<p> 2.2: An English Settlement at Jamestown</p><p>1. Identify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America.</p><p>2. Understand the factors that helped Jamestown to flourish.</p><p>3. Contrast English and Spanish patterns of conquest.</p><p>4. Describe the economic and social inequities that triggered Bacon's rebellion. John Smith – </p><p> joint-stock companies – </p><p>Jamestown – </p><p>Powhatan –</p><p> headright system – </p><p> indentured servant – </p><p> royal colony – </p><p>Nathaniel Bacon – 2.3: Puritan New England</p><p>1. Identify the motives that led the Puritans to New England.</p><p>2. Summarize the principles of government established by the dissenters who fled to Rhode Island. </p><p>3. Explain the conflicts between the English colonists and the Pequot and Wampanoag. Puritans – </p><p>John Winthrop – </p><p> separatist –</p><p>Plymouth Colony –</p><p>Massachusetts Bay Colony –</p><p>Roger Williams –</p><p>Anne Hutchinson –</p><p>Pequot War – </p><p>Metacom – </p><p>King Phillip's War – 2.4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies</p><p>1. Describe daily life in New Netherlands.</p><p>2. Explain reasons for the social and religious diversity of colonial Pennsylvania. William Penn – </p><p>New Netherland – </p><p> proprietor – </p><p>Quakers – 3.1: England and Its Colonies</p><p>1. Explain the economic relationship between England and its American colonies.</p><p>2. Describe how tensions arose between England and the colonies.</p><p>3. Summarize how salutary neglect of the colonies after 1688 planted the seeds of self-government. mercantilism –</p><p>Parliament –</p><p>Navigation Acts –</p><p>Dominion of New England –</p><p>Sir Edmund Andros –</p><p>Glorious Revolution –</p><p> salutary neglect – 3.2: The Agricultural South</p><p>1. Trace the development of a plantation economy in the American South.</p><p>2. Explain the way of life in the Southern colonies.</p><p>3. Describe the slave trade and the role of slavery in the plantation economy. </p><p>4. Describe life for colonial slaves. cash crop –</p><p> slave –</p><p> triangular trade – </p><p> middle passage –</p><p>Stono Rebellion – 3.3: The Commercial North</p><p>1. Trace the development of a varied and thriving economy in the North.</p><p>2. Explain the diverse society of the North and the tensions that led to witchcraft trials in Salem.</p><p>3. Summarize the influence of the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening. Enlightenment –</p><p>Benjamin Franklin –</p><p>Jonathan Edwards –</p><p>Great Awakening – 3.4: The French and Indian War</p><p>1. Trace the development of the French-British colonial rivalry.</p><p>2. Summarize the French and Indian War.</p><p>3. Explain the war's effect on the relationship between Britain and its colonies. New France –</p><p>George Washington – </p><p>French and Indian War –</p><p>William Pitt – </p><p>Pontiac –</p><p>Proclamation of 1763 –</p><p>George Grenville –</p><p>Sugar Act – 4.1: The Stirrings of Rebellion</p><p>1. Summarize colonial resistance to British taxation.</p><p>2. Trace the mounting tension in Massachusetts.</p><p>3. Summarize the battles of Lexington and Concord. Stamp Act –</p><p>Samuel Adams –</p><p>Townshend Acts –</p><p>Boston Massacre –</p><p> committees of correspondence –</p><p>Boston Tea Party –</p><p>King George III –</p><p>Intolerable Acts –</p><p> martial law –</p><p> minutemen – 4.2: Ideas Help Start a Revolution</p><p>1. Examine efforts made to avoid bloodshed as the colonies hovered between war and peace.</p><p>2. Summarize the philosophical and political ideas of the Declaration of Independence. </p><p>3. Contrast the attitudes of Loyalists and Patriots. Second Continental Congress –</p><p>Olive Branch Petition –</p><p>Common Sense –</p><p>Thomas Jefferson –</p><p>Declaration of Independence –</p><p>Patriots –</p><p>Loyalists – 4.3: Struggling Toward Saratoga</p><p>1. Trace the progress of the war through the turning point at Saratoga and winter a Valley Forge.</p><p>2. Examine the colonial economy and civilian life during the Revolution. Valley Forge –</p><p>Trenton – </p><p>Saratoga –</p><p> inflation –</p><p> profiteering – 4.4: Winning the War</p><p>1. Describe the war contributions of European allies.</p><p>2. Trace the Revolution in the Southern colonies.</p><p>3. Summarize the British surrender at Yorktown.</p><p>4. Recognize the symbolic value of the Revolution. Yorktown –</p><p>Friedrich von Steuben –</p><p>Marquis de Lafayette –</p><p>Charles Cornwallis –</p><p>Treaty of Paris –</p><p> egalitarianism – 5.1: Experimenting with Confederation</p><p>1. Explain the differing ideas of republicanism.</p><p>2. Identify three basic issues debated in drafting the Articles of Confederation.</p><p>3. Describe the political and economic problems faced by the Confederation. republic –</p><p> republicanism –</p><p>Articles of Confederation –</p><p> confederation –</p><p>Land Ordinance of 1785 –</p><p>Northwest Ordinance of 1787 – 5.2: Drafting the Constitution</p><p>1. Identify events that led nationalist leaders to call for a convention to strengthen the government.</p><p>2. Summarize the key conflicts at the Constitutional Convention and explain how they were resolved.</p><p>3. Describe the form of government established by the Constitution. Shay's Rebellion –</p><p>James Madison –</p><p>Roger Sherman – </p><p>Great Compromise –</p><p>Three-Fifths Compromise –</p><p> federalism – </p><p> legislative branch –</p><p> executive branch –</p><p> judicial branch –</p><p> checks and balances –</p><p> electoral college – 5.3: Ratifying the Constitution</p><p>1. Contrast Federalist and Anti-federalist arguments over ratification of the Constitution.</p><p>2. Explain how and why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. ratification –</p><p>Federalists –</p><p>Anti-Federalists –</p><p>The Federalist –</p><p>Bill of Rights – 6.1: Washington Heads the New Government</p><p>1. Explain how the United States confronted the difficult task of forming a new government.</p><p>2. Show how the political ideas of Hamilton and Jefferson differed.</p><p>3. Describe how political differences evolved into a two-party system. Judiciary Act of 1789 –</p><p>Alexander Hamilton –</p><p>Cabinet –</p><p>Bank of the United States –</p><p>Democratic-Republicans –</p><p> two-party system –</p><p> protective tariff –</p><p> excise tax – 6.2: Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation</p><p>1. Summarize the nation's developing foreign policy with France, Great Britain, and Spain.</p><p>2. Explain how the United States dealt with Native Americans and with British interests west of the </p><p>Appalachians.</p><p>3. Identify some of the deep divisions between Federalists and Republicans. neutrality –</p><p>Edmond Genet –</p><p>Thomas Pinckney –</p><p>Little Turtle –</p><p>John Jay –</p><p> sectionalism –</p><p>XYZ Affair –</p><p>Alien and Sedition Acts –</p><p> nullification – 6.3: Jefferson Alters the Nation's Course</p><p>1. Identify some of the significant changes brought about during the early years of Jefferson's presidency.</p><p>2. Provide examples of the declining power of the Federalists.</p><p>3. Summarize the importance of the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition. Lewis and Clark –</p><p>Aaron Burr –</p><p>John Marshall –</p><p>Judiciary Act of 1801 –</p><p> midnight judges –</p><p>Marbury v. Madison –</p><p> judicial review –</p><p>Louisiana Purchase –</p><p>Sacajawea – 6.4: The War of 1812</p><p>1. Explain the events that led to the War of 1812.</p><p>2. Summarize the course of the war. blockade –</p><p> impressment –</p><p> embargo –</p><p>William Henry Harrison –</p><p>Tecumseh –</p><p> war hawk –</p><p>Andrew Jackson –</p><p>Treaty of Ghent –</p><p> armistice – 7.1: Regional Economies Create Differences</p><p>1. Describe the effects of the Industrial Revolution on the United States.</p><p>2. Explain how two different economic systems developed in the North and South.</p><p>3. Summarize the American System, a plan devised to unite the country. Eli Whitney –</p><p> interchangeable parts –</p><p> mass production –</p><p>Industrial Revolution –</p><p> cotton gin –</p><p>Henry Clay –</p><p>National Road –</p><p>Erie Canal –</p><p>Tariff of 1816 – 7.2: Nationalism at Center Stage</p><p>1. Discuss how the federal government assured its jurisdiction over state governments.</p><p>2. Explain how foreign affairs were guided by national self-interest.</p><p>3. Summarize the issues that divided the country as the United States expanded its borders. McCulloch v. Maryland –</p><p>John Quincy Adams –</p><p> nationalism –</p><p>Adams-Onis Treaty –</p><p>Monroe Doctrine –</p><p>Missouri Compromise – 7.3: The Age of Jackson</p><p>1. Describe the tension between Adams and Jackson.</p><p>2. Explain Jackson's spoils system and his appeal to the common citizen.</p><p>3. Summarize the effects of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Andrew Jackson –</p><p>Democratic-Republican Party –</p><p> spoils system –</p><p>Indian Removal Act –</p><p>Trail of Tears – 7.4: States' Rights and the National Bank</p><p>1. Explain how the protective tariff laws raised the issue of states' rights.</p><p>2. Summarize how Jackson destroyed the Bank of the United States.</p><p>3. Identify some of Jackson's economic policies and their impact on his successor. Daniel Webster –</p><p>John C. Calhoun –</p><p>Tariff of Abominations –</p><p>Bank of the United States –</p><p>Whig Party –</p><p>Martin Van Buren –</p><p> panic of 1837 –</p><p>William Henry Harrison –</p><p>John Tyler – 8.1: Religion Sparks Reform</p><p>1. Describe the new religious movements that swept the United States after 1790.</p><p>2. Explain the new philosophy that offered an alternative to traditional religion.</p><p>3. Characterize the nature of utopian communities.</p><p>4. Describe the reforms demanded in schools, mental hospitals, and prisons. Charles Grandison Finney –</p><p>Second Great Awakening – </p><p>Revival –</p><p>Ralph Waldo Emerson –</p><p> transcendentalism – </p><p>Henry David Thoreau –</p><p> civil disobedience –</p><p> utopian community –</p><p>Dorothea Dix – 8.2: Slavery and Abolition</p><p>1. Identify some of the key abolitionists.</p><p>2. Describe the experience of slaves in rural and urban areas.</p><p>3. Summarize the slavery debate in the South. abolition – </p><p>William Lloyd Garrison –</p><p> emancipation –</p><p>David Walker –</p><p>Frederick Douglas –</p><p>Nat Turner –</p><p> antebellum –</p><p> gag rule – 8.3: Women and Reform</p><p>1. Explain why women's opportunities were limited in the mid-1800s.</p><p>2. Identify the reform movements in which women participated.</p><p>3. Describe the progress of the expanding women's rights movement. Elizabeth Cady Stanton –</p><p>Lucretia Mott –</p><p> cult of domesticity –</p><p>Sarah Grimke –</p><p>Angelina Grimke –</p><p> temperance movement –</p><p>Seneca Falls Convention –</p><p>Sojourner Truth – 8.4: The Changing Workplace</p><p>1. Demonstrate how new manufacturing techniques shifted the production of goods from home to factory.</p><p>2. Describe the conditions female employees endured in factories.</p><p>3. Summarize the attempts of factory workers to organize unions. cottage industry –</p><p> master –</p><p> journeyman –</p><p> apprentice –</p><p> strike –</p><p>National Trades' Union – 9.1: The Market Revolution</p><p>1. Describe how industrialization and capitalism impacted the U.S. economy.</p><p>2. Identify the inventions that enhanced people's lives and helped fuel the country's economic growth.</p><p>3. Explain how improved transportation and communication systems helped to link America's regions and make them independent. Samuel F. B. Morse –</p><p> specialization –</p><p> market revolution –</p><p> capitalism –</p><p> entrepreneur –</p><p> telegraph –</p><p>John Deere –</p><p>Cyrus McCormick - 9.2: Manifest Destiny</p><p>1. Summarize the reasons American settlers headed west during the mid-1800s. </p><p>2. Describe the impact of westward expansion on Native Americans.</p><p>3. Identify the westward trails and some of the people who used them. manifest destiny –</p><p>Treaty of Fort Laramie –</p><p>Santa Fe Trail –</p><p>Oregon Trail –</p><p>Mormons –</p><p>Joseph Smith –</p><p>Brigham Young –</p><p>"Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" – 9.3: Expansion in Texas</p><p>1. Explain why Mexico encouraged settlers in Texas.</p><p>2. Describe how Texas gained its independence. Stephen F. Austin –</p><p> land grant –</p><p>Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna –</p><p>Texas Revolution –</p><p>Alamo –</p><p>Sam Houston –</p><p>Republic of Texas –</p><p> annex – 9.4: The War with Mexico</p><p>1. Summarize the conflicting attitudes on waging war with Mexico.</p><p>2. Describe key battles that helped the U.S. win the war the Mexico.</p><p>3. Identify U.S. territories gained from Mexico.</p><p>4. Explain the impact of the discovery of gold in California on the development of the West. James K. Polk –</p><p>Zachary Taylor –</p><p>Stephen Kearny –</p><p>Republic of California –</p><p>Winfield Scott –</p><p>Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo –</p><p>Gadsden Purchase –</p><p> forty-niners –</p><p> gold rush – 10.1: The Divisive Politics of Slavery</p><p>1. Describe the growing differences between the North and South in their economies and ways of life.</p><p>2. Explain why the Wilmot Proviso failed to pass and why the issue of California statehood became so important.</p><p>3. Analyze how the efforts of Clay, Webster, and Douglas produced the Compromise of 1850 and a temporary halt to talk of secession. Wilmot Proviso –</p><p> secession –</p><p>Compromise of 1850 –</p><p> popular sovereignty –</p><p>Stephen A. Douglas –</p><p>Millard Fillmore – 10.2: Protest, Resistance, and Violence</p><p>1. Describe the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Law and how abolitionists and the Underground </p><p>Railroad succeeded in defying the law.</p><p>2. Explain how Douglas's desire for a northern transcontinental railroad route helped destroy the </p><p>Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850.</p><p>3. Describe the violence that occurred in Kansas in the fight over establishing slavery in the territory. Fugitive Slave Act –</p><p> personal liberty laws –</p><p>Underground Railroad –</p><p>Harriet Tubman –</p><p>Harriet Beecher Stowe –</p><p>Uncle Tom's Cabin –</p><p>Kansas-Nebraska Act –</p><p>John Brown –</p><p>Bleeding Kansas – 10.3: The Birth of the Republican Party</p><p>1. Identify the political parties that emerged as the North and South forged new political alliances.</p><p>2. Explain the reasons that led voters to align with a particular party and why Buchanan won the election of 1856. Franklin Pierce –</p><p> nativism –</p><p>Know-Nothing Party –</p><p>Free-Soil Party –</p><p>Republican Party –</p><p>Horace Greeley –</p><p>John C. Fremont –</p><p>James Buchanan – 10.4: Slavery and Secession</p><p>1. Explain the impact of the Dred Scott decision and the Lecompton Constitution on the political crisis over slavery.</p><p>2. Explain why Douglas believed that popular sovereignty was the key to eliminating slavery and why </p><p>Lincoln believed Free-Soil legislation was required for voters to remove slavery.</p><p>3. Describe the events at Harpers Ferry and their effect on the North and South.</p><p>4. Describe the events that led to Lincoln's election and the establishment of the Confederate States of </p><p>America. Dred Scott –</p><p>Roger B. Taney –</p><p>Abraham Lincoln –</p><p>Freeport Doctrine –</p><p>Harpers Ferry –</p><p>Confederacy –</p><p>Jefferson Davis – 11.1: The Civil War Begins</p><p>1. Explain how the Civil War started.</p><p>2. Explain Northern and Confederate short-sightedness about the duration of the war.</p><p>3. Identify the Northern generals and their initial campaigns in the West.</p><p>4. Describe new weapons and other changes in warfare.</p><p>5. Explain Northern and Southern military tragedies to capture their opponent's capital. Fort Sumter –</p><p>Anaconda Plan –</p><p>Bull Run –</p><p>Stonewall Jackson –</p><p>George McClellan –</p><p>Ulysses S. Grant –</p><p>Shiloh –</p><p>David G. Farragut –</p><p>Monitor –</p><p>Merrimack –</p><p>Robert E. Lee –</p><p>Antietam – 11.2: The Politics of War</p><p>1. Explain why Britain remained neutral.</p><p>2. Explain Lincoln's motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document's effects.</p><p>3. Identify the political dilemmas facing the North and South. Emancipation Proclamation –</p><p> habeas corpus –</p><p>Copperhead –</p><p> conscription – 11.3: Life During Wartime</p><p>1. Explain African American's role in the struggle to end slavery.</p><p>2. Explain the decline of the Southern economy and the expansion of the Northern economy.</p><p>3. Describe the terrible conditions that Union and Confederate soldiers endured. Fort Pillow –</p><p> income tax –</p><p>Clara Barton –</p><p>Andersonville – 11.4: The North Takes Charge</p><p>1. Describe the battle at Gettysburg and its outcome.</p><p>2. Describe Grant's siege of Vicksburg.</p><p>3. Summarize the key points of the Gettysburg Address.</p><p>4. Summarize the final events of the war leading to the surrender at Appomattox. Gettysburg –</p><p>Chancellorsville –</p><p>Vicksburg –</p><p>Gettysburg Address –</p><p>William Tecumseh Sherman –</p><p>Appomattox Court House – 11.5: The Legacy of the War</p><p>1. Summarize the key economic, political, technological, and social effects of the Civil War.</p><p>2. Explain how the Civil War dramatically changed the lives of individuals, especially African </p><p>Americans. National Bank Act –</p><p>Thirteenth Amendment –</p><p>Red Cross –</p><p>John Wilkes Booth – 12.1: The Politics of Reconstruction</p><p>1. Summarize President Lincoln's Reconstruction policies.</p><p>2. Identify the programs of Johnson's Reconstruction policy.</p><p>3. Explain Congressional Reconstruction policies. Andrew Johnson –</p><p>Reconstruction –</p><p>Radical Republicans –</p><p>Thaddeus Stevens –</p><p>Wade-Davis Bill –</p><p>Freedmen’s Bureau –</p><p> black codes –</p><p>Fourteenth Amendment –</p><p> impeach –</p><p>Fifteenth Amendment – 12.2: Reconstructing Society</p><p>1. Summarize the economic problem in the South.</p><p>2. Identify differences among members of the Republican Party in the South.</p><p>3. Describe efforts of former slaves to improve their lives.</p><p>4. Analyze changes in the Southern economy. scalawag –</p><p> carpetbagger –</p><p>Hiram Revels –</p><p> sharecropping –</p><p> tenant farming – 12.3: The Collapse of Reconstruction</p><p>1. Summarize violent actions by opponents of Reconstruction.</p><p>2. Identify political and economic reasons for the shift of power from the Southern Republicans to the </p><p>Southern Democrats.</p><p>3. Identify reasons for the collapse of Congressional Reconstruction.</p><p>4. Explain the achievements and failures of Reconstruction. Ku Klux Klan (KKK) –</p><p> panic of 1873 –</p><p> redemption –</p><p>Rutherford B. Hayes –</p><p>Samuel J. Tilden –</p><p>Compromise of 1877 –</p><p> home rule – 13.1: Cultures Clash on the Prairie</p><p>1. Contrast the cultures of Native Americans and white settlers and explain why white settlers moved west.</p><p>2. Identify restrictions imposed by the government on Native Americans and describe the consequences.</p><p>3. Identify the government's policy of assimilation as well as continuing conflicts between Native </p><p>Americans and settlers.</p><p>4. Trace the development of the cattle industry.</p><p>5. Describe both the myth and the reality of the American cowboy and explain the end of the open range. Great Plains –</p><p>Treaty of Fort Laramie –</p><p>Sitting Bull –</p><p>George A. Cluster –</p><p> assimilation –</p><p>Dawes Act –</p><p>Battle of Wounded Knee –</p><p> longhorn –</p><p>Chisholm Trail – long drive -</p><p>13.2: Settling on the Great Plains</p><p>1. Explain the rapid settlement of the Great Plains due to homesteading.</p><p>2. Describe how early settlers survived on the plains and transformed them into profitable farm land. Homestead Act –</p><p> exoduster –</p><p> soddy –</p><p>Morrill Act –</p><p> bonanza farm –</p><p>13.3: Farmers and the Populist Movement</p><p>1. Identify the problems farmers faced and their cooperative efforts to solve them.</p><p>2. Explain the rise and fall of the Populist Party. Oliver Hudson Kelley –</p><p>Grange Farmers’ Alliances –</p><p>Populism –</p><p> bimetallism –</p><p> gold standard –</p><p>William McKinley –</p><p>Williams Jennings Bryan – 14.2: The Age of the Railroads</p><p>1. Identify the role of the railroads in unifying the country.</p><p>2. List positive and negative effects of railroads on the nation's economy.</p><p>3. Summarize reasons for, and outcomes of, the demand for railroad reform. transcontinental railroad –</p><p>George M. Pullman –</p><p>Credit Mobilier –</p><p>Munn v. Illinois –</p><p>Interstate Commerce Act – 14.3: Big Business and Labor</p><p>1. Identify management and business strategies that contributed to the success of business tycoons such as Andrew Carnegie.</p><p>2. Explain Social Darwinism and its effects on society.</p><p>3. Summarize the emergence and growth of unions.</p><p>4. Explain the violent reactions of industry and government to union strikes. Andrew Carnegie –</p><p> vertical and horizontal integration –</p><p>Social Darwinism –</p><p>John D. Rockefeller –</p><p>Sherman Antitrust Act –</p><p>Samuel Gompers –</p><p>American Federation of Labor (AFL) –</p><p>Eugene V. Debs –</p><p>Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) – Mary Harris Jones –</p><p>15.1: The New Immigrants</p><p>1. Identify immigrants' countries of origin.</p><p>2. Describe the journey immigrants endured and their experiences at United States immigration stations.</p><p>3. Examine the causes and effects of the nativists' anti-immigrant sentiments. Ellis Island –</p><p>Angel Island –</p><p> melting pot –</p><p> nativism –</p><p>Chinese Exclusion Act –</p><p>Gentleman’s Agreement – 15.2: The Challenges of Urbanization</p><p>1. Describe the movement of immigrants to cities and the opportunities they found there.</p><p>2. Explain how cities dealt with housing, transportation, sanitation, and safety issues.</p><p>3. Describe some of the organizations and people who offered to help urban immigrants. urbanization –</p><p>Americanization movement –</p><p> tenement –</p><p> mass transit –</p><p>Social Gospel movement –</p><p> settlement house –</p><p>Jane Addams – 15.3: Politics in the Gilded Age</p><p>1. Explain the role of political machines and political bosses.</p><p>2. Describe how some politicians' greed and fraud cost taxpayers millions of dollars.</p><p>3. Describe the measures taken by President Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur to reform the spoils system.</p><p>4. Explain the positions taken by Presidents Cleveland, Harrison, and McKinley on the tariff issue. political machine –</p><p> graft –</p><p>Boss Tweed –</p><p> patronage –</p><p> civil service –</p><p>Rutherford B. Hayes –</p><p>James A. Garfield –</p><p>Chester A. Arthur –</p><p>Pendleton Civil Service Act – Grover Cleveland –</p><p>Benjamin Harrison –</p><p>16.3: Segregation and Discrimination</p><p>1. Trace the historical underpinnings of legalized segregation and the African American struggle against racism in the United States.</p><p>2. Summarize turn-of-the-20th-century race relations in the North and South.</p><p>3. Identify discrimination against minorities in the American West. Ida B. Wells –</p><p> poll tax –</p><p> grandfather clause –</p><p> segregation –</p><p>Jim Crow laws –</p><p>Plessy v. Ferguson –</p><p> debt peonage – 17.1: The Origins of Progressivism</p><p>1. Explain the four goals of progressivism.</p><p>2. Summarize progressive efforts to clean up government.</p><p>3 Identify progressive efforts to reform the state’s government, protect workers, and reform elections. progressive movement –</p><p>Florence Kelley –</p><p>Prohibition –</p><p> muckraker –</p><p> scientific management –</p><p>Robert M. La Follette –</p><p> initiative –</p><p> referendum –</p><p> recall – Seventeenth Amendment –</p><p>17.2: Women in Public Life</p><p>1. Describe the growing presence of women in the workforce at the turn of the 20th century.</p><p>2. Identify leaders of the woman suffrage movement.</p><p>3. Explain how woman suffrage was achieved. NACW –</p><p>Suffrage –</p><p>Susan B. Anthony –</p><p>NAWSA – 17.3: Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal</p><p>1. Describe the events of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency.</p><p>2. Explain how Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to regulate business.</p><p>3. Identify laws passed to protect public health and the environment.</p><p>4. Summarize Roosevelt's stand on civil rights. Upton Sinclair –</p><p>The Jungle –</p><p>Theodore Roosevelt –</p><p>Square Deal –</p><p>Meat Inspection Act –</p><p>Pure Food and Drug Act –</p><p> conservation –</p><p>NAACP - 17.4: Progressivism Under Taft</p><p>1. Summarize the events of the Taft presidency.</p><p>2. Explain the division in the Republican Party.</p><p>3. Describe the elections of 1912. Gifford Pinchot –</p><p>William Howard Taft –</p><p>Payne-Aldrich Tariff –</p><p>Bull Moose Party –</p><p>Woodrow Wilson – 17.5: Wilson's New Freedom</p><p>1. Describe Woodrow Wilson's background and the progressive reforms of his presidency.</p><p>2. List the steps leading to woman suffrage.</p><p>3. Explain the limits of Wilson's progressivism. Carrie Chapman Catt –</p><p>Clayton Antitrust Act –</p><p>Federal Trade Commission (FTC) –</p><p>Federal Reserve System –</p><p>Nineteenth Amendment – 22.1: The Nation’s Sick Economy</p><p>1. Summarize the critical problems threatening the American economy in the late 1920s.</p><p>2. Describe the causes of the stock market crash and the Great Depression.</p><p>3. Explain how the Great Depression affected the economy in the United States and throughout the world. price support – </p><p> credit – </p><p>Al Smith – </p><p>Dow Jones Industrial Average – </p><p>Speculation – </p><p>Buying on the margins – </p><p>Black Tuesday – </p><p>Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act - 22.2: Hardship and Suffering During the Depression</p><p>1. Describe how people struggled to survive during the Depression.</p><p>2. Explain how the Depression affected men, women, and children. shantytown – </p><p> soup kitchen – </p><p> bread line – </p><p>Dust Bowl –</p><p> direct relief- 22.3: Hoover Struggles with the Depression</p><p>1. Explain Hoover’s initial response to the Depression.</p><p>2. Summarize the actions Hoover took to help the economy and the hardship suffered by Americans. </p><p>3. Describe the Bonus Army and Hoover’s actions towards it. Herbert Hoover – </p><p>Boulder Dam – </p><p>Federal Home Loan Act – </p><p>Reconstruction Finance Corporation – </p><p>Bonus Army – 23.1: A New Deal Fights the Depression</p><p>1. Summarize the initial steps Roosevelt took to reform banking and finance.</p><p>2. Describe New Deal work programs.</p><p>3. Identify critics of FDR's New Deal. Franklin Delano Roosevelt – </p><p>New Deal – </p><p>Glass-Steagall Act – </p><p>Federal Securities Act – </p><p>Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) –</p><p>Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – </p><p>National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) –</p><p> deficit spending – Huey Long - </p><p>23.2: The Second New Deal Takes Hold</p><p>1. Describe the purpose of the Second New Deal. </p><p>2. Summarize New Deal programs for farmers.</p><p>3. Identify the Second New Deal programs aimed at assisting young people and professionals.</p><p>4. Summarize labor and economic reforms carried out under the Second New Deal. Eleanor Roosevelt – </p><p>Works Progress Administration (WPA) – </p><p>National Youth Administration – </p><p>Wagner Act – </p><p>Social Security Act – 23.3 The New Deal Affect Many Groups</p><p>1. Analyze the effects of the New Deal programs on women.</p><p>2. Describe Roosevelt's attitude toward African Americans.</p><p>3. Identify the groups that formed the New Deal coalition.</p><p>4. Describe the supporter of FDR's New Deal. Frances Perkins – </p><p>Mary McLeod Bethune – </p><p>John Collier – </p><p>New Deal coalition – </p><p>Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO) – 23.5: The Impact of the New Deal</p><p>1. Summarize opinions about the effectiveness of the New Deal.</p><p>2. Describe the legacies of the New Deal. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) –</p><p>Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) –</p><p>National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) –</p><p> parity – </p><p>Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – 24.1: Dictators Threaten World Peace</p><p>1. Identify the types of governments that took power in Russia, Italy, Germany, and Japan after WWI. </p><p>2. Describe the details of America's turn to isolationism in the 1930s. Joseph Stalin – </p><p> totalitarian – </p><p>Benito Mussolini – </p><p> facism – </p><p>Adolf Hitler – </p><p>Nazism – </p><p>Francisco Franco – Neutrality Acts - </p><p>24.2: War in Europe</p><p>1. Explain Hitler's motives for expansion and how Britain and France responded.</p><p>2. Describe the blitzkrieg tactics that Germany used against Poland.</p><p>3. Summarize the first battles of World War II. Neville Chamberlain – </p><p>Winston Churchill – </p><p> appeasement – </p><p> nonaggression pact – </p><p> blitzkrieg –</p><p>Charles de Gaulle – </p><p>24.3: The Holocaust</p><p>1. Explain the reasons behind the Nazis' persecution of the Jews and the problems facing Jewish refugees.</p><p>2. Describe the Nazi's "final solution" to the Jewish problem and the horrors of the Holocaust.</p><p>3. Identify and describe the profound and lasting effects of the Holocaust on survivors. Holocaust – </p><p>Kristallnacht –</p><p> genocide – </p><p> ghetto – </p><p> concentration camp – 24.5: America Moves Toward War</p><p>1. Describe the US response to the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939.</p><p>2. Explain how Roosevelt assisted Allies without declaring war.</p><p>3. Summarize the events that brought the United States into armed conflict with Germany.</p><p>4. Describe the American Response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Axis powers – </p><p>Lend-Lease Act – </p><p>Atlantic Charter – </p><p>Allies – </p><p>Hideki Tojo – 25.1: Mobilizing for Defense</p><p>1. Explain how the United States expanded its armed forces in World War II.</p><p>2. Describe the wartime mobilization of industry, labor, scientists, and the media.</p><p>3. Trace the efforts of the US government to control the economy and deal with alleged subversion. George Marshall – </p><p>Women's Auxiliary Army Corp (WAAC) – </p><p>A. Philip Randolph -</p><p>Manhattan Project –</p><p>Office of Price Administration (OPA) – </p><p>War Production Board (WPB) – </p><p> rationing – 25.2: The War for Europe and North Africa</p><p>1. Summarize the Allies' plan for winning the war.</p><p>2. Identify events in the war in Europe.</p><p>3. Describe the liberation of Europe. Dwight D. Eisenhower –</p><p>D-Day –</p><p>Omar Bradley – </p><p>George Patton – </p><p>Battle of the Bulge –</p><p>V-E Day – </p><p>Harry S. Truman - 25.3: The War in the Pacific</p><p>1. Identify key turning points in the war in the Pacific.</p><p>2. Describe the Allied offensive against the Japanese.</p><p>3. Explain both the development of the atomic bomb and debates about its use.</p><p>4. Describe the challenges faced by the Allies in building a just and lasting peace. Douglas MacArthur – </p><p>Chester Nimitz –</p><p>Battle of Midway –</p><p> kamikaze –</p><p>J. Robert Oppenheimer –</p><p>Hiroshima – 25.4: The Home Front</p><p>1. Describe the economic and social changes that reshaped American life during WWII.</p><p>2. Summarize both the opportunities and the discrimination African Americans and other minorities experienced during the war. GI Bill of Rights –</p><p>James Farmer –</p><p>Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) – </p><p> internment –</p><p>Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) – 26.1: Origins of the Cold War</p><p>1. Explain the breakdown in relations between the US and the Soviet Union after WWII.</p><p>2. Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence.</p><p>3. Describe how the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan defend Cold War tensions.</p><p>4. Explain how conflicts over Germany increased fear of Soviet aggression. United Nations (UN) – </p><p> satellite nation –</p><p> containment –</p><p> iron curtain – </p><p>Cold War – </p><p>Truman Doctrine – </p><p>Marshall Plan –</p><p>Berlin airlift – North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – </p><p>26.2: The Cold War Heats Up</p><p>1. Explain how Communists came to power in China and how the United States reacted.</p><p>2. Summarize the events of the Korean War.</p><p>3. Explain the conflict between President Truman and General MacArthur. Chiang Kai-shek – </p><p>Mao Zedong – </p><p>Taiwan – </p><p>38th parallel – </p><p>Korean War – 26.3: The Cold War at Home</p><p>1. Describe the government efforts to investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens.</p><p>2. Explain the spy cases of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. </p><p>3. Describe the effort of Senator Joseph McCarthy to investigate alleged Communist influences in the United States. HUAC-</p><p>Hollywood Ten-</p><p>Blacklist-</p><p>Alger Hiss-</p><p>Ethel and Julius Rosenberg- Joseph McCarthy-</p><p>McCarthyism-</p><p>26.4: Two Nations Live on the Edge</p><p>1. Explain the policy of brinkmanship. </p><p>2. Describe American and Soviet actions that caused the Cold War to spread around the world.</p><p>3. Summarize the impact of Sputnik and the U-2 incident on the United States. H-bomb-</p><p>Dwight D. Eisenhower-</p><p>John Foster Dulles-</p><p>Brinkmanship-</p><p>Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)- </p><p>Warsaw Pact-</p><p>Eisenhower Doctrine-</p><p>Nikita Khrushchev- Francis Gary Powers-</p><p>U-2 incident- </p><p>27.1: Postwar America</p><p>1. Identify economic and social problems Americans faced after World War II.</p><p>2. Explain how the desire for stability led to political conservatism. </p><p>3. Describe the causes and effects of social unrest in the postwar period. 4. Contrast domestic policy under presidents Truman and Eisenhower. </p><p>GI Bill of Rights-</p><p>Suburb-</p><p>Harry S. Truman-</p><p>Dixiecrat- Fair deal-</p><p>27.2: The American Dream in the Fifties</p><p>1. Explain how changes in business affected workers. </p><p>2. Describe the suburban lifestyle of the 1950s.</p><p>3. Identify causes and effects of the boom in the automobile industry. </p><p>4. Explain the increase in consumerism in the 1950s. Conglomerate-</p><p>Franchise-</p><p>Baby Boom-</p><p>Dr. Jonas Salk-</p><p>Consumerism- Planned obsolescence-</p><p>27.3: Popular Culture</p><p>1. Explain how television programs in the 1950s reflected middle class values.</p><p>2. Explain how the beat movement and rock ‘n’ roll music clashed with middle class values.</p><p>3. Describe ways that African-American entertainers integrated the media in the 1950s. Mass Media-</p><p>Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-</p><p>Beat Movement- </p><p>Rock ‘N’ Roll- Jazz-</p><p>27.4: The Other America:</p><p>1. Explain how the white migration to the suburbs created an urban crisis.</p><p>2. Describe the efforts of minorities to gain equal rights and fight poverty. Urban Renewal- </p><p>Bracero-</p><p>Termination Policy- 28.1: Kennedy and the Cold War</p><p>1. Identify the factors that contributed to Kennedy’s election in 1960.</p><p>2. Describe the new military policy of the Kennedy administration.</p><p>3. Summarize the crisis that developed over Cuba.\</p><p>4. Explain the Cold War symbolism of Berlin in the early 1960s. John F. Kennedy-</p><p>Flexible Response-</p><p>Fidel Castro-</p><p>Berlin Wall-</p><p>Hot Line- Limited Test Ban Treaty-</p><p>28.2: The New Frontier</p><p>1. Summarize the New Frontier domestic and foreign agendas. </p><p>2. Describe the tragic chain of events surrounding Kennedy’s Assassination. New Frontier-</p><p>Mandate-</p><p>Peace Corps-</p><p>Alliance for Progress- Warren Commission-</p><p>28.3: The Great Society</p><p>1. Describe the political path that led Johnson to the White House. </p><p>2. Explain Johnson’s efforts to enact a domestic agenda.</p><p>3. Summarize the goals of Johnson’s Great Society.</p><p>4. Identify the reforms of the Warren Court. 5. Evaluate the impact of the Great Society programs.</p><p>Lyndon Baines Johnson-</p><p>Economic Opportunity Act-</p><p>Great Society-</p><p>Medicare and Medicaid-</p><p>Immigration Act of 1965-</p><p>Warren Court- Reapportionment-</p><p>29.1: Taking on Segregation</p><p>1. Explain how legalized segregation deprived African-Americans of their rights as citizens.</p><p>2. Summarize civil rights legal activity and the response to the Plessy and Brown cases.</p><p>3. Trace Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s civil rights activities, beginning with the Montgomery Bus Boycott.</p><p>4. Describe the Expansion of the civil rights movement. Thurgood Marshall-</p><p>Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka-</p><p>Rosa Parks-</p><p>Martin Luther King Jr-</p><p>Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)-</p><p>Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)- Sit In-</p><p>29.2: The Triumph of a Crusade</p><p>1. Identify the goal of the freedom riders.</p><p>2. Explain how civil rights activism forced President Kennedy to act against Segregation. </p><p>3. State the motives of the 1963 March on Washington.</p><p>4. Describe the tactics tried by civil rights organizations to secure passage of the Voting Rights Act. Freedom Riders-</p><p>James Meredith-</p><p>Civil Rights act of 1964-</p><p>Freedom Summer-</p><p>Fannie Lou Hamer- Voting Rights act of 1965-</p><p>29.3: Challenges and Changes in the Movement</p><p>1. Compare segregation in the North with segregation in the South.</p><p>2. Identify the leaders who shaped the black Power movement. </p><p>3. Describe the reaction to the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior. </p><p>4. Summarize the accomplishments of the Civil Rights movement. De Facto Segregation-</p><p>De Jure Segregation-</p><p>Malcolm X-</p><p>Nation of Islam-</p><p>Stokely Carmichael- </p><p>Black Power-</p><p>Black Panthers-</p><p>Kerner-</p><p>Commission of Civil Rights Act of 1968- Affirmative Action- </p><p>30.1: Moving Toward Conflict</p><p>1. Summarize Vietnam’s history as a French colony and its struggle for independence.</p><p>3. Examine how the United States became involved in the Vietnam conflict.</p><p>3. Describe the expansion of the U.S. military involvement under President Johnson. Ho Chi Minh-</p><p>Vietminh-</p><p>Domino Theory-</p><p>Dien Bien Phu-</p><p>Geneva Accords-</p><p>Ngo Dinh Diem-</p><p>Vietcong-</p><p>Ho Vhi Minh Trail- Tonkin Gulf Resolution-</p><p>30.2: U.S. Involvement and Escalation:</p><p>1. Explain the reason for the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam</p><p>2. Describe the military tactics and weapons used by the U.S. forces and the Vietcong. </p><p>3. Explain the impact of the war on American Society. Robert McNamara-</p><p>Dean Rusk-</p><p>William Westmoreland-</p><p>Army of the Republic of Vietnam-</p><p>Napalm-</p><p>Agent Orange-</p><p>Search and Destroy Mission- Credibility Gap-</p><p>30.3: A Nation Divided</p><p>1. Explain the draft policies that led to the Vietnam War becoming a working-class war.</p><p>2. Trace the roots of opposition to the war.</p><p>3. Describe the antiwar movement and the growing divisions in U.S. public opinion about the war. Draft-</p><p>New Left-</p><p>Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)-</p><p>Free Speech Movement-</p><p>Dove- Hawk-</p><p>30.4: 1968: A Tumultuous Year</p><p>1. Describe the Tet offensive and its effects on the American public.</p><p>2. Explain the domestic turbulence of 1968.</p><p>3. Describe the 1986 presidential election. Tet Offensive-</p><p>Clark Clifford-</p><p>Robert Kennedy-</p><p>Eugene McCarthy-</p><p>Hubert Humphrey-</p><p>George Wallace- 30.5: The End of the War and Its legacy</p><p>1. Describe Nixon’s policy of Vietnamization. </p><p>2. Explain the public’s reaction to the Vietnam War during Nixon’s presidency. </p><p>3. Describe the end of U.S. involvement and the final outcome in Vietnam.</p><p>4. Examine the war’s painful legacy in the United States and Southeast Asia. Richard Nixon-</p><p>Henry Kissinger-</p><p>Vietnamization-</p><p>Silent Majority-</p><p>My Lai-</p><p>Kent State University-</p><p>Pentagon Papers- War Powers Act-</p><p>32.1: The Nixon Administration</p><p>1. Summarize Nixon’s plans to lead the nation on a more conservative course </p><p>2. Analyze Nixon’s efforts to win the support of Southern Democrats </p><p>3. Describe the steps Nixon took to battle stagflation.</p><p>4. Examine the importance of Nixon’s visits to China and the Soviet Union. Richard Nixon-</p><p>New Federalism-</p><p>Revenue sharing-</p><p>Southern Strategy-</p><p> stagflation-</p><p>OPEC-</p><p> realpolitik-</p><p> detente-</p><p>Salt I Treaty- 32.2: The Nixon Administration</p><p>1. Analyze how Nixon and his advisors sought to increase the power of the presidency. </p><p>2. Summarize the details of the Watergate Burglary.</p><p>3. Describe how the Watergate scandal was uncovered.</p><p>4. Explain why the House Judiciary Committee voted to impeach Nixon and analyze the impact of Watergate on American politics. impeachment-</p><p>Watergate-</p><p>H. R. Haldeman-</p><p>John Erlichman-</p><p>John Mitchell-</p><p>Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP)-</p><p>Saturday Night Massacre- 32.3: The Carter and Ford Years</p><p>1. Summarize Gerald Ford’s efforts to confront economic problems and handle foreign policy.</p><p>2. Analyze the significance of Jimmy Carter’s election in 1976. </p><p>3. Identify Jimmy Carter’s approach to solving economic problems.</p><p>4. Describe Carter’s foreign policy. Gerald Ford-</p><p>Jimmy Carter-</p><p>National Energy Act-</p><p>Human rights-</p><p>Camp David Accords- Ayatollah Khomeini-</p>
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