<p> NOTES OF THE HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE COUNCIL OFFICES, PEPPERCORN WALK, HOLTON LE CLAY ON MONDAY 28TH NOVEMBER 2011 AT 7.30 PM</p><p>Present: Councillor Blacklock Acting Chairman Councillor Hill Councillor Rowntree Councillor C Lyons Councillor Willingham Councillor Reynolds Councillor Wright Mrs B L Gash (Clerk to the Council) Lincolnshire County Council: East Lindsey District Council: Councillor Blacklock attended. 3 members of the public </p><p>11/328. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS. The Chairman thanked everyone for attending this rearranged meeting and gave his apologies for the cancellation last week due to the possibility of not having a quorum to conduct the Full Council meeting. </p><p>11/329. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Councillor Johnson, Councillor Greetham and Councillor Lee. District Councillor – Councillor Aldridge. </p><p>11/330. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2000 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT. PERSONAL OR PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL. Councillor Blacklock on all Planning Applications. </p><p>11/331. NOTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 17TH OCTOBER 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. Notes of the last meeting of the Parish Council had been circulated to members. It was proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Willingham that these notes be accepted as Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 17th October 2011. All in favour.</p><p>11/332. NOTES OF THE 8 ACRES COMMITTEE MEETING ON TUESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. Proposed by Councillor Reynolds and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree. All in favour.</p><p>11/333. NOTES OF THE JUNIOR PLAYING FIELD COMMITTEE MEETING ON TUESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree. All in favour.</p><p>11/334. NOTES OF THE JOINT LEASE MEETING WITH HLC (MERC) HELD ON TUESDAY 1ST NOVEMBER 2011 – TO ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS. This item is to be brought back to the next Full Council meeting.</p><p>11/335.NOTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 15TH NOVEMBER 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. This item is to be brought back to the next Full Council meeting.</p><p>1 11/336. NOTES OF THE CEMETERY SITE VISIT AND COMMITTEE MEETING OF WEDNESDAY 16TH NOVEMBER 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. This item is to be brought back to the next Full Council meeting.</p><p>11/337.NOTES OF THE CLOSED SESSION FROM THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING OF MONDAY 18TH JULY 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. This item is to be brought back to the next Full Council meeting.</p><p>11/338. NOTES OF THE LEASE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 16TH AUGUST 2011 TO BE APPROVED AS MINUTES. This item is to be brought back to the next Full Council meeting.</p><p>11/339.TO ADJOURN THE MEETING FOR THE OPEN FORUM (Maximum 30 minutes) </p><p>OPEN FORUM OPENED AT 7.35 PM</p><p>One member of the public enquired about the proposed installation of a Bus Shelter on Pinfold Lane opposite the Co-operative – Grimsby Bound. What is the costing and ownership of the land? The Clerk said the cost is £3,799 plus VAT with a 3 metre perch seating £187.50 + VAT = £3,986.50. Concrete base £700. The ownership of the said land is still unclear so the Clerk is to contact New Lynx Housing Trust and Lincolnshire Highways to establish this. </p><p>OPEN FORUM CLOSED AT 7.45 PM </p><p>11/340.TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE. The Clerk read out the report received. There were 36 incidents within 1000 metres of the Spar shop on Louth Road between 20th October and 20th November.</p><p>11/341. PLANNING MATTERS EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL </p><p> a. Planning Applications. PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/085/01893/11 APPLICANT: Mr B Kent PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Extensions and alterations to existing bungalow to include the conversion of the roof space to provide 3no. bedrooms and 2no. bathrooms and provision of dormer windows on the front and rear elevations. LOCATION: 39 GRAINSBY AVENUE, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY, DN36 5BL DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT The dormer is in keeping with the area which has a number of similar developments in the immediate vicinity. With proposed 2 additional bathrooms to check out the sewage and drainage as appropriate. (This application was approved before the next Full Council).</p><p>2 PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/085/02079/11 APPLICANT: Mr G Young PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Change of use, conversion of and alterations to existing building used under Class B1. Businesses of The Town and Country (Use Classes) Order 1987 as amended to use under Class D1. Non-Residential Institutions of the Order. LOCATION: COUNCIL OFFICES, PEPPERCORN WALK, HOTON-LE-CLAY DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT The Holton-le-Clay Parish Council has a Personal and Prejudicial interest in this application as it is their current building responsible for the members and the parish. In the interest of ourselves and the Parish it will enable the Parish Council to progress with Phase 1 of a building project where the new Council Offices will be located. </p><p>PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/085/02078/11 APPLICANT: Mr G Young PROPOSAL: Consent to Display 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign. LOCATION: COUNCIL OFFICES, PEPPERCORN WALK, HOLTON-LE-CLAY DECISION BY HOLTON-LE-CLAY PARISH COUNCIL: SUPPORT The Holton-le-Clay Parish Council supports this application. One of the questions raised was whether the illuminated fascia sign would be on 24 hours a day or during working hours and that consideration should be taken for residents who live opposite the property on the decision. b. Planning Permissions and Refusals (for noting). </p><p>PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/085/01732/11 APPLICANT: Mr P Graham PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Extension and alterations to existing detached garage to provide a garden room, part of the existing garage to be demolished. LOCATION: 23 GRAINSBY AVENUE, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY, DN36 5BL DECISION BY EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL FULL PLANNING PERMISSION </p><p>PLANNING APPLICATION NO: N/085/01981/11 APPLICANT: Mr D Hawkins PROPOSAL: Planning Permission – Extension to existing dwelling to provide a conservatory. LOCATION: LOWFIELD HOUSE, 22 LOUTH ROAD, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY, DN36 5HL DECISION BY EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL: FULL PLANNING PERMISSION </p><p>3 c. Planning Correspondence.</p><p>TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 (AS AMENDED) REFERENCE: EC//085 00690/11 LOCATION: 130 LOUTH ROAD, HOLTON-LE-CLAY, GRIMSBY DN36 5AB</p><p>NATURE OF INVESTIGATION: Extension to a dwelling within the roof space to provide a loft conversion which is increasing the original height of the building.</p><p>11/342.DONATION TOWARDS HOLTON NEWS AND CHRISTMAS LIGHTING OF £75.00 AS A 137 PAYMENT. The members agreed to make a donation under Section 137 of the 1972 LGA of £75.00 towards the Holton News and Christmas lights.</p><p>11/343 PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR JOHNSON THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL ACCEPTS THE OFFER FROM MR YOUNG OF £75,000 FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE COUNCIL OFFICES IN PEPPERCORN WALK – RETROSPECT. Seconded by Councillor Blacklock. All in favour.</p><p>11/344.APPROVAL FOR PRINTING OF 1750 COPIES OF THE ELDC A5 DOG FOULING LEAFLETS AT PRINT & COPY CENTRE FOR £85.00 - TO BE DISTRIBUTED WITH THE HOLTON NEWS. THE DISTRIBUTION OF LEAFLETS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Willingham. All in favour.</p><p>Mr Paul Notley, the new Maintenance Operative, was given a chance to speak as an employee by the Acting Chairman. When asked about the dog fouling in the village he informed members that he can see an improvement with the dog fouling since the distribution of the leaflets. However the Junior Playing Fields is still a cause of concern and it appears to be the same dog.</p><p>11/345. TO DISCUSS THE LETTER FROM A PARISHIONER TO CELEBRATE QUEEN ELIZABETH II’S HISTORIC 2012 DIAMOND JUBILEE BY PLANTING EITHER 105 OR 420 TREES ON THE BOUNDARY OF HOLTON-LE-CLAY AND NEW WALTHAM. The Clerk gave details of the letter received from a businessman to have the trees planted on the boundary of New Waltham and Holton-le-Clay. This item was discussed by members who have not objected but to invite the businessman to the next Full Council meeting to give more details.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk writes to the businessman and invite him to the next Full Council meeting on Monday 12th December 2011 to give more details.</p><p>11/346. PROPOSED BY COUNCILLOR WILLINGHAM to consider the purchase of a snow blower and salt spreader in times of extremely snowy conditions similar to those we experienced during the past two winters. This would enable us to clear areas of the village that ELDC fail to clear. Quotes listed separately. </p><p>Councillor Willingham said that as part of his brief was to look at the Emergency Plan. </p><p>4 He explained the difficulty and lack of resources during the bad winters and as the Council now employs a Maintenance Operative that this employee could be used as part of the Contingency Plan. Councillor Willingham had spoken to a Tractor Shop for expert advice and obtained information online. A leaflet, diagrams and costing were shown to members of the different types of machines. This was discussed amongst members and all agreed to bring this item back to the next meeting. </p><p>11/347.PROPOSAL TO CUT THE HEDGEROW AND TRIM BACK THE TREES AROUND THE 8 ACRES PLAYING FIELD. (From Riseholme College decline project work) This was approved by the 8 Acres Playing Field Committee. As there was only one quote this item to be brought back to the next meeting.</p><p>11/348.PROPOSAL TO CUT BACK THE HEDGEROW BY AROUND 4 FEET AWAY FROM THE END OF MAGNOLIA DRIVE TO A HEIGHT OF 8 FEET. This was approved by the 8 Acres Playing Field Committee. As there was only one quote this item to be brought back to the next meeting.</p><p>11/349. NORTHERN AREA COMMITTEE MEETING TO BE HELD AT GRIMOLDBY ON WEDNESDAY 7TH DECEMBER 2011 – TO APPOINT A PREPRESENTATIVE. The Chairman explained that the attendance at the committee meeting is usually attended by Councillor Johnson as the County representative and Councillor Blacklock as the District Councillor and that the Holton- le-Clay Parish Council have been recorded as having no attendees. Members were encouraged to have a representative and if anyone wished to attend on 7th December to let Councillor Blacklock know as he was going and could share a lift.</p><p>11/350. TO APPROVE THE ‘PATH EDGER’ FOR THE ENTIRE VILLAGE AT A QUOTE OF £1,300 PLUS VAT – MONIES TO BE TAKEN FORM THE LCC GRANT AS PART OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HIGHWAY GRASS CUTTING AGREEMENT OF £5,574.75 WITH EXISITING CONTRACTOR. All members agreed that the costing was excessive and that the work could be completed by the Maintenance Operative.</p><p>11/351.ACCOUNTS & FINANCE a. Finance Update. b. Authorisation of cheque payments – November 2011. Accounts and approval are at- tached to these minutes. c. BMH Estate Agents letter dated 3 November 2011 to confirm the agreed £75,000 for the Sale of the Council Offices. d. BT letter of 17 October confirming a credit of £25.00 on next bill as annual spend more then £500. e. RBS Software Solutions letter dated 27th October 2011. Fees and Charges for April 2012. f. HM Revenue & Customs – Confirmation of the BACS Remittance VAT repayment of £2,176.69 g. HM Revenue & Customs – the Blank form VAT 126 in future to be printed from the website. </p><p>5 h. LCC letter dated 22 Nov 11 with details of the Parish Council Highway Grass Cut- ting agreement of £5,574.75 (not budgeted in the 2011/12 Precept). </p><p>11/352.CONTRACTS FOR APPROVAL AND UPDATE. </p><p>The Wall of Remembrance vases have yet to be erected as an inner is still to be purchased to line the vases. Councillor Hill and Councillor Blacklock have volunteered to investigate. </p><p>RESOLVED Councillors Hill and Blacklock investigate liners for the new Wall of Remembrance vases.</p><p>11/353.HIGHWAY/STREET LIGHTS/WASTE. </p><p> a. Footpath at Silver Street/Pinfold lane – horse riders reported to Police and Highways. b. E mail from LCC dated 9 November. No further orders to tree contractor as lack of funds for this Financial Year.</p><p>11/354.COMMITTEES AND PORTFOLIO REPORTS. </p><p> a. Eight Acres Playing Field. Committee meeting held on Tuesday 1st November 2011. (1) Change of location of kissing gate and posts at the entrance at Beech Grove - Awaiting new drawings and information before applying for quotes. (2) To install a 4 feet concrete post in the middle of the entrance gate from the farmer’s field. Quotes to be brought back to next meeting.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk obtain quotes and bring to next meeting.</p><p> b. Junior Playing Field. Committee meeting held on Tuesday 1st November 2011. To approve the painting of Anti-vandal paint on the Teenage Shelter roof. Proposed by Councillor Rowntree and Seconded by Councillor Blacklock. All in favour.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk look into purchasing Anti-vandal paint for the Teenage Shelter roof.</p><p>To discuss the metal pole - ELDC no alcohol sign bent and has been taken from the JPF and placed in the Council Offices compound. Members agreed that the post and no alcohol sign needs to be reinstated in the junior Playing Field.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk investigate the costs to have the ELDC post and sign reinstated. </p><p> c. Cemetery/Burial Matters and Parish Gardens. Committee meeting 16 November. d. Emergency Planning and Planning and Development. e. Personnel and Finance. Date confirmed as Thursday 8 December 2011. f. Highways and Environment Wards – area of responsibility of street/roads – All members. g. HLC Youth Group Management Committee. Next meeting Tuesday 6 December. </p><p>6 h. Burial Matters and Press/Media representative (including Holton News) – Clerk</p><p>External Outside Bodies a. Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. Update to Full Council from the last meeting on Friday 21st October 11. Councillor Blacklock gave an update. The Neighbourhood Plan covers the future development of Business, Green Space and Employment. The known Flood Risk has been completed. Ideal to use the Village Plan and take desired building areas from the plan. Suggestion of a questionnaire on Housing Needs. </p><p>The next meeting is on Friday 9 December 2011. The Steering Group have requested that all future meetings are held in the Holton-le-Clay Council Offices meeting room. Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor Rowntree. All in favour. </p><p> b. Joint Management Committee. The HCCA are to be asked when the next meeting is to be held and mention to them about the Terms of the Chance to Share Agreement and that 4 meetings should be held each year.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk write to the Secretary of the HCCA to enquire about the dates of the future meetings. </p><p> c. North Rural Neighbourhood Police Panel. 10th January 2012 d. HLC (MERC). Christmas Victorian Fayre is to be held on Saturday 10th December and everything seems to be going well. Received an unconditional offer of 8, 500 from ‘The Big Lottery ‘Awards for All’ towards the purchase of equipment for future events. The Business Plan - 5 Sections still need to be worked on and hope to have the Business Plan completed by the end of January 2012 and also to receive the Lease from the Parish Council. e. Northern Area Committee. 7th December 2011 at Grimoldby Village Hall. f. Children and Young People’s Charter – Councillor Reynolds. </p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk enquire about obtaining a new copy. </p><p> g. ELDC Parish Carers Champion – Clerk to the Council. </p><p>11/355.LINCOLNSHIRE AND EAST LINDSEY DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORTS TO INCLUDE WRITTEN REPORTS. </p><p>ELDC now have an Events Co-ordinator online site and anyone can post information onto it. There is the opportunity for LCC and ELDC to put up a stall for promotional purposes.</p><p>RURAL communities in East Lindsey are set for a massive boost after East Lindsey District Council this evening agreed to invest £1.5m into rural projects. Grants of up to £50,000 will be available and the money will be targeted towards new projects or projects which increase or expand existing services. The Rural Development Fund will be launched in April 2012.</p><p>11/356.CLERKS CORRESPONDENCE FOR ACTION </p><p>7 a. Ownership of parcel of land at Nickerson Way. Entrance section to Industrial Estate. Letters received from Limagrain and Ultimate. Councillor Blacklock is to respond on behalf of the Parish Council and send copies to the ELDC Enforcement on receipt of the evidence/copies of documentation from the Clerk.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk copies the relevant information to Councillor Blacklock for action.</p><p> b. Smart Wind Limited letter of 4th November 2011 with Phase 2 Section 42 Consultation Information – November 2011. Comments required by 18 December 2011. </p><p> c. Dog Stencil about 4 inches by 18 inches on footpath entrances? Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor C Lyons that the Dog Wardens are contacted to place Dog Stencils on the footpath entrances around the village. All in favour. </p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk contact the Dog Wardens to have the Dog Stencils placed on the footpath entrances. </p><p> d. E mail from LCC requesting Parish Councils comments on the exit to A16. This subject/email was discussed. There were different ideas by members about having a stop sign and recommended to make it into a T junction. This also extended to talking about drivers who are in the wrong lane for turning right or left so suggest having a NO LEFT TURN or NO RIGHT TURN to be seen for those who are in the wrong lane for Grimsby or Louth. The members agreed to recommend a T junction but to have an on-site consultation with Lincolnshire Highways.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk contact the Lincolnshire Highways to set up a site meeting.</p><p> e. To discuss the format of the Diamond Jubilee committee 2012. This is to bring back to the next meeting for discussion. </p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk puts this as an Agenda item at the December meeting. </p><p> f. On behalf of the committee to book the Louth Ludensian Singers Ladies Choir. This item to be brought to the attention of the formed committee.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk pass to the new committee to discuss.</p><p>11/357.CLERK CORRESPONDENCE FOR INFORMATION </p><p> a. Smart Wind Fisher German Priestner Ltd letter dated 10 October 2011. Walking the proposed cable route. The Smart Wind representatives have been invited to attend the next Northern Area committee on 7 December 2011. b. Smart Wind – Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm – invitation to Consultation Events letter. Held at Church Hall on Thursday 10th November 2011. c. Tourism Signs in Lincolnshire letter from LCC dated 11 October 2011. Change in </p><p>8 Policy. d. Montrose – Therapeutic Care – For People with Memory Problems & their Carers. Letter dated 20th October 2011. A new company based in Fotherby. Happy to attend a Council meeting to explain the new company. e. Wilkin Chapman Grange Solicitors Newsletter and request to check details form. f. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons – Guide dated 30th September 2011.</p><p>11/358.CLERKS REPORT ON MATTERS OUTSTANDING a. Memorial seat. b. School Warning signs on Louth Road request to have Playground signs underneath. c. Bus Stop at Beverley Close, Louth Road with no timetable board. d. Direct Debit enquiries. The payroll and utility bills – pending. e. Land Registry to register Parish owned land at the Cemetery and Parish Gardens, Junior Playing Fields, 8 Acres Playing Field and Council Offices. f. Additional Street Lighting on Church Lane and Street Lighting Tetney Lane. g. Litter bins – 2 sent back as not the correct type. To be re-ordered. h. Group photograph of the Council members. i Sale of Council Offices. j. Block Paving adopted Road at Nursery Gardens – to confirm responsibility. k. Bus Shelters. l. Self Closing gate 3 quotes for heavy –duty spring closure in Junior Playing Field. m. Combination locks, 2 for the Junior Playing Field and 1 for the 8 acres Playing Field. n. Replacement barrier at traffic lights on the A16. o. 4 vases to be erected on Wall of Remembrance. p. Lease to HLC (MERC).</p><p>11/359. MATTERS ARISING.</p><p> a. Enquiry about the pot holes outside an address on Grainsby Avenue, which the Clerk said it is now with BT.</p><p>RESOLVED the Clerk investigate this enquiry with Lincolnshire Highways.</p><p> b. Enquiry into the recent Postal Delivery System. The Clerk explained she had received one completed survey back from the members. Along with her own return with being a resident in Picksley Crescent she had experienced no more problems. This was discussed along with the parcels being returned to the Grimsby Sorting Office instead of collection in the local Spar Post Office. Members agreed for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to have a talk with the new staff at the Holton-le-Clay Spar Post Office before taking this any further.</p><p>RESOLVE the Clerk make arrangements for the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to visit the Spar Post Office to discuss postal matters.</p><p>11/360.PUBLICATIONS – (FOR NOTING AND SIGNING OUT OF COUNCIL OFFICES) </p><p>9 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Beacons – 4th June 2012 brochure. LCC Starting School? Poster for September 2012 Lincolnshire Carers Partnership Newsletter October/November 2011 LALC News – Autumn 2011, The Clerk Magazine – November 2011 Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2011. NPower – Here’s How. Furniture at Work brochure, Lincolnshire Gritting Routes 2011/12 </p><p>11/361.EVENTS Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group. Next meeting Friday 9th December 2011. Northern Area Committee meeting – 7 December at Grimoldby Village Hall. </p><p>11/362. DATES OF NEXT FULL COUNCIL MEETINGS 12TH DECEMBER 2011 (2ND MONDAY), 9TH JANUARY 2011 FINANCE (PRECEPT) MEETING, 16TH JANUARY 2012, 20TH FEBRUARY 2012 FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY 8TH DECEMBER 2011. </p><p>11/363. TO RESOLVE WHETHER THE COUNCIL WILL GO INTO CLOSED SESSION: A. DOG CONTROL ORDERS. B. FUTURE OF ELDC CUSTOMER SERVICES. Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor C Lyons that the Council go into Closed Session. All members in favour. </p><p>11/364. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.35 pm</p><p>………………………………………………………………….. CHAIRMAN</p><p>THESE MINUTES WERE SIGNED ON THE 12TH DECEMBER 2011</p><p>11/351b AUTHORISATION OF CHEQUE PAYMENTS – NOVEMBER 2011 Proposed by Councillor Blacklock and Seconded by Councillor C Lyons that the following cheques </p><p>10 be signed. The Council RESOLVED that the Accounts set out below are approved for payment. </p><p>Monthly Accounts Income & Expenditure Produced by: Betty Gash</p><p>Payer/Payee Details Income Expend</p><p>GENERAL ACCOUNT OUT OF COMMITTEE</p><p>N POWER Electric Bill Council Offices £72.57 28 July 2011 – 6 October 2011</p><p>L.H. BROCKLEBANK & Council Offices – Repair to Radiators and free off £35.00 SON valves. </p><p>ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Purchase of 2 x wreaths at a cost of £16.50 each £40.00 POPPPY APPEAL plus £7.00 contribution to Poppy Appeal.</p><p>M KM BUILDING Additional green slate for Garden of £81.26 SUPPLIES LIMITED Remembrance – Bulk Bag</p><p>VEOLIA ED (UK) LTD July 2011 8 Acres Playing Field £158.78 Junior £413.06 PF £50.28. Rolling of 8 acre field £204</p><p>LALC Councillor & Chairman Training on 7 September £6.00</p><p>MR PAUL NOTLEY Salary 31st October 2011 (One day) £24.32</p><p>BRITISH GAS ELECTRICITY BILL AT FORMER £233.07 BUSINESS ETHERINGTON ARMS 30/6/11 TO 15/9/11</p><p>GENERAL ACCOUNT</p><p>MRS B L GASH November Salary (Month 8) 24 hours pw £743.30 Gross £912.45. Full Council meeting 17 October (2 hrs - £17.50 Total Gross £929.95 - (Tax £186.00 and NI £39.35) = £704.60. MMA Claim Clerks Training Day at North Hykeham 28 Oct (86 miles return = £38.70)</p><p>HRMC Mrs Gash Tax and NI contributions (Month 8) £272.40 Tax £186.00, Employee NI £39.35,Employer £47.05= £272.40</p><p>MR P NOTLEY November Salary (Month 8) 20 hrs pw Gross £535.04</p><p>11 £535.04</p><p>WORKWEAR AND Reimburse Mrs B L Gash for the purchase of £154.44 SAFETY Clothing and Equipment for the new employee. </p><p>PRINT & COPY CENTRE Reimburse Mrs B L Gash for the payment of 1750 £85.00 copies of the A5 Dog Fouling leaflet for the Holton News by Credit Card.</p><p>PETTY CASH - FLOAT November (Month 8) £50.00</p><p>BRITISH TELECOM Council Offices 9 Aug 11 to 10 Nov 11 £192.90</p><p>VEOLIA ES (UK) LTD September 2011 –Amenity Grass Cut W/E 2/9, £1,742.44 16/9 & 30/9 £1428.84. 8 Acres Playing Field Strim £119.09. Cut £119.09. Junior Playing Field Cut & Strim W/E 2/9, 16/9 & 30/9. £75.42</p><p>VEOLIA ES (UK) LTD October 2011 – Amenity Grass cut £476.288 £580.82 Acres Playing Field Cut and Strim w/e 21/10 - £79.40. Junior Playing Field Cut & Strim £25.14.</p><p>WINDSOCK COMPANY 6m Fibreglass internal halyard flagpole £888.24 LIMITED installation as per quote of 6.10.11. (£591.00) Union Jack Flag (£59.50) and Lincolnshire Flag (£89.70) 2 yards plus £148.04 VAT</p><p>RBS SOFTWARE Financial Accounts - OMEGA Software £252.00 SOLUTIONS maintenance. </p><p>ICO Data Protection Act 1998 - Annual Renewal £35.00 (INFORMATION COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE)</p><p>OFFICE FRIENDS Stationery, A4 Copier paper, Toner Cartridge £118.46 Large Staple remover and large box of paper clips</p><p>C WRIGHT Cemetery Caretaking and Maintenance £300.00 13, 17 and 18 October. 1 November </p><p>General Account income VAT return £2,176.69</p><p>Expenditure Total Expenditure</p><p>Burial Account income Mashfords IFD Cremated Remains interment £100</p><p>12 Plot A88B</p><p>Income Due Sale of Council Offices £75,000.00 BMH Estate Agent – Sale of Council Offices fee Expenditure due £1490.00. </p><p>13</p>
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