Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT)

Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT)

<p> BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 1 of 10</p><p>CHEVY 3500 TURBO 6.5 BRUSH PUMPER</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>CAB CHASSIS SPECS...... 2 AUXILIARY PUMP SPECS...... 2 INSTRUMENT PANEL GAUGES...... 3 STARTING PROCEDURES...... 4 STOPPING THE ENGINE...... 5 COLD WEATHER OPERATION...... 5 OPERATION IN SNOW...... 5 OPERATION IN STANDING WATER...... 5 EMERGENCY STARTING...... 6 MAINTENANCE...... 6 4X4 OPERATION...... 7 NOTES...... 8 OPERATION OF MEDIUM PRESSURE PUMP...... 8 OPERATING FROM SOURCE OF WATER UNDER PRESSURE...... 8 WINTER OPERATIONS...... 9 NOTES...... 9</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 2 of 10</p><p>CAB CHASSIS SPECS Chassis Chevy 3500 Engine Turbo 6.5 Transmission Chevy 4-L 80 Total GVW 14,000 Height 7' 3" Skid Clearance 7" Top Speed 95 mph (fully loaded) Tires LT-225/75 x 16 Turning Radius Left/Right: 28 feet Engine Oil SAE 15W-40 10 quart Capacity Transmission Fluid Dextron 16.2 quart Capacity Fuel Diesel 35.3 gallons Radiator 18 quart Capacity Front Brakes Disc Rear Brakes Drum</p><p>AUXILIARY PUMP SPECS Engine Kohler 18hp Pump Hale 20 F D Booster Tank 300 gallons Engine Oil 30 wt – 1 1/2 quarts Transfer Case Oil 89-90 wt lube Fuel Unleaded (do not mix) Fuel Tank Capacity 6 gallons Max Pump Pressure 350 PSI Max Pump Volume 90 GPM</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 3 of 10</p><p>INSTRUMENT PANEL GAUGES </p><p>WAIT TO START LIGHT . With the key in the ON position, the WAIT TO START indicator will light if glow plug heat is necessary as a starting aid. Wait until the light goes off before starting. If the light indicator does not light, you may start the engine immediately. . The light should always come on at least momentarily when the engine is cold and the ignition is first switched ON. If it does not, the glow plug system should be checked and repaired promptly to avoid difficult cold starting.</p><p>FUEL FILTER RESTRICTION WARNING LIGHT . The 6.5 diesel engine is equipped with a fuel filter restriction sensor. A restriction indicator light is provided on the instrument to alert the operator. . If the light glows (goes on) during normal engine operation, the filter should be changed as soon as possible.</p><p>WATER IN FUEL WARNING LIGHT . During refueling, it is possible for water contaminated diesel fuel to be pumped into your fuel tank. Your vehicle fuel system is equipped with a fuel filter/heater/water separator to remove water from the fuel. The "water in the fuel light" will glow when the fuel filter/heater/water separator has a significant quantity of water, or when the ignition key is switched to the start position. If the light glows red while the engine is running, stop the engine as soon as safely possible, shut off the engine and drain the filter bowl. Allowing water to stay in the system could result in extensive damage to, or failure of, the fuel injection system. WARNING: Do not drain water separator while engine is running. Fuel may ignite if separator is drained while engine is running or vehicle is moving.</p><p>ENGINE OIL PRESSURE GAUGE . This gauge indicates whether oil pressure is adequate. The position of the pointer should be within the normal operating band. Do not increase engine speed until oil pressure gauge indicates normal. Shut engine down if oil pressure does not register on gauge within 20 seconds. If the pointer drops below the NORMAL operating band when the engine is running, there is a loss of pressure. If this occurs, stop your vehicle as soon as safety possible, shut off the engine and check oil.</p><p>ENGINE T E M P E R A TU R E GAUGE . The gauge indicates the temperature of the engine coolant when the ignition is ON position. As the engine warms up, the pointer will move to the NORMAL band. Under certain conditions, such as heavy traffic or stop and go driving in hot weather, the pointer may read at the very top of the NORMAL band. There is n o danger to the engine unless the pointer moves out of the NORMAL band towards the H (HOT) position. If it does, the engine is overheating and engine damage may occur. Safely pull off the road, turn off the engine and let it cool. Check the coolant level.</p><p>R E DU ND A N T ENGINE LIGHT . In addition to the temperature gauge and oil pressure gauge, vehicles are equipped with a Redundant Engine Warning Light which is calibrated for maximum safe engine operating temperature and minimum safe engine operating oil pressure. If the warning lamp ' comes on while the engine is running, check the gauges for either low oil pressure or high engine temperature and shut the engine down as soon as safely possible. The engine must either be allowed to cool or be serviced for proper oil level or pressure failure. When the ignition lock switch is turned to the start position, the engine lamp will come on momentarily as a check of proper operation.</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 4 of 10</p><p>INSTRUMENT PANEL GAUGES - continued</p><p>BATTERY VOLTAGE GAUGE (VOLTMETER) . This gauge indicates battery voltage when the ignition key is in the ON position. After starting the engine, the pointer will move into the white area. When the battery is fully charged and the alternator is generating enough power to supply the system loads, the pointer will remain in the white area. When electrical equipment is being operated, with the engine off or the engine running at idle speed, the pointer may move toward "RED" marked area. In normal driving, if the pointer remains in either "RED" marked areas, or the charging system warning light "Battery Symbol" illuminates, have your vehicles electrical system checked.</p><p>BRAKE SYSTEM WARNING LIGHT . The service and parking brake systems (BRAKE) warning light should glow when the ignition lock cylinder is in the START position and at all times when the parking brake is not fully released. WARNING: If the brake system warning light fails to glow when you start the engine, have the electrical system checked immediately. . Your vehicle has hydraulic-boosted power brakes, and a dual master cylinder hydraulic system. The brake warning light glows if the parking brakes are not fully released.</p><p>STARTING PROCEDURES Climate conditions and other factors play a large part in deciding how you should go about starting your vehicle. Read all the starting instructions carefully, so you'll be aware of these factors when you start your vehicle. Starting procedures are also shown on the vehicle visor. For low ambient temperatures (below 32 degrees) the use of the correct SAE viscosity grade oil is essential for proper operations. The start position on the ignition lock cylinder is used to crank the engine. WARNING: Before turning the key, make sure the parking brake has been fully set. On vehicles with automatic transmission, place the gearshift lever in "park" or "neutral".</p><p>COLD ENGINE 1. a. Be sure your headlamps are off while you crank your vehicle. This will reduce the electrical load on your batteries and allow all the power to go to the starter. b. Be sure air conditioner is off. c. Be sure lights are off. d. Be sure AUX pump master switch is off. 2. Turn key to the ON position. When the WAIT TO START light goes off, turn the key to START. a. For temperatures above 32 degrees, depress accelerator pedal halfway and hold while cranking the engine. b. For temperatures below 32 degrees, depress accelerator pedal fully and hold while cranking the engine. 3. When engine starts, release key and allow accelerator pedal to return to fast idle position. 4. The glow plugs will continue to cycle for up to two minutes. If the engine is not started before the cycling ceases, the glow plug system must be reset by turning the ignition to OFF. In sub-zero temperatures, the engine may require extended cranking times and several attempts to start. CAUTION: Do not crank engine for more than 30 seconds at a time, as damage to starter motor may result. If the engine fails to start, turn off the key and wait 30 seconds before trying again.</p><p>WARNING: Do not use starting fluid such as ether in the air intake system. Such fluid can cause immediate explosive damage to the engine and possible personal injury. CAUTION: Do not add gasoline, alcohol or cetane improvers to diesel fuel. Damage to the fuel injection system may result.</p><p>WARM ENGINE Start engine with accelerator pedal at the fast idle position. </p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 5 of 10</p><p>STOPPING THE ENGINE Turn the ignition switch to the off position. To prolong engine life (after extended high speed or maximum GVW operation), it is recommended that a hot engine be allowed to operate at low idle for 3-5 minutes before shutting off . This will enable hot areas in the engine to cool gradually.</p><p>COLD WEATHER OPERATION When parking your vehicle overnight, leaving it inside the rig room, even if not heated, will make morning starting much easier. Changing to a lighter grade engine oil also makes starting easier under these conditions. Whenever possible, let the engine run for a few minutes to warm up before driving. However, the diesel engine generates very little excess heat at idle. And prolonged idling will not improve heater performance and aid in initial cab warm up. When you drive away, take it easy at first to give transmission and axle lubricants time to circulate. At temperatures below 20 degrees, number 2-D diesel fuel may thicken enough to clog the fuel filter. This is usually caused by the naturally-occurring paraffin in diesel fuel turning to wax as it gets colder. Your engine is equipped with a fuel filter/heater/water separator to keep the wax melted which will help fuel filter from clogging. However, if the engine starts but stalls out after a short time and will not restart, the fuel filter may be clogged. For best results in cold weather, use number 2-D diesel fuel which has an additive to minimize wax formation. Due to diesel fuel's affinity for water and waxing characteristics, your vehicle is equipped with a by-pass relief valve on the in-tank sending unit. This valve provides fuel flow to tie engine if the fuel pickup should become plugged by ice or wax. CAUTION: To allow this bypass to function and avoid engine fuel starvation, it is recommended that, during cold weather operation (32 degrees or below), the fuel level in your tanks not be allowed to drop below 1/4 full, to prevent air from entering the fuel system and stalling the engine.</p><p>OPERATION IN SNOW Vehicle operation in heavy snowfall or in dry loose snow that may swirl around the front of the vehicle may feed excessive amounts of snow into the air intake system. This could plug the air cleaner with snow and cause the engine to stall. Temporary operation of the vehicle can be obtained by removing the connector tube from between the air cleaner and the intake duct. This will allow the engine to draw air from the engine compartment area. NOTE: This procedure will produce increased engine noise level. It will also decrease power level slightly, due to the use of heated under the hood air. As soon as possible, re-install the connector tube to the air cleaner and the intake duct.</p><p>OPERATION IN STANDING WATER</p><p>CAUTION: Ingestion of water into the diesel engine can result in immediate and severe damage to the engine. If driving through water, slow down to avoid splashing water into the air intake. If the engine stalls, and ingestion of water into the engine is suspected, notify the shop .</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 6 of 10</p><p>EMERGENCY STARTING</p><p>WARNI NG : To avoid harm to yourself or damage to your vehicle or battery, follow these directions in order. If in doubt, notify the shop. . Use only a 12-volt jumper system with a negative ground. You can damage a 12 -volt starting motor and glow plug system beyond repair by connecting it to a 24 -volt power supply (two 12-volt batteries in series or a 24-volt motor generator set). CAUTION: The glow plug relay is located on the rear of the engine. Do not attach jumper cables to this relay. The glow plugs and glow control module could be severely damaged. . Do not disconnect the battery of the vehicle to be jump-started. Disconnecting the battery could damage the vehicle's electrical system. . Make sure the vehicles do not touch one another. Set the parking brake fully on each. W A R N I N G : Stay clear of the engine cooling fan. . Turn on the climate control system fan of the vehicle to be jump started. Turn off all other switches and lights on both vehicles. Turning on the fan helps protect the electrical system from voltage surges when jumper cables are connected and disconnected. . Make jumper cable connections according to the following instructions. For optimum power, connect booster battery cables to battery on passenger side of vehicle to be jump-started. Do not jump-start drivers side battery. . The battery cable on the passenger side has been designed with larger size wire to conduct the high starting currents during jump-starting without damaging the cable. Do not jump-start the driver's side battery.</p><p>MAINTENANCE </p><p>TO CONNECT THE JUMPER CABLES . Connect one end of the first jumper cable to positive terminal of the dea d battery and then the other end of the positive terminal of the booster battery. . Connect one end of the second jumper cable to the negative terminal of the booster battery, and then the other end to an engine volthead or good metallic contact spot on the engine to be started. WARNING: Do not attach the other end to the negative battery terminal, because a spark could occur and cause an explosion of gasses normally present around the battery.</p><p>AFTER THE JUMPER CABLES ARE CONNECTED . Make sure the jumper cables are not in the way of moving engine parts. . Start the engine of the vehicle that has the booster battery. Run the engine at a moderate speed. . Let the dead battery charge for a few minutes and then start the engine of the vehicle that has the dead battery. . Turn all switches off except the climate control fan switch and reduce engine speed to idle on both vehicles to prevent possible damage to the vehicles electrical system.</p><p>TO REMOVE THE JUMPER CABLES . Remove the negative end of the jumper cable from the engine of the vehicle with the dead battery. . Remove the end of the jumper cable from the positive terminal of the booster battery. . Remove the end of the jumper cable from the positive terminal of the dead battery. Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 7 of 10</p><p>4X4 OPERATION </p><p>4X4 SYSTEM INDICATOR LIGHTS A 4x4 light and a LOW RANGE light are located at the lower right of the instrument cluster. . 2H position Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit. . 2H position Only the 4x4 light is lit. . N position Neither the 4x4 or the LOW RANGE lights are lit. . 4L position Both the 4x4 and the LOW RANGE lights are lit. </p><p>TO SHIFT FROM 2H TO 4H . Stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position, the automatic locking hubs will engage when the vehicle is driven: When the automatic locking hubs are engaged, shifts between 2H and 4H may take place at any speed. . The automatic locking hubs may disengage in 2H if the vehicle's direction is momentarily reversed, or the vehicle is allowed to roll slightly in the opposite direction. If a grinding noise occurs when shifting from 2H to 4H while the vehicle is moving, one or both of the automatic locking hubs have been disengaged and the transfer case shift lever should be switched back to the 2H position. To shift back into 4H, stop the vehicle and move the transfer case shift lever straight back to the 4H position. . When the vehicle is stopped while in 4H and the vehicle's direction is reversed from the previous direction, the automatic locking hubs momentarily disengaged and then re- engage. The ' automatic locking hubs may click as they automatically engage in the new direction.</p><p>TO SHIFT FROM 4H TO 2H . Move the transfer case shift lever straight forward to the 2H position. This can be done at any speed. To disengage the automatic locking hubs, operate the vehicle in 2H in the opposite direction for approximately 10 feet. . Operating in 2H with the hubs locked increases fuel consumption, noise, vibration, and wear. For prolonged 2H operation to dry pavement, disengage the automatic locking hubs.</p><p>TO SHIFT BETWEEN 4H AND 4L . Stop the vehicle and place the automatic transmission into N E U T R A L . Push the transfer case shift knob down (toward the ground) and at the same time, pull or push the lever straight forward or rearward (depending on the desired position, 4H or 4 L ) in order to shift the transfer case. This shift should be in one continuous motion without pausing in the N E U T R A L position. Pausing in the N E U T R A L position can result in gear clash a n d difficult shifting. If, while shifting between 4H and 4L, the transfer case gets stuck in the NEUTRAL position or is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the ignition.</p><p>TO SHIFT INTO AND OUT OF NEUTRAL . To shift into N E U T R A L , stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into the N E U T R A L position. From either the 4L or 4H position, push the transfer case shift knob downward (toward the ground) and at the same time, move the transfer case shift lever to the NEUTRAL position. The NEUTRAL position should only be used for vehicle towing. W A R N I N G : When the transfer case is in the NEUTRAL position, the engine and transmission are disconnected from the rest of the drive line. Therefore, the vehicle is free to roll even with the transmission in the PARK position. Always set the parking brake. . To shift from N E U T R A L to either 4H or 4 L , stop the vehicle and engage the parking brake. Place the automatic transmission into the N E U T R A L position. Push the transfer case knob down and at the same time move the transfer case shift lever to the desired position. If it is difficult to shift into either 4H or 4L, it may be necessary to let the</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 8 of 10 vehicle roll slightly and/or turn off the ignition.</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 9 of 10</p><p>NOTES 1. At fire scene to conserve battery. . Turn off unnecessary lights. . Turn off A/C. 2. Use of 4-wheel drive. . 4-wheel drive should be disengaged when moved from off road to hard pavement. This will extend the life of tires and chassis of the vehicle. NOTE: If on hard pavement, in 4-wheel drive, do not e x c e e d 2 0 m p h .</p><p>OPERATION OF MEDIUM PRESSURE PUMP NOTE: All medium pressure pump controls are labeled and are located on the back of the vehicle on pump control panel. STARTING PROCEDURES . Pull choke out. (A warm engine requires less choking than a cold engine). Open tank to pump valve. . Move throttle control to the mid-throttle position. . Press starter button. The best starter life is provided to using short starting cycles of several seconds. Prolonged cranking of more than 15 seconds can damage the starter motor. . When engine starts, release the choke. . To stop engine, move throttle lever to the idle position and push the stop button. NOTE: For prolonged running of engine without flowing water, the TANK FILL and BY-PASS valve should be pulled and the engine should be throttled down.</p><p>OPERATING FROM SOURCE OF WATER UNDER PRESSURE If foreign matter is suspected, flush outlet before attaching, pump to source of water. Attach one end of suction hose to outlet and the other end to the pump. . Open feed line valve. . Start engine. . Open discharge valve (if used). . Open throttle gradually until desired pressure is obtained. Watch pressure gauge as you open the engine throttle. If the engine speed continues to i ncreas e without a corresponding increase in pressure, you have passed the most efficient point. In this case, close the throttle slowly until the pressure begins to drop and the engine speed becomes reasonable. The only way to get more discharge pressure is to use smaller tips.</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM BOOK: Blue Book I SECTION: Chevy 3500 Brush Pumper (SGT) Page 10 of 10</p><p>WINTER OPERATIONS</p><p>DRAINING THE MEDIUM PRESSURE PUMP NOTE: This pump will not pump air, so the booster reel will have to be drained by hand. . Start Aux engine. . Open suction. . Open recirculation valve. . Open and drop low pressure hose in tank. . Disconnect hi-pressure nozzle and connect hose to hook up on manifold. . Run no more than 50 P.S.I.</p><p>NOTES 1. When at fire scene. . If moving, open tank fill and throttle down. . When filling do not use excessive pressure . When filling through 2 1/2" intake, turn off Aux engine. 2. When not in use. . Turn off all switches. . Be sure master and work lights switches are off.</p><p>Format Property of FireNotes, Inc® ( DO NOT DUPLICATE Last Revised: 1/17/2006 10:03:00 AM</p>

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