<p> CURRICULUM VITAE ______</p><p>Paulyn Cartwright Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 1200 Sunnyside Avenue, University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 TEL.: 785-864-4432; FAX: 785-864-5860: e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>CURRENT POSITION: Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas</p><p>FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION: Invertebrate zoology RESEARCH INTERESTS: Medusozoan evolution, development, genomics and phylogenetics.</p><p>EDUCATION 1997 - 2000 NSF Sloan Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Evolution. Advisors: Dr. Elizabeth Kellogg (Harvard University) and Dr. Michael Christianson (University of Kansas) 1991 - 1997 Ph.D. Department of Biology, Yale University. Thesis title: Characterization of a Hox gene, Cnox-2, and the evolution of coloniality in Hydrozoa (Phylum Cnidaria). Advisor, Dr. Leo W. Buss 1985 - 1990 B.S. in Biology, University of California, Los Angeles </p><p>PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 2011 - present Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas. 2011-present Visiting Scientist, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (summers) 2011 - present Adjunct Research Associate, Yale Peabody Museum 2005 - 2011 Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas 2005 - present Adjunct Research Associate, KU Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center. 2004 - 2005 Research Affiliate, Yale University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 2003 - 2004 Courtesy Research Associate, University of Kansas, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 1999 - 2004 Instructor, University of Kansas, Division of Biological Sciences 1990 - 1991 Lab Manager, Molecular Systematics Lab, American Museum of Natural History </p><p>ACADEMIC HONORS AND AWARDS 2011 Bodil Schmidt-Nielson Fellow, Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. 2009 Louise Byrd Graduate Educator Award, University of Kansas 2009 Biology Class of 2009 “Favorite Professor” 1994 - 1996 G. Evelyn Hutchinson Award, Yale University 1991 -1994 Rudin Doctoral Fellowship, American Museum of Natural History</p><p>MAJOR GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS AWARDED 2013-2016 NSF IOS-1321759: “ICOB: Molecular and morphological characterization of polar capsules in the parasitic Myxozoa.” $249,943. PI, in collaboration with D. Huchon (Tel Aviv University) CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______2010-2015 NSF DEB-0953571: “CAREER: Integrating phylogenetics and development to investigate character evolution in hydrozoans.” $750,000. Sole PI 2005-2012 NSF AToL, DEB 05-31799 “Assembling the tree of life-An integrative approach to investigating cnidarian phylogeny” $2,854,116 ($1,610,000 to KU), PI with co-PIs Daphne Fautin and Allen Collins. REU supplement (2007, $12,000 with co-PI Daphne Fautin) and (2010, $6,000) 1997-2000 NSF-Sloan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Evolution, $80,000</p><p>MINOR OUTSIDE GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS AWARDED 2014 Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Maine INBRE Visiting Scientist Fellowship 2013 Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove and Maine INBRE Visiting Scientist Fellowship $9,000 2012 Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Salisbury Cove and Maine INBRE Visiting Scientist Fellowship $9,000 2011 Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Bodil Schmidt-Nielson Visiting Scientist Fellowship, $8,700 2009-2012 NSF DEB-0910211: “DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Aplanulata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa): A Model Clade for Investigating the Evolutionary and Developmental Basis of Hydrozoan Body Plan Diversity” $14,991, with co-PI Annalise Nawrocki 2009-2012 NSF DEB-0910237 “DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Biogeography of Open Ocean Hydrozoans (Cnidaria: Medusozoa)” $14,990, with co-PI Bastian Bentlage 2003 NSF DEB 0306765. Evolution of Developmental Mechanisms: Funding for symposium on cnidarian axial patterning, $5,000 1992 Lerner-Gray Fund for Marine Research, $800</p><p>INTERNAL FUNDING 2013 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to Eilat, Israel ($1,200) 2011 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to Tutzing, Germany ($1,200) 2010 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to London, England ($1,200) 2010 Faculty International Travel Award ($800) 2009 Instructional Technology Funds ($2,200) 2009-2010 EEB Graduate Research Funds “Expression of gustatory genes in the sea anemone, Nematostella vectensis ($14,062), co-PI Jennifer Gleason. 2008 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to La Paz, Mexico ($900) 2007 New Faculty Graduate Research Fund “Phylogenetic position and phylogeographic patterns in the parasite, Polypodium hydriforme” ($7,516) 2007 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to Plymouth, England ($2000) 2007 Instructional Technology Funds ($5,000) 2006 Instructional Technology Funds ($11,720) 2006 CLAS Faculty Travel Award for travel to Beijing, China ($2000) 2005-2006 EEB Graduate Research Funds, “A genetic approach to the isolation and characterization of developmental regulatory genes in the sea anemone Nematostella (Cnidaria: Anthozoa)” ($11,873) 2005 International Travel Fund, Office of International Programs, for travel to Tutzing Germany ($800)</p><p>COURSES TAUGHT Evolutionary Biology (Biol. 412), 3 credits, (50%), University of Kansas, Fall 2006-2008, Spring 2011- 2014</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 2 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______Systematics and Macroevolution (Biol. 648), 3 credit (25%), University of Kansas, Fall 2011, 2013 Developmental Biology Laboratory Course (Biol. 427), 2 credits (100%), University of Kansas, Fall 2008, 2010, 2012-2014 Topics in Phylogenomics (Biol. 701), 1 credit (100%), University of Kansas, Spring 2012 Principles of Biology (Biol. 100), 3 credits, University of Kansas, Fall 1999-2001 (50%), Spring 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006 (100%), Fall 2007 (30%), Spring 2010 (50%) Metazoan Phylogeny (Biol. 801), 1 credit (100%), University of Kansas, Spring 2008 Evolutionary Developmental Biology Graduate Seminar (Biol. 701), 3 credits (50%), University of Kansas, Spring 2007 Cnidarian Seminar (Biol. 420/701), 3 credits (50%), University of Kansas, Fall 2006 Developmental Biology Laboratory Course (Biol. 418), 2 credits (100%), University of Kansas, Fall 2003 Biology of Development (Biol. 417), 3 credits (100%), University of Kansas, Fall 2002 Principles of Embryology (Biol. 590), 3 credits (50%), University of Kansas, Spring 2000, 2001 Introductory Biology Laboratory, 3 credits (100%), Yale University, Summer 1993, 1994</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Society of Systematic Biologists, 1995-present American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1998-present Society for Developmental Biology, 1999-present Sigma Xi, 1999-present Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, 1999-present International Paleontological Association, 2010-present</p><p>BIBLIOGRAPHY: PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Sanders, S. M. and Cartwright, P. (submitted). Interspecific differential expression analysis of RNA- Seq data yields insight into medusae evolution in hydrozoans (Phylum Cnidaria) 2. Shpirer, E., Chang, E.S., Diamant, A., Rubinstein, N., Cartwright, P. and Huchon, D. (2014) Diversity and evolution of myxozoan minicollagens and nematogalectins. BMC Evol. Biol. 14:205 doi:10.1186/s12862-014-0205-0 3. Daly, M., Cartwright, P. and Morrow, C. (2014). Take it to the bank: DNA-based tools for the systematic for early-diverging metazoans (Animalia: Porifera, Cnidaria). In Ed: W.L. Applequist and M. Campbell, DNA Banking for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the U.S. Workshop on DNA Banking. William L. Brown Center, St. Louis, MO. pp. 59-70 4. Hensel, K., Lotan, T., Sanders, S.M., Cartwright, P. and Frank. U. (2014). Lineage-specification ramification of Hydrozoan Wnt ligands. Evol. Dev., 16:259–269 5. Sanders, S.M., Shcheglovitova, M., Cartwright, P. (2014) Differential gene expression between functionally specialized polyps of the colonial hydrozoan Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus (Phylum Cnidaria). BMC Genomics, 15: 406. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-406. 6. Nawrocki, A.M. and P. Cartwright. (2013) Expression of Wnt pathway genes in polyp and medusae-like structures of Ectopleura larynx (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Evolution and Development 15(5): 373–384. 7. Nawrocki, A.M., Collins, A.G., Hirano, Y.M., Schuchert, P. and Cartwright, P. (2013) Phylogenetic placement of Hydra and relationships within Aplanulata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution, 67(1):60–71 8. Bentlage, B., Peterson, A.T., Barve, N. and Cartwright, P. (2013) Plumbing the depths: Extending ecological niche modeling and species distribution modeling in three-dimensional space. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22:952-961. 9. Nawrocki, A.M. and Cartwright, P. (2012) A novel mode of colony formation through fusion of sexually-generated individuals (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Current Biology, 22(9):825-829. 10. Lieberman, B.S. and Cartwright, P. (2011) Macroevolutionary patterns and processes during the Cambrian radiation: integrating evidence from fossils and molecules. In: Proceeding of Darwin’s </p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 3 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______200th Birthday Celebration in Azores. Acoreana, 7:15-38. 11. Evans, N.M., Holder, M.T., Barbeitos, M.S., Okamura, B., and Cartwright, P. (2010) The phylogenetic position of Myxozoa: Exploring conflicting signals in phylogenomic and ribosomal datasets. Mol. Biol. Evol. 27(12): 2733-2746. doi:10.1093/molbev/msq159 12. Cartwright, P. and Nawrocki, A.M. (2010) Character evolution in Hydrozoa (phylum Cnidaria). Integ. Comp. Biol. 50(3): 456-472. doi:10.1093/icb/icq074 13. Nawrocki, A.M., Schuchert, P. and Cartwright, P. (2010) Phylogenetics and evolution of Capitata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), and the status of the family Corynidae. Zoological Scripta. 39(3): 290-304. 14. Bentlage, B., Cartwright, P., Yanagihara, A. A., Lewis,, C., Richards, G. and Collins, A.G. (2010) Evolution of box jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa), a group of highly toxic invertebrates. Proc. R. Soc. B. 277:493–501. Note: article feature in several major new media outlets including: NOAA; Science Daily; Discovery News, NY Times. 15. Bentlage, B., Peterson, A.T., and Cartwright, P. (2009) Inferring distributions of chirodropid box- jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) in geographic and ecological space using ecological niche modeling. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 384:121-133. 16. Cartwright, P., Evans, N.M., Dunn, C.W., Marques, A.C., Miglietta, M.P. and Collins, A.G. (2008). Phylogenetics of Hydroidolina (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 88(8): 1163-1672. 17. Collins, A.G., Bentlage, B., Lindsay, D., Haddock, S.H.D., Lindner, A., Norenburg, J.L., Jarms, G., Jankowski, T. and Cartwright, P. (2008) Phylogenetics of Trachylina (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa). J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 88:1673-1685 18. Evans, N.M., Lindner, A., Raikova, E.V., Collins, A.G. and Cartwright, P. (2008) Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic parasite, Polypodium hydriforme, within the phylum Cnidaria. BMC Evol. Biol. 8:139. Correction: BMC Evol. Biol. 9:165 19. Cartwright, P. and Collins, A.G. (2007) Class Hydrozoa. In: The phylum Cnidaria: A review of phylogenetic patterns and diversity three hundred years after Linnaeus by Daly, M., Brugler, M.R., Cartwright, P. Collins, A.G., Dawson, M.N, France, S.C, McFadden, C.S., Opresko, D.M., Rodriguez, E., Romano, S. and Stake, J. Zootaxa 1668:153-168. 20. Cartwright P., Halgedahl S.L., Hendricks J.R., Jarrard R.D., Marques A.C., Collins, A.G. and Lieberman, B.L. (2007) Exceptionally Preserved Jellyfishes from the Middle Cambrian. PLoS ONE 2(10): e1121: p.1-9. Note: article featured in on or around October 30 - November 6, 2007 on over 30 online and print news publications including: National Science Foundation Website Press Release; The New York Times, Science Times, in print and online; Nature, Research highlights, Vol. 450, 15 November 2007, p. 323; National Geographic News; MSNBC.com; Geotimes, Research in the News, December 2007, vol. 52(12): 13; San Francisco Chronicle. 21. Cartwright, P. and Collins A.G. (2007) Fossils and phylogenies: integrating multiple lines of evidence to investigate the origin of early major metazoan lineages. Integ. Comp. Biol. 47(5):744- 751. 22. Cartwright, P., Schierwater, B., and Buss, L.W. (2006) Expression of a Gsx parahox gene in colony ontogeny in Hydractinia (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Journ. Exp. Zool. (Mol Dev Evol). 306B:460-469. 23. Collins, A.G., Cartwright, P., McFadden, C.S. and Schierwater, B. (2005) Phylogenetic Context and Basal Metazoan Model Systems. Integ. Comp. Biol. 45:585-594. 24. Cartwright, P. (2004) Development and evolution of hydrozoan polyp and colony form. Hydrobiologia 530:309-317. 25. Fautin, D.G., Westfall, J.A., Cartwright, P., Daly, M. and Wyttenbach, C.R., editors. (2004) Coelenterate Biology 2003: Trends in Research on Cnidaria and Ctenophora. Kluwer, The Netherlands. 26. Cartwright, P. (2003) Developmental Insights into the Origin of Complex Colonial Hydrozoans. Integ. Comp. Biol.43:82-86. 27. Cartwright, P., Bowsher, J., and Buss, L.W. (1999) Expression of the HOX type gene, Cnox-2, and </p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 4 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______the division of labor in a colonial hydroid. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96: 2183-2186. 28. Cartwright, P., and Buss, L.W. (1999) Colony integration and the expression of the Hox gene, Cnox-2, in Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Journ. Exp. Zool. (Mol Dev Evol) 285:57-62. 29. Martìnez, D., Bridge, D., Nakagawa, L.M., Cartwright, P. (1998) Cnidarian Homeoboxes and the Zootype. Nature. 393 (6687): 748-749. 30. Wagner, A., Blackstone, N., Cartwright, P., Dick, M., Misof, B., Snow, P., Wagner, G., Bartels, J., Murtha, M., Pendleton, J. (1994) Surveys of gene families using polymerase chain reaction: PCR selection and PCR drift. Syst. Biol. 43:250-260. 31. Cartwright, P., Dick, M. and Buss, L.W. (1993) HOM/Hox type homeoboxes in the chelicerate Limulus polyphemus. Mol. Phylo. Evol. 2:185-192. 32. Wheeler, W.C., Cartwright, P. and Hayashi, C.Y. (1993) Arthropod phylogeny: A combined approach. Cladistics 9:1-39.</p><p>BIBLIOGRAPHY: POPULAR PUBLICATIONS 1. Cartwright, P (in press) Phylum Cnidaria. In M. Laurin (ed), Phylogenetic Tree of Life. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. Peer reviewed 2. Cartwright, P (2013) Origin and Early Evolution of Animals. In J. Losos (ed.), The Princeton Guide to Evolution. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. Peer Reviewed 3. Cartwright, P. (2002) Embryology. In N.E. Eldredge (ed.), Life on Earth: An Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Ecology, and Evolution, pp.308-312. ABC-CLIO, Inc, Santa Barbara, CA. Peer Reviewed 4. Cartwright, P., Kaesler, R. L., Lieberman, B. S., Melott, A. L. (2000) A Kansan’s Guide to Science: An introduction to evolution and the nature of science, including origins of the universe and the Earth and the history of life. Kansas Geological Survey Educational Series: 15: 1-19. </p><p>INVITED SYMPOSIA, INVITED TALKS, CONTRIBUTED TALKS, CONTRIBUTED POSTERS AND PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS (* = speaker/presenter). 1. Cartwright, P. “Omics3: Integrating genomics, phylogenomics and transcriptomics to investigate early animal evolution” Genomic Biodiversity Summit. Invited Speaker. University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. September 2014. 2. Schnitzler, CE*, Sanders, S.M., Plickert, G, Seoighe, C, Buss, L, Wolfsberg, T.G., Nicotra, M., Mullikin, JC, Cartwright, P., Frank, U., Baxevanis, A.D. “A Tale of Two Hydractinia Genomes: Comparative Genomics of Two Sister Hydrozoan Species.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Austin, TX. Contributed Talk. January 2014. 3. Cartwright, P.,* Sanders, S.M., Hensel, K. Frank, U. The Evolution of Medusae Reduction and Wnt Gene Expression in Hydrozoa. The International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, Eilat, Israel. Contributed Talk. December 2013. 4. Chang, E.S.* Huchon, D., Cartwright, P. Characterization of Developmental Regulatory Genes in the Genomes and Transcriptomes of the Enigmatic Cnidarian Parasites Polypodium hydrforme and Myxobolus cerebralis. The International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, Eilat, Israel. Contributed Poster. December 2013. 5. Shpirer, E.*, Chang, E.S., Diamant, A., Cartwright, P. Huchon, D. Diversity and Evolution of Myxozoan Minicollagens. The International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, Eilat, Israel. Contributed Poster. December 2013. 6. Rubenstein, N., Feldstein T., Szitenerg, A., Diamant, A., Philippe, H., Cartwright, P., Huchon, D.* Deciphering the Cnidarian Origin of Myxozoa using Phylogenomics. The International Conference on Coelenterate Biology, Eilat, Israel. Contributed Talk. December 2013. 7. Cartwright, P.,* Sanders, S.M., Hensel, K and Frank U. “Wnt pathway Expression and the Evolution of Medusae Reduction in Hydrozoa”. International Workshop on Hydrozoan Development. Tutzing Germany, Invited symposium (published abstract). September, 2013</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 5 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______8. Sanders, S.M.* and Cartwright, P. “An RNA-SEQ Approach to Investigate the Evolution and Development of Polyp Polymorphism in Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus.” International Workshop on Hydrozoan Development. Tutzing Germany, Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2013. 9. Hensel, K, Sanders, S.M., Cartwright, P., and Frank U*. “The Wnt genes complement of Hydractinia”. International Workshop on Hydrozoan Development. Tutzing Germany, Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2013 10. Chang, E.S.* and Cartwright, P. Transcriptomic evidence that the enigmatic parasites Polypodium hydriforme and Myxozoa are cnidarians. Evolution meetings. Snowbird, UT. Contributed poster. June 2013. 11. Cartwright, P.* “A phylogenetic and developmental perspective to understanding life cycle evolution in Hydrozoa (Phylum Cnidaria).” Seminars in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS. Invited talk. February 2013. 12. Sanders, S.M.*, M. Shcheglovitova, & P. Cartwright. Nonparametric bootstrapping of RNASeq data in polymorphic polyps of Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. San Francisco, CA. Contributed Talk. January 2013. 13. Nawrocki, A.M.*, Cartwright. P. Expression of Wnt pathway genes in Ectopleura larynx (Hydrozoa: Aplanulata) and implications for their potential role in hydrozoan life cycle evolution. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. San Francisco, CA. Contributed Talk. January 2013. 14. Chang, E.S.*, Shcheglovitova, M., Cartwright, P. Comparative transcriptomics of cnidarian freshwater parasites. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. San Francisco, CA. Contributed Talk. January 2013. 15. Cartwright, P.* “Insights into the evolution of immunity from colonial marine invertebrates.” Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Annual Meeting of the Corporation. Invited Talk. July 2012. 16. Chang, E.S.*, Shcheglovitova, M. and Cartwright, P. “Transcriptome characterization of the parasite Polypodium hydriforme (Phylum Cnidaria)”. Evolution meetings. Ottawa, Canada. Contributed poster. July 2012. 17. Cartwright, P. *”A transcriptomic approach to investigating colony patterning in the hydrozoan Hydractinia.” Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratories Brown Bag seminar series. Invited Talk. July 2012. 18. Cartwright, P.* “Integrating Phylogenetics and Development to Investigate Character Evolution in Hydrozoa.” American Museum of Natural History. New York City, NY. Invited speaker. January 2012. 19. Cartwright, P.* “New Insights into Hydrozoan Phylogeny and Evolution.” International Workshop on Hydrozoan Development. Tutzing Germany. Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2011. 20. Nawrocki, A.M.* and Cartwright P. “Phylogenetic, developmental and gene expression data reveal a unique form of coloniality in Ectopleura (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Aplanulata).” International Workshop on Hydrozoan Development. Tutzing Germany. Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2011 21. Cartwright, P.* “Non-clonal coloniality in Hydrozoa and its implications for understanding the evolution of allorecognition.” Mount Desert Island Biological Labs Monday morning seminar series. Invited speaker. July 2011 22. Sanders, S.M. and Cartwright, P. * “A multiple marker approach using rRNA secondary structure to reconstruct Siphonophora phylogeny.” Evolution meetings. Norman OK. Contributed talk. June 2011. 23. Shaver A.O.* and Cartwright P. “Characterization of Hox genes in the parasitic cnidarian Polypodium hydriforme”. Evolution meetings. Norman OK. Contributed poster. June 2011. 24. Johnson, A.B.*, Nawrocki, A.M., Gleason, J.M. and Cartwright, P. Evolution of taste: Insights </p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 6 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______from Nematostella. Evolution meetings. Norman OK. Contributed talk. June 2011. 25. Nawrocki, A.M.*, Johnson, A.M. and Cartwright. P. “Phylogenetic and developmental evidence for loss and re-gain of coloniality in Hydrozoa.” Evolution meetings. Norman OK. Contributed talk. June 2011. 26. Cartwright, P.* and Nawrocki, A.M. “The evolution of polymorphism in Hydrozoa: Insights from phylogenetics and development.” VII International Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society. Porto Cesareo, Italy (published abstract). September 2010. 27. Bentlage, B.* and Cartwright, P. “Biogeography and ecological niche modeling of holopelagic hydrozoans.” VII International Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society. Porto Cesareo, Italy (published abstract). September 2010. 28. Nawrocki, A.M.*, Johnson, A.B. and Cartwright, P. “Evolution of coloniality in Aplanulata (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa)” VII International Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society. Porto Cesareo, Italy (published abstract). September 2010. 29. Cartwright, P* “Major transitions in an early diverging animal lineage: synthesizing evidence from molecular phylogenetics, palaeontology and developmental biology.” International Paleontological Congress, Macroevolution and the Modern Synthesis. London, UK. Invited symposium (published abstract). July 2010. 30. Crowther, A.L.*, Cartwright, P., Daly, M. Fautin, D.G. “Evolution of column morphology in Aliciidae (Cnidaria, Hexacorallia, Actiniaria) inferred from a molecular phylogeny” Evolution Meetings. Portland OR. Contributed talk. June 2010. 31. Cartwright, P.*, Barbeitos, M., Collins, A.G., Daly, M. France, S.C. McFadden, C. “Investigating cnidarian phylogeny using rDNA secondary structure models.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life Symposium. Seattle, WA. Invited symposium (co-organizer) (published abstract). January 2010. 32. Bentlage, B.*, Cartwright, P., Collins, A.G. “Evolution of Box Jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa).” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA. Contributed Talk (published abstract). January 2010. 33. Evans, M.* and Cartwright P. “Phylogenetic placement of Myxozoa: An exploration of conflict between phylogenomic and rDNA molecular data.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA. Contributed Talk (published abstract). January 2010. 34. Cartwright, P.* “The origin and diversification of life’s earliest metazoans” International symposium in honor of Darwin’s 200th birthday. Ponta Delgada, Azores. Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2009. 35. Bentlage, B.*, Peterson, A.T., Li, X. Collins, A.G. and Cartwright, P. “Biogeography of open ocean jellyfishes: integrating ecological niche modeling and phylogeography in a 3D environment” 10th International Congress of Ecology. Brisbane, Australia. Invited symposium (published abstract). August 2009. 36. Cartwright, P.* “Phylogeny, fossils and developmental evolution in Hydrozoa (Phylum Cnidaria).” Seminar Series, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Invited speaker. March 2009. 37. Cartwright, P.* “Patterns and Processes in Medusozoan Evolution.” Biology Seminar Program, Department of Biology, University of Vermont. Burlington, VT. Invited speaker. November 2008. 38. Bentlage, B.*, Collins, A.G. and Cartwright, P. “Phylogenetics and environmental space occupation of box-jellyfishes (Cnidaria: Cubozoa).” Evolution Meetings. Minneapolis, MN. Contributed talk. June 2008. 39. Evans, N.M.* and Cartwright, P. “Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic sturgeon parasite Polypodium hydriforme.” Evolution Meetings. Minneapolis, MN. Contributed talk. June 2008. 40. Nawrocki, A.M.*, Barbeitos, M.S. and Cartwright, P. “Evidence for the re-evolution of complex traits in close relatives of Hydra. Evolution Meetings. Minneapolis, MN. Contributed talk. June 2008. 41. Barbeitos, M.S.*, Collins, A.G. and Cartwright, P. “Incorporating RNA secondary structure </p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 7 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______information into phylogenetics analysis of the Hydroidolina (Cnidaria:Hydrozoa).” Evolution Meetings. Minneapolis, MN. Contributed poster. June 2008. 42. Cartwright, P.*, Blackstone, N.W., Collins, A.G., Daly, M., Dunn, C.W., Fautin, D.G. and Mcfadden, C.S. “CnidTol-An Integrative Approach to Investigating Cnidarian Phylogeny.” AToL Principal Investigator Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Invited poster. March 2008. 43. Cartwright, P.* “Fossils, Phylogenies and Development: Insights into Medusozoan Evolution.” EEB seminar series, School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska. Lincoln, NE. Invited speaker. October 2007. 44. Cartwright, P.* Evans, N.M., Lindner, A., Schuchert. P., Marques, A.C. and Collins, A.G. “Molecular Phylogenetics of Hydroidolina.” 6th Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society (session chair). Invited Talk. (published abstract). Plymouth UK. June 2007. 45. Collins, A.G.*, Bentlage, B., Haddock, S.H.D., Jankowski, T., Lindsay, D.J., and Cartwright, P. “Phylogenetics of Trachylina.” 6th Workshop of the Hydrozoan Society Invited Talk. (published abstract). Plymouth UK. June 2007. 46. Nawrocki, A.M.* and Cartwright, P. “Phylogenetic Placement of Hydra: Evidence from Nuclear and Mitochondrial Markers.” International Workshop, “Hydra and Development of Animal Form”, Tutzing Germany, Invited symposium (published abstract). September, 2007 47. Cartwright, P.* “Origin and Evolution of Medusozoa.” EEOB seminar series, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Invited Speaker. April 2007. 48. Collins, A.G and Cartwright P.* “Rocks and Clocks: Integrating Fossils and Molecules to Date Transitions in Early Animal Evolution.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Key Transitions in Animal Evolution Symposium. Phoenix, AZ. Invited symposium (published abstract). January 2007. 49. Bentlage, B.*, Collins, A.G. and Cartwright, P. (2007) “Prospects of molecular systematics for Cubozoa.” 2nd International Jellyfish Blooms Symposium. Gold Coast, Australia. Contributed poster. June 2007. 50. Cartwright, P.* “Patterns and Processes in the Phylum Cnidaria: Evidence from Phylogeny, Development and Fossils.” 2nd International Paleontological Congress, special session on Evo-Devo, Paleontology and Evolution. Beijing, China, Invited symposium. (published abstract). June 2006. 51. Collins, A.G.*, Cartwright P. and Evans, N., “Estimating Divergence Times Within Medusozoa (Cnidaria) Using Molecular Divergence Rates and Fossil Calibrations” Evolution Meetings, Stony Brook, NY. Contributed talk. June 2006. 52. Marques, A.C.*, Maronna, M.M., Collins, A.C., Migotto, A.E., and Cartwright, P. ”Phylogenetic Analyses of the Medusozoa (Cnidaria): Effects of Sensitivity Analyses and Different Molecular Markers” Evolution Meetings, Stony Brook, NY. Contributed talk. June 2006. 53. Cartwright, P.* and Anderson, K. “ Regeneration and tissue dynamics in the adult polyp of the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis.” International Workshop, “Hydra and the molecular logic of regeneration.” Tutzing Germany, Invited symposium (published abstract). September 2005. 54. Cartwright, P.* “Evolutionary Patterns and Developmental Processes in the Hydrozoa." Boston University Ecology, Behavior & Evolution Seminar Series. Invited speaker. November 2004. 55. Cartwright, P.* “Patterns and processes of hydrozoan polyp and colony evolution.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Model Systems for the Basal Metazoa Symposium. New Orleans, LA. Invited symposium (published abstract). January 2004. 56. Cartwright, P.* “Patterning along a stolon: The regulation of colony form.” The 7th International Conference on Coelenterate Biology: Cnidarian Axial Patterning. Lawrence, KS. Invited symposium (published abstract). July 2003. 57. Cartwright, P.* “Developmental insights into the evolution of colonial hydrozoans.” University of Kansas, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology seminar series. Invited speaker. February 2003. 58. Cartwright, P.* “Hox Genes, Hydroids, and Colonial Integration.” Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology: New Perspectives on the Origin of Metazoan Complexity. Anaheim, CA. </p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 8 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______Invited symposium (published abstract). January 2002. 59. Cartwright, P.* “A Molecular Approach to the Study of the Evolution of Life Cycles. University of Kansas, Evolutionists.” Invited Speaker. March 2000. 60. Cartwright, P.* “The Evolution of Sex Determination in Grasses.” New England Society for Development Biology, Evolution of Development Symposium. Woods Hole. Invited symposium. November 1998. 61. Cartwright, P.* “Expression of a HOM/Hox type gene and the evolution of coloniality in Hydractinia (Phylum Cnidaria).” Harvard University, Population Biology Seminar. Invited speaker. October 1996. 62. Cartwright, P.* “HOM/Hox type gene expression and polyp polymorphism in a colonial hydroid.” SDB/NSF symposium on the Evolution of Development. Bodega Marine Laboratory. Invited symposium (published abstract). June 1995. 63. Cartwright, P.*, Wernegreen, J., and Shenk, A. “Comparative expression of the HOM/Hox type gene, Cnox2, in athecate hydroids/hydromedusae.” 5th International workshop on hydroid development. Gunzburg, Germany. Invited symposium (published abstract). September 1993.</p><p>ELECTRONIC DATA DESSEMINATION Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life project website. http://cnidtol.com/ - co-designed and added content in collaboration with A.G. Collins (co-PI), M.S. Barbeitos (postdoc) and G.Villagomez (undergraduate). Co-Designed the Cnidarian Tree of Life specimen and DNA sequence database in Access http://cnidtol.com/node/90 with M.S. Barbeitos (postdoc) and G. Villagomez (undergraduate). </p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Grant panels NSF IOS Evolutionary Developmental Biology Panel NSF DEB Assembling the Tree of Life Panel NSF DEB Systematics Panel (2 times)</p><p>Workshops, working groups, discussion panels 2014 KU Genomic Biodiversity Summit “Deep Dive – Data Challenges” panel participant 2012 Hall Center for Humanities “CAREER awards workshop” panel participant. 2012 American Museum of Natural History’s Women in Science Brown Bag Lunch panel participant. 2009 Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life Annual Organizational Meeting (organizer), Walpole, MN. 2008 Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life Annual Organizational Meeting, La Paz, Mexico. 2007 Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life Annual Organizational Meeting, St. Johns, VI. 2007 AToL/BOL workshop, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NECENT) in Durham, NC. 2006 Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life Annual Organizational Meeting (organizer), Stony Brook, NY. 2006 NSF Annual meeting for AToL, PBI and CIPRIS PI’s, Duke University. 2005 Constructing the Cnidarian Tree of Life Database. </p><p>Meeting/Symposium organizer: 2010 Symposium: “Assembling the Cnidarian Tree of Life” (co-organizer with M. Daly) at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Seattle, WA. Note: written up in Science (2010), Under the Deep Blue Sea. 327:519 2003 Symposium: “Cnidarian Axial Patterning” at the 7th International Conference for Coelenterate Biologists. Lawrence, KS 2002 Organizing Committee for the 7th International Conference for Coelenterate Biologists. Lawrence, KS</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 9 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______</p><p>Editorial Boards: 2013-present Invertebrate Biology 2007-2012 Integrative and Comparative Biology</p><p>Grants reviewed for: NSF Systematics, NSF AToL, NSF Developmental Mechanisms, NSF Functional and Regulatory Systems, NIH MRBS, Science Foundation Ireland, The Leverhulm Trust, Israel Science Foundation, DFG (Germany), Austrian Science Fund. </p><p>Journal articles reviewed for: Animal Behavior, BMC Evolutionary Biology, Cladistics, Current Biology, Evolution, Evolution:Education and Outreach, Genome Biology and Evolution, Hydrobiologia, Integrative and Comparative Biology, Invertebrate Biology, Invertebrate Systematics, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Experimental Zoology, Journal of Marine Biological Association, Journal of Morphology, Journal of Parasitology, Marine Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Palaeontology, PLoSGenetics, PLoSONE, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Systematic Biology, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoology, Zootaxa.</p><p>DEPARTMENTAL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2014-present Chancellors Doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee 2011-present CLAS Graduate Program Committee 2013-present EEB Strategic Plan Update Committee (Chair) 2013-present EEB graduate program committee 2010, 2014 Graduate Student Research Competition judge 2012-2013 EEB Website Committee 2009-2012 EEB graduate program committee 2013 Presenter, CLAS Chairs and Directors Meeting 2011-2013 EEB Promotion and Tenure Committee 2012-2013 Faculty Search Committee for Systematic Icthyologist 2011-2012 Research and Graduate Studies Faculty Liason 2011-2012 Faculty Search Committee for Microbial Ecologist 2010, 2011 Review Committee, Byrd Graduate Mentor Award 2008-2010 EEB executive committee 2009, 2011 Search committee, Research Assistant for Blumensteil 2007-2009 Advisory board, NSF project on Academic Persistence in female STEM majors, PI’s Barbara Kerr and Karen Mullen, University of Kansas 2007 Faculty search committee for Evolutionary Genomics 2007, 2009 Co-organizer, EEB systematics discussion group 2006-2008 CLAS Sabbatical committee 2006-2007 EEB, External Review Committee 2006 Divisional Search committee for director of laboratories 2006 Search committee, Research Assistant for Hileman 2006 REU selection committee 2006 Animal Tree of Life Education project consultant 2006 Search Committee, Postdoctoral research for Skalski 2005 Co-Organizer, KU Evolutionists 2005-2006 EEB New Directions Committee 2005-2006 Undergraduate Education and Research Committee 2005 Faculty panel for Graduate Student Orientation</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 10 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______2005 Bi-Departmental Committee on GTAs and Lecture courses 2005 Research presentation to the Biology Alumni Board 2003, 2004 University of Kansas Commencement Procession Marshall 2002 Selection Committee for EEB REU summer program </p><p>GUEST LECTURES Biol 801: Current EEB research, Spring 2012, 2013, 2014 Biol 100: Introductory Biology, Fall 2008 Biol 540: General Invertebrate Zoology, Spring 2008 Biol 545: Evolution of Development, Spring 2006, 2008 Biol 419: Topics in Advanced Biology, Spring 2005, 2008, 2009 Biol 428 (formerly 550): Introduction to Systematics, Spring 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013</p><p>OUTREACH Guest speaker at the KU Society for Open Minded Atheists and Agnostics, February 2014 Participation in Aspirnaut, videoconference to rural classroom, September 2012 Demonstration at Family Science Night, Mount Desert Island Biological Labs, 2012, 2013 Mentor for NSF funded Women in STEM banquets, Spring 2008 Presentation on marine invertebrates at Raintree Montessori Elementary, October 2008, April 2005</p><p>POSTDOCS MENTORED 2007-2010 Marcos Barbeitos</p><p>GRADUATE STUDENTS WHOSE COMMITTEE I HAVE CHAIRED 2013-present E. Sally Chang (PhD) 2010-present Steven Sanders (PhD) 2011-2013 E. Sally Chang (MA) 2006-2012 Bastian Bentlage (PhD with honors) 2006-2012 Annalise Nawrocki (PhD with honors) 2007-2009 Nathaniel Evans (MA with honors), CLAS Outstanding Thesis Award</p><p>GRADUATE STUDENTS WHOSE COMMITTEE I HAVE SERVED 2014-present Matt Girard (PhD) 2013-present Taro Eldredge (PhD) 2013-present Cheryl Ames (PhD), outside member for U. Maryland 2013-present Aniket Sengupta (PhD) 2012-present Crystal Maier (PhD) 2010-2012 Allison Fuiten (MA) 2009-2014 Steven Davis (PhD) 2009-2011 Jacob Landis (MA) 2008-2013 Joanna Cielocha, (PhD) 2008-2011 Adam Norris, (PhD), outside member for Molecular Biosciences 2006-2013 Andrea Crowther (PhD) 2009 Erica Blight (PhD), outside member for Duke University 2007-2009 Kendra Koch (MA) 2006-2008 Hannah Owens (MA) 2005-2007 Harim Cha (PhD) 2005-2006 Heidi Kuster (MA) </p><p>UNDERGRADUATES MENTORED 2013 Camilla Nivison (Bates College), MDIBL REU program.</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 11 CURRICULUM VITAE – PAULYN CARTWRIGHT ______2012-2014 Olivia Lynch, undergraduate research 2010-2012 Laura Prohaska, University Scholar 2010-2012 Rhea Richardson, honors thesis research 2009-2011 Amanda Shaver, independent study 2009-2011 Adam Johnson, honors thesis research 2009-2010 Gianpierre Villagomez, database and web development 2005-2008 Taras Zelenchuk, independent study, undergraduate research 2007 Micah Woods, independent study 2005-2007 Kora Anderson, independent study, undergraduate research 2005-2006 Emily Klatt, independent study, undergraduate research</p><p>P. Cartwright (last updated October 10, 2014) 12</p>
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