Curriculum Vitae s231

Curriculum Vitae s231

<p> 1</p><p>CURRICULUM VITAE</p><p>PROFESSOR ZVI BENTWICH</p><p>Place of birth: Jerusalem</p><p>Citizenship: Israeli</p><p>Family status: Married, August l957: Children - 4 sons, l daughter Wife - Tirza Bentwich - Physician</p><p>Education: MD, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School (HUHMS)</p><p>Training and Positions l960: Intern, Hadassah University Hospital (HUH) l96l-l963: Flight Surgeon, Captain and Instructor in Aviation Medicine, Israel Air Force l962- l964: Fellow, Aba E. Unger Fund, Department of Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research, HUHMS</p><p> l964: Post-doctoral training, Department of Pathology, HUHMS l965- l968: Residency in Internal Medicine, HUH l969: Research Fellow, Department of Immunology, Section of Tumor Immunology (Prof. David W.Weiss) HUHMS l970: Senior Physician, Dept. of Internal Medicine 'A', HUH 2 l97l: Research training, Department of Chemical Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science( Prof. Michael Sela). l97l- l973: International Fogarty Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIH, Department of Immunology (Prof. H.G. Kunkell), The Rockefeller University, New York l975-l989: Head, Department of Medicine 'C', Kaplan Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot (HUHMS Teaching Hospital) l975-l980: Head, Unit of Clinical Immunology, Kaplan Hospital l98l-2002 Head, Ruth Ben-Ari Institute of Clinical Immunology, Kaplan Hospital, Rehovot l985-2002 Head, AIDS Center, Kaplan Hospital</p><p>1989-199l: Head, Division of Medicine, Kaplan Hospital</p><p>1996-1998: Head, Division of Medicine, Kaplan Hospital</p><p>2002-2009 Chief Scientist, Rosetta Genomics Inc, Rehovot</p><p>2006-present Head, Center for Tropical Diseases and AIDS ( CEMTA) Ben Gurion University Faculty of Health Sciences 2011-present President, NALA Foundation Inc. </p><p>Academic positions l969: Lecturer in Internal Medicine HUHMS 3 l972: Senior Lecturer in Internal Medicine HUHMS l976: Associate Professor of Medicine HUHMS l978- l979: Visiting Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California l980-2002 Visiting Scientist, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot l98l:-present Professor of Medicine, HUHMS (since 2002 Emeritus) l985- l986: Visiting Professor, Department of Genetics, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts l99l- l992: Visiting Professor, McGill AIDS Center, McGill School of Medicine, Montreal, Canada 2001- 2002 Visiting Scientist, NIAID Clinical Center, NIH, Bethesda, USA 2002-2009 Chief Scientist, Rosetta Genomics Inc, Rehovot</p><p>2004-present Professor, Department of Virology and Developmental Biology, Ben Gurion University , Faculty of Health Sciences </p><p>Appointments - National l976-l979: Member, Executive Board of Scientific Council, Israel Medical Association l977-l980: Established investigator, Chief Scientist, Israel Ministry of Health 4 l980-l985: Member, Board of Israel Immunological Society l98l-l982: Chairman, Committee for Overall Planning of Medicine in Israel, Ministry of Health l982-l984: Chairman, Medical Advisory Board, General Sick Fund, Israel l982-l985: Member, Committee for Academic Policy HUHMS l982-l985: Member, Grants Committee, HUHMS l983: Member, Committee for the Reorganization of the Labor Sick Fund (Chairman: L. Nagan) l987-l989: Member, Medical Board, Labor Sick Fund l987-l988: Chairman, Grants Committee for Biomedical Sciences, Israel Academy of Sciences l988-l990 Member, National Investigation Committee for the Study of Alternative Medicine l988-l990: Member, Academic Nomination Committee (HUHMS) l990-l993: Member, Board of Israel Society for Internal Medicine l988-l99l: President, Israel Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology l990-1998: Head, Board of Department Chairmen, Kaplan Medical Center 5</p><p> l990-present: Member, Israel National AIDS Committee l997-2001 Chairman, Israel Society for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)</p><p>2003- 2010 Member, Board of Physicians for Human Rights , Israel 2010- 2012 Chairman, Board of Physicians for Human Rights, Israel 2003-2006 Member, Board of Beta Israel of the Ethiopian Community</p><p>Appointments - International l973-l989: Israel's representative on the Committee for Clinical Immunology of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) l98l-l986: Member, Scientific Advisory Board, European Journal of Immunology l982-l987: Member, Editorial Board, Diagnostic Immunology l987-l990: Member, Editorial Board, Laboratory Immunology l987-l989: Deputy Chairman, Committee for Clinical Immunology, IUIS l989-l992: Chairman, Committee for Clinical Immunology, IUIS l99l-2000 Member, Editorial Board, Clinical and Experimental Immunology l99l-1996 Member, Editorial Board, AIDS and Society 6</p><p> l994-2000 Member, Editorial Board, Diagnostic and Laboratory Immunology</p><p>1995-2000 Member, Editorial Board, Complementary Medicine</p><p>2001-2010 Member Editorial Board, Homeopathy</p><p>2001- Member Editorial Board, Current Drug Targets- Immune, Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases.</p><p>2002- Visiting Scientist, Office of Clinical Director, NIAID, NIH</p><p>2004-2006 Member, Etidorial Board, PLoS Medicine. 2006- Member, Etidorial Board, PLoS NTD</p><p>Awards l969 "Best teacher" Award, HUHMS l974 Zwilling's prize for contribution to "Harefuah" l986-87, 1990, Distinguished teacher, HUHMS 1994, 1997, 1998, (Rector’s Award) 1999,2000, , 2002. 2011 Lifetime Award for contribution to Medicine and Medical Science in Israel, by Knesset and Minister of Health 7</p><p>Societies</p><p>Israel Society of Internal Medicine Israel Society of Immunology Israel Society of Hematology Israel Society of Rheumatology and Physical Medicine Israel Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology Israel Society for Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) International Society of Immunopharmacology International AIDS Society American Society of Microbiology American Society of Clinical Immunology 8</p><p>List of Publications</p><p>1. Bentwich Z. An outbreak of rubella in a military base. Harefuah 64:95-98, l963 (in Hebrew)</p><p>2. Ginsburg I, Bentwich Z. Effect of cysteine on formation of streptolysin S by group A streptococci. Proc Soc Exper Biol Med ll7:670-675, l964</p><p>3. Ginsburg I, Bentwich Z, Harris TN. Oxygen stable hemolysin of group A streptococci. III. The relationship of the cell bound hemolysin to streptolysin S. J Exper Med l2l:633-646, l965</p><p>4. Zlotnick A, Bentwich Z. Immunoglobulins in health and disease. Harefuah 70:357, l966 (in Hebrew)</p><p>5. Menczel J, Levy M, Bentwich Z. Insulin resistant diabetes treated with sulfated insulin. Isr J Med 2:764-768, l966</p><p>6. Bentwich Z, Seijfers M. Abdominal angina. (Editorial) Harefuah 73:27l-272, l967</p><p>7. Zeiri N, Bentwich Z, Boss JH, Ginsburg I, Harris TN. Organ lesions produced in rabbits by group A streptococci and some of their extracellular products. Am J Pathol 5l:35l-37l, l967</p><p>8. Bentwich Z, Boss JH, Ginsburg I. Cardiac and muscular lesions in mice and rabbits injected with group A streptococci products. Pathol Microbiol 3l:233-242, l968</p><p>9. Ginsburg I, Zilberstein Z, Bentwich Z, Boss JH. Experimental arthritis produced in the rabbit by extracellular products of group A streptococci. Experientia 24:256-257, l968 l0. Bentwich Z, Rosen Z, Ganor Z, Herman G. Chronic rhino- cerebral mucomycosis (phycomycosis) with occlusion of left internal carotid artery. Isr J Med Sci 4:977- 98l, l968 ll. Ginsburg I, Zeiri N, Zilberstein Z, Bentwich Z, Lavi S. Effects of streptolysin S in rabbits. Excerpta Medica Monograph 5:l90-l9l, l968 l2. Ginsburg I, Zeiri N, Bentwich Z, Boss JH, Harris TN. Organ lesions produced in rabbits following the intratonsillar injections of group A streptococci and some of their products. Excerpta Medica Monograph 5:l62-l64, l968 9 l3. Naor D, Bentwich Z, Zhividalli G. Inability of peripheral lymphoid cells of agammaglobulinaemic patients to bind radio- iodinated albumins. Aust J Exper Biol Med Sci 47:759-76l, l969 l4. Eliakim M, Bentwich Z. On the nomenclature of ischemic heart disease. (Editorial) Harefuah 78:560-562, l970 (in Hebrew) l5. Bentwich Z, Eliakim M. Anticoagulant treatment in myocardial infarction. (Editorial) Harefuah 78:558-559, l970 (in Hebrew) l6. Bentwich Z, Cividalli G. Immune deficiency states. (Review) Harefuah 79:225-228, l970 (in Hebrew) l7. Bentwich Z. Carcinoembryogenic antigen. (Review) Harefuah 8l:465-467, l97l (in Hebrew) l8. Bentwich Z, Rosenmann E, Eliakim M. Prevalence of hypertension in renal amyloidosis: correlation with clinical and histological parameters. Am J Med Sci 262:93-l00, l97l l9. Bentwich Z. Factors regulating the immunological response. Harefuah 82:5l8-522, l972 (in Hebrew)</p><p>20. Bentwich T, Bentwich Z. Obesity: background and treatment. Harefuah 82:326-329, l972 (in Hebrew)</p><p>2l. Bentwich Z, Weiss DW, Sulitzeanu D, Kedar E, Izak G, Cohen I, Eyal Z. Antigenic changes on the surface of lymphocytes from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Cancer Res 32:l375-l383, l972</p><p>22. Winchester RJ, Siegal FP, Bentwich Z, Kunkel HG. Alteration in the proportion of B and T lymphocytes in rheumatoid arthritis joint fluids with low complement and increased complexes. Arth Rheum l6:l38-l39, l973</p><p>23. Bentwich Z, Douglas SD, Siegal FP, Kunkel HG. Human lymphocytes sheep erythrocytes rosette formation: some characteristics of the interaction. Clin Immunol Immunopathol l:5ll-522, l973</p><p>24. Dickler HB, Siegal FP, Bentwich Z, Kunkel HG. Lymphocyte binding of aggregated IgG and surface Ig staining in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Clin Exp Immunol l4:97-l06, l973</p><p>25. Haran-Ghera N, Ben-Yaakov M, Peled A, Bentwich Z. Immune status of SJL/J mice in relation to age and spontaneous tumor development. J Natl Can Inst 50:l227-l235, l973 10</p><p>26. Shearer GM, Moses E, Haran-Ghera N, Bentwich Z. Cellular analysis of virus- induced immunosuppression. J Immunol ll0:736-74l, l973</p><p>27. Bentwich Z, Kunkel HG. Specific properties of human B and T lymphocytes and alteration in diseases. Transpl Rev l6:29-50, l973</p><p>28. Bentwich Z, Douglas SD, Skutelsky E and Kunkel HG. Sheep red cell binding to human lymphocytes treated with neuraminidase: enhancement of T-cell binding and identification of a sub- population of B-cells. J Exper Med l37:l532-l537, l973</p><p>29. Polliack A, Lampen N, Clarkson BD, de Harven E, Bentwich Z, Kunkel HG. Identification of human B and T lymphocytes by scanning electron microscopy. J Exper Med l38:607-624, l973</p><p>30. Wernet P, Siegal FP, Dickler H, Bentwich Z, Fu S, Kunkel HG. B and T cells in various disease states: immature B cells in the blood of certain patients with immune deficiency. In: Advances in the Biosciences l2:l69-l84, l973</p><p>3l. Bentwich Z. Identification of human lymphoid populations. Harefuah 86:4l9-420, l974 (in Hebrew)</p><p>32. Polliack A, Fu S, Douglas SD, Bentwich Z, Lampen N, de Harven E. Scanning electron microscopy of human lymphocyte sheep erythrocyte rosettes. J Exper Med l40:l46-l58, l974</p><p>33. Polliack A, Siegal FP, Fu S, Winchester R, Bentwich Z, Clarkson BD and de Harven H. Scanning electron microscopy of human leukemia lymphocytes. Clin Res 22:40l- 402, l974</p><p>34. Winchester RJ, Winfield JB, Siegel F, Wernet P, Bentwich Z, Kunkel HG. Analyses of lymphocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus: occurrence of interfering cold-reactive antilymphocyte antibodies. J Clin Invest 54:l082-l092, l974</p><p>35. Bentwich Z, Cohen R, Brautbar C. Lymphocyte blocking factors in Hodgkin's disease. In: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 66:685-690, l975</p><p>36. Ben Bassat H, Goldblum T, Mitrani S, Cohen R, Bentwich Z, Goldblum N. Concanavalin A receptor and other cell surface and antigenic characteristics of continuous lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from patients with Hodgkin's disease and other malignant lymphomas. Prog Med Virol 2l:l77-l87, l975</p><p>37. Bentwich T and Bentwich Z. Evaluation of the health services in the Yehuda district and suggestion for their improvement. Harefuah 89:4l9-423, l975 (in Hebrew)</p><p>38. Bentwich Z, Shani A. Perspectives of tumor immunology. Harefuah 90:558-560, l976 (in Hebrew) 11</p><p>39. Bentwich Z. Human T and B lymphocytes in health and disease. Yearbook of Kupat Holim 5:80-84, l976 (in Hebrew)</p><p>40. Natvig JB, Lambert PH, Bentwich Z, Bloch K et al. Clinical Immunology (Report of the Committee on Clinical Immunology of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS). Scand J Immunol 5:l-7, l976</p><p>4l. Doljanski F, Ben-Sasson S, Shaviv R, Slavin S, Bentwich Z. Cell volume regulation in normal and leukemic human lymphocytes. Blood 46:89l-899, l976</p><p>42. Bentwich Z, Douglas SD and Polliack A. Surface markers and other characteristics of the lymphocyte in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Review). Isr J Med Sci l2:304- 324, l976</p><p>43. Shani A, Bentwich Z. Fats, cholesterol and diet in relaxation to tumors of the colon. Harefuah 9l:l44-l46, l976 (in Hebrew)</p><p>44. Ben-Bassat H, Goldblum N, Goldblum T, Mitrani S, Joffey JM, Bentwich Z, Cohen MM. Establishment in continuous culture of a new type of lymphocyte from a "Burkitt-like" malignant lymphoma (Line DG-75). Int J Cancer l9:27-33, l977</p><p>45. Zipori D, Shani A, Burstein R, Cohen A, Haimovich J, Efrati P, Bentwich Z. Characterization of human lymphatic leukemia: T and B cell proliferations. Isr J Med Sci l3:753-757, l977</p><p>46. Hofman F, Cohen A, Zipori D, Burstein R, Bentwich Z, Haimovich J. Binding of F(ab)'2 of normal human IgG to human lymphocytes. J Immunol ll9:2209-22ll, l977</p><p>47. Polliack MR, Adler-Scherzer V, Bentwich Z, Efrati P, Feldman S, Kszypow B, Mowogrodsky M, Prywes M, Sandler J, Ser I. The organization of medical services in the community clinics. (Report of a commission). The Family Physician 6 (Suppl.): l-23, l977</p><p>48. Hellerstein S, Bentwich Z. Medical day care in Kaplan Hospital. Yearbook of Kupat Holim 7:90-97, l978</p><p>49. Zipori D, Burstein R, Cohen A, Bentwich Z. Sharp decrease of immunoglobulin bearing lymphocytes during the acute phase of infectious mononucleosis. Harefuah 94:l06, l978 (in Hebrew)</p><p>50. Bartal A, Bentwich Z, Manny N, Izak G. The ethnic distribution of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in Israel. Acta Haematol 60:l6l-l7l, l978</p><p>5l. Bentwich Z, Talpaz M. Duration of hospitalization and convalescence of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Harefuah 96:l33-l34, l979 (in Hebrew) 12</p><p>52. Talpaz M, Bentwich Z. Early ambulation after acute myocardial infarction. Harefuah 96:l60-l6l, l979 (in Hebrew)</p><p>53. Bentwich Z. The lymphocyte and its function in the immune response. Family Physician 8:496-500, l979 (in Hebrew)</p><p>54. Peled A, Ben-Yaacov M, Brami S, Bentwich Z, Haran-Ghera N. The effect of lymphoreticular neoplasms on the age-dependent increase of antinuclear antibodies. J Clin Lab Immunol 2:255-260, l979</p><p>55. Tartakovsky B, Segal S, Shani A, Hellerstein S, Weinstein Y, Bentwich Z. Segregation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes according to their affinity for insolubilized histamine: principal differences between males and females. Clin Exp Immunol 38:l66-l74, l979</p><p>56. Tartakovsky B, Segal S, Shani A, Hellerstein S, Weinstein Y, Bentwich Z. Sex- associated differences in histamine receptor bearing human lymphocytes. In: JA Kaplan, ed. "The Molecular Basis of Immune Cell Function". Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 274-280, l979</p><p>57. Schattner A, Geltner D, Bentwich Z. Inflammatory bowel disease as a manifestation of pernicious anemia. Harefuah 98:304-306, l980 (in Hebrew)</p><p>58. Golan DR, Gelhar A, Pick IS, Weiss C, Bentwich Z. A longitudinal clinical study and laboratory survey of SLE. Harefuah 98:242-245, l980 (in Hebrew)</p><p>59. Bentwich Z, Geltner D (in a cooperative study). An open non-comparative multicenter trial of Diclofenol in rheumatic diseases. Harefuah 99:6l-63, l980 (in Hebrew)</p><p>60. Katz D, Bentwich Z, Eshhar N, Lowy I, Mozes E. Immune response potential to (T,G)-A-L of human T-cells of different donors. Proc Natl Acad Sci 78:4505-4509, l98l</p><p>6l. Hirschberg A, Bentwich Z. Evaluation of nonurgent medical care in the Emergency Room. Harefuah l00:39-4l, l98l (in Hebrew)</p><p>62. Hirschberg A, Bentwich Z. Evaluation of referral letters to the General Emergency Room. Harefuah l0l:273-276, l98l (in Hebrew)</p><p>63. Dottan S, Bentwich Z. Fever of unknown origin: high incidence of undiagnosed cases. Harefuah l0l:l0, l98l (in Hebrew)</p><p>64. Shani A, Weisman Z, Cohen Z, Amruch D, Cohen O, Nissim F, Shindel A, Sela A, Rosen A, Modan M, Bentwich Z. The value of the leukocyte adherence inhibition 13</p><p> test (LAI) in the diagnosis of colorectal carcinoma and its relation to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Harefuah l0l:24l-243, l98l (in Hebrew)</p><p>65. Aviel A, Ostfeld E, Bentwich Z, Burstein R, Marshak G. Etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of Bell's palsy. Harefuah l00:578-58l, l98l (in Hebrew)</p><p>66. Bentwich Z, Bianco N, Jaeger L, Houba V, Lambert PH, Knapp W, Rose N, Seligmann M, Thompson R, Torrigiani G, de Weck A. Use and abuse of laboratory tests in clinical immunology: critical considerations of eight widely used diagnostic procedures. Report of a IUIS/WHO working group. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 24:l22-l38, l982</p><p>67. Bentwich Z, Fahey J, Gupta R, Golub S, Chia D, Barnett E. Comparison of assays for circulating immune complexes in human disease. In: I Machtey, ed. "Progress in Rheumatology", Wright-PSG, Littleton, Mass. USA, p. 236-240, l982</p><p>68. Talmon Y, Bentwich Z. Prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in an Israeli population. In: I Machtey, ed. "Progress in Rheumatology", Wright-PSG, Littleton, Mass. USA, p. 24l-244, l982</p><p>69. Mozes E, Katz D, Bentwich Z, Brautbar C, Lifshitz T, Apte RN. Human (T,G)-A-L specific helper factors possess VH as well as DR determinants. In: A Khan and NO Hill, eds. "Human Lymphokines", Academic Press, Inc. p. 29l, l982</p><p>70. Katz D, Suez D, Bentwich Z, Brautbar C, Lifshitz T, Mozes E. Genetic regulation of the immune response to (T,G)-A-L in the human. In: A Khan and NO Hill, eds. "Human Lymphokines", Academic Press, Inc. p. 56l-570, l982</p><p>7l. Shalev Y, Bentwich Z. Arthritis in neoplastic diseases. Family Physician ll:24-26, l982 (in Hebrew)</p><p>72. Heijen CJ, Uytde Haag F, Pot K, Bentwich Z, Ziejst BA, Ballieux RE. III. T-cell helper and suppressor factor: Structural characteristics. Ann d'Immunol 133D:221- 234, l982</p><p>73. Aviel A, Ostfeld E, Burstein R, Marshak G, Bentwich Z. Peripheral blood T and B lymphocyte subpopulations in Bell's palsy. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 92:l87-l9l, l983</p><p>74. Levy S, Hellerstein S, Bentwich Z. Medical day care unit in a general hospital. Harefuah 105:178-183, 1983 (in Hebrew)</p><p>75. Varon D, Geltner D, Schattner A, Coslovski R, Bentwich Z. Budd Chiari syndrome in a patient with Behcet's disease. Harefuah 104:91, 1983 (in Hebrew)</p><p>76. Schattner A, Shani A, Talpaz M, Bentwich Z. Rheumatoid factors in the sera of patients with gastrointestinal carcinoma. Cancer 52:2156-2161, 1983 14</p><p>77. Katz D, Brautbar C, Bentwich Z, Mozes E. Genetically regulated human (T,G)-A-L specific helper T-cell replacing factors possess HLA-DR and VH determinants. Human Immunol 7:217-227, 1983</p><p>78. Berner Y, Berrebi A, Green L, Handzel ZT, Bentwich Z. Erythroblastopenia in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Acta Hematol 70:273, 1983</p><p>79. Mozes E, Katz D, Suez D, Apte RN, Bentwich Z, Brautbar C. Human (T,G)-A-L Specific helper factors. In: S. Cohen and J. Oppenheim, eds. "Interleukins, Lymphokines and Cytokines". Acad Press, NY. pp. 227-235, 1983</p><p>80. Gazitt Y, Bentwich Z, Shani A. Reactivity of purified GP40 antigen with antibodies from sera of patients with colorectal cancer: a follow-up study. Int J Cancer 32:537-541, 1983</p><p>81. Kotkes P,Weissman Z, Mozes E, Bentwich Z. An improved microculture hemolytic</p><p> spot assay for the study of carrier specific antibody responses. J Immunol Meth 74:273-281, 1984</p><p>82. Shalev Y, Berrebi A, Levin S, Green L, Schattner A, Frumkin A, Hurwitz N, Hahn T, Bentwich Z. Progressive cutaneous herpes simplex infection in acute myeloblastic leukemia: successful treatment with interferon and small doses of cytosin arabinoside (ARA-C). Arch Dermatol 120:922-926, l984</p><p>83. Levi S, Bentwich Z. Periodic screening for early detection of disease. Harefuah 106:522-525, 1984</p><p>84. Berner Y, Bentwich Z. Education for humanistic approach in medicine. Harefuah 107:99-100, l984 (in Hebrew)</p><p>85. Eisenberg S, Yitzchak O, Schattner A, Bentwich Z. Unusual dyslipoproteinemia in a patient with primary systemic amyloidosis and nephrotic syndrome. Role of Excessive cholesterol synthesis. Isr J Med Sci 20:224-231, l984</p><p>86. Berner Y, Handzel ZT, Pecht M, Trainin N, Bentwich Z. Attempted treatment of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) with Thymic Humoral Factor (THF). Isr J Med Sci 20:1195-1196, l984</p><p>87. Handzel ZT, Galili-Weisstub E, Burstein R, Berner Y, Pecht M, Netzer L, Trainin N, Barzilai N, Levin S, Bentwich Z. Immune derangements in asymptomatic male homosexuals:A pre-AIDS condition? Ann NY Acad Sci 437:549-553, l984</p><p>88. Brautbar C, Katz D, Bentwich Z, Mosez E. Genetic control of HLA-linked immune responsiveness to synthetic polypeptides in healthy individuals and patients with 15</p><p> autoimmune diseases. In: Albert & Mayr, eds. "Histocompati- bility Testing". Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 612-615, l984</p><p>89. Handzel ZT, Burstein Y, Buchner V, Pecht M, Netzer L, Bentwich Z, Burstein R, Segal O, Berner Y, Levin S, Trainin N. Anti- viral properties of Thymic Humoral Factor (THF) and other thymic hormones. Clin Immunol Newsletter 6:68-71, l985.</p><p>90. Assael M, Abramovich Y, Handzel ZT, Berner Y, Bentwich Z. Epidemic of acquired immune deficiency (AIDS) triggering psychotic psychgenic reactions. Harefuah 108:431-433, l985 (in Hebrew)</p><p>9l. Bentwich Z, Handzel ZT. Update on acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).Harefuah 108:464-467, l985 (in Hebrew)</p><p>92. Levin S, Hahn T, Handzel ZT, Bergman V, Barzilai N, Myer R, Tinowitz M, Galili-Weisstub E, Bentwich Z. Activated interferon system in healthy homosexuals. Antiviral Research 5:229-240, l985</p><p>93. Fink A, Shani A, Weissman Z, Wechsler U, Pfeffermann R, Harpaz N, Eitan S, Bentwich Z. Leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay for detecting specific tumor immunity in colorectal cancer. Immunology Letters 9:143-147, l985. </p><p>94. Fink A, Bibi H, Eliraz A, Bentwich Z. Leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4) confer glass non-adherence on leukocytes of asthmatic individuals. Dependency on cycloxygenase products and calcium ion and characterization of an asthmatic phenotype. Immunology Letters 10:319-323, 1985</p><p>95. Shalev Y, Bentwich Z, Katz D, Brautbar C, Mozes E. (T,G)-A-L specific immune response potential and HLA typing of Israeli patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Clin Exp Immunol 60:355-362, 1985</p><p>96. Suez D, Katz D, Brautbar C, Weisman Z, Bentwich Z, Moses E. HLA-linked responsiveness to (T,G)-A-L: A family study. Human Immunology 13:219-230, 1985</p><p>97. Fink A, Shahin R, Eliraz A, Bibi H, Berkenstadt H, Levin S, Bentwich Z. Interferon modulates the leukotriene C4-induced non-adherence properties of leukocytes - acquisition of an asthmatic phenotype. Immunology Letters 10:159-163, 1985</p><p>98. Fink A, Eliraz A, Bruderman I, Wishnitzer R, Shindler D, Shani A, Offer S, Harpaz N, Bentwich Z. A computerized tube leukocyte adherence inhibition assay in the diagnosis of human lung cancer. Daignostic Immunology 3:171-176, 1985</p><p>99. Mozes E, Katz D, Bentwich Z, Brautbar C. Antigen-specific human T-cell products: Function, characterization and potential for immunotherapy. Proceedings of the 16</p><p>Serono International Symposium on Immunopharmacology. Miescher, Bolis & Ghione, eds., Raven Press, New York. Vol. 23:25-37 1985</p><p>100. Fink A, Harpaz N, Weisman Z, Shani A, Bentwich Z. The isolation of colon cancer</p><p> organ specific neoantigen (OSN) by the use of the leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay and monoclonal antibodies. Anticancer Research 6:813-818, 1986</p><p>101. Shani A, Fink A, Bass D, Gottesfeld F, Becker S, Levy E, Bentwich Z, Rozen P, Fireman Z, Hallak A, Gilat T. Antitumor immune response to colorectal cancer antigen detected by the leukocyte adherence inhibition assay in high-risk groups for colorectal cancer. Cancer Detect Prevent 9:485-490, 1986.</p><p>102. Trainin N, Burstein Y, Buchner V, Pecht M, Netzer L, Bentwich Z, Burstein R, Berner Y, Segal O, Handzel ZT. Thymic hormones in viral infections and AIDS. In: Szentivanyi & Friedman, eds. "Viruses, Immunity and Immunodeficiency". Plenum. pp. 313-319, 1986</p><p>103. Handzel ZT, Berner Y, Burstein R, Berner I, Pecht M, Netzer L, Trainin N, Ben-Ishai Z, Bentwich Z. Immune impairments in asymptomatic male homosexuals: Are they linked only to the HTLV-III agent? In: Vossen & Griscelli, eds. "Progress in Immunodeficiency Research and Therapy II". Elsevier. p. 457-459, 1986</p><p>104. Hadas E, Fink A, Gembom E, Harpaz N, Shani A, Bentwich Z, Eshhar Z. Affinity purification and characterization of a colon cancer organ specific neoantigen and a normal cross-reactive protein recovered from the urine of colon cancer patients and healthy donors, respectively. Cancer Research 46:5201-5205, 1986</p><p>105. Weisman Z, Shani A, Fink A, Shindel A, Sela A, Wechsler U, Pfeffermann R, Bentwich Z. Leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay in the diagnosis and follow-up of colorectal cancer patients. Oncology 43:23-26, 1986</p><p>106. Berner Y, Fink A, Shani A, Weisman Z, Eliraz A, Bruderman I, Bentwich Z. The diagnostic value of the computerized tube leukocyte adherence inhibition (LAI) assay for human colorectal, breast and lung cancers. Oncology 43:327-334, l986</p><p>107. Fink A, Bibi H, Eliraz A, Bentwich Z. 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Delavirdine in combination with Zidovudine in treatment of human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients: evaluation of efficacy and emergence of viral assistance in a randomized, comparative phase III trial. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44:3155-3157, 2000.</p><p>212. Abulafia-Lapid R, Bentwich Z, Keren-Zur Y, Cohen I, Atlan H. Autologous T-cell vaccination for HIV-seropositive patients: a phase I clinical trial. The Fifth European Conference on Experimental AIDS Research, Madrid (Spain), 26</p><p>Monduzzi Editore, International Proceedings Division, p. 87-93, 2000 .</p><p>213. Bentwich Z. Good worms or bad worms: Do worm infections affect the epidemiological patterns of other diseases? Reply (Letter) Parasitology Today 16:312, 2000.</p><p>214. Kalinkovich A, Borkow G, Weisman Z, Tsimanis A, Stein M, Bentwich Z. Increased CCR5 and CXCR4 expression in Ethiopians living in Israel: environmental and constitutive factors. Clin Immunol 100: 107-117,2001.</p><p>215. Ayash-Rashkovsky M, Weisman Z, Zlotnikov S, Raz E, Bentwich Z, Borkow G. Induction of antigen-specific Th1-biased immune responses by plasmid DNA in schistosoma-infected mice with a preexistent dominant Th2 immune profile. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 282:1169-1176, 2001.</p><p>216. Leng Q, Borkow G, Weisman Z, Stein M, Kalinkovich A, Bentwich Z. Immune activation correlates better than HIV plasma viral load with CD4 T-cell decline during HIV infection. JAIDS 1; 27(4): 389-397, 2001.</p><p>217. Gradstein S, Hahn T, Barak Y, Malach L, Revel M, Bentwich Z, Handzel Z. In vitro effects of recombinant TNF- binding protein (rTBP-1) on hematopoiesis of HIV-infected patients. JAIDS 26:111-117, 2001.</p><p>218. Yakir M, Kreitler S, Brzezinski A, Vithoulkas G, Oberbaum M, Bentwich Z. Effects of homeopathic treatment in women with premenstrual syndrome: a pilot study. British Homeopathic Journal 90:148-153,2001.</p><p>219. Borkow G, Weisman Z, Leng Q, Stein M, Kalinkovich A, Wolday D, Bentwich Z. Helminths, human immunodeficiency virus and tuberculosis. Scand J Infect Dis 33:568-571, 2001.</p><p>220. Leng Q, Bentwich Z, Magen E, Kalinkovich A, Borkow G. CTLA-4 upregulation during HIV infection: association with anergy and possible target for therapeutic intervention. AIDS 16:519-529,2002.</p><p>221. Borkow G, Bentwich Z. Host background immunity and human immunodeficiency virus protective vaccines, a major consideration for vaccine efficacy in Africa and in developing countries. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 9:505-507, 2002. </p><p>222. Leng Q, Bentwich Z. Beyond self and nonself : fuzzy recognition of the immune system. Scand J Immunol 56:224-232 ,2002 </p><p>223. Ayash-Rashkovsky M, Weisman Z, Diveley J, Moss RA, Bentwich Z, Borkow G. Generation of Th1 immune response to inactivated gp120-depleted HIV-1 in mice with a dominant Th2 biased immune profile via immunostimulatory oligonucleotide . relevance to AIDS vaccines in developing countries. Vaccine 20:2684-2692,2002. 27</p><p>224. Leng Q, Bentwich Z , Borkow G. CTLA-4 upregulation during aging. Mechanisms of Aging and development 123:1419-1421, 2002.</p><p>225. Wolday D, Mayaan S, Mariam ZG, Berhe N, Seboxa T, Britton S, Galai N, Landay A, Bentwich Z. Treatment of intestinal worms is associated with decreased HIV plasma viral load. JAIDS 31:56-62,2002.</p><p>226. Leng Q, Borkow G, Bentwich Z. Attenuated signaling associated with immune activation in HIV-1 infected individuals. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 298:464-467,2002.</p><p>227 . 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Association of deworming with reduced eosinophilia: Implication for HIV/AIDS and co-endemic diseases. SA Journal of Science 99:182- 184, 2003.</p><p>233. Schattner A, Friedman J, Bentwich Z. Opportunistic infection due to unexplained CD4+ lymphocytopenia and associated Sjogren's syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford) 43: 111-112, 2004</p><p>234. Borkow G, Bentwich Z. Chronic immune activation associated with chronic helminthic and human immunodeficiency virus infections: role of hyporesponsiveness and anergy. Clin Microbiol Rev 17: 1012-30, 2004</p><p>235. Borkow G, Lara HH, Ayash-Rashkovsky M, Tavor E, Lapidot A, Bentwich Z, Honigman A. Adenovirus expressing a bioluminescence reporter gene and cMAGI cell assay for the detection of HIV-1. Virus Genes 29: 257-265 2004. 28</p><p>236. Abulafia-Lapid R, Bentwich Z, Keren-Zur Y, Cohen IR, Atlan H. T-cell vaccination against anti-CD4 autoimmunity in HIV-1 infected patients. J Clin Virol 31 Suppl 1: 48-54 2004.</p><p>237. Barad O, Meiri E, Avniel A, Aharonov R, Barzilai A, Bentwich I, Einav U, Gilad S, Hurban P, Karov Y, Lobenhofer EK, Sharon E, Shiboleth YM, Shtutman M, Bentwich Z, Einat P. MicroRNA expression detected by oligonucleotide microarrays: system establishment and expression profiling in human tissues. Genome Res 14: 2486-2494 2004.</p><p>238. Tsimanis A, Kalinkovich A, Bentwich Z Soluble chemokine CCR5 receptor is present in human plasma. Immunol Lett 96: 55-61 2005.</p><p>239. Modjarrad K, Zulu I, Radden DT, Njobvu L, Lane HC, Bentwich Z, Vermund SH.Treatment of Intestinal Helminths Does Not Reduce Plasma Concentrations of HIV-1 RNA in Coinfected Zambian Adults. J Infected Disease 192:1277-1283 2005</p><p>240. Ayash-Rashkovsky M, Bentwich Z, Borkow G. TLR9 expression is related to immune activation but is impaired in individuals with Chronic immune activation. Int J Biochem cell biol . 37:2380-94 ,2005 </p><p>241. Bentwich Z. CD4 measurements in patients with HIV : are they feasible for poor settings? PLos Med. 2: e214;quiz e254, 2005</p><p>242. Bentwich I, Avniel A, Karov Y, Aharonov R, Gilad S, Barad O, Barzilai, Einat P, Einav U, Meiri E, Sharon E, Spector Y, Bentwich Z. Identifications of hundreds of conserved and nonconserved human microRNAs. Nat Genet 37: 766-770, 2005</p><p>243. Ayash-Rashkovsky M, Bentwich Z, Arditti F, Friedman S, Reisner Y, Borkow G. A novel small animal model for HIV-1 infection. FASEBJ. 19:1149-1151 , 2005 </p><p>244. Ayash-Rashkovsky M , Borkow G, Davis HL, Moss RB, Bartholomew R, Bentwich Z. Enhanced HIV-1 specific immune response by CpG ODN and HIV- 1 immunogen- Pulsed dendritic cells confers protections in the Trimera murine model of HIV-1 Infection. FASEBJ 19:1152-1154 ,2005</p><p>245. Magen E, Borkow G, Bentwich Z, Mishal J, Scharf S. Can worms defend our hearts ? chronic helminthic infectious may attenuate the Development of cardiovascular diseases. Med Hypotheses 64:904-909, 2005</p><p>246. Abulafia-Lapid R, Mayan S, Bentwich Z, Keren-Zur Y, Avbramovitz Y, Cohen IR, Atlan H. T-cell vaccination against anti-CD4 autoimmunity in HIV-1 subtypes B and C- Infected patients--an extended open trial. 29</p><p>Vaccine 23:2149-2153 , 2005</p><p>247. Borkow G, Bentwich Z.: HIV and helminth co-infection: is deworming necessary? Parasite Immunol. 11:605-12., 2006</p><p>248. Leng Q, Bentwich Z , Borkow G.: Increased TGF-beta, Cbl-b and CTLA-4 levels and immunosuppression in association with chronic immune activation. Int Immunol.;18:637-44 ,2006.</p><p>249. Cummins JM, He Y, Leary RJ, Pagliarini R, Diaz LA Jr, Sjoblom T, Barad O, Bentwich Z , Szafranska AE, Labourier E, Raymond CK, Roberts BS, Juhl H, Kinzler KW, Vogelstein B, Velculescu VE. The colorectal microRNAome PNAS (USA) 103: 3687-92, 2006</p><p>250. Bentwich Z. Micro RNAs play a central role during cancer and viral infections and can setherapy. Retrovirology 3, 2006</p><p>251. Hotez PJ,. Molyneux DH, Stillwaggon E, Bentwich Z, Kumaresan J. Neclected Ttropical Diseases and HIV/Aids. Lancet 25; 368:1865-6, 2006.</p><p>252. Raver-Shapira N, Marciano E, Meiri E, Spector Y, Rosenfeld N, Moskovits N, Bentwich Z, Oren M. Transcriptional activation of miR-34a contributes to p53-mediated apoptosis. Mol Cell 8;26(5):731-43, 2007</p><p>253. Borkow G, Teicher C, Bentwich Z . Helminth-HIV Coinfection: Should We Deworm? PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 19;1(3):e160, 2007</p><p>254. Rosenfeld N, Aharonov R, Meiri E, Rosenwald S, Spector Y, Zepeniuk M, Benjamin H, Shabes N, Tabak S, Levy A, Lebanony D, Goren Y, Silberschein Targan N, Ben-Ari A, Gilad S, Sion-Vardy N, Tobar A, Feinmesser M, Kharenko O, Nativ O, Nass D, Perelman M, Yosepovich A, Shalmon B, Polak-Charcon S, Fridman E, Avniel A, Bentwich I, Bentwich Z , Cohen D, Chajut A, Barshack I. MicroRNAs accurately identify cancer tissue origin. Nat Biotechnol. 26(4):462-9, 2008 </p><p>255. Borkow G, Bentwich Z . Chronic parasite infections cause immune changes that could affect successful vaccination. Trends Parasitol. 24(6):243-5, 2008. </p><p>256. Nass D, Rosenwald S, Meiri E, Gilad S, Tabibian-Keissar H, Schlosberg A, Kuker Sion-Vardy N, Tobar A, Kharenko O, Sitbon E, Yanai G, Elyakim E, Cholakh H, Gibori H, Spector Y, Bentwich Z , Barshack I, Rosenfeld N. MiR-92b and miR-9/9* Are Specifically Expressed in Brain Primary Tumors and Can Be Used to Differentiate Primary from Metastatic Brain Tumors. Brain Pathol., 2008. 30</p><p>257. Tzur G, Levy A, Meiri E, Barad O, Spector Y, Bentwich Z, Mizrahi L, Katzenellenbogen M, Ben-Shushan E, Reubinoff BE, Galun E. MicroRNA expression patterns and function in endodermal differentiation human embryonic stem cells. PLoS ONE 3(11), 2008.</p><p>258. Gilad S, Meiri E, Yogev Y, Benjamin S, Lebanony D, Yerushalmi N, Benjamin H, Kushnir M, Cholakh H, Melamed N, Bentwich Z, Hod M, Goren Y, Chajut A. Serum microRNAs are promising novel biomarkers. 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Comprehensive gene and microRNA expression profiling reveals a role for microRNAs in human liver development PLoS One. 2009 20;4(10)..</p><p>263. Navarro F, Gutman D, Meire E, Cáceres M, Rigoutsos I, Bentwich Z, Lieberman J. miR-34a contributes to megakaryocytic differentiation of K562 cells independently of p53. Blood. 2009 Sep 3;114(10):2181-92. Epub 2009 Jul 7. 31</p><p>264. Reichenstein I, Aizenberg N, Goshen M, Bentwich Z, Avni YS. A novel qPCR assay for viral encoded microRNAs. J Virol Methods. ;163(2):323-8 2010. </p><p>265. Bentwich Z, Horner R, Borkow G. De-Worming in Developing Countries as a Feasible and affordable Means to fight Co-Endemic Infectious Diseases. The Open Biology Journal, 3, 97-103, 2010</p><p>266. Benjamin H, Lebanony D,Rosenwald S, Cohen L, Gibori H, Barabash N, Ashkenazi K, Goren E, Meiri E, Morgentern S, Perelman M, Barshack I, Goren Y, Edmonston TB, Chajut A, Aharonov R, Bentwich Z, Rosenfeld N, Cohen D. A Diagnostic Assay Based on MicroRNA Expression Accurately identifies Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. J Mol Diagn, 2010.</p><p>267. Barshack I, Meiri E, Rosenwald S, Lebanony D, Bronfeld M, Aviel-Ronen S, Rosenblatt K, Polak-Charcon S, Leizerman I, Ezagouri M, Zepeniuk M,Shabes N, Cohen L,Tabak S, Cohen D, Bentwich Z, Rosenfeld N. Differential diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma from metastatic tumors in the liver using micriRNA expression. Int J Biochem Cell Biol, 42, 1355-62, 2010</p><p>268. Biton M, Levin A, Slyoer M, Alkalay I, Horwitz E, Mor H, kredo-Russo S, Avnit- Sagi T, Cojocaru G, Zreik f, Bentwich Z, Poy MN, Artis D, Walker MD, Hornstein E, Pikarsky E, Ben-Neriah Y. Epithelial microRNAs regulate gut mucosal immunity via epithelium-T cell crosstalk. Nat Immunol 12(3):239-46, 2011. I.F(2009):26.00</p><p>269. Meshesha MK., Veksler-Lublinsky I., Isakov O., Reichenstein I., Shomron N., Kedem K.,Ziv-Ukelson M., Bentwich Z., Shemer Avni Y. The microRNA transcriptome of human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Open Virol. J. 2012; 6 39- 48.</p><p>270. Grinberg M, Gilad S, Meiri E, Levy A, Isakov O, Ronen R, Shomron N , Bentwich Z , Shemer Avni Y.Vaccinia infection suppresses the cell microRNA 32 machinery. Archives of Virology, 2012 ( in Press)</p>

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