8COTTEN. OEO. H. STANTON W. B. RALEIGH. F. W. BELLIS. FRANK I have at my quarry the finest White o. L. CHURCHILL. F. W. WEBSTER F. H. METER. THE DAILY LEADER. Sandstone in the country-which will be Scotten &Stanton, supplied to order in any size or quantity, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. on short notice. N. P. LonElto, Pi!!4 ENGIN4ES NSURW Ae. tf e - Over Churchill & Webster' Sure ciaSeS. Ranches, tc puty. TownsIt)p CI tAes. raughtin The Official Newspapl opas For fine watch repairing and engraving W.B. RalIg48q LnPrb ptlect4+ .; ..". Daly Published evey o Excep; yondays. repair to Muggley's. ome.Donn Black. reat 5allMot: An elegant line of Parasols from $1.50 Woekser, THE to $15.00 at swrgit& Published by the Leader Publishing Co. THE LEADING DRY GOODS HOUSE JOHN FRENCH, j20-tf W. B. RALEIGH & CO. NORTHWESTERN 0I5T55 ATTI4 r mTr PAST OPstc0 As tsoos MA:N Our text in hats. and we would like to -DEALI BS IN- We call special attention to our large and well divideour discourseunder about one selected stock of SURVEYOR AND CIVIL ENGINEER. TER]M 'OF SUBSCRIPTION, thousand different heads, at IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC NEW YORK BAZAAR. GUARANTY DAIIY, B ML, PorAGE PI•APAID. OFFICE: One Month................. ................s$ Trees, Grass, Garden and Flower seed SiftMonths....................... 600 at Lapeyre Bros. NS, OIL S, Room L, Third floor, over First National Punk 1000 DR UGS, PAI One Year .............................. LOAN WEEKLY,rY MAILOR CAIIIUE.I D. M. Ferry'sGarden Seeds at Eastern D.RESS GOOD S,, One Year ................................... 3 00 catalogue prices at Lapeyre Bros.' Six Months ................................ 15I0 BOAT AHOY! Fine Flower Pots at the Bee Hive. Carpets, Table.Linens, COMPANY IT CITYSUBSRBIBES drass seeds of all kinds at Lapeyre Delveredb Carrier. Per Week............S US 2 Month........... 100 Bro's. LADIES UNDERWEAR Capital Year............. 1000 $ ,000,000. ie Copi................................ Ladies Trimmed hats, from $1.50 .to STATI O NER Y, $2.00, to close, at the New York Cash Hosiery, The eircnlatlon ol the DAILYand WEEKLY Bazaar. jSot ' Money to load on improved city propnty and LuADKn I seeOnd to no other newspaper publish. farm lands, on from six months toflveyearstue ed In Montana Territory. The largest and best selected stock of Corsets, t Embroideries, Torchon, Oiental, Spanish Omfe opposIte Park hotelJL O .4e t JWPersons desirIng the LsADna served at Laces from 1 to 45 inches A1N1 theIroene can secure It by postal card notice or and Chantilla NOTICE. pra applicatlesion at this oce. will be found at Neckwear, j20-tf W. B. RALEIGH & Co. The large cattle sale of Werneeke & Bauer set All bsisiess letters, news, correspondence, DRESS TRIMMINGS, forJune first has been postponed to somefuture manuscript, etc., must be addressed to Call and examine our celebrated lines Health,. Pleasure ad, Pastime, day. , WERNECCEr BAUR THIE LEADEB PUB. CO. Cousins, Feigler Bro's and of Stribley, Of the latest Importations Soller's ladies' and children's shoes. Rowing, Fishing, Fun and Frolic. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIp. Mr. A. I Dickerman will act as Mr. Rolfe's II- W. B. RALEIGH & Co. gRQ:ORIES nancl agent during his absence In the east. j20-tf FANQY Wernecke & Bader laBve d elolibedIart~ershlp HANDSOMEST LOT OF BOATS The public shoull remember that the IN THE WEST. by mutual consent. Wernecke will continue the Tuesday Morning, July 9. 1389. BAY LAUNDRYis first-class in every par- Parasols and Fans. bndiness,'pe all bills agalnst: the' company and ticular. X21-tf AT TAYLOR'S BOAT HOUSE. collect all accounts. C. T. WERNECKEL THE DEFEAT OF SPOKANE. Muslin underwear in endless variety at NO. 8s5a. tt JACOB BAilEL ;20-tf W. B. RALEIGH & Co. PHELPS BLOCK, CENTRAL AVENUE, W.B. R1AIEIH A CO., The fourth day of July will doubtless Clergymen, Justices of the Peace, DISSOLUTION NOTICE. CENTRAL AVE., - GOREAT FALL•S. The be hereafter more heartily honored by And Judges of Courts of Record, and all firm of Mann & Decker has been dissolved administer FirstNational Bank by mutusl consent. Thosw Mnn wll.continuethe law to the average Kentuckian because on that who are authorized by sent on application. buimlneseidd assume talltOits.: the solemn rites of matrimony-alsothose 5i-Samples THOMAS MAN, day his idol horse, the famous Proctor seriously contemplating that blissful state, OF GREAT FALLS. PERRY DECKER. Knott, beat Spokane. would do well to call and see our elegant Great Falls. GREAT FALLS GREATFALLs, June !0, 1880 . 11111 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, just issued OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 TO 3, Washington Park, Chicago, on the DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. fourth was a scene of gayety, seldom, if from the LEADER press. Authorized Capital, - -$1,000,000. The partnership heretofore eiistlii 'between ever before witnessed in the great city of L. A. Winchester and Thomas McMalOi, under' th firm name and style of Wlichester. &.McMdar the Lakes. Not less than 22,000 or 28,- PLUMBING ANDSTEAMFITTING. Paid-Up Capital, - 100,000. hon.e was dissolved o Nlh10th dayNoiJuhe,SE . 000 persons assembled to see the fourth l All acounts due the firm must be paid to Thomas DEALER g IN Wor , OFFICERS. A NATHAN, Bottlie MeMahon, who will settle all accounts against the trial of speed between the pride 'f Ken- TIMxory E. COLLTNS - - President same. The merchandising department of the firm will tucky and the Montana horse. The reg- Pumlps, Pipes, &c A. E. DICKERMAN - - Vic-President be continued by L. A. Winchester. The drllag ulation democracy of the old slave-breed- FirstAvenue south. :Will Offer this Month business will hereafter he conducted by ThEua L. G. PHELPS --- Cashier MIcMahon. L.A. WINCHESTR. ing sovereignty were out in force. Their Ju9 L. A. WINCHESTER. D. L. TRACY .- - Ass't Cashier THOMASMCMAHON. A Late Importation of Gents' Clothing, such as GREATFALLS, traditional prestige on the turf was at J.T. JONES, Proprietor. Mont.;l8, 810, 1889. DIREOTORS: DISSOLITION NOTICE. stake. No preference was shown in that The Great Falls Bakery. MANUFACTUREROF C. A. BROADWATEB, MARTIN MAUINNIS, We the surging mass, however, to the jeweled undersigned hereby agree that the part- A. LYALL, PROPRIETOR. PARIS GIBSON, IRA MYERS, nership heretofore and now igstn between W. scionof the soap-boiler over the hob-nail- G. Stark & Co. be this day dissolved by mutual ROBERT VAUGHN, H. O. CHOWEN, consent, and that W. G. Stark is to pay the firm edjourneyman clod-hopper;and it seemed BREAD AND PASTRY BAKER, Scotch Cheviots debts and collect all accounts due the firm. J. T. ARIIINGTON. W. G. STARK. to be the general understanding all round Champalle &Pear Cider, GREATFALLs, April 28, 1889. J. A. HACKSHAW. as much, if not actually more, on this oc- Third street, bet. 1st and 2dave. south, A general banking blsiness transacted MINING APPLICATION No, 2276. casion, than any other great gathering of GREAT FALLS, -- MONTANA. Exchange drawn on the prlncipal points in the Ginger Ale, States and Europe. U. S. Land Office, Helena, Montana, the kind in the country, that 'one man or .Worsteds, April 29, 1889. .and Prompt attention given t collections. Notice is hereby given that Paris Gibson, James woman was as good as another--pretty THE Interestallowed on time deposits. W. Matkln, Herbert 0. Chowen,D)elosChowen, strong evidence of the march of genuine Root Beer, Georgte . B•linatong Charles H. Webstdk. Arthur IL.. ckermall tnd.Phil Gibson, whdne pOstoffiee republican principles. At GreatBeduction InPrice, HELENA addaress is' Great Falls, Montana Territory, have made application for a patent for 160 acres of In the morning an old Kentucky jockey B. Soda Water, ground npd B.RESTAIUPIT placer mining situate In noorganlizedmin said, "O1e Proc Knott'll be dartin' 'roun' $9, $12, $15, $11, $20, and $22.50. g district,Cascade County, Montana Territory, CHANGED HANDS. From $6.50, $8.50, alid described In the oficiall report on file In this some today;"butreally there was nothing And all kinds of office, as follows, viz: GRAND CENTRAL Thesoutheast quarter of section thirty-six (6) In the Sheridan stakes but Bryant's big townshlp twenlty-one (21) north otrange three (3) chestnut gelding. It' is probably true, MRS. S. G. RICE, Delicious Summer east, containing 160 acres and forminig the south- Drinks. east qunarterof section 36 In township 21 N of notwithstanding, that Washington park (Late of Chicago, Il.) LADIES and CENTS' CRUSH ERS HOTEL. range 8 east Principal Meridian. ;The location of this mine is recorded In the CountyClerk asd Re. was never before in such a fever over Raving purcjsased thebusiness and good willof corder's office of the late proprietors, will assume charge - In endless variety of colors. Willsell them from 75•, $1.00,$1.0, $1.75,$2.00 and $2.50.- Cascade and Choteau counties, any race; and when Proc Knott came in of this Fine Cider Vinegar Always on Hand. REED & RINDA, Pronrietors. on page66l, book D ofllscetllaneous. ; Adjolnlig There is nothing equal in town for the price. clalmants are Paris Gibson et al. ahead, the hats flew high,the gruff voices All persons holdinlg adverse claims thereto an yelled and a flood of jubilance swept Popular Restaurant In Gents' Shirts you will find the finest andlargest assortment, such as -THE- The Leading Hotel in the Territory. Head required to present the same before this oitfs quarters for all Traveling Men within sixty daysfrinom'the first day of publicatlon along the race-course. The crowd and hereof, or they will be barredby the provisions of On this Sunday morning, June 11889. Leading Business Men. the statute. screeched out, "He was always the bet- S. W. LANGHORNE, Register. She solltlts a cottniuanceof theIormerpatrona :::SILK, QASSIMERE AND COEVIOTS, ter horse," "Spokane will never beat him andhopes, by her charming ways and luxurlous PARISGIsSO•t, Attorney for Claimants.
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