- - ' \u25a0 • .' ••: --zz -j '-v. _•\u25a0_>•_* ;..*-\u25a0 \u25a0. ;.. \u25a0-.'\u25a0 > Z' ...-\u25a0:.. _. 8 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1895. day, the first one. Grotto, being an 8 to 1 bread, delegated riding i and McGlvnn was to go MEETING NOTlCES— Continued. SITUATIONS "WANTED—Continued. HELP "WANTED— Continued. chance. His of George F. Smith I after it. gave jthe young man a' was a fine exhibition of judgment and Brabant I£_*"s=-* ANN Me'etT^TT^e'rEGULARI QTRONG, RELIABLE WOM wSslsY H_n_BI_R^IAH^S?D^VAITRESsTH OTELj KILEY'SSPRINTER nickel and he started off on his quest. [\u25a0>*. annual meeting of CULLEN, PREPARING FOR the stockholders of workby the day, week ormonth. Call XJ Point Reyes; $20. ApplyMISS 105 horsemanship. McGlynn^went thei O kind of - • downstairs and was pass- Sierra Lake Ice Company willbe held at the officei or address 325 Fifth. -_V •Stockton st. Charley put of the company, 27, " Weber up a great finish on ing through the entry when two men room fifth floor. Mills build- AND to 1 Guard, ing, San Francisco, Cal., on THURSDAY,the 21st" TARESSMAKER, FIRST-CLASS FITTER YOUNG LADY'TO WAIT AT TABLE INDIN- the 60 .shot. Rear in the last sprang upon him. He began to struggle, aay of March, 1895, at hour XJ trimmer, wishes few more engagements; $1 50 X ing-rrjom; sleep home. 3131 Mission st. WAS TOO SPEEDY. He hustled Bookmaker Rose's COMING CONTESTS. when the of 2 o'clock p. m ' race. horse one of the footpads struck him on for the purpose of electing a board of directors to per day. Address 1031 Market. yOUNG GERMAN GIRLFOB along at about as lively a clip as he has the head with a sandbag. McGlynn fell serve tor the ensuing year and the of X HOUSEWORK. such may transaction J SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT 3443 Sixteenth st., cor. Sanchez. gone inmany a day. senseless, other business as come before the meet- \u25a0 cook, girl;same family;good and the robbers searched his ing. k5 also by second CUSTOM COATS. 4HAR- Joe McCarthy tbought well pockets a Transfer-books willclose on WEDNESDAY" ,' references. Call938 Pacific st. X of his horse withoutfinding anything except the 20th day of March, 1895, at 4 o'clock p. T7aTIORE~SSES~ONriet St., bet. Sixth and Seventh. George f. Smith Bernardo's chances. City knife and lay the - m GIRL WISHES SITUA- Downed Both The Oarsmen of the Are corkscrew. He in hall- C. A. GROW, Secretary. "V'OUNG GERMAN yOUNG GIRL; GENERAL HOUSEWORK; Bookmaker Walter took in a pile of Com- way for ten minutes, he was found - ! -1 tion to do upstairs work and sewing.' Call 330 A wages Murphy when rfpS= MEETING •• ''.-_;?_\u25a0 small; good home. ISO9a Hayes St. and at Gathering •J-**- STOCKHOLDERS' THE\u25a0 Minna st. Tim Don Fu- mission money- 4to 1. He kept itall. Muscle and by Brabant, who had become alarmed at annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mendocino Lumber ; OMAN WISHES WORK by THE day GIRL,ABOUT15; LIGHT HOUSS- Cleverly. John Humphrey, the bookmaker, had a his prolonged absence and had gone in Company will be held at the aV GERMAN'work;4 adults. st. lano good bet on Tigress each way at 40 to 1. Skill. search of him. office of the company, 40 California street, room 1 TT washing or cleaning; terms $1 a day. Ad- 911 Steiner on MONDAYMarch 18, 1895, at 11o'clock a. dress XV. XV.,box 137, CallBranch. GIRL TO ASSIST INLIGHTHOUSE- he looked like the money one time, McGlynn's was for m. \ \u25a0'-':\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0/:'\u25a0- yOUNGX at but head severely cut. When the election of directors for the ensuing by work. 1323 Fillmore st. died away after entering the stretch. he was the amending \ AY"A SITUATION FIRST-CLASS restored to consciousness the and altering of the by-laws and the'\u25a0 TT cook In a private family; can do allsorts of WASTED-FIVE Will Wallace started in the day by nickel transaction of such and all other business that• big fam- TT LADIES TO WORK. RA- play- was found tightly clutched inhis may properly work; have years of best references from mona Manufacturing Company, 252 Ellis St. IN A VERY FAST ingTom Clark, who finished second. He hand. *.*-*.,•\u25a0*-\u25a0,."---.\u25a0\u25a0.•. be considered at the annual meeting . ilies; would "goshort distance into the country; no RUN RACE. played NEW CLUB GIGS AND -. E. C. WILLIAMS,President. postals. st. HOUSEWORK; RESPECTABLE also Mahogany, and had a swell bet SKIFFS. 1429 Polk girl; wages $15. jUKS*-* THE ANNUAL MEETING OF GENERAL Apply 3221 Briggs aye., down on old Tim Murphy. WEST A LAWYEE. corporation THE ASTERN LADY WOULD LIKE A SITUA- Alameda. POINT WANTS ***-**, of St. Luke's Hospital willbe X tion housekeeper. Margaret David Gideon had a'good-sized held on TUESDAY, as Call or address 7 bet down March 5, 1895, at 1 o'clock upper flat, 14 16 st. yOUNG GIRL TOASSIST GENERAL HOUSE- on Miss Wiiloughby to win A Local Employment Office p. m., at the Diocesan House, st., place, bet. and Turk X work. Seventeenth, Big Things Were Expected of the first race. Morning Furnishes san FTanclsco, Cal., 731 California 802 cor. Sanchez. Away well the fillybegan backing up the Sunday for Rowing and . a Disciple of Blackstone. for the purpose of electing a1 YEW ENGLAND WOMAN WANTS SITUA- TRONG, Ingomar, but He Finished first furlong. Board of Trustees to serve for the ensuing and -i-i tion in small family; is good plain cook; or REFINED YOUNG LADY FOR Swimming— Amateurs and There appeared the following advertise- for the transaction of such other business as may would assist with light housework or take charge SO medicated baths. 110y3 Stockton st., room 1. Behind Rico. Had Mahogany won Ed Purser would Professionals. ment in last Sunday's issue of the Call: come before- the meeting. of children; city or country wages $12 or $15. E. OR SWEDISH OIKL~FOR GEN- have put a crimp in the ring . a Li C. V. S. GIBBS, President. C. 8., box 118, Call Branch Oflice. GERMANeral housework, «20. 1950 that would ' ANTED-ATTORNEY FOR AGOOD LIVE San Francisco, February 18. 1895. McAllister. have taken them all summer to over. xx —- ~~| "DEFINED, INTELLIGENT WOMAN DE- WANTED- A GIRL.FOR get mining town. Apply, ween 1and 4 o'clock IX chambermaid, HOUSEWORK AND He began backing him at to 1, ! to-day, at st., PECIAI. NOTICES. sires a position as waitress or TT cooking. 1915 Eddy st. 7 and when 105 Stockton room 1. care of children; city orcountry; references; wages Yesterday was one the horses went to the post he was j of those "about- still In A call at the address given brought to jffcSS* MOXEY*TO LOAN"ON SANFRANCISCO, moderate. Address Refined, box 160, Call Branch. /-IIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUBS- sauntering around the ring putting a the dizzy whirl of the pneumatic TJT work; wages $12. 1727 I'ost st. broke-even" days at the track. Three finger : around the slanted course, the slide light the fact that Miss Delia Cullen had jagg real estate. W.J. GUNN. 410 Montgomery. AYANTED—SITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGED — ', up wherever he saw 4 to 1. of the T T a small family to do general house- A NTED ;EXPERIENCED favorites won, but in one race, the last, it inserted .i*_-^P-*-* CUMMINGS' RHEUMATIC BELT woman in YVTT INFANTS' Barney Schreiber king of the' diamond across the bases, the the advertisement. Miss Cullen cures pay: free work ; good object wages. nurse; wages $15; references required.* is very doubtful whether or not one or two \u25a0 waited until 2*4 to 1 proprietress rheumatism: no cure no to a home more an than 1159 was chalked against Brodhead fall and roll of the is of an employment agency the poor. See testimonials inoffice 303 Third st. Address Help, 1015 Clay st. Octavia st. outsiders carry* more money and then Samsonian-tressed of the did not played him. athlete over the gridiron ground, the jack- and explained the reason of the advertise- !J*__*2g=» JOHN F. LYONS, NOTARY* PUBLIC GIRL WANTS SITUATION TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; OH their chances than the favorite. ment. l*-=*'.and Commissioner of Deeds. Passports pro- SCANDINAVIANto do general housework: wages $20 to $25. GIRLsleep at home. 1306 Ellis st. Riley Grannan backed the Empress of rabbit skip of the canvass-shod at the O'Farrell All interest was centered on the third Norfolk "Yousee," said Miss Cullen, "Iown a cured. Office 607 Montgomery St.; telephone Callor address 236 st. ADY TO FINISH COAT. FRED to win the second race, but more tennis-nets . and the sweetly innocent 5439| residence 2202 Steiner st. * GEICBL race, a six-furlong | got Harry hotel and other real estate at West Point, yOUNG WIDOW WOULD LIKE A PLACE 418 Clementina st. spin, in which those fast than his money back Ion Lewis, diversions of the handball-players, Calaveras !"£_"*§= BAD TENANTS X as housekeeper. Call 967 Mission St., room but went the County, and it struck me and •*****•* EJECTED FOR $4. 9. ANTED— FOR GENERAL sprinters Tim Murphy, George F. Smith again wrong in the last race, Collections made, city or country. Pacific AYTT HOUSE*. playing Mary S. x rowboat seems to have gone from its some other property-owners of West Point Collection Co., 415 Montgy st., 6, USEKEEPER-RESPECTABLE WOMAN, work. 2311 Polkst. and Don Fulano came together; all of the -<'-~'\ v $ that a town of inhabitants needs an room Tel.
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