<p> THINGS WE NEED TO KNOW</p><p>BLAZER FOOTBALL 2013</p><p>ONE HEART ONE TEAM ONE MISSION</p><p>Email: [email protected]</p><p>Cell: (253) 381-9408</p><p>LORI CRUMP TEAM MOM</p><p>[email protected]</p><p>TERI STEVENS</p><p> [email protected]</p><p>All checks are made out to timberline football</p><p>IF YOU NEED PAPERWORK or IF THERE IS A CHANGE MAKE SURE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE. IT IS A GOOD IDEA TO VISIT IT ONCE A DAY.</p><p> www.timberlineblazerfootball.com</p><p>WELCOME</p><p>-Sign in-There are two of the same sheet going around. Please fill out all the information. (if you have not already)</p><p>-Make sure to pick up all paper work before you leave. Paper work is also on our teams website.</p><p>-PAT GEIGER-ATHLETIC DIRECTOR/ASB COORDINATOR</p><p>-FRESHMEN COACHES-Time for Q & A after the meeting</p><p>Paper work</p><p> LETTER Policy(everyone has a chance)-On TV</p><p> Calendar-I know that it looks very overwhelming, but really it is 2-3 hours a day 4 days a week, plus youth camp and team camp. The kids even get Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off.</p><p> UPS TEAM CAMP FORMS</p><p> o May 29th=100 deposit</p><p> o June 10th= Final Payment Due APX FORMS</p><p> o Friday June 7th=$20 due</p><p> Team Contract-Due 1st day of practice!-Important Points are Study Hall and Blazer Time. Also new LETTER POLICY</p><p> Spirit Pack-Everything to be paid ON LINE to Winning Seasons, or you will need to call into Winning Season and send a CHECK. http://www.winningseasons.net</p><p> o SHOW ON TV</p><p> Window Closes May 12th </p><p> o MUST HAVE- Jersey, shirt, shorts, mouth piece, socks & YOUR OWN Girdle ($75). </p><p> o There are also other items you can purchase. </p><p> o You just have to get the above items.</p><p>Calendar</p><p> Contents </p><p> o SPRING BALL-UPPER CLASSMEN-May 28th- June 12th</p><p> o Spring Ball FRESHMEN-May 29th, 30th, June 4th, 6th, 10th, & 11th </p><p>. 4:15-6 at Timberline High School Practice Field</p><p> o Weight Room– M-Th 9-12, FRI-SUN OFF </p><p>. Freshmen: 9-11</p><p>. Grades 10-12: 10-12</p><p> o UPS TEAM CAMP(expected)-July 14-17 Freshmen going to camp will get their gear June 11th from 4:30-5:30 </p><p> o Blazer Youth Camp-June 24-26 </p><p>. Grades 1-6 are from 9-12</p><p>. Grades 7 & 8 are from 5-8. This is a padded TEAM CAMP</p><p> o August 21 st First day of Practice (Mandatory)-Every player needs 12 practices in order to play in first game (WIAA).</p><p> o Summer and Fall Pracitces- Times are set for all summer and fall practice. . Freshmen Games- 4 o’clock start time unless noted otherwise, when games are played at South Sound Stadium there will bus there but not back. Right now there are 6 freshmen games on the schedule. </p><p>. We are working on getting all JV and Freshmen games played at SS Stadium</p><p> o Friday- Game prep for Freshmen. Practice is from 2:30 to 4 (unless noted otherwise by Freshmen coaches)</p><p>Practices</p><p> All practices are mandatory. It is important that all information is communicated through me, so if something happens I can excuse the practices. Practices before games is mandatory, there are few excuses I will except on this one. Pregame practices are very important for a successful game performance. If a player cannot find me they need to tell Coach Jones in Portable 1 or Coach Dorn in room 203</p><p> How Practices are set up-We all practice together. Freshmen are coached by all coaches.</p><p> o We are split into two TEAMS (GREEN and GOLD)</p><p>. GREEN (11-12 and 10th graders that play Friday nights)</p><p>. GOLD (FRESHMEN and all other 10th Graders)</p><p> PRACTICE WEEKS (once we start school)</p><p> o Monday</p><p>. GREEN: Weight Room, Film, Walk Through 2:20 start in Weight Room</p><p>. GOLD:Games</p><p> o Tuesday: PRACTICE STARTS at 2:20 in weight room</p><p>. GREEN: FULL RACK</p><p>. GOLD: Weight Room, Study Hall, Film</p><p> o Wednesday: Weight room 2:20 for Green, Gold STUDY HALL TBA</p><p>. GREEN and GOLD FULL RACK </p><p> o Thursday: Award Stickers and Shirts 2:20 on bleaches</p><p>. GREEN HALF RACK w/Game Jersey: PREGAME 2:45 . GOLD FULL RACK: PRACTICE 3:00</p><p> o Friday: GAME NIGHT and GAME PREP</p><p>. GREEN LIFT at 2:20, bus leaves at 5:15</p><p>. GOLD: Pregame 2:30</p><p> o Saturday</p><p>. GREEN Ground Base and Pool work at 8:30 Film @ 9:30</p><p>. GOLD OFF</p><p> o Sunday</p><p>. COACHES MEETING 5</p><p>Gear Issue</p><p> Freshmen Players attending UPS camp will get their gear the last day of June 11th @ 4:30. Everyone else will get theirs August 21st. This may change. You will know as soon as I do.</p><p> o If we feel like the players are ready for gear will give it to them earlier.</p><p> Players will need to have a lock for their locker that they will be issued. All helmets, shoulder pads, and lowers will be kept in the drying room for proper ventilation.</p><p>Expectations/TEAM Contract-The contract is to help players stay accountable for their actions and to make sure we are all on the same page. The contract is due on or before the first day of practice (May 29th for Freshmen). Just about anything that you can think of is covered in the TEAM CONTRACT. How the Point System works. It is set up for second chances, but not 3rds and 4ths. Some cases have to be handled on an individual basis.</p><p> IF YOU FOLLOW THESE 3 SIMPLE RULES YOU WILL NEVER HAVE AN ISSUE</p><p> DON’T EMBARRASS YOURSELF</p><p> DON’T EMBARRASS YOUR TEAM</p><p> DO THE RIGHT THING</p><p> Academic-This section may seem a little tough. We take academics very seriously. We have study hall 2-3 times a week during the season, plus kids have BLAZER TIME. These are the times for players to meet with teachers and retake tests. If a teacher cannot meet with the player at that time it needs to be communicated with me. Their a few goals that go with the academic portion of the Contract. We want to make sure every athlete graduates on time and have options for college. We want to keep everyone eligible. We want players to be accountable for their work, and to develop time management skills. Practice time is not the time to make up homework or tests. If a student athlete has to make up a test during study hall and it carries over that is fine, or if they are getting help this is also alright, however a note from the teacher will be required for them to participate in practice. HOWEVER, now with BLAZER TIME there should be no excuses for missing practice.</p><p> Dress for game days-Every player 9-12 will wear their game jerseys on VARSITY GAME DAYS (freshmen will wear the opposite of the Varsity). All Players will dress in Shirts/Ties/Pants day before games, Freshmen will wear their game jersey on Monday</p><p> Players are expected to be outstanding citizens in our school and community. I am very lucky to have friends in the community that let me know when any of my kids are doing things they shouldn’t be doing, but I also get to hear the good things. Last season we had outstanding community feedback and I expect the same this year. Players are expected to be leaders in our school and be examples of our great program. The integrity of program is extremely important; this is why the Point System is set up.</p><p> GAME DAYS-THERE ARE TO BE NO EARRINGS HATS CLOTHES OTHER THEN GAME CLOTH DURING PREGAME WARMUP.</p><p>Spring Fundraisers</p><p>*Fundraising is the toughest part of any sports program, but it is extremely necessary. We only get a certain amount of money a year for our budget. There is no way we could afford to do what we do without fundraising. Fundraising is absolutely crucial for our program to be successful. Every player is expected to participate in fundraising. This is one thing that I do not bend on. There are always some types of incentives for fundraising, sometimes it is positive and sometimes it is doing some not so fun things, in order to reach our goals. We all know that times are tough. This is why we have 2 and a half fundraisers set up for just helping offset funds for camp.</p><p>*Purchasing with Raised Funds*</p><p>New Helmets , new shoulder pads, updating of gear, team building activities, new equipment, video camera, endzone camera, APX, Weight Room equipment, Footballs, Pads, Scholarship players, paying volunteer coaches. Please remember that everything we purchase has a direct effect on your player over their 4 year career.</p><p> We are working on 2 fundraisers right now. </p><p>. ALL MONEY GOES TO MS. PARRET AS SOON AS YOU GET IT. SHE WILL MAKE A SPREAD SHEET OF WHAT YOU OWE FOR CAMP AND HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE RAISED. REMEMBER ALL CHECKS ARE MADE TO TIMBERLINE FOOTBALL. o PASSING LEAGUE JUNE 1st</p><p>. Need help </p><p>. Chuck will be sending out an email for help</p><p> o OWN YOUR OWN HUDL ACCOUNT</p><p>. Hudl is what we use for our scouting software. I have sent an invite to every parent on the distribution list. We are going to be able to </p><p> o COFFEE/SMOOTHIE SALE</p><p>This is a dual fundraiser. The first 10 items you sell, goes to the Football TEAM. Everything after that goes either to your TEAM Camp. You will get your brochures tonight but cannot start selling until MAY 20th and the fundraiser will end MAY 30th(all money is due to me that DAY), so we can get your sold items to you before school is out.</p><p>. I will figure out a way to forms to you.</p><p> IT IS POSSIBLE TO GO TO CAMP ON FUNDRAISING ALONE. WE HAD 18 KIDS GO TO CAMP JUST ON FUNDRAISING 2 YEARS AGO.</p><p>UPS Camp-</p><p> There are 2 options available for camp.</p><p> o $290 is for night camper</p><p> o $185 is for commuter. For a commuter camper, camp is 8:30am-9pm. Transportation would be on your own. If there are a number of day campers then it would be a good idea to work out some form of daily car pool. </p><p> o We will meet here on Sunday June 14th at 7:30 am. We will commute up. We will probably need some parents to help drive players up.</p><p> o UPS DATES TO REMEMBER</p><p>. MAY 29-Deposit of $100 is due.</p><p>. June 10th-Payment in full is due. Make checks payable to Timberline Football. </p><p>. The faster the money is in the faster I will know what we get kicked back. That is why the deposit and commit list are important.</p><p>Summer Fundraising Youth Camp-Every player is expected to work at the youth camp. Each player will receive 20 hours of community service to put into their portfolio, which is now a graduation requirement. Freshmen will be there to ref games and help monitor the younger campers. The Freshmen are very important for us to make sure maintain safety with our campers.</p><p> o THERE ARE TWO CAMPS</p><p>. Camp 1- Grades 1-6 @ SS Stadium from 8:30-1</p><p>. Camp 2- Grades 7 & 8 @ SS Stadium from 5-8 (Padded TEAM Camp)</p><p> If you would like to and you have the time we are looking for more parent volunteers to help run the camp. </p><p> BLAZER DISCOUNT CARDS-THIS WILL BE DISCUSSED MORE IN AUGUST</p><p>Physicals</p><p> A current physical is due before the August 16th. Please look on Timberline High School website for information and MANDATORY paper work. All Paper work is to be turned into Mrs. Parret in the ASB office.</p><p>Game Dress</p><p> A team should all look the same. This is why we purchase game socks, one home and one away. The only color sleeve that can be worn is white or Green (white for away green for home). Cleats should be black, white, green or gold (no pinks, reds, purples, ect….). Gloves can only be white, green, grey or black. No spat on shoes, unless cleared by Mike (trainer). No altering of equipment at all. </p><p>Meetings</p><p> We meet as a parent group once a month to get out information on fundraising and to keep you posted on events. </p><p> If there is a reason that you need to meet with me individually I just need to know a day in advance, unless it is an emergency.</p><p> o There are 3 things that we never talk about at meetings</p><p>These 3 things are all Coaches decisions </p><p>. Playing time</p><p>. Other Players . Play Calling</p><p>Website</p><p> www.timberlineblazerfootball.com</p><p> Refer to our website for any paper and updates on games and players.</p><p> EMAILS CAN BE SENT TO OUR WEB MASTER Teri Stevens on SITE</p><p>Expensive</p><p> I understand that football is expensive. If there is anything that is going to be extra hard for your player to pay for please let me know and we can set something up. Our goal is for everyone to be able to participate and have fun. Fill out financial waiver weather you can afford our not. </p><p>Thank you very much for your time, and trusting myself and my staff with your son for the next 5-6 months. I believe that coaching is about the most important thing after parenting. So believe me your kids are in good hands. My goal is to build your son into a man for others not just a man for self.</p><p> COACHES O, Reid, Grey</p><p> o Coach O is our Head Freshmen Coach </p><p> o Coach Reid is our OC</p><p> o Coach Grey is our DC</p><p>These are the coaches the will be with your player on Mondays</p><p>Q & A with the Freshmen Coaches (if you choose)</p>
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