED: To accept the Minutes of the above Committee and approve the Terms of Reference.</p><p>C12/041 Item 11 – Motions submitted by Members</p><p>None. </p><p>C12/042 Item 12 – Reports from Clerk a) Approval of the Clerk attending an HMRC training event in Riccall on PAYE at a cost of no more than £15.</p><p>RESOLVED: Permission granted for the Clerk and Deputy Clerk to attend the above training Council 17 30/01/2012</p><p> course (Unanimous). </p><p>C12/043 Item 13- To receive and note Schedule of Accounts No. 383</p><p>RESOLVED: That the following accounts totalling £5,617.16 be approved for payment:</p><p>Payee Details Cheque No. Amount Paid Transaction Detail Tetleys Electrical Contractors 3654 £600.00 Christmas Lighting to Market Place Wages 3655 - 3659 £4,223.55 Staff Wages, Tax, NI and Pension contributions Post Office 3660 £243.44 BT phone bill True Sounds Ltd 3661 £102.00 PA System Christmas Lights Switch On Bob Cowell 3662 £85.00 Farmer’s Market (December 2011) Absolute Finance 3663 £16.55 TLC Business Supplies – Stationery Harrogate Borough Council 3664 £50.00 Land Rent for Weirside Terrace Siemens Financial Services 3665 £278.88 Photocopier Rental Mrs V Maxwell 3666 £17.74 Franking Machine Cartridges</p><p>Councillor Wright requested that his vote against the payment of rent for Weirside Terrace to Harrogate Borough Council was registered. </p><p>C12/044 Item 14 – To Receive the Following Documents:-</p><p> a) Minutes of the Knaresborough Town Twinning Committee Meeting held on Thursday 17th November 2011 b) Minutes of the Knaresborough Town Twining Committee Meeting held on Thursday 12th January 2012 c) Minutes of the Knaresborough New Allotment Association Meeting held on 11th January 2012 d) North Yorkshire County Council (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) – Order 2012 No. 40 dated 27th January 2012 e) YLCA Advice Note No. 33 – “Repeal of the Local Government (Discretionary Payments) Regulations 1996: NALC & SLCC Model Employment Contract f) Harrogate Branch Meeting of the YLCA Agenda for the meeting to be held on 13th February 2012. g) Minutes of Knaresborough Youth Council meeting held on 19th December 2012 Minutes of Knaresborough Youth Council meeting held on 9th January 2012 </p><p>Councillor P McNamara informed Members he will be attending the YLCA Branch meeting on 13th February 2012. </p><p>RESOLVED: Receive and note. </p><p>C12/045 Item 15 – Information Exchange</p><p> a) Councillor J Batt NYCC Area Committee Meeting – A report from the officer in charge to state that Knaresborough should get an automatic seat on the committee based on the size of the town, has been submitted. The recommendation is that The area Committee supports this. This could mean that both towns get an automatic seat in the year 2013. Council 18 30/01/2012</p><p> b) Councillor P Ireland A quote for £30 was originally given for engraving the Christmas Window Competition trophy, which included carriage and handling. However Councillor Ireland took the trophy to the engravers himself which reduced the bill to £15. Councillor Ireland had been told that this payment had to be approved by council. </p><p>The Clerk explained that KTC had not previously approved this payment. Because a decision had already been made to go ahead with the engraving she requested permission there and then, under the Urgent Decisions Procedure. Permission was granted from the Mayor, Leaders of Parties and Chairs of Committees. </p><p> c) Councillor C Willoughby There will be an event on Sunday 5th February 1pm – 6pm at Stockwell Community Centre in aid of the Sadie Rose Clifford Appeal. </p><p> d) Councillor A Wright HBC Standards Meeting – There is a significant change, with regard to declaration of Councillors interests, within the Localism Act. The Act will come out in April/June/July this year. i. Prejudicial interests will go back to being pecuniary. It will become a criminal offence not to declare this interest. It is not yet clear how the police will deal with this. ii. Personal interests will be controlled by councils. HBC Standards Committee have recommended that HBC contact all Parish Councils to see which of two options they prefer: a. Parish Council opt into a system where HBC along with the Parish Councils and Independents make decisions on standards and the decision is binding; or b. HBC will adjudicate on their own over complaints made about parish councillors but this decision will not be binding on the parish council.</p><p> e) Councillor T Handley Town Crier – Enquired whether anyone had heard anything from our Town Crier, or whether progress had been made with recruiting a Deputy Town Crier. </p><p>Councillor A Willoughby confirmed he had contacted two local people who had emailed in with a query. One seemed keen and was due to contact the Chamber of Trade. </p><p>The Meeting closed at 9:15pm</p><p>Signed by the Mayor ………...... ………………...... Date…………………………</p>
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