Staff Policies and Procedures Statement

Staff Policies and Procedures Statement

<p>Staff Policies and Procedures Statement</p><p>Christ Ev. Lutheran Church Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>APPROVED </p><p>Senior Pastor DATE</p><p>Congregation President DATE</p><p>Congregation Vice-President DATE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>1.0 PURPOSE...... 6</p><p>2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONGREGATION COUNCIL...... 7 2.1 Staff Assessments And Salary Recommendations...... 7 2.2 Alternate Or Substitute Employees/Pastoral Staff Fill-Ins...... 7 2.3 Interpretation...... 7 2.4 Policy Review...... 8</p><p>3.0 EXCEPTIONS...... 9</p><p>4.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS...... 10 4.1 Staff Member/Employee...... 10 4.2 Part-time...... 10 4.3 Full time...... 10 4.4 Probationary Period...... 10</p><p>5.0 COMPENSATION...... 11</p><p>6.0 WORKING HOURS AND HOLIDAYS...... 12</p><p>7.0 VACATION...... 13</p><p>8.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE...... 15</p><p>9.0 ALTERNATE OR SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES/PASTORAL STAFF FILL-INS...... 16</p><p>10.0 STAFF DEVELOPMENT...... 17</p><p>11.0 CONTINUING EDUCATION...... 19</p><p>12.0 SEPARATION (Refer to the Church Constitution for additional guidance)...... 20</p><p>13.0 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES...... 21</p><p>APPENDICIES 22 A.1 Job Descriptions...... 23 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>A.1.1 Organist/MS & HS CE Director Job Description...... 23 A.1.2 Facilities Manager Job Description...... 27 A.1.3 Interim Pastor...... 30 A.1.4 Director of Christian Education Job Description...... 31 A.1.5 Youth Director Job Description...... 32 A.1.6 Senior Pastor Job Description...... 33 A.1.7 Associate in Ministry Job Description...... 36</p><p>A.2 Evaluation Forms...... 38</p><p>A.3 Expend Church Funds...... 1</p><p>A.4 Marriage Plans...... 13</p><p>A.5 Funerals26</p><p>A.6 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Student Loan Fund...... 27</p><p>A.7 Church Letter Head...... 31</p><p>A.8 DUAL ACCESS/DUAL CONTROL OF SUNDAY WORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS...... 32</p><p>A.9 INVESTMENT POLICY/GUIDELINES...... 34</p><p>A.10 MEMORIAL GARDEN GUIDELINES...... 37</p><p>A.11 USE OF CHURCH FACILITIES GUIDELINES...... 41</p><p>A.12 YOUTH MINISTRY...... 58 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>REVISION HISTORY Revision # Date Reason for Revision</p><p>Rev. 1 through 4 Various Update Job Descriptions, Added Expend Church Funds policy and Marriage Plan Policy Rev. 5 9/24/04 Revised the Senior Pastor JD Rev. 6 12/29/03 Added Appendix 6 through 9 Rev. 7 6/5/04 Added Appendix 10, 11, and 12 Rev 8 6/245/04 Revised A.14, CE JD Rev 9 8/8/04 Marriage Plan Policy, Investment Policy, CE Director JD, Organist/MS & HS CE JD, Church Letter Head Rev. 10 6/14/05 A3 – Expend Church Funds POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>1.0 PURPOSE</p><p>The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance to Congregation Council and staff of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in the expectations of, and benefits provided to, the staff members.</p><p>A church is not a business. As a family of fellow believers we hold ourselves accountable to a higher standard of conduct than the organizational policies and legalities that govern most business operations. The church does, however, employ staff and encounter employee/employer issues similar to a business. This document has been prepared in an attempt to make expectations known and to provide guidelines for fairness. It is not to be viewed however as the final word on any issue. The Congregation Council, as the ruling body of the church, is charged with the responsibility of good stewardship of all of the church's resources. The church has no greater resource than its staff. The Congregation Council shall use this document along with thoughtful discussion and prayerful listening to determine the best course of action in each particular situation, balancing the need for fairness and consistency with the need for consideration of individual circumstances.</p><p>All staff is expected to be knowledgeable concerning the contents of these policies. These personnel policies do not create, imply or express a premise of continued employment of employees of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>2.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONGREGATION COUNCIL</p><p>2.1 Staff Assessments And Salary Recommendations</p><p>The Staff Support Committee of Congregation Council shall meet with employees and pastoral staff at a minimum of two times a year to provide the support, encouragement and advocacy necessary for the fulfillment of their responsibilities. Staff Support will recommend to Congregation Council any needed changes regarding providing such support.</p><p>Upon the hiring/calling of a new employee or pastoral staff person, the Staff Support Committee shall meet with that individual within two weeks of their hire/call date to facilitate "Orientation Training" and discuss the purpose and function of the Staff Support Committee. The Staff Support Committee will meet with the new employee/pastoral staff individual each month of their probationary period (3 - months) to discuss issues and concerns of the employee. At the end of six months a probationary review shall be completed by the responsible committee and discussed with the employee.</p><p>The Chairpersons of Finance, Property, Worship, Youth Advisory and Christian Education Committee along with an at-large member who is not on Council will meet to recommend staff salaries to the Budget Building Committee.</p><p>2.2 Alternate Or Substitute Employees/Pastoral Staff Fill-Ins</p><p>Staff members, being the most knowledgeable regarding job responsibilities and those most suited to fulfill them, will arrange for their own substitutes with assistance from the appropriate committees, as listed below, when necessary:</p><p> The Worship & Music Committee - Organist and/or Choir/Music Director  The Property Committee - Facilities Manager  The Finance Committee - Church Secretary.  The Congregation Council - Pastoral Staff.  The Christian Education Committee - Director of Christian Education  Youth Advisory Committee - Youth Director</p><p>Personnel employed as substitute or alternate employees shall not receive remuneration in excess of the weekly salary paid the regular employee.</p><p>The Church Council will assure that all of the above is accomplished and will approve the actions of the responsible committees as necessary.</p><p>2.3 Interpretation POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>Questions regarding the interpretation of specific policy statements or their application in a specific instance should be directed to the Congregation Council, who will supervise the administration of the policies and will determine such interpretations.</p><p>2.4 Policy Review</p><p>These policies will be subject to review, amendments, corrections, additions and deletions by Congregation Council POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>3.0 EXCEPTIONS</p><p>Exceptions to these personnel policies may be made by Congregation Council if judged to be in the best interests of all concerned. Such exceptions shall be recorded in the minutes of Congregation Council meetings. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>4.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS</p><p>4.1 Staff Member/Employee</p><p>Any person in the employ of Christ Church Elizabethtown who performs professional, administrative, secretarial, clerical or maintenance service on an established salary or hourly basis. Pastoral Staff.' Rostered, Ordained Pastors and Associates in Ministry called by Christ Church Elizabethtown</p><p>4.2 Part-time</p><p>Any staff members whose services are required on a part-time basis to fulfill the requirements of Church activities.</p><p>4.3 Full time</p><p>Any staff members whose services are required on a day-to-day basis</p><p>4.4 Probationary Period</p><p>All new employees are subject to a three-month probationary period, which may be extended for up to three additional months, during which they may be discharged at any time for unsatisfactory performance upon payment of salary or wages due. No paid leave may be taken during this time; however, paid leave earned will accrue during this period. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>5.0 COMPENSATION</p><p>The Chairpersons of Finance, Property, Worship, Youth Advisory and Christian Education along with an at-large member who is not on Council will meet to recommend staff salaries to the Budget Building Committee.</p><p>Following the Salary Recommendation Committee meeting a member from each committee responsible for the oversight of an employee shall present their RECONDAENDATION for salary to the employee. This meeting shall be completed before the Budget Building Committee meeting and in such a manner so the employee has an opportunity to discuss any concerns privately with the committee representative. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>6.0 WORKING HOURS AND HOLIDAYS</p><p>Office </p><p>Weather or disaster emergencies that require the official closing of the office and/or church will be decided by the. Senior Pastor and/or Lay President and communicated by network of staff callers.</p><p>The church office may also close for holidays as determined by the Senior Pastor.</p><p>Staff Members working hours are specified in individual job descriptions when required. Staff</p><p>Members who do not have specified hours are expected to work as needed to adequately perform their responsibilities. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>7.0 VACATION</p><p>Staff members are eligible for vacation as specified below. Sick time will be addressed at the discretion of the Congregation Council.</p><p>Categories: </p><p> Full-time staff members  Pastoral staff  Organist - see job description</p><p>Full-time staff members </p><p> a. Upon completion of six (6) months service, employees will be eligible for one (1) workweek, unless the completion of the six (6) month period ends on or after December 1st of the year Employed. b. Upon completion of two (2) years service, employees will be eligible for two (2) workweeks. c. Upon completion of five (5) years service, employees will be eligible for three (3) workweeks. d. Upon completion of ten (IO) years service, employees will be eligible for four (4) workweeks. e. Upon completion of fifteen (I 5) years service, employees will be eligible for five (5) workweeks.</p><p>NOTE: The times of all planned vacation are to be mutually agreed upon by the employee, the Church Council, and the Pastor(s) with at least one (1) months advance notice of the requested time. As much advance notice as possible for unplanned days off is requested.</p><p>NOTE: Unused time is not normally granted unless the Congregation Council receives prior approval.</p><p>Pastoral Staff </p><p> a. Congregation Council shall refer to "Pastor's Compensation and Benefits Guidelines Manual" and "Associate in Ministry, Diaconal Minister, Deaconess, Compensation and Benefits Guidelines Manual" published annually by Synod, for matters regarding paid time off. Additionally, the Congregation Council shall also refer to each position job description and use the greater vacation time granted</p><p>Organist POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10 a. See the respective job description POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>8.0 LEAVE OF ABSENCE</p><p>Congregation Council may grant a leave of absence to a staff member for personal reasons, parenting leave, disability, etc. at its discretion. The Council will consider each request on a case-by-case basis. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>9.0 ALTERNATE OR SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEES/PASTORAL STAFF FILL-INS</p><p>Staff members, being the most knowledgeable regarding job responsibilities and those most suited to fulfill them, will arrange for their own substitutes with assistance from the appropriate committees, as listed below, when necessary:</p><p> The Worship & Music Committee - Organist and/or Choir/Music Director  The Property Committee - Facilities Manager  The Finance Committee - Church Secretary.  The Congregation Council - Pastoral Staff.  The Christian Education Committee - Director of Christian Education  Youth Advisory Committee - Youth Director</p><p>Note: Personnel employed as substitute or alternate employees shall not receive remuneration in excess of the weekly salary paid the regular employee.</p><p>Note: The Church Council will assure that all of the above is accomplished and will approve the actions of the responsible committees as necessary. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>10.0 STAFF DEVELOPMENT</p><p>Performance Evaluation:</p><p>"The purpose of reviewing ministry of the staff and the mission of the congregation is to strengthen the church - not to find fault. The goal of reviewing ministry is the "building up of the body of Christ" (Eph. 4:12). St. Paul challenges us, "Having gifts that differ ... let us use them..." (Rom. 12:6). "In order to identify gifts and use them creatively, some intentional approach to reviewing the total ministry of staff and congregation is vital." (Staff Support Committee: A Vision for Mutual Ministry. Rev. George E. Keck, page 12.)</p><p>A written performance appraisal process will be used at least annually for each staff member as follows:</p><p> Organist - Worship and Music Committee  Facilities Manager - Property Committee  Church Secretary - Lay-President, with input from Committee Chairpersons and Pastoral Staff Pastoral Staff - Lay-President and Congregation Council Sub-Committee - consisting of one person from each of the following committees - Worship, Finance, and Christian Education) Director of Christian Education - Christian Education Committee  Youth Director - Youth Advisory Committee</p><p>A satisfactory or better evaluation, based on an annual performance is required for the staff member to receive an annual increase in pay. Each review shall be completed on or before September 30 of the current year. The reviews will be written in nature, discussed with the respective individual, and signed by the individual indicating an understanding of the review with the original kept in a locked (secured) file cabinet in the Church office. The file cabinet shall be under the control of the current Lay-President. A copy of the review shall be given to the respective individual.</p><p>NOTE: Only the review is to be given at this time. Following the Salary Recommendation Committee meeting a member from each committee responsible for the oversight of an employee shall present their "SALARY RECONEVIENDATION" to the employee. This meeting shall be completed before the Budget Building Committee meeting and in such a manner so the employee has an opportunity to discuss any concerns privately with the committee representative.</p><p>Staff Members with less than satisfactory evaluation will be expected to develop goals and objectives for improvement. Failure to meet these goals and objectives substantially in a three-month period will place the staff member at risk of involuntary termination. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>Probationary employees will be evaluated at the end of the probationary period in consultation with Congregation Council. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>11.0 CONTINUING EDUCATION</p><p>Purpose: Continuing education is directed toward the strengthening and enhancement of the staff member's and Pastoral Staff s knowledge, skills and abilities related to the present job responsibilities, Both the individual's needs and the congregation's needs will be considered in determining grants of request for continuing education.</p><p>Staff members should bring their request for continuing education to the appropriate committee to be brought before council for discussion. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>12.0 SEPARATION (Refer to the Church Constitution for additional guidance)</p><p>Resignation </p><p>Pastoral Staff and Organist who resign are expected to give at least two month's notice, other staff members, two weeks notice in writing to the Congregation Council. Payment will be made for time worked and for unused paid days off days, not to exceed a maximum of thirty (30) days.</p><p>Termination for Cause </p><p>Except for the reasons stated below under Immediate Termination, the decision to terminate a staff member (excluding Pastoral Staff) for cause shall be made following this procedure:</p><p>A properly documented evaluation form, evaluating some important aspect of the staff member's performance as unsatisfactory, will be discussed with the staff member by the appropriate committee and goals for change set.</p><p>If a subsequent evaluation, following an agreed-upon lapse of time, shows continuing unsatisfactory performance, written notice of termination shall be given, following consultation with Congregation Council.</p><p>Immediate </p><p>In the event of serious infraction a staff member (excluding Pastoral Staff) may be immediately suspended without pay until Congregation Council meets to vote on termination. Immediate termination may result as a result of, but not limited to, the following:</p><p> Documented poor work performance  Insubordination  Theft  Violation of the law  Behavior inconsistent with the moral, ethical, or spiritual qualities fisted in job description Harassment because of gender, sex, ethnic origin, religion, age and physical or mental illness or handicap</p><p>In the event an staff member is subject to termination, employee will receive prompt payment of salary and wages due and subsequent payment of unused paid days off. Unused paid days off will not be provided to staff members who are dismissed for the reasons set forth under Immediate Termination. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>13.0 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES</p><p>Staff Support Committee exists to support the staff in their area of ministry. Any concerns should be promptly brought to the attention of the committee. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES June 14, 2005 OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH Revision 10</p><p>APPENDICIES Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. Organist/Middle School - High School Christian Education Job Description Revised August 8, 2004</p><p>A.1 Job Descriptions</p><p>A.1.1 Organist/MS & HS CE Director Job Description</p><p>DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE ORGANIST</p><p>1. The Organist shall provide organ music appropriate to the liturgy of the Lutheran Church for all regularly scheduled Sunday worship services during the calendar year.</p><p>2. The organist shall be present for rehearsals of all voice choirs and for instrumental rehearsals as requested by the designated individual responsible for the direction of such groups.</p><p>3. The organist shall provide organ music for the following additional evening services during each church year:</p><p> Ash Wednesday  The Wednesdays of Lent  Maundy Thursday  Good Friday  Easter Vigil  All Christmas Eve services.</p><p>4. The organist shall provide organ music for any other worship services not listed above, if available. If the organist is not available for an additional requested service, the organist, in concert with the Worship Committee, shall be responsible for obtaining a supply organist.</p><p>5. Notwithstanding paragraph 4 above, the organist shall provide organ music for all church weddings and funerals unless he/she has obtained the permission of the Worship Committee and/or Staff to the contrary. It is suggested that the organist meet with all wedding couples in advance to select music which shall be in keeping with the standards outlined in paragraph I above. The organist shall be present for the Wedding Rehearsal. The organist shall work with any additional musicians and shall advise said musicians of the parameters of permitted musical selections.</p><p>6. The organist shall submit to the Church Office the titles of music to be played and other desired information for inclusion in the weekly Church bulletin no later than Thursday of each week.</p><p>7. The Organist shall be a member of the Worship Committee and shall attend the regularly scheduled meetings of that committee.</p><p>8. The organist shall assist the designated individual responsible for the direction of church musical groups, in the organizational matters of the choirs regarding music selection, scheduling of rehearsal time and other items requested by the designated individual responsible for the musical groups or as approved by the Worship Committee.</p><p>9. The organist and the designated individual in conjunction with the Property Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the organ and pianos. Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. Organist/Middle School - High School Christian Education Job Description Revised August 8, 2004</p><p>10. The organist may work with the Sunday Church School if requested by the teaching staff and if available to do so. </p><p>11. As requested, the organist shall attend meetings of Congregation Council or any church committee for the purpose of offering advice and assistance in matters regarding the music program, the overall worship service structure and educational matters.</p><p>12. The organist shall follow the decisions of the Worship Committee regarding the above matters enumerated.</p><p>13. Oversee the Youth Choir for youth greater than 5th grade and younger than college age, and any instrumentalists.</p><p>DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE OVERSIGHT OF THE MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PROGRAMS</p><p>1. Supervise age-level education ministries for confirmation, middle and senior high school Sunday School Programs. 2. Review, study and evaluate educational offerings and make recommendations regarding the efficacy of the Christian Education Mission Statement to the Christian Education Committee regarding confirmation, middle and senior high school Sunday School Programs. 3. Help proof read the Sunday bulletin. </p><p>ANNUAL REVIEW AND PERS0NNEL POLICY </p><p>1. Shall be reviewed annually by Pastor regarding job performance and adjustments to compensation. The Pastor shall conduct said review at least two weeks prior to the annual budget building process and submit its recommendations to the Congregation Council. </p><p>2. Personnel policy shall be communicated to the organist/middle and high school Christian Educator in writing and shall take effect when approved by Congregation Council.</p><p>3. The employee shall offer written notice of any desire to terminate employment sixty (60) days prior to departure. The Congregation Council shall likewise provide a written notice sixty (60) days prior to termination of employment.</p><p>BENEFITS </p><p>1. The employee shall be permitted to utilize the church facilities and musical equipment for private lessons subject to approval of the Worship Committee.</p><p>2. The employee is encouraged to attend conferences, institutes, workshops and additional courses in music, Christian education/ youth ministry or theology subject to the approval of Congregation Council. The specific time allocated to this effort is 2 weeks including 1 Sunday. Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. Organist/Middle School - High School Christian Education Job Description Revised August 8, 2004</p><p>3. The employee shall receive four (4) calendar weeks for vacation that must be taken in one calendar week blocks. The organist shall advise the Worship Committee at least thirty (30) days in advance of any vacation absence. It is the responsibility of the employee to obtain a substitute for vacation days, said substitute to be approved by the Worship Committee. Substitute organists shall be paid from the Church budget for vacation days.</p><p>4. The employee shall be paid for five (5) sick days per year. Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. Organist/Middle School - High School Christian Education Job Description Revised August 8, 2004</p><p>Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church</p><p>75-125 East High Street Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022 (717) 367-2786</p><p>CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT</p><p>I, ______hereby agree to assume the responsibilities and duties of the Organist for Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania in accordance with the terms specified in the Organist Job Description (see attached form).</p><p>The compensation for the above services at Christ Lutheran Church will be $______annually to be paid bimonthly.</p><p>Duties will begin on ______.</p><p>Organist Signature</p><p>Date</p><p>Worship Committee Chairperson Signature</p><p>Date CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, Elizabethtown, PA. FACILITIES MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION Revised July 1, 2002</p><p>A.1.2 Facilities Manager Job Description</p><p>The Facilities Manager will work in accord with the Property Committee, The Congregation Council, and The Pastor(s) of Christ Lutheran Church in carrying out the General Maintenance, Repairs, Cleaning, Grounds keeping and Security of all buildings and grounds owned by Christ Lutheran Church, as outlined below. The Facilities Manager shall oversee the day-to-day operations of the physical plant of Christ Lutheran Church.</p><p>REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE</p><p>A. Electric Perform electrical work or repairs which may include replacing or adding outlets or switches, running wire, replacing ballasts and installing fixtures.</p><p>B. Plumbing Perform plumbing work which may include replacing washers, repairing or installing faucets or fixtures, drain or supply lines, unclogging drains or sewer lines, maintaining water softener, and performing tests on domestic water for hardness and record results.</p><p>C. Carpentry, Concrete, & Painting - Perform carpentry work which may include building shelving, racks, installing fixtures such as coat racks, chalk/bulletin boards, signs, etc. Building forms and pouring concrete on a small scale. Painting inside and out.</p><p>D. H V A C Perform routine maintenance and inspection of all H V A C systems in all buildings to ensure all systems are operating properly, replace filters and belts on a regular schedule. Monitor fuel usage. Monitor and record make- up water usage for steam boiler. Perform tests and record results on steam boiler condensate return, and maintain boiler chemical feed tank. Make adjustments as needed. Schedule and be present during summer boiler cleaning, and be present for all state, insurance, and L & I inspections.</p><p>E. Preventative Maintenance - Develop and implement a system of preventative maintenance in an effort to keep the physical plant operating as smooth as possible and to reduce down time of equipment and systems above.</p><p>F. Supplies Order and maintain a complete supply of parts, (i.e. belts, filters etc.) that one would reasonably expect to use in the normal course of work.</p><p>G. Major Repairs - Major repairs, or those outside the scope of this job description should be referred to the Property Committee. Due to schedule or time restraints, some jobs may need to be contracted out. This may be done after consulting with the Pastor(s) or Property Committee Chairman. The Facilities Manager has the authority to act independently during emergency situations when repairs or services are needed immediately.</p><p>II. GROUNDSKEEPING CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, Elizabethtown, PA. FACILITIES MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION Revised July 1, 2002</p><p>A. Lawns Maintain all lawn areas to a neat well-groomed appearance. This shall include mowing, trimming, fertilizing and raking as needed.</p><p>B. Planting Areas - Maintain flowerbeds, and planting areas including planting shrubs, trees or flowers, mulching, weeding as needed. Trimming shrubs and trees on a small scale</p><p>C. Parking Lots, Drives, & Sidewalks - Paved areas are to be kept clear of litter or debris. Sweep and gather fallen leaves as needed. Walks, steps, driveways, and parking lots are to be cleared of snow as soon as possible after a storm. Treat ice on paved surfaces with ice melting chemicals.</p><p>D. Equipment Maintain all outdoor power equipment, which shall include changing engine oil, spark plugs, and sharpening blades. Make adjustments and repairs as needed to tractors, mowers, snow blowers, edgers, trimmers, etc. Keep church truck and plow in good repair.</p><p>III. CUSTODIAL</p><p>A. Cleaning Perform custodial work such as sweeping mopping, waxing & scrubbing floors, collecting waste paper, removing stains from rugs, carpets, walls etc., washing windows and cleaning restrooms. Replace light bulbs and tubes. All public areas should be cleaned weekly, or as use dictates</p><p>B. Setting Tables - Set up tables and chair, as required for all church functions such as Dinners, memorial Meals, Wedding Receptions etc. Also set up for other meetings or for Sunday School use.</p><p>C. Supplies Maintain a supply of cleaning and custodial supplies, paper supplies, light bulbs, can liners etc.</p><p>IV SECURITY AND FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM</p><p>A. Security The Facilities Manager is responsible to see that all buildings are locked up at the close of the day’s business. All exterior doors must be locked, all lights out, except security lighting. All windows are to be closed and locked. B. Fire Protection – Monitor and test the Fire Protection system and schedule annual inspections in accordance with maintenance agreements. Provide first line contact between the Church and Service Representative.</p><p>V WORSHIP SERVICES</p><p>A. Sundays All doors and buildings should be unlocked as needed for that day. H V A C systems set as required. Ring bells, dim lights in nave as instructed. Take head count during services. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, Elizabethtown, PA. FACILITIES MANAGER JOB DESCRIPTION Revised July 1, 2002</p><p>B. Weddings and Funerals – Be present to perform duties as listed in A above for all weddings and funerals in the parish, as well as any special services, and Wednesday evening program.</p><p>C. Hymn Boards - Change Hymn Boards, Sanctuary Candle, Enunciator, Narthex Schedule Board as needed for Sundays or other services.</p><p>VI GENERAL</p><p>A. Meeting Attendance - Attend all scheduled meetings of the Property Committee or other special meetings as requested by the Pastor(s), Congregation Council, or Property Committee Chairperson.</p><p>B. Timers and Controls - Ensure that all timers are accurate and operational. These include those for Telephone, lighting, Cast Bell Control, Carillon, Air Conditioning, and Heating.</p><p>C. Community Groups - Develop and maintain a schedule of all groups using church facilities.</p><p>D. Pipe Organ Schedule all pipe organ tuning and service.</p><p>E. Fire Extinguishers - Schedule annual fire extinguisher inspection, and check extinguishers monthly. Change batteries in smoke alarms.</p><p>F. Custodial Assistants - Assign duties or oversee custodial assistant, and ensure completed work is satisfactory.</p><p>G. Outside Contractors - Secure and tabulate bids from outside vendors or contractors as directed by the Pastor(s), Council, or Property Committee. When outside Contractors are employed by the Church, the Facilities Manager' shall act as the 'Owners Representative' to the General Contractor In a case where there is no General Contractor, the Facilities Manager will schedule and coordinate the different tradesmen. The Facilities Manager must have a full understanding of all contracts entered into by the Church, and should be able to deal knowledgeably with each contractor, to better represent the Church.</p><p>H. Cassell Farm At this time mowing and grounds care at the Cassell Farm is not included in this Job Description. However, this does include equipment maintenance, and scheduling & overseeing outside contractors. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. INTERIM PASTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED AUGUST 3, 2002</p><p>A.1.3 Interim Pastor</p><p>Responsible Committee Policies and Procedures </p><p>III. Organizational Relationships</p><p>A. Responsible to the Church Council</p><p>B. Reports to the Church Council</p><p>C. Serves as staff advisor to assigned committees.</p><p>IV. General Pastoral work</p><p>A. Preach, administer the sacraments and participate as liturgist at Sunday and mid-week worship services as assigned by the Worship Committee.</p><p>B. Assume a role in conducting the pastoral care ministry of hospital calling, shut-in visitation, and general visitation as assigned by the applicable committees.</p><p>C. Participate in weddings, baptisms, and funerals, including advance counseling and aftercare, when appropriate.</p><p>D. Provide short-term counseling services in cooperation with the other professional staff.</p><p>E. Participate in the teaching ministry within the life of the Church as requested by the Christian Education Committee.</p><p>F. Provide assistance with parish and community ministries as requested by the Church Staff.</p><p>V. General Responsibilities</p><p>A. Assume such other duties or roles as considered helpful and mutually agreed upon as part of the total ministry of Christ Church (i.e. new members classes).</p><p>B. Represent Christ Church at applicable Synod Meetings.</p><p>C. Attend all Church Council meetings as well as submit a “Report of Daily Ministry” to the Council (example to be provided).</p><p>D. Perform such other duties as may be requested by the Church Council. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. DIRECTOR OF CHRISTION EDUCATION JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2004</p><p>A.1.4 Director of Christian Education Job Description</p><p>The Director of Christian Education (DCE) has responsibility for directing the Christian education program guided by the “Mission Statement” of Christ Lutheran Church. As a staff leader the DCE will attend worship services and be present during Sunday Church School and other appropriate services of the church. This position is part-time and requires approximately 20 hours per week, including attendance in church on Sunday.</p><p>Requirements for the position include a baccalaureate degree and/or employment experiences that demonstrate the ability to effectively direct the Christian Education program. Participation in continuing education is expected. The DCE will be supervised and reviewed annually by the pastor, make monthly reports to the Christian Education committee and be an ex officio member of the Christian Education Committee.</p><p>Responsibilities include:</p><p> Direct, supervise and manage the educational ministry of the church and maintain written records  Interpret the Christian Education Mission Statement to the church  Recruit, support and provide training opportunities for educational leaders  Supervise age-level education ministries including nursery, pre-school & elementary, and adult  Serve as or designate a vacation Bible church school director  Oversee the education budget  Review, study and evaluate educational offerings and make recommendations regarding the efficacy of the Christian Education Mission Statement to the Christian Education Committee  Evaluate and purchase educational materials and maintain adequate inventory of materials and supplies  Inform the church about local, synodical and national resources and programs  Maintain the Church Library  Perform other related duties as required CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. YOUTH DIRECTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2002</p><p>A.1.5 Youth Director Job Description</p><p>The Youth Director has responsibility for directing the youth program guided by the “Mission Statement for the Youth Program” of Christ Lutheran Church. As a staff leader the Youth Director will attend worship services, participate in Sunday church school and attend youth group activities. This position is salaried, part-time and requires approximately 20 hours per week, including attendance in church on Sunday.</p><p>Requirements for the position include a baccalaureate degree and/or experiences that demonstrate the ability to effectively direct the Youth Program. Participation in continuing education is expected. The Youth Director will be supervised by the pastor, make monthly written reports to the Church Council and be a member of the Youth Advisory Committee. Performance will be reviewed annually by the Youth Advisory Committee in conjunction with the pastor.</p><p>Responsibilities include:</p><p> Direct and supervise the youth programs of the church.  Interpret the Youth Program mission statement to the church.  Participate in staff meetings as scheduled.  Provide weekly meetings and/or activities that balance spiritual growth with social and service opportunities.  Recruit adults and parents to assist with the youth program.  Encourage youth to help in church services, programs and activities and to better understand the stewardship of life.  Organize service projects and summer mission projects that allow young people a chance to serve others.  Participate in local, synodical and national events with youth.  Work with the Youth Advisory Committee to develop and submit the annual budget for the youth program.  Maintain a calendar of youth activities and place on master calendar of the church.  Perform other related duties as deemed appropriate. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. SENIOR PASTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003</p><p>A.1.6 Senior Pastor Job Description</p><p>Responsible Committee Policies and Procedures </p><p>I. PASTORAL MINISTRY A. Worship and Gathering Leadership 1. Assume responsibility for the conduct of all worship services in cooperation with the Worship Committee. 2. In cooperation with the Worship Committee, coordinates the ministry of the program staff including the teaching of Bible Studies, presiding at special worship services, assuring the theological integrity of all mission and ministries of Christ Lutheran Church. 3. Coordinate the preparation, service, and aftercare for weddings, baptisms and funerals. B. Pastoral Care 1. Provide oversight and direction to the pastoral care ministry of Christ Lutheran Church including hospital visitation, at-home member visitation and general visitation. 2. Assume shared responsibility for scheduling of pastoral care coverage for emergency and scheduled visits. C. Provides for the provision of pastoral counseling, in cooperation with the other professional staff, and in accordance with applicable Christ Lutheran policies/procedures for the following areas: 1. Pre-marriage 2. Prospective members 3. Confirmation 4. Baptism 5. Other II. ORGANIZATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS A. Internal Organizations 1. Serves as a member of the Congregational Council with voice and vote. 2. Is responsible to and answers to the Congregation Council. 3. Serve as primary advisor to the Policies and Procedures, Finance, Student Loan Committee, Worship, Stewardship, Youth Advisory, Evangelism, Fellowship, and Christian Education Committees (including the Confirmation Ministry and VCS programs). 4. Provide support when requested to the Property and Social Ministry Committees. 5. Serve as a member of the Long Range and Benevolence Committees. 6. Assist in the review and updating of the Constitution and Bylaws as/when needed. B. External Organizations 1. Participate in the activities of the Conference, Synod, Region and church-wide bodies of the ELCA and provides applicable information such as policy, doctrine and practices to the Congregation Council. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. SENIOR PASTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003</p><p>Additionally will inform the Church Council of actions, opportunities and events within the ELCA and the LSS. 2. Represent, or provide for representation at community and ministerium events where Christ Lutheran’s presence is beneficial or required. III. ADMINISTRATION OF CHURCH AND STAFF A. Serve as chief administrator of Christ Lutheran Church. B. Works in unison with the Staff Support Committee, the Worship Committee, the Christian Education Committee, the Youth Advisory Committee, and the Property Committee for staff development as well as the coordination of duties. C. Provides support for the staff: 1. Associate in Ministry 2. Director of Music in cooperation with the Worship Committee 3. Organist 4. Director of Christian Education in cooperation with the Christian Education Committee 5. Secretary 6. Facilities Maintenance Manager in cooperation with the Property Committee 7. Youth Directors(s) in cooperation with the Youth Advisory Committee D. Preside at regularly scheduled staff meetings. E. Attend all Church Council meetings unless Council grants an absence. F. Provide at each Council meeting a written report for the month prior outlining visitation conducted, meetings attended, communing of homebound and convalescing members, other functions performed or attended on behalf of the congregation or Synod. Report shall include requests for Council approval of weddings, baptisms, vacation, sabbatical or continuing education. See attached form. G. Participates in the evaluation process of all program staff. H. Prepare or authorize congregational letters and other correspondence to the congregation. I. Engage regularly in continuing education, professional development, and personal enrichment through academic study and/or professional conferences. J. Assume responsibility for the implementation and administration of programs designed for risk reduction and prevention of child sexual abuse. K. Designate a member of the staff to assume full charge in the Senior Pastor's absence. L. Assist in the management of the financial assets of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church by: 1. Assisting with the creation of the yearly budget 2. Complying with the procedure for Expending Church Funds 3. Assisting with financial assets in conjunction with the Benevolence Fund CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. SENIOR PASTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003</p><p>4. Managing the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund in accordance with the applicable Christ Lutheran Policy and Procedures Manual IV. GENERAL SUPPORT AND GUIDANCE A. Lead the congregation in fulfilling its Christ centered mission and meeting its Mission Statement. 1. Assure the Gospel is taught purely and the Sacraments administered rightly. 2. Provide pastoral care and theological resources and direction. 3. Promote and participate in ELCA wide and ecumenical activities. B. Provide theological oversight and direction for lay leadership in the calling and hiring of new staff persons to the ministry of Christ Lutheran Church. V. BENEFITS A. Vacation allowances: 1. Refer to the Church Policies and Procedures Manual. B. Sabbatical leave 1. A sabbatical offers opportunity to get off the treadmill and provides an opportunity for renewal of vision and hope. It is more than just a chance to recharge your batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul-changing time, a time when perspective and the holy spirit can come together> (Alban Institute) 2. Congregations are encouraged to grant a sabbatical leave to every pastor and rostered lay staff member after seven years of service in that parish. This leave is granted to provide an opportunity for the pastor or staff members to take an extended period of time for personal enrichment, study, spiritual growth, travel, skill development, research, and experimentation all for the purpose of enrichment for continued service in the church. 3. Planning for this sabbatical and arrangements for pastoral coverage during this sabbatical leave will be made through consultation with the bishop's office by both the pastor and the Congregation Council. Satisfactory completion of these arrangements will be made prior to the sabbatical leave. Arrangements for staff sabbatical coverage will be made through consultation with the pastor and the Congregation Council. The bishop's office may be consulted. 4. The pastor or staff member should develop a detailed plan for his/her sabbatical including dates, places, and a description of the proposed sabbatical plan. 5. Sabbatical leave will be granted for up to three months with full pay, following each seven years, of service in the same parish. Vacation time should not be included as sabbatical time. After this sabbatical, the pastor or staff member will remain in his/her parish for at least one year. The congregation will continue to pay full salary and benefits for those on sabbatical. Car allowance may be the one negotiated item. Planning should begin the calendar year before the sabbatical so that the congregational budget can allow for additional expenses. These expenses will normally include contracting with another pastor to cover pastoral duties and supply preaching. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. SENIOR PASTOR JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003 CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ASSOCIATE IN MINISTRY JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003</p><p>A.1.7 Associate in Ministry Job Description</p><p>Responsible Committee Policies and Procedures </p><p>I. General Pastoral work A. Share with the Senior Pastor in the leadership of all Services of Holy Communion, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. B. Preach a minimum of one Sunday a month. C. Participate as liturgist at Sunday and mid-week worship services. D. Share with the Senior Pastor in visitation of hospitalized, convalescing and homebound. E. Share with the Senior Pastor in oversight of Christian Education, the Organist, and Worship Committees. F. Serve as a member of the Long Range and Benevolence Committees. G. Actively participate in the work of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, Lancaster Conference and United Churches of the Elizabethtown area. H. Provides Pastoral oversight for Social Ministry. I. Server as the Director of Music. II. General Responsibilities A. Assume such other duties or roles as considered helpful and mutually agreed upon as part of the total ministry of Christ Church. B. Attend Staff Meetings and all Church Council meetings (exception would be other assigned duties or vacation). Submit a “Report of Daily Ministry” to the Council. C. Perform such other duties as may be requested by the Church Council. III. Take sabbatical leave from the Church as per below: A. A sabbatical offers opportunity to get off the treadmill and provides an opportunity for renewal of vision and hope. It is more than just a chance to recharge your batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul-changing time, a time when perspective and the holy spirit can come together> (Alban Institute) B. Congregations are encouraged to grant a sabbatical leave to every pastor and rostered lay staff member after seven years of service in that parish. This leave is granted to provide an opportunity for the pastor or staff members to take an extended period of time for personal enrichment, study, spiritual growth, travel, skill development, research, and experimentation all for the purpose of enrichment for continued service in the church. C. Planning for this sabbatical and arrangements for pastoral coverage during this sabbatical leave will be made through consultation with the bishop's office by both the pastor and the Congregation Council. Satisfactory completion of these arrangements will be made prior to the sabbatical leave. Arrangements for staff sabbatical coverage will be made through consultation with the pastor and the Congregation Council. The bishop's office may be consulted. D. The pastor or staff member should develop a detailed plan for his/her sabbatical including dates, places, and a description of the proposed sabbatical plan. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. ASSOCIATE IN MINISTRY JOB DESCRIPTION REVISED 2003</p><p>E. Sabbatical leave will be granted for up to three months with full pay, following each seven years, of service in the same parish. Vacation time should not be included as sabbatical time. After this sabbatical, the pastor or staff member will remain in his/her parish for at least one year. The congregation will continue to pay full salary and benefits for those on sabbatical. Car allowance may be the one negotiated item. Planning should begin the calendar year before the sabbatical so that the congregational budget can allow for additional expenses. These expenses will normally include contracting with another pastor to cover pastoral duties and supply preaching. IV. Vacation A. The current AiM is allocated 5 weeks of vacation. V. Continuing Education A. Engage regularly in continuing education, professional development, and personal enrichment through academic study and professional conferences. VI. Organizational Relationships A. Reports to the Senior Pastor. B. Serves as staff advisor and/or directs committees/programs assigned to (other than committees specified below). CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. EVALUATION FORM - REVISED 2001</p><p>A.2 Evaluation Forms Employee’s Name – Job Title – </p><p>Type of Appraisal Appraisal Period Next Performance Appraisal Date Next Salary Action Date ____ Initial ____Annual (From/To)– ____Special</p><p>Rating 1. Unacceptable 2. Needs Improvement 3. Meets Expectation 4. Exceeds Expectation 5. Exceptional Performance Performance Factors Rating Comments 1 2 3 4 5 1. Job Knowledge Has appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of all phases of own and related work. a. Job Skills b. Education/Self- Improvement 2. Job Management Sizes up a problem, makes practical and logical decisions within own area of responsibility; exercises proper degree of common sense and discretion a. Planning/Organizing b. Decision Making c. Versatility and Adaptability d. Initiative/Self-Motivation 3. Working Relationships Communications are clear and understandable. Works well with others. a. Communications b. Teamwork 4. Job Accomplishment Produces quality work and meets required deadlines. a. Timeliness b. Quality c. Quantity 5. Overall Evaluation CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. EVALUATION FORM - REVISED 2001</p><p>6. Employee Comments a. Do you have recommendations for change that would enhance/improve the life and work at Christ Lutheran Church</p><p> b. What are your goals and objectives for: 1. Next 6 months?</p><p>2. Next 12 months</p><p>Employee Signature Committee Signature(s) CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. EVALUATION FORM - REVISED 2001</p><p>SALARY RECOMMENDATION</p><p>___ Merit Increase __ Defer Until ______No Adjustment</p><p>Effective Date Amount of Increase/Percent New Annual Salary or Hourly Rate</p><p>REMARKS: Substantiate recommendations for salary action deferral, reductions, and salary actions substantially above or below a typical salary action or non-scheduled salary adjustments.</p><p>Next Performance Appraisal Date Next Salary Action Date</p><p>Employee Signature Committee Signature(s) CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 17022 Appendix 3 Rev. 1 Expend Church Funds June 16, 2005</p><p>A.3 Expend Church Funds</p><p>Responsible Committee Finance I. GENERAL A. Budgeted expenditures shall be paid when due. Non-budgeted and special purpose expenditures, as referenced below, shall be made in accordance with these instructions. B. This Operating Instruction defines these expenditures. II. INSTRUCTIONS A. In order to better track the purchase of materials and to make sure the right accounts are debited, the Finance Committee Chairperson or their designee (usually the Church Financial Secretary) provides each committee chair with a “Disbursement Approval Form” package. The appropriate tracking numbers for the respective committees are included in the package. The following are instructions on how to use the form in its current state. 1. Prior to making any purchases for a committee function, the Committee Chair (in the case of Property it could also be the Facilities Maintenance Manager) should provide a Disbursement Approval Form to the person making the purchases that will include the appropriate budget account code (on the form) for the items to be purchased. 2. The individual purchasing the materials shall fill in the amount(s) spent along with the name of the establishment where the purchases were obtained and return the Disbursement Approval Form along with the receipts to the Committee Chair. 3. The Committee Chair shall approve the form and drop off (through the mail slot, the offering plate, in person) or mail the documents to the office for payment as soon as possible but no later than 15 days. B. The following expenditures will require approval of Congregation Council: 1. Non-budgeted items in excess of $500. a. Expenditures exceeding $500.00 will require at least three bids from potential service providers. b. Bids other than the low bid may be accepted with a justifiable cause explanation. NOTE: A non-budgeted item is any expense that does not have a current budget line item. 2. Any item which will cause a committee to exceed its overall budget allocation.</p><p>1 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 17022 Appendix 3 Rev. 1 Expend Church Funds June 16, 2005</p><p>3. Extraordinary property related items to be paid from the Capital Improvement Fund (when the fund has a line item) in excess of $1,000. C. In the case of the following special-purpose funds, the following limits apply: 1. The Senior Pastor oversees the Student Loan Fund with assistance from the Student Loan Advisory Committee. The Senior Pastor, with approval from the Student Loan Advisory Committee, has the authority to authorize loans up to $6,000. The Student Loan Advisory Committee shall be responsible for appropriate follow-up correspondence to loan recipients regarding the loan repayment schedule. 2. The Senior Pastor oversees the Pastor's Discretionary Fund with the assistance from other ordained staff and the Associate in Ministry. The Senior Pastor, with concurrence from other ordained staff and the Associate in Ministry, will administer the available funds per the below guidelines. The amount of giving is limited to monies available in the fund. III. GUIDELINES FOR THE PASTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND A. Christ Lutheran Church maintains a discretionary fund to be administrated by the pastoral staff. This fund shall be governed by the following provisions: 1. The Pastor shall have the discretion to distribute any part or all of the fund only for purposes that are in keeping with the Mission Statement of the congregation and that are consistent with the congregation’s tax-exempt purposes as set forth in its charter, such as relief for the needy. The Pastor shall consider a person needy who lacks the necessities of life, involving physical, mental or emotional well being, as a result of poverty or temporary distress. Said persons shall include, but are not limited to, those who are financially impoverished, persons who temporarily lack food or shelter (and the means to provide it), victims of natural or civil disaster, persons temporarily not self-sufficient as a result of sudden or severe personal or family crisis, violence or abuse. Treas. Reg. 1.170A-4A(b)(2)(ii)(D). 2. The Pastor is expressly forbidden from distributing any portion of the fund to him or herself or any family member. 3. The Pastor shall report to the Congregation Council President any distributions made and their purpose. However, unless violative of this policy the identity of such persons receiving distribution shall not be divulged to any other third party. 4. Congregation Council shall at all times maintain administrative control over the fund, including the ability to restrict access by the </p><p>2 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ELIZABETHTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA 17022 Appendix 3 Rev. 1 Expend Church Funds June 16, 2005</p><p>Pastor, or to eliminate the fund, and shall be charged with ensuring that all distributions further the congregation’s exempt purposes and mission statement. 5. It is the express intent of this policy to ensure that contributions to the fund qualify as charitable tax-deductible contributions, and that no amount of the fund be deemed or imputed as income to the Pastor.</p><p>3 CHRIST EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH</p><p>DISBURSEMENT APPROVAL FORM</p><p>COMMITTEE:</p><p>Submitted by: ______</p><p>Date of Purchase: ______</p><p>Committee Chair Approval: ______</p><p>Payable to: ______</p><p>Reason for purchase:</p><p>Budget Account Code Amount</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Total Payment ______</p><p>4 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing - UNRESTRICTED</p><p>Account Type 1010 · UNRESTRICTED CHECKING Bank 1175 · HERITAGE MONEY [email protected] Other Current Asset 1136 · EXXON MOBIL STOCK@R. JAMES-UNR. Other Current Asset 1120 · FIXED INCOME [email protected] Other Current Asset 1180 · VAN KAMPEN [email protected] Other Current Asset 1300 · VANGUARD WELLINGTON FUND-UNR Other Current Asset 2000 · FEDERAL INCOME TAX WITHHELD Other Current Liability 2010 · FICA & MEDICARE TAX WITHHELD Other Current Liability 2030 · PA INCOME TAX WITHHELD Other Current Liability 2040 · LOCAL TAXES WITHHELD Other Current Liability 2050 · OPT WITHHELD Other Current Liability 2060 · TDA WITHHELD Other Current Liability 4010 · WEEKLY ENVELOPES Income 4011 · WEEKLY ENVELOPES-GIFTS IN KIND Income 4020 · WEEKLY ENVELOPES-CHILDREN Income 4030 · PLATE OFFERINGS Income 4060 · INITIAL OFFERINGS Income 4100 · CHRISTMAS OFFERINGS Income 4110 · LENTEN OFFERINGS Income 4120 · ADVENT OFFERINGS Income 4130 · GOOD FRIDAY OFFERINGS Income 4140 · HOLY WEEK OFFERINGS Income 4260 · GIFTS FROM A.A. & N.A. Income 4270 · DO NOT USE-See Restr Mem & Beq Income 4300 · MISC. OFFERINGS AND GIFTS Income 4390 · TRANSFERS TO BENEVOLENCE T. F. Income 4420 · 125 E. HIGH APARTMENT USAGE Income 4516 · INTEREST-MISS INV FD/STEEVER Income 4517 · INTEREST-MISS INV FD/FELKER Income 4540 · INTEREST-SUSQ. CHECKING ACCOUNT Income 4550 · INTEREST-DORSHEIMER TR/YOUTH Income 4570 · DIVIDENDS-R.J. HERITAGE MON MKT Income 4571 · INTEREST-R.J. FIXED INCOME SEC. Income 4572 · DIVIDENDS-R. JAMES VAN KAMPEN Income 4573 · DIVIDENDS-VANGUARD WELLIN. FUND Income 4620 · REALIZED GAINS(LOSSES) Income 6110 · CONTRIBUTIONS TO SYNOD Expense 6120 · LUTHERAN HOMES SUPPORT Expense 6140 · UNITED CHURCHES (CHILD CARE) Expense 6150 · UNITED CHURCHES (COMM. PROG.) Expense 6170 · ELIZABETHTOWN FIRE COMPANY Expense 6190 · DO NOT USE-See Restr Camp Schol Expense 6195 · CONTRIBUTIONS TO SEMINARY Expense</p><p>5 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing - UNRESTRICTED</p><p>5030 · PASTOR'S SALARY/HOUSING/SOC SEC Expense 5050 · PASTOR'S AUTO ALLOWANCE Expense 5040 · A.I.M. SALARY Expense 5060 · A.I.M. AUTO ALLOWANCE Expense 5080 · FIN'L SEC'Y/TREASURER/SECRETARY Expense 5090 · FINANCIAL ASSISTANTS Expense 5100 · ORGANIST SALARY Expense 5110 · FACILITIES MANAGER'S SALARY Expense 5127 · YOUTH DIRECTOR SALARY Expense 5130 · VACATION/ILLNESS REPLACEMENT Expense 5140 · PENSION FUND CONTRIBUTIONS Expense 5150 · EMPLOYER SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES Expense 5170 · HEALTH & DISABILITY INSURANCE Expense 5180 · WORKERS' COMP. INSURANCE Expense 5185 · DELEGATES TO DISTRICT & SYNOD Expense 5190 · CONTINUING EDUC. & CONFERENCES Expense 5210 · ELECTRICITY Expense 5220 · NATURAL GAS (CHURCH & ED BLDG) Expense 5222 · PROPANE GAS (LODGE) Expense 5225 · FUEL OIL (OFFICE) Expense 5230 · INTERIOR REPAIRS/MAINT/EQUIP Expense 5235 · MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS & LEASES Expense 5240 · CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES Expense 5250 · WATER & SEWER Expense 5260 · PROPERTY INSURANCE Expense 5270 · ORGAN & PIANO TUNING/REPAIRS Expense 5280 · EXTERIOR REPAIRS/MAINT/EQUIP Expense 5285 · REAL ESTATE TAXES Expense 5290 · CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Expense 5299 · GIFTS TOWARD PROPERTY EXPENSES Expense 5310 · ELECTRICITY-LUTHER HOUSE Expense 5320 · HEAT (GAS)-LUTHER HOUSE Expense 5330 · REPAIRS/MAINT/EQUIP-LUTHER HS Expense 5340 · CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES-LUTHER HS Expense 5350 · WATER & SEWER-LUTHER HOUSE Expense 5360 · PROPERTY INSURANCE-LUTHER HS Expense 5385 · REAL ESTATE TAXES-LUTHER HOUSE Expense 5391 · ELECTRICITY-CASSELL Expense 5392 · REPAIRS/MAINT/EQUIP-CASSELL Expense 5393 · PROPERTY INSURANCE-CASSELL Expense 5394 · REAL ESTATE TAXES-CASSELL Expense 5399 · TRF FROM RESTRICTED FOR CASSELL Expense 5410 · POSTAGE Expense 5420 · OFFICE SUPPLIES & EXPENSES Expense</p><p>6 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing - UNRESTRICTED</p><p>Account Type 5421 · PICNIC & DINNER SUPPLIES Expense 5422 · SOFTWARE PURCHASE & TRAINING Expense 5424 · GRANT FOR OFFICE EQUIPMENT Expense 5425 · OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES Expense 5426 · OFFICE EQUIPMENT LEASES Expense 5430 · TELEPHONE Expense 5470 · COURIER PAPER (3-YR SUPPLY) Expense 5480 · ACCOUNTING SERVICES Expense 5490 · LEGAL SERVICES Expense 5495 · GATE KEEPER/SAFE HAVEN PROGRAM Expense 5510 · BULLETINS AND TRACTS Expense 5520 · WORSHIP SUPPLIES Expense 5525 · CANDLES (GIFTS IN '04) Expense 5530 · MUSIC AND CHOIR SUPPLIES Expense 5540 · CONTINUING EDUCATION - WORSHIP Expense 5550 · MEMBERSHIPS FEE (ALCM) Expense 5590 · CHILDREN'S ROBES (GIFTS IN '04) Expense 5591 · GIFTS TOWARDS CH. ROBES '04 Expense 5598 · GIFTS TOWARD WORSHIP EXPENSES Expense 5610 · CHILDREN'S CURRICULUM Expense 5611 · CHILDREN'S SUPPLIES Expense 5612 · ADULT STUDY MATERIALS Expense 5617 · MIDDLE/HIGH SCH CIRRICULUM Expense 5618 · MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL SUPPLIES Expense 5620 · NURSERY SUPPLIES Expense 5630 · LIBRARY BOOKS & SUPPLIES Expense 5650 · CONFIRMATION MINISTRY Expense 5665 · CHRISTIAN EDUCATION EQUIPMENT Expense 5680 · VCS - CURRICULUM & SUPPLIES Expense 5681 · VCS - TUITION RECEIPTS & GIFTS Expense 5688 · GIFTS TOWARD CHRISTIAN EDUCAT. Expense 5690 · YOUTH ACTIVITIES Expense 5691 · YOUTH DIRECTOR RESOURCE ALLOW. Expense 5699 · GIFTS/RECEIPTS-YOUTH PROGRAMS Expense 5701 · BEVERAGES Expense 5702 · CONGREGATIONAL DINNER Expense 5703 · ADVENT GATHERINGS Expense 5705 · OTHER FELLOWSHIP EXPENSES Expense 5706 · COLLECTED AT FELLOWSHIP EVENTS Expense 5704 · MONTHLY MEN'S BREAKFAST Expense 5707 · COLLECTED AT MEN'S BREAKFAST Expense 5710 · EVANGELISM PROJECTS Expense</p><p>7 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing - UNRESTRICTED</p><p>5720 · SUBSCRIPTIONS TO LUTHERAN MAG. Expense 5721 · GIFTS TOWARD LUTHERAN MAGAZINE Expense 5725 · EVANGELISM PUBLICATIONS Expense 5740 · COLLEGE SUPPORT Expense 5745 · COPYRIGHT SUBSCRIPTIONS Expense 5810 · SOCIAL MINISTRY PROJECTS Expense 5811 · LIGHT FOR TODAY BOOKLETS Expense 5812 · RECEIPTS FOR HEALTH KITS Expense 5815 · MEMORIAL MEALS Expense 5816 · GIFTS TOWARD MEMORIAL MEALS Expense 5820 · DO NOT USE-See Restr Health/Wel Expense 5830 · PARENTS GROUP Expense 5910 · STEWARDSHIP PROJECTS Expense 5920 · OFFERING ENVELOPES Expense 5925 · GIFTS TOWARD STEWARDSHIP EXP. Expense 6210 · HISTORIC PERSERVATION EXPENSES Expense 6330 · PASTOR'S MOVING EXPENSES Expense</p><p>8 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing – RESTRICTED</p><p>Account Type 1200 · CHECKING-MEMORIALS & BEQUESTS Bank 1201 · CHECKING-FELLOWSHIP EVENTS Bank 1202 · CHECKING-GOLF OUTING Bank 1205 · CHECKING-DISCRETIONARY FUND Bank 1206 · CHECKING-COLLINS/SCHOLARSHP Bank 1207 · CHECKING-ORGAN REPAIRS '05 Bank 1210 · CHECKING-FLOWER GIFTS Bank 1215 · CHECKING-PROPERTY WISH LIST '03 Bank 1220 · CHECKING-WORLD HUNGER Bank 1221 · CHECKING-HEIFFER PROJECT Bank 1230 · CHECKING-FOOD BANK Bank 1235 · CHECKING- LYO SOUP KITCHEN Bank 1240 · CHECKING-BOY SCOUTS Bank 1242 · CHECKING-LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF Bank 1243 · CHECKING-CROP WALK Bank 1245 · CHECKING-MISSIONS PROJECTS 2005 Bank 1248 · CHECKING-HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Bank 1250 · CHECKING-FETTER FUND INTEREST Bank 1253 · CHECKING-TANZANIA 2005 Bank 1260 · CHECKING-AUDIO SYSTEM Bank 1265 · CHECKING-MEM. GARDENS MAINT. Bank 1270 · CHECKING-HOME OF HOPE Bank 1275 · CHECKING-CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Bank 1276 · CHECKING-SEMINARY GIFTS Bank 1280 · CHECKING-CASSELL FARM Bank 1285 · CHECKING-LYO RONALD MCDONALD Bank 1287 · CHECKING-HEALTH & WELLNESS Bank 1296 · CHECKING-RELAY FOR LIFE Bank 1298 · CHECKING-MISSIONS/RUSSIA 2004 Bank 1415 · HERITAGE [email protected]&WELLN Other Current Asset 1419 · HERITAGE [email protected] Other Current Asset 1420 · HERITAGE [email protected] FARM Other Current Asset 1425 · VAN KAMPEN [email protected] Other Current Asset 1430 · BENEVOLENCE TSK FCE M.M.@SOV BK Other Current Asset 1490 · FETTER FUND MTI-DUE 02/13 Other Current Asset 1492 · STEEVER/EDUCAT. MTI-DUE 11/12 Other Current Asset 1494 · FELKER/MUSIC MTI-DUE 03/05 Other Current Asset 1495 · COLLINS SCHOLAR. MTI-DUE 7/05 Other Current Asset 1496 · SCHOLARSHIP CD@SUSQ BK-DUE 7/05 Other Current Asset 9400 · RESTRICTED MEMORIALS & BEQUESTS Income 9500 · MEMORIALS & BEQUESTS-DISBURSED Income 9401 · FELLOWSHIP EVENTS-RECEIPTS Income 9501 · FELLOWSHIP EVENTS-DISBURSED Income</p><p>9 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing – RESTRICTED</p><p>9402 · GOLF OUTING-RECEIPTS Income 9502 · GOLF OUTING-COSTS Income 9503 · GOLF OUTING-TO LUTH. WORLD REL. Income 9405 · DISCRETIONARY FUND-RECEIPTS Income 9505 · DISCRETIONARY FUND-DISBURSED Income 9406 · COLLINS SCHOLARSHIP-RECEIPTS Income 9506 · COLLINS SCHOLARSHIP-DISBURSED Income 9407 · ORGAN REPAIRS-RECEIPTS '05 Income 9507 · ORGAN REPAIRS-DISBURSED '05 Income 9410 · FESTIVAL FLOWERS-RECEIPTS Income 9510 · FESTIVAL FLOWERS-DISBURSED Income 9605 · EXCESS FLOWERS-MISSIONS/MAINE Income 9415 · PROPERTY WISH LIST '03-RECEIPTS Income 9515 · PROPERTY WISH LIST-DISBURSED Income 9420 · WORLD HUNGER-RECEIPTS Income 9520 · WORLD HUNGER-DISBURSED Income 9421 · HEIFER PROJECT-RECEIPTS Income 9521 · HEIFER PROJECT-DISBURSED Income 9425 · DISASTER RELIEF-RECEIPTS Income 9525 · DISASTER RELIEF-DISBURSED Income 9430 · FOOD BANK-RECEIPTS Income 9530 · FOOD BANK-DISBURSED Income 9435 · SOUP KITCHEN-RECEIPTS Income 9535 · SOUP KITCHEN-DISBURSED Income 9436 · WORSHIP (SMITH EST.)-RECEIPTS Income 9536 · WORSHIP (SMITH EST.)-DISBURSED Income 9440 · BOY SCOUTS-RECEIPTS Income 9540 · BOY SCOUTS-DISBURSED Income 9441 · TANZANIA-RECEIPTS Income 9541 · TANZANIA-DISBURSEMENTS Income 9442 · LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF-RECEIPTS Income 9542 · LUTH. WORLD RELIEF-DISBURSED Income 9443 · CROP WALK-RECEIPTS Income 9543 · CROP WALK-DISBURSED Income 9444 · BENEVOLENCE T.F.-GIFTS+INTEREST Income 9544 · BENEVOLENCE T.F.-DISBURSED Income 9445 · MISSIONS/MAINE 2005-RECEIPTS Income 9545 · MISSIONS/MAINE 2005-DISBURSED Income 9448 · HABITAT FOR HUMANITY-RECEIPTS Income 9548 · HABITAT FOR HUMANITY-DISBURSED Income 9450 · FETTER M.T.I.-INTEREST INCOME Income 9550 · FETTER HONORARIUM-DISBURSED Income 9465 · MEMORIAL GARDEN RECEIPTS Income 9565 · MEMORIAL GARDEN MAINTENANCE Income</p><p>10 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing – RESTRICTED</p><p>9470 · HOME OF HOPE-RECEIPTS Income 9570 · HOME OF HOPE -DISBURSED Income 9475 · SEMINARY & CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS Income 9576 · TRF CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS TO UNREST Income 9480 · CASSELL FARM GIFTS + INTEREST Income 9581 · TO UNRESTRICTED FOR CASSELL EXP Income 9485 · LYO-RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Income 9585 · LYO-R. MCDONALD HOUSE DISBURSED Income 9487 · HEALTH & WELLNESS-RECEIPTS Income 9587 · HEALTH & WELLNESS-DISBURSED Income 9496 · RELAY FOR LIFE-RECEIPTS Income 9596 · RELAY FOR LIFE-DISBURSED Income</p><p>11 12:29 PM 06/14/05 CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Account Listing – STUDENT LOAN</p><p>Account Type 1510 · STUDENT LOAN M. M.@SOVEREIGN BK Other Current Asset 1555 · SL CD-DUE 10/23/05 @ SOVEREIGN Other Current Asset 1565 · SL CD-DUE 12/23/05 @ NW SAVINGS Other Current Asset 1705 · JOHANNA SHUBERT Other Asset 1715 · ERIC WALKER Other Asset 1725 · JESSICA WOLGEMUTH Other Asset 1730 · KEVIN LUY Other Asset 1740 · KYLEEN LUY Other Asset 1745 · RYAN STEVENS Other Asset 1750 · MIKE BELLARMINO Other Asset 1755 · MEGAN CASKEY Other Asset 1760 · JAIME WALKER Other Asset 1765 · ERIN DILLANE Other Asset 1775 · JESSICA CLARK Other Asset 1780 · LINDSEY WALTER Other Asset 1785 · AUBREY SHAUD Other Asset 1790 · KENDALL LUY Other Asset 1840 · NICOLE WOLGEMUTH Other Asset 1860 · THEIA DE LONG HOFSTETTER Other Asset 9320 · INTEREST-STUDENT LOAN MM Income 9330 · INTEREST-S. LOANS RECEIVABLE Income 9363 · INTEREST-S.L. CERT. OF DEPOSIT Income 9370 · GIFTS TO STUDENT LOAN FUND Income 9399 · STUDENT LOAN FUND EXPENSES Income</p><p>12 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>A.4 Marriage Plans</p><p>II. INTRODUCTION A. The committee that oversees the conduct of weddings is the Worship Committee. B. At least one of the two parties being married must be an active member of Christ Lutheran Church. The definition of “active member” is a member who has communed and made a contribution of record during the current or preceding year. Exceptions may be considered by the Congregation Council upon recommendations by the pastoral staff for individuals who were active as youth and moved away due to work, school, or some other circumstance but desire to be married in their home church. III. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. The marriage service provides the context of praise, scripture, and prayer within where a man and a woman make a lifelong commitment. It is a service of worship that is full of joy and gladness and gratitude for the goodness of creation in which people are not spectators but participants. Because it is a service of worship, the church is committed to specific liturgies, and uses particular scriptural passages, hymns, and music. It is important before any plans are made, that the pastoral staff, the organist, and the director of music are consulted. They will guide the couple in planning their service. B. The element of worship in the marriage service is of primary importance. We are a community committed to the Lutheran expression of the Christian faith. All services are shaped by that commitment. The pastoral staff, with support from the director of music, and the organist, will have the final authority in the design and conduct of the service. C. The pastoral staff will meet with the couple and share the church's understanding of marriage. They will also discuss the relationship involved in marriage and how it is built and nurtured as well as help plan the marriage service. Please understand that the marriage service is a Christian worship service and therefore the pastor must be the judge of what may or may not be included. D. It is the responsibility of the couple to contact the organist at least one (1) month in advance of the wedding to select music. E. The organist will meet with the couple to help select appropriate processional and recessional music, prelude music, hymns, and music for solos. The organist is a member of the staff of Christ Church and has the responsibility of seeing that all music used in the service meets the requirements of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and this congregation. From time to time families would like to have relatives or friends play or sing at their wedding. Before </p><p>13 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p> making any commitment this must be discussed with the organist and obtain approval. F. The wedding license should be brought to the church office at least one day before the wedding or at the time of the rehearsal. G. In our efforts to be good stewards in conservation of the earth, we ask that you do not use balloons, birdseed, or rice (we are trying to do our part in the conservation of the earth). IV. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS A. Date and Time of Wedding A. The traditional time for wedding is mid to early afternoon. Evening weddings are discouraged, however, if desired, the marriage couple as well as the pastoral staff must agree upon the time. B. The date and time of the wedding should be recorded at the church office as soon as possible. Consideration will be given to a specific request based upon the availability of the nave and the pastors. The same will apply for the rehearsal. C. Simultaneous weddings in the nave are discouraged. B. Who will Officiate 1. Normally, both the Pastor and the AiM will officiate at the service. 2. A request by the wedding couple for permission to have another pastor assist at the wedding may be granted. The Pastoral Staff must approve this request. In special circumstances, exceptions may be made with the Congregation Council's approval. C. Attachment of articles to pews 1. Flowers or any type of decorations shall not be attached to any pews until specific instructions from the church staff are received. 2. Candles are not to be attached to pews. D. Music 1. Normally, the organist of Christ Church will play at all weddings. If unable to do so, the director of music and the organist will suggest a replacement. 2. Music suitable for a worship service is used at Christ Church weddings. The parties being married will meet with the organist to determine appropriate selections. The organist will have the final decision as to what is appropriate. 3. Soloists are requested to meet with the organist prior to the wedding, preferably at the rehearsal. 4. Photocopying copyrighted music is both illegal and unethical. This includes almost all music that is in print. Therefore, plan </p><p>14 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p> to purchase two copies of any solos, one for the soloist, and one for the organist. E. Dressing at the Church 1. Facilities are available at the church for the bride and her attendants to dress. This is encouraged since problems of weather and travel are more easily solved when the church is used. 2. Facilities are also available for the men in the wedding party to dress. F. Florists 1. The florist shall consult with the pastoral staff prior to planning for the flower arrangements in the church. 2. Christ Lutheran will supply the liners for vases. The florist must pick up the liners prior to the service. 3. Due to safety reasons, runners are not allowed. G. Photographers 1. Flash photos may be taken during the processional and recessional only. 2. During the service, flash photography is not allowed. 3. Non-flash photography may be taken from a single location in the balcony. 4. Videotaping of the service must be arranged with the pastoral staff and must be done from the balcony. 5. Whenever possible, it is recommended that pictures be taken prior to the service. 6. Pictures may be posed after the service; however, they shall be limited to 30 minutes. 7. Furnishings such as candelabras, paschal candles, baptismal fonts, etc. shall not be moved. H. Receptions 1. The social room and Lutheran Lodge are available for wedding receptions. 2. These areas should be reserved as early as possible. Because of the necessary cleaning and preparations for Sundays, receptions using church facilities must conclude by 9 p.m. 3. We do not have a group in the church to cater receptions, so outside arrangements must be made. 4. The Church has a non-smoking policy that includes all buildings and outside ground areas. 5. It is the option of the wedding couple to invite the pastor, the associate in ministry, and staff, organist. I. Bridal Consultants</p><p>15 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>1. Bridal consultants are welcome. They are expected to abide by the policies of the Church and respect the authority of the pastor. 2. The pastoral staff has the final authority over all aspects of the service. J. Communion 1. The sacrament of Holy Communion is an appropriate part of the wedding service if both the bride and groom are baptized. 2. All baptized and believing Christians accustomed to coming to the Lord’s Table are invited to commune. K. Candlelight Option 1. The candlelight option is placing candles in hurricane globes on the windowsills. 2. Candles are to be provided by the wedding party. 3. Use of the “Unity Candle” is not recommended for the church service. L. Bulletins and Service Inserts 1. Christ Lutheran will print wedding bulletins in standard covers. 2. Christ Lutheran will print wedding bulletins in special covers provided by the couple after the pastoral staff approves the covers. 3. Couples are required to have bulletin materials in the hands of Christ Church office staff at least two weeks before the wedding service. M. Fees 1. Pastoral Staff – None 2. Organist - $150.00 3. Facilities Maintenance - $100.00</p><p>16 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details Pastor officiating</p><p>Bride information</p><p>Name</p><p>Age</p><p>Address</p><p>Telephone Home</p><p>Work</p><p>Cell</p><p>Email address</p><p>Church Membership</p><p>Previous Marriages</p><p>Parents' names Father</p><p>Mother</p><p>Step Parents' names Father</p><p>Mother</p><p>Bridegroom's Information Name</p><p>Age</p><p>Address</p><p>17 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details</p><p>Telephone Home</p><p>Work</p><p>Cell</p><p>Email address</p><p>Church Membership</p><p>Previous Marriages</p><p>Parents' names Father</p><p>Mother</p><p>Step Parents' names Father</p><p>Mother</p><p>Wedding Specific Information</p><p>Number of guests</p><p>Time</p><p>Reception Time</p><p>Place</p><p>Church staff invited Pastor</p><p>AiM</p><p>Organist</p><p>Rehearsal Specific Information</p><p>Number of guests 18 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details</p><p>Time</p><p>Rehearsal social Time</p><p>Place</p><p>Church staff invited Pastor</p><p>AiM</p><p>Organist</p><p>Attendant Information (Names)</p><p>Maid/Matron of honor</p><p>Bridesmaids</p><p>Acolyte Age</p><p>Flower girl Age</p><p>Best man</p><p>Ushers</p><p>19 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details Ring Bearer</p><p>Age</p><p>Music</p><p>Organist</p><p>Soloist/Instrumentalist</p><p>Dress At Church</p><p>Bride and attendants Yes</p><p>No</p><p>Groom and ushers Yes</p><p>No</p><p>Arrival time</p><p>Florist Services</p><p>Name of florist</p><p>Altar flowers' Leave at church for Narthex Yes ___- No ____</p><p>Extra Candles (provided by the wedding party)</p><p>Candles for the Yes windows No</p><p>20 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details</p><p>Photography </p><p>Name of photographer</p><p>Video taping Yes</p><p>No</p><p>Name of video grapher</p><p>Service</p><p>A- Order: 1) Lutheran Book of Worship</p><p>B. Options 1) Less ons - Other readings Readers</p><p>2) Hym n(s)</p><p>3) Holy Communion</p><p>4) Bulle tins</p><p>21 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details</p><p>5) Intro duction of couple following benediction</p><p>6) Flow ers to be given to parents</p><p>7) Othe r</p><p>Additional clergy participating address</p><p>Name</p><p>Address</p><p>Phone</p><p>Email address</p><p>Items for planning</p><p>1. Bring to the church two weeks before the wedding: A. Approved 22 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details bulletin covers if the church office is printing them. B. Candles if you are using the candle lighting option. 2. The wedding license should be brought to the church at least one day before the wedding or to the rehears al. 3 Approved bulletins prepared outside the church office should be brought to the rehearsal</p><p>Couple follow-up</p><p>Address after wedding</p><p>Phone After Wedding Work Husband Wife</p><p>Home</p><p>23 APPENDIX 4 August 8, 2004 MARRIAGE PLANS Revision 1</p><p>Information Details Cell Husband Wife</p><p>Email after the Husband wedding Wife</p><p>24 APPENDIX 5 April 28, 2003 FUNERALS Revision 0</p><p>A.5 Funerals</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION A. The worship facilities of Christ Church are available for funerals and memorial services of its members, the relatives of its members and the friends of Christ Church whose relationship with the congregation is known by the pastoral staff. B. In the case of those who died evidencing a Baptismal covenant and demonstrated personal affirmation of that covenant in a membership in a Christian congregation, the pastoral staff shall utilize the Order for the Burial of the Dead with all the proclamation of Resurrection hope and promise. C. In the case of a person who is not a practicing member of a Christian Congregation, we will use an alternate Order of Service with the appropriate omissions and substitutions. II. INSTRUCTIONS A. The church parlor will be available for the family to greet friends prior to the service, and the narthex, social room, or Lutheran Lodge may be used following the service. B. The casket must be covered during the service with a pall. The American Flag, or flag of another nation may be used to cover the casket upon leaving the church. C. Organ music, soloists, hymns, Scripture and special readings, consistent with Lutheran practice, should be chosen in consultation with the pastor and Director of Music. Variations in the order of service may be made only in consultation with the pastor. D. The church's social room or Lutheran Lodge is available for a family meal following the service. The Memorial Meals Committee must be notified if a meal is going to be provided.</p><p>25 APPENDIX 6 April 23, 2003 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Revision 0 Church Student Loan Fund</p><p>A.6 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Student Loan Fund</p><p>I. INTRODUCTION A. The committee that oversees the Student Loan Fund is the Student Loan Committee, a sub-committee of the Finance Committee. II. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. A committee of interested congregation members shall administer the Student Loan Fund. At least one Congregation Council member must serve on the Student Loan Committee (SLC). B. All actions of the SLC must be brought to the Congregation Council, through the Finance Committee, and approved by Congregation Council. C. Loan applications are available to confirmed members of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (C.E.L.C.) for study in an approved program of education beyond high school. D. Loan funds awarded to applicants shall be determined solely by the SLC according to the availability of loan funds and the number of applicants properly completing the process in a given year. E. All applicants must submit the C.E.L.C. Student Loan Application to the Church Office by May 15th. Applications are available through the Church Office or a member of the SLC. The application contains information on: (a) amount of loan being requested (b) the intended program of study (c) the name of the school to be attended (d) the anticipated graduation date from the intended program of study and (e) a description of the need for the loan assistance. All applications must be co-signed by the applicant and a sponsor who is also a confirmed member of C.E.L.C. Refer to Appendix A. F. Each approved applicant and sponsor must sign a promissory note obligating him/her to repay the loan. A promissory note must be signed for each year that the applicant is approved for loan funds. G. Applicants may reapply for loans funds in multiple years. Approval in a prior year does not guarantee approval in a subsequent year. $6,000 is the maximum cumulative loan amount that may be received by any one applicant. There is no annual loan fund limit (other than the $6,000 cumulative limit), however, the SLC may restrict the amount awarded to any one applicant in a single year. H. Loan funds will be available after the approval of applicants at the June Congregation Council meeting. Both applicant and sponsor must meet with the SLC to review documents, sign the promissory note and sign the “Guidelines” sheet. All required application materials & promissory notes must be received before any loan funds are issued. I. Any change of name, address, phone number, or termination of study must be reported immediately to the Church Office. Loan recipients are required to complete an</p><p>26 APPENDIX 6 April 23, 2003 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Revision 0 Church Student Loan Fund</p><p>Annual Request for Loan Recipient Information Form. The Church Office or SLC will mail this form to all loan recipients in January of each year. J. Loan recipients may be asked, at any time, to furnish the SLC with official college documentation confirming enrollment. K. Repayment of the loan will begin six (6) months following graduation or withdrawal from the program of study for which the loan proceeds were granted. The total principal of the loan must be repaid within five (5) years of graduation or withdrawal from the program of study for which the loan proceeds were granted. The Student Loan Committee shall determine the interest rate at the time the loan is issued to the applicant. The borrower will be provided with a MONTHLY Amortization & Repayment Schedule. L. Loans may be prepaid at any time without penalty. M. A deferment, a temporary stoppage of repayments, may be granted by the SLC under certain special circumstances. A written request for a deferment (containing the length of, and reason for, the deferment being requested) must be submitted to the SLC for review at least two (2) months prior to the start of the requested deferment date. Payments temporarily cease ONLY IF, and not until, the deferment request is approved by the SLC. N. Failure to repay according to the terms set forth in these guidelines and the promissory note may result in the full loan amount, with interest and fees, being due immediately. Failure to make timely payments may also result in the SLC reporting delinquency information to a credit bureau(s) and a Confession of Judgment may be entered against the loan recipient and sponsor. The applicant and sponsor’s social security numbers are required on the application materials so that this reporting may take place, if needed.</p><p>27 APPENDIX 6 April 23, 2003 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Revision 0 Church Student Loan Fund</p><p>Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church</p><p>125 East High Street Elizabethtown PA 17022 (717) 367-2786</p><p>By signing below I acknowledge that I have been approved for a loan, understand the Guidelines for the Student Loan Fund and accept the terms and conditions thereof.</p><p>______(Applicant Signature) (Date)</p><p>______(Sponsor Signature) (Date)</p><p>SLC Witness Signature:</p><p>______(SLC Witness Signature) (Date)</p><p>28 APPENDIX 6 April 23, 2003 Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Revision 0 Church Student Loan Fund</p><p>Application Deadline = May 15th</p><p>(A) Applicant Information</p><p>Applicant Name ______Social Security # ______</p><p>Address ______Phone Number ______</p><p>(B) Sponsor Information</p><p>Sponsor Name ______Social Security # ______</p><p>Address ______Phone Number ______</p><p>(C) Loan Amount Loan Amount Requested for the Academic Year $______Have you borrowed through this loan program before? ______</p><p>(D) Academic Information Intended Program of Study ______Name of College/University ______Anticipated Graduation Date ______</p><p>(E) Description of Need for Loan Assistance Please describe your need for this loan assistance (write on back if needed):</p><p>(F) Signature</p><p>By signing below, I certify that I have read the Guidelines for Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church Student Loan Fund and will comply with these guidelines if selected to receive funds.</p><p>______(Applicant Signature) (Date) (Sponsor Signature) (Date)</p><p>Please return to: Christ Lutheran Church, 125 East High Street, Elizabethtown PA 17022</p><p>29 APPENDIX 7 August 8, 2004 Letter Head for Christ Evangelical Revision 4 Lutheran Church</p><p>A.7 Church Letter Head</p><p>See separate attachment</p><p>30 APPENDIX 8 December, 2003 DUAL ACCESS/DUAL CONTROL OF Revision 0 SUNDAY WORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS</p><p>A.8 DUAL ACCESS/DUAL CONTROL OF SUNDAY WORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS</p><p>I. INTRODUCTION A. The committee that oversees the Dual Access/Dual Control of Sunday Worship Contributions is the Finance Committee. II. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS A. Every effort shall be made to assure that no one person handles all aspects of a transaction from beginning to end. B. Duties shall be separated and separate persons to the extent possible shall perform cash/asset custody, preparation of posting media, and posting. 1. Cash and equivalents will be in the joint custody of at least two authorized persons at all times, which means that cash and equivalents will be received, inventoried, handled, or released by not less than two people. 2. The money counters will inventory and count funds received from worship services. The Financial Secretary or trained replacement will be present during the inventory and counting of the funds. 3. Two people will handle all funds received at worship services at all times. Funds will be removed from the offering plates, placed in a locked numbered Night Depository bag and placed in the safe by at least one Council member and a second adult member of the congregation. a. At the January Council meeting Council members will choose the months in which they will serve as bank messengers. Each Council member shall serve at least one month in the calendar year. Each month should have at least two Council members assigned to handle the monetary gifts. b. Each January the combination of the safe will be changed and the new combination given to each council member. This number will be recorded for back-up purposes and locked in the filing cabinet used for the Safe Haven records. The number will also be given to the Financial Secretary. It shall not be stored in the same location as the safe. c. Any time funds are locked in the safe the exterior door to the closet should be kept locked. d. Discretion should be exercised as to the traffic in the room prior to placing the funds in the safe. 4. Two congregation members responsible for counting the receipts will remove funds from the safe Monday morning. To comply with dual access and control, one member will retrieve the key to open the safe and the Financial Secretary (or an individual designated by the Financial Secretary) will provide and operate the safe combination. This dual control is used at all times because of the possibility of unsecured cash having been deposited in the safe 5. The money counters will go through the process steps for counting and recording the contributions. After this step is completed, the funds will be returned to the Night Depository bag and locked. This bag will then be provided to the Church Secretary who will be responsible for delivering the bag to the 31 APPENDIX 8 December, 2003 DUAL ACCESS/DUAL CONTROL OF Revision 0 SUNDAY WORSHIP CONTRIBUTIONS</p><p> bank along with any other banking work to be processed that day. Two people, one of whom is the Church Secretary, must deliver the funds to the bank.</p><p>32 APPENDIX 9 August 8, 2004 INVESTMENT POLICY/GUIDELINES Rev isio n 1</p><p>A.9 INVESTMENT POLICY/GUIDELINES</p><p>I. INTRODUCTION A. The Investment Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee. It shall be made up of at least three individuals, always have an odd number of members, and shall be chaired by a member of the Finance Committee. B. The persons or entities responsible for the management of the Investment Fund shall exercise the judgment and care under the current circumstances that persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of their funds, considering the probable income from as well as the probable increase in value and the safety of their capital. C. All policies and guidelines shall be approved by the Finance Committee and presented to the Church Council for ratification. D. All decisions made for investments shall be discussed with an investment advisor(s). The investment advisor shall attend all investment committee meetings but shall not have a vote in the selection of funds or investment strategy. II. GUIDELINES A. The Investment Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis to review the total portfolio paying particular attention to allocation of assets, investment grade ratings and yields. B. A quarterly report shall be presented to the full Council by the Investment Advisor and accepted by a two-thirds vote of Church Council. C. The primary investment objective for the investment portfolio of Christ Lutheran shall be: 1. Preservation of principal. Recognizing that every form of investment involves some form and some degree of risk, the investment manager nevertheless shall attempt to prevent, or at least minimize, loss or risk of loss through such means as asset diversification and the establishment of quality standards. 2. Provision of current income. The production of income, such as interest and dividends, will be used to supplement the yearly budget of the Church. Capital expenditures requiring financing from the investment portfolio will require a two-thirds vote from Church Council. 3. Appreciation of capital. The overall financial objective of the Investment Fund Portfolio is to preserve principal and supplement the yearly budget for church programs. However, it is also recognized that we should strive to maintain or modestly increase the purchasing power of the fund pursuant to policy guidelines. D. The Investment Fund may own bonds meeting the following standards: 1. Direct obligations of the U.S. Treasury. 2. Obligations of Federal Agencies, including but not limited to Federal National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Bank, and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.</p><p>33 APPENDIX 9 August 8, 2004 INVESTMENT POLICY/GUIDELINES Rev isio n 1</p><p>3. Corporate obligations rated “investment grade” by Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s or other generally recognized rating service. E. The Fund may acquire stocks recommended by an investment advisor and which are expected to outperform general equity market indices. Factors to be considered in the evaluation of stocks may include price, earnings, dividends, quality of corporate management, industry growth potential, and capitalization. F. The Fund shall employ diversification as a means of mitigating risk. No single bond shall represent more than 10% of the total portfolio at cost. With exception of U.S. Treasury and Agency obligations, the bonds of any single issuer shall represent not more than 10% of the total portfolio at cost. Not more than 5% of the portfolio at cost shall be invested in any one stock. No single major industry shall represent more than 10% of the market value of the Funds. G. Bond maturities shall be staggered (laddered) in order to reduce the possibility of excessive maturities or calls during a period of adverse market conditions. However, in no case shall the maturity of a bond be greater than 10 years from date of acquisition and typically bond maturities shall not exceed 5 years. NOTE: Exceptions to the 10-year rule may be waived with a 2/3vote of the Church Council. H. Approximately 40% to 60% of the Fund may be allocated to fixed income investments and 60% to 40% of the Fund may be allocated to equities. I. The investment manager(s) shall have full discretionary authority in the selection and retention of investments, subject to law and the statement of investment policy as it may be amended from time to time and subject to the following restrictions: 1. Securities may not be purchased on margin 2. Securities may not be sold short 3. Options (e.g., puts, calls) may not be sold short. Options use is limited to covered call writing, a conservative strategy; 4. No investments are to be made in commodity contracts 5. Securities restricted as to public resale under the Securities Act of 1933 may not be purchased. The average quality of fixed income securities (including mutual funds) in the Investment portfolio shall be at least “A” or better, and minimum quality for any issue held shall be “BBB.” J. The Investment Fund of Christ Ev Lutheran Church may not be pledged as collateral or security for loans made by the Church without approval of a two- thirds vote of Council. K. Dollar cost averaging shall be used when purchasing or selling assets of the investment portfolio any time the purchase or sale exceeds $20,000. The Investment Committee shall determine a planned schedule of purchases/sales by majority vote. L. In the event the Investment Committee considers a deviation from policy, such proposal will be presented to Council. A two-thirds vote from Council will be required prior to instituting an investment strategy that does not meet policy 34 APPENDIX 9 August 8, 2004 INVESTMENT POLICY/GUIDELINES Rev isio n 1 guidelines. In addition, a set period of time will be established for such deviation from policy and at expiration of that time period, the investment strategy will be returned to stated guidelines.</p><p>35 APPENDIX 10 June 6, 2001 MEMORIAL GARDEN Rev isio n 0</p><p>A.10 MEMORIAL GARDEN GUIDELINES</p><p>I. INTRODUCTION</p><p>The Memorial Garden of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania is a sacred domain within the beautiful churchyard cemetery of our Parish. It is an historic and cherished landmark in the Elizabethtown and welcomes reverent visitation, remembrance, and prayer. The Memorial Garden is dedicated for the interment of the sacred ashes of member families of Christ Ev. Lutheran Church.</p><p>II. ADMINISTRATION</p><p>The management, engraving of names on the monument, the providing of -printed information, planting, and maintenance of the garden shall at all times be under the supervision of the Property Committee of the Vestry of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.</p><p>III. PERSONS ELIGIBLE</p><p>The Memorial Garden is intended for the use of members Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania and their immediate families. The Pastor and Congregation Council may waive this requirement as needed.</p><p>IV. PLACEMENT OF ASHES</p><p>Interment of ashes shall comply with these rules adopted by the Property Committee and Vestry. Records of the general location of sacred ashes will be kept in a church register. THE SACRED ASHES SHALL BE INTERNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHURCH’S MEMORIAL SERVICE and interred in the earth in the manner prescribed by the Property Committee. Urns of any type are not permitted.</p><p>V. OFFICIAL RECORDS</p><p>The Pastor's office shall record the names, dates of birth, date of death, and the date of the interment of ashes. These records will be entered in the parish register where all vital historic information is preserved.</p><p>36 APPENDIX 10 June 6, 2001 MEMORIAL GARDEN Rev isio n 0</p><p>VI. ENGRAVED NAMES</p><p>The name of each person whose ashes are placed in the garden together with year of birth and year of death will be engraved on the Memorial Garden Monument. This monument will be the only marker permitted. Memorial Gifts may also be given to the church to provide other enduring remembrances of a loved on (consult the Property Committee of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania).</p><p>The Memorial Garden of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania is church property and a noncommercial service. Lots are not sold and interment sites are neither boundaried nor marked in any way ' No deeds are issued. Those persons desiring to have their own sacred ashes or the sacred ashes of family members placed in the memorial garden shall make application on the forms available through the church office. The Vestry shall establish the fees.</p><p>The Vestry of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania may make necessary amendments to these regulations and fees.</p><p>VII. FEE</p><p>A recommended fee of $500 will be charged for each interment. All monies received would be placed in a Memorial Garden account to take care of maintenance and future development of the area.</p><p>37 APPENDIX 10 June 6, 2001 MEMORIAL GARDEN Rev isio n 0</p><p>VIII. Memorial Garden Application</p><p>I hereby make application for the interment of the cremains of ______who was born on ______and who entered life eternal on ______in the Memorial Garden of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. I enclose a remittance in confirmation thereof to cover the cost of the interment and memorial engraving of the name, birth year and death year of the person named above.</p><p>Signed: ______Date: ______Address ______</p><p>(Please make checks payable to " Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church " with the notation “Memorial Garden")</p><p>I have read and agree to the “Regulations” governing the Memorial Garden of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church. I have made these regulations known to the persons named below.</p><p>Name: ______Address ______Phone: ______</p><p>Name: ______Address ______Phone: ______</p><p>Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, acknowledges receipt of the application for interment if the cremains of ______and the sum of $500 on ______.</p><p>Permission is hereby granted for this interment, subject to the regulations of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. Arrangements fro this interment of ashes shall be made with the Pastor or Wardens of the Vestry of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. This application and acceptance will be preserved in a permanent confidential file in the Church office of Christ 38 APPENDIX 10 June 6, 2001 MEMORIAL GARDEN Rev isio n 0</p><p>Evangelical Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania. A duplicate copy will be sent to the applicant.</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>______Pastor Signature</p><p>______Congregation Council (Lay) President Signature</p><p>39 APPENDIX 11 June 6, 2001 USE OF CHURCH FACILITIES Rev isio n 0</p><p>A.11 USE OF CHURCH FACILITIES GUIDELINES</p><p>I. See following sheets</p><p>40 Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church 75-133 East High Street Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania 17022 (717) 367-2786</p><p>Rev. Richard D. Niewoehner, Pastor Mrs. Judy K. Collins, Associate in Ministry</p><p>CONTRACT COVERING THE USE OF CHURCH PROPERTY</p><p>Request for Use of Church Facilities </p><p>Name of Organization:</p><p>Address of Organization:</p><p>Responsible Representative of Organization (must be present during the use of the requested areas)</p><p>Name:</p><p>Address:</p><p>Phone Number:</p><p>Date(s) Facility Needed:</p><p>IF REQUESTING USE OF FACILITIES AT 75-125 EAST HIGH STREET Building and/or Room Desired:</p><p>41 Purpose:</p><p>Starting Time Ending Time (on or before 9:15 PM): </p><p>IF REQUESTING USE OF THE CASSELL FARM Area Desired:</p><p> Ball field  Kitchen facility in the Pavilion  Pavilion picnic area, including the fire place in the Pavilion  Volley Ball court  Outside Picnic area  Camping area  Chapel area</p><p>NOTE: The bathroom facilities will be open anytime the property is requested for use. </p><p>A member of the congregation who is on the designated sponsor list is required to act as your sponsor. The following individual has agreed to sponsor the requested activity:</p><p>(sponsor name)</p><p>Attached please find the Cassell Farm property use procedure. Your signature on this request indicates that you agree to abide by this procedure.</p><p>Please contact your sponsor if you have any questions.</p><p>42 For and in consideration of Christ Lutheran Church permitting us, the undersigned, to use the Church’s property, we hereby agree to:</p><p>1. Conform to all guidelines set forth by Christ Lutheran Church governing, the use of the Church's property (copy of guidelines attached).</p><p>2. Save harmless, the said Christ Lutheran Church, from any and all claims, suits, liabilities, litigations or proceedings of any kind or nature, by reason of any injury, or alleged injury, damage; or alleged damage, sustained or alleged to be sustained, by any person, firm, organization, or corporation, arising out of the use of the Church’s property; and we further agree to indemnify Christ Lutheran Church from and against all costs, counsel fees, expenses, and liabilities incurred as a result of any such claims or any action or proceeding brought thereon.</p><p>3. Permit Christ Lutheran Church to terminate this contract at any time without liability.</p><p>4. Scheduling of the facilities will be done in six month intervals and be in accordance with the priority listed below. Once scheduled through the Church Council, scheduled events will not be preempted by conflicting higher priority events. a. CLC Congregational events b. CLC Youth Group activities c. CLC Council activities d. CLC Council Committee activities e. CLC member requests f. CLC sponsored scouting groups g. Other Lutheran Church requests h. Other Church requests i. Other private groups</p><p>5. A $250.00 security deposit is required for items 4.g, 4.h, and 4.i above. The security deposit will be used to repair damages incurred as a result of the activity. Any unused balance will be returned to the user group within 15 business days of the completion of the event.</p><p>SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: DATE:</p><p>______</p><p>SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SPONSOR DATE: (If requesting use of the Cassell Farm):</p><p>______</p><p>COUNCIL APPROVAL SIGNATURE DATE:</p><p>______</p><p>43 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE</p><p>PURPOSE: This procedure provides rules and checklists for the use of the facilities at the Cassell Farm.</p><p>NOTE Use of the facility is defined as having an event and using part or all of the grounds. It is not intended to pertain to visits, walks, berry picking, etc.</p><p>IMPLEMENTATION: This procedure is to be implemented whenever a request for the use of Cassell Farm facilities is requested.</p><p>NOTE If a family, who is a member of the congregation, wishes to use the facility for a short term duration, i.e. an overnight campout, an afternoon or evening event, etc. this procedure should not be completed in totality. A call should be made to the Church office to ensure no other events are being planned for the Cassell property. The key should be obtained from the Church office to gain entry, the property. When leaving the property, it shall be left in the condition as stated in the “Final Conditions” stated below (and posted on the information board at Cassell). The key shall be returned to the Church office and any noted damage reported.</p><p>INITIAL CONDITIONS: . Use of the property has been approved by the Church Council when required. . The facilities at the Cassell Farm are operational per the season start-up procedure. </p><p>FINAL CONDITIONS: . All trash is removed from the facility . Food & Beverages are removed from the refrigerator . Kitchen counters, stove top, and microwave are wiped down and clean . Kitchen & bathroom areas are swept and bath room fixtures are clean . All facility doors are locked . Front gate closed and locked . Start-up and shutdown checklists are completed, signed by the Sponsor and User and returned to the Church Office.</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE: 2. Permission to use the facilities at Cassell Farm must be obtained through the Church Council in accordance with the “Contract for the use of Church Property” form.</p><p>3. Scheduling of the facilities will be in accordance with the priority listed below. Once scheduled through the Church Council, scheduled events will not be preempted by conflicting higher priority events. a. CLC Congregational events b. CLC Youth Group activities c. CLC Council activities d. CLC Council Committee activities e. CLC member requests f. CLC sponsored scouting groups g. Other Lutheran Church requests h. Other Church requests i. Other private groups</p><p>REV 0 4 Page 44 10/17/01 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE NOTE The use of the Cassell Farm for “public” events is prohibited by action of the Church Council. The Church Council will have final decision making authority on what constitutes a public event and any future changes or exceptions to this action.</p><p>4. For activities 2.g, 2.h, and 2.i above, a security deposit of $250.00 is required to be submitted with the signed contract. The security deposit will be used to correct damages that resulted from the use of the property. Any remaining funds will be returned to the user group within 15 business days following the event.</p><p>5. A sponsor, who is a member of Christ Lutheran Church and is on the designated sponsor list, is assigned to all scheduled activities. a. The sponsor may be the leader of the activity provided the leader is a member of CLC AND is on the designated sponsor list.</p><p>6. Responsibilities of the sponsor are listed in Attachment One.</p><p>7. All users are expected to follow the rules specific to the use of the Cassell Farm. a. Rules specific to the use of the Cassell Farm are listed in Attachment Two. b. A copy of the rules will be provided to each sponsor and user. c. The sponsor is responsible to ensure that the group leader is aware of the rules. d. The user is responsible to ensure that the group abides by the rules. e. A copy of the rules will be posted at the Cassell Farm.</p><p>8. A pre-inspection checklist is included in Attachment Three. a. The sponsor and user are responsible for meeting prior to the event and ensuring that this checklist is completed.</p><p>9. A post-inspection checklist is included in Attachment Four. a. The sponsor and user are responsible for meeting immediately at the conclusion of the event and ensure that this checklist is completed.</p><p>10. The sponsor and the user will sign and date the completed checklists and return them to the Church office within two business days.</p><p>11. An emergency phone list is posted at the facility with applicable phone numbers. a. This list should be used if there is a fire or medical emergency. b. This list should also be used if assistance is required and the sponsor cannot be contacted. c. It is the Property Committee Chairperson’s responsibility to keep this list current.</p><p>REV 0 4 Page 45 10/17/01 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE PROCEDURE: </p><p>1. Obtain a “Contract Covering the Use of Church Property” form and the appropriate use guidelines from the Church Office. a. If the Cassell Farm facilities are requested, a copy of this procedure is provided to the requester. b. If “In town” facilities are requested, a copy of “Guidelines for Groups using the Facilities of Christ Lutheran Church” is provided.</p><p>2. If Cassell Farm facilities are requested, obtain a sponsor. a. If the requester is a member of Christ Lutheran Church AND is on the designated sponsor list, the requester may serve as the sponsor. b. If the conditions of 2a are not met then obtain a sponsor. A list of sponsors is maintained in the Church Office. c. Designate who the sponsor will be on the contract.</p><p>3. Review the use guidelines, fill out the contract, and submit the completed contract to the church office. a. If required, submit the security deposit with the contract. b. The Congregational Council will approve or deny the request at a regularly scheduled meeting. c. The requester will be informed of the Council’s decision. d. The sponsor will be informed if the request involves the use of the Cassell Farm</p><p>4. The sponsor will contact the requester and arrange a meeting at the Cassell Farm to complete the pre- inspection checklist prior to the event. Attachment THREE contains the pre-inspection checklist. The signed-off checklist will be retained by the sponsor and submitted to the church office with the post- inspection checklist following completion of the activity.</p><p>5. On the day of the event, at a time agreed to by the requester and sponsor, the sponsor will unlock appropriate doors and ensure that the pre-inspection checklist is completed.</p><p>6. During the course of the activity, the sponsor should be available to the group by phone. In the event that the sponsor can not be contacted, anyone on the emergency phone list may be contacted.</p><p>7. At the conclusion of the event the requester and sponsor will jointly complete the post-inspection checklist.</p><p>8. Any new damages will be reported to the Property Committee chairperson.</p><p>9. Completed inspection checklists are to be submitted to the church office within 2 business days of the event completion.</p><p>REV 0 4 Page 46 10/17/01 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE</p><p>SPONSOR RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>1. Act as a liaison between CLC and the user groups to both ensure an enjoyable experience by the user and to ensure proper care of CLC property.</p><p>2. The sponsor who will unlock and lock the facilities to support the activity will hold keys.</p><p>3. Contact the user upon notification that Church Council has approved use of the facility. a. Arrange to meet at the Cassell Farm to conduct a pre-inspection. </p><p>4. One to two days prior to the pre-inspection, verify no major problems exist that would interfere with the activity. Items to consider are: downed trees, water & electrical power to the pavilion. Resolve any problems.</p><p>5. At the meeting with the user: a. Complete the pre-inspection checklist, Attachment Two. b. Review the Property Use Guidelines, Attachment Three. c. Review equipment location and operation as required to support the activity. d. Agree on the time that facilities will be unlocked to support the activity. e. Schedule the post-inspection f. This inspection should be conducted after clean up from the event when the sponsor arrives to lock up the facility.</p><p>6. Unlock appropriate access points at the agreed to time.</p><p>7. Be available by phone for the duration of the event. Ensure the user knows how to contact you.</p><p>8. Arrive at the agreed time to conduct the post-inspection with the user. Complete Attachment Four.</p><p>9. Lock all facility doors and the main entrance gate.</p><p>10. Report any new damages to the Property Committee Chairperson.</p><p>11. Return completed inspection checklists to the Church Office within two business days.</p><p>ATTACHMENT ONE Page 47 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE</p><p>CASSELL FARM USE GUIDELINES</p><p>1. The designated sponsor for the event will hold keys. 2. The area used should be left in a condition as good as what it was found. 3. The use of campfires or cooking fires is permitted provided:  Weather supports safe burning (No wind, Not dry, No burning restrictions)  Only established fire pits, charcoal grills, or the pavilion fireplace are used.  The fire is closely attended until it is completely extinguished. 4. Do not cut trees for firewood. A supply of firewood is available at the camping area and the pavilion. Unused firewood should be returned to one of these storage locations. 5. Picnic tables should not be relocated from the pavilion to other areas. Picnic tables from the picnic area (with metal legs) may be moved to other areas provided they are returned to the picnic area. 6. If picnic tables are re-arranged in the pavilion, they should be returned to their original configuration at the end of the activity. See Attachment Five for table configuration. 7. All trash generated from the activity will be removed from the facility by the user. 8. Persons not designated to cut grass shall NOT use grass cutting equipment. 9. If the kitchen/bath facilities are used:  Appropriate adult supervision will be present to ensure that cooking equipment is used safely  Remove all leftover food & drink from the facility 10. No graffiti or vandalism 11. The Cassell Farm is a Safety Zone therefore no hunting is permitted nor may deadly weapons be discharged (guns, bow & arrow) 12. Noise such as shouting and playing music shall be minimized between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 13. Report all damages or equipment problems to the sponsor IMMEDIATELY. If the sponsor cannot be reached contact another individual listed on the emergency/problem call out list. 14. In the event of a medical emergency or a fire call 911 and then the sponsor. If the sponsor cannot be contacted call other individuals on the emergency/problem call out list. 15. Parking should be confined to the stoned parking lot. In the event that additional parking is required it is permissible to park in the cut grass adjacent to the parking lot or along side the stoned lane. 16. To protect underground services, driving on grass areas is not permitted with the following exceptions:  One vehicle may be taken to the camping area. The route should be from the parking lot passing to the left of the volley ball court proceeding to the left to the camping area.  One vehicle may be taken to the outdoor picnic area. The route should be from the parking lot passing to the left of the volley ball court proceeding right after the volley ball court to the picnic area. 17. The possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited. Local police will be informed if such activities are discovered. 18. The use of alcohol on the Cassell Farm is prohibited UNLESS the Church Council approves a specific written request from the user. 19. Smoking tobacco products is prohibited on the property.</p><p>ATTACHMENT TWO Page 48 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST</p><p>SPONSOR: 1. Prior to the event: 1.1. Contact the requesting organization responsible representative and:  Schedule a pre-inspection at the Cassell Farm  Set time for opening facilities for the event</p><p>1.2. One to two days prior to the pre-inspection, verify no major problems exist for the facilities to be used:  Check for downed trees that may limit access or interfere with proposed activity. Contact the property committee chair to arrange for removal if required.  Check specific area to be used to ensure there is no trash or other problems that would interfere with the activity.  If the pavilion facilities are to be used:  Check general cleanliness and correct any discrepant conditions.  Verify electrical power available  Verify water system functioning  Verify septic alarm is not sounding (located in storage room in kitchen)  Verify garbage cans are empty</p><p>SPONSOR AND RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE</p><p>2. Meet at appointed time at the Cassell Farm and discuss Cassell Farm Use Guidelines (Attachment TWO) AND:  Discuss expectations for clean up as described in the post-inspection checklist  Review location and operation of any Cassell Farm equipment to be used for the event</p><p>3. Conduct an inspection of the area(s) to be used. Record results below:</p><p>Areas inspected (include all areas to be used by the group):</p><p>ATTACHMENT THREE Page 49 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST If attribute is met, check YES If attribute is NOT met, check NO AND explain in comments below. * If area is not being used mark NA ATTRIBUTE YES NO* NA Grounds are free of fallen trees that would interfere with the activity Grounds are free from trash and other debris Bathroom floors are broom clean Bathroom fixtures (stall doors, toilets, showers, sink) operate properly Bathroom fixtures are not damaged Bathroom walls and stalls contain no graffiti or signs of vandalism Bathroom lights are operational Kitchen floor is broom clean Refrigerator is empty Appliances (Refrigerator, Stove, Microwave) operate properly Appliances are clean Counters and sink are clean Kitchen ceiling fan is operational Kitchen lights are operational Emergency/Problem Call list is posted Phone has a dial tone First Aid Kit is available Fire extinguisher is available Tables in Pavilion Picnic area are in proper configuration Fireplace is operational and flue is OPEN if the fireplace is to be used Pavilion Picnic area ceiling fans are operational Pavilion Picnic area lights are operational Pavilion free access areas have no graffiti or sign of vandalism Paper and cleaning supplies are available</p><p>COMMENTS: (* All NO answers require specific comment)</p><p>ATTACHMENT THREE Page 50 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM PRE-INSPECTION CHECKLIST 4. Set date & time for sponsor to unlock facilities:</p><p>DATE: TIME:</p><p>5. Review how to contact sponsor during the event should and emergency or problem arise:</p><p>6. Set date & time for sponsor to return for the post-inspection: </p><p>DATE: TIME:</p><p>The pre-inspection checklist was completed jointly by the User Organization Responsible Representative and the CLC Sponsor. Both the User and the Sponsor agree that the checklist accurately reflects the conditions of the facility. </p><p>The User understands and agrees to abide by the Cassell Farm Use Guidelines. </p><p>The User knows how to contact the sponsor should the need arise.</p><p>SPONSOR SIGNATURE:</p><p>PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE DATE TIME</p><p>USER ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE:</p><p>PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE DATE TIME</p><p>Sponsor retains the pre-inspection checklist to aid in completing the post-inspection checklist.</p><p>ATTACHMENT THREE Page 51 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM POST-INSPECTION CHECKLIST USER ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE: 1. If the pavilion was used:  Ensure fire in fireplace is extinguished.  Close the flue on the chimney  Put picnic tables in proper configuration (See Attachment FIVE for configuration)  Sweep pavilion picnic area floor if necessary  Remove left-over food items  Wipe down kitchen counters and appliances  Wash any Luther Place dishes and return to proper cabinets  Sweep kitchen floor if necessary  Ensure water is drained from the sink and that the faucet is off  Verify all belongings are removed from the kitchen  Remove all trash from the kitchen  Ensure toilets are flushed  Wipe down bathroom counters  Ensure bathroom faucets are off  Sweep bathroom floors if necessary  Verify all belongings are removed from the bathrooms  Remove all trash from the bathrooms  Mop painted floors in the pavilion (bathrooms, kitchen, entrance)  Police area around the pavilion and discard any trash</p><p>2. If other areas were used:  If a fire pit was used, ensure that the fire is completely extinguished  Return equipment to its original location  Police area and discard all trash</p><p>3. Remove all trash from the property</p><p>SPONSOR AND RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE 1. Meet at the scheduled time (immediately after the event) at the Cassell Farm.</p><p>2. Conduct an inspection of the area(s) that were used. Record results below:</p><p>Areas inspected (include all areas used by the group):</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 52 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM POST-INSPECTION CHECKLIST If attribute is met, check YES If attribute is NOT met, check NO AND explain in comments below. * If area is not being used mark NA ATTRIBUTE YES NO* NA Grounds are free from trash and other debris Painted floors are mopped, unpainted floors are swept Bathroom floors are clean Bathroom fixtures (stall doors, toilets, showers, sink) operate properly Bathroom fixtures are not damaged Bathroom walls and stalls contain no graffiti or signs of vandalism Toilets are not running, water at sink & shower is off Bathroom lights are operational and OFF Kitchen floor is clean Refrigerator is empty Appliances (Refrigerator, Stove, Microwave) operate properly Appliances are clean Counters and sink are clean Kitchen sink is drained, clean, and water is OFF Kitchen ceiling fan is operational and OFF Kitchen lights are operational and OFF Phone has a dial tone First Aid Kit is accounted for Fire extinguisher is accounted for Tables in Pavilion Picnic area are in proper configuration Fires are completely extinguished and coals are cold to the touch Fireplace flue is closed Pavilion Picnic area ceiling fans are operational Pavilion Picnic area lights are operational Pavilion free access areas have no graffiti or sign of vandalism Facilities & grounds are in the same or better condition as in pre-inspection</p><p>COMMENTS: (* All NO answers require specific comment)</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 53 CASSELL FARM PROPERTY USE PROCEDURE CASSELL FARM POST-INSPECTION CHECKLIST</p><p>The post-inspection checklist was completed jointly by the User Organization Responsible Representative and the CLC Sponsor. Both the User and the Sponsor agree that the checklist accurately reflects the conditions of the facility. </p><p>SPONSOR SIGNATURE:</p><p>PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE DATE TIME</p><p>USER ORGANIZATION RESPONSIBLE REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE:</p><p>PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE DATE TIME</p><p>SPONSOR: 1. Ensure all lights are off (East End pavilion light is left on for security) and all pavilion doors and barn door are locked.</p><p>2. After everyone has departed, lock the main entrance gate.</p><p>3. Return signed pre-inspection and post-inspection checklists to the church office within two business days.</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 54 T T T T A A A A B B B B L L L L E E E E</p><p>T T T T A A A A B B B B L L L L E E E E</p><p>T T T T A A A A B B B B L L L L E E E E</p><p>EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS STORAGE UTILITY GARAGE KITCHEN Common area light Main Electrical Panel Main water inlet Access to attic DOOR switches</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 55 Common area fan control Septic Tank level alarm Hot water heater Grass cutting equipment Fire Extinguisher Water Spigot Water Spigot SERVING WINDOW First Aid Kit Garbage Cans Cleaning supplies</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 56 APPENDIX 12 June 8, 2001 YOUTH MINISTRY Rev isio n 0</p><p>A.12 YOUTH MINISTRY</p><p>I. INTRODUCTION</p><p>A. The Youth Ministry Program of Christ Lutheran Church is an extension of our Confirmation Ministry program. The Confirmation Ministry program is defined as follows:</p><p>A relational and educational ministry led by the Pastor -and Lay members which helps the baptized youth through Word and Sacrament to identify more deeply with the Christian community (church/congregation) and participate more fully in its mission.</p><p>B. Christ Lutheran Church supports the Youth Ministry program in many ways. In addition to time and talent support from adults, there is a substantial budget that provides the monetary needs of our youth. Every year the youth have opportunities to attend several “fun” events, including Winterfest and Youth Quake (depending on their age). Every three years the senior high youth have an opportunity to attend a National Convention. We want to send as many of the eligible youth as we can, keeping in mind that we have to live within a reasonable budget. Therefore, the following opportunities (requirements) apply to ensure the youth of our congregation our eligible to participate in these Church budget supported events.</p><p>II. OPPORTUNITIES (REQUIREMENTS) FOR GROWTH</p><p>I. The youth are encouraged to faithfully attend every one of their Sunday Church School classes as well as all of the Wednesday Evening Confirmation classes. At a minimum, the youth are expected to attend at least 75% of the Sunday Church School classes (9:45 to 10:45 a.m.) as well as 75% of the Wednesday Evening Confirmation classes (6:45 to 8:00 p.m.). This can be by teaching (for the senior high youth only) or attending. Attendance is measured by the Sunday school and Confirmation Class Teachers for the appropriate class roster, and monitored by the Director of Christian Education.</p><p>II. The youth are encouraged to faithful attend Worship (Holy Communion 8:15 or 11:00 a.m.) every Sunday. Additionally, the youth are expected to faithfully participate in Worship (Holy Communion 8:15 or 11:00 a.m.) by serving as Acolyte, Crucifer, Torch Bearer, Choir member, present </p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 57 APPENDIX 12 June 8, 2001 YOUTH MINISTRY Rev isio n 0</p><p>Elements, Nursery, Usher, Lector, or in any other area of ministry during the Worship hour. Faithful participation equates to serving in one area once every two months. The Youth Advisory Committee along with pastoral input monitors participation.</p><p>III. Faithful attendance (75%) in the Lutheran Youth Organization functions (service and recreational activities). The Youth Directors will track attendance.</p><p>IV. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES</p><p>A. An eligible youth will pay for the initial registration fee and all food for those events that are applicable.</p><p>B. The Church will make every effort to pay for the remainder of the registration fee, transportation costs, and lodging for eligible youth to those applicable events. Based on budget restraints, the amount of monetary support for each attending youth could be limited. Please note that ALL eligible youth who want to attend the National Convention may do so during their senior high years (grades 9 through 12) in the program.</p><p>C. The Church will provide funds for the National Convention for each eligible youth one time. If an individual has the opportunity to attend more than once (This event is held every three years), and wants to attend the second time, they must pay the full cost.</p><p>D. A youth that does not meet the “eligibility” requirements may attend any and all events provided they pay all the required fees on a predetermined schedule as monitored by the Youth Director(s).</p><p>E. The church shall provide all necessary funds for Chaperones with the exception of food costs. Church Council will approve the chaperones on an individual basis of 1 chaperone per 5 youth, or minimum of 2 per gatekeeper guidelines.</p><p>F. We will not let LYO members drive with other LYO members (except siblings) to any LYO events. Only adults will be utilized for providing transportation.</p><p>V. DISCLAIMERS</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 58 APPENDIX 12 June 8, 2001 YOUTH MINISTRY Rev isio n 0</p><p>A. Each youth and parents will sign these guidelines each year. The Youth Advisory Committee will review these eligibility requirements each year. They will be signed each September and apply for one year.</p><p>B. Each year the Youth Advisory Committee will review these guidelines in July and present any amendments to Church Council.</p><p>C. Any person can provide the Church with money ear marked to support the various youth functions.</p><p>D. The Youth Advisory will review each person’s eligibility and make any exceptions if necessary.</p><p>E. These guidelines do not replace the Confirmation Ministry Program Guidelines; they are in addition to those guidelines.</p><p>ATTACHMENT FOUR Page 59</p>

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