<p> RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES, KARNATAKA, BENGALURU.</p><p>REGISTRATION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION BY</p><p>DR. SANJAYA M.N.</p><p>FOR THE DEGREE OF AYURVEDA VACHASPATHI M.D. AYURVEDA IN DRAVYAGUNA</p><p>TITLE OF THE TOPIC: QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES OF KALAMEGHA (Andrographis paniculata (Burman.f.) wall.ex.Nees)</p><p>2013</p><p>GOVERNMENT AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, DHANWANTARI ROAD, BENGALURU- 09. KARNATAKA. From: Dr. Sanjaya M.N. I year P.G. Scholar, Dept. of Post Graduate studies in Dravya guna, Government Ayurvedic Medical College Bengaluru-560009.</p><p>To The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka. </p><p>Through, The Principal and H.O.D. of Post Graduate studies in Dravya guna, Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Bengaluru- 560009.</p><p>Respected Sir, Sub: Submission of Completed proforma for Registration of subject for Dissertation. I request you to kindly register the below mentioned subject against my name for the submission of dissertation to the Rajiv Gandhi University of health sciences, Bengaluru for the partial fulfillment of M.D.(Ayu) in Dravya Guna, </p><p>TITLE OF DISSERTATION</p><p>“QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES OF KALAMEGHA (Andrographis paniculata (Burman.f.) wall.ex.Nees) Here with I am enclosing, completed proforma for registration of Subject of dissertation. Thanking you, </p><p>Place : Bangalore Your’s sincerely Date : (Dr. Sanjaya MN) RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCICENCES, BANGALORE. KARNATAKA. ANNEXURE- II COMPLETED PROFORMA FOR REGISTRATION OF SUBJECT FOR DISSERTATION</p><p>1. NAME OF THE CANDIDATE : DR. SANJAYA M.N. AND ADDRESS S/O.NANJUNDE GOWDA, POST: MAVINAKERE, TALUK : TURUVEKERE, DIST : TUMKUR, PIN : 572221.</p><p>2. NAME OF THE INSTITUTION : GOVERNMENT AYURVEDIC MEDICAL COLLEGE, DHANVANTARI ROAD, BENGALURU – 09 KARNATAKA.</p><p>3. COURSE OF STUDY AND : M.D. (AYURVEDA) SUBJECT DRAVYA GUNA </p><p>4. DATE OF ADMISSION TO : 08.10.2012 THE COURSE</p><p>5. TITLE OF THE TOPIC : QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT MARKET SAMPLES OF KALAMEGHA (Andrographis paniculata Burman.f.wall.ex.Nees)</p><p>6. BRIEF RESUME OF THE INTENDED WORK </p><p>6.1 NEED FOR THE STUDY. Indigenous herbs have been used for variety of ailments in ethno medical practice. Adulteration was not there at any stage in the past, starting from the procurement of crude drug till its administration. Now a days because of urbanization etc., the physicians are mainly dependent on the medicines available in the market. Kalamegha (Andrographis paniculata) is used in traditional Siddha and Ayurvedic systems of medicine as well as in tribal medicine in India. Kalamegha is called as green chiretta (King of Bitters) in Southern India. It is a potent detoxifier due to its action on liver. Kalamegha is one of the best Home Remedy for fever, malaria, jaundice and many skin ailments. Andrographis paniculata contains Andrographolide which has anti cancer, hepatoprotective, anticoagulant, cytoprotective, gastroprotective etc activities. In domestic market kalamegha has good demand. Day by day the demand is increasing due to its multifaceted action. Several other species of Andrographis are used as substitutes and adulterants of Andrographis paniculata, the most important among them being Andrographis alata and Andrographis lineate. The authentification of Kalamegha available in the market is necessary. Hence there is a need to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the authentic and market samples of kalamegha to standardize them using the various methods.</p><p>6.2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Kalamegha belongs to family Acanthecae.2&4 It has tikta rasa, laghu ruksha guna, usna veerya, katu vipaka and kapha pitta shamaka, Yakrituttejaka, Jwaraghna, Kustagna, Raktshodhaka properties.1&3 MAIN VARIETIES OF ANDROGRAPHIS5 1. Andrographis paniculata (Brum.f.) Wallich ex Nees (kalamegha) 2. Andrographis alata (Vahl) Nees 3. Andrographis lineate wallich ex Nees 4. Andrographis echioides Nees 5. Andrographis Serpyrllifolia (Vahl) Wight. 6. Andrographis wighitana Arn. Ex Nees The main adulterants of Andrographis paniculata are Andrographis alata, Andrographis lineate and all other Andrographis species. 6.2 PREVIOUS WORKS DONE: 1) Mamatha A, Quantitative HPTLC analysis of Aandrographolide in Andrographis paniculata obtained from different geographical sources (India) , Int.J.pharm, pharm sci , Vol 3(2), 2011 2) Manoj kumar pandey, Singh G.N. Rajeev Kr Sharma and Snehalata Physico chemical standardisation of Andrographis paniculata (Nees):An Ayurvedic drug, Int.J.Pharm, ResDev ,vol 3(6), pp 81-89, 2011 3) Sanjay patidar ,Gontia A.S. Upadhyay and Preeti Sagar Nayak, Bio chemical constituents in kalmegh (Andrographis paniculata) under various Row spacing’s Nitrogen Levels, World Appl Sci.J.15(8) ,pp1095-1099,2011</p><p>6.3 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY Collection and authentification of different market samples of Kalamegha. </p><p> To carry out pharmacognostical evaluation of authentic Kalamegha and all the samples.</p><p> Comparative Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of all the samples of kalamegha. 7. MATERIALS AND METHODS</p><p>7.1 SOURCE OF DATA Genuine Kalamegha will be collected from Natural habiatat.</p><p> Different market samples of Kalamegha will be collected. 7.2 METHODS OF COLLECTION OF DATA METHODOLOGY Pharmacognostic analysis of authentic and market samples will be done with Alcoholic and Aqueous extracts.</p><p> Phyto-chemical screening.</p><p> Quantitative analysis. a) Total bitterens</p><p> b) Estimation of Andrographolide by HPTLC/HPLC</p><p> To compare analytical values of all the samples with respect to standard drug.</p><p>PLACE OF WORK: Al-Ameen college of Pharmacy, Bengaluru.</p><p>7.3 Does the study require any investigations to be conducted on patients or animals? “No” 7.4 Has ethical clearance obtained from your institution. “Not applicable”</p><p>8. LIST OF REFERENCES 1) Sharma P. V. Dravya guna vijanan. Varanasi : Chaukambha Bharathi Academy, Part-2 Reprint 2006, PP 544-546, Tpg-873 2) Atal C. K and Kapur. Cultivatation & Utilization of medicinal plants .Jammu. Regional Research laboratory CSIR 1st ed, 1982 pp 542, Tpg-877. 3) Gogte V.M. Ayurvedic pharmacology and therapeutic uses of medicinal plants .Mumbai :Bharathiya vidya bhavan, Ed: 1st English Ed, part-3 2000, pp. 580, Tpg-841. 4) The Wealth of India Raw materials-A Dictionary of Raw materials and Industrial products, New Delhi CSIR vol1 2005, p.p.264-266, Tpg-512. 5) Alagesaboopathi C. Andrographis SPP: A Source of Bitter Compound for Medicinal Use, Ancient science of life Vol XIX (3&4) ,2000 SIGNATURE OF THE 9 CANDIDATE</p><p>10 REMARKS OF THE GUIDE</p><p>Dr. S.K.HUGAR M.D(AYU),DNYS PROFESSOR& NAME AND DESIGNATION OF HOD, 11.1 THE GUIDE DEPARTMENT OF SWASTHA VRITTHA , G.A.M.C, BENGALURU - 560 009.</p><p>11.1 SIGNATURE</p><p>1.Dr. SALMA KHANAM M. PHARMA, Phd PROFESSOR & HOD, DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOGNOSY, AL-AMEEN COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, 11.2 CO GUIDE BENGALURU-560 027.</p><p>2.Dr.SHIVALINGA.K. BENDIKAI MD(AYU) LECTURER, DEPARTMENT OF DRAVYA GUNA G.A.M.C, BENGALURU-560009 1.</p><p>11.3 SIGNATURE</p><p>2.</p><p>Dr. ASHALATHA. M BSAM,MD(AYU) 11.4 HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT PRINCIPAL AND H.O.D OF PG STUDIES IN DRAVYAGUNA, G.A.M.C, BENGALURU -560009.</p><p>11.5 SIGNATURE</p><p>REMARKS OF THE CHAIRMAN 12.1 AND PRINCIPAL</p><p>12.2 SIGNATURE</p>
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