<p> Dr. Jamie L. Callahan</p><p>Texas A&M University, College of Education 551 Harrington Tower Fax: (979) 862-4347 College Station, TX 77843-4226 e-mail: [email protected]</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Ed.D., 1998 The George Washington University Human & Organizational Studies, Concentrations in Human Development & Sociology M.A., 1991 Georgetown University Liberal Studies with an emphasis in Medieval English literature B.S., 1987 United States Air Force (USAF) Academy Humanities, European Studies</p><p>ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE </p><p>8/06 – Present Associate Professor, Texas A&M University Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development</p><p>8/01 – 7-06 Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University Department of Educational Administration & Human Resource Development</p><p>8/98 - 8/01 Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech Department of Human Development, Adult Learning & HRD Program</p><p>1/97 - 5/98 Graduate and Research Assistant, The George Washington University Graduate School of Education & Human Development/Columbian School of Arts & Sciences</p><p>1/97- 8/97 Adjunct Instructor of Research Design, The George Washington University Graduate School of Education & Human Development, Department of Educational Leadership</p><p>8/94 - 5/97 Research and Teaching Assistant, Institute for the Study of Learning Graduate School of Education & Human Development</p><p>PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE</p><p>9/93 - 8/94 Headquarters Organizational Development Specialist, USAF The Pentagon, Washington, DC</p><p>8/92 - 9/93 Regional Training and Development Specialist, USAF Air Force District of Washington, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, DC</p><p>5/87 - 7/92 Personnel Manager, USAF Andrews Air Force Base, MD and The Pentagon, Washington, DC</p><p>8/84 - 5/87 Training and Development, USAFA Cadets USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO PUBLICATIONS December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 2</p><p>* - Authors identified with an asterisk (*) were students when the publication was submitted # - Based on a student dissertation √ - Empirically-based publication (A) – Abstract only</p><p>Refereed Journal Articles</p><p>Student co-authored 12 Sole authored 10 First authored 9</p><p>33. Hlavin, J.* & Callahan, J.L. (Conditionally Accepted). Specialization Training Programs for Physician Assistants: Symbolic Violence in the Medical Field? Health Sociology Review.</p><p>32. Callahan, J.L. (2011). Incivility as an instrument of oppression: Exploring the role of power in constructions of civility. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13(1), 10-21.</p><p>31. Hurt, A.,* & Callahan, J. L. (Conditionally Accepted). A fractured fable: The three little pigs and using multiple paradigms. New Horizons in Adult and Continuing Education.</p><p>30. Callahan, J. L. (2010). The online oxymoron: Teaching HRD through an impersonal medium. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34(8/9), 869-874.</p><p>29. Kissack, H. C.*, & Callahan, J. L. (2010). The reciprocal influence of organizational culture and training and development programs: Building the case for a culture analysis within program planning Journal of European Industrial Training, 34(4), 365-380.</p><p>28. √Callahan, J. L. (2009). Manifestations of power and control: Training as the catalyst for scandal at the United States Air Force Academy. Violence against Women, 15(10), 1149-1168.</p><p>27. # Molina, C.*, & Callahan, J. L. (2009). Fostering organizational performance: The role of learning and intrapreneurship. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33(5), 388-400.</p><p>26. Sandlin, J. A., & Callahan, J. L. (2009). Deviance, dissonance, and détournement: Culture jammers’ use of emotion in consumer resistance. Journal of Consumer Culture, 9(1), 79-115.</p><p>25. Gray, T. D.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2008). Skills of the Spartans: Exploring leadership in 300. Journal of Leadership Education, 7(2), 79-98.</p><p>24. Callahan, J. L. (2008). The four C’s of emotion: A framework for managing emotions in organizations. The Organization Development Journal, 26(2), 33-38.</p><p>23. √ Torres, M. S., & Callahan, J. L. (2008). An evaluation of the role of emotion in judicial decision making within contrasting minority school settings. Education and Urban Society, 40(3), 377-405.</p><p>22. Callahan, J. L., & Sandlin, J. A. (2007). The tyranny of technology? A case study of the social arena of online course development. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 21(3/4), 5- 15.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 3</p><p>21. √ Callahan, J. L., & Tomaszewski, L.* (2007). Navigating the good ol’ boys club: Women, marginality, and communities of practice in a military non-profit organization. Studies in Continuing Education, 29(3), 259- 276.</p><p>20. Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K.*, & Sandlin, J. A. (2007). The art of creating leaders: Popular culture artifacts as pathways for development. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(2), 146-165.</p><p>19. Callahan, J. L., & Rosser, M. H. (2007). Pop goes the program: Using popular culture artifacts to educate leaders. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(2), 269-287.</p><p>18. √ Cardin, L., * & Callahan, J. L. (2007). Creating leaders or loyalists: Conflicting identities in a leadership development programme. Human Resource Development International, 10(2), 169-186. (AHRD Monica Lee Outstanding Journal Article of the Year Award.)</p><p>17. √ Callahan, J. L., & Martin, D.* (2007). The spectrum of school-university partnerships: A typology of organizational learning systems. Teaching & Teacher Education, 23(2), 136-145. </p><p>16. √ Callahan, J. L. (2006) Gendered emotion management and perceptions of affective culture in a military nonprofit organization. Advancing Women in Leadership, 21. Online access at: http://www.advancingwomen.com/awl/summer2006/Callahan.html</p><p>15. Wheelock, L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2006). Mary Parker Follett: A rediscovered voice informing the field of human resource development. Human Resource Development Review, 5(2), 258-273.</p><p>14. Callahan, J. L., & Reio, T. (2006). Making subjective judgments in quantitative studies: The importance of using effect sizes and confidence intervals. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 17(2), 159-174.</p><p>13. √ Horrocks, A.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2006). The role of emotion and narrative in the reciprocal construction of identity. Human Resource Development International, 9(1), 69-84.</p><p>12. √ Callahan, J. L., Hasler, M. G.*, & Tolson, H. (2005). Perceptions of emotion expressiveness: Gender differences among senior executives. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 26(7), 512-528. (Emerald Publishers 2005 Best Paper Award)</p><p>11. √ Callahan, J. L. (2005) “Speaking a secret language”: West Coast Swing as a community of practice of informal and incidental learners. Research in Dance Education, 6(1/2), 3-24.</p><p>10. Taylor, M.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2005). Bringing creativity into being: Underlying assumptions that influence methods of studying organizational creativity. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(2), 247-270.</p><p>9. Callahan, J. L. (2004). A conspicuous absence: Mindful inclusion of emotion in structuration theory. Human Relations, 57(11), 1427-1448.</p><p>8. √ Reio, T. G., & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Affect, curiosity, and socialization-related learning: A path analysis of antecedents to job performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(1), 3-22. </p><p>7. Callahan, J. L., & Dunne de Davila, T.* (2004). An impressionistic framework for theorizing about human resource development. Human Resource Development Review, 3(1), 75-95.</p><p>6. √ Callahan, J. L. (2002). Masking the need for cultural change: Emotion structuration in a nonprofit organization. Organization Studies 23(2), 281-297. </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 4</p><p>5. Callahan, J. L., & McCollum, E. E. (2002). Conceptualizations of emotion research in organizational contexts. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(1), 4-21. </p><p>4. Gilley, J. W., & Callahan, J. L. (2000). Transforming supervisory practices: A performance-based approach for faculty and staff development. International Journal of Educational Reform, 9(4), 298-310. </p><p>3. √ Callahan, J. L. (2000). Emotion management and organizational functions: A study of action in a not-for- profit organization. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(3), 245-268.</p><p>2. √ Callahan, J. L. (2000). Women in a “combat, masculine-warrior culture”: The performance of emotion work. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. 1(2), 104-114. URL: http://www.jbam.org/Articles/article_7.htm </p><p>1. √ Orton, J. D., & Callahan, J. L. (1995). The importance of residual folk theories of organizational design. International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 8(4), 411-430. </p><p>Under Review (Refereed Journal Articles)</p><p>3. Collins, J.C.* & Callahan, J. L. (Under Review). Gay Men, Masculinity & HRD in the 21st Century: Implications of two executive case studies.</p><p>2. √Callahan, J. L., Kissack, H. C.*, & Minnis, S. E.*. (Under Review). Emotions in virtual communities: The social construction of leadership in the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign. </p><p>1. √ #Silva, P. M., & Callahan, J. L. (Under Review). The epistemology of incidental learning.</p><p>Manuscripts in Progress</p><p>2. √ #Molina, C., Callahan, J. L., & Tolson, H. An examination of the intrapreneurial learning model: A study applied to selected mining companies in Chile. </p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. Training for emotions and emotions of training: A review of the literature. </p><p>Invited Response Articles</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L. (2010). The importance of epistemology: A response to Rosenstein’s commentary. Violence Against Women, 16(10), 1186-1193.</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (2009). Funneling toward authenticity: A response to ‘intimacy and ethical behavior in adult education.’ New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 23(2), 34-38.</p><p>Editorials</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L. (In Press). A Time of Transition for Human Resource Development Review: Diversifying and Digitizing. Human Resource Development Review, 11(1).</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (2010). Constructing and Reconstructing the Field: The Importance of Historical Manuscripts in HRDR. Human Resource Development Review, 9(4), 311-313.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 5</p><p>Books</p><p>1. Gilley, A. M., Callahan, J. L., & Bierema, L. (Eds.) (2003). Critical issues in human resource development. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishers.</p><p>Refereed Book Chapters (All chapters were blind reviewed prior to acceptance by the editors)</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L., & McCollum, E. E. (2002). Obscured variability: The distinction between emotion work and emotional labor. In N. Ashkanasy, W. Zerbe, & C. Hartel (Eds.), Managing emotions in the workplace (pp. 219-231). Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe Publications.</p><p>Book Chapters</p><p>6. Callahan, J. L. (In Press). Managing the emotions of leadership: To have, to create….to manipulate? Invited book chapter for M. Lee (Ed.) HRD as WE know it: Speeches that have shaped and developed the field of HRD. Routledge Publishers.</p><p>5. Callahan, J. L. (2006). Power, control, and gender: Training as catalyst for dysfunctional behavior at the United States Air Force Academy. In M. F. Karsten (Ed.), Gender, race, and ethnicity in the workplace: Issues and challenges for today’s organization (pp. 217-228). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.</p><p>4. Callahan, J. L. (2004). Breaking the cult of rationality: Mindful awareness of emotion in the critical theory classroom. In R. St. Clair & J. Sandlin (Eds.), New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education, Volume 102 (pp. 75-83).</p><p>3. Callahan, J. L. & Gračanin, D. (2003). Emotion management in a complex world: Providing clarity through visualization? In M. Lee (Ed.), HRD in a complex world (pp. 131-146). London, UK: Routledge.</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L. (2003). Organizational learning as a critical issue in human resource development. In A. M. Gilley, J. L. Callahan, & L. Bierema (Eds.), Critical issues in human resource development (pp. 161-178). Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishers.</p><p>1. √ Callahan-Fabian, J., & Scanlon, P. (1998). Implementing strategy in a religious organization: An organizational learning approach. In J. Phillips (Series Ed.) & W. Rothwell (Vol. Ed.), Linking HRD with organizational strategy (pp. 137-152). Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.</p><p>Book Reviews</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L. (2010). Review of the book A very short, fairly interesting and reasonably cheap book about studying organizations by C. Grey. Action Learning: Research and Practice, 7(3), 319-321.</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (2002). Another view [Review of the book Evaluative inquiry for learning in organizations, by H. Preskill & R. Torres]. Management Learning, 32(4), 531-534. </p><p>Edited and Refereed Journal Issues</p><p>3. Woodhams, C., Metcalfe, B., & Callahan, J. L. (Guest Editors) (In Progress). Advancements in gender, diversity, and management theorizing. [Special journal issue]. International Journal of Management Reviews.</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L., & Whitener, J. K. (Eds.). (2007). The art of creating leaders: Popular culture artifacts as pathways to development. [Special journal issue]. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 9(2). </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 6</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (Ed.). (2002). Perspectives of emotion and organizational change. [Special journal issue]. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 4(1).</p><p>Non-Peer-Reviewed Articles</p><p>6. Callahan, J. L. (2010). Constructing a manuscript: Distinguishing integrative literature reviews and conceptual and theory articles. Human Resource Development Review, 9(4), 300-304.</p><p>5. Callahan, J. L. (2007). Gazing into the crystal ball: Critical HRD as a future of research in the field. Human Resource Development International, 10(1), 77-82.</p><p>4. Ellinger, A. D., Cseh, M., & Callahan, J. L. (2006). Looking back on the Leeds conference: Reflections from three U.S. delegates in King Arthur’s court. Human Resource Development International, 9(1), 141-150.</p><p>3. Short, D., & Callahan, J. L. (2005). "Would I work for a global corporation?" and other ethical questions for HRD. Human Resource Development International, 8(1), 121-126.</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L., & Ward, D. A.* (2001). A search for meaning: Revitalizing the ‘human’ in human resource development. Human Resource Development International, 4(2), 235-242.</p><p>1. Kayes, D. C., & Callahan, J. L. (2001). Navigating Washington DC: Swimming through your first AoM annual meeting without drowning in expenses. The Academy of Management News, 32(1), 2-6.</p><p>Refereed Art Work</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (2003). Stoljice: Organizing across the centuries in the Republic of Croatia - A photographic journey. Art exhibit for The Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, WA.</p><p>Dissertation/Thesis</p><p>2. Callahan-Fabian, J. (1998). Emotion work as instrumental action: The pursuit of goals in an organizational context. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The George Washington University, Washington, DC. (First Runner-Up for the Malcolm Knowles Best Dissertation Award, Academy of Human Resource Development, 1999)</p><p>1. Callahan, J. L. (1991). Chaucer’s prioress: Myth or misfit? (A hermeneutical analysis of the Prioress in medieval England.) Unpublished master’s thesis. Georgetown University.</p><p>ERIC document</p><p>1. Reio, T. G., & Callahan, J. L. (2000). Affect, curiosity, and socialization-related learning: A path analysis of antecedents to job performance. ED441962.</p><p>Refereed Conference Presentations with Proceedings</p><p>Student co-authored 31 Sole authored 10 First authored 15</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 7</p><p>64. Shirocky, A.* & Callahan, J.L. (In Press). Self-conscious emotions in the workplace. Paper to be presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Denver, CO, March 2012.</p><p>63. Kim, J.* & Callahan, J.L. (In Press). The significance of leadership: A conceptual framework of the influence of the learning organization on learning transfer. Paper to be presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Denver, CO, March 2012.</p><p>62. Callahan, J.L., Sankowski-Grenier, R., & Sandlin, J.A. (2011). Learning about leadership: Undercover Boss as an instrument of corporate influence. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, England.</p><p>61. Collins, J.C.* & Callahan, J. L. (2011). Gay Men, Masculinity & HRD in the 21st Century Workplace: A Case Study of Former BP CEO Lord John Browne. Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Schaumburg, IL.</p><p>60. Hlavin, J.A.* & Callahan, J. L. (2011). Specialization Training Programs for Physician Assistants: Symbolic Violence in the Medical Field? Paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Schaumburg, IL.</p><p>59. Minnis, S. E.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2010). Servant Leadership in Question: A Critical Review of Power within Servant Leadership. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, University of Pècs, Pècs, Hungary.</p><p>58. √Callahan, J. L., Kissack, H. C.*, & Minnis, S. E.* (2010). Emotions in Virtual Communities: The Social Construction of Leadership in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign. In Graham, C. (Ed.), CD- ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>57. Callahan, J. L. (2010). Training for Emotion and Emotions in Training. In Graham, C. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>56. Storberg-Walker, J., Johnson-Bailey, J., Bierema, L., Callahan, J. L., Chapman, D., & Gedro, J. (2010). Five women professors discuss Wilson’s Thai Bar Girls. In Graham, C. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>55. Genç, A. A.*, Egan, T. M., & Callahan, J. L. (2010). Mergers and acquisitions: HRD involvement through training and development. In Graham, C. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>54. Nery-Kjerfve, T. *, & Callahan, J. L. (2010). The symbolic violence of international assignments: Reconstructing a career development path for women. In Graham, C. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>53. √Callahan, J. L., Kissack, H. C.*, & Minnis, S. E.* (2009). Emotions in Virtual Communities: Preliminary Findings of the Social Construction of Leadership in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Campaign. In S. Mavin (Ed.) CD-ROM Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.</p><p>52. Malloch, H. & Callahan, J. L. (2009). The Use of Film and TV in Teaching HRD Concepts: A Primer. In S. Mavin (Ed.) CD-ROM Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 8</p><p>51. Callahan, J. L. (2009). Challenging dominant leadership approaches: A critical view of leadership for HRD professionals. In Storberg-Walker, J. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. (A)</p><p>50. √#Silva, P. M.* & Callahan, J. L. (2009). The epistemology of learning. In Storberg-Walker, J. (Ed.), CD- ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. AHRD Cutting Edge Best Paper Award</p><p>49. Kissack, H.* & Callahan, J. L. (2008). Muted voices: A critical look at e-male in organizations. In H. Malloch (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, IESEG School of Management, Lille, FR.</p><p>48. Sambrook, S. A. & Callahan, J. L. (2008). Constructing a future: Transformations toward critical human resource development. In H. Malloch (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, IESEG School of Management, Lille, FR. (A)</p><p>47. √Callahan, J. L., Walton, J. S., & Sambrook, S. A. (2008). Messages and counter-messages: A cross-cultural analysis of HRD trade journals. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 853-860), Panama City, FL.</p><p>46. √#Carden, L. L.*, Egan, T. M, & Callahan, J. L. (2008) Perceived career paths and performance in moderately defined roles: A study of project managers. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 107-114), Panama City, FL.</p><p>45. Bierema, L. L., Callahan, J. L., & Storberg-Walker, J. (2008). Critical pedagogy for HRD education. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 1116-1120), Panama City, FL.</p><p>44. Kissack, H.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2008). The reciprocal influence of organizational culture and training and development programs: Building the case for a culture analysis within a needs assessment. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 1019-1026), Panama City, FL.</p><p>43. Madsen, S. R., Ruona, W. E. A., Callahan, J. L., Egan, T. M., Gibson, S. K., Leyva-Gardner, B. S., & Korth, S. (2008). Innovative teaching ideas for HRD educators. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 1135-1139), Panama City, FL.</p><p>42. Hurt, A.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2007). A fractured fable: The three little pigs and using multiple paradigms. CD-ROM Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Oxford, UK: Oxford Brookes University.</p><p>41. Callahan, J. L., Truty, J. D.*, Bierema, L. L., Cseh, M., & Hatcher, T. (2007). Critical HRD: Professional praxis in a U.S. context. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, IS 11, Indianapolis, IN. </p><p>40. Eggert, K. L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2007). Can mentoring as a mutually developmental relationship exist in organizations? In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 15-3, Indianapolis, IN. </p><p>39. Kurup, P. D.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2007). Experts or neophytes? Self-initiated expatriates as the backbone of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries’ workforce. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 3-3, Indianapolis, IN. </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 9</p><p>38. √Mathis, R. S.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2007). Organizational perception and power: A pilot study of organizational training and development. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, RTF 1C, Indianapolis, IN. </p><p>37. Molina, C.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2007). From organizational learning to organizational performance: The influence of individual learning and intrapreneurship. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 27-3, Indianapolis, IN. </p><p>36. √Callahan, J. L. (2006). A postemotional analysis of Brave New World: HRD as unwitting collaborator or critical agent? In R. F. Poell (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Reference page 36-2. Tilburg, NL: University of Tilburg. </p><p>35. Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K.*, & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). The “art” of leadership: Creating leaders through popular culture media. In R. F. Poell (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Reference page 15-2. Tilburg, NL: University of Tilburg.</p><p>34. √Carden, L. L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2006). Project management salary predictors: Career development activities and extrinsic reward. In R. F. Poell (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Reference page 17-1. Tilburg, NL: University of Tilburg.</p><p>33. Callahan, J. L., & Sandlin, J. A. (2006). Culture jamming and emotional hegemony: Exploring consumer resistance within a postemotional society. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 20-2, Columbus, OH. </p><p>32. √Callahan, J. L., Whitener, J. K.*, Mathis, R. S.*, & Carden, L. L.* (2006). Messages to the profession: A discursive content analysis of Training & Development tables of contents. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 44-2, Columbus, OH. </p><p>31. Trombley, S., * & Callahan, J. L. (2006). Outdoor team building: A neglected space for HRD professionals. In F. A. Nafhuko (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Reference page, 62-3, Columbus, OH.</p><p>30. Page, C., Vannest, K., Callahan, J. L., & Bonner, J. (2005). Environmental cyberengineering network technology: Development, delivery, and deployment through educational and outreach activities. Proceedings of the AEESP Research and Education Conference, Potsdam, NY.</p><p>29. Callahan, J. L., & Sandlin, J. A. (2005). The tyranny of technology? A critical assessment of the social arena of online course development. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds, UK.</p><p>28. √Cardin, L, L., * & Callahan, J. L. (2005). Leadership creation or organizational immersion? Identity and identification implications of a leadership development program. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds, UK.</p><p>27. √Callahan, J. L., & Hannum, K. (2005). Emotion and leadership: A cross-cultural study of leaders. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Leeds, UK.</p><p>26. Taylor, M.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2005). Bringing creativity into being: Underlying assumptions that influence methods of studying organizational creativity. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Estes Park, CO.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 10</p><p>25. Callahan, J. L. (2005) Power, control and gender: Training as catalyst for dysfunctional behavior at the United States Air Force Academy. Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Estes Park, CO.</p><p>24. Alagaraja, M.,* Callahan, J. L., & Dooley, L. M. (2004). Technology as a critical issue in HRD: Effects on the organization. In T. M. Egan (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1011-1017). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>23. √Horrocks, A.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Identity consistency: The role of emotion management across contexts. In T. M. Egan (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 242- 249). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>22. Sandlin, J. A., & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Creating consumer resistance through Adbusters: Managing emotions beyond organizational boundaries. In T.M. Egan (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 234-241). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>21. √Taylor, L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2004). Making connections: The link between HRD education, practice, and research. In T. M. Egan (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 117- 123). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>20. √Callahan, J. L. (2004). Community and communication: Learning lessons from the (dance) floor. Interactive session presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Austin, TX. (A)</p><p>19. Callahan, J. L., Horrocks*, A., Machala*, C., Opengart, R., Short, D. & Turnbull, S. (2004). Putting emotion into practice. Interactive session presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Austin, TX. (A)</p><p>18. Callahan, J. L. (2003). Emotional praxis: Application of critical theory in human resource development. In L. Ross (Ed.), Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management Conference Proceedings. (pp. 54-59). Anchorage, AK: IBAM.</p><p>17. √Callahan, J. L. (2003). Can you hear me now? Learning in a swing dance community of practice. Paper presented at the Conference for Research in Lifelong Learning, Glasgow, Scotland.</p><p>16. Callahan, J. L. (2003). Finding the emotion in structuration theory: An initial approach to emotion structuration. In T. M. Egan & S. A. Lynham (Eds.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 822-828). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>15. Callahan, J. L., & Dunne de Davila, T.* (2003). Beyond learning and performance: An impressionistic framework for human resource development. In T. M. Egan & S. A. Lynham (Eds.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 273-278). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>14. √Tomaszewski, L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2003). Gender and emotion management: Evidence of communities of practice. In T. M. Egan & S. A. Lynham (Eds.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 637-642). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>13. Wells, C. L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2002). Toward a more harmonized view of emotion management: The influence of identity salience. In T. M. Egan & S. A. Lynham (Eds.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1040-1047). Bowling Green, OH: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 11</p><p>12. Callahan, J. L., & McCollum, E. E. (2001). Conceptualizations of emotional behavior in organizational contexts: A framework for understanding the implications of HRD research and practice. In K. P. Kuchinke (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 689-696). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. (available in ERIC: ED453406)</p><p>11. Wheelock, L.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2001). Mary Parker Follett: A philosopher of Human Resource Development. In K. P. Kuchinke (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 857-864). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. (available in ERIC: ED453406)</p><p>10. Short, D. C., & Callahan, J. L. (2001). HRD professionals as global citizens: HRD ethics and integrity in the global era. Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (addendum). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. (available in ERIC: ED453406)</p><p>9. √Callahan, J. L., & Schwandt, D. R. (2000). Emotion work and perceptions of affective culture in a military nonprofit organization. In K. P. Kuchinke (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 488-496). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>8. √Callahan, J. L. (1999). Women in a “combat, masculine-warrior culture”: The performance of emotion work. In E. Portugal (Ed.), Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management Conference Proceedings. (pp. 403- 411). Potsdam, NY: Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management. Best Paper Award for the Gender and Diversity Issues Division.</p><p>7. √Callahan, J. L. (1999). Differing purposes: Staff and volunteer emotion work in a nonprofit organization. In Center for the Study of Learning (Ed.) Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Organizational Studies, (pp. 286-307). Ashburn, VA: George Washington University Executive Leadership Program.</p><p>6. Scanlon, P. M., & Callahan, J. L. (1999). Ethical issues in qualitative research: A human resource development perspective. In Center for the Study of Learning (Ed.) Proceedings of the Conference on Human and Organizational Studies, (pp. 2-12). Ashburn, VA: George Washington University Executive Leadership Program.</p><p>5. √Callahan-Fabian, J., & Schwandt, D. R. (1999). The Academy as social system: A meta-framework for organizational learning. In M. Easterby-Smith, L. Araujo, and J. Burgoyne (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd International Organizational Learning Conference. (pp. 208-234). Lancaster, UK: Lancaster University.</p><p>4. √Callahan-Fabian, J. (1999). Emotion management and organizational functions: A study of action in a not- for-profit organization. In K. Peter Kuchinke (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 1030-1037). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. AHRD Cutting Edge Best Paper Award</p><p>3. √Callahan-Fabian, J. (1998). Never let them see you smile: The lack of expressiveness among senior organizational leaders. In R.J. Torraco (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 626-632). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development.</p><p>2. √Callahan-Fabian, J., Mueller, R. O., & Fields, D. (1997). Measuring organizational learning: Confirmatory factor analysis of an organizational survey. In R.J. Torraco (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 532-537). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. </p><p>1. √Horvath, L., Callahan, J. L., Croswell, C. V., & Mukri, G. (1996). Team sensemaking: The imperative for individual and organizational learning. In R.J. Torraco (Ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Proceedings. (pp. 415-421). Baton Rouge, LA: Academy of Human Resource Development. </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 12</p><p>Refereed Publications based on Student Dissertations</p><p># Molina, C.*, & Callahan, J. L. (2009). Fostering organizational performance: The role of learning and intrapreneurship. Journal of European Industrial Training, 33(5), 388-400.</p><p>√#Silva, P. M.* & Callahan, J. L. (2009). The epistemology of learning. In Storberg-Walker, J. (Ed.), CD-ROM Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development, Washington, DC. AHRD Cutting Edge Best Paper Award</p><p>√#Carden, L. L.*, Egan, T. M, & Callahan, J. L. (2008) Perceived career paths and performance in moderately defined roles: A study of project managers. In T. J. Chermack (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (pp. 107-114), Panama City, FL.</p><p>PRESENTATIONS </p><p>Refereed Conference Presentations (No Proceedings)</p><p>Student co-authored 3 Sole authored 9 First authored 6</p><p>27. Callahan, J. L., Carroll, B., Cunliffe, A., Gagnon, S., Gosling, J., Parker, P., & Sveningsson, S. (2010). Exploring identity dynamics as critical for leadership development research and practice. Panel session to be presented at the 2010 Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, Canada. (Presenters in alphabetical order)</p><p>26. Callahan, J. L. (2009). Management or manipulation? Emotions within the context of leadership. Paper presented at the Critical Management Studies Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.</p><p>25. Callahan, J. L., Hannum, K., & Rosser, M. (2007). Learning from leaders: Evaluating popular culture artifacts as a development tool. Panel session chaired at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>24. Callahan, J. L. (2007). Leadership, learning and evaluation. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.</p><p>23. Callahan, J. L. (2006). The metaphor of dance: Instructional strategy and alternative evaluation method. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Portland, OR.</p><p>22. Clay, P., & Callahan, J. L. (2005). The swinging dance of evaluation: Culturally responsive lessons from the evaluation floor. Interactive presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Toronto, CA.</p><p>21. √Torres, M. S., Callahan, J. L., & Stefkovich, J. (2004). Equal justice for all? Investigating the influence of emotion and meaning in interpreting students’ rights in diverse settings. Paper presented at the Patterson Research Conference, Washington, DC.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 13</p><p>20. Clay, P., & Callahan, J. L. (2004). The swinging dance of evaluation: Collaboration and partnership on the evaluation floor. Interactive presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>19. Callahan, J. L. (2004). In the eye of the beholder: Applications and implications of evaluator perspectives of emotion. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.</p><p>18. √Callahan, J. L., & Martin, D.* (2003). Evaluative inquiry as organizational learning: The spectrum of school-university partnerships. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Reno, NV.</p><p>17. √Fike, W. P.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2003). A sling, a rock, and a giant: Metaphor and evaluative inquiry in an urban partnership. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Reno, NV.</p><p>16. √Callahan, J. L. (2003). Different shapes of success: Organizational learning in school-university partnerships. Paper presented at the Chancellor’s Invitational Conference, Houston, TX.</p><p>15. Callahan, J. L. (2003). Making subjective judgments in quantitative studies: The importance of effect size indices. Paper presented at the Southwest American Educational Research Association Conference, San Antonio, TX.</p><p>14. √McCollum, E. E., & Callahan, J. L. (2002). The narrative assessment interview: The use of a psychoanalytic tool to evaluate a leadership development program. Paper presented at the American Evaluation Association Conference, Washington, DC.</p><p>13. Chindgren, T.,* & Callahan, J. L. (2002). A comparison of organization-derived and theory-derived leadership competencies. Paper presented at the Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management Conference, Denver, CO.</p><p>12. √Callahan, J. L. (2001) Paving the way for engaging in organizational learning and evaluation: Implications of evaluation results for mainstreamed implementation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, St. Louis, MO.</p><p>11. Callahan, J. L. (2000). Emotion work as instrumental action: A heuristic for the study of organizational learning. Paper presented at the 2nd International Emotions in Organizational Life Conference, Toronto, Canada.</p><p>10. Callahan, J. L., & McCollum, E. E. (2000). Obscured variability: The distinction between emotion work and emotional labor. Paper presented at the 2nd International Emotions in Organizational Life Conference, Toronto, Canada.</p><p>9. Gračanin, D., Callahan, J. L., & Chen, I. R. (2000). Collaborative learning in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual virtual environment. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Virtual University and Multilingual Education Conference, Chicago, IL.</p><p>8. √Reio, T. G., & Callahan, J. L. (2000). Affect, curiosity, and socialization-related learning: A path analysis of antecedents to job performance. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Conference, New Orleans, LA. </p><p>7. √Callahan, J. L. (1999). Masking the need for cultural change: The role of emotion work in a nonprofit organization. Paper presented at the 1999 Academy of Management Conference, Chicago, IL.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 14</p><p>6. √Callahan-Fabian, J., & Scanlon, P. (1997). Reshaping for the future: Organizational learning in a Catholic parish. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Students of Organizations Conference, Los Angeles, CA. </p><p>5. Horvath, L., Callahan, J. L., & Biggers, J. (1997). An insider/outsider study of collective sensemaking. Paper presented at the 10th Annual International Conference on Qualitative Research in Education, Athens, GA.</p><p>4. √Callahan-Fabian, J., & Mueller, R. O. (1996). Measurement of organizational learning: A confirmatory factor analysis of an organization survey. Paper presented at the Conference on Human and Organizational Studies, Ellicott City, MD.</p><p>3. √Callahan-Fabian, J., Mukri, G., & Silverthorne, J. (1996). Emotional harmony/dissonance: Implications for leadership. Paper presented at the Conference on Human and Organizational Studies, Ellicott City, MD.</p><p>2. √Horvath, L., Callahan, J. L., Mukri, G., & Pugh, J. (1995). Cohort learning: The integration of research and practice. Paper presented at the Conference on Human and Organizational Studies, Airlie, VA.</p><p>1. √Orton, J. D., & Callahan, J. L. (1995). The importance of residual folk theories of organizational design. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Washington, DC.</p><p>Invited/Keynote Scholarly Presentations and Papers </p><p>10. Callahan, J. L. (September 17, 2011). Incivility as an instrument of oppression: Exploring the role of power in constructions of civility. Drexel University Speaker Series, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>9. Callahan, J. L. (June 7, 2011). The evolution of a research agenda and other stories of professionalism in AHRD. George Washington University Doctoral Cohort Speaker Series, Ashburn, VA.</p><p>8. Callahan, J. L. (February 28, 2011). A critical perspective of ‘developing’ leaders: Social constructions of leadership in the age of technology. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.</p><p>7. Callahan, J. L. (2008). Managing the emotions of leadership: To have, to create….to manipulate? Invited keynote speech to the 9th International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Lille, FR</p><p>6. Callahan, J. L. (2006). Gazing into the crystal ball: Critical HRD as a future of research in the field. Invited Plenary Panelist at the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Tilburg, NL.</p><p>5. Clay, P. L. and Callahan, J. L. (2005). The swinging dance of evaluation: Culturally responsive lessons from the evaluation floor. Invited presentation to the National Science Foundation Evaluation Training Institute, Howard University, Washington, DC. </p><p>4. Callahan, J. L. and Gračanin, D. (2001). Emotion structuration in a complex world: Providing clarity through visualization? Invited paper to the Economic and Social Research Council Conference, Lancaster, UK. </p><p>3. Callahan, J. L. (2001). Leadership theory and practice. Invited panelist for the U.S. Army Management Staff College panel on leadership. Alexandria, VA.</p><p>2. Callahan, J. L. (2001). Managing the emotional aspects of organizational learning. Presentation to the 3rd Department of Defense Conference on Civilian Education and Professional Development. Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, DC.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 15</p><p>1. Short, D., & Callahan, J. L. (2001). HRD professionals as global citizens: HRD ethics and integrity in the global era. Town Forum paper presented at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Town Forum, Tulsa, Oklahoma.</p><p>Invited Workshops at Refereed Conferences</p><p>Callahan, J. L., & Reio, T. G. (2010). Meet the Editors: The publication process. Invited symposium at the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2010). Establishing a research agenda. Invited panelist at The Faculty 101: Emerging Scholar Development Workshop at the Academy of Human Resource Development, Knoxville, TN.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2008). Establishing a research agenda. Invited panelist at The New Academic Professional Development Workshop at the Academy of Human Resource Development, Panama City, FL.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2006). It’s all in the question: Research methods in HRD. Invited instructor for the Doctoral Workshop of the International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, Tilburg, NL.</p><p>Invited Teaching and Workshop Presentations</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (November 10, 2011). Emotions in Human Resource Development. Presentation to Dr. Rajashi Ghosh’s Online Introduction to HRD course at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (February 9, 2011). Creating your portfolio. Texas A&M University, Graduate Representative Advisory Board (GRAB).</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (March 30, 2011). Emotions in the workplace: The 4 C’s of emotion. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program.</p><p>Also presented: </p><p>- March 29, 2010, Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program - November 17, 2009. City of Bryan, TX - November 9, 2009. Texas AgriLife Emerging Leader’s Conference. - April 1, 2009. Texas A&M University Leadership Institute - October 28, 2008. Texas A&M University Leadership Institute - April 2, 2008. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program - October 25, 2007. Texas A&M University Leadership Institute - June 20, 2007. Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland. - April 26, 2007. Texas A&M University, College of Education and Human Development Staff. - April 20, 2007. Texas A&M University, Mays’ School of Business, Executive Women’s Summit. - October, 2006. Texas A&M University Leadership Institute. - Spring, 2006. Brazos Valley Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development. - Fall, 2005. Texas A&M University Leadership Institute. - Fall, 2005. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certification Symposium. - Spring, 2004. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certification Symposium. - Fall, 2003. Brazos Valley Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development. - Fall, 2003. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certification Symposium. - Spring, 2003. Brazos Valley Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators. - Spring, 2003. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certification Symposium.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 16</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (November 4, 2009). Emotions and leadership in HRD. Presentation to Dr. Tom Garney’s undergraduate course on Principles & Practices of Leadership in HRD at Texas A&M University.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (March 29, 2010). Why Training? Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program.</p><p>Also presented:</p><p>- March 30, 2009. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program - March 31, 2008. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (March 29, 2011). Platform skills: Training & Development is more than just stand & deliver. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program.</p><p>Also presented:</p><p>- March 30, 2010. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program - April 1, 2009. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program - April 2, 2008. Texas A&M University, Training & Development Certificate Program</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2006). Teams in transition: Team roles and the emotions of change. Presentation and workshop for Montgomery College, Conroe, TX.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2002). Leadership, women, and the military. Presentation to Dr. Linda Glessner’s graduate course on Women and Leadership at Texas A&M University.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2002). Emotion management and communication in HRD. Presentation to Dr. Toby Egan’s graduate course on Communication in HRD at Texas A&M University.</p><p>Callahan, J. L., & Short, D. (2001). Ethical implications of globalization for HRD professionals. Invited Facilitated Interactive Presentation given at the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference Town Forum, Tulsa, Oklahoma.</p><p>Callahan, J. L. (2001). Emotions and organizational learning. Presentation to Dr. Suzanne Geigle's graduate course on Organizational Learning at The George Washington University. </p><p>Ward, S.*, Callahan, J., & Kimball, L. (1999). Distance learning and effecting organizational change. Round table presentation at the International Society for Performance Improvement, Potomac Chapter Conference, Chevy Chase, MD.</p><p>Press Interviews</p><p>Moffitt, B. (2011). Emotions in organizations. Interview for Good Work Now! YouTube instructional series.</p><p>Renzetti, C. (2010). Violence Against Women featured article interview, Sage Publications PodCast. http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/sage-podcast/id281473116 (Interview #51).</p><p>Wall, M. (Summer, 2007). Intentional technology: The use of blogs and wikis in graduate courses. University Writing Center PodCast Interview of Jamie Callahan. http://writingcenter.tamu.edu/podcasts/write- away/episode-26-dr-jamie-callahan-professor-of-educational-administration-and-human-resource- development-discusses-the-use-of-blogs-in-her-graduate-level-course/</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 17</p><p>Vazquez, N. (Fall, 2007). Using blogs and wikis to support graduate coursework: An interview with Jamie Callahan. Writing Matters.</p><p>RESEARCH HONORS AND AWARDS</p><p>Human Resource Development International Best Journal Article Award (2008) Early Career Scholar Award, Academy of Human Resource Development (2006) Leadership & Organization Development Journal Best Article Award (2006) Cutting Edge Best Conference Paper Award, Academy of Human Resource Development (1999, 2009) Best Conference Paper Award, Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management (1999) Malcolm Knowles Dissertation of the Year, 2nd place, Academy of Human Resource Development (1999)</p><p>FUNDED RESEARCH AND ENTREPRENEURIAL PROJECTS</p><p>Total externally funded: $361,203 Total internally funded: $201,117</p><p>Training & Development Professional Certificate Project (March - April, 2010). Project Leader: Larry M. Dooley. Team members: Jamie Callahan, Toby Egan, Jia Wang, & Gary McLean. Service and teaching project to deliver graduate-level skills training in the human resource development concentration of training & development over a one-week period to professionals in the field of practice. Revenue generated by participation in this project provides funding for one annual Graduate Assistant and also offsets expenses to send graduate students to conferences. Role: Assisted in original planning of certificate program content, developed three modules for the certificate program, taught three modules for the certificate program, attended certificate networking meetings. Funding Source: Private industry. Amount funded: $30,000.</p><p>Training & Development Professional Certificate Project (March - April, 2009). Project Leader: Larry M. Dooley. Team members: Fredrick M. Nafukho, Jamie Callahan, Jia Wang, & Gary McLean. Service and teaching project to deliver graduate level skills training in the human resource development concentration of training & development over a one-week period to professionals in the field of practice. Revenue generated by participation in this project provides funding for one annual Graduate Assistant and also offsets expenses to send graduate students to conferences. Role: Assisted in original planning of certificate program content, developed three modules for the certificate program, taught three modules for the certificate program, attended certificate networking meetings. Funding Source: Private industry. Amount funded: $28,000.</p><p>Course Conversion Grant (2008). Principal Investigator: Larry Dooley. Co-Principal Investigators: Jamie Callahan and Fred Nafukho. This was a capstone grant in which all nine remaining courses in the EHRD Master’s program were converted to an online format. The grant funded three full-time graduate assistants to focus on instructional design, technological enhancements, and project management in coordination with faculty of record for each course. Role: Converted three courses to an online format and met with project team for strategic planning for the online Master’s program. Funding Agency: TAMU Office of the Vice President for Research. Amount funded: $129, 967.</p><p>Investigating Leadership as a Pivotal Dimension in the Effective Integration of Non-traditional Teaching Strategies (2008). Principal Investigator. Co-Principal Investigator: Mario S. Torres. This project explores the quality of leadership integration/oversight and implementation of innovative science concepts and strategies in demographically diverse 5th grade classrooms. The researchers focused on the role of administrative leadership and teacher leaders in enabling conditions and commitment to successfully adopting non-traditional science teaching strategies. Role: Conceptualized and designed study, administratively managed project, provided oversight to program development, and collected data. Funding Agency: Mexican American Latino Research Center (MALRC). Amount funded: $5,000.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 18</p><p>Training & Development Professional Certificate Project (March - April, 2008). Project Leader: Larry M. Dooley. Team members: Fredrick M. Nafukho, Jamie Callahan, Toby Egan, Jia Wang, & Gary McLean. Service and teaching project to deliver graduate level skills training in the human resource development concentration of training & development over a one-week period to professionals in the field of practice. Revenue generated by participation in this project provides funding for one annual Graduate Assistant and also offsets expenses to send graduate students to conferences. Role: Assisted in original planning of certificate program content, developed three modules for the certificate program, taught three modules for the certificate program, attended certificate networking meetings. Funding Source: Private industry. Amount funded: $38,745.</p><p>Living in Interesting Times?: Chinese Workforce Response to State Owned Enterprise Reform (2006). Principal Investigator: Li, J.; Co-Principal Investigators: Callahan, J. L. & Egan, T. M. The purpose of this field based research in urban China was to initiate the first two rounds of a three stage study focusing on how workers at State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) have responded emotionally to recent economic reforms. Role: Assisted in research design, proposal development, and initial analysis. Funding Agency: Texas A&M University International Research and Travel Grant, International Education Center. Amount funded: $2,000.</p><p>Collaborative Research, SIRG: Development of Sensor and Sensor Networks to Detect and Characterize Significant Environmental Episodic Events (2005). Co-Principal Investigator. The purpose of this research was to develop new aquatic sensors and adapt an existing operational sensor network test bed to accommodate these sensors. A key element of the grant is to explore partnership opportunities with organizations that will adopt and deploy aquatic sensors and to ensure that those organizations are prepared to adopt new technology. Role: Designed and wrote evaluation component of the proposal and served as an advisor for evaluation services. Principal Investigator: Jerald Schnoor, University of Iowa; Additional Co- Principal Investigators: Faculty teams from Howard University, University of Iowa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, and Texas A&M University. Funding agency: National Science Foundation. Amount funded: $121,458.</p><p>Online Course Conversion Grant (2004). Principal Investigator. Funding to lead a team of faculty and Web-ISD consultants to convert four graduate courses to web-based delivery format in order to finalize conversion of all courses necessary for the Online Master’s Degree Program. Funding from this project supported a Graduate Assistant for two semesters. Role: Designed and administratively managed all aspects of the project, converted one course and hired staff to convert the other three courses. Funding agency: Texas A&M University Office of Distance Education. Amount funded: $50,000.</p><p>International Travel Grant (2003). Principal Investigator. Funding to conduct research on incidental and informal learning obtained through participation in non-profit swing dance organizations in the United Kingdom. Role: Designed and administratively managed all aspects of the project. Funding agency: Texas A&M University College of Education. Amount funded: $600.</p><p>Online Course Conversion Grant (2002). Principal Investigator. Funding to convert graduate course on Critical Issues in HRD from a Web-supported format to a fully Web-based format. Role: Designed and administratively managed all aspects of the project; worked with college technology staff to convert and implement the course. Funding agency: Texas A&M University College of Education. Amount funded: $1,500.</p><p>Consultation for School-University Partnerships (2002). Principal Investigator. External funding to conduct a class-based research consultation for two school-university partnership organizations in Texas. Role: Led two student teams to design consultation, collect data, and report findings to both partnerships. Funding agency: The Institute for School-University Partnerships. Amount funded: $5,000.</p><p>Visualization of Emotion Management Perceptions: A Feasibility Study (2002). Principal Investigator. Funding to explore feasibility of using petri net visualization software to represent qualitative data associated with August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 19</p><p> emotion management. Used funding to support a Graduate Assistant for summer. Role: Designed study with a Virginia Tech computer science faculty member and published results in a book chapter. Funding agency: Texas A&M University College of Education. Amount funded: $4,000.</p><p>HRD Practices in Croatian Tourism Industry Travel Grant (2002). Principal Investigator. Funding for in- country travel in Croatia to establish a partnership with a Croatian researcher to explore HRD practices in Croatian industry. Role: Designed and administratively managed all aspects of the project; met with business school faculty in Dubrovnik to explore partnership opportunities. Funding agency: Texas A&M University College of Education. Amount funded: $550.</p><p>Information Technology Certificate Evaluation (2001). Co-Principal Investigator. Part of a team that received an externally-funded grant to create an internet software development training program using traditional and web-based methods. The program is targeted to non-technical individuals. Role: Designed an evaluation plan for the proposal and led a team to evaluate the efficacy of the year-long program, with a special emphasis on the use of distance technology in the program. Principal investigators: Ms. Laura Fornash and Dr. Denis Gračanin. Funding agency: The Northern Virginia Regional Partnership. Amount funded: $118,000. </p><p>High Potential Leadership Development Program Evaluation (2000). Principal investigator. Externally funded project to evaluate a leadership development program in a geographically dispersed 'virtual' environmental and management consulting firm. Role: Designed an evaluation plan, collected data, and provided results to the organization. Co-principal investigator: Dr. Eric McCollum. Funding agency: TetraTech EMI. Amount funded: $10,000. </p><p>State Government Training Needs Assessment (1999). Principal investigator. Conducted an externally-funded training needs assessment for a department in the Virginia state government. Role: Designed needs assessment plan for proposal, provided oversight to data collection team, and delivered training plan to client. Co-principal investigators: Dr. Letitia Combs and Dr. Bert Wiswell. Funding agency: Department of Human Services, State of Virginia. Amount funded: $10,000. </p><p>Leadership in the New Millennium Certificate Program (1998). Principal investigator. Established a certificate program targeted to non-credit and for-credit students. The courses in the certificate program were based on leadership needs identified in the American Society of Training & Development survey of executives. Researched best practices in leadership development and designed and implemented certificate program. Role: Designed and administratively managed all aspects of the project. Co-principal investigators: Ms. Laura Fornash and Dr. Bert Wiswell. Funding agency: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Amount funded: $7,500. </p><p>PROPOSALS NOT FUNDED</p><p>International Curriculum Development Grant (2009). Principal Investigator. The purpose of this grant was to coordinate a group of scholars from multiple international universities to replicate with European colleagues the highly successful US-only ‘conference research course’. The study-abroad course was to bring students from universities across Europe and the US together for the purpose of establishing cross-national research partnerships while participating in the joint US-European HRD conference. Co-Investigator: Larry Dooley. Funding Agency: Texas A&M University. Amount requested: $2500.00</p><p>A Discursive Analysis of Trade Magazines as an Influence on the Identity of European Human Resource Development Practitioners (2007). Principal Investigator. A primary way of shaping perceptions of professional identity is through language found in written publications, such as trade magazines. The proposed study will be conducted in collaboration with two U.K. colleagues who subscribe to two different U.K. HRD trade magazines. Because of the U.K. tradition of practice based in critical theory, we expect to find more empowering messages in U.K. trade magazines that give voice to both organizations and </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 20</p><p> individuals. Thus, we hope that our findings will provide alternative messages for identity-creation amongst U.S. HRD practitioners to help them in the promotion of ethical behavior toward individuals within organizations. Co-Investigators: Sally Sambrook, University of Wales-Bangor and John Walton, London Metropolitan University. Funding Agency: Texas A&M University. Amount requested: $2453.00</p><p>The Pedagogy of Performance Art: Culture Jamming in the Community (2007). Principal Investigator. The purpose of this interdisciplinary study was to make course content on critical perspectives of work and social movement learning come alive for students through the creation, enactment, and analysis of a culture jamming performance art event involving a “shopping intervention.” OBIE award-winning performance artist, Reverend Billy, was to guide our students through an activist performance art event at a local business. Co-Investigator: Jennifer A. Sandlin. Funding Agency: Texas A&M University. Amount requested: $5000.00</p><p>Organizational Learning in Merging Financial Institutions: A Culture Assessment of BBVA-USA’s Readiness for Change (2006). Principal Investigator. After acquiring three geographically distinct banks in Texas over a short period, the goal of BBVA-USA was to gain a better understanding of the current culture within each bank and across the three banks, especially with regard to growth, development, and learning. This proposed study was to distribute a survey to 4000+ employees and to assess the culture and climate within and across the three newly acquired banks. This Spanish-based bank is the largest bank in Spanish-speaking countries and has recently begun to establish operations in the culturally-distinct U.S. Co-principal investigator: Anthony Rolle. Funding agency: Grupo BBVA. Amount requested: $51,700.</p><p>Center for Environmental CyberEngineering: Sensing, Modeling, and Systems Analysis (2005). Co-Principal Investigator. Submitted proposal to create a research center designed to be a collaborative engineering analysis network, using high performance tools and infrastructure, to transform our understanding of environmental change in human-dominated systems, and to accelerate development of cyberengineering and the sensor industry. The education and outreach component of the center will focus on diffusing and disseminating engineering knowledge across educational institutions and industry stakeholders. Role: Wrote evaluation and education portion of the proposal; was to serve in an education & outreach capacity. Principal Investigator: Jerald Schnoor, University of Iowa; Additional Co-Principal Investigators: Faculty teams from Howard University, University of Iowa, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, and Texas A&M University. Funding agency: National Science Foundation. Amount requested: $20,000,000 for five years, renewable for an additional $20,000,000 in five years.</p><p>Measuring Self-Awareness: The Development and Use of the Narrative Assessment Interview for Evaluating Leadership Development Programs (2004). Principal Investigator. Assessment of existing data to determine the effectiveness of using self-awareness measures in evaluating leadership development programs. Co- principal investigator: Dr. Eric McCollum. Funding agency: The IBM Center for the Business of Government. Amount requested: $10,000.</p><p>Innovation in Technology Research (1999) Co-principal investigator. Proposal to study the technological and social implications of innovative user interfaces for collaborative distance learning. A primary purpose of the study was to look at how information technologies could be embedded into organizational contexts in order to improve learning capacities at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Role: Conceptualized social science component of the project and assisted in proposal development. Principal investigator: Denis Gracanin (Computer Science); Co-principal investigators: Athman Bouguettaya, Jamie Callahan, Sanjay Gupta, and David Schwandt (George Washington University). Funding agency: National Science Foundation. Amount requested: $3,024,739.</p><p>Leadership in the New Millennium Course Transformation Grant (1999). Principal Investigator. Conversion of six face-to-face courses in a Leadership Development certificate program to a distance format, incorporating web delivery and two-way video (TTVN) media. Co-principal investigators: Ms. Sarah Ward, Ms. Laura </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 21</p><p>Worley Fornash, and Dr. Bert Wiswell. Funding agency: Virginia Tech Center for Innovation in Learning. Amount requested: $129,482.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS</p><p>Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Academy of Management (AoM) American Evaluation Association (AEA) Air Force Association (AFA)</p><p>PROFESSIONAL SERVICE</p><p>National and International</p><p>Editorships:</p><p>Editor, Human Resource Development Review, Term: 2011-2014. Associate Editor, Human Resource Development Review, Term: 2008-2011. </p><p>Editorial Board Memberships:</p><p>Editorial Board, Journal of European Industrial Training, Term: 2010-present Editorial Board, Human Resource Development International, Term: 2004-present Editorial Board, Perseus Publishers Organizational Learning, Performance, & Change Series (2000- 2003)</p><p>Reviewer:</p><p>Refereed Journals</p><p>Gender & Society, Occasional Management Learning, Occasional Violence Against Women, Occasional New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, Occasional Journal of European Industrial Training, Occasional Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Occasional Human Resource Development Quarterly, Occasional Human Resource Development International, Occasional Human Resource Development Review, Past Human Relations, Past Organization Studies, Past</p><p>Refereed Conferences</p><p>Academy of Human Resource Development (1999-2001, 2003-2009) Academy of Management, Managerial & Organizational Cognition Division (2002-2003) Critical Management Studies (United Kingdom) (2009) Emotions in Organizational Life (1998 & 2002) Interdisciplinary Students of Organizations (1997) University Forum for HRD (UFHRD) in Europe (2006-2010)</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 22</p><p>Book Publishers</p><p>Guilford Press: 2004, 2006, 2010 Sage Publications: 2008 Palgrave Press: 2007</p><p>National Grant Reviewer</p><p>Fetzer Institute RFP for Scientific Research on Altruistic and Compassionate Love: 2001</p><p>Conference Activities: </p><p>Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD)</p><p>Local Arrangements Committee (overall conference planning) (1999 & 2004) Program Chair, AHRD Conference Food n’ Thought Professional Development Sessions (2003-2004) Program Co-Chair, AHRD Conference Food n’ Thought Professional Development Sessions (2002) Program Co-Chair, HRD Research to Practice, AHRD Pre-conference Workshop (2004) Program Co-Chair, Evaluation and Practice in HRD, AHRD Pre-conference Workshop (2003) Program Chair, Emerging Scholars and Leadership Development Pre-conference Workshop (2000) Program Chair, Pre-Conference Program (2008-2009) Town Forum Keynote Session Moderator (1999) Symposium Moderator (1999-2007, 2009-2010)</p><p>Critical Management Studies (international conference based in Europe)</p><p>Track Co-Chair, Critical Human Resource Development (2009) Track Co-Chair, Critical Human Resource Development (2011)</p><p>University Forum for HRD (UFHRD) & AHRD (joint international conference based in Europe)</p><p>Track Co-Chair, Critical Human Resource Development (2008-2009)</p><p>Academy of Management</p><p>Local Arrangements Committee (overall conference planning) (2001) Chair, Cognition in the Rough Professional Development Workshop, Managerial & Organizational Cognition Division (2001-2002) Co-chair, Cognition in the Rough Professional Development Workshop, Managerial & Organizational Cognition Division (2000)</p><p>National Professional Association Committee Service:</p><p>Chair, AHRD Early Career Scholar Award Selection Committee (2011) Member, Research & Scholarship in AHRD Ad Hoc Committee (2011) Chair, Elwood F. Holton III Research Excellence Award Committee for Outstanding Human Resource Development Review Journal Article (2008-2010) Chair, Professional Development Committee (2006-2009) Chair, AHRD Advances in Developing Human Resources Best Editor Committee (2004) Member, AHRD Early Career Scholar Award Selection Committee (2007-2010) Member, AHRD Malcolm Knowles Best Dissertation Award Committee (2002-2003) Member, AHRD Best Proceedings Paper Award Committee </p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 23</p><p>Member, AHRD Scholarship and Leadership Development Committee (2001) Member, AHRD Research Committee (1999-2000)</p><p>Board Membership:</p><p>Board of Directors, Academy of Human Resource Development, 1999-2000 and 2008-2011</p><p>Promotion & Tenure Dossier Reviews</p><p>Kit Brooks, University of Arkansas, 2006 Jennifer Calvin, Southern Illinois University, 2011</p><p>Community</p><p>Fairfax County (VA) Extension Leadership Council, Virginia Tech Liaison (1999-2001) Animal Allies Educational Program Development Coordinator (1997-2001)</p><p>University</p><p>Texas Center for Adult Learning and Literacy Barbara Bush Family Literacy Fellowship Reviewer (2009): Reviewed and ranked applications for the TCALL Family Literacy fellowship. University Disciplinary Appeals Committee (2007-present): Members are called to serve on panels which hear evidence and make rulings associated with the appeal of all disciplinary actions (other than academic dishonesty cases) taken within the university. This is the final appeal authority for all disciplinary actions in the university. University Honor Council Representative (2006-2008) Elected Position: Representatives are called upon to serve on hearing panels that make determinations regarding allegations of academic dishonesty and recommend sanctions for cases of violation; they also serve as investigators collecting data from all relevant parties associated with a reported violation. University Committee for Undergraduate Leadership Development, College Representative (2005): Served as a committee that met regularly to identify existing avenues of leadership development for undergraduates and to propose collaborative opportunities for enhancing undergraduate leadership development across colleges within the university University Faculty Advisor, HRD Undergraduate Student Organization (2004-2005): Inaugural advisor for the new student organization associated with the HRD undergraduate program. Assisted the organization officers in the development of operating procedures and for approval of funding. University Faculty Advisor, Texas Aggie Swing Cats (2001-Present): Advisor for a club dedicated to promoting social swing dancing. Assist with the development of operating procedures and approval of funding; attend regular planning and strategy meetings; teach dance classes; help resolve conflicts; and conduct other similar advisory activities.</p><p>College</p><p>College of Education Mentor of the Year Award, Department Representative (2002): Served on the committee that reviewed nominations for outstanding college mentor of the year and selected the recipient. College Curriculum Committee (2006-2007): Served on the committee that reviewed requests for undergraduate curriculum revisions and additions and made recommendations for approval. College POWER Writing Consultant Group (2011-present): Consultant on a team that mentors students throughout the university in the writing process during weekly scheduled meetings.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 24</p><p>Department </p><p>Graduate Course Rigor Committee, Chair (2007-2008): Led team of representatives from each program to explore the level of rigor in graduate courses of each program and to develop recommendations for programs to maintain or strengthen the level of rigor in the broader graduate experience Graduate Assistant Committee, Chair (2006-2007): Led team of volunteers to identify current practices with regard to selecting and assigning GA’s and to develop policies and procedures for hiring, developing, training, evaluating, and terminating GA’s. The policy manual developed by the committee is in active use by the Department. Evaluation of Teaching Committee (2006): Representative to the committee that assessed faculty preferences for contents and structure of the end-of-course evaluations and made recommendations to the Department for modifying processes and procedures. Graduate Student Progress Committee (2006): Representative to the committee that analyzed the academic journey taken by students in each program of the Department in order to recommend a core, common pathway to be tailored, as desired, by each program. Departmental Faculty Search Committees (2002, 2004, 2005): Member of three faculty search committees in the broader department Departmental Liaison for University Honor Code System (2004-present): Appointed to serve as a resource for Departmental faculty for questions about the University Honor Code, about mechanisms that faculty can institute in their practices to prevent academic dishonesty from occurring, and about methods that faculty can use for student development should accidental dishonesty occur. Departmental Promotion & Tenure Committee (2006-present): Took part in the decision making process regarding promotion and tenure for the following individuals (all individuals who came before the committee are listed below):</p><p> 2007, Dominique Chlup, 3rd year review: Reviewed dossier and voted 2007, Mario Torres, 3rd year review: Reviewed dossier and voted 2008, Kathryn MacKenzie, Promotion & Tenure: Reviewed dossier and voted 2008, Toby Egan, Promotion & Tenure: Reviewed dossier and voted 2009, Mario Torres, Promotion & Tenure, Reviewed dossier 2009, Vicente Lechuga, 3rd year review: Reviewed dossier 2010, Jia Wang, 3rd year review: Reviewed dossier and voted 2010, Terah Venzant Chambers, 3rd year review: Reviewed dossier and voted 2010, Dominique Chlup, Promotion & Tenure, Reviewed dossier and voted 2010, Jia Wang, Promotion & Tenure, Reviewed dossier and voted 2011, Vicente Lechuga, Promotion & Tenure, Reviewed dossier and voted</p><p>Program</p><p>Program Leadership and Development Activities</p><p>Doctoral Qualifying Exam Protocol Committee, Chair (2009-2010): Led a team that benchmarked mid- program doctoral student evaluation procedures in programs with similar content focus from other universities; created a process and policy to be used in the Texas A&M HRD-specialization of the doctoral program. Doctoral Prelim Process Committee, Chair (2008-2010): Individually developed the policies and procedures used by the HRD program to guide preliminary examinations; when HRD and Adult Education (AE) programs merged, led the team to modify the policy to create a common policy. Masters and Doctoral Admissions Criteria Development Committee (2009 & 2010): Member of the committee that benchmarked HRD graduate admissions criteria and developed new criteria for evaluating and selecting new students for both master’s and doctoral admissions.</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 25</p><p>Masters Portfolio Process Development (2008-2009): Individually benchmarked portfolio evaluation procedures at other institutions, attended continuing education sessions on assembling and evaluating portfolios, and developed policies and procedures for constructing and evaluating Master’s Comprehensive Examination Portfolios. Training & Development Certificate Committee (2006): Member of the team that benchmarked successful similar programs across the country, designed the extramurally funded program, and developed educational content for the program. Current member of the delivery team for the Certificate, the revenue from which funds a Graduate Assistant. Graduate Course Syllabi Review (2006): Individually analyzed course syllabi from every course offered from 2001-2006 to assess alignment of objectives, diversity of reading materials, progression of knowledge, and rigor of design. Final report was provided for inclusion in the Doctoral Program Review. Graduate Course Review Committee (2005-2006; 2008-present): Member of the committee that conducts periodic assessments of the alignment and rigor of progression of course content for undergraduate, master’s, and PhD preparation. Doctoral Program Review Response Committee, Chair (2006): Led the team that developed the program response to evaluator comments made during the Doctoral Program Review. Doctoral Student Process Committee (Program), Chair (2005-2006): Ensured that the program processes for doctoral student progression (e.g., Qualifying Examination, Preliminary Examination, Proposal Hearing) were aligned and consistent and disseminated to students.</p><p>Significant Functional Service</p><p>University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education (UCWHRE) Representative (2011). Volunteered to represent the Texas A&M EHRD program at the UCWHRE annual meeting in Fort Collins, CO. UCWHRE is a nonprofit organization engaged in leadership for teaching, research, and service initiatives in human resource development and career and technical education. Masters Portfolio Review Committee (Annual): Serve as either instructor of record or as member of the evaluation team for comprehensive examination portfolios submitted by every master’s student in the program in partial fulfillment of the requirements to earn a M.S. degree. Masters and Doctoral Admissions Review Committee (Annual): All members of the program serve on the admissions committee reviewing applicants for admission to the graduate program. A rotating sub- committee, on which each faculty member serves at least once per year, is also responsible for reading and evaluating each applicant’s 1-3 pages written statement of interest; we have approximately 125-150 applicants during our two admissions cycles each year. Doctoral Qualifying Exam Evaluation Committee (Annual): Serve as a member of a rotating team that, each Fall and Spring, evaluates a written examination taken at least once by all doctoral students who have completed between 24-36 credit hours of coursework. Program Faculty Search Committees (3) (2005-2006): Served on three faculty search committees held that increased the diversity within the program.</p><p>TEACHING EXPERIENCE (syllabi available upon request; unless otherwise noted, all courses are graduate level)</p><p>Texas A&M University</p><p>EHRD 675: Gender & Leadership in HRD EHRD 689: Consulting with Human Systems EHRD 602: Critical Issues in Human Resource Development (Traditional & Online) EHRD 642: Program Development in Adult Education EHRD 689: Emotions in Organizations EHRD 605: Leadership Development (Traditional & Online)</p><p>August 31, 2009 Jamie L. Callahan 26</p><p>EHRD 489/405: Leadership Development (Undergraduate) EHRD 612: Foundations of Training & Development (Traditional & Online) EHRD 601: Foundations of Human Resource Development EHRD 620: Human Emotions in Education & Industry (Traditional & Online) EHRD 689: Exploring the Philosophical Foundations of HRD through Popular Film EDAD 654: Organizational Learning EHRD 613: Career Development (Online)</p><p>IESEG School of Management, Lille, France (Invited Professor, once per year, 2007-Present)</p><p>MGMT-EI10UE: Introduction to Human Resource Development</p><p>Virginia Polytechnic & State Institution</p><p>ALHR 6814: Consulting with Human Systems ALHR 5984: Theoretical Foundations of Human Resource Development ALHR 5504: Foundations of Adult Learning & Human Resource Development ALHR 5524: Programming Process in Adult Learning</p><p>George Washington University</p><p>Basic Research Design</p><p>TEACHING AWARDS</p><p>University Level</p><p>Texas A&M University SLATE (Student-Led Assessment of Teaching Excellence) Top 5% of University Faculty Award, Spring 2009 ($5,000 faculty stipend award)</p><p>TEACHING LOAD SUMMARY, TEXAS A&M</p><p>AY Course Load Courses Comment Taught</p><p>2010 – 2011 4 4 2009 – 2010 4 6 International Adjunct EHRD Courses 2008 – 2009 4 4 2007 – 2008 4 4 2006 – 2007 4 3 Elective Cancelled, Admin Duties Assigned 2005 – 2006 4 5 On Campus Adjunct EHRD Course 2004 – 2005 4 4 2003 – 2004 4 5 Unremunerated Overload EHRD Course 2002 – 2003 4 3 Elective Cancelled, Admin Duties Assigned 2001 – 2002 3 3 Course Reduction for 1st Semester at TAMU</p><p>August 31, 2009 TEACHING EVALUATIONS</p><p>Texas A&M University</p><p>* - Team taught course + - Online course (typically very low response rates, so most online evaluations are not included here) # - Undergraduate course (unless otherwise indicated, all courses are graduate level) ^ - Core course (unless otherwise indicated, all courses are electives) $ - International Adjunct Course for Texas A&M EHRD Program</p><p>Evaluation Scale: Highest rating is “5” (Strongly Agree)/Lowest rating is “1” (Strongly Disagree)</p><p>Course, Enrolled Hrs Objectives Prepared Workload Interest Conducive Available Good Overall Term [Responses] Realistic in Stdts Learning Outside teacher Rating Environment Class /Good course</p><p>Fall 2011 ^EHRD 601 19[12] 3 4.8 4.4 4.7 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.7 + EHRD 602 17[7] 3 4.6 4.7 4.1 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.6</p><p>Spring 2011 + EHRD 605 14[6] 3 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.2 4.5 4.3 4.4 4.44 EHRD 675 7[6] 3 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.76</p><p>Fall 2010 ^EHRD 601 8[6] 3 4.83 4.83 4.67 4.83 5 4.6 5/4.83 4.82 +EHRD 620 3 Low Evaluation Response Rate: Course Taught, Data Not Included</p><p>Spring 2010 ^ EHRD 612 13[10] 3 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.9/4.9 4.85 + EHRD 602 11[6] 3 4.8 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.7 4.8/4.8 4.76 $ EHRD 612 Standardized Evaluation Data Not Collected for International Course Offerings</p><p>Fall 2009 + EHRD 605 20 [10] 3 4.6 4.4 4.3 3.9 4.56 4.4 4.0/3.9 4.26 ^ EHRD 601 18 [11] 3 4.36 4.27 4.18 3.91 4.64 4.18 4.1/4.2 4.23 $ EHRD 605 Standardized Evaluation Data Not Collected for International Course Offerings</p><p>NOTE: A new online evaluation system with new items was initiated Fall 2009</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 28</p><p>Evaluation Scale: Highest rating is “4” (Strongly Agree)/Lowest rating is “1” (Strongly Disagree) Course, Term Enrollment Credits Goals Preparation Organized Delivery Fit Overall [Respondents] Rating</p><p>Spring 2009 ^ EHRD 612 16[11] 3 3.59 3.75 3.78 3.65 3.84 3.76 [4.70] + ^EHRD 613 18[6] 3 3.62 3.79 3.64 3.58 3.50 3.63 [4.54] Note: Assigned EHRD 613 5 days prior to the semester start; had to create a new course using a new online platform (Moodle)</p><p>Fall 2008 EHRD 605 14[14] 3 3.84 3.77 3.63 3.85 3.83 3.78 [4.73] EHRD 620 6[9] 3 3.82 3.61 3.80 3.88 3.91 3.80 [4.75]</p><p>Spring 2008 ^EHRD 612 12[11] 3 3.92 3.80 3.80 3.92 3.82 3.85 [4.81] ^+EHRD 612 Low Evaluation Response Rate: Course Taught, Data Not Included</p><p>Fall 2007 EHRD 642 9[9] 3 3.87 3.92 3.91 3.88 3.93 3.90 [4.88] *EHRD 605 13[13] 3 3.44 3.60 3.54 3.72 3.46 3.55 [4.44]</p><p>Spring 2007 ^EHRD 612 17[14] 3 3.35 3.48 3.29 3.60 3.46 3.44 [4.30]</p><p>Fall 2006 EHRD 620 12[11] 3 3.74 3.93 3.94 3.89 3.81 3.86 [4.83] *EHRD 605 18[15] 3 3.50 3.63 3.51 3.71 3.33 3.54 [4.43]</p><p>Summer 2006 EHRD 689 10[10] 3 3.84 3.80 3.86 3.91 3.75 3.83 [4.79]</p><p>Spring 2006 ^EHRD 612 15[15] 3 3.88 3.98 3.87 3.96 3.98 3.93 [4.91] EDAD 654 12[11] 3 3.97 3.91 3.98 3.97 3.99 3.96 [4.95]</p><p>Fall 2005 ^EHRD 601 13[12] 3 3.74 3.67 3.65 3.77 3.78 3.72 [4.65] EHRD 605 5[4] 3 3.88 3.81 3.85 3.91 3.79 3.85 [4.81]</p><p>Spring 2005 ^EHRD 612 23[21] 3 3.52 3.63 3.59 3.67 3.55 3.59 [4.49] ^+EHRD 612 Low Evaluation Response Rate: Course Taught, Data Not Included</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 29</p><p>Fall 2004 EHRD 605 10[9] 3 3.60 3.51 3.39 3.81 3.82 3.63 [4.54] #EHRD 405 21[21] 3 3.85 3.88 3.89 3.96 3.91 3.90 [4.88]</p><p>Spring 2004 ^EHRD 612 14[13] 3 3.36 3.49 3.53 3.67 3.61 3.53 [4.41] + ^EHRD 612 16[8] 3 3.51 3.72 3.55 3.61 3.69 3.62 [4.53] EHRD 602 10[9] 3 3.99 3.97 3.98 3.99 4.00 3.99 [4.99]</p><p>Fall 2003 EHRD 605 9[9] 3 3.74 3.61 3.69 3.83 3.68 3.71 [4.64] #EHRD 489 17[14] 3 3.41 3.43 3.42 3.56 3.46 3.46 (405) [4.33]</p><p>Spring 2003 EHRD 689 8[8] 3 3.21 3.47 3.33 3.44 2.96 3.28 [4.10] +EHRD 602 Low Evaluation Response Rate: Course Taught, Data Not Included</p><p>Fall 2002 3.78 EHRD 689 8[8] 3 3.81 3.66 3.70 3.83 3.88 [4.73]</p><p>Note: Data for courses with a very low evaluation response rate (less than 30%) were not included in the above summary.</p><p>Texas A&M University</p><p>Evaluation Scale: Highest rating is “1” (Strongly Agree)/Lowest rating is “4” (Strongly Disagree)</p><p>Course, Term Enrollment Credits Goals Preparation Organized Delivery Fit Overall [Respondents] Rating</p><p>Spring 2002 EHRD 602 (2 23 [20] 3 1.65 1.84 1.76 1.37 1.68 1.66 Sections : [4.18] McAllen Cohort & On Campus)</p><p>Fall 2001 EHRD 642 9 [8] 3 1.19 1.28 1.53 1.33 1.34 1.32 [4.60]</p><p>Virginia Tech</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 30</p><p>Evaluation Scale: Highest rating is “4” (Strongly Agree)/Lowest rating is “1” (Strongly Disagree)</p><p>* Team taught course</p><p>Course, Term Enrollment Subject Success Stimulating Concern & Fairness Overall [Respondents] Knowledge Communicating Respect Rating Fall 2000 ALHR 5524 16 [13] 3.6 3.2 2.8 3.6 3.2 3.5 [4.38] ^ALHR 5504 18 [16] 3.8 3.3 3.4 3.8 3.5 3.5 [4.38]</p><p>Spring 2000 ALHR 5524 6 [5] 3.6 2.8 3.2 3.8 3.0 3.2 [4.00] ALHR 5984 8 [8] 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.0 3.6 4.0 [5.00]</p><p>Fall 1999 *^ALHR 5504 25[22] 3.7 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.1 3.3 [4.13] ALHR 6814 9[8] 3.3 2.9 3.3 2.9 3.3 3.3 [4.13]</p><p>Spring 1999 ^ALHR 6814 21 [16] 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 (FBI Cohort) [5.00] ALHR 6814 10 [10] 3.8 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.6 (on campus) [4.50]</p><p>Fall 1998 ^ALHR 5524 21 [12] 4.0 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.8 4.0 (FBI Cohort) [5.00] ALHR 5524 15 [15] 3.9 3.6 3.4 3.8 3.4 3.7 (on campus) [4.63]</p><p>DISSERTATIONS CHAIRED OR CO-CHAIRED, COMPLETED</p><p>AY 2010-2011</p><p>Nancy Faldik, Ph.D.: The Influence Of Special Education On Education Support Of Ethnic Students As Perceived By Administrators And Teacherds In Selected Public Schools In Education Service Center Region 20, Texas. Texas A&M University.</p><p>AY 2008-2009</p><p>Carlos Molina Oyarce, Ph.D.: Environmental hostility, individual learning, and intrapreneurship as predictors of organizational learning: A study applied to two selected mining companies in Chile. Texas A&M University Michael G. Hasler, Ph.D.: Leadership development in context: A mixed method study of leadership development activities during significant organizational change. Texas A&M University</p><p>AY 2007-2008</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 31</p><p>Polly Silva, PhD: The epistemology of incidental learning. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Co-Chair, Albert K. Wiswell) First Runner-Up for University Council for Workforce and Human Resource Education (UCWHRE) Outstanding Dissertation of the Year Award; Top 10 Finalist for Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Dissertation of the Year Award</p><p>AY 2006-2007</p><p>Lila L. Carden, PhD: Pathways to success for moderately defined careers: A study of relationships among prestige/autonomy, job satisfaction, career commitment, career path, training and learning, and performance as perceived by project managers. Texas A&M University (Co-Chair, Toby Marshall Egan) Runner-Up for Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Dissertation of the Year Award</p><p>FUNDED DOCTORAL STUDENT GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS</p><p>Priya Darshini Kurup: Barbara Bush Family Literacy Fellowship. Funded amount: $25,000.</p><p>CURRENT DOCTORAL COMMITTEES CHAIRED OR CO-CHAIRED</p><p>Proposal Defended</p><p>Heather Kissack J. Kori Whitener </p><p>Preliminary Examination Completed</p><p>Taresa Mikle Kathy Yeager</p><p>In Coursework</p><p>Sarah Minnis Elyse Tarlton (EdAd student, Co-Chair, Bryan Cole) Christi Phillips Shiny Imberman Wendy Turner</p><p>COMPLETED DOCTORAL COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS</p><p>Alan Ramhodny (Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) Penny Addison (TAMU-COMM) Robert George (University of New Mexico) Robin Wittenstein (George Washington University) David Keller (TAMU-ALEC) Blair Browning (TAMU-COMM) Roemer Visser (TAMU-EHRD) Lesley Tomaszewksi (TAMU-EHRD) Margaret “Sam” Faeth (Virginia Tech) Terry Ekeland (TAMU-EHRD) Tanya Dugat Wickliff (TAMU-IDTE) Doug Bryant (George Washington University) Norman Endlich (Virginia Tech)</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 32</p><p>Julie DeLoria (Virginia Tech)</p><p>MASTER’S STUDENTS ADVISED (From Texas A&M University)</p><p>Alysha Plentl Meng-Ying Yu Melissa Chavez Erin Hanes Julie Hajek Jayme Broussard Brett Maginness Bo Ai Zachary Hickman (Co-chair) Karen Shelton Brandon Atkins Isac Bijarro Ryan Lee June Viera Susan Mulloy Nicole Svec Jace Barrow Ivah Cantu Wayne Wauters Sarah Najmi Joe Hlavin Jennifer Johnson Jamie Owens 2011, Fall Hannah Spath 2011, Fall *Tara Gray 2011, Spring Mary ‘Katie’ Mathis 2011, Spring Carla Porter 2011, Spring Alonso Fierro 2010, Fall Saphon Ren 2010, Fall Leanne Barron 2010, Fall Sha’von Thomas 2009, Fall Kyiandra Thompson 2009, Fall Johnny Mandujano 2009, Fall Kristee Pugh 2009, Spring Shane Reid 2009, Spring Amanda Rolle 2009, Spring Billie Sudbrack 2009, Spring Chanille Dunbar 2009, Spring Jeannie Kotch 2009, Spring John Brannon ‘Bear’ Orozco 2009, Spring Breion Rollins 2009, Spring Kelly Nelson 2008, Spring Genny Reid 2008, Spring Elizabeth Ballard 2008, Fall Lindsie Pagan Gibson 2008, Fall Kathe Eggert 2007, Spring Susan Keese 2007, Spring Kim Littleton 2007, Spring Candice Matula 2007, Spring Jason Moats 2007, Spring Julie Smart 2007, Spring</p><p>December 21, 2011 Jamie L. Callahan 33</p><p>Casmin Hicks 2007, Fall Nancy Marek 2007, Fall Justin Davis 2006, Fall Christina Aguilar 2005, Summer Tara Libertz 2005, Summer Renee Skillern 2005, Summer C. Kevin Knox 2005, Spring Joseph Kovasovic 2005, Spring Lindsey Anderson 2005, Fall Cambrey Knight Hameedy 2005, Fall Tiffany Dunne de Davila 2004, Spring *Recipient of the AHRD Excellence in Scholarly Practice Award, 2010</p><p>COMPLETED MASTER’S COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS (External Faculty Member)</p><p>Stephen J. Pasciciel, Texas A&M University, EDAD Carrie Machala, Texas A&M University, COMM Aubrie Horrocks, Texas A&M University, COMM Cameron Anders, Texas A&M University, AGED Veronica Hinton, Virginia Tech, Adult Education Trish Bugajski, Texas A&M University, Adult Education, EHRD Mary K. Haman, Texas A&M University, COMM Wilber Wang, Texas A&M University, Civil Engineering Lunda Ramsey, Texas A&M University, EPSY Yi-Chun Chen, Texas A&M University, EDTC </p><p>December 21, 2011</p>
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