<p> 2 DAY SHOW SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR PRESENTS SEW IT GROW IT SHOW IT! 2014 HUNTER-JUMPER HORSE SHOW Friday & Saturday, September 12th & 13H 2014</p><p>Contact Information: Travis Mahoney (Office & Arenas) Judges: TBA</p><p>Course Designer: Michelle Mahoney Steward: TBA Awards: Award & Ribbon to first place & ribbons to 6th place in all classes. Stake classes with add-back will pay prize money through fifth: 50%, 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%. Prize money will be paid to the Owner listed on the entry blank and mailed within 30 days. In all classes with add-back, prize money is computed from the number of horses that actually show.</p><p>SHOW CHAMPIONS to be awarded as follows: 6-4-3-2-1 Embroidered &/or Engraved Awards to the following Show Champions:</p><p>Division 1 Junior/Adult Amateur 1’6”-2’ (Classes 39,40,41,51,52) Division 2 Junior/Adult Amateur 2’-2’3” (Classes 42,43,44,53,54) Division 3 Junior/Adult Amateur 2’3”-2’6” (Classes 48,49,50,57,58) Division 4 Adult Amateur 2’6” (Classes 14,15,35,36,59,60) Division 5 Junior 2’6” (Classes 16,17,37,38,59,60) Division 6 Adult Amateur 2’9” (Classes 18,19,31,32,61,62) Division 7 Junior 2’9” (Classes 20,21,33,34,61,62) Division 8 Children’s Pony 2’-2’3” (Classes 45,46,47,55,56) Division 9 Walk Trot 10&Under X rails (Classes 63,64,65,66,67) Division 10 Walk Trot 11&Over X rails (Classes 68,69,70,71,72) Division 11 Walk Only 10&Under (Classes 76,77,78) ENTRY FEE FOR ABOVE NUMBERED CLASSES : $20.00 per Class. ENTRY FEES FOR BELOW NUMBERED CLASSES: $30.00 per Class. Special $$$ (Money) Classes: 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 ($10.00 add-back)! POST ENTRY PENALTY (after 08/24/13): $ 5.00 per Class ***(PLEASE NOTE!!)***(PER CLASS)*** CALIFORNIA DRUG FEE: $ 5.00 per Horse MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: SANTA CRUZ COUNTY FAIR 2601 East Lake Avenue Watsonville, CA 95076 Contact: Travis Mahoney (408) 314-1698 Arena Will Be Open For Schooling till 15 min before Showtime</p><p>RULES AND GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Classes will be guided by USEF Rules & Regulations as outlined in their 2014 Rule Book. Judge's decision will be final. Please talk to show management, not the Judge, about any questions. All protests must be in writing and submitted with a $75.00 deposit within 24 hours. 2. TIME SCHEDULE: Management reserves the right to limit entries in any class at its discretion in order to facilitate the time schedule. Management also reserves the right to cancel or combine any class having less than three (3) entries. Time schedules & order of classes are subject to change after the close of entries. It is the exhibitor's responsibility to check the time schedule. 3. Stalls and Tack Rooms will be available. Bedding is not included . See Stall Form. 4. Courses will consist of any of the following combinations: Brush, Gate, Oxers, Panels, Post/Rails, Coops, & Walls. 5. Conflicts: It is the intention of Management to avoid holding rings to wait for horses &/or riders. Exhibitors with conflicts must arrange their jumping order with the starters so they will not delay a class. We will be enforcing a one (1) minute gate call. 6. Dogs and all other pets must be leashed and in the control of a competent person at all times. 7. Returned Check Fee: $25.00 Returned Check Charge. No personal checks accepted for payment of returned checks. 8. Attire: Proper attire is mandatory. Protective headgear is mandatory for ALL riders at all times, whether showing or schooling. Juniors are required to wear protective headgear with chinstraps in place while riding on the show grounds. 9. Full Payment must accompany entries along with a Signed Release of Liability. (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!) CLASS SPECIFICATIONS Jumpers: To be conducted under Table ll.2b. Except Stakes Classes, and Optimum Time Classes Hunters: To be judged on performance & soundness. Emphasizing manners; penalizing extreme speed. Equitation: To be judged on hands, seat, & horsemanship. Individual work will be at Judge's discretion. Walk Trot: Rider may not show in any other classes except for Classes #63 thru #72 Lead Line: Rider may not enter in any other classes except for Classes #76,77,78 SPECIAL CLASSES</p><p>Class #60 – SCCF Medal: 3rd Annual Santa Cruz County Fair Medal Class. Participants will show Fences over a course of at least 8 hunter or jumper type fences not exceeding 2’6”in height. Class is to be judged on hands, seat, guidance and control of the horse. Class #62 – SCCF Medal: Same as Class #60, but shown over fences 2’9” in height. Class #25 - $100 Versatility (In Western/Out English): After performing on the rail in Western attire, riders will line up for review. Upon an audible signal, riders will have exactly 8 minutes to ride past markers set up at the gate end of the arena, change into English attire & tack, and ride back through the markers. Each entry may have two handlers to assist with tack change. $100 prize money, plus $10 add-back per entry will be divided. (Entry Fee - $30). Class #26 - $100 Child/Adult Mini Gambler's Choice: To be shown over a course of 10 obstacles 2'6" to 2'9". Each obstacle will have a numerical point value. Each competitor will be allowed 50 seconds in which to accumulate as many points as possible after crossing (in either direction) the starting & finishing line. Each obstacle may be jumped twice only, either direction. After crossing the finish line, each competitor will have the option of attempting, within 15 seconds, the Joker Obstacle which will have a point value of 200. JOKER FENCE WILL BE SET AT 2’9”! Time will decide in the event of a tie. Ribbons through 6th place. $100 prize money, plus $10 add-back per horse will be divided. (Entry Fee - $30). Horse, but not rider may cross enter Class #27, $500 "Wild Card" Gambler’s Choice. Class #27 - $500 "Wild Card" Gambler's Choice: To be shown over a course of 10 obstacles 3'3” to 3'6". Each obstacle will have a point value. Each rider will be allowed 50 seconds in which to accumulate as many points as possible after crossing (in either direction) the starting & finishing line. Each obstacle may be jumped twice only, either direction. After crossing the finishing line, each competitor will have the option of attempting, within 15 seconds, the Joker Obstacle which will have a point value of 200. JOKER FENCE WILL BE SET AT 3’9”! Time will decide in the event of a tie. Ribbons through 6th place. $500 prize money, plus $10 add-back per horse will be divided. (Entry Fee - $30). Horse, but not rider, may cross enter Class #26, $100 Child/Adult Mini Gambler's Choice. Class #28 - $200 “3 Bar Competition: three Obstacles will be set in a straight line approx. 11 meters apart with each fence progressing in height by 3” or “One Hole” . Each rider will have 2 chances to complete all three obstacles fault free, With a fault being either a rail down or a refusal. After each round of riders is complete, the fence height will increase until a winner is determined. (Entry Fee - $30) Class #29 - $100 Teams of 2/Relay: Team will consist of 2 Riders/1 Horse. Riders may compete on multiple teams. Horses only go 1 time. First Rider goes through start line & time starts. Rider jumps a course of 6 fences & goes to designated area. Second rider mounts the horse & jumps the second half of the course & goes through the finish line where time stops. Rider must mount/dismount in designated area or be penalized with 30 seconds added to teams final time. Winner is the team with the fastest time & least faults (rails down). Refusals will be penalized by time taken & each rider may have 3 stops before elimination. $100 Prize Money, plus $10 add-back per horse will be divided. (Entry Fee - $30). ENTRY DEADLINE AUGUST 23, 2014</p><p>Schedule of Classes for the Hunter-Jumper Show Friday, September 12, 2014 Main Arena 8:00AM Sharp Jumpers (optimum time) 2’0” to 2’3” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec.2b) 2'0" to 2'3" Open Jumpers (optimum time) 2'3" to 2’6” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec.2b) 2’3” to 2’6” Open Jumpers (optimum time) 2’6” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec.2b) 2’6” Open Jumpers (optimum time) 2’9” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec.2b) 2’9” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec2b) 3’0” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec2b) 3’3” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec2b) 3’6” Open Jumpers (table 2 sec2b) 3’9” Open Hunter Over fences 2’6” Open Hunter Over Fences 2'6" A/A Division 4 Equitation Over 2'6" A/A Fences Division 4 Hunter Over Fences 2'6" 17&Under Division 5 Equitation Over 2’6” 17&Under Fences Division 5 2’9” A/A Hunter Over Fences 2’9” A/A Division 6 2’9” 17&Under Equitation Over 2’9” 17&Under Fences Division 6 2’9” Jr/A/A Hunter Over Fences 3’ Open Division 7 3’ Jr/A/A Equitation Over Fences Division 7 Almaden Farms Medal Hunter Over Fences Cloverleaf Medal Evening Performance Classes Friday, September 12, 2014 – Main Arena 6:00 PM • $100 Versatility – (In Western/ Out English Open • $100 Child/Adult Mini Gambler’s Choice (2’6” to 2’9”) Jr/A/A • $500 Wild Card Gambler’s Choice (3’3” to 3’6”)...... Open • $200 3-Bar High Jump Classic Open • $100 Teams 2/Relay (2’6”) Open Friday, September 12, 2014 - Arena II - 7:30AM Shar p 30 Hunter Under Saddle ...... Open 31 Hunter Under Saddle Division 6 (2’9”) ...... A/A 32 Equitation Under Saddle Division 6 (2’9”) ...... A/A 33 Hunter Under Saddle Division 7 (2’9”) 17&Under 34 Equitation Under Saddle Division 7 (2’9”) ...... 17&Under 35 Hunter Under Saddle Division 4 (2’6”)...... A/A 36 Equitation Under Saddle Division 4 (2’6”)...... A/A 37 Hunter Under Saddle Division 5 (2’6”) ...... 17&Under 38 Equitation Under Saddle Division 5 (2’6”) ...... 17&Under 39 Hunter Under Saddle Division 1 (1’6”to 2’) ...... Jr/A/A 40 Equitation Under Saddle Division 1 (1’6” to 2”) ...... Jr/A/A 41 Hunter Hack Division 1 (1’6” to 2’) ...... Jr/A/A 42 Hunter Under Saddle Division 2 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... Jr/A/A 43 Equitation Under Saddle Division 2 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... Jr/A/A 44 Hunter Hack Division 2 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... Jr/A/A 45 Children’s Pony Hunter Under saddle division 8 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... 17&Under 46 Children’s Pony Hunter Equitation under saddle division 8 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... 17&Under 47 Children’s Pony Hunter Hack Division 8 (2’ to 2’3”) ...... 17&Under 48 Hunter Under Saddle Division 3 (2’3” to 2’6”) ...... Jr/A/A 49 Equitation Under Saddle Division 3 (2’3” to 2’6”) ...... Jr/A/A 50 Hunter Hack Division 3 (2’3” to 2’6”) ...... Jr/A/A</p><p>Saturday, September 13, 2014 – Main Arena – 7:00AM Sharp 51 Hunters Over Fences Division1 (1’6” to 2’) ...... Jr/A/A 52 Equitation Over Fences Division 1 (1’6” to 2’) ...... Jr/A/A 53 Hunters Over Fences Division 2 (2’ to 2’3”) Jr/A/A 54 Equitation Over Fences Division 2 (2’-2’3”) ...... Jr/A/A 55 Children’s Pony Hunter Over Fences Division 8 (2’ to 2’3”) 17&Under 56 Children’s Pony Equitation Over Fences Division 8 (2’ to 2’3”) 17&Under 57 Hunter Over Fences Division 3 (2’3” to 2’6”) Jr/A/A 58 Equitation Over Fences Division 3 (2’3” to 2’6”)………………………………… Jr/A/A 59 Hunter Over Fences Division 4/5 (2’6”) Jr/A/A 60 SCCF Medal Division 4/5 (2’6”) Jr/A/A 61 Hunter Over Fences Division 6/7 (2’9”) Jr/A/A 62 SCCF Medal Division 6/7 (2’9”) Jr/A/A</p><p>Saturday, September 13, 2014 – Arena 2 7:30 AM Sharp</p><p>• Walk/Trot Hunter over Fences Division 9 (X-rails) 10&Under 64 Walk/Trot equitation over fences division 9 (X-rails) 10&Under 65 Walk/Trot Hunter Hack Division 9 (X-rails) 10&Under • Walk/Trot Hunter Under Saddle Division 9 (X-rails) 10&Under • Walk/Trot Equitation Under Saddle Division 9 (X-rails) 10&Under 68 Walk/Trot Hunter Over Fences Division 10 (X-rails) 11&Over 69 Walk/Trot Equitation Over Fences Division 10 (X-rails) 11&Over • Walk/Trot Hunter Hack Division 10 (X-rails) 11&Over 71 Walk/Trot Hunter Under Saddle Division 10 (X-rails) 11&Over 72 Walk/Trot Equitation Under Saddle Division 10 (X-rails) 11&Over 73 Lead Line Pleasure 10&Under 74 Lead Line Equitation 10&Under 75 Lead Line Hunter Hack 10&Under 76 Walk Only Pleasure Beginner Rider Division 11 10&Under 77 Walk Only Equitation Beginner Rider Division 11 10&Under 78 Walk Only Hunter Hack Beginner Rider Division 11 10&Under</p><p>ENTRY DEADLINEAUGUST 23, 2014 Division 1, (Fences 1"6 to 2'0”) Open to beginning riders. Riders may not cross-enter into classes with fences over 2'3” 39. Hunter under saddle 40. Equitation under saddle 41. Hunter Hack 51. Hunter Over Fences 52. Equitation Over Fences Division 2, (Fences 2'0" to 2'3") Open to beginning riders. Riders may not cross-enter into classes with fences over 2'3” 42. Hunter Under Saddle 43. Equitation Under Saddle 44. Hunter Hack 53. Hunter Over Fences 54. Equitation Over Fences</p><p>Division 3, (Fences 2’3" to 2'6”) Open to beginning riders. Riders may not cross-enter into classes with fences over 2'6” 48. Hunter Under Saddle 49 Equitation Over Fences 50. Hunter Hack 57. Hunter Over Fences 58. Equitation Over Fences Division 4, Adult Amateur (Fences 2’6”) Riders 18 & over 14. Hunter Over Fences 15. Equitation Over Fences 35. Hunter Under Saddle 36. Equitation Under Saddle 59. Hunter Over Fences 60. SCCF Medal Division 5 Junior Rider (Fences 2’6”) Riders 17 & under 16. Hunter Over Fences 17. Equitation Over Fences 37. Hunter Under Saddle 48. Equitation Under Saddle 59. Hunter Over Fences 60. SCCF Medal Division 6 Adult Amateur (Fences 2’9”) Riders 18 & over 18. Hunter Over Fences 19. Equitation Over Fences 31. Hunter Under Saddle 32. Equitation Under Saddle 61. Hunter Over Fences 62. SCCF Medal Division 7 Junior rider (Fences 2’9”) Riders 17 & Under. 20. Hunter Over Fences 21. Equitation Over Fences 33. Hunter Under Saddle 34. Equitation Under Saddle 61. Hunter Over Fences 62. SCCF Medal</p><p>Division 8 Children’s Pony (Fences 2’ to 2’3”) Riders 17 & under and ponies 14.2h & under 45. Hunter Under Saddle 46. Equitation Under Saddle 47. Hunter Hack 55. Hunter Over Fences 56. Equitation Over Fences Division 9 Walk Trot 10 & Under (X Rails) 63. Hunter Over Fences 64. Equitation Over Fences 65. Hunter Hack 66. Hunter Under Saddle 67. Equitation Under Saddle</p><p>Division 10 Walk Trot 11 & Over (X Rails) 68. Hunter Over Fences 69. Equitation Over Fences 70. Hunter Hack 71. Hunter Under Saddle 72. Equitation Under Saddle Division 11 Walk Only 76. Hunter Under Saddle 77. Equitation Under Saddle 78. Hunter Hack STAKES CLASSES 25. $100 Versatility (Open) 26. $100 Mini Gambler’s Choice, Jr/A/A, (Fences 2’6” to 2’9”) 27. $500 Wild Card Gam/Choice, Open, (Fences 3’3” to 3’6”) 28. $200 3 Bar High Jump Classic, (Open) 29. $100 Teams 2/Relay, (Open) (Fences 2’6”). …………… (all classes are $30.00 each)</p><p>JUMPER CLASSES 1. Jumpers O/T 2’to 2’3’ 2. Jumpers 2’ to 2’3” 3. Jumpers O/T 2’3” to 2’6” 4. Jumpers 2’3 to 2’6” 5. Jumpers O/T 2’6” 6. Jumpers 2’6” 7. Jumpers O/T 2’9” 8. Jumpers 2’9” 9. Jumpers 3’0” 10. Jumpers 3’3” 11. Jumpers 3’6” 12. Jumpers 3’9” ******JUMPER CLASSES to be conducted under Table II, 2b Unless Specified Otherwise********** </p><p>Friday & Saturday, September 122h & 13th, 2014 ONE HORSE/ONE RIDER PER ENTRY BLANK</p><p>Name of Horse:______Age of Exhibitor:_____as of 1/1/2014 Exhibitor Name:______Address:______Phone #:______City/State/Zip:______Owner’s/Agent’s Signature: X______</p><p>Circle all Class Numbers Entered for One Horse/One Rider Combination 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 10 20 30 40 50 60 70</p><p>ENTRIES: ______POST ENTRY FEE: _____$ 5.00 PER CLASS (ADD ONLY IF POST DATED) CA. DRUG FEE: _____$ 5.00 PER HORSE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:______CHECK # ______CASH ______</p><p>Entry Instructions: Complete & Sign Entry Blank Send Total Entry Fees & Drug Fees. </p><p>***Signed Release Form Must Accompany Entry****</p><p>Make Checks Payable To: Mail Entries To: Santa Cruz County Fair Santa Cruz County Fair 2601 East Lake Avenue</p><p>Watsonville, CA 95076</p><p>ENTRY DEADLINE AUGUST 23, 2014 RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AGREEMENT I, ______("Participant"), acknowledge that I have voluntarily applied to participate in the following activities at Santa Cruz County Fair ("the Fair"):</p><p>Santa Cruz County Fair Hunter Jumper Show</p><p>I AM AWARE THAT THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED ACTIVITIES ARE HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES, AND I AM VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN THESE ACTIVITIES WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED, AND AGREE TO ASSUME ANY AND ALL RISKS OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. I VERIFY THIS STATEMENT BY PLACING MY INITIALS HERE: ______. PARENT OR GUARDIAN'S INITIALS (if under 18) ______. As consideration for being permitted by the Fair, the County of Santa Cruz ("the County") and the State of California to participate in these activities and use their facilities, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of the Fair, the County or the State of California or any of their affiliated organizations for injury or damage resulting from the negligence or other acts, however caused, by any director, employee, agent, or contractor of the Fair, the County or the State of California or any of their affiliated organizations as a result of my participation in the activities described above. I forever release the Fair, the County and the State of California and any of their affiliated organizations from any and all action, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives now have or may hereafter have for injury or damage resulting from my participation in the activities described above. I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS CONTENTS. I AM AWARE THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND A CONTRACT BETWEEN MYSELF AND THE FAIR, THE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND/OR THEIR AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS AND SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL. Executed at ______, California on ______, 2014. PARTICIPANT/RELEASOR: PARENT OR GUARDIAN ______Address: Address: ______IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, YOU AND YOUR PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST SIGN AND INITIAL THIS FORM WHERE INDICATED. Release and Waiver of Liability Variance to State Rules X-7 and State Rule VII-33 Helmet Use Requirement I, ______, am aware of the new state rules X-7 and VII-33, which state the follows: Junior horse exhibitors in junior horse events or show must wear helmets in mounted or horse-drawn vehicle competition. By signing this Release and Waiver of Liability I am seeking a variance to the helmet use requirement. I am participating in these activities, without a helmet, with the knowledge of the danger involved and agree to assume any and all risks of bodily injury, death or property damage. I release the Fair, The County and the State of California and any of their affiliated organizations from any and all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representative may have for injury or damage resulting from my participation in the activities of the Santa Cruz County Fair Horse Show without wearing a helmet. Participant/Relea Date: sor: ______</p><p>Parent or Date: Guardian: ______</p>
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