<p> CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH COLLEGE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT</p><p>HCA 353 – Marketing for Health Services Organizations Spring 2012 Syllabus</p><p>Instructor: Karen Wright, MPA Course #: 2056 On Campus: [email protected] Class Meets: Tu, 7:00-9:45 pm, HSD-111 562.985.5694 January 24-May 15, 2012 Office Hours: By appointment only Additional Contact Information: Office Location: HHS2-118 HCA Dept. Administrative Coordinator: Cell: 626.353.7811 Deby McGill, [email protected] Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886 HCA Dept. Office: HHS2-118 Course Description: Prerequisite: ECON 101 or 300. Pre- or co-requisite: HCA 402. Development of marketing strategies and analyses in a health care setting. Design of services to include pricing, communication, distribution channels, and client motivation and services. Letter grade only (A-F).</p><p>Course Outcomes, Competencies, and Assessments. The Health Care Administration Department has adopted a competency-based curriculum, based on the American College of Health Care Executives (ACHE) Competencies Assessment Tool and the Healthcare Leadership Alliance (HLA) Competency Directory. This course is designed to develop competencies in the business skills and knowledge (BSK-/SPM) domain – specifically, strategic planning and marketing (5D). The chart below describes course outcomes and how they will be met and measured. </p><p>Learning Objective Domain Competency Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) Demonstrate an understanding of the 5D Strategic planning A1- In-class exercises; fundamental principles of strategic BSK- processes A2 - Strategic planning and marketing applied to SPM development and marketing plan & service industries generally and implementation presentation; A3- healthcare organizations in particular. exams Investigate customer characteristics, 5D Marketing plan A2-Strategic marketing distribution channels, and competitors BSK- development plan in a healthcare market service area SPM Create a marketing communication 5D Marketing principles A2-marketing piece promoting a healthcare product BSK- and tools communication product or service SPM Identify and appreciate the role of key 5D Marketing principles A2-Strategic marketing stakeholders for healthcare marketing BSK- and tools plan, A3-exams activities SPM</p><p>Texts1 </p><p>1 Course text is on reserve in the library under instructor and course name; APA manual is in general reference. 1 Required: Berkowitz, E.N. (2010). Essentials of health care marketing, 3rd Ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. </p><p>Recommended: American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Ed. Washington, DC: Author: </p><p>Thielst, C.B. (2010). Social media in health care: Connect, communicate, collaborate. Chicago: Health Administration Press. Companion site: http://www.ache.org/pubs/hap_companion/book.cfm?pc=WWW1-2152 </p><p>Zuckerman, A.M. (2012). Healthcare strategic planning: Approaches for the 21st century (3rd Ed.). Chicago: Health Administration Press. </p><p>Lecture notes and supplemental course readings will be posted on BeachBoard. </p><p>Other Requirements: E-mail address and Internet access to use the online Desire2Learn (new BeachBoard) course software. For questions or problem, contact the CSULB Technology Help Desk by phone at 562-985-4959, via e-mail at [email protected] or go in-person to Horne Center.</p><p>Student Assignments and Grading</p><p>1. Class Attendance, Preparation and Participation: You are expected to have read the assigned readings for the week, be prepared to comment on them, and to actively participate in class discussions. Lectures will cover highlights of the reading and include supplementary information. If you have trouble understanding what you read or hear, please ask for clarification in class or make an appointment with me to discuss the problem area(s). Attendance policy conforms to: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2001/01/. Disabled students requiring special accommodations, please advise instructor early in the course.</p><p>Attendance is important in this class because 25% of your course grade is for a group project and time is allowed in most class sessions for working with your group. You will receive 2 points for each class attended. Attendance may be taken at the beginning or end of class. Excused absences require third party documentation. For scheduled guest speakers, turn in a written question as proof of attendance, and ask the question in class. </p><p>2. Marketing Plan Group Project & Presentation: Groups of 4-5 students will prepare and present a marketing plan for a new or enhanced healthcare product or service. A generic outline is posted on BeachBoard. The library session is an opportunity to begin the research necessary for Part 1. Document with appropriate bibliographic and electronic citation protocols in APA style; see style manual and (for website citations) http://www.apa.org/journals/webref.html; http://www.csulb.edu/library/eref/vref/style.html. </p><p>3. You will submit your marketing plan in two parts: (1) Sections I-IV; (2) Sections V-IX. You will receive a preliminary grade of up to 40 points for Part 1. The entire marketing plan is worth 100 points. You will first submit each part as a draft. I will assign a preliminary grade, and offer 2 suggestions for improvement. Submitting a draft offers you an opportunity to revise and resubmit your work and earn a better grade, but there is no guarantee. Please submit electronically through the BeachBoard Drop Box. </p><p>4. Group presentations (up to 30 minutes, including time for questions) will be scheduled for the last 2 class sessions. You will have time in class most weeks for group work sessions and consultations with the instructor. All participants in the group will receive the same grade for the written plan and group presentation. Each student will also receive an individual grade for teamwork based on confidential peer review evaluations by other members of the group. One member of your group should submit your slides to Beachboard Drop Box by the due date.</p><p>5. Marketing Communications (MarCom) Piece - Individual Assignment: Prepare a short promotional piece for your marketing plan's product or service. It can be an announcement, an advertisement, a television or radio script or public service announcement, a flyer, a brochure, a letter, an invitation to an open house or other event, a press release, a web page, video, blog posting or any other type of promotional communication. Each member of the group must prepare a different type of marketing communication piece. You may submit a draft but it’s not required.</p><p>6. Exams and quizzes: There will be a mid-term and a final exam (multiple choice and true-false format; open book). The exam questions will come from the readings, class lectures and guest lecture/student presentations. The mid-term will cover weeks 1-6. The final will be cumulative, with more emphasis on material from sessions since the midterm. Disabled students who qualify for alternative testing arrangements, please advise the instructor well in advance of the exams. Written documentation of unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances required to take a makeup exam, to be scheduled during professor’s office hours within 6 days following midterm or 3 days after final. </p><p>7. Networking: You may earn networking points by preparing some information about yourself, joining and participating in a healthcare professional organization, and attending networking meetings. 5 points for a complete BeachBoard profile (with your photo); 5 points for joining an organization; 5 points for off-campus meetings; 3 points for on-campus events. Bring proof of membership and attendance. See HCA Dept. website for professional organizations.</p><p>8. Assignment submissions. Turn in written student assignments through the BeachBoard drop box, using Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) for papers. Include your last name, first initial, the assignment and the date of submission in the file name, e.g. “JonesM_studentinfosheet_1-24- 11.” </p><p>9. Peer review evaluation: Rate the contribution of each member of your team to the group effort. All responses confidential. Your grade will be the average (mean) of the other member’s scores for you.</p><p>10. Course Assignments, Due Dates and Grade Weights</p><p>3 Item Description Due Date Points % of Grade Strategic Group project – written plan with I-IV: Week 6 100 25 Marketing Plan documented research V-IX: Wk. 13 Midterm 50 multiple choice/true-false questions Week 7 50 12.5 MarCom Piece Message about the product or service of Week 11 60 15 your group’s marketing plan MP Presentation Group oral presentations Weeks 14, 152 32 8 MP Peer Review Peer evaluations of team contributions Week 15 30 7.5 Final exam 80 multiple choice/true-false questions Week 16 80 20 Attendance & Informed contributions to class Ongoing 30 7.5 Participation discussions & MP group work Networking Participation in professional or campus Week 15 18 4.5 organizations Total 400 100 Grade weights and thresholds. A = 360+ points; B = 320-359; C = 280-319; D = 240-279; F = <239 . 11. Performance Expectations and Deadlines: Assignments are due on the date specified. Late assignments lose 10% of points for each day past the deadline. If you submit a draft assignment and are satisfied with your grade, you do not need to resubmit. NO ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED AFTER THE LAST DAY OF CLASS. </p><p>12. Cheating And Plagiarism. Please be aware of and ensure that your behavior conforms to University Policy. See: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2008/02/. .</p><p>13. Withdrawal policy. Per University policy; see: http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2002/02/. Withdrawal after 2nd week and before final 3 weeks “permissible for serious and compelling reasons;” instructor will evaluate student withdrawal requests on a case by case basis.</p><p>2 Submit slides to BeachBoard 24 hours before Week 15 class - all groups. 4 COURSE SCHEDULE AND ASSIGNMENTS B = BERKOWITZ TEXT; T = THIELST TEXT May vary depending on class size & guest speaker availability Week # - Date Topic Assignments 1 Jan. 24 Introduction & course overview Roll check, introductions Submit Student Information Sheets Form Groups for Marketing Plan 2 Jan. 31 Marketing overview and strategy; B Chapters 1, 2 strategic & marketing planning process In-Class Exercise: Mission & Vision Statement 3 Feb. 7 Library Resources Meet in MAIN LIBRARY, Spidell Electronic Guest lecturers: Eileen Wakiji & Classroom (1st Floor) Susan Jackson Submit MP topic, group work plan and group code of conduct 4 Feb. 14 Marketing Environment & B Chapters 3, 4; Z Chapter 3 Buyer Behavior 5 Feb. 21 Market Research B Chapter 5</p><p>6 Feb. 28 Market Segmentation B Chapter 6 & 7 Developing Customer Loyalty Marketing Plan Part Sections I-IV due Midterm review 7 March 6 MIDTERM Open book, open notes – no electronic Material from weeks 1-6 devices 8 March 13 Advertising B Chapter 12, T Chapters 1-5 9 March 20 Product Strategy B Chapter 8 In-class Exercise: Objectives, Strategies and Tactics March 27 SPRING BREAK ENJOY! 10 April 3 Pricing B Chapter 9 11 April 10 Distribution Channels B Chapter 10, T Chapters 6-13 Complete MP draft, MarCom Piece due 12 April 17 Promotion & Sales B Chapters 11, 13</p><p>13 April 24 Controlling & Monitoring B Chapter 14 Complete final Marketing Plan due 14 May 1 MP Presentations Post slides 24 hours before class – all groups 15 May 8 MP Presentations Marketing Plan Peer Review due Final exam review Networking documentation due LAST DAY TO SUBMIT ASSIGNMENTS Tuesday, FINAL EXAM (2 hours) Open book, open notes – no electronic May 15 Cumulative, emphasis wks. 8-15 devices 7:15p-9:15 pm FREEDOM Bibliography (Updated 2012) 5 Books</p><p>Cafferky, M.E. Managing word of mouth for leadership success: Connecting healthcare strategy and reputation. (2004). Chicago: Health Administration Press. </p><p>Fortenberry, J L., Jr. (2010). Health care marketing: Tools and techniques Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.</p><p>Goodgold, L. (2009). Red fire branding: How to create a hot personal brand so that customers and clients choose you! El Monte, CA: New Win Publishing, Inc. </p><p>Harrison, J.P. (2010). Essentials of strategic planning in healthcare. Chicago: Health Administration Press </p><p>Hicks, N.J. & Nicols, C.M. (2012). Health industry communication: New media, new methods, new message. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.</p><p>Johnson, R.L. & Brown, R.E. (2006). Crisis communication: Case studies in healthcare image resolution. Marblehead, MA: Health Leaders Media. </p><p>Korzenny, F. & Korzenny, B.A. (2005). Hispanic marketing: A cultural perspective. Oxford, UK: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.</p><p>Marlowe, D. (2007). A marketer’s guide to measuring ROI: Tools to track the returns from healthcare marketing efforts. Marblehead, MA: Health Leaders Media. </p><p>Ries, A. & Trout, J. (1993). Positioning : The battle for your mind. Boston: Warner Books. Classic</p><p>Zuckerman, A.M. (2002). Improve your competitive strategy: A guide for the healthcare executive. Chicago: Health Administration Press, 2002. Classic</p><p>Journals Business: Advertising Age, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes Academic/Healthcare: Journal of Advertising Research, Marketing Health Services, Health Marketing Quarterly, Modern Healthcare3, Hospitals and Health Networks</p><p>Web Sites Healthcare Marketing Matters: http://healthcaremarketingmatters.blogspot.com/ Healthcare Success Strategies: www.healthcaresuccess.com Red Fire Branding: www.redfirebranding.com Society for Healthcare Strategy & Market Development: http://www.shsmd.org/ </p><p>3 Free student subscription available at: http://www.aupha.org/i4a/forms/form.cfm?id=51&pageid=3829&showTitle=1 6 HCA 353 – SPRING 2012 CONFIDENTIAL INDIVIDUAL PEER EVALUATION OF LEARNING TEAM (To be filled out by each team member)</p><p>Group name/topic:______</p><p>Your name:______</p><p>Please list your team members and describe/rate their work in rank order of their contribution, from highest to lowest. Do not include yourself. All responses and comments are confidential. Award each member up to 30 points. </p><p>Rank Name Comment # Points 1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p><p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6</p><p>7</p><p>8</p><p>What did you learn from participating in this group project?</p><p>How useful was this project in expanding your knowledge of health care management?</p><p>How do you feel your group worked together as a team?</p><p>What will you do differently on your next team project?</p><p>7 STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET (Turn in to Instructor) HCA 353 – SPRING 2012</p><p>Name______</p><p>Name you prefer to use______</p><p>Phone(s):______</p><p>Best time/place to reach you:______</p><p>E-mail address:______</p><p>Please describe briefly: a. Your educational background and work experience:</p><p> b. Future educational and work plans:</p><p> c. Your reasons for taking this course and what you hope to learn from it</p><p> d. Languages you speak, read and write </p><p>8</p>
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