Section 018113 - Sustainable Design Requirements

Section 018113 - Sustainable Design Requirements

<p> GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p>SECTION 018113 - SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS</p><p>PART 1 - GENERAL</p><p> RELATED DOCUMENTS</p><p>1.1.1.A. The Contract Documents, including but not limited to, the Drawings and Individual Specification Sections, apply to this Section.</p><p> SUMMARY</p><p>1.1.2.A. Specified as Work of the Contract Documents, this section includes general requirements and procedures for compliance with certain USGBC LEED prerequisites and credits needed for Project to obtain LEED certification; Certified or Silver or Gold or Platinum based on LEED- D+C, Version 3.</p><p>1.1.2.A.1. Other LEED prerequisites and credits needed to obtain LEED certification depend on material selections and may not be specifically identified as LEED requirements. Compliance with requirements needed to obtain LEED prerequisites and credits may be used as one criterion to evaluate substitution requests and comparable product requests.</p><p>1.1.2.B. Related Sections:</p><p>1.1.2.B.1. Section 013300 – Submittal Procedure, for administrative procedures on submittals. 1.1.2.B.2. Individual Specification Sections for LEED requirements specific to the work of each of these Sections. Requirements may or may not include reference to LEED.</p><p> DEFINITIONS</p><p>1.1.3.A. Chain-of-Custody Certificates: Certificates signed by manufacturers certifying that wood used to make products was obtained from forests certified by an FSC-accredited certification body, "FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship." Certificates shall include evidence that manufacturer is certified for chain of custody by an FSC accredited certification body.</p><p>1.1.3.B. LEED: Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design.</p><p>1.1.3.C. Rapidly Renewable Materials: Materials made from plants that are typically harvested within a 10-year or shorter cycle. Rapidly renewable materials include products made from bamboo, cotton, flax, jute, straw, sunflower seed hulls, vegetable oils, or wool.</p><p>1.1.3.D. Regional Materials: Materials that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of Project site. If only a fraction of a product or material is extracted/harvested/recovered and manufactured locally, then only that percentage (by weight) shall contribute to the regional value.</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p>1.1.3.E. Recycled Content: The recycled content value of a material assembly shall be determined by weight. The recycled fraction of the assembly is then multiplied by the cost of assembly to determine the recycled content value.</p><p>1.1.3.E.1. "Post-consumer" material is defined as waste material generated by households or by commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities in their role as end users of the product, which can no longer be used for its intended purpose. 1.1.3.E.2. "Pre-consumer" material is defined as material diverted from the waste stream during the manufacturing process. Excluded is reutilization of materials such as rework, regrind, or scrap generated in a process and capable of being reclaimed within the same process that generated it.</p><p> SUBMITTALS</p><p>1.1.4.A. General: Submit additional LEED submittals to comply with Section 013300 – Submittal Procedure.</p><p>1.1.4.B. LEED submittals are in addition to other submittals. If submittal item is identical to that submitted to comply with other requirements, submit duplicate copies as a separate submittal to verify compliance with indicated LEED requirements.</p><p>1.1.4.C. Project Materials Cost Data: Provide statement indicating total cost for materials used for Project. Costs exclude labor, overhead, and profit. Include breakout of costs for the following categories of items:</p><p>1.1.4.C.1. Furniture. 1.1.4.C.2. Plumbing. 1.1.4.C.3. Mechanical. 1.1.4.C.4. Electrical. 1.1.4.C.5. Specialty items such as elevators and equipment. 1.1.4.C.6. Wood-based construction materials.</p><p>1.1.4.D. LEED Action Plans: Provide preliminary submittals within 30 days of date established for the Notice to Proceed indicating how the following requirements will be met:</p><p>1.1.4.D.1. Credit MR 2.1 or Credit MR 2.2: Waste management plan. 1.1.4.D.2. Credit MR 3.1 or Credit MR 3.2: List of proposed salvaged and refurbished materials. Identify each material that will be salvaged or refurbished, including its source, cost, and replacement cost if the item was to be purchased new. 1.1.4.D.3. Credit MR 4.1 or Credit MR 4.2: List of proposed materials with recycled content. Indicate cost, post-consumer recycled content, and pre-consumer recycled content for each product having recycled content. 1.1.4.D.4. Credit MR 5.1or Credit MR 5.2: List of proposed regional materials. Identify each regional material, including its source, cost, and the fraction by weight that is considered regional. 1.1.4.D.5. Credit MR 7: List of proposed certified wood products. Indicate each product containing certified wood, including its source and cost of certified wood products. 1.1.4.D.6. Credit EQ 3.1: Construction indoor-air-quality management plan.</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p>1.1.4.E. LEED Progress Reports: Concurrent with each Application for Payment, submit reports comparing actual construction and purchasing activities with LEED action plans for the following:</p><p>1.1.4.E.1. Credit MR 2.1 or Credit MR 2.2: Waste reduction progress reports. 1.1.4.E.2. Credit MR 3.1 or Credit MR 3.2: Salvaged and refurbished materials. 1.1.4.E.3. Credit MR 4.1 or Credit MR 4.2: Recycled content. 1.1.4.E.4. Credit MR 5.1 or Credit MR 5.2: Regional materials.</p><p>1.1.4.F. LEED Documentation Submittals:</p><p>1.1.4.F.1. Credit EA 5: Product data and wiring diagrams for sensors and data collection system used to provide continuous metering of building energy-consumption performance over time. 1.1.4.F.2. Credit MR 2.1 or Credit MR 2.2: Comply with Waste Management and Disposal Plan. 1.1.4.F.3. Credit MR 3.1 or Credit MR 3.2: Receipts for salvaged and refurbished materials used for Project, indicating sources and costs for salvaged and refurbished materials. 1.1.4.F.4. Credit MR 4.1 or Credit MR 4.2: Product data and certification letter indicating percentages by weight of post-consumer and pre-consumer recycled content for products having recycled content. Include statement indicating costs for each product having recycled content. 1.1.4.F.5. Credit MR 5.1 or Credit MR 5.2: Product data for regional materials indicating location and distance from Project of material manufacturer and point of extraction, harvest, or recovery for each raw material. Include statement indicating cost for each regional material and the fraction by weight that is considered regional. 1.1.4.F.6. Credit MR 7: Product data and chain-of-custody certificates for products containing certified wood. Include statement indicating cost for each certified wood product. 1.1.4.F.7. Credit EQ 3.1:</p><p>1.1.4.F.7.a. Construction indoor-air-quality management plan. 1.1.4.F.7.b. Product data for temporary filtration media. 1.1.4.F.7.c. Product data for filtration media used during occupancy. 1.1.4.F.7.d. Construction Documentation: Six photographs each at three different times during the construction period, along with a brief description of the SMACNA approach employed, documenting implementation of the indoor-air-quality management measures, such as protection of ducts and on-site stored or installed absorptive materials.</p><p>1.1.4.F.8. Credit EQ 3.2:</p><p>1.1.4.F.8.a. Describe the building air flush-out procedures including the dates when flush-out was begun and completed and statement that filtration media was replaced after flush-out. 1.1.4.F.8.b. Product data for filtration media used during flush-out and during occupancy. 1.1.4.F.8.c. Report from testing and inspecting agency indicating results of indoor-air- quality testing and documentation showing compliance with indoor-air-quality testing procedures and requirements.</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p>1.1.4.F.9. Credit EQ 4.1: Product data for adhesives and sealants used inside the weatherproofing system indicating VOC content of each product used. Indicate VOC content in g/L calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. 1.1.4.F.10. Credit EQ 4.2: Product data for paints and coatings used inside the weatherproofing system indicating VOC content of each product used. Indicate VOC content in g/L calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D. 1.1.4.F.11. Credit EQ 4.4: Product data for products containing composite wood or agrifiber products or wood glues indicating that they do not contain urea-formaldehyde resin.</p><p> QUALITY ASSURANCE</p><p>1.1.5.A. LEED Coordinator: Engage an experienced LEED-Accredited Professional to coordinate LEED requirements. LEED coordinator may also serve as waste management coordinator.</p><p>PART 2 - PRODUCTS</p><p> SALVAGED AND REFURBISHED MATERIALS</p><p>1.1.1.A. Credit MR 3.1 or Credit MR 3.2: Provide salvaged or refurbished materials for a minimum of 10 percent of building materials (by cost).</p><p> RECYCLED CONTENT OF MATERIALS</p><p>1.1.2.A. Credit MR 4.1 or Credit MR 4.2: Provide building materials with recycled content such that post-consumer recycled content plus one-half of pre-consumer recycled content constitutes a minimum of 20 percent of cost of materials used for Project.</p><p>1.1.2.A.1. Cost of post-consumer recycled content of an item shall be determined by dividing weight of post-consumer recycled content in the item by total weight of the item and multiplying by cost of the item. 1.1.2.A.2. Cost of pre-consumer recycled content of an item shall be determined by dividing weight of pre-consumer recycled content in the item by total weight of the item and multiplying by cost of the item. 1.1.2.A.3. Do not include furniture, plumbing, mechanical and electrical components, and specialty items such as elevators and equipment in the calculation.</p><p> REGIONAL MATERIALS</p><p>1.1.3.A. Credit MR 5.1 or Credit MR 5.2: Provide a minimum of 20 percent of building materials (by cost) that are regional materials.</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p> CERTIFIED WOOD</p><p>1.1.4.A. Credit MR 7: Provide a minimum of 50 percent (by cost) of wood-based materials that are produced from wood obtained from forests certified by an FSC-accredited certification body to comply with FSC STD-01-001, "FSC Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship."</p><p>1.1.4.A.1. Wood-based materials identified in Individual Specification Sections include, but are not limited to, materials when made from wood, engineered wood products, or wood- based panel products.</p><p> LOW-EMITTING MATERIALS</p><p>1.1.5.A. Credit EQ 4.1: For applications that are inside the building envelope, use adhesives and sealants identified in Individual Specification Sections that comply with limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D.</p><p>1.1.5.B. Credit EQ 4.2: For applications that are inside the building envelope use paints and coatings identified in Individual Specification Sections that comply with limits for VOC content when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D.</p><p>1.1.5.C. Credit EQ 4.4: Do not use composite wood or agrifiber products or adhesives that contain ureaformaldehyde resin.</p><p>PART 3 - EXECUTION</p><p> REFRIGERANT AND CLEAN-AGENT FIRE-EXTINGUISHING-AGENT REMOVAL</p><p>1.1.1.A. Prerequisite EA 3: When specified as part of the Work of the Contract Documents, remove CFC-based refrigerants from existing HVAC&R equipment indicated to remain and replace with refrigerants that are not CFC based. Replace or adjust existing equipment to accommodate new refrigerant as described in Division 23 Sections.</p><p>1.1.1.B. Credit EA 4: When specified as part of the Work of the Contract Documents, remove clean- agent fire-extinguishing agents that contain HCFCs or halons and replace with agent that does not contain HCFCs or halons. See Division 21 Section "Clean-Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems" for additional requirements.</p><p> CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT</p><p>1.1.2.A. Credit MR 2.1 or Credit MR 2.2: Comply with Construction Waste Management and Disposal Plan.</p><p> CONSTRUCTION INDOOR-AIR-QUALITY MANAGEMENT</p><p>1.1.3.A. Credit EQ 3.1: Comply with SMACNA's "SMACNA IAQ Guideline for Occupied Buildings under Construction."</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 5 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for CONSTRUCTION</p><p>1.1.3.A.1. If Owner authorizes use of permanent heating, cooling, and ventilating systems during construction period as specified in Section 015000 - Temporary Facilities and Controls, installs filter media having a MERV 8 according to ASHRAE 52.2 at each return-air inlet for the air-handling system used during construction. 1.1.3.A.2. Replace all air filters immediately prior to Substantial Completion with the specified permanent filters.</p><p>1.1.3.B. Credit EQ 3.2:</p><p>1.1.3.B.1. Air-Quality Testing:</p><p>1.1.3.B.1.a. Conduct baseline indoor-air-quality testing, after construction ends and prior to occupancy, using testing protocols consistent with the EPA's "Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air," and as additionally detailed in the USGBC's "LEED-D+C: Reference Guide." 1.1.3.B.1.b. Demonstrate that the contaminant maximum concentrations listed below are not exceeded:</p><p>1.1.3.B.1.b.1)Formaldehyde: 50 ppb. 1.1.3.B.1.b.2)Particulates (PM10): 50 micrograms/cu. m. 1.1.3.B.1.b.3)Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC): 500 micrograms/cu. m. 1.1.3.B.1.b.4)4-Phenylcyclohexene (4-PH): 6.5 micrograms/cu. m. 1.1.3.B.1.b.5)Carbon Monoxide: 9 ppm and no greater than 2 ppm above outdoor levels.</p><p>1.1.3.B.1.c. Air-sample testing shall be conducted as follows:</p><p>1.1.3.B.1.c.1)All measurements shall be conducted prior to occupancy but during normal occupied hours and with building ventilation system starting at the normal daily start time and operated at the minimum outside air flow rate for the occupied mode throughout the duration of the air testing. 1.1.3.B.1.c.2)Building shall have all interior finishes installed including, but not limited to, millwork, doors, paint, carpet, and acoustic tiles. 1.1.3.B.1.c.3)Number of sampling locations will vary depending on the size of building and number of ventilation systems. For each portion of building served by a separate ventilation system, the number of sampling points shall not be less than one per 25,000 sq. ft. or for each contiguous floor area, whichever is larger, and shall include areas with the least ventilation and greatest presumed source strength. 1.1.3.B.1.c.4)Air samples shall be collected between 3 and 6 feet from the floor to represent the breathing zone of occupants, and over a minimum four-hour period.</p><p>END OF SECTION 018113</p><p>SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS December ‘10 018113 - 6</p>

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