Ray S Report Clermont Council Meeting October 25Th, 2016

Ray S Report Clermont Council Meeting October 25Th, 2016

<p> Ray’s Report Clermont Council Meeting October 25 th , 2016</p><p>Clermont opens new Police Station – On Monday morning a large group of citizens, the City Council, and other police officers from the area heard Chief Broadway dedicated the new Police Station, located beside the Performing Arts Center south on US 27. Chief Broadway and his 70 officers finally have their new workplace. I had Doris Bloodsworth send this out.</p><p>Below is Chief Broadway’s remarks.:</p><p>I would like to once again personally thank all of you for joining us today as we celebrate a historic occasion and memorable day in history. It is not every day that a city builds a new police station. This is something that usually takes place only once, if ever, during a person’s career. </p><p>It’s an honor to have our elected officials, community leaders, city of Clermont staff, colleagues, family, friends, residents, and the finest men and women of the Clermont Police Department joining us to celebrate this day.</p><p>Thank you to our City Manager, our Mayor and members of our City Council who have shown they have faith in our department and are supportive of the work we do. Once again we thank you for approving and supporting our new Police Headquarters.. </p><p>I would also like to thank retired DC Vitale for his assistance during the planning and beginning stages of this project.</p><p>And thank you to my current staff- DC Shelli Walters, Captain McMaster, all of my lieutenants, Sergeants, Police Officers and support staff for the various roles that you all played in seeing this day come to fruition. </p><p>Thank you again to our Builder- Schmidt construction, our Architects- ADG and our Project Manager- AJAX.</p><p>Everyone’s attendance here today speaks volumes. We have all seen in various parts of this country via national media, a breakdown of partnerships and communication between Law enforcement and their respective communities.</p><p>I am very blessed to live and serve as the Chief in this great city where the community and leaders are behind and support the CPD and we support our community.</p><p>Clermont Police Officers and support staff spend countless hours at work and this facility will truly serve as a second home to all of us. The members of the CPD are a family, who rely on each other and trust one another as we selflessly serve our community every single day.</p><p>This new facility will meet several needs to accommodate our current and future growth for years to come. </p><p>It will also support and enhance the proactive, progressive and professional agency that we are today. As Public servants, this facility is not just a place to house the CPD. This facility will strengthen our existing strong partnerships and bonds with this community and offer several volunteer opportunities.</p><p>Our new headquarters offers A state-of-the-art crime lab, property and evidence storage rooms. A vehicle lift which enables us to process vehicles involved in serious traffic crashes or criminal investigations here on site. </p><p>We will house a US Navy supported Sea Cadet Program. A youth program that focusses on the development of leadership skills and good character.</p><p>We also partnered up with – Lifestream Behavioral Health Center for a pilot program called the Mobile Crisis Response Service. Its mission is to provide our residents of Clermont and south lake county who suffer from a mental illness with opportunities for therapeutic intervention. We will house a licensed clinician here at our new headquarters. They will also be on call after hours to intervene and offer services to those suffering with mental illness. A First of its kind in the county. </p><p>We will also host training courses for law enforcement personnel as well as classes and training courses for our community.</p><p>Our new Headquarters will enhance several capabilities and strategies as we continue to provide exceptional services to this community and maintain a high quality of life for all residents and our visitors.</p><p>Charles L. Broadway, Police Chief Clermont Police Department 865 W. Montrose St., Clermont, FL 34711 Tel 352-394-5588 | Fax (352) 394-1644 [email protected] www.ClermontFL.gov</p><p>I thought all of you should know what is in store for Clermont </p><p>Suncreek Brewery Some exciting and long awaited news ... Suncreek Brewery has a home on West Minneola Avenue in Clermont! Our brand new split level building will be completed in the summer of 2017 and will feature a mezzanine offering a complete view of the brewery and the brewing process. As we finalize our design plans over the next several weeks we'll be posting more information and pictures on our social media channels. We wish to thank the city of Clermont for it's warm welcome ( it's nice to have everyone behind us ) and our developer Paul Fallman of Fallman Construction. To all those that stuck with us over this past year, your support and encouragement is very much appreciated! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>We all knew it, but now it's official: </p><p>Central Floridians have voted Clermont the Best City to Live in!</p><p>Each year, the Orlando Business Journal invites the public to nominate the "best" in a variety of categories. Clermont was voted BEST CITY TO LIVE IN.</p><p>The city manager has been invited to receive the award at a reception on Oct. 28 in Orlando. I posted the news on our website home page.</p><p>Here's what the publisher had to say:</p><p>"It is my pleasure to inform you that the City of Clermont has been selected by Orlando Business Journal’s general audience as the 2016 Readers’ Choice Awards winner for Best Local City To Live In in Central Florida. Out of thousands of votes, across 51 different categories of business and industry your organization has been singled out as one of Central Florida’s best. Obvious from this recognition, your leadership, hard work and dedication to our community is greatly appreciated by many. For that, we will profile all of the Readers’ Choice Awards honorees, either online or in print, on October 28."</p><p>Robert Bobroff Market President & Publisher, Orlando Business Journal +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>Now here is the Agenda for the meeting. This is my Council Report and not an official document of the City. If you wish to contact me for any reason whatsoever, please use the e-mail address at the end of this report. Please do not use the reply feature as I may not receive your message that way. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++</p><p>City of Clermont Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday, 6:pm October 25, 2016</p><p>Welcome to our Council meeting. In the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the Council is given the opportunity to do so, the following will apply to all comments made by the public. For items listed on the agenda, each speaker will be permitted 5 minutes to address the Council. For non-agenda items, each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes to address the Council. These time limits may be changed by the Mayor. Thank you for participating in your City Government.</p><p>CALL TO ORDER</p><p>INVOCATION By Pastor Tim Moses & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>PROCLAMATION</p><p>November was proclaimed National American Indian Heritage Month</p><p>PRESENTATIONS</p><p>Economic Development Update: Hispanic Business Initiative Foundation Council had an long update about the increase of Hispanic Business and population in our area.</p><p>PUBLIC COMMENTS Hope Lamb spoke on the issue of the City not informing the citizens and business community about issues coming before the council that impacts the citizens and businesses. The City must make a better effort. (Her point is well taken ---Ray)</p><p>Charlene Forth spoke about this same issue. Basically tyhe City cannot just say items are on the Web Site.</p><p>Fred Summer spoke about 2016 Triathlon, the 36 triathlon. Ther4e were 36 states represented and 11 countries. (My thoughts—Sommer Sports is what made Clermont the city of Champions. I can remember back in 2005 the long discussion the Council had over supporting his events. It has been the best thing the city has ever done. Thank you Fred!!!!)</p><p>REPORTS</p><p>City Manager, Darren Gray – Spoke about the Police Headquarters dedication that took p[lace Monday morning. There was a large showing of citizens. Clermont was voted the Best Place to live among most Central Florida Cities. The City had a team in the triathlon and they were the winning team. </p><p>City Attorney, Dan Mantzaris – No Report</p><p>Council Member Tim Bates – No Report</p><p>Council Member, Ray Goodgame – It is good to be back home. The panama Canal Cruise was most interesting. The new Police Headquarters is now completed and it is a great facility for our Police Department for many years to come. Council Member, Keith Mullins – 1st Friday was cancelled due t0 hurricane Matthew and was held on Oct 21 and they had a poor attendance. Keith had the same problem of how best to notify the citizens. The Art Show is November 4 &5th </p><p>Council Member, Diane Travis – Taste of South Lake is on November 3rd at Water Front park. She suggested ways to notify the people. She said there were 820 people participating in the Triathlon. The Clermont City team won. She was on the team as were many others including Darren Gray and Chief Broadway. Good JOB!!! She noticed there were many out of state and other cities. There were several visitors from foreign countries.</p><p>Mayor Ash - She and Darren Gray attended the South Lake cities meeting. Sean Parks and David Heath (county manager ) attended. They discussed various issues. She attended the opening of the second Citizens Academy. One group attended a meeting with the Fire Department and there were demonstrations of fire equipment. She held her coffee with the mayor, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. On the 21st she attended a Leadership Conference and represented all the Lake County Cities. School Board member Rose Ann Brandenburg also attended and one subject discussed was bullying taking place in our schools. She spoke at the Police Headquarters opening ceremony. She also went to Tavares and attended a ceremony honoring Emogene W. Stegall, Supervisor of Elections, who is retiring at the age of 89. She and Darren Gray attended the South Lake cities meeting. Sean P{arks and David Heath (county manager ) attended. They discussed various issues.</p><p>CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>The next portion of the meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non- controversial. If anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda, now is the opportunity for you to do so. Additionally, if staff or members of the City Council wish to speak on a consent item, they have the same opportunity.</p><p>Item No. 1 – Meeting Minutes Consider approval of the October 11, 2016 Regular Council Meeting minutes.</p><p>Item No. 2 – Legislative Priorities Consider approval of the City of Clermont Legislative priorities list.</p><p>Item No. 3 – Event Request, Fee Variance, Consider request from Sommer Sports to approve Sponsorship, Open Container Allowance and the 2017 season, waive all grounds fees associated, Budget Amendment season sponsorship and budget amendment in the amount of $15,000.00.</p><p>Item No. 4 – Resolution No. 2016-46 and Budget Consider Resolution authorizing the purchase of Amendment property located on Highway 50 adjacent to Fire Station No. 1 from Daniel Soto and a budget amendment in the amount of $35,000.00 This property is desperately need for parking at the Fire Station </p><p>Item No. 5 – Resolution No. 2016-47 and Budget Consider Resolution authorizing the purchase of Amendment property located at 8th Street and Osceola Street adjacent to Lake Minneola from CSX Transportation, Inc. and a budget amendment in the amount of $200,000.00. This is property along the Lake, east of Lilly’s and it runs from 8th street to 5th street, along Osceola Street. The City is proposing the purchase from CSX Transportation, Inc. Previous attempts to purchase this property were dropped because of a much higher asking price. Item No. 6 – Proposal Award and Budget Consider award to American Janitorial Inc. to Amendment provide janitorial services at the Clermont Arts and Recreation Center and a budget amendment in the amount of $55,863.32.</p><p>Item No. 7 – Contract Award Consider request to piggyback the Lake County B.C.C. term contract with Leesburg Concrete Company, Inc. to provide precast concrete restrooms and related site work in the budgeted amount of $223,767.00</p><p>Item No. 8 – Vehicle Purchase Consider request to piggyback the Florida Sheriffs Association contract number FSA16- VEL24.0 to purchase budgeted vehicles for the Environmental Services and Parks and Recreation Departments in the budgeted amount of $183,437.70.</p><p>Item No. 9 – Vehicle Purchase Consider request to piggyback the Florida Sheriffs Association contract number FSA16-VEL14.0 to purchase budgeted sanitation vehicles in the amount of 479,198.00.</p><p>Item No. 10 – Purchase Approval Consider approval of engineering services for the East Side Water Reclamation Facility Dewatering Improvements to upgrade the belt press in the budgeted amount of $97,023.00.</p><p>Council voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda (Item 5 was discussed)</p><p>UNFINISHED BUSINESS</p><p>Item No. 11 – Ordinance No. 2016-32 Final Consider ordinance for a text amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Future Land Use Element to add language regarding Planned Unit Development zoning. The State uses different designations that our Future Land Use Code. This will put us on the same page. </p><p>Council voted 5-0 to approve. </p><p>Item No. 12 – Ordinance No. 2016-39 Final Consider an ordinance to change the future land Headquarter Mazda use from Lake County Commercial to City of Clermont Commercial for property located at 17500 Highway 50. This is an administrative request for a small scale Comprehensive Plan amendment</p><p>Council Voted 5-0 to Approve this Ordinance,</p><p>Item No. 13 – Ordinance No. 2016-41 Final Consider an ordinance to change the zoning from Headquarter Mazda Urban Estate to Commercial for property located at 17500 Highway 50. This is a result of Lake County zoning and City of Clermont Zoning. Council Voted 5-0 to Approve this Ordinance</p><p>Item No. 14 – Ordinance No. 2016-42 Final Consider ordinance to amend Chapter 2, Code Code Change Enforcement Citations, Section 2-225 of the Code of Ordinances. This Ordinance will help clean up some activities along the waterfront. Council Voted 5-0 to Approve this Ordinance</p><p>NEW BUSINESS</p><p>Item No. 15 – Variance Request Request for a rear yard setback of 19 feet instead Rentas of 25 feet for a proposed screened room located at 2475 Hastings Boulevard. The applicant wants a solid screened enclosure. If the roof was screened, no Variance would be needed. Several applications like this one have been approved. Council Voted 5-0 to Approve this Variance</p><p>Item No. 16 – Resolution No. 2016-41 Consider a conditional use permit to allow a Hayes Brothers Funeral Home funeral home in the C-1 Light Commercial zoning district located at 191 W. Broome Street. Tabled till Nov 8th to allow applicant to solve the parking issues.</p><p>When funerals take place in this former house, parking becomes a real problem. They can accommodate 80 people, so that may average 35 cars +/-. They have parking for only 11 vehicles, before parking has to move to the streets. Their location is on the NW corner of Second Street and Hwy 50, very near Bishop’s Field.</p><p>Item No. 17 – Ordinance No. 2016-40 Transmittal Consider transmittal of an ordinance to amend the Density Amendment Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan for the Downtown Mixed Use future land Table till Dec 13 th . use category.</p><p>Item No. 18 – Ordinance No. 2016-43 Introduction Consider Ordinance introduction and discussion Council Salary to change the compensation for the Mayor and Council Members beginning January 1, 2019. Withdrawn – To be brought to next Workshop</p><p>Item No. 19 – Ordinance No. 2016-48 Introduction Consider ordinance introduction to amend the Medical Marijuana code of ordinances to include Medical Marijuana Dispensaries regulations. Council Voted 5-0 to Introduce</p><p>The Constitutional Amendment on the ballot reads:</p><p>No. 2 Constitutional Amendment Article X, Section 29 Use of Marijuana for Debilitation Medical Conditions.</p><p>Allows medical use of marijuana for individuals with debilitating medical conditions as determined by a licensed Florida physician. Allows caregivers to assist patients’ medical use of marijuana. The Department of Health shall Register and regulate centers that produce and distribute marijuana for medical purposes and shall issue identification cards to patients and caregivers. Applies only to Florida law. Does not immunize violators of federal law or any non-medical use, possession or production of marijuana. </p><p>The City of Clermont has prepared an Ordinance that would provide definitions in the City’s code for marijuana and marijuana dispensaries. The Ordinance would regulate that a medical marijuana dispensary could locate only on properties with M-1 Industrial Zoning and would require a Conditional Use Permit with restrictions as specified in the Ordinance. </p><p>ADJOURN</p><p>Any person wishing to appeal any decision made by the City Council at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings. For that purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if any person with a disability defined by the ADA needs special accommodation to participate in this proceeding, then not later than two business days prior to the proceeding he/she should contact Clermont, City Clerk’s Office, 352-241-7330.</p><p>Please be advised that if you intend to show any document, picture, video or items to the Council or Board in support or opposition to any item on the agenda; a copy of the document, picture, video or item must be provided to the City Clerk for the City’s records.</p><p>Here’s an article from GrowthSpotter I thought you would find interesting: </p><p>B Doris Bloodsworth, Clermont, PIO</p><p>First Wellness Way development in Lake County lines up plan approval, land sale, GrowthSpotter</p><p>By Teresa Burney </p><p>Lake County has approved a preliminary plan for Avalon Groves, a 987-acre development with approval for 1,659 homes and some neighborhood commercial development that would kick off new home construction in South Lake County’s Wellness Way area. Just before the Lake County Commission approval on Oct. 12, the developer, Kolter Land Partners, bought the property from Hearthstone Inc. and Stonehill Capital Management for $16.5 million.</p><p>Kolter Land Partners did not return telephone calls seeking comment on a time frame for the new development. However, in March company president Jim Harvey said he hopes to be building homes as early as 2017. </p><p>A Lake County planner said the county is expecting construction plans soon from Kolter. The development is the first in the county’s Wellness Way planning footprint, which is still short of full adoption because of legal challenges. Besides increasing the population of South Lake County over time, the Avalon Groves development will have a quicker impact. The developer plans to build a road through Avalon Groves to the Orange County line, which will connect U.S. 27 to Disney World at Western Way and S.R. 429. Avalon Grove plans to build part of the road to the east, while Disney plans to extend Western Way west to meet it, Harvey said last March. “That is an obvious connection for Orange County where growth is happening,” said Harvey. “I do see this South Lake area becoming a major new growth area for Central Florida."</p><p>So much for jobs first in Wellness Way: Lake County Commissioners are letting us down.</p><p>GO VOTE !!!!!!!!!!</p><p>Thank you for the privilege of serving you and the city.</p><p>Ray Goodgame Clermont Councilman, Seat 2 Telephone 352-243-9696 Email – [email protected]</p><p>If you no longer want to receive my agenda, please send me an E-mail requesting me to remove your name. This e-mail is not the official agenda for the stated date and is not intended to express the views or opinions of the entire City Council or serve as a substitute to, or in lieu of your attendance at said meeting or your review of the official Agenda for this meeting. To obtain an official copy of the Agenda, you may visit the City of Clermont website; (http://www.cityofclermontfl.com). </p>

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