Final Draft Copy

Final Draft Copy

<p> Proclaim Story</p><p>Curriculum & Worship Script Revised May 1, 2015</p><p>1 Proclaim Story Proclaim Story - Leader Prep</p><p>Introduction God has a story. It is a love story. And all of God’s people have an important role in this story. The Gospel of Mark declares, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” As followers of Jesus, we are invited into this promise and sent to live out the rest of this story through discipleship.</p><p>At the ELCA Youth Gathering, each synod will come together in the afternoon on a designated day and location for Proclaim Story. Through storytelling, music, Bible study, interactive learning and worship, participants will dwell in God’s story, begin to articulate their own story, engage each other’s story, and be sent out to proclaim that Jesus = Good News.</p><p>Learning outcomes</p><p>Participants will demonstrate the capacity to articulate their unique witness as part of God’s story. This witness will include: ● Proclaiming that everything we do is “The beginning of the good news that is Jesus Christ….” and we get to live out the rest of the story. ● Claiming and valuing their baptismal identity. ● Learning to engage each other’s story. ● Framing our story within God’s story. ● Living together in the resurrection promise, we rise up and build bridges, bear burdens, break chains and bring hope.</p><p>Schedule Morning Congregations engage in small group conversations/activities in hotels/busses. 12:30 Doors open – music and activities 1:00 Kick-off Dwelling in God’s story (Mark 2) Articulation of Our story Engaging Each Other’s Story 3:00 Holy Communion 4:00 Sent forth to proclaim the good news</p><p>This script is written for 4 primary leaders. Please recruit as many leaders as you desire. Consider recruiting participants who will lead this session in an engaging, high energy, and passionate way. PLEASE INVOLVE YOUTH in these leadership roles! If possible, leaders should memorize these lines and deliver them like a storyteller. Remember, it takes high energy to engage high school students for two hours. There are opportunities in the script for the leaders to share a part of their story. Mindful of the time constraints, these generally ought to be limited to 1-2 minutes in length at the most. </p><p>2 Proclaim Story Chapters All of the curriculum “chapters” will be available on a flash drive and online. Prologue Doors Open Chapter One Countdown Chapter Two God Has A Story Chapter Three What Is A Synod? Chapter Four Bishop Video Chapter Five Our Story – A Story LifeLine Chapter Six God’s Story – Dwelling in the Word Chapter Seven Mark 2 “Get Up and Walk” Video OR Monologues Chapter Eight Other’s Story Chapter Nine Closing Chapter Ten Worship Epilogue Sent Forth to Proclaim the Good News</p><p>Special Instructions Proclaim Story Journal The journal will be the primary tool used during the Proclaim Story experience. At the back of the Proclaim Story Journal that each participant will receive, you will find additional information for individuals and congregations to use when they return home after the Gathering to continue to live out their story as part of God’s story. These resources will include:  A study guide on each of the baptismal covenant promises  Peer Ministry tips on how to listen to someone’s story  Talking points to reflect on your experience in Detroit  A study guide on the topic of racial justice Music - We encourage live music to be provided by your synod, especially utilizing the gifts of your youth. However, we know this can be a challenge in some settings. Music videos for both the curriculum and worship portions will be produced and provided by Rachel Kurtz for your use, as you choose. This resource will be available April 2015. </p><p>Videos—We encourage you to create your own videos that highlight stories from your own communities. We ask that you please include a story from Detroit for your Proclaim Story Day. We have provided a Detroit video for you on your memory stick. Social Media There is an invitation for participants to post a message on social media at the end of the curriculum, just prior to the beginning of worship. The social media address will be on the screen. However, you, as a synod, may choose to encourage participants to post throughout the day. If so, you will want to post the addresses during the Prologue, or even reference the addresses at the beginning of the curriculum. Be mindful individual congregations will have their own policies regarding the use of electronics. Small Group Conversations There are several times when participants are invited to turn to 2-3 others to share something they have written about or reflected on in their journal. Please emphasize the desire for these groups to be cross-generational. Adults are expected to participate fully, and not sit in the back of the room. In a hospitable way, please integrate adults as much as possible into the experience. 3 Proclaim Story 12:30-12:58</p><p>Proclaim Story Script Key</p><p>Plain text spoken aloud by the leader Bold spoken aloud by the assembly Italics stage direction Grey highlight A/V instruction (slide and video)</p><p>PROLOGUE </p><p>Play music (live or recorded) as people gather. </p><p>Consider songs used during the week of the Gathering, songs from synodical events, or new songs that connect with the theme of STORY. </p><p>Trained adults and/or youth will lead easy floor games with groups as they gather. These leaders will be stationed throughout the floor space. </p><p>Distribution of the journal and pens Each synod designates a certain number of adults (1 for every 50 participants) who will pass out materials as the doors open. (12:30-1:00). Bags with 50 of both items will be prepared by the Proclaim Story Volunteer Team. These bags will be available at a designated space in your ballroom.</p><p>4 Proclaim Story 1:00-1:05</p><p>CHAPTER ONE: Countdown</p><p>12:58-1:00</p><p>SLIDE 1 - Logo</p><p>SLIDE 2 - Video - “When the Saints” </p><p>SLIDE 3 - Video - “Holy Rollers Videos and Lyrics” (At 12:55 pm)</p><p>SLIDE 4 – Video – “Dance Intro Countdown (2 minutes)”</p><p>SLIDE 5: The Lord be with you. And also with you.</p><p>Leader One</p><p>The Lord be with you! And also with you.</p><p>Louder The Lord be with you! And also with you.</p><p>Louder The Lord be with you! And also with you.</p><p>Use this prayer or your own.</p><p>Let us pray. Good and Gracious God, you sent your son to be the beginning of the good news for the whole world. Thank you for this time together this afternoon, and for calling us together in Detroit to share the good news with each other, this community and the whole world. Bless our time with the power and presence of your Holy Spirit, as you call us to rise up together. And all of God’s people said, Amen.</p><p>SLIDE 6 – Video – “Proclaim Story intro”</p><p>SLIDE 7: Logo</p><p>5 Proclaim Story CHAPTER TWO: God Has a Story</p><p>1:05-1:10 </p><p>Leader welcomes the participants to the space for Proclaim Story. The leader(s) introduces themselves.</p><p>Leader One</p><p>Hello, (name of synod)!</p><p>I am (name of leader), and I am thrilled to be one of several people who will be leading us through Proclaim Story this afternoon. We are all excited to welcome you to this special time together. The other leaders will introduce themselves throughout the afternoon. </p><p>So why are we here? Well, today we are going to learn that Jesus is the good news, that God has a story and that YOUR story and MY story are part of GOD’S story. Knowing this, we can go out into the world and proclaim the good news! </p><p>Leader Two</p><p>Leader holds a 2015 Youth Gathering Bible in their hand when they say the following words.</p><p>God has a story!</p><p>SLIDE 8: Story</p><p>It is a huge story. A long story. And, every story has a plot. The plot in God’s story – is FULL of twists and turns. You’ve got everything in this story. Exotic locations – from perfect gardens to the desolate wilderness, mountains to flatlands, rivers and lakes to the raging seas.</p><p>You’ve got amazing action like no other story contains. War, murder, floods, exiles, homecomings, deceit, love, famine.</p><p>You’ve got a cast of thousands: beasts and wild creatures, queens and kings, slaves and free, heroes and villains – and a whole lot of people like you and me.</p><p>One character in this story is the beginning of the good news. It’s Jesus. The beginning of the good news is Jesus. And this good news? It’s for you.</p><p>SLIDE 9: For you</p><p>6 Proclaim Story Leader Three</p><p>So, I want you to do something with me today, any time you hear a leader shout, “Jesus is” – I want you to shout back, “good news!” </p><p>SLIDE 10: Jesus is...good news</p><p>Pause after you say this to allow people to process</p><p>Let’s try it:</p><p>Jesus is, (Pause – while they shout back) Good news!</p><p>I know you can do better than that!</p><p>Jesus is, Good news!</p><p>Jesus is, Good news!</p><p>SLIDE 11: Logo</p><p>Great job!</p><p>7 Proclaim Story CHAPTER THREE: What is a Synod?</p><p>1:10-1:13</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>This afternoon, we are here as the (name of synod). As the (name of synod)… </p><p>(PLAY VIDEO IMMEDIATELY after person says “synod” the second time.)</p><p>SLIDE 12: Video “What is a synod?”</p><p>Be prepared to move IMMEDIATELY into the video “What Is A Synod?” It will feel awkward if there is any delay. Again, feel free to add information about your own synod at the end of this video, or create your own.</p><p>SLIDE 13: Logo</p><p>8 Proclaim Story 1:15-1:231:13-1:15</p><p>CHAPTER FOUR: Bishop Video</p><p>What if your bishop will not be attending the Gathering? Have your bishop designate a representative and introduce that person in your own creative way.</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>As the (name of synod), we have our own story to tell back home. It is a cool thing to see this large network of faith that we have right here in this room. So today, we are going hear some stories, explore our own stories, and join in worship together. We hope you will leave here knowing that we all have a story – and our stories are all wrapped up in God’s story.</p><p>We have lots of great leaders in our synod. And as you heard in the video, one of those leaders is our bishop. And a bishop has their own story. (Play video)</p><p>SLIDE 14: Video – “Bishop Intro”</p><p>It is my honor to introduce our bishop, Bishop (name of bishop).</p><p>SLIDE 15: Picture of the bishop.</p><p>Greeting from the bishop – move to Slide 15 at the beginning of the Bishop’s speech.</p><p>SLIDE 16: Logo</p><p>Bishops share their faith story (8 minutes maximum). Here are some suggestions:  Share their faith story (including their story from their teen years).  How has the call to discipleship been part of the story?  Participants might enjoy your personal faith journey…which may include how they became a bishop.</p><p>9 Proclaim Story Bishop finishes their call story with these words:</p><p>…I was called to serve God’s world in this way. Each of you are called to serve God’s world your own way. How might you be called by God? What’s your story?</p><p>10 Proclaim Story CHAPTER FIVE: Story LifeLine</p><p>1:23-1:30</p><p>Leader Four</p><p>Thank you, Bishop. </p><p>To the audience:</p><p>What is your story? That is a great question. My name is (name of leader) and I am from (congregation, city), and part of my story includes…(share a brief part of your story). </p><p>So that’s a part of my story. What’s your story? Well, we’re going to get to that. But first, we need to make sure everybody has a Proclaim Story pen and a Proclaim Story journal – tools that will help you get in touch with your own story, because we all have a story to tell. Please raise your hand if you do not have a pen, a journal and a post-it note, and someone will come to you. </p><p>Have your greeters with bags of materials stationed throughout the floor for quick and easy distribution of materials for those who need them.</p><p>The leader pauses until all have their materials.</p><p>Please open the front cover of the journal to Page 1 and write your name on the line provided. Feel free to be creative and artistic in writing your name.</p><p>SLIDE 17: Journal with name and symbol box</p><p>In addition to your name – draw a symbol, image or picture that describes some part of who you are…some part of your story. Something about your family or your interests – you choose. </p><p>SLIDE 18: Examples of symbols, images, etc.</p><p>Maybe some of the images on the screen will help spark an idea. </p><p>Ready? GO!</p><p>SLIDE 19: Video – Rise Up Countdown (2 minutes) with no music”</p><p>Instrumental music is played during this time. </p><p>SLIDE 20: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>It may be effective to have 3-4 participants who are in the crowd yell the greeting “Jesus is” each time, rather than from the stage. Be sure to prep these participants that when the screen shows “Jesus is Good News” – they 11 yell the call and response severalProclaim times. Story From the crowd…</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>Repeat several times.</p><p>SLIDE 21: Logo</p><p>Leader One</p><p>You have a story. Your story is all about how you have been shaped and formed from the day you were born – how God has shaped and formed you. Everything about you – the awesome stuff and the tough stuff of your life – is so important to God and to others around you. Everyone has a story, or stories, because humans are storytellers by nature. </p><p>As I mentioned a little while I ago, my name is (name of leader) and I am from (congregation and city). Part of my story…(share a brief part of your story).</p><p>That’s part of my story. What’s your story?</p><p>Well, we are going to start looking at our own stories. And we are going to do this by creating your own personal Story LifeLine.</p><p>Turn to page 2 of your journal. </p><p>SLIDE 22: LifeLine Birth date and place</p><p>First, take just a minute to write the year and place you were born. </p><p>(Pause for enough time to write their birth place and date.)</p><p>And then, think about major events of your life and write those events on your timeline in chronological order like what is shown on the screen. </p><p>SLIDE 23: LifeLine with positive events</p><p>Think about those events that were really positive. Maybe a great report card, getting your driver’s license or permit, or winning an award, or meeting a person with great influence. Write these things above the line. </p><p>SLIDE 24: LifeLine with challenging events</p><p>Then, think about some of the tough stuff. Maybe it was moving away from friends, or a job loss in the family, or a broken relationship, or an illness, or even the death of a family member or friend. Mark those challenging events in your life below the line. </p><p>Before you begin with your LifeLine…listen to this person’s story.</p><p>SLIDE 25: Video – “Bishop Eaton LifeLine” Video</p><p>Now, take a few minutes to fill your LifeLine out. There will be a countdown on the screen. Know you can complete this after today so don’t rush. This is just a beginning. </p><p>12 Proclaim Story 1:30-1:38</p><p>Music is played as participants fill out their timeline. </p><p>SLIDE 26: Video “Rise Up Countdown (3.5 Minutes) with music” </p><p>SLIDE 27: Jesus is...good news</p><p>From the crowd:</p><p>Jesus is… Good news!</p><p>Repeat several times.</p><p>SLIDE 28: Logo</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>My name is (name of leader), and I am from (congregation and city). Part of my LifeLine included (briefly, share a few things from your LifeLine – or share what came to mind as you were filling it out). </p><p>That’s part of my story. What’s your story? </p><p>Your personal LifeLine is a work in progress. You can finish this in your hotel room, as a youth group, or when you return home. You can make this as detailed as you want, but just know that every part of your life means something. The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful – are all part of who you are. And Jesus wants ALL of you, not some parts of you, but ALL of you. We’ll come back to your timeline at the end of our day together. </p><p>But now…we’re going to Rise Up Together and sing a song to get us up and moving.</p><p>Song and stretch Band or music is played while participants are welcomed to stand and stretch. Invite students to sing together or simply stretch and mingle for a few minutes.</p><p>SLIDE 29 - Video - “This Little Light Video and Lyrics”</p><p>13 Proclaim Story CHAPTER SIX: Dwelling in the Word</p><p>1:38-1:46 </p><p>SLIDE 30: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>From the crowd:</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>SLIDE 31: Logo</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>Hey, everybody. My name is (name of leader), and am a member of (congregation, city). Part of my story…(share a brief part of your story).</p><p>That’s part of my story. What’s your story?</p><p>Well…just like you and me, God has a story. And believe it or not, just like you and me, it is filled with highs and lows. As we heard earlier, God’s story is a love story. And God’s love can be seen in the amazing stories we read in the Bible. Today, we are going to focus on one story in the second chapter of Mark – a story that reflects this good news. </p><p>Before we read this story we need some background of what happens before this story in Mark.</p><p>A video on Mark One is available to you. Otherwise, you may have 1-3 leaders share this creatively with the audience</p><p>SLIDE 32: Video – “Mark Chapter 1”</p><p>Leader Four (If leading from the stage)</p><p>The Gospel According to Mark has no story of Jesus’ birth. Instead, Mark’s story begins by describing Jesus’s adult life, introducing it with the words, “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1). </p><p>Mark’s Gospel begins with John the Baptist, who predicts the coming of a man more powerful than John. John baptizes Jesus, and when he does, the Holy Spirit says, “You are my Son, the Beloved.” </p><p>Immediately after his baptism, Jesus goes to the wilderness, where Satan tests Jesus for 40 days, and Jesus emerges the winner.</p><p>14 Proclaim Story Jesus travels to Galilee. He calls his first disciples – Simon, Andrew, James and John to follow him. He tells them that they will fish for people rather than fish. They all drop their nets and follow Jesus. </p><p>Jesus shows his authority in Galilee by healing a man with an unclean spirit, healing Simon’s sick mother-in-law, and cleansing a man with leprosy. Jesus’ miracles cause crowds that gather to watch him. The crowds become amazed, confused and fearful. The Pharisees and followers of Herod begin plotting to kill Jesus while Jesus remains focused on his ministry and mission. </p><p>So that is where we are before chapter 2 of the Gospel of Mark.</p><p>SLIDE 33: Logo</p><p>SLIDE 34: Mark 2:1-12 - Proclaim Story journal, page 6</p><p>Leader Four (or another reader if Leader 4 read live the “Mark One background”)</p><p>You are invited to turn to Mark, chapter 2 in your Bibles. You can also find these verses in your Proclaim Story journal on page 6. The story begins:</p><p>Have a person read this from Scripture – but someone who has rehearsed it so it might be read in a “storyteller” fashion. This could be an leader beyond the four other leaders.</p><p>When he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. 2So many gathered around that there was no longer room for them, not even in front of the door; and he was speaking the word to them. 3Then some people came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4And when they could not bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and after having dug through it, they let down the mat on which the paralytic lay. 5When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." 6Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, 7Why does this fellow speak in this way? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone? 8At once Jesus perceived in his spirit that they were discussing these questions among themselves; and he said to them, "Why do you raise such questions in your hearts? 9Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Stand up and take your mat and walk'? 10But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" — he said to the paralytic — 11I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go to your home. 12And he stood up, and immediately took the mat and went out before all of them; so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"</p><p>SLIDE 35: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>From the crowd…</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>15 Proclaim Story (Repeat a few times)</p><p>1:46-2:00</p><p>SLIDE 36: Logo</p><p>Leader One</p><p>So we’re going to spend some time with this story. When I say “go,” I would like you to find two or three other people and form a group. When you are in your groups, follow the directions that are on the screen and discuss the questions that are printed on page 7 of your Proclaim Story journal. Ready. ”Go!”</p><p>SLIDE 37: Circle all the characters in the story.</p><p>SLIDE 38: Rise up Countdown (5 Minutes) no music.</p><p>16 Proclaim Story CHAPTER SEVEN: Mark 2 Video OR Monologues </p><p>2:00-2:15</p><p>SLIDE 39: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>From the crowd…</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>(Repeat a few times)</p><p>SLIDE 40: Logo</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>This story is meaningful on so many different levels. What if the four people (friends or strangers) had never brought the man to Jesus? Have you ever needed healing so bad that you would do anything for it? Do you ever feel like the Pharisees and wonder where Jesus gets all of his authority? </p><p>OPTION ONE: “Get Up and Walk” Video</p><p>Consider this story told in a little different way. </p><p>The video “Get Up and Walk” is available to be shown. It is strongly suggested you use this video OR the following three monologues. After viewing the video, continue with the questions at time marker “2:30.”</p><p>SLIDE 41: Video: “Get Up and Walk” </p><p>OPTION TWO: Three Monologues </p><p>Consider this story told through the eyes of three people:</p><p>The three monologues can be performed by three individuals selected by the SLIDE 42: synod. These individuals should have these monologues rehearsed, Video: memorized and delivered like actors. Each monologue could be delivered at Monologues different places on the stage. Consider your microphone needs for this task. Or, use the recorded, professionally acted monologues provided to you on your Proclaim Story flash drive. </p><p>17 Proclaim Story #1 - The Paralyzed Man</p><p>I know, everyone stares at me: “There’s the guy that can’t walk, his legs don’t work… can’t help himself.”</p><p>People think I’m paralyzed because I did something bad, or God is punishing me for something my family did wrong. I don’t get it. What could I possibly have done to deserve this? </p><p>Everyone is so unforgiving and critical these days. It’s not like I don’t want to walk or I’m lazy. I’m paralyzed – I can’t work and I have to rely on strangers to help me every day, all day long. I can’t care for myself, get food or go anywhere without someone helping me. What if the people in my community who’ve been helping me get fed up and abandon me? What’ll happen to me then?</p><p>People around me seem so blessed; They’re able to get around and do whatever they want or need to do, including just feeding themselves. I want a life like that. I want to be blessed!</p><p>Maybe my blessing has something to do with a man called Jesus. I hear he is wandering around the villages doing amazing things – miracles and signs. People say he’s changing lives and healing people. I wonder if he could heal me… change me? I bet people would look at me and treat me differently then. If only I could meet him.</p><p>And then it happens… four people come to me, put me on a mat and lift me up. They carry me to Jesus. My waiting is over! What a blessing it is that these strangers came for me, care for me, love me and include me on their trip to see Jesus.</p><p>When we arrive there is such a mob of people surrounding Jesus – everyone wanting to be healed or something. There’s no room to squeeze me in, let alone get close to Jesus. But my friends are determined – relentless. They lift me up onto the roof, break through the roof, and lower me into the room right at the feet of Jesus.</p><p>The room got quiet – fast! Everyone gathered around us and stared. And, Jesus? He just looks at me and says, “Your sins are forgiven,” and then tells me to stand up.</p><p>Stand up! That’s it; that’s all! All these years my legs have been useless, and all he says is, “Get up and walk.” But there is something about his voice and how he speaks me, so calm and certain. So, I do it – I stand up and walk home.</p><p>I’ll never forget Jesus, the one who healed me. I want to tell everyone the great news about what he did for me.</p><p>18 Proclaim Story #2 - Four Friends </p><p>We had to see him – you know, Jesus! No way were we going to miss his visit after everything we’d heard about him and what he was doing.</p><p>We had to check out who he was and why he was getting everyone so stirred up and talking. What does he look like? What is he saying? And how does he perform those miracles and signs?</p><p>On our way we turned a corner and saw this man. His face was familiar to us. It turns out he was the paralyzed guy we always see lying on the street. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he really wanted to see Jesus, the one some people called the Healer.</p><p>We felt like we should pick him up and carry him with us to see Jesus, even though it would make us late.</p><p>When we arrived, there were people everywhere. But, we came all this way to see Jesus; we weren’t about to turn around and go home. So, we got the idea to climb to the top of the roof, cut a hole in it, and lower our paralyzed friend down next to Jesus.</p><p>The people in the room were furious. But, hey, it’s what we had to do to get our friend in to see Jesus – for all of us to see Jesus. Jesus blessed our paralyzed friend and healed him – we saw it with our own eyes! Jesus said that it was our faith that made him well. We’re not sure what that means. How could our faith possibly heal him?</p><p>Who is this Jesus? He’s healing the sick and blind, he’s blessing the poor, and he’s eating with outsiders and rejects. He really gets people worked up. They either love him or hate, this man they call: Prophet, Healer, Son of Man.</p><p>There was no way we were going to walk by this man and not take him with us to see Jesus. </p><p>19 Proclaim Story #3 - The Witness</p><p>I don’t know what to think or feel. I had been waiting for Jesus for such a long time – all of us had – and these four guys had the nerve to chop a hole in the roof and lower their friend down to Jesus. What were they thinking!? Who did they think they were!? They should have waited outside like everyone else had to do.</p><p>But Jesus didn’t send him away or ignore him.</p><p>Jesus surprised all of us when he simply looked at the paralyzed man and said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”</p><p>If that weren’t confusing enough, Jesus looked around at us and seemed kind of angry. Angry! We should be the angry ones! He just told a paralyzed man his sins were forgiven – what gives him the right or the authority to do that?</p><p>But Jesus looked right at the Scribes in the room and asked, “What is easier, to forgive sins or make a paralyzed man walk?”</p><p>It all seemed so unbelievable, and a bit confusing. Jesus said he was the Son of Man! Who is he?</p><p>All we know is that no matter what authority he has – a paralyzed man stood up and walked, after being lowered on a mat by four friends.</p><p>I don’t know about you, but most of us had never seen anything like this!</p><p>20 Proclaim Story 2:15-2:35 Following the “Get Up and Walk” video OR the Monologues.</p><p>SLIDE 43: Logo</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>Do you realize that this is YOUR story?</p><p>This story is about brokenness. It’s a story about healing. It’s a story about community.</p><p>It’s a story about new life. </p><p>SLIDE 44: The Good News = Jesus</p><p>And that new life is good news! And, the good news is ... </p><p>JESUS!</p><p>And Jesus comes for you and into your story! This is good news! </p><p>Where do you find yourself in this story? Do you relate to one of the characters in the story? What about the man on the mat? Or maybe it is the people who helped bring the man on the mat to Jesus – or one of the witnesses standing by. </p><p>SLIDE 45: Journal Page 8</p><p>Turn to page 8 in your journal. Reflect on the first questions on the top of page 8. It is also on the screen.</p><p>You may choose to play music as participants respond to the questions. Countdown (2 minute) will be on the screen.</p><p>Journal Questions: </p><p>Where do you find yourself in the story? Who do you relate to in the story and why?</p><p>SLIDE 46: Rise up Countdown (2 Minutes) no music.</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>Now, I invite you to find 2-3 other people around you, and share who you relate to in the story and why. You just have a few minutes…so don’t waste any time. </p><p>Countdown (3.5 minute) will be on the screen.</p><p>SLIDE 47: Rise up Countdown (3.5 Minutes) no music.</p><p>21 Proclaim Story SLIDE 48: Jesus is…Good News</p><p>From the crowd…</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>(Repeat a few times)</p><p>SLIDE 49: Logo</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>We can probably relate to several people in the story, but I want to ask if you think you might have something in common with that man on the mat? </p><p>The man in the story was paralyzed not only physically but emotionally as well. You and I can be paralyzed in many different ways. Perhaps you’ve been paralyzed by fear – afraid of people or doing new things. Or, have your been paralyzed by anger – like being so mad at someone or something that it is hard for you to move on or live your life. Or maybe you have been paralyzed by a friend or family member who has hurt you or betrayed your trust. We’ve all been paralyzed in some way. The things that paralyze us can be barriers to hearing Jesus’ good news.</p><p>SLIDE 50: Journal Page 8</p><p>Turn back to page 8 in your journal, and take time to write something that reflects on a time when you felt like there was a barrier between you and some really good news. You won’t be sharing this information with anybody this afternoon. This is for your own reflection. </p><p>Journal Questions: </p><p>When have you been paralyzed by anger, fear or hurt? What has been a barrier between you and knowing good news?</p><p>Countdown (3.5 minute) will be on the screen.</p><p>SLIDE 51: Video – Rise up Countdown (3.5 Minutes) no music</p><p>SLIDE 52: Logo</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>For me, there was a time when I was paralyzed by (fill in a brief example here). This became a barrier for me. Really, in one way, it became a barrier to the good news that God had in store for me. Things like fear and anger can be barriers to hearing the good news of God’s forgiveness if we only pay attention to the fear and anger. </p><p>I want you to take that post-it that was given to you earlier today and I invite you to write one word or a phrase of something that is a barrier – a barrier from experiencing the good news of Jesus. Maybe it is a word like the ones on the screen. </p><p>SLIDE 53: Barriers to Good News 22 Proclaim Story This can be something you relate to, or something you have seen as a barrier for others. (Prejudice, hate, misunderstanding, sin, lying, etc.) </p><p>Once you have finished writing a word or phrase, you are welcome to post it to one of the sheets of butcher block paper placed around the room. Then, return to your spot, or take this opportunity to move to a different location in the room, and meet some new people from our synod. Just remember to take all your items with you. </p><p>Countdown (5 minutes) will be on the screen. You may choose to play music during this time.</p><p>SLIDE 54: Video – “Rise up Countdown (5 Minutes) no music” </p><p>SLIDE 55: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>From the crowd…</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>(Repeat a few times)</p><p>SLIDE 56: Logo</p><p>Leader 4</p><p>Look at the butcher block paper – all those post-it notes are ways we named that are barriers to hearing the good news. You can see hundreds of words. Each of you have experienced a barrier to good news. We all have, in one way or another. And, honestly, it can really get us down. </p><p>But…those barriers are NOT the end of the story! Think back to the story in Mark that you heard today. The paralyzed man felt hopeless. But the good news is that there is hope in this story. The healing that took place for the man on that mat was about much more than his ability to get up and walk. His sins were forgiven by Jesus and the community helped him receive this healing. The four individuals brought the man to Jesus and literally made it possible for the man to experience healing and forgiveness. And with healing and forgiveness…came hope.</p><p>When have others helped you? When have you been on the mat and needed to be carried? </p><p>When have you seen yourself as a helper, like those who assisted the man on the mat? </p><p>When have you witnessed someone helping others that made an impact on you?</p><p>Think about a time that you have proclaimed good news to someone with confidence? </p><p>SLIDE 57: Journal, Page 8 & 9</p><p>Turn to the bottom of Page 8 and all of Page 9 in your journal, and take time to write down some answers to the rest of the questions. Spend a few minutes in your own personal reflection, and then I’ll invite you to turn to 2-3 others and share your thoughts as you choose. 23 Proclaim Story SLIDE 58: Video – “Rise up Countdown (3:5 Minutes) no music” </p><p>Instrumental music can be played during this time. Allow about 3:30 minutes for the participants to work on their own, and then…</p><p>Now turn to 2-3 others, either the same group or others you would like to meet. Share some of your thoughts as you choose. There will be a countdown on the screen.</p><p>SLIDE 59: Video - “Rise up Countdown (5 Minutes) no music”</p><p>Ok, Everybody. Lets Rise Up Together for a stretch break. </p><p>SLIDE 60: Logo</p><p>Stretch break </p><p>2:35-2:40</p><p>Band or music is played while participants are welcomed to stand and stretch. They are invited to sing together or simply stretch and mingle for a few minutes. Use this time as you think best for your synod. Suggested music video is:</p><p>SLIDE 61 - Video: “Make a Difference”</p><p>24 Proclaim Story CHAPTER EIGHT: Other’s Story</p><p>2:40-2:50</p><p>SLIDE 62: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>From the crowd:</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>(Repeat this several times.)</p><p>SLIDE 63: Logo</p><p>Leader One</p><p>Each of you have been called by Jesus in unique ways. You may not be aware of it. But God is living, moving and active in your life. Let’s hear some stories about how people have seen God’s love through Jesus in their lives.</p><p>We encourage you to create your own stories, either live from the stage or on video. However, we ask that you use the Detroit story in addition to your own.</p><p>Video: Kandis’ Story (YAGM)</p><p>SLIDE 64: Video - “Kandis’ Story (YAGM)”</p><p>Video: Grace In Action Detroit</p><p>SLIDE 65: Video – “Grace In Action Detroit”</p><p>Video: Rachel’s Story</p><p>SLIDE 66: Video – “Rachel’s Story”</p><p>SLIDE 67: Logo</p><p>These were great stories. You don’t have to go far to hear how Jesus is the good news. In fact, we have great stories in our own synod. </p><p>Today we welcome [name of person] a member of [name of congregation], who is going to share their story. </p><p>Choose a high school student from your synod. Have them share their story at this time. The goal is not to pick the student with the most “sensational” story but to provide a story that high school youth can relate to in a very real way. 25 Proclaim Story CHAPTER NINE: Closing</p><p>2:50-3:05</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>Let’s thank [name of storyteller] for sharing their story. </p><p>How about you? Can you name a time in your life where you experienced good news – a time when you experienced Jesus’ love for you? </p><p>Remember the people who brought the man to Jesus through the crowds and up to roof and lowered him so he could experience Jesus’ love? Think of the people in your life that have been friends like that for you. These are the people who have “carried” you in some way to Jesus and showed you an expression of Jesus’ love. And, these gestures can be a small or huge gestures. Consider these ideas you see on the screen. </p><p>SLIDE 68: Ideas (Pre-set animations for each word highlighted in the following paragraph</p><p>Maybe it was that person who sat with you in the cafeteria at school when you were sitting alone. Maybe it is a friend who always seems to have your back or listen to you when you need to talk. Maybe it is a parent, a neighbor, a teacher, someone from your congregation like your pastor or youth leader or the people who brought you to this Gathering. Maybe it is someone who has shared their story of faith that has had an impact on your life. </p><p>For me, I think about (share a brief story about someone who was/is an expression of Jesus’ love for you). </p><p>I invite you to take some time and think about a person or people in your life. Take a few minutes to write or draw something about this person on page 10 of your journal. </p><p>SLIDE 69: Proclaim journal page 10</p><p>A countdown will be on the screen.</p><p>SLIDE 70: Video – “Rise up Countdown (2 Minutes) no music”</p><p>Instrumental music can be played during this time. </p><p>Now take a few minutes to share what you choose with 2 people around you about the person who you thought about. </p><p>SLIDE 71: Video – ““Rise up Countdown (3:5 Minutes) no music”</p><p>SLIDE 72: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>26 Proclaim Story From the crowd:</p><p>Jesus is … Good news!</p><p>(Repeat this several times.)</p><p>SLIDE 73: Logo</p><p>Leader Three</p><p>Later today, I encourage you to send a text to the person you just wrote about – or take a picture of the page in your journal and send to them in the future. Let them know that they have been someone who has shown you the love and good news of Jesus. </p><p>Now I invite you to go back to your LifeLine on pages 2-3. </p><p>SLIDE 74: Proclaim journal pages 2-3</p><p>Draw a circle around your entire timeline and write the words “God’s story.” </p><p>Pause as they circle their LifeLine.</p><p>SLIDE 75: Logo</p><p>Your story is part of God’s story. Everything you are and created to be is important, and it is meant to be shared with the world. Your gifts are needed to share Jesus’ Good News.</p><p>Where we have been – our past – is a huge part of our story. But it is NOT the end of our story. God has more in store for you and me. </p><p>Who do you think God is calling you to be – beginning today? </p><p>Perhaps it’s being a really good friend – a friend who cares and listens to others, or to be honest with others. Perhaps it is something you are called to do, like taking on a leadership role in your congregation or in your school or to serve your community in some way. </p><p>Whatever that might look like for you, remember that you are a child of God, and you have been called to be a disciple of Jesus, which is a follower of Jesus.</p><p>Leader Four</p><p>But what does the disciple’s life look like? There are many ways to live as a disciple. Open your journals to Page 11. You will see a bunch of resources that are available for you to take home we call a Faith Toolbox. You can use these resources in your youth groups, with your family at home, or for your own reflection. </p><p>A significant gift in our toolbox is the baptism covenant. Turn to Page 13. </p><p>27 Proclaim Story SLIDE 76: Proclaim journal Page 13</p><p>A great way to describe how God calls us to live our daily lives are found in the words of the baptismal covenant. </p><p>Let us read these promises together that are found on Page 13: </p><p>Through baptism, we are called:</p><p>To live among God’s faithful people. To hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s supper. To proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed. To serve all people, following the example of Jesus, To strive for justice and peace in all the earth.</p><p>SLIDE 77: Logo</p><p>If these words sound familiar to you, it’s because they come right out of our baptismal liturgy and these words are from the service of Affirmation of Baptism. </p><p>Some of you heard these words when you publically affirmed your baptism – at your Confirmation. Some of you are preparing to say these words for your Confirmation Day. And for some of you, these may be new words. No matter where you are on your faith journey, we are all invited to continue in the covenant God makes with us in holy baptism.</p><p>Leader One</p><p>You are on a life-long journey with God. As Lutheran Christians, an important part of our journey is baptism. If you have not been baptized yet and would like to know more about baptism, we encourage you to talk to your parents, your pastor or youth leader. </p><p>Whether you are baptized or not, you are a child of God. As God’s children we are all called to live responding to Jesus’ good news by growing in faith, love, and devotion.</p><p>So, as a child of God, what might your future look like? This afternoon you’ve thought about your past and current lifeline. We want you now to think about your future lifeline. </p><p>Turn to Pages 14 & 15. Take a look at your Life Line that goes into the future. One way to think about your LifeLine, is connecting them to these baptismal promises.</p><p>SLIDE 78: Proclaim journal pages 14 & 15</p><p>To get you thinking about what your future, look at the words on the bottom of the page. We’ve listed examples of how you might live out these promises. After taking a minute to think about this, plot out a bit of what your future may look like on your lifeline. Maybe it will include some things from the bottom of the page. Or maybe you want to jot down something down in response to these questions on the screen.</p><p>SLIDE 79: Who is God Calling You to Be?</p><p>No matter what you think your future looks like, there are no right or wrong answers here. Again, you won’t be sharing this with others. This is just for you. 28 Proclaim Story Instrumental music can be played for 3:5 minutes. </p><p>SLIDE 80: Video – “Rise up Countdown (3:5 Minutes) no music” </p><p>SLIDE 81: Logo</p><p>Leader Two</p><p>We have been on a faith journey together this afternoon. You are part of God’s story. We are part of God’s story. </p><p>SLIDE 82: Jesus is ... good news</p><p>Jesus is… Good News!</p><p>And God needs you to share that Good news. Each of you have been given gifts to be a disciple in this world. Let’s begin our future LifeLine together as we share this story with our social media friends. </p><p>For those who have a device with them, when I say "Go" - take a moment to post to Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram what you think of when you hear: "Jesus is Good News.” Take a picture of a page in your journal, or write a word or phrase on one of the blank pages in the back and take a picture to post. </p><p>SLIDE 83: Social media addresses</p><p>Can you imagine the power of thousands of high school participants at one time posting simultaneously about the love of Jesus? If you don’t have a device available right now, take pictures with your camera of your group that you can post online later.</p><p>Ready? 1, 2, 3 – Go!</p><p>Please have volunteers clear a center aisle so that the bishop and assisting minister may enter worship.</p><p>Music begins – leading the assembly into worship song. </p><p>At this time, the worship leaders will take over and their leader will seamlessly enter into worship. The bishop and assisting minister are standing by the font. Those people assigned to holding the butcher paper boards earlier in the day will take their place.</p><p>29 Proclaim Story CHAPTER TEN: Worship</p><p>3:05-4:00</p><p>SLIDE 84: Jesus is Good news.</p><p>Bishop: Jesus is … All: Good news!</p><p>(Repeat several times.)</p><p>Bishop: I invite you to turn and face the font as we confess our sins and hear God’s gracious words of forgiveness. </p><p>SLIDE 85: Blessed be the holy Trinity….</p><p>Bishop: Blessed be the holy Trinity, one God, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures forever. Amen.</p><p>Confession and forgiveness</p><p>SLIDE 86: Confession and forgiveness</p><p>Bishop: Let us pray. Great and powerful God, nobody can escape your mercy. In Jesus, you called the paralyzed man your son. You gave him total forgiveness. Send us your Spirit to make us whole and forgive us, too.</p><p>Bishop: Just like the barriers we posted on the walls that keep us from experiencing the good news of Jesus, let us confess our sin in the presence of God and of one another.</p><p>Silence. </p><p>SLIDE 87: God of forgiveness…</p><p>God of forgiveness, We confess that we are stuck in sin. We have tried to keep your grace for ourselves. Have mercy on us</p><p>Silence</p><p>SLIDE 88: God of forgiveness…</p><p>30 Proclaim Story God of forgiveness, We have tried to hide you in a sanctuary. We have listened to people saying your mercy has limits. Have mercy on us.</p><p>Silence. </p><p>SLIDE 89: God of forgiveness…</p><p>God of forgiveness, We have felt like we were more worthy to receive your love than others,</p><p>SLIDE 90: And we have watched…</p><p>And we have watched our sisters and brothers made unwelcome in your church. Have mercy on us.</p><p>Silence. </p><p>SLIDE 91: God of healing…</p><p>God of healing, We know what kind of pain we cause, Because we have been excluded, too.</p><p>SLIDE 92: We have been…</p><p>We have been in places people say you have abandoned. We have believed your mercy might not reach us.</p><p>SLIDE 93: We have believed…</p><p>We have believed we were unworthy of your love. And we have felt unwelcome in the midst of your people.</p><p>SLIDE 94: God of healing…</p><p>God of healing, Make us whole.</p><p>Bishop: Sisters and brothers, There are no barriers to God’s grace. </p><p>SLIDE 95: Jesus is…Good News!</p><p>Jesus is good news!</p><p>One of the sheets of butcher block is torn down.</p><p>When it seems like we are nobodies,</p><p>31 Proclaim Story Jesus calls us children of God, because there are no barriers to God’s grace.</p><p>SLIDE 96: Jesus is…Good News!</p><p>Jesus is good news!</p><p>One of the sheets of butcher block paper is ripped down. </p><p>When our sin and pain seem like the only reality, Jesus takes them with him to die on a cross, because there are no barriers to God’s grace.</p><p>SLIDE 97: Jesus is…Good News!</p><p>Jesus is good news!</p><p>One of the sheets of butcher block paper is ripped down. </p><p>And when God raises Jesus up, Jesus takes us with him to have new life, because there are no barriers to God’s grace.</p><p>You know what that means – </p><p>SLIDE 98: Jesus is…Good News!</p><p>Jesus is good news!</p><p>One of the sheets of butcher black paper is ripped down. </p><p>In baptism Jesus has given us a sign that we are children of God, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and marked with the cross of Christ forever, called to shine Christ’s light, to worship God, and to proclaim the living word everywhere we go.</p><p>SLIDE 99: Jesus is…Good News!</p><p>Jesus certainly is good news!</p><p>Song during Procession “Beautiful Things” (Gungor)</p><p>SLIDE 100 - Video: “Beautiful Things Video and Lyrics” OR “Beautiful Things Lyrics Only </p><p>OR</p><p>SLIDES 101-110: Lyrics to “Beautiful Things” 32 Proclaim Story Procession (cross and Bible are processed during the song).</p><p>You are invited to bring your own processional cross. The Gathering will not be providing a cross for your room.</p><p>At the end, continue vamping the bridge, "you make me new ..." until processional to the stage area is done.</p><p>SLIDE 111: Prayer of the Day Prayer of the day Bishop: Let us pray. Merciful God, You make rivers of healing water in the deserts of this world. Wash away our sins, heal us where we are broken, and help us walk humbly with you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.</p><p>Word</p><p>SLIDE 112: Reading, Isaiah 43:18-21, 24b-25</p><p>Reading Isaiah 43:18-21, 24b-25</p><p>Song I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me, ELW 860 Verse 1</p><p>SLIDE 113: - Video: “I'm So Glad Vs 1 Video and Lyrics” OR “I’m So Glad Vs. 1 Lyrics Only”</p><p>OR</p><p>SLIDE 114: Lyrics to “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me”</p><p>Gospel reading Mark 2:1-12</p><p>SLIDE 115: The holy gospel according to Mark. Glory to you, O Lord.</p><p>Bishop: The holy gospel according to Mark. Glory to you, O Lord.</p><p>SLIDE 116: Gospel, Mark 2:1-12</p><p>Bishop: When [Jesus] returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home. 2So many gathered around that there was no longer room for them, not even in front of the door; and he was speaking the word to them. 3Then some people came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4And when they could not bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him; and after having dug through it, they let down the mat on which the paralytic lay. 5When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven." 33 Proclaim Story 6Now some of the scribes were sitting there, questioning in their hearts, 7Why does this fellow speak in this way? It is blasphemy! Who can forgive sins but God alone? 8At once Jesus perceived in his spirit that they were discussing these questions among themselves; and he said to them, "Why do you raise such questions in your hearts? 9Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Stand up and take your mat and walk'? 10But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins" — he said to the paralytic — 11I say to you, stand up, take your mat and go to your home. 12And he stood up, and immediately took the mat and went out before all of them; so that they were all amazed and glorified God, saying, "We have never seen anything like this!"</p><p>SLIDE 117: The gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.</p><p>Bishop: The gospel of the Lord. All: Praise to you, O Christ.</p><p>SLIDE 118: Sermon</p><p>Sermon Bishop</p><p>Song I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me, ELW 860 Verses 2 & 3 SLIDE 119 - Video: “I'm So Glad Vs 2-3 Video and Lyrics” OR “I’m So Glad Vs 2-3 Lyrics Only”</p><p>SLIDES 120-122: Lyrics to “I’m So Glad Jesus Lifted Me”</p><p>SLIDE 123: Prayers of Intercession: Jesus, our Good News. Hear our prayer.</p><p>Prayers of Intercession</p><p>Assistant: Called by Jesus to be good news, let us pray for the church, the world, and everyone in need.</p><p>Brief silence</p><p>Assistant: Creating God, when you made the world, you said it was very good. Help us to take care of your creation so that we can tell the story of your love. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Assistant: We praise you for life-giving water, and more than that we praise you for giving us new life in Jesus Christ. Shower us with your Spirit, and renew our lives with your forgiveness, grace and love. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Assistant: God of peace, heal those places in our world that are broken by violence, poverty, disease and natural disasters. Weave our stories with those of people who suffer in ways that we don’t fully understand so that we can be messengers of your love. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>34 Proclaim Story Assistant: Sustaining God, watch over your church here in this place and all around the world. Give us courage to boldly share the story of Jesus with a hurting world. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Assistant: Comforting God, bring your love and care for those who are hurting in mind, body or spirit. Use us to bear their burdens so that your hope may grow in their lives. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Assistant: God of grace, thank you for this time together in Detroit. Help us to know that our stories are so important to you, that you’ve made us a part of your story. Continue to bless the people of Detroit as they continue to live in the story of your love. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Assistant: God of all our years, we thank you for everyone who has gone before us, for their stories that have influenced our stories. Continue to keep them in your loving care. Jesus, our good news, All: Hear our prayer.</p><p>Bishop: Into your loving and caring hands, we place our prayers, O God, and ask you to bless and receive them for the sake of Jesus Christ, our good news. All: Amen.</p><p>Sharing of the peace</p><p>SLIDE 124: The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.</p><p>Bishop: The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.</p><p>Meal</p><p>Song (Gifts of bread and wine are brought forward) Come Let Us Eat, ELW 491</p><p>SLIDE 125 - Video: “Come Let Us Eat Video and Lyrics” OR “Come Let Us East Lyrics Only”</p><p>SLIDE 126-133: Come Let Us Eat Lyrics</p><p>Great Thanksgiving</p><p>SLIDE 134: The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.</p><p>Bishop: The Lord be with you. And also with you. 35 Proclaim Story Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord.</p><p>SLIDE 135: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.</p><p>Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.</p><p>SLIDE 136: Great Thanksgiving</p><p>Bishop: God our story teller from the beginning you have woven a story of love for your people. You created human beings in your image. You breathed your Spirit into us and gave us life. When sin damaged our relationship with you, you didn’t give up on us. You sent judges, kings and prophets to guide us down the right path. You loved us so much that you sent your only Son to come among us, to live with us, and to die for us, so our story could include life in you.</p><p>In the night in which he was betrayed, our Lord Jesus took bread, and gave thanks; broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying: Take and eat; this is my body, given for you. Do this for the remembrance of me.</p><p>Again, after supper, he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it for all to drink, saying: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, shed for you and for all people for the forgiveness of sin. Do this for the remembrance of me.</p><p>With this bread and cup, we remember your love for us. And we give you thanks that, through Jesus, the good news, our story will always be a part of your story. Send your Holy Spirit upon this meal. Come among us</p><p>Fill us with your grace and love so that we may be empowered to proclaim to the world through our words and our actions that Jesus is good news. </p><p>Through him all glory and honor are yours, Almighty Father, with the Holy Spirit, in your holy church, now and forever, Amen. </p><p>Lord’s Prayer</p><p>Bishop: Gathered into one by the Holy Spirit, let us pray as Jesus taught us.</p><p>SLIDE 137: The Lord’s Prayer</p><p>Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 36 Proclaim Story your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.</p><p>SLIDE 138: Save us from the time of trial…</p><p>Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.</p><p>Distribution </p><p>SLIDE 139 - Video: “Hallelujah” </p><p>SLIDE 140 - Video: “My Own Two Hands Video and Lyrics” OR “My Own Two Hands Lyrics Only”</p><p>SLIDE 141-149: My Own Two Hands" (Jack Johnson, Ben Harper)</p><p>SLIDE 150-155: All the Poor and Powerless (All the Sons & Daughters)</p><p>SLIDE 156-160: Must Be (Lost & Found) </p><p>SLIDE 161-168: "We Are Not Overcome" (Bifrost Arts, Isaac Wardell)</p><p>SLIDE 169: Communion prayer</p><p>Prayer after Communion AM: We give you thanks, O God, that you have fed our bodies and our hearts with this gift of life, the body and blood of your son, Jesus Christ. May we be inspired as we go from this place to tell the world your story of love and to proclaim through our lives that Jesus is truly good news for the world. Amen.</p><p>Sending </p><p>Commissioning to go and proclaim </p><p>SLIDE 170: Lord, you call us…</p><p>Bishop: Lord, you call us to build bridges. Give us feet to cross over all that divides us. 37 Proclaim Story</p><p>You call us to bear burdens. Give us strong backs to carry all that weighs us down.</p><p>SLIDE 171: The following words…. You call us to break chains. Give us hearts to love all those chained in the darkness.</p><p>SLIDE 172: The following words….</p><p>You call us to bring hope. Give us clear voices to share your love with the world.</p><p>SLIDE 173: The following words….</p><p>Send us to share your love in the world: to feed those who are hungry, bind the wounds of those who hurt, dry the tears of those who weep, and lift up those who have fallen. Teach us to remember that the love we share is yours, the good we do is yours, and the work we complete is yours. Amen!</p><p>SLIDE 174: Blessing</p><p>Blessing Bishop: May the God of life inspire you, the God of hope encourage you, and the God of love fill your hearts with joy, now and forever. Amen.</p><p>Closing song </p><p>SLIDE 175: Video – “Rise up Video and Lyrics” </p><p>OR </p><p>Slides 176-180: “Rise Up” (Rachel Kurtz)</p><p>Sending</p><p>Slide 181: Logo</p><p>AM: When we are baptized, we are claimed and marked as Christ’s own forever. To help us remember that Christ has claimed us and sends us out to care for his world, to proclaim that Jesus is good news - we will each receive a “Jesus is Good News” temporary tattoo. After the sending, please move to one of the communion stations to receive your tattoo. </p><p>38 Proclaim Story Slide 182: Rise up together…</p><p>Rise up together! Go in peace to build bridges, bear burdens, break chains and bring hope!</p><p>Thanks be to God!</p><p>Slide 183: Move to the communion stations…. </p><p>EPILOGUE </p><p>4:00</p><p>Play music as people leave – live or recorded </p><p>Consider songs used during the week of the Gathering, songs from synodical events, or new songs that connect with the theme of STORY.</p><p>39 Proclaim Story</p>

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