<p>SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE SHIRE OF MULLEWA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 20 JUNE 2001.</p><p>I N D E X</p><p>0106.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS:...... 3 0106.2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE:...... 3 0106.3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE:...... 3 0106.4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME:...... 3 0106.5 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE:...... 3 0106.6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:...... 4 0106.7 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD 16 MAY 2001...... 4 0106.8 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD 16 MAY 2001...... 4 0106.9 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING PERSON WITHOUT DISCUSSION:...... 4 0106.10 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS/SUBMISSIONS:...... 4 0106.11 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES:...... 4 0106.12 REPORTS OF OFFICERS:...... 4 0106.13 HEALTH, BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING:...... 4 0106.14 BUILDING APPLICATIONS...... 4 0106.15 SECURITY FENCING – USE OF...... 5 0106.16 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEDICAL BUSINESS UNIT – ESTABLISHMENT OF...... 5 0106.17 ABORIGINAL HOUSING LIVING STANDARD – CONCERN AT...... 5 0106.18 MULTI PURPOSE HEALTH SERVICE (MPS) – HAND OVER OF HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE SPONSORSHIP...... 6 0106.19 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING.....6 0106.20 LOT 116/24 BURGES STREET - VANDALISM...... 6 0106.21 NATIONAL COMPETITION POLICY REVIEW OF THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1988...... 6 0106.22 TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO. 1 – AMENDMENT NO. 1...... 7 0106.23 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS & GARDENS:...... 7 0106.24 WORK SUPERVISOR’S REPORT...... 7 0106.25 PLANT REPORT...... 7 0106.26 MULLEWA STREETSCAPE – CONDITION OF...... 7 0106.27 FUNDING REVIEW PROJECT – OVERVIEW...... 8 0106.28 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:...... 8 0106.29 RATES CONCESSION 2001/2002 – REQUEST FOR...... 8 0106.30 EFTPOS AGREEMENT – CAMS...... 8 0106.31 FINANCE REPORT 31 MAY 2001...... 8 0106.32 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS & GARDENS:...... 9 0106.33 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING.....9 0106.34 ROADS – CONDITION OF...... 9 0106.35 ERANGY SPRING ROAD – ILLEGAL CLEARING OF...... 9 0106.36 MEETING RECONVENED...... 10</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 1 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.37 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:...... 10 0106.38 DELEGATED AUTHORITY – FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE...... 10 0106.39 DELEGATED AUTHORITY - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER...... 10 0106.40 DELEGATED AUTHORITY – MANAGER HEALTH/BUILDING...... 11 0106.41 ANNUAL RESOLUTIONS – ADOPTION OF...... 11 0106.42 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY PLAN 2001/02 – 2004/05 – ADOPTION OF...... 12 0106.43 NORTHERN DISTRICTS COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP – BUDGET CONSIDERATION..12 0106.44 COMMONWEALTH BANK – APPLICATION FOR INTERNET PAYMENT GATEWAY WITH.12 0106.45 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOMINATIONS FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BOARDS – 2001 PROCESS...... 12 0106.46 2002 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – PARTICIPATION IN...... 13 0106.47 PURCHASE OF PLANT – LOAN 103...... 13 0106.48 VISIT OF DR EDWARD DE BONO – CONTRIBUTION TO...... 13 0106.49 NATIONAL WAGE INCREASE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT – APPLICATION OF...... 13 0106.50 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING...14 0106.51 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS...... 14 0106.52 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT – JUNE 2001...... 14 0106.53 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING:. .15 0106.54 DOG PROBLEMS – MONETARY ASSISTANCE...... 15 0106.55 RESERVE FUND TRANSFER – REQUEST FOR...... 15 0106.56 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER – EMPLOYMENT OF...... 15 0106.57 LOTTERIES COMMISSION – DISABLED FUNDING...... 15 0106.58 CARNARVON-MULLEWA ROAD – REMOVAL OF TREE...... 15 0106.59 LEAVE OF ABSENCE – REQUEST FOR...... 16 0106.60 MULLEWA TOURIST BUREAU – REQUESTS FROM...... 16 0106.61 MULLEWA RUBBISH TIP SITE FENCE – REPAIRS TO...... 16</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 2 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF THE SHIRE OF MULLEWA HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ON WEDNESDAY 20 JUNE 2001.</p><p>0106.1 DECLARATION OF OPENING/ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS:</p><p>1:06pm – The President declared the meeting open.</p><p>0106.2 RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/APPROVED LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>PRESENT:</p><p>Councillor A J Messina – President (West Ward) Councillor M R Doherty – Deputy President (North Ward) Councillor F W Newman (South West Ward) Councillor B I N Thomas (East Ward) Councillor M W Steele (South Ward) Councillor P T Freeman (Central Ward) Councillor G R Jenkin (Central Ward) Councillor L M Newman (East Ward) Councillor J B Thurkle (Central Ward) Councillor L J Wainwright (Central Ward) Councillor N D Johnstone (South Ward)</p><p>OFFICERS:</p><p>Mr G S Wilks – Chief Executive Officer Mrs K L Steele – Office Manager</p><p>APOLOGIES:</p><p>Nil</p><p>LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>Nil</p><p>0106.3 RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE:</p><p>Nil</p><p>0106.4 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME:</p><p>The President opened the meeting for public questions. No questions were received.</p><p>0106.5 APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE:</p><p>Nil</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 3 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.6 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:</p><p>0106.7 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING HELD 16 MAY 2001</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>That the minutes of the Special Council meeting held on 16 May 2001, as printed, be confirmed.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.8 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING HELD 16 MAY 2001</p><p>Moved: F W Newman Seconded: B I N Thomas</p><p>That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 16 May 2001, as printed, be confirmed.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>1:25pm – Mr David Hadden, Council’s Manager Health/Building, entered the meeting.</p><p>0106.9 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE PRESIDING PERSON WITHOUT DISCUSSION:</p><p>Nil</p><p>0106.10 PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS/SUBMISSIONS:</p><p>A petition was received from the Mullewa community objecting to the removal of the painted flower pots that were situated around the town. In the view of the petitioners the pots enhanced the appearance of the town in a unique and appropriate manner.</p><p>Councillor Wainwright advised that as a concerned parent she approached the Principal of Mullewa District High School with regard to the petition to voice her concern that young children were signing the petition. Councillor Wainwright suggested to the Principal that it would have been appropriate to inform parents of the petition prior to it being signed by young primary aged children.</p><p>0106.11 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES:</p><p>Nil</p><p>0106.12 REPORTS OF OFFICERS:</p><p>0106.13 HEALTH, BUILDING AND TOWN PLANNING:</p><p>0106.14 BUILDING APPLICATIONS</p><p>COUNCIL That the report of building activities for the month of May 2001 DECISION: showing no building licences processed, be received.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 4 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.15 SECURITY FENCING – USE OF</p><p>Moved: N D Johnstone Seconded: L J Wainwright</p><p>COUNCIL That delegated authority be given to the Chief Executive Officer to DECISION: install short barbed tape instead of barbed wire wherever necessary to better secure Council properties.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.16 LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEDICAL BUSINESS UNIT – ESTABLISHMENT OF</p><p>2:00pm – Councillors Messina and Freeman advised that they have an interest in land ownership in Thomas Street and left the meeting and did not participate in discussion or vote on the matter 2:00pm – Councillor Doherty became the Presiding Person</p><p>Moved: F W Newman Seconded: N D Johnstone</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: A new medical facility be developed in Thomas Street Mullewa; The action of the Shire President and Chief Executive Officer in undertaking an Offer and Acceptance with Mr H P Barden for the purchase of Mullewa Lots 17 and Part Lot 12 for the sum of $6,000.00, including the affixation of the Municipal Seal, is endorsed; The Shire President and Chief Executive Officer seek to negotiate with the owners of Lot 18 (both parts) Thomas Street and be given authority to effect such purchases as in their view are appropriate for the establishment of a medical facility; Funds under the Regional Health Services Program grant be received and disbursed and subsequently acquitted in accordance with the Deed of Agreement between the Commonwealth and the Shire of Carnamah representing the North Midlands Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils, and The Chief Executive Officer be given authority to develop plans for subsequent presentation and endorsement by Council of a new medical facility incorporating sufficient area to allow for visiting medical practitioners and other allied health professionals.</p><p>CARRIED 9/0</p><p>2:05pm – Councillor Messina returned to the meeting and resumed the Chair.</p><p>0106.17 ABORIGINAL HOUSING LIVING STANDARD – CONCERN AT</p><p>2:06pm – Councillor Freeman returned to the meeting.</p><p>Moved: N D Johnstone Seconded: L J Wainwright</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 5 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>COUNCIL That the Mullewa Community Aboriginal Corporation: DECISION: be thanked for its correspondence, and advised of the actions being taken by the Mullewa Shire Council in support of resolving issues associated with the housing of Aboriginal persons within the Mullewa community including reference to its meeting with representatives of the Mullewa Economic Employment Development Aboriginal Corporation.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.18 MULTI PURPOSE HEALTH SERVICE (MPS) – HAND OVER OF HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE SPONSORSHIP</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: P T Freeman</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION the Mullewa Home and Community Care service sponsorship be transferred from the Mullewa Shire Council to the Mullewa Health Service with an effective date of 1 July 2001, and the Chief Executive Officer be given delegated authority to undertake such transfer of assets and other arrangements that are considered necessary in order to give effect to this action.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.19 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING</p><p>0106.20 LOT 116/24 BURGES STREET - VANDALISM</p><p>Councillor Thomas through the President requested that the Manager Health assess and report on the state of Lot 116 Burges Street. There is concern that as the property is unoccupied it may be subject to vandalism.</p><p>0106.21 NATIONAL COMPETITION POLICY REVIEW OF THE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1988</p><p>2:20pm – Councillors Freeman, Messina and Thurkle advised that they have interests associated with Licenced Premises and left the meeting and did not participate in discussion or vote on the matter. Councillors Freeman and Messina also advised the meeting that they have a proximity interest in Item 10.3.6. 2:20pm – Councillor Doherty became the Presiding Person</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: Western Australian Municipal Association and Health Department of WA be advised of Council’s objection to recommendation 7(1) as found in the Competition Policy Review of the Liquor Licensing Act 1988, and</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 6 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p> That no delegations under this Act be accepted until all stakeholders are in agreement on the levels of delegation, after a full and proper consultation process has been finalised.</p><p>CARRIED 8/0</p><p>2:24pm – Mr Hadden left the meeting. 2:24pm – Councillor Thurkle returned to the meeting</p><p>0106.22 TOWN PLANNING SCHEME NO. 1 – AMENDMENT NO. 1</p><p>2:25pm – Councillors Johnstone and Wainwright declared a proximity interest in Mullewa Town Lot 272 and left the meeting and did not participate in discussion or vote on the matter</p><p>Moved: M W Steele Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>COUNCIL That in pursuance of Section 7 of the Town Planning and DECISION: Development Act 1928 (as amended) the Mullewa Town Planning Scheme No. 1 is amended by rezoning Pt Reserve 24735 (Mullewa Town Lot 272) from ‘Railway Purposes’ to ‘Service Industrial’.</p><p>CARRIED 7/0</p><p>2:27pm – Councillor F Newman left the meeting 2:29pm – Councillors Freeman, Thurkle, Wainwright, Johnstone, Messina and F Newman returned to the meeting. 2:29pm – Councillor Messina resumed the Chair</p><p>0106.23 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS & GARDENS:</p><p>0106.24 WORK SUPERVISOR’S REPORT</p><p>COUNCIL That the Works Supervisor’s Report incorporating the Parks and DECISION: Gardens activities be received.</p><p>0106.25 PLANT REPORT</p><p>COUNCIL That the Plant Mechanic’s report be received. DECISION:</p><p>0106.26 MULLEWA STREETSCAPE – CONDITION OF</p><p>The correspondence was received.</p><p>COUNCIL The Council determined that the Chief Executive Officer place the planter DECISION: pots in such positions as are necessary to restrict vehicular access. The corner of Maitland Road and Gray Street was identified as one such location.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 7 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.27 FUNDING REVIEW PROJECT – OVERVIEW</p><p>COUNCIL Moved: P T Freeman Seconded: M R Doherty DECISION: That the document from Fire and Emergency Services Authority providing an overview of the collection of an Emergency Services Levy be received and that the Voluntary Fire Levy remain for the next financial year.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>2:55pm – Councillor Freeman left the meeting 2:59pm – Councillor Freeman returned to the meeting</p><p>Councillor Freeman reported to Council that he had spoken to Manager Health/Building regarding Lot 116 Burges Street and Mr Hadden advised that he had been informed by the son of the property owner that the house will be boarded up to stop people entering the premises, at the weekend.</p><p>0106.28 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:</p><p>0106.29 RATES CONCESSION 2001/2002 – REQUEST FOR</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL That the CWA property, Assessment No. 474, continue to be treated DECISION: as a non-rateable property.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.30 EFTPOS AGREEMENT – CAMS </p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: J B Thurkle</p><p>COUNCIL That the Deed of Acknowledgement and Disclaimer between the DECISION: Mullewa Shire Council and CAMS to operate an EFTPOS facility through the Commonwealth Bank be endorsed and executed.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.31 FINANCE REPORT 31 MAY 2001 </p><p>Moved: L M Newman Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL That the abbreviated Financial Report as at 31 May 2001 showing an DECISION: unrestricted fund bank balance of $243,575.35 be received.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>3:02pm – Mr Bob Roden, Council’s Works Supervisor, entered the meeting.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 8 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.32 WORKS, PLANT, PARKS & GARDENS:</p><p>0106.33 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING</p><p>0106.34 ROADS – CONDITION OF</p><p>Grima Road – Councillor L Newman advised that Grima Road is very slippery when wet as it is clay. The Works Supervisor advised that the problem cannot be rectified until the road is saturated at least 3 – 4” below the surface.</p><p>Tenindewa North Road – Councillor Thomas advised that the northern end of the Tenindewa North Road is very rough. The Works Supervisor informed Council that the road will be graded tomorrow.</p><p>Williams Road – Councillor Thomas enquired about the dip on Williams Road adjacent to the Bone property. The Works Supervisor advised that this problem will be rectified in the near future.</p><p>Gravel Supplies – Councillor Thomas asked if the Works Supervisor was experiencing trouble obtaining gravel from Pindar. Mr Roden advised that he was still negotiating with farmers in the district and advised that the dozer is at Tardun cleaning the rubbish site.</p><p>Mr P McIntyre – Access to Property – Councillor Thomas advised that Mr McIntyre has approached her regarding the construction of a road at the east end of the wheat bin to provide easier access to his property. The Chief Executive Officer advised that appropriate access will be provided in the near future. The Works Supervisor has inspected the road recently and the grader has commenced preliminary work and the problem will be rectified within the next two weeks.</p><p>3:12pm – Councillor Jenkin left the meeting 3:14pm – Councillor Jenkin returned to the meeting</p><p>0106.35 ERANGY SPRING ROAD – ILLEGAL CLEARING OF</p><p>3:17pm – Councillor F Newman declared a proximity interest in this matter and left the meeting and did not participate in discussion or vote on the matter.</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer presented a letter from the Mullewa Land Conservation District Committee regarding the clearing of 18 hectares of bush on Erangy Spring Road east. The Committee requests that Council investigate the clearing. The Chief Executive Officer advised that correspondence was forwarded to the proprietor in April requesting an explanation.</p><p>Councillor Doherty advised that not only has the land been cleared but it has also been cropped. Councillor Thomas suggested that this may be a CALM matter. Councillor Freeman advised that the land in question was cleared three years ago. Councillors Doherty and Messina advised that Council can insist the proprietor revegetate the said land.</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: L M Newman</p><p>COUNCIL That Mullewa Land Conservation District Committee, Department of DECISION: Conservation and Land Management and the Mullewa Shire Council liaise with the landowner to have him undertake revegetation of the road reserves.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 9 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>CARRIED 10/0</p><p>MEETING ADJOURNED FROM 3:37PM TO 3:56PM</p><p>0106.36 MEETING RECONVENED</p><p>PRESENT:</p><p>Councillor A J Messina – President (West Ward) Councillor M R Doherty – Deputy President (North Ward) Councillor F W Newman (South West Ward) Councillor B I N Thomas (East Ward) Councillor M W Steele (South Ward) Councillor P T Freeman (Central Ward) Councillor G R Jenkin (Central Ward) Councillor L M Newman (East Ward) Councillor J B Thurkle (Central Ward) Councillor L J Wainwright (Central Ward) Councillor N D Johnstone (South Ward)</p><p>OFFICERS:</p><p>Mr G S Wilks – Chief Executive Officer Mrs K L Steele – Office Manager</p><p>0106.37 FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE:</p><p>0106.38 DELEGATED AUTHORITY – FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSE COMMITTEE</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>COUNCIL As the Finance and General Purpose Committee is no longer in DECISION: existence the following delegation, having been reviewed in accordance with Section 5.18 of the Act, is hereby terminated:</p><p> Authority to approve the payments of vouchers submitted in the monthly list of accounts.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.39 DELEGATED AUTHORITY - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER </p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: M W Steele</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: the delegations to the Chief Executive Officer having been reviewed in accordance with Section 5.46 of the Act, the</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 10 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p> following are still considered current:</p><p> 9505.45 – Authority to approve to persons to conduct a funeral in accordance with Section 20 of the Cemeteries Act. 9505.45 – Authority to approve the laying down of pipelines under road reserves in accordance with Council policy. 9505.45 – To approve the issuing of permits for gates in accordance with Council Policy 9505.45 – The issuing of permits for usage of road trains within the Mullewa Shire in accordance with Council Policy. 9505.45 – Authority to have designated staff issue Council Purchase Orders 9705.58 – To speak on behalf of, and represent the views of the Mullewa Shire Council with the media and other third parties as appropriate. 9909.08 – Authority to approve the installation of satellite dishes in accordance with the Policy. 9910.24 – To make payments from the Municipal, Trust and Reserve Accounts. 9910.24 – Authority to donate Council’s resources on small community works. 9910.24 – Authority to approve consumption of liquor at Council facilities. 9910.24 – Authority to implement expenditure in accordance with the Budget and other matters. 9910.24 – Authority to issue Building Stop Work Orders 0010.23 – Authority to make payments from the Municipal Fund or the Trust Fund Bank Accounts up to $20,000.00.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.40 DELEGATED AUTHORITY – MANAGER HEALTH/BUILDING </p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: L M Newman</p><p>COUNCIL That the delegations to the Manager Health/Building having been DECISION: reviewed in accordance with Section 5.46 of the Act, the following are still considered current:</p><p> 9910.24 – Authority to approve all applications for Building Licences in accordance with Council policy.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.41 ANNUAL RESOLUTIONS – ADOPTION OF</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: L J Wainwright</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: Valuations as supplied by the Valuer General’s Office for 2001/2002 be adopted, and</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 11 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p> Depreciation policy and rates as given</p><p> be adopted.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.42 PRINCIPAL ACTIVITY PLAN 2001/02 – 2004/05 – ADOPTION OF</p><p>Moved: G R Jenkin Seconded: B I N Thomas</p><p>COUNCIL That the draft Principal Activities Plan for the Mullewa Shire Council DECISION: for the years 2001/02 to 2004/05 be received.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.43 NORTHERN DISTRICTS COMMUNITY SUPPORT GROUP – BUDGET CONSIDERATION</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: P T Freeman</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: The 1999/2000 Annual Report of the Northern Districts Community Support Group be received, and Consideration be given to financial support in the 2001/2002 budget deliberations.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.44 COMMONWEALTH BANK – APPLICATION FOR INTERNET PAYMENT GATEWAY WITH</p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: L M Newman</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: the Internet Payment Gateway Agreement with the Commonwealth Bank be endorsed, and the Cardgate Pty Ltd Agreement be rescinded.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.45 LOCAL GOVERNMENT NOMINATIONS FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION BOARDS – 2001 PROCESS</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: L M Newman</p><p>COUNCIL That no nominations be made for the local government vacancy to DECISION: the Mid West Development Commission Board be made.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 12 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.46 2002 ANNUAL CONFERENCE – PARTICIPATION IN</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: P T Freeman</p><p>COUNCIL That the Chief Executive Officer make a budgetary provision of DECISION: $2,000.00 in 2001/2002 to allow attendance of Councillors and senior staff at the proposed Northern Ward Country Shire Council’s Association Conference in March 2002.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.47 PURCHASE OF PLANT – LOAN 103</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: P T Freeman</p><p>COUNCIL That DECISION: The sum of $170,000.00 be borrowed from the Western Australian Treasury Corporation over a four year term at 5.95% with six monthly repayments of $24,192.05 for plant purchase, and The Shire President and the Chief Executive Officer be authorised to affix the Municipal Seal to the loan documents.</p><p>CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 11/0</p><p>0106.48 VISIT OF DR EDWARD DE BONO – CONTRIBUTION TO</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: B I N Thomas</p><p>COUNCIL That the action of the Shire President and the Chief Executive DECISION: Officer in supporting the visit of Dr Edward de Bono to Mullewa on Tuesday 19 June 2001 through the allocation of $650.00 of Municipal funds and the availability of staff resources is endorsed.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.49 NATIONAL WAGE INCREASE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT – APPLICATION OF</p><p>Moved: B I N Thomas Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>COUNCIL That the recently arbitrated safety net adjustments as determined DECISION: by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission with respect to the Local Government Officers’ Award and the Municipal Employees’ Award be payable to all employees of the Mullewa Shire Council in accordance with the decision.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 13 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.50 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING</p><p>0106.51 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT AND SPECIAL PAYMENTS </p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: M W Steele</p><p>COUNCIL That the accounts numbered DECISION: Trust Fund 0049 – 0057 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 5413 – 5417 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 5508 – 5540 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 5562 – 5648 (inclusive) Direct Debit 23.05.2001, 06.06.2001</p><p> totalling $267,545.57, and Special Payments numbered</p><p>Trust Fund 0049 – 0057 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 5413 – 5417 (inclusive) Municipal Fund 5508 – 5540 (inclusive) Direct Debit 23.05.2001, 06.06.2001</p><p> be passed for payment, subject to no irregularities being detected at signing.</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>0106.52 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT – JUNE 2001</p><p>4:29pm – Councillor Thurkle left the meeting 4:30pm – Councillor Thurkle returned to the meeting</p><p>Moved: M R Doherty Seconded: G R Jenkin</p><p>That the Chief Executive Officer’s report for the month of June 2001 be received:</p><p> Forthcoming Meetings 31.05.2001: Northern Ward Country Shire Councils’ Association 31.05.2001: Central Sub Group of the Regional Road Group 09.06.2001: Road Train Summit 14.06.2001: Dog Control – Mullewa Shire 15.06.2001: Mid West Regional Road Group</p><p>CARRIED 11/0</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 14 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.53 NEW BUSINESS OF AN URGENT NATURE INTRODUCED BY DECISION OF MEETING:</p><p>0106.54 DOG PROBLEMS – MONETARY ASSISTANCE</p><p>4:45pm – Councillors Messina, Freeman, Wainwright, Johnstone declared an interest as either participants in the scheme or with an insurable interest in the stock (Johnstone) and left the meeting and did not participate in discussion or vote on the matter 4:45pm – Councillor Doherty became the Presiding Person</p><p>The Chief Executive Officer presented a letter from Mr Brendan Rowe regarding dog problems on rural properties.</p><p>Councillor Thurkle advised that he had received a phone call from farmer, Robert Jenkin, suggesting that Council pay for half the cost of a professional dogger. The dogger charges $190.00 per day.</p><p>Moved: J B Thurkle Seconded: F W Newman</p><p>That Council contribute half of the cost of a professional dogger to the maximum of $1,000.00.</p><p>CARRIED 7/0</p><p>4:59pm – Councillors Freeman, Messina, Wainwright and Johnstone returned to the meeting</p><p>0106.55 RESERVE FUND TRANSFER – REQUEST FOR </p><p>The Chief Executive Officer advised that $21,000.00 expenditure that was budgeted to upgrade the Administrator accounting software to Synergy Soft was not applied. It was then requested that the unspent funds be moved into a Computer Reserve Fund. This request was denied by Council due to insufficient working funds in the Municipal Account at the end of the financial year.</p><p>0106.56 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER – EMPLOYMENT OF</p><p>Councillor Thomas queried what was happening with regard to the employment of a Youth Development Officer. The Chief Executive Officer advised that five applications were received, and two will be interviewed next week. Mr Taffy Papertalk is being consulted. Councillor L Newman asked if Council will be employing more than one officer as suggested by the previous Youth Development Officer. The President advised that at this point in time only one will be employed, however if funding is available a second person may be employed part time.</p><p>0106.57 LOTTERIES COMMISSION – DISABLED FUNDING</p><p>Councillor Thomas advised that the Lotteries Commission has allocated money for disabled requirements.</p><p>0106.58 CARNARVON-MULLEWA ROAD – REMOVAL OF TREE</p><p>Councillor Freeman suggested that the tree on the Carnarvon-Mullewa Road that has dolls and teddy bears hanging from it be removed.</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 15 SHIRE OF MULLEWA ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL 20 JUNE 2001</p><p>0106.59 LEAVE OF ABSENCE – REQUEST FOR</p><p>Councillor L Newman advised Council that he is seeking a leave of absence for the July, August and September Council meetings.</p><p>Moved: P T Freeman Seconded: M R Doherty</p><p>That Councillor L Newman be granted Leave of Absence from the July, August and September Council meetings.</p><p>CARRIED 10/0</p><p>0106.60 MULLEWA TOURIST BUREAU – REQUESTS FROM</p><p>Councillor Wainwright informed Council that she had received a request from M Bone for the following:</p><p> Hughie’s Rock – Replace sign, and repair overgrown track Picnic Table – Replace/repair picnic table outside the Tourist Information Centre</p><p>0106.61 MULLEWA RUBBISH TIP SITE FENCE – REPAIRS TO</p><p>Councillor Wainwright requested that the cut fence at the north west corner of the rubbish tip site be repaired.</p><p>CLOSURE OF MEETING:</p><p>5:04pm – The President closed the meeting.</p><p>These minutes were confirmed at a meeting on 18 July 2001.</p><p>Signed: A J Messina, President</p><p>Date: 18 July 2001</p><p>PRESIDENT: MINUTES CONFIRMED ON 18 JULY 2001 PAGE 16</p>
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