gite €Ulou (Tribune. j Dellciouinn« t>i Rusiian Tea. Till! LONDON TIMES. Tho cuisiuo iu tho hotel aud good re C L H Ü-A-T «T fT I stuurnnts is very Hue, and comfortably A WELL KNOWN CORRESPONDENTS good in tho cheaper houses wo havo tried- Wholoealo Coaler in ’ CRICKET SONG. ! Nowhere is living dear. Tea, most deli­ ACCOUNT OF THE JOURNAL. cious, with nice bread, uud enough for Chirp, umd cricket. In the grain— ! two, cost eighty kopecks, aud utriuk gelt Chirp, tiling garrulous and free; I to tho waiter of say teu—in all about If thy ciiirping could bo words, Tlie Fnmou» Xew»|m|H>r'» Ilcgiuuiiig One Teil me wlrnt tlio words would bet i forty cents. Chocolate, two tumblers WINES, LIQUORS AND CICABS Hundred Year» A go—I’tillllcul .Shifting Chirp shrill, chirp soft, full,’ and bread or cake for two, sarno MANUFACTURER OF l*ipo high, pipe low; of Tho Time»—Hnw IU l*»ge* Aro price. A good dinner of soup, two kinds In vines, aloft, Filled—Editor •lelin Uelunr. meat and vegetables, with a compoto and Iu grain, below; giass of beer, costs in tho best places, for Ginger Ale, Birch Beer, Champion Cider. Sodn a Only tell—were kinds spoke. M. Blowitz, tho well kuown Paris cor- two, about $ 1.10 of our money. Tho If in words thy tumult liroket respondent of The London Times, bus samo at a rcspoctablo placo, but not so rilla, and other Carbonated Beverages’ 8*rWil A G E N T FOR 6 Cricket, would thy words be wiso. boon writing an account of his journal iu weil prepared, yet good enough, about Or o f tender things, and sweet, tho luxuriously printed review culled Art thlrty-ttvo cents"[ier person of our money. I f you sent out verbal song, aud Letters. ’"Tho Times docs not menu I innKO it a rulo to try all kinds of places .* ml not clatter, from tho wheat ‘the time,' uor even 'tho times,' but tho where food is clean and respectable. Ilus- V . J. Lem s Beer aid lie Famous Mania Water. Chirp shrill, chirp soft. ages, tho centuries—that is to say, every- oiau tea is very tine. It is served thus: ALSO, Pipe high, pipe low: thing which, iu tho existence of peoples, A teapot largo enough to hold ono largo In vines, aloft, Iu grain, below; solicits liuuiau understanding." in i cupful, and naif full of leaves, is pluced Only tell—were kind words rjioke, Franco it is oftou ouoted as "to jour­ i before two persons, with another largo D e a le r lxx Ban O-lass-w^^ I f in words thy tumult broke? nal do la cite," but M. Blowits lias been pot of boiling water. Wo lialf (ill our uuahlo to traco the origin or enuso of this cups from the teapot nud (ill up with hot Dealest thou in memories— designation, its office, near Bluckfrinrs water, and, if desired, with cream or tre fa t -. D i l l o n , R O o u t n a s , Dost thou know o f ancient tilings? bridge, is scarcely, ho thinks, part of the Anyhow, I love thy note I with milk, ut tho sumo time filling tho More limn any bird that sings. city, whilo "its leanings, its style, its pol­ teapot with hot wutcr. In tills way wo Chirp shrill, chirp soft, itics, nud its aim havo no relation witli ' eau have as much os we cau possibly do- l'ipo high, pipo low; tho city, strictly speaking." Kvurvbody ; sire. In vines, aloft. knows, or ought to know, that Tho Tlhios I notice Russians drinking and refilling G. W. DART HARDWARE GO. In grain, below; first nppearodon the 1st of January, 1788, until tho decoction coming from tho |»ot Only tell—were kind words spoke, aud Uuit Tito Morning Post is its only Is barely colored. Wo, however, refill iitam m r In (1KG. V . IHHT) If in wolds thy tumult broke? senior among English dailies, Tho Post onlv once, getting thus two largo gups of —Low Vnuderpoolo In Outing. having started ten years earlier. delicious teu. Tho third cup is strong The history of its birth and early strug­ enough for tablo use. For each portion MONTANA ST, DILLON, MONT, Chian men ns “ High Id vers.” gles under John Walter I lias beeu often twelve lumps of sugar are furnished uud Nearly all tho Chinamen in New York told; how Hint worthy nimi, being an un­ i bread enough for a fair breakfast. I no- DEALER IN arc "high liven" in diet. The poorest derwriter, lost his hereditary fortune of tice Russians putting sugar iu their lausdrymon trill have chicken or diteka £80,000 by the capture of n fleet of Eng- 1 mouths and sucking the tea through it or at least onco a week, and these an? bought lisli merchant vessels by a French squad­ eating it after swallowing some tea. This, alive, os Mongolians are extremely afraid ron, and, failing to get satisfaction out of however, wheu tea is taken simply ns a of stale meats. Contrary to tho general the government, at onco started n news­ | beverage aud with u slice of lemou. Ono impression, rats, cats and pnppics are no paper called The Universal Register, disgusting habit is common hero hi the mere commonly eaten by Cliineso than by primarily in order to develop a wonderful better class of restaurants. A glass of Ameetesus. Poultry and pork are tho printlug patent, which has never to this water is.served after tho meal, with a favorite moats. Vegetables of all aorta day been of any use; how, three years fiuger bowl. The mouth Is washed aud are abundantly used; and pastries are later, lie changed the namo of his paper tho water poured out of It into tho finger made la an .«mrtnoua variety, but always to Tho limes; now he endured sis mouths’ bowl. I have heretofore seen this done of easily digestible ingredients. Imprisonment, with the pillory and a fine, at many tables d’hote ou the continent, LAMPS, GUSSWARE, ETC. They are very clean in their cooking; for publishing scandalous reports about but here so far it seems uulversal. There even the rice that they buy from Chris* the royal dukes, and was on tho point of la nothing lit this really filthy, but it Is tian groceries is washed with at least abandoning journalism In cousequence,' suggestlvo of nastiness. I havo seen it -o- seven separate wuters, to make sure that but, fortuuately, did not do so. Iu ,180a among traveled swells In America. It Is no tines o f un-Chinese handling remalna John Walter II. at the age of 2«, was in­ a halnt I hope will not take deeprooteven A Full Line of Hardware, 8tOYea, Tinware, Etc., Cm- to make it religiously pernicious. But trusted by his father with the entire In our swelldom. To wash the mouth be­ tbeyfal^Msaesa an unaccountable love for management of the paper, and its great- fore smoking is a liuniiy. But there are ■tantly on hand. old nats. An ordinary Chinese Uundry- ness, iufiuenoe and prosperity date, we some things which are better done behind -o* man will wear tlioBame bat for ninety- are told, from ¿hat moment. nine years—If it can be kept together so a acreeu than in fu ll. view.—Garter II. The shiftiness of Tho Times—though it Harrison In Chicago Mail. All kind* of Tin, Copper and Shoot-iron Work, Boeli|, long-and he would even then go Into must be granted that it has been steddv tins* yean' mourning for it.—Wong Chin enough lately iu the out-and-out torylani ! Art m t Wtwlww Heating, Plumbing, Eto. done. Fbo In The Cosmopolitan. —is explained by M. Blowits. but not very lucidly. "Worn the commencement of its ' The shop windows havo pnt on their -o |o - bat persuasive touches a a : tho season ...... .... ..... - ... -.Ms . existence to our day the line of conduct Tsmperanee la superior to regularity, of The Times has not been varied, though wanes. The milliners' windows look like Ordora by mail, or otherwiao, filled promptly. -adtkemls unthlng regular in nature; It has often changed sides and combated , aviaries in which bonuets and kata me •varythlsg la goveraed by ctreumstaneoa todqy those It supported yesterday, which perched like birds of gay plumage. But ' nothing,Is done to attract , tho feminine and environment. The animal; vegetable Is Just the caae at this moment. Bat It baa never hesitated to subordinate qhes- ' cyonore skillfully than that which allarm ttane of party ev men to questions o f the-mam The aitlatle poasibUltlea of mlnnto or the, hour. Eat tits right thing principle, and to what it believed to bo la many ways, enterprising dealer bos . bung U s entire at tho right time, follow tte dfetatesor Um supremo Internet of the natiou as re­ window In deep Indigo neckties opIiitcihOd ymre appattte. aad ant and drink ubritk garded England, or the supremo Interest modarafion. Ih li la tho kind of ragn- of aoriety as regarded foreigners." with spots ana waving line*. The Illa­ lsrityl slu m . 1 sorer bare tetea say Leaving the politics and coming to-the tion fa o f a very deep see aspect and very DILLON, MONT. note of tte hour or minute for taking i d the paper, we learn taking.. Qnanother street red and bra* : meals'rar' firing' anything *lss :"driiS - tfwt In' of J3n Walter III- shirts are made effective by displaying whofrigas, but’ dosa not' rule—the real them In lin e * so that the t e n o f color X editorial work of The Times brains about shall tell for all they are worth.
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