<p> AGENDA/11/34</p><p>Brussels, Friday 21 October 2011</p><p>Top News from the European Commission 22 October – 18 November 2011 Background notes from the Spokespersons' service for journalists. The European Commission reserves the right to make changes.</p><p>Tuesday 25 October: Commission proposes a responsible business package 2</p><p>Tuesday 25 October: 'Smart Borders': main options and way forward 4</p><p>Thursday 27 October: The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package 5</p><p>Thursday 3 and Friday 4 November: The EU at the G-20 summit in Cannes – Restoring confidence, supporting growth and jobs and maintaining financial stability 6</p><p>Wednesday 9 November: The European Commission supports SMEs to go global 8</p><p>Wednesday 9 November: Taxation and customs: Multi-Annual Financial Framework proposals for 2014-2020 9</p><p>Wednesday 9 November: Commission to announce the new Health and Consumer Programmes for 2014 - 2020 11</p><p>Date to be confirmed: Commission proposes new rules on the safety of offshore oil and gas activities 12</p><p>Editor Maya Angelova +32 2 29 62763 SPP Coordination and Planning Tuesday 25 October: Commission proposes a responsible business package</p><p>The news: As part of its ongoing work to create better conditions for growth and employment, and to place trust and social inclusion at the centre of a more sustainable economic model in Europe, the Commission is proposing a "Responsible Business" package. In doing so, the Commission is taking account of the views of stakeholders that came to light during the consultations and public debates held in 2010. The package aims to: 1. Create a more stable economic environment for businesses and in this context the Commission proposes to: Revise the two existing Accounting Directives (78/660/EEC and 83/349/EEC) and replace them with one Directive that is better adapted to new economic realities, and simplifies accounting requirements for small companies, Modernise the Transparency Directive (2004/109/EC) in order to (i) alleviate the obligation for all listed companies, including SMEs, to publish quarterly financial information; (ii) require disclosure of major holdings of all financial instruments that can be used to acquire economic interest in listed companies; (iii) require aggregation of holdings of financial instruments with holdings of voting rights. 2. Help redefine the contribution of businesses to society – here the Commission is presenting two communications: A Communication on corporate social responsibility (CSR) which will re-define the concept of CSR and set out actions for the period up to 2014. The new communication will update the Commission's 2006 strategy and re-affirm the need for companies to take leadership on the social and environmental implications of their business operations enabling the EU to promote its values and interests better with other regions and countries. A Social business initiative communication (SBI) proposes an action plan to support the development and growth of social enterprises, whose corporate objective is to achieve a social impact above profit. The SBI includes actions to improve access to finance, as well as improving visibility and the regulatory environment of social enterprises.</p><p>The background: The package follows up on a number of commitments from the Commission, including the Single Market Act (see IP/11/469) in which the Commission laid out twelve levers to relaunch the Single Market for 2012 for sustainable, smart and inclusive growth. Among the key actions identified in the Single Market Act are the creation and development of small and micro enterprises, by introducing smart regulation and cutting red tape and the development of social entrepreneurship. The package also meets Commission commitments made in the Integrated Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era and in the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion.</p><p>The event: Press conference by Vice-President Tajani and Commissioners Barnier and Andor, at 16.30 in the Strasbourg press room. IP and Memos will be available on the day. Available on EbS</p><p>2 The sources: Commissioner Barnier's website: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/barnier/headlines/topics/financial_services/investment_services/index_en.htm</p><p>Website of László Andor, EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/andor/index_en.htm</p><p>Website of Antonio Tajani, EU Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/tajani/index_en.htm</p><p>Commission web site: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/social_business/index_en.htm I070899 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 1 I070900 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 2 I070901 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 3</p><p>The contacts: Chantal Hughes +32 2 296 44 50 [email protected] Carlo Corazza +32 2 295 17 52 [email protected] Cristina Arigho +32 2 298 53 99 [email protected] Carmel Dunne: +32 2 299 88 94 [email protected] Maria Javorova +32 2 299 89 03 [email protected] </p><p>3 Tuesday 25 October: 'Smart Borders': main options and way forward</p><p>The news: Travel flows at the external borders are increasing and Member States cannot simply hire more border control staff or expand border crossing points due to the lack of available space and restricted public expenditure. To cope with future challenges and constraints, the EU needs to move towards a next generation of border checks relying on new, much more effective technologies and offering efficiency savings. In a Communication that will be adopted on 25 October 2011, the Commission will outline the main options and way forward for developing an integrated border management system that makes full use of new technologies. This Communication will pave the way for legislative proposals on a 'Smart Borders' package in 2012. </p><p>The background: The issue of effective border management has been high on the EU agenda (see for instance the recent proposals on the Schengen governance IP/11/1036 and MEMO/11/606). In June the European Council renewed its call for progress on the 'Smart Borders' initiative (IP/11/781). However, before presenting any proposals, the Commission wants to be sure that there is a common understanding and a common commitment amongst the Commission, the Parliament and the Council on the main issues at stake. The Communication adopted will serve as a basis for further discussing these issues.</p><p>The event: IP and MEMO will be available on the day.</p><p>The sources: Homepage of Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Home Affairs http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/malmstrom/welcome/default_en.htm Homepage DG Home Affairs: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/home-affairs/index_en.htm Announcement: I-071225 Smart Borders</p><p>The contacts: Michele Cercone +32 2 298 09 63 [email protected] Tove Ernst +32 2 298 67 64 [email protected] </p><p>4 Thursday 27 October: The Commission adopts its monthly infringements package</p><p>The news: On Thursday 27 October, the European Commission will adopt its monthly infringements package. These decisions cover all Member States and most of EU policies and seek to enforce EU law across Europe in the interest of both citizens and businesses.</p><p>The background: Article 258 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) gives the Commission the power to take legal action against a Member State that is not respecting its obligations under EU law. There are three successive stages: Letter of formal notice, Reasoned opinion and referral to the Court of Justice. If, despite the ruling, a Member State still fails to act, the Commission may open a further infringement case under Article 260 of the TFEU. After only one written warning, Commission may refer a Member State back to the Court and it can propose that the Court imposes financial penalties based on the duration and severity on the infringement and the size of the Member State.</p><p>The event: Several IPs and MEMOs will be available on the day.</p><p>The sources: The IP and MEMO will be made available on the day on Rapid: http://europa.eu/rapid/ </p><p>The contacts: Overall coordination: Olivier Bailly: +32 2 296 87 17 [email protected],eu Jonathan Todd: +32 2 299 41 07 [email protected]</p><p>On specific infringements, please contact the spokesperson in charge. </p><p>5 Thursday 3 and Friday 4 November: The EU at the G-20 summit in Cannes – Restoring confidence, supporting growth and jobs and maintaining financial stability</p><p>The news: The G-20 summit will take place from 3 – 4 November in Cannes, France. The European Union is a full member of the G-20 and will be represented by the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy. Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy shared their views in advance of the summit in a letter sent to the other members of the European Council on 7 October 2011 (see MEMO/11/678). Both Presidents will present the EU's position in Cannes after the European Council on 23 October will have finalised EU preparations of the G-20 summit. In the letter they call for a "renewed collective G20 spirit" and stress that "the fact that France holds the G20 Presidency this year gives Europe a special responsibility. We need to make the Cannes Summit a G20 Summit that restores confidence, supports sustainable growth and job creation, and maintains financial stability". Both leaders expect that Europe will be in the focus of the Cannes Summit. "Our G20 partners' perception is that if Europe does not solve its sovereign debt crisis there will be dangerous spillovers on the global economy. We need to show them that the European Union is determined to do whatever necessary to overcome the current difficulties. At the same time, we will also demand from our G20 partners a constructive contribution to face the global economic challenges." Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy consider the following EU priorities for the G20 summit: restoring growth and tackling global macroeconomic imbalances; making tangible progress on implementing the financial market reform agenda; making the International Monetary System more resilient; boosting trade as the most effective way to support global growth; enhancing the social dimension of globalisation; ensuring Food Security and promoting the G20 Development Agenda and Innovative Financing. In this context they refer to the Commission's proposal for a financial transaction tax for the EU IP/11/1085 and MEMO/11/640 and express their conviction that "a similar approach among G20 partners can help us all meet global challenges. We will therefore strongly support further discussions by the G20 in this field. continue tackling the global climate and energy challenge and the fight against corruption; improving global governance.</p><p>A G20 finance ministerial meeting will take place on 14-15 October in Paris.</p><p>The background: The EU played a key role in launching the G-20 leaders' process in 2008, and has provided much of the political impetus and substantive thinking that has established it as the premier forum for global economic coordination at the Pittsburgh summit in 2009. In 2011 France holds the presidency of the G-20. Mexico will hold the G-20 presidency in 2012.</p><p>6 The event: Participation of Commission President, José Manuel Barroso, and the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, in the G20 summit. Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France. Technical briefing off-the-record with the EU's G-20 Sherpa Antonio José Cabral, Member of Cabinet and senior adviser on economic and monetary affairs to Commission President Barroso, on Friday 28 October in the Berlaymont Press room, Brussels (time to be confirmed). Joint press conference of President Barroso and President Van Rompuy on Thursday, 3 November at 11.15 a.m. CET at the international media centre in Cannes. It will be transmitted live by EbS. Media accreditation has started. Accreditation forms for the press are available on the website of the French Presidency of the G20 and G8: www.g8-g20.com. Accreditation badges will be handed over at the Casino Palm Beach Accreditation Centre on presentation of the press card and/or an identity card. The Accreditation Centre opens at 9.00 on 31 October 2011. Further information Available on EbS</p><p>The sources: Letter by Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy to the other members of the European Council - MEMO/11/678 IP and MEMO on the G20 summit (forthcoming) G-20 section on President Barroso's website: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/president/g8-g20/index_en.htm Website of the French Presidency of the G-20 and G-8: http://www.g8-g20.com/g8-g20/g20/english/home.9.html Follow the President's press team on twitter: www.twitter.com/EU_Commission www.twitter.com/ECspokesKoen www.twitter.com/ECspokesPia www.twitter.com/ECspokesJens </p><p>The contacts Koen Doens +32 2 298 1566 [email protected] Pia Ahrenkilde-Hansen +32 2 295 3070 [email protected] Jens Mester +32 2 296 3973 [email protected]</p><p>7 Wednesday 9 November: The European Commission supports SMEs to go global </p><p>The news: The European Commission wishes to see more European small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to profit from the fast growing international markets. The new Communication aims at creating a new partnership between SME's and businesses worldwide "Small Business, Big World". The project is based on setting out a coherent and cost-effective EU strategy to make business support services dealing with internationalisation affairs more successful. Thus, that European SMEs take full advantage of new business opportunities worldwide.</p><p>The background: Currently, only 13 % of EU SMEs are internationally active outside the EU through trade, investment, outsourcing or other forms of cooperation with foreign partners. EU businesses in markets outside the EU face many challenges, from access to basic market information to detailed issues such as adjusting to new technical regulations and standards, managing technology transfer and protecting their IPR. </p><p>The event: Press conference by Vice-President Tajani (to be confirmed) IP will be available on the day.</p><p>The sources: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/index_en.htm I070899 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 1 I070900 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 2 I070901 Small and Medium Sized Enterprises - Parts 3</p><p>The contacts: Carlo Corazza: +32 (0)2 295 17 52 [email protected]</p><p>8 Wednesday 9 November: Taxation and customs: Multi-Annual Financial Framework proposals for 2014-2020 </p><p>The news: On 9 November 2011 the Commission will present a customs and taxation programme for the European Union. The new Customs-Fiscalis 2020 programme is designed to create and exchange information, knowledge and expertise between national customs and taxation administrations. The new programme will - protect the financial economic interest of the European Union through the fight against fraud, - strengthen the security and safety of the European Union, - facilitate trade and reduce compliance cost, - foster a uniform application of Customs Union law and convergence in tax administration, and - make national customs and tax administrations more effective and efficient. In this context, the programme will also sponsor the cooperation with international and other organisations, third countries and economic operators. The new programme will develop and operate a major trans-European IT system. The programme will in parallel develop a strong network of key national officials from across Europe. The trans-European IT network represents 75% of the programme's budget. It is a key element to support the smooth functioning of the internal market and the supervision of the flow of goods at EU external border by conveying the huge amount of information that national administrations need to exchange to this end. Thanks to the new programme, the trans-European IT networks will also leverage the latest technologies to foster IT consolidation and to drastically reduce the IT costs of the Member States and traders. This is a major asset and underlines the added value of the programme at EU level. The new Customs-Fiscalis 2020 Programme will contribute to the Europe 2020 Strategy for growth by strengthening the functioning of the Single Market and its Customs Union. By pushing technical progress and innovation, the new programme will also contribute to the establishment of a digital Single Market. </p><p>The background: On 29 June 2011, the Commission adopted a proposal for the next EU budget for the period 2014-2020 to help deliver the Europe 2020 Strategy (MEMO/11/468). The Customs-Fiscalis 2020 programme has the potential to successfully contribute to this Strategy. The proposed programme is the successor of both the Customs 2013 and Fiscalis 2013 programmes which end on 31 December 2013. The EU funded programme will support customs and tax cooperation in the EU based on two clusters. The first cluster allows for the exchange of good practices and operational knowledge amongst the Member States and other countries participating in the programme. The second cluster aims to enable funding of cutting-edge IT infrastructure and systems that allow customs and tax administrations in the EU to evolve to fully-fledged digital administrations. The event: Press material will be available on the day.</p><p>9 The sources: European Commission's website: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/index_en.htm </p><p>Commissioner's website: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/semeta/index_en.htm I-070427 Customs annual report</p><p>The contacts: Emer Traynor +32 2 292 15 48 [email protected] Natasja Bohez-Rubiano +32 2 298 15 21 [email protected] </p><p>10 Wednesday 9 November: Commission to announce the new Health and Consumer Programmes for 2014 - 2020</p><p>The news: On 9 November, the European Commission will unveil the new Health for Growth and Consumer Programmes which will run from 2014 to 2020. The Health for Growth Programme focuses on offering clear EU-added value and on further strengthening the link between economic growth and a healthy population. The Consumer Programme will support EU consumer policy in the years to come. It will contribute to the objective of placing consumers at the centre of the Single Market and empowering them to participate actively in the market and make it work for them.</p><p>The background: On 29 June, the proposal for the post 2013 multiannual financial framework was announced by President José Manuel Barroso and European Commissioner for Budget and Financial Programming, Janusz Lewandowski. The current Health and Consumer Programmes run until the end of 2013.</p><p>The event: Commissioner Dalli will make an announcement in the Press Room after the Midday press briefing on Wednesday 9 November (to be confirmed). A press release and MEMO will be available on the day. Available on EbS</p><p>The sources: For information on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 please see: http://europa.eu/press_room/press_packs/multiannual_financial_framework_2014_2020/index_en.htm For information on the 2008-2013 Health Programme "Together for Health" http://ec.europa.eu/health/programme/policy/index_en.htm </p><p>Commissioner John Dalli's website: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/dalli/index_en.htm </p><p>The contacts: Frédéric Vincent: +32 2 298 71 66 [email protected] Aikaterini Apostola: +32 2 298 76 24 [email protected] </p><p>11 Date to be confirmed: Commission proposes new rules on the safety of offshore oil and gas activities</p><p>The news: The Commission will propose new EU-level comprehensive requirements on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations. The aim is to reduce the risk of an offshore oil and gas accident in the EU waters and beyond and to limit the damage done by such an accident by enhancing the prevention and response measures and clarifying environmental liability issues. </p><p>The background: Today, offshore industry in different Member States operates to different environmental, health and safety standards. Despite action by some Member States to reform their systems after disasters in the North Sea in the 1980s there is still a significant risk of severe accidents in the EU. Moreover, the existing regulatory framework and operating practices do not provide for the most effective response to accidents. The Commission believes that EU level rules on licencing, control, prevention and response measures will significantly reduce the risk of an offshore accident and allow more efficient response in case of an accident. </p><p>The event: The Commission will propose a Regulation on the safety of offshore oil and gas prospection, exploration and production activities. IP and MEMO will be available on the day.</p><p>The sources: The Regulation and Impact Assessment will be published on Commissioner Oettinger's website: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_2010-2014/oettinger/index_en.htm I-067332 Security of the oil and gas activities offshore</p><p>The contacts: Marlene Holzner (+32 2 296 01 96) [email protected] Nicole Bockstaller (+32 2 295 25 89) [email protected]</p><p>12</p>
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