November County Board Session

November County Board Session

<p> NOVEMBER COUNTY BOARD SESSION ANNUAL SESSION NOVEMBER 3, 2008</p><p>The Calumet County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to Section 59 of the Wisconsin Statutes in an annual session at the Courthouse in the City of Chilton, Wisconsin, on Monday, November 3, 2008 at 8:30 A.M. to transact any and all business as may properly come before said meeting.</p><p>Chair Barribeau called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M.</p><p>The Clerk called the roll and all members reported present. Also present were County Administrator, Jay Shambeau, Corporation Counsel, Pamela Captain, Finance Director, Daniel De Bonis and County Clerk, Beth A. Hauser.</p><p>The Chair asked the Supervisors and guests to join him in repeating the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Stillman and seconded by Supervisor Sommers to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Lehrer and seconded by Supervisor Scholz to approve the minutes of the September 16, 2008 meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>PETITIONS: There were no petitions.</p><p>COMMUNICATIONS: The following correspondence was provided to the Board: 1. Memo from Jay Shambeau, County Administrator, regarding the recommendation to appoint Jon Cousins to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. This will be addressed under agenda item 15(B). 2. Letter from Sheriff Jerry Pagel regarding his request for two full-time communications dispatchers and a communications corporal. This will be addressed during Resolution 2008-30 approving the 2009 budget. 3. Letter from Karl Arps requesting new signage at the intersection of Co. Road H and Tower Road. Referred to the Highway Committee. 4. Letter from Tammy Pethan and Rob Ash, Co-Chairs of the Crafty Apple Fest, thanking the County, Mike Ottery and the Highway Department for their support of the Crafty Apple Fest. Received and placed on file. 5. Resolution from Portage County supporting federal legislation that will establish a lower national speed limit. Referred to the Highway Committee. 6. Resolution from Brown County requesting the legislature increase the fee for Wisconsin Street Trade Permits and Minors’ Work Permits (WI SS 103). Referred to the Planning, Zoning & Farmland Preservation Committee. 7. Resolution from Lincoln County to U.S. Congress on legal and illegal drug abuse. Referred to the Health Committee. 8. Correspondence from Tom and Karen Matthews supporting an 1800 foot or greater setback for wind turbines. Received and placed on file. 9. Correspondence from Donald and Judith McLernon regarding opposition to wind energy. Received and placed on file. 10. Correspondence from Sherry Buechel supporting an 1800 foot or greater setback for wind turbines. Received and placed on file. 11. Invitation to County holiday party. Received and placed on file. These Minutes HAVE BEEN APPROVED By the Calumet County Board of Supervisors. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: There was no public participation.</p><p>SPECIAL BUSINESS: 1. Chair Barribeau acknowledged David Ballering for his years of dedicated service to Calumet County as a County Board Supervisor. David was not able to attend the meeting so he will be presented with a special clock at a later date. 2. Howard Mezera, Information Services Director, and Sandy Byrnes, Project Manager, gave a brief demonstration on supervisor emails and web access. General discussion followed. County Board Supervisors were requested to utilize their new county email address for all official county email correspondence. 3. Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Draheim to affirm the County Board Chair’s recommendations for nominations to the Wisconsin Mutual Insurance Corporation Advisory Committees as follows: Donald Sommers – Claims Committee Bill Barribeau – Claims Committee Motion carried unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: 1. Appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Stecker to affirm the County Administrator’s recommendation for the appointment of Jon Cousins to fill the vacant Alternate #1 position on the Zoning Board of Adjustments, with a term to expire April 20, 2010. Motion carried unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>SUPERVISORS REPORTS: Supervisors were asked to report on their committee activities since the last meeting of the Board. </p><p>PUBLIC HEARING: At 9:00 A.M., a Public Hearing was held regarding the 2009 Budget. Joe Sprangers, Town of Harrison Chair addressed the Board regarding the 2009 Budget as it pertains to the Midway Road Project. There were no other citizens that addressed the Board. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 9:05 A.M. and the regular meeting resumed.</p><p>Supervisor reports were completed after the public hearing.</p><p>RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTION 2008-27 RESOLUTION APPROVING INTERGOVERNMENTAL CONTRACT WITH THE TOWN OF HARRISON FOR DESIGNEE STATUS UNDER CHAPTER 10, ARTICLE I, CONSTRUCTION SITE EROSION CONTROL AND ARTICLE II, POST-CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OF THE CALUMET COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES</p><p>To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:</p><p>WHEREAS, Pursuant to Calumet County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10, Sections 10.29 and 10.51, the Calumet County Planning, Zoning and Land Information Department, or a designee other than staff, may have authority to act upon execution of a written agreement, with Calumet County, to enforce Chapter 10 of the Calumet County Code of Ordinances, upon terms it deems appropriate, to administer Chapter 10, and</p><p>2 WHEREAS, The Calumet County Planning, Zoning and Land Information Committee, at its August 7, 2008 meeting, approved the Town of Harrison’s designee status to administer and enforce Chapter 10, Articles I and II, of the Code of Ordinances, as it relates to Construction Site Erosion Control and Post-Construction Stormwater Management, and</p><p>WHEREAS, A copy of the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Harrison is attached.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED That the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled does hereby approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Town of Harrison for designee status under the Calumet County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 10, Articles I and II, for code administration and enforcement, attached hereto and made part hereof.</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008.</p><p>INTRODUCED BY THE PLANNING, ZONING AND FARMLAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE /s/ Chester Dietzen, Chair /s/ William Scholz, Vice Chair /s/ James Lehrer /s/ Duaine Stillman</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ Bill Barribeau, County Board Chair</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to bring Resolution 2008- 27 back to the floor. On the call of the ayes and nays, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 21 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Resolution 2008-27 was brought back to the board floor unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>Note: There was a motion to adopt Resolution 2008-27 by Supervisor Scholz and Supervisor Lehrer at the September 2008 board meeting. That motion was now brought back to the floor. General discussion followed.</p><p>On the call of the ayes and nays to adopt Resolution 2008-27, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 21 ayes, 0 nays, 0 absent. Resolution 2008-27 was adopted unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>RESOLUTION 2008-30 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE 2009 BUDGET</p><p>To the Honorable Chairperson and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County Wisconsin:</p><p>WHEREAS, Your County Administrator, after review with the Finance and Audit Committee, and having considered the amounts necessary to be levied, and examining the various revenues and expenses for 2009, offers the following Resolution.</p><p>NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Calumet County herein assembled, that the following 2009 Budget be approved.</p><p>ESTIMATED REVENUES *GENERAL FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENT $2,180,620 INFORMATION SERVICES 65,250 3 CIRCUIT COURT 245,520 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 42,753 MEDICAL EXAMINER 3,300 CLERK 13,350 TREASURER 285,300 REGISTER OF DEEDS 260,000 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 246,402 VETERANS SERVICE 11,500 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 277,238 PARKS 1,873,462 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 78,875 LAND CONSERVATION 306,118 REGISTER IN PROBATE 32,100 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 32,300 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 643,617 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 136,313 FUND TOTAL 6,734,018</p><p>HOME NURSING AND HOSPICE 1,095,400 HUMAN SERVICES 12,308,809 HANDICAPPED SCHOOLS 887,434 JAIL MAINTENANCE 22,000 LAND RECORDS 71,300 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LOANS 389,664 H.O.M.E. LOAN PROGRAM 275,000 COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAYS 750,000 DEBT SERVICE 66,546 COUNTY HIGHWAY OPERATIONS 5,353,803 WORKERS COMPENSATION 155,000 DOG LICENSE 22,537 SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER TRUST 1,200 LONG-TERM PROJECTS 2,741,200 REVENUE TOTAL $30,873,911</p><p>ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES *GENERAL FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENT $966,680 INFORMATION SERVICES 916,747 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 348,616 CIRCUIT COURT 454,131 DISTRICT ATTORNEY 252,965 MEDICAL EXAMINER 65,205 CLERK 631,882 TREASURER 175,571 CORPORATION COUNSEL 268,329 PERSONNEL 366,164 REGISTER OF DEEDS 158,287 HEALTH DEPARTMENT 810,981 VETERANS SERVICE 94,554 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 706,296 PARKS 2,479,683 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION 332,535 LAND CONSERVATION 447,778 REGISTER IN PROBATE 142,581 FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER 58,498 4 MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT 674,994 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT 4,698,929 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 180,137 FUND TOTAL 15,231,543</p><p>HOME NURSING AND HOSPICE 1,095,400 HUMAN SERVICES 16,287,436 HANDICAPPED SCHOOLS 1,724,064 JAIL MAINTENANCE 69,000 LAND RECORDS 165,156 ECONONMIC DEVELOPMENT LOANS 389,664 H.O.M.E. LOAN PROGRAM 275,000 COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAYS 1,569,512 DEBT SERVICE 1,821,575 COUNTY HIGHWAY OPERATIONS 5,464,333 WORKERS COMPENSATION 155,000 DOG LICENSE 22,537 SENIOR RESOURCE CENTER TRUST 7,842 LONG-TERM PROJECTS 2,741,200 EXPENSE TOTAL $47,019,262</p><p>PROVIDED BY TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $30,873,911 FUNDS APPLIED-GENERAL FUND 895,580 FUNDS APPLIED-HANDICAPPED SCHOOLS 40,985 FUNDS APPLIED-JAIL MAINTENANCE 47,000 FUNDS APPLIED-COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY (150,000) FUNDS APPLIED-DEBT SERVICE 484,454 FUNDS APPLIED-COUNTY HIGHWAY OPERATIONS 110,530 FUNDS APPLIED-SENIOR RESOURCE TRUST 6,642 GENERAL TAX LEVY 14,710,160 $47,019,262</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008. </p><p>INTRODUCED BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR /s/ JAY SHAMBEAU </p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ BILL BARRIBEAU, COUNTY BOARD CHAIR</p><p>2009 BUDGET MESSAGE: Jay Shambeau, County Administrator, presented the 2009 Budget Message and a PowerPoint presentation regarding the 2009 Budget, copies of which are in the file and made a part of this record. Jay presented general information regarding the 2009 budget, including departmental requested items, tax levies and rates, and debt service. General discussion followed.</p><p>4-H Presentation: At 10:05 A.M., the Board adjourned to the Employee Lounge for a presentation by Ellen Andrews, 4-H Youth Development Agent and various members of 4-H families. </p><p>The Board meeting resumed at 10:20 A.M.</p><p>5 Brian Leonhardt, Chair of the Finance & Audit/Information Services Committee and Dan De Bonis, Finance Director, addressed the Board regarding the 2009 Budget. </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Lehrer and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to review the 2009 budget document department by department. General discussion followed. Motion failed (voice vote).</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Tom Laughrin to review the 2009 budget supervisor by supervisor (around the room). Motion carried (voice vote).</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Stecker and seconded by Supervisor Draheim to adopt Resolution 2008- 30. General discussion followed.</p><p>[A] Moved by Supervisor Scholz and seconded by Supervisor Taylor to amend Resolution 2008-30 as follows: Remove the CTH AP/LP projects from the CIP 2009-2013 (PP J.14 and J.15 in the budget book) for a total of $1,414,200. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to amend, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 3 ayes (Brock, Scholz and Taylor), 18 nays, 0 absent. Motion failed.</p><p>[B] Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Dietzen to amend Resolution 2008-30 as follows: keep the CTH AP/LP project in the CIP 2009-2013 but hold the money in escrow until there is an Intergovernmental Agreement amongst the County, Town of Harrison and City of Appleton. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to amend, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 15 ayes, 6 nays (Barribeau, Draheim, Green, Schuh, Schwobe and Sommers), 0 absent. Motion carried.</p><p>Adjourn for lunch: At 12:30 P.M., moved by Supervisor Scholz and seconded by Supervisor Brock to adjourn 45 minutes for lunch. Motion carried unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>Afternoon session: At 1:15 P.M., the session was called back to order. The Clerk called the roll and all supervisors reported present except for Supervisors Dietzen and Scholz, who arrived at 1:18 P.M.</p><p>[C] Moved by Supervisor Brock and seconded by Supervisor Taylor to amend Resolution 2008-30 as follows: On Page J.12 of the 2009 budget, strike $13,000,000 jail expansion project from the 2012 CIP. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to amend, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 3 ayes (Brock, Lehrer and Scholz), 18 nays, 0 absent. Motion failed.</p><p>At 2:50 P.M., moved by Supervisor Draheim and seconded by Supervisor Scholz to adjourn the meeting to November 4, 2008 at 8:30 A.M. On the call of the ayes and nays to adjourn, the following was the result: 21 votes cast: 7 ayes (Brock, Dietzen, Draheim, Koenig, Lehrer, Scholz and Schwobe), 14 nays, 0 absent. Motion failed.</p><p>Supervisor Draheim was excused from the meeting at 2:50 P.M.</p><p>[D] Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Connors to move the question – to adopt the 2009 Budget as amended. On the call of the ayes and nays to move the question, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 18 ayes, 2 nays (Tom Laughrin and Stecker), 1 absent (Draheim). Motion carried.</p><p>6 On the call of the ayes and nays to adopt amended Resolution 2008-30, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 15 ayes, 5 nays (Tom Laughrin, Lehrer, Scholz, Sommers and Stecker), 1 absent (Draheim). Amended Resolution 2008-30 was adopted.</p><p>RESOLUTION 2008-31 RESOLUTION TO ELIMINATE ONE (1) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) POSITION OF DISPATCHER IN THE CALUMET COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT AND REPLACE WITH ONE (1) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) DISPATCH CORPORAL POSITION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009</p><p>To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin: WHEREAS, there is limited scheduling ability with regard to supervisory personnel on evening and night shifts in the Calumet County Dispatch Center due to prioritization of staffing needs elsewhere in the department; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Dispatch Corporal is to assume first line supervisory responsibility for overall dispatch operations and supervise other Dispatchers; assist with training; trouble-shoot software and hardware issues during non-administrative hours; and perform the daily duties and activities of Dispatcher; and WHEREAS, a request to be considered during the budget process for the elimination of one (1) FTE position of Dispatcher in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department and replacing with one (1) FTE Dispatch Corporal position was submitted to the Personnel Department on or before the date designated by the County Administrator at the beginning of the annual budget process; and WHEREAS, the County Administrator determined that the elimination of one (1) FTE position of Dispatcher in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department and replacing with one (1) FTE Dispatch Corporal position was to be included in the annual budget submitted to the County Board and said position is included in the proposed 2009 budget; and WHEREAS, the position shall be a Corrections, Communications and Clerical Association bargaining unit classification. For budgeting purposes the 2008 wage range has been established as follows:</p><p>Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Start 6 mos. 18 mos. 36 mos. 60 mos. 84 mos. 240 mos. $19.09 $19.94 $20.87 $20.96 $21.17 $21.34 $21.51</p><p>The 2009 wage range has not yet been bargained; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled authorize the elimination of one (1) FTE position of Dispatcher, in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department from the Table of Organization, and the replacement of said position with one (1) FTE Dispatch Corporal position. The job description is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Dated this 3rd day of November 2008. INTRODUCED BY SALARY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE /s/ Brian Leonhardt, Chair /s/ Alice Connors /s/ Chester Dietzen /s/ Donald Sommers</p><p>7 COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Sommers to adopt Resolution 2008-31. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to adopt Resolution 2008-31, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 19 ayes, 1 nay (Scholz), 1 absent (Draheim). Resolution 2008-31 was adopted (voice vote).</p><p>RESOLUTION 2008-32 RESOLUTION TO CREATE TWO (2) FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) DISPATCHER POSITIONS IN THE CALUMET COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2009</p><p>To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:</p><p>WHEREAS, there has been an increase in workload experienced by the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department Dispatch Center due to population growth in the County, assumption of another police agency‘s calls between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., and implementation of wireless 911 upgrade; and </p><p>WHEREAS, a request to be considered during the budget process for the creation of two (2) FTE Dispatcher (formerly known as Radio Operator) positions in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department was submitted to the Personnel Department on or before the date designated by the County Administrator at the beginning of the annual budget process; and </p><p>WHEREAS, the County Administrator determined that two (2) FTE Dispatcher positions was to be included in the annual budget submitted to the County Board and said positions are included in the proposed 2009 budget; and </p><p>WHEREAS, the purpose of these two (2) FTE Dispatcher positions, in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department is to perform work involving emergency call-taking and dispatching of law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services agencies in response to requests for assistance by the public, and aiding in dispatching and coordinating the agencies in accomplishing their official duties; and WHEREAS, the classification has been approved by the Salary and Personnel Committee at a salary range of Grade J20 on the Corrections, Communications and Clerical Bargaining Unit Wage Schedule. While the 2009 wage range has yet to be negotiated, the 2008 wage range is as follows:</p><p>Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Start 6 mos. 18 mos. 36 mos. 60 mos. 84 mos. 240 mos. $18.62 $19.45 $20.36 $20.45 $20.65 $20.82 $20.99</p><p>NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled authorizes the creation of two (2) FTE Dispatcher positions, in the Calumet County Sheriff’s Department effective January 1, 2009. The job description is attached hereto and incorporated herein.</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008.</p><p>INTRODUCED BY SALARY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE /s/ Brian Leonhardt, Chair</p><p>8 /s/ Alice Connors /s/ Chester Dietzen /s/ Donald Sommers</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Hopfensperger to adopt Resolution 2008-32. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to adopt Resolution 2008-32, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 19 ayes, 1 nay (Scholz), 1 absent (Draheim). Resolution 2008-32 was adopted (voice vote).</p><p>RESOLUTION 2008-33 RESOLUTION TO MODIFY THE POST-EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP) FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES</p><p>To the Honorable Chair and Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, Wisconsin:</p><p>WHEREAS, Calumet County adopted a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) for Public Employees in October 2003, and </p><p>WHEREAS, the PEHP and Paid Time Off (PTO) policies were purposefully linked at the time they were adopted, and </p><p>WHEREAS, said PEHP has allowed the County to lower and manage its liabilities for retiree health benefits, and </p><p>WHEREAS, certain policy items were brought to the attention of the County that might have tax implications for its employees, and </p><p>WHEREAS, the revised policies, as attached, allow the County to maintain the character of the original policy while addressing those areas most susceptible to tax implications, and </p><p>WHEREAS, any proposed revision to the PTO policy relates exclusively to the required changes for the PEHP, and </p><p>NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Calumet County Board of Supervisors herein assembled approves the revised PTO and PEHP policies as attached.</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008.</p><p>INTRODUCED BY SALARY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE /s/ Brian Leonhardt, Chair /s/ Alice Connors /s/ Chester Dietzen /s/ William Scholz /s/ Donald Sommers</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Stecker to adopt Resolution 2008-33. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to adopt Resolution </p><p>9 2008-33, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 20 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent (Draheim). Resolution 2008-33 was adopted unanimously (voice vote).</p><p>ORDINANCES: ORDINANCE 2008-05 ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CALUMET COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES (ORDINANCE 2003-5), TO CREATE SECTION 32-1.1 OF CHAPTER 32, ARTICLE 1</p><p>The Board of Supervisors of Calumet County does hereby amend the Calumet County Code of Ordinances as follows:</p><p>1. Chapter 32, Article 1, In General.</p><p>Sec. 32-1.1. Contract with Local Government.</p><p>The County Administrator may, in accordance with any cost sharing policy developed by the Calumet County Highway Committee, enter into contracts with cities, villages and towns within the county borders to enable the County to construct and maintain streets and highways in such municipalities.</p><p>2. This amendment to the ordinance shall take effect upon passage as provided by law.</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008. </p><p>INTRODUCED BY THE HIGHWAY COMMITTEE /s/ Kenneth Draheim, Chair /s/ James Lehrer /s/ Marilyn Schuh /s/ Donald Sommers /s/ Mike Hopfensperger</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ William Barribeau, County Board Chair </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Lehrer and seconded by Supervisor Hopfensperger to enact Ordinance 2008-05. General discussion followed. </p><p>Moved by Supervisor Connors and seconded by Supervisor Scholz to postpone Ordinance 2008-05 until the County Administrator meets with all municipal leaders to discuss the policy. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to postpone Ordinance 2008-05, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 9 ayes (Brock, Connors, Dietzen, Koenig, T. Laughrin, Prescott, Quick-Laughlin, Scholz and Stecker), 11 nays, 1 absent (Draheim). Motion to postpone Ordinance 2008-05 failed.</p><p>On the call of the ayes and nays to enact Ordinance 2008-05, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 13 ayes, 7 nays (Connors, Dietzen, Koenig, T. Laughrin, Prescott, Scholz and Stecker), 1 absent (Draheim). Ordinance 2008-05 was enacted.</p><p>ORDINANCE 2008-06 ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 66 (COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE) ON CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF BRILLION (PROPERTY OF BRADFORD PYLE)</p><p>The Board of Supervisors of Calumet County, pursuant to Section 59.69 (5) of Wisconsin Statutes, does hereby ordain as follows: 10 1. That the following property in the NW1/4 of Section 17, T20N, R20E, Town of Brillion be rezoned from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Multiple Family Residential (R-3) and described as: commencing at the northwest corner of Section 17; thence S01º15’44”E a distance of 957.5’ along the west line of the northwest quarter to the point of beginning; thence S60º05’50”E a distance of 297’; thence S29º51’2”W a distance of 136.2’; thence S89º04’10”W a distance of 155.5’ to the east right of way of Church Street; thence N00º14’46”W a distance of 211.7’; thence N60º44’25”W a distance of 37.9’; thence N0º14’57”W a distance of 38.5’ to the point of beginning. 2. This amending ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law. Dated this 3rd day of November 2008. INTRODUCED BY THE PLANNING, ZONING AND FARMLAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE /s/ Chester Dietzen, Chair /s/ William Scholz /s/ James Lehrer /s/ Duaine Stillman</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ Bill Barribeau, County Board Chair</p><p>Moved by Supervisor Stillman and seconded by Supervisor Dietzen to enact Ordinance 2008- 06. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to enact Ordinance 2008-06, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 20 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent (Draheim). Ordinance 2008-06 was enacted unanimously.</p><p>ORDINANCE 2008-07 ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CALUMET COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES BY CREATING CHAPTER 18, ENVIRONMENT, SECTIONS 18-40 TO 18-59, ILLICIT DISCHARGE ORDINANCE</p><p>The Board of Supervisors of Calumet County does hereby amend the Calumet County Code of Ordinances as follows:</p><p>1. Chapter 18, Environment, Sections 18-40 to 18-59, Illicit Discharge and Connection Ordinance, of the Calumet County Code of Ordinances, is created and is attached hereto. (The entire ordinance is available online at: %20&%20Attachments%2011-3-08%20annual%20meeting.pd f)</p><p>2. This amending ordinance shall take effect upon passage as provided by law.</p><p>Dated this 3rd day of November 2008.</p><p>INTRODUCED BY THE PLANNING, ZONING AND FARMLAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE /s/ Chester Dietzen, Chair /s/ William Scholz /s/ James Lehrer /s/ Duaine Stillman</p><p>COUNTERSIGNED BY /s/ Bill Barribeau, County Board Chair</p><p>11 Moved by Supervisor Dietzen and seconded by Supervisor Stillman to enact Ordinance 2008- 07. General discussion followed. On the call of the ayes and nays to enact Ordinance 2008-07, the following was the result: 20 votes cast: 20 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent (Draheim). Ordinance 2008-07 was enacted unanimously.</p><p>NEXT MEETING: Supervisors were reminded that the next County Board meeting would be December 16, 2008 at 8:30 A.M.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT: Moved by Supervisor Leonhardt and seconded by Supervisor Hopfensperger to adjourn the meeting at 4:00 P.M. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF CALUMET )ss</p><p>I, Beth A. Hauser, County Clerk, Calumet County, Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the journal of proceedings of the Board of Supervisors at its annual meeting held on November 3, 2008.</p><p>Beth A. Hauser, Calumet County Clerk</p><p>12</p>

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