*Adapted from Expanded Evidence Report, Griffin Et Al.6

*Adapted from Expanded Evidence Report, Griffin Et Al.6

<p>Appendix Table 2a. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Telephone Counseling Trials versus Usual Care* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] Budin 2008 (22) 249 breast all stages Physical functioning SRHS (subscale) Data NR+, group x time interaction p NS Psycho- Gen. psychological Psych. well being Data NR+, group x education functioning PAL-C subscale time interaction (SE) p=0.01 Telephone Social functioning PAIS, domestic Data NR+, group x counseling (TC) environment time interaction p NS Disease PAIS, social Data NR+, group x Management environment time interaction (DM) p=0.63 PAIS, vocational Data NR+, group x environment time interaction p=0.37 Symptom mgmt, BCTRI (subscale) TC+SE+DM vs. DM Side Effects -0.55 [-0.92, -0.18] Severity Symptom mgmt, BCTRI (subscale TC+SE+DM vs. DM Side Effects -0.52 [-0.89, -0.15] Distress Mishel 2002 (16) 252 prostate localized Physical functioning Physical: Control Data NR+ 2 active controls over urine flow NOTE: Active control (Uncertainty groups showed more management control over urine flow direct and vs. usual care Uncertainty management supplemented) vs. usual care Northouse 2005 200 breast advanced Physical functioning FACT-B/SF 36 0.09 [-0.25, 0.43] (21) Gen. psychological FACT-B/SF 36 0.23 [-0.11, 0.57] functioning Depression and Beck Hopelessness 0.16 [-0.18, 0.49] anxiety Scale Northouse 2007 263 prostate all stages Gen. psychological SF 12 0.08 [-0.18, 0.33] (15) functioning Physical functioning SF 12 -0.02 [-0.27, 0.24] Gen. psychological Omega -0.06, p=0.60 functioning QoL - Global FACT-G 0.16, p=0.10 Depression and Beck Hopelessness anxiety Scale 0.17, p=0.07 Symptom mgmt Omega, urinary, Range -0.06 to 0.19 bowel, sexual p NS (all) *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2b. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Adaptations of Couples Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Trials versus Usual Care* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] 14 breast localized Physical FACT-B 0.97 [CI NR] Baucom 2009 functioning (23) Gen. psychological BSI -0.07 [CI NR] functioning Symptom mgmt BFI 1.67 [CI NR] Symptom mgmt BPI 0.59 [CI NR] Symptom mgmt RSC 0.86 [CI NR] Relationship adj QMI 0.48 [CI NR] Campbell 2004, 40 prostate Karnofsk Physical SF-36 physical 0.34 [CI NR], p=0.19 2007 (17,18) y score ≥ functioning 60 Gen. psychological SF-36 mental 0.01 [CI NR], p 0.70 functioning Symptom mgmt EPIC urinary 0.14 [CI NR], p=0.49 Symptom mgmt EPIC bowel 0.31 [CI NR], p=0.24 Symptom mgmt EPIC sexual 0.34 [CI NR], p=0.18 Symptom mgmt EPIC hormonal 0.30 [CI NR], p=0.12 Kayser 2010 63 breast early QoL - Global FACT-B 0.38 [-0.20, 0.96] (24) Manne 2005 238 breast early Gen. psychological Impact of -0.11 [-0.37, 0.14] (13) functioning Events Gen. psychological MHI, well 0.08 [-0.17, 0.33] functioning being Gen. psychological MHI, loss of functioning behavioral and 0.04 [-0.22, 0.29] emotional control Depression/Anxiety MHI-depression -0.11 [-0.36, 0.14] Depression/Anxiety MHI-anxiety 0.03 [-0.23, 0.28] Manne 2011 71 prostate localized Gen. psychological MHI-Psychol. NR+, NS between groups (19) functioning distress Gen. psychological Mental: Impact NR+, NS between groups functioning of Events Scale Gen. psychological MHI-Psychol. Data NR+, p=0.08 functioning Well-Being scale Relationship adj DAS NR+, NS between groups Relationship adj QMI NR+ *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2c. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Family Assisted Approaches to Patient Care versus Usual Care* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] 78 any late Physical functioning FACT-G physical -0.08 [-0.60, 0.45] Keefe 2005 (26) Social functioning FACT-G social 0.42 [-0.11, 0.95] Symptom mgmt BPI usual pain -0.30 [-0.82, 0.23] Symptom mgmt BPI worst pain -0.22 [-0.74, 0.31] Kozachik 2001 120 any 1 (48%) to 4 Depression/Anxiety CES-D 0.11 [-0.31, 0.53] (27) (52%) McCorkle 2007 126 prostate NR+ Depression/Anxiety CES-D 0.21 [-0.14, 0.56] (20) Symptom mgmt CARES, sexual 1 month post- surgery -0.45 [-0.83, -0.07] 1 month post- intervention 0.33 [-0.05, 0.72] Nezu 2003 (28) 150 any 1 to 3 Gen. psychological Omega -1.97 [-2.48, -1.45] Problem solving (mostly functioning (vulnerability) with significant local) Gen. psychological POMS -2.01 [-2.53, -1.49] other (SO) functioning versus wait list Gen. psychological BSI -4.39 [-5.18, -3.60] functioning QoL - Global QL Index 0.20 [-0.22, 0.63] Depression/Anxiety Hamilton -4.30 [-5.08, -3.53] Symptom mgmt CARES -4.77 [-5.61, -3.93] *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2d. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Family Focused CBT Interventions that Include Family Coping and Problem Solving versus Usual Care* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] Blanchard 1996 86 any NR but not Physical functioning SF 20 -0.14 [-0.66, 0.39] (29) eligible for Gen. psychological SF 20 -0.25 [-0.78, 0.28] hospice functioning Social functioning SF 20 -0.14 [-0.66, 0.39] Global QoL FLIC -0.33 [-0.86, 0.19] Depression/Anxiety CES-D 0.06 [-0.46, 0.58] Symptom mgmt SF 20 pain 0.02 [-0.51, 0.54] Relationship adj DAS 0.13 [-0.40, 0.65] Kurtz 2005 (31) 237 any all stages Physical functioning SF 36 0.38 [0.12, 0.64] Social functioning SF-36 0.35 [0.10, 0.61] Depression/Anxiety CES-D -0.39 [-0.64, -0.13] McMillan 2007 329 any late stage QoL - Global HQLI Data NR+ p NS (32) between groups All groups vs. Symptom mgmt MSAS Data NR+, group by Standard Care time interaction p=0.009 Pain, dyspnea, Data NR+ p NS constipation scales between groups Meyers 2011 476 any late stage QoL - Global City of Hope QoL Data NR+ p NS (30) (advanced) between groups‡ *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. ‡Six months post-randomization. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2e. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Unique Interventions versus Usual Care* Effect size Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment [95%CI] Giesler 2005 (14) 99 prostate localized Physical SF-36 physical 0.00 [CI NR], functioning functioning p=0.99 Gen. psychological SF-36 mental health 0.17 [CI NR], functioning index p=0.46 Social functioning SF-36 social 0.00 [CI NR], functioning p=0.99 Depression/Anxiety CES-D 0.36 [CI NR], p=0.12 Symptom mgmt SF-36 pain 0.25 [CI NR], p=0.27 Symptom mgmt Urinary, bowel, and Range -0.27 to 0.45 sexual function, [CIs NR]. bother, and For sexual limitation limitation, the ES was 0.45, p=0.05. All others were not significant (p>0.05) Relationship adj DAS-dyadic 0.19 [CI NR], cohesion p=0.43 Relationship adj DAS-dyadic 0.24 [CI NR], satisfaction p=0.31 *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2f. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Telephone Counseling Trials versus Active Control* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] Badger 2007 97 breast I-3 Depression/Anxiety CES-D TC vs. exercise (33) 0.30 [-0.24, 0.83] TC vs. attention 0.51 [0.03, 0.98] Anxiety, TC vs. exercise composite index 1.75 [1.12, 2.37] TC vs. attention 0.99 [0.49, 1.48] Badger 2011 71 prostate all Physical functioning UCLA PCI 0.13 [-0.35, 0.62] (34) stages Gen. psychological PANAS negative 0.30 [-0.19, 0.78] functioning TIP-C Gen. psychological PANAS positive -0.17 [-0.65, 0.31] (telephone) vs. functioning HEAC Gen. psychological Perceived stress 0.19 [-0.30, 0.67], functioning (PSS) change over time between groups p<0.001 favoring group 2 (HEAC) Depression/Anxiety CES-D 0.23 [-0.25, 0.71] Symptom mgmt MFI (fatigue) 0.14 [-0.34, 0.62], change over time between groups p<0.001 favoring group 2 (HEAC) Budin 2008 (22) 249 breast NR Gen. psychological Psych. well Data NR+ Group x time functioning being interaction p=0.01 PAL-C subscale Mishel 2002 (16) 252 prostate localize Symptom mgmt # of symptoms Data NR+ d Symptom mgmt Symptom Data NR+ intensity Symptom mgmt Urine flow Data NR+ Symptom mgmt Ability for Data NR+ erection Symptom mgmt Sexual function Data NR+ Schover 2012 115 prostate localize Gen. psychological BSI-18 NR+ at post-treatment, (35) d functioning NS between groups at follow-up Face-to-face Symptom mgmt IIEF 0.14 [-0.38, 0.66] counseling vs. Relationship adj DAS NR+ at post-treatment, Internet-based NS between groups at counseling follow-up *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant. Appendix Table 2g. Effect Sizes for Outcomes at Post-Treatment - Family Assisted Approaches to Patient Care versus Active Control* Study (ref) N Cancer Stage Outcome Assessment Effect size [95%CI] Nezu 2003 (28) 150 any 1 to 3 Gen. psychological Omega 0.26 [-0.16, 0.68] Problem solving (mostly functioning (vulnerability) (with SO) vs. local) Gen. psychological POMS 0.17 [-0.25, 0.59] Problem solving functioning (individual) Gen. psychological BSI -0.39 [-0.81, 0.03] functioning QoL - Global QL Index 0.21 [-0.21, 0.63] Depression/Anxiety Hamilton -0.12 [-0.54, 0.30] Symptom mgmt CARES -0.28 [-0.70, 0.14]</p><p>6 month follow-up Gen. psychological Omega -0.38 [-0.80, 0.04] functioning (vulnerability) Gen. psychological POMS -0.37 [-0.79, 0.05] functioning Gen. psychological BSI -0.77 [-1.21, -0.34] functioning QoL - Global QL Index 0.17 [-0.25, 0.59] Depression/Anxiety Hamilton -0.03 [-0.44, 0.39] Symptom mgmt CARES -0.74 [-1.18, -0.31] Porter 2011 (39) 233 Lung 1 to 3 Physical functioning FACT-L NR+ Social functioning FACT-L NR+ Depression BDI (depression) NR+ STAI (anxiety) NR+ Symptom mgmt BPI NR+ FACT-L symptoms NR+ *Adapted from expanded evidence report, Griffin et al.6 +Data was either not reported or presented in a fashion that did not permit an effect size calculation. CI = confidence intervals; NR = not reported; QoL = Quality of Life; NS = not statistically significant.</p>

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