General Chairman

General Chairman

<p> SHS-2013 XII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS</p><p>In memory of Alexander MERZHANOV</p><p>Tentative Technical Program 21 - 24 October 2013 South Padre Island, TX, USA</p><p>University of Texas at Brownsville Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science (ISMAN) of Russian Academy of Sciences</p><p>US National Science Foundation US Defense Threat Reduction Agency</p><p>GENERAL CHAIRMAN: Alexander G. Merzhanov (Russia)</p><p>SYMPOSIUM CHAIRMAN: Karen S. Martirosyan (USA)</p><p>INTERNATIONAL COORDINATORS: Alexander S. Mukasyan (USA) and Alexander E. Sytschev (Russia)</p><p>LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Chairperson: Karen S. Martirosyan, (USA) Co-chairman: Alexander S. Mukasyan, (USA) Timothy Weihs (USA); Edward Dreizin (USA); Jainagesh Sekhar (USA); Steven Son (USA); Mario Diaz (USA); Mikhail Bouniaev (USA); Luis Colom (USA); Lori Groven (USA); Yasuyuki Horie (USA); Sidney Lin (USA), Nikolay Dolbilin, (USA, Russia).</p><p>INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD: A.P. Amosov (Russia); J. Aruna (India); F. Bernard (France); V.A. Borodulya (Belarus); I.P. Borovinskaya (Russia); G. Cao (Italy); C.C. Ge (China); E. Gutmanas (Israel); A. Hayhurst (UK); A. Varma; S. Kharatyan (Armenia); G. Ksandopulo (Kazakhstan); E.A. Levashov (Russia); N.Z. Lyakhov (Russia); Yu.M. Maksimov (Russia); D. Luss (USA); Z. Munir (USA); O. Odawara (Japan); G. Oniashvili (Georgia); O. Yucel (Turkey); K.C. Patil (India); J. Puszynski (USA); A.S. Rogachev (Russia); G. Tavadze (Georgia); N.N. Thadhani (USA); Z. Mansurov, (Kazakhstan); P. Vincenzini (Italy); D. Vrel (France); C.W. Won (Korea); G. Xanthopoulou (Greece).</p><p>SYMPOSIUM TOPICS 1. Combustion theory and modeling 2. SHS of micron, submicron- and nano- materials</p><p>3. Combustion of multilayered nano-structures</p><p>4. Nanoenergetic materials and processes</p><p>5. Biomaterials and coatings</p><p>6. Sintering and consolidation</p><p>7. Packing geometry in nano- and micro- scale</p><p>8. Space application</p><p>9. Industrialization</p><p>10. Special Session in Memory of Professor A.G. Merzhanov</p><p>Symposium Goals:  To overview the state of the art directions in the field of SHS with regard to the global trends in materials design, processing and applications;  To share and discuss the ideas on novel SHS-based approaches and technologies to enable more effective their penetration in various industrial fields;  To serve as a platform for discussion on the innovative methodologies and techniques to plan the future of SHS;  To involve young scientists and engineers to ensure the successful continuation of the research both in fundamental and applied areas;  To boost the international collaboration among the scientific communities, working in the field of synthesis of advanced materials. Sunday, October 20, 2013 1700- 1900 Registration and Welcome Reception Karen Martirosyan, Symposium overview </p><p>Monday, October 21, 2013</p><p>730- 1700 Registration 830 Opening Ceremony Wednesday, October 23, 2013 730- 1700 Room 1, Chairman: Mukasyan Alexander,Registration University of Notre Dame , USA Welcome remarks Martirosyan Karen, University of Texas at Brownsville, USA Room 1, Chairman: Mukasyan Alexander 30 Thursday, October 24, 2013 850 Bernard Frederic, Dense SiC produced by reactive sintering from mechanically activated reactant 830 mixtureRoomRogachev 1, ( PlenaryChairman: Alexander Lecture) Lis (ISMAN, Jerzy Russia), SullivanIn memory Kyle, of Alexander Reaction mechanismMerzhanov: of life nanocomposite: and achievements Probing of a phenomenadistinguished at scientistvarious length and time 50 9 scalesNanoenergetic (Plenary Lecture) materials and processes Coffee-breakSHS of micron, submicron- and nano- materials RoomCombustion 1,Biomaterials Chairman: theory Zachariah and and coatings modeling Michael SHSRoom of micron, 2, Chairman:Industrialization submicron- Grachev and nano- Vladimir materials RoomRoom 1, 1 ,Chairman: Chairman: Amosov Levashov Alexander Evgeny RoomRoom 2, 2, Chairman: Chairman: Rogachev Odawara Alexander Osamu 930 Lindsay Michael, 4-10 (Keynote Lecture) Rosa Roberto, 5-2 (Keynote Lecture) 10 91030 GrachevSekharThe promise Jainagesh Vladimir, and coy 5-1 1-1 of (Keynote nanoenergetics(Keynote Lecture) Lecture) MartirosyanHydroxyapatiteManukyan Khachatur, Karen, coated 9-1 NiTi 2-1(Keynote shape (Keynote memory Lecture) Lecture) alloy WaveEntropy propagation rate maximization limits for principles filtration for CarbonobtainedCombustion combustion by combining synthesis synthesis: of electrophoretic two-dimensional theory, application deposition and antimicrobial and biofilm preventive microwave-ignitednanocrystals combustion synthesis 10 combustion implantation 10 Lyshevski Sergey, 4-8 Tavadze Giorgi, 2-26 10 Veronesinanostructured Paolo, molybdenum 1-2 disilicide (MoSi2) Barinova Tatiana, 9-2 50 11 ElectricAndreevHigh density and Dmitrii, magnetic nanoenergetics 5-3 fields -relatedand MEMs effects in ObtainingInnovativeAlkan Murat, of combined mineral-like 2-2 method ceramics for obtaining by SHS nano Surfacingplatforms forof protective micropropulsion coatings systems on titanium structureAn investigation powders on and Co-based compacted ternary manufactures alloy systems 30 the combustion synthesis of aluminides ignited compaction for HLWs immobilization 10 bysubstratesPuszynski microwaves by Jan, SHS 4-9 metallurgy Shkodaproduced Olga, by SHS 2-27 method 10 101130 LeytsinKamyninaRecent advances Vladimir, Olga, in 5-4 1-3the formation of thin self- ChamathTheEduardo influence Wolf,Dannangoda, of 2-3mechanical 9-3 activation characteristics SimulationSHSpropagating of Ti–Al–Ta of composite shock based compressed substrates alloys reactive and reactive HardonCombustion thermal magnetic explosion Synthesis ferrites: for ofscreen Ti-Ni a Nickel printing system Supported and properties Catalyst: inks Effect of Metal Distribution on the Activity during 50 powder materials 1050 Coffee-breakEthanol Decomposition 3010 1110 RamazanovaAmosovDreizin Edward, Aleksandr, Zamart, 4-17 5-5 1-5 BernardLiYasuda Jiangtao, Naoto,Frederic, 2-29 2-4 9-4 Self-heatingSHSReaction of porous interface model cermets for of heterogeneousspherical from TI-B-C aluminum performsreactions NonPreparationCombustion conventionnal of synthesis W-Cu solid functionally-graded of combustionTiFe-based ofhydrogen new materials redox storage particleof metal oxidation powders binarybyalloy combustion from mixture ilmenite forsynthesis hydrogen by utilizing and generationcentrifugal hydrogenation infiltration heat of 1130 Jenkins Mike, 4-11 SytschevCalcium Alexander, 2-30 50 1130 SalamatovYukhvidA self-similar Vladimir, Vitaly, model 1-4 5-6of gas dynamics behavior OverdeepCombustionMinin Roman, Kyle, synthesis 2-5 9-5 in the Ni–Al–W system HeterogeneousSurfacingin nanothermite of protective combustion reactions coatings wave and X-ray develop of OptimizingSelf-propagating Nano-scale high temperature Metal Laminates synthesis, for Heat phase 50 11 radiationdepositionAbraham in Ani,materials case 4-3 of nanodispersed by SHS metallurgy Ti-B GenerationXanthopouloucomposition, structural Galina, parameters2-20 and magnetic 1150 Metal-based reactive materials with biocidal LunchCatalyticproperties activity of complex of NiAl strontium composite hexaferrites coatings 10 12 KlimchukreactionPacking products geometry Eugene, in5-7 nano- and micro- scale producedKovalevSHS of micron,Dmitry,by in-flight submicron-2-6 SHS during and thermal nano- sprayingmaterials 10 12 AcousticRoom effects 1, Chairman: in a wave Bouniaev of organic Mikhail SHS, LunchNew generationRoom 2, Chairman: of 2D X-Ray Yukhvid detectors Vladimir to use in 1330 Roomtheir diagnostics 1, Chairman: and Filonovinterpretation Mikhail TRXRD studies with NS time resolution 30 131200 MusinZachariah Oleg, Michael, 7-1 Understanding the fate of nanoparticleLunchYukhvid Vladimir,reactants during 2-42 (Keynote thermite reactionsLecture) (Plenary Nanoparticles,Lecture)Combustion offullerenes multilayered and related nanotructures problems ApplicationSHS of micron, of protective submicron- coatings and and nano- development materials in disctereRoomRoom and 1, 1, Chairman: computational Chairman: Dreizin Kata geometry Dariusz Edward of depositionRoomRoom 2, materials2,Chairman: Chairman: by Xanthopoulou SHS Kharatyan metallurgy Suren Galina 1340 Dolbilin Nikolay, Sintering 7-2 and consolidation XanthopoulouSHS of micron, Galina, submicron- 2-21 and nano- materials 30 1413 30 LocalAlymovWeihs Rules Timothy, Michail, and Global 3-1 6-1 (Keynote (Keynote Order in Lecture) Lecture) Crystals TheKharatyanMansurov atomic latticeZulkhair,Suren, constant 2-33 2-18 (Keynote as(Keynote a predictive Lecture) Lecture) parameter ProductionSelf-propagating technology Exothermic and properties Reactions of in forSHSSH-synthesis the processing functional of ofnanocomposition performance metal of combustion materials based on perspectiveMechanically of Fabricatedpowder nanomaterials Materials synthesissulfurousthe system spinelscompounds SiO2+Al+CaSiO into metal3 with powders wollastonite after 14150010 OvsyannikovNabavi Atefeh, Zakhar, 6-2 7-3 ZurnachyanLiuultrasonic Guanghua, treatment Alina, 2-31 2-43 10 14 INet-shapeChlubnympossible Leszek, manufacturing numbers 3-3 of shortest of metal-metal paths in a space CombustionFastKurbatkina fabrication and Victoria, of microwave bulk 2-7ceramic synthesis materials of tungsten by high- ofsulfideInfluence compacts cerments of precursorswith by Hausdorff SHS stoichiometry distance on SHS andgravityDesign molybdenum combustionof advanced carbide synthesis SHS- catalysts composite materials using 14152030 Zientarasynthesis ofDariusz, powders 6-3 of multilayered materials KirakosyanGrapesmechanically Michael, Khachatur, activated 2-32 reaction 2-44 mixtures in the Ti-Al-C-N system Aluminium oxynitride – boron nitride HSTCEvidence study for ofan MoO amorphous3/MoS2 intermediateCo-reduction phase by in the 30 14 compositesZharcov Sergey, prepared 3-4 from SHS-derived combinedrapidKecskes solid-state Laszlo, Mg/Zn formation 2-8reducers of NiAl 1440 powdersIn-situ transmission electron microscopy and ManukyanFormation of Khachatur, aluminum-based 2-71 intermetallic 1550 electron diffraction investigations of solid-stateCoffee-break Combustioncompounds withjoining early of transitionW and Cu metals 16150010 Vrelreactions Dominique, in thin-film 2-36 nanosystems AssovskiyNiu J. 2-34 Igor, 2-72 50 14 Nano-tungstenNaresh Thadhani, synthesis 3-5 by ball-milling and Gas-phaseNovelMiklaszewski self-propagating synthesis Eric, of2-9 Nanostructuralhigh-temperature ceramics synthesis by ball-milling-inducedShock-Compression Responsethermitic reactionsof Multilayered metal(SHS)Combustion combustion of β-SiAlON characteristics fine powders of condensed phase 16152030 MaznoyNi-Al Composites Anatoly, 6-6 Coffee-breakYucelreactives Onuralp, in microscale 2-35 metal channels 10 161500 Combustion synthesis of porous oxynitridesClosingCoffee-break TheCeremony journey from macro to nano via SHS 30 1615 50 GeorgeProkofyev Oniashvili, Vadim, 3-66-7 AydinyanMilne Steven, Sofiya, 2-41 2-39 ElaborationCombustion oftheory technology of layered for fabricationsystems and CombustionSynthesis of synthesisZnO Nanopartcles of Mo-Cu by nanocomposites Flame Spray by multifunctionalsynthesis of composite ceramic materials materials in on a highthe basis co-reductionPyrolysis: particle of Molybdenum characterization and Copper and toxicology oxides ofgravity carbides, field nitrides and borides 50 1715 10 LorianShkodich Vazgen, Natalia, 6-5 3-7 KlimchukBendjemil Eugene, Badis, 2-11 2-40 DirectFormation SHS of production intermediate of itemsnano-structured from FormationLarge scale of synthesis the structure of SiC of nanostructuresolid phase piperazine by compositephases during materials mechanical based activationon fluophlogopite of SHS- medicinalcombustion salts produced at organic SHS 1900 mixtures Symposium Banquet 1610 Baras Florence, 3-8 Vrel Dominique, 2-12 Molecular Dynamics Studies of Nanometric NiAl synthesis by SHS and mechanically activated Metallic Multilayers: Reactivity of the Ni-Al SHS POSTER PRESENTATIONS</p><p>Poster Session-1 SHS of micron, submicron- and nano- materials (1800-1700 - Monday, October 21, 2013)</p><p>1 M. Soszyński, A. Huczko, “COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF SILICON CARBIDE NANOFIBERS USING WASTE SILICON FROM PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS AND PTFE” 2 A.G. Avetisyan, H.A. Chatilyan, S.L. Kharatyan, “KINETICS OF NICKEL OXIDE REDUCTION BY HYDROGEN AND METHANE” 3 A.M. Baghdasaryan, O.M Niazyan, S.L. Kharatyan, “DTA/TG STUDY OF TUNGSTEN OXIDE AND AMMONIUM TUNGSTATE REDUCTION BY (Mg+C) COMBINED REDUCERS AT NON-ISOTHERMAL CONDITIONS” 4 V.A. Shcherbakov, A.N. Gryadunov, V.T. Telepa, A.V. Shcherbakov, “INFLUENCE OF HEATING RATE AND QUASI-STATIC COMPRESSION ON ELECTRO THERMAL EXPLOSION REGIMES IN TI–C SYSTEM” 5 A.A. Nepapushev, D.O. Moskovskikh, Kh.G. Kirakosyan, S.L. Kharatyan, A.S. Rogachev, A.S. Mukasyan, “STUDY OF A HIGH TEMPERATURE KINETICS IN MECHANICALLY ACTIVATED NI-AL SYSTEM AT HIGH HEATING RATES” 6 V.A. Shcherbakov*, S.A. Bostandzhiyan, A.V. Shcherbakov, I.S. Gordopolova, A.N. Gryadunov, V.T. Telepa, “ELECTRO THERMAL EXPLOSION OF GASLESS SYSTEMS PLACED INTO ELECTRO CONDUCTING MEDIUM” 7 A. Turan, M. Bugdayci, O. Yucel, “PRODUCTION OF TiB2 BY SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS” 8 R.G. Abdulkarymova, A.K. Tulepova, “SYNTHESIS OF HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF SOLIDPHASE COMBUSTION” 9 D.S. Abdulkarimova, Z.A. Mansurov, O.Odawara, A.S.Rogachev, R.G.Abdulkarimova, “SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS COMPOSITES ON THE BASIS OF TiB2-Al2O3” 10 N.N. Aghajanyan, S.K. Dolukhanyan, N.L.Mnatsakanyan, “SYNTHESIS OF TI-Nb-Cr-C-H CARBOHYDRIDES IN THE COMBUSTION MODE” 11 V.Yu.Filimonov, A.V.Afanasyev, A.Z.Negodyaev, M.V.Loginova, D.V. Shreifer, V.A.Solovev, V.I.Yakovlev, A.A.Sytnikov, “THE FEATURES OF PHASE FORMATION IN PRELIMINARY ACTIVATED 3Ti +Al POWDER MIXTURE DURING THE DYNAMIC THERMAL EXPLOSION” 12 S.M. Fomenko, Z.A. Mansurov, E.E. Dilmukhambetov, A.N. Alipbaev, V.L. Efremov, “FEATURES OF ALUMINOTHERMIC SHS REDUCTION OF ZIRCON IN THE NITROGEN ATMOSPHERE” 13 R.V. Minin, E.P. Naiden, V.I.Itin, Yu.M. Maksimov, ” SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS, PHASE COMPOSITION, STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF COMPLEX STRONTIUM HEXAFERRITES” 14 V.V. Kurbatkina, E.A. Levashov, E.I. Patsera, “DESIGN OF NEW COMPOSITE MATERIALS VIA MASHS” 15 D.M. Ikornikov, V.N. Sanin, N.V. Sachkova, V.I. Yukhvid, “Mo2NiB2 AND Mo2FeB2 BASED COMPOSITES AND PROTECTIVE COATINGS BY CENTRIFUGAL METALLOTHERMIC SHS” 16 S.V. Aydinyan, D.H. Davtyan, Kh.V. Manukyan, S.L. Kharatyan, “AMMONIUM PARATUNGSTATE REDUCTION BY COMBINED Mg-Zn REDUCERS IN COMBUSTION MODE” 17 S.V. Aydinyan, Kh.V. Manukyan, S.L. Kharatyan, “THE ROLE OF NH4F ON THE MAGNESIOTHERMIC REDUCTION OF Na2MoO4” 18 L.N. Chukhlomina, K.A. Bolgaru, “COMPOSITE CERAMICS ON THE BASIS OF β-SIALON USING Fe-Si-Al” 19 S.L.Chung, S.C. Huang, “SYNTHESIS AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF A NITRIDE PHOSPHOR VIA THE SELF PROPAGATING HIGH TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS METHOD” 20 S. L. Silyakov, P.A. Miloserdov, V.A. Gorshkov, V.I. Yukhvid, “REGULARITIES AND MECHANISMS OF AUTOWAVE SYNTHESIS OF ALUMINUM AND CHROMIUM OXYNITRIDES (Al-Cr-O-N)” 21 Yu. M. Mikhailov, V.V. Aleshin, A.M. Kolesnikova, D.Yu. Kovalev, V.I. Ponomarev, “SELF-PROPAGATION LOW TEMPERATURE FLAMELESS COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF Ni and Al NANOPARTICLES: TIME- RESOLVED XRD STUDY” 22 A.V. Linde, I.A. Studenikin, V.V. Grachev, A.G. Merzhanov, “THERMALLY COUPLED SHS REACTIONS: EXPERIMENTAL STUDY” 23 Ponomarev M. A., Lorian V. E., N. A. Kochetov, Merzhanov A. G., “SHS OF STRUCTURED BIDISPERSED Ni+Al MIXTURES” 24 Ponomarev M. A., Lorian V. E., Shchukin A.S., Merzhanov A. G., “SHS OF Ti+2B and Ti+Al STRUCTURIZED MIXTURES” 25 M. Bugdayci, A. Turan, M. Alkan, O. Yucel, “EFFECT OF MILL SCALE USAGE ON THE PRODUCTION RATES OF IRON BASED ALLOYS VIA SHS” 26 A.A.Nepapushev, Ya-Cheng Lin, A.S. Rogachev, P.J. McGinn A.S. Mukasyan, “COMBUSTION JOINING OF CARBON/CARBON COMPOSITES BY A REACTIVE MIXTURE OF TITANIUM AND MECHANICALLY ACTIVATED NI/AL POWDER” 27 K.B. Podbolotov, A.A. Khort, A.L. Nikolskaia, “SOLUTION COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF FERROELECTRIC CERAMIC MATERIALS ON THE BASE OF TITANATES” 28 O.A. Shkoda, N. G.Kasatskii, “THE INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL ACTIVATION CHARACTERICTICS ON THERMAL EXPLOSION FOR TI-NI SYSNEM” 29 N.F. Shkodich, A.S. Rogachev, S.G. Vadchenko, A.S. Mukasyan, A.E. Sytschev, S. Rouvimov, “FORMATION OF NANOCRYSTALLINE Cu–Cr COMPOSITE DURING MECHANICAL ACTIVATION” 30 P.B. Avakyan, G.S. Karoyan, V.V. Buniatyan, V.R. Khachatryan, T.V. Vandunts1, P.S Avetisyan, N.W. Martirosyan, “SHS AND SENSORY PROPERTIES OF BiFe1-xMnxO3/BaZr1-x YxO3 PEROVSKITES” 31 D.O. Moskovskikh, A.S. Rogachev and A.S. Mukasyan, “SHS OF SILICON CARBIDE NANOPOWDER” 32 S. I. Roslyakov, A.S. Rogachev and A.S. Mukasyan, “SOLUTION COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF HIGHLY POROUS NICKEL: DYNAMICS OF PHASE AND MICROSTRUCTURE FORMATION” 33 N.W. Martirosyan, A.K. Vorobiev, G.S. Karoyan, L.G. Rustamyan, G.A. Karapetyan, V.R. Khachatryan, “SYNTHESES AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BFO-BTO MULTIFERROELECTRIC CERAMICS AND THIN FILMS” 34 K. Ouaras, D. Vrel1, O. Brinza, M. Redolfi, G. Lombardi, and X. Bonnin and Ch. Grisolia, “NANO-TUNGSTEN SYNTHESIS BY BALL MILLING AND BALL-MILLING-INDUCED THERMITIC REACTIONS” 35 S. Siddique, M.A. Hobosyan, C. Dannangoda, A. Saukhimov and K. S. Martirosyan, “PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF YFe2O4 BY SOLUTION COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS”</p><p>Poster Session-2 Combustion theory and modeling, Biomaterials and coatings, Combustion of multilayered nano-structures, Nanoenergetic materials and processes, Sintering and consolidation, Space applications, Industrialization) (1800-1700 - Tuesday, October 22, 2013) Combustion theory and modeling 1 M.A. Dmitrieva, V.N. Leitsin, “SHOCK MODIFICATION OF REACTIVE MULTILAYERED MATERIALS” 2 A.P.Aldushin, “SOLID FLAME PROPAGATION ALONG THE SPIRAL WIRE” 3 A.P. Aldushin and T.P. Ivleva, “TOWARDS TO CONTINUOUS FILTRATION SHS PROCESS IN A COFLOW REACTOR” 4 A.V. Poletaev, I.A. Filimonov, A.A. Markov and K.S. Martirosyan, “TO ELECTRIC RESISTANCE OF SOLID IN COURSE OF CSS” 5 O.V. Ivanova, S.A. Zelepugin, “MODES OF SOLID-PHASE SYNTHESIS DEPENDING ON THE DISPERSITY OF THE MIXTURE AND DURATION OF THE SHOCK WAVE” 6 A.A Kondakov, V.V.Grachev, “COMBUSTION MODES OF TERNARY SYSTEM TITANIUM–ALUMINUM– NITROGEN” 7 S. V. Kostin, P. M. Krishenik, and K. G. Shkadinsky, “THE CELLULAR MODES OF FILTRATION COMBUSTION OF THIN LAYERS OF METAL POWDERS” 8 P. M. Krishenik, S.A.Rogachev, K. G. Shkadinsky, “MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF COMBUSTION METAL POWDERS IN A QUASI-ISOBARIC FLOW OF THREE-COMPONENT GASEOUS REAGENT” 9 D.V. Sakhvadze, A.S. Shteinberg, G.A. Gordeziani, G.V. Dzhandieri, “USE OF THERMODYNAMIC MODELLING FOR OPTIMIZATION OF SHS COMPACTION-BASED METHOD FOR PRODUCTION OF MATERIALS” 10 P. Veronesi, R. Rosa, E. Colombini, C. Leonelli, “ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS-RELATED EFFECTS IN THE COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF ALUMINIDES IGNITED BY MICROWAVES” 11 V. Yu. Barinov and V. A. Shcherbakov, “COMBUSTION OF Ti–C POWDER BLENDS UNDER QUASI-STATIC PRESSURE” 12 S.N. Sorokova, A.G. Knyuazeva, “NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF CONTROLLED SYNTHESIS OF THE INTERMETALLIC COMPOUND ON THE SUBSTRATE OF CYLINDRICAL SHAPE” 13 K. G. Shkadinskii, A. N. Firsova, N. I. Ozerkovskaya, “CRITICAL PHENOMENA IN THE CELLULAR MODE OF FILTRATION COMBUSTION” 14 G. Xanthopoulou, “ATOMIC LATTICE SPACING AS A PREDICTIVE PARAMETER FOR FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE OF SPINELS MADE BY COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS” Combustion of multilayered nano-structures 15 L. Chlubny, J. Lis, M.M. Bucko, “INFLUENCE OD PRECURSORS STOICHIOMETRY ON SHS SYNTHESIS OF POWDERS OF MULTILAYERED MATERIALS IN THE Ti-Al-C-N SYSTEM” Nanoenergetic materials and processes 16 A.S. Mukasyan and K.V. Manukyan, “REACTIVE NANO-COMPOSITES: STRUCTURE – REACTIVITY RELATIONSHIP” 17 M.K. Atamanov, M.A. Hobosyan. E. W. Alvarado, Z.A. Mansurov, K.S. Martirosyan, “DECOMPOSITION FEATURES OF AMMONIUM NITRATE WITH DEXTRAN” 18 M.A. Hobosyan, Kh.G. Kirakosyan, S.L. Kharatyan and K. S. Martirosyan, “REACTION DYNAMICS OF PTFE/AL2O3 SYSTEM AT VARIOUS HEATING RATES” 19 A. Kazansky, M.A. Hobosyan, A.S. Kuklina, E.W. Alvarado, and K. S. Martirosyan, “INTEGRATION OF pGLO TRANSFORMATION OF BACTERIA AND NANO-STRUCTURED THERMITES FOR BIO AGENT DEFEAT SYSTEMS” 20 A.V. Poletaev, I.A. Filimonov, A.A. Markov and A. Kassymov, K.S. Martirosyan, “CHARGE TRANSFER DURING COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS OF SULFIDES” 21 Y. Y. Mamyrbayeva, M.A. Hobosyan, D. A. Garza, S.E. Kumekov, K.S. Martirosyan, “SYNTHESIS AND ELECTROCHEMICAL PERFORMANCE OF NANOSTRUCTURED LICoO2” 22 K. Meeks, M. L. Pantoya, C. Apblett, “COMBUSTION CHARACTERIZATION OF BLADE CAST MAGNESIUM AND MANGANESE DIOXIDE” 23 Y. Lu, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhu, L. Li, “COMPARISON OF ALLOYING MECHANISM OF Mg-Al HYDROGEN STORAGE ALLOYS PREPARED BY COMBUSTION SYNTHESIS AND MECHANICAL ALLOYING” Biomaterials and coatings 24 J. A. Sekhar, H. P. Li and G. S. Reddy, “ENTROPY MAXIMIZATION PRINCIPLES FOR ANTIMICROBIAL AND BIOFILM PREVENTIVE MICROSTRUCTURES FORMED BY MICROPYRETIC SYNTHESIS” 25 A.E. Sytschev, D. Vrel, O.D. Boyarchenko, S.G. Vadchenko, and N.V. Sachkova, “SHS JOINING OF NiAl TO Ni: STRUCTURE OF TRANSITION LAYER” 26 A.E. Sytschev, D. Vrel, O.D. Boyarchenko, S.G. Vadchenko, D.Yu. Kovalev, and N.V. Sachkova, “SHS JOINING OF DISSIMILAR MATERIALS IN Ti-RICH SYSTEMS” 27 A.P. Amosov, D.I. Andriyanov, A.R. Samboruk, D.M. Davydov, “SHS OF POROUS CERMETS FROM Ti-B-C PREFORMS” 28 E.I. Zamulaeva, E.A. Levashov, T.A. Sviridova, N.V. Shvyndina, Ph.V. Kiryukhantsev- Korneev, M.R. Filonov, “ELECTROSPARK DEPOSITION OF MAX-PHASES BASED COATING USING SHS-ELECTRODES” 29 A. Marinou, G. Xanthopoulou, G. Vekinis, A. Lekatou, M. Vardavoulias, “OPTIMIZATION OF PARAMETERS FOR NiAl COMPOSITE COATINGS PRODUCED CAFSY METHOD” 30 G. Xanthopoulou, A. Marinou, K. Karanasios, G. Vekinis, “CATALYST ACTIVITY OF NiAl COMPOSITE COATINGS PRODUCED BY IN-FLIGHT SHS DURING THERMAL SPRAYING” Sintering and consolidation 31 V.E. Lorian, K.S. Torosyan, I.P. Borovinskaya, S.S. Torosyan, A.S. Mnatsakanyan, “BORON CARBIDE SYNTHESIS IN THE INDUCTION FURNACE WITH CONTROLLED MEDIUM (CO)” 32 G. Zakharov, G.Oniashvili, Z.Aslamazashvili, G. Tavadze, G.Mikaberidze, “HARD ALLOYS OBTAINRD BY THE METHOD: SHS-CENTRIFUGAL CAST” 33 О.G. Vitushkina, L.N. Chukhlomina, “HOT PRESSING COMPOSITE POWDERS CONTAINING NITRIDE” 34 D.Yu. Kovalev, N.A. Kochetov, “MECHANICAL ACTIVATION OF Ti - Al POWDER MIXTURE: XRD STUDY” 35 V.E.Lorian, I.P.Borovinskaya, “PECULIARITIES OF STRUCTURE AND PHASE FORMATION OF BORON NITRIDE POWDERS AND COMPACT MATERIALS AT SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS (SHS) WITH HIGH NITROGEN PRESSURE” 36 A. Nabavi, A. Capozzi, S. Goroshin, D. Frost and F. Barthelat, “NET-SHAPE MANUFACTURING OF METAL- METAL SULFIDE CERMETS BY SHS” 37 E. Colombini, R. Rosa, P. Veronesi, “MICROVAWES ASSISTED SHS FOR PRODUCING POROUS NiAl” Industrialization 38 R.A. Grigoryan, “SHS OF ALUMOMAGNESIAN SPINEL AS AN INITIAL SUBSTANCE FOR OBTAINING OPTIC CERAMICS” 39 I.D. Kovalev, V.I. Ponomarev, S.V. Konovalikhin, V.I. Vershinnikov, I.P. Borovinskaya, “SHS OF NEW COMPOUND IN B-C-Mg SYSTEM, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE В25С4Мg1.5 = [(В12)2][С2][СВС][Mg1,5]” 40 V.A. Gorshkov, P.A. Miloserdov, D.E. Andreev, “SHS METALLURGY of CAST COMPOUNDS BASED on MOLYBDENUM and TUNGSTEN SILICIDES for ADVANCED STRUCTURAL CERAMICS” 41 E.E. Dilmukhambetov, S.M. Fomenko, Z.A. Mansurov, F. Reshetnyak, “USE OF SHS REFRACTORIES IN LIMESTONE FURNACE REFURBISHMENT” 42 Yu.V. Zanevsky, V.N. Zruev, S.P. Chernenko, V.I. Ponomarev, D.Yu. Kovalev, “NEW GENERATION OF 2D X- RAY DETECTORS FOR USE IN TRXRD STUDIES WITH NS TIME RESOLUTON”</p>

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