<p> OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>1. Candidate Portfolios</p><p>The institution requires all initial and advanced certification candidates to develop a portfolio which documents a candidate’s accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the competencies, standards, and outcomes established by the Commission, State Regents, SDE, and institution. For purposes related to institutional accreditation, the portfolio presents evidence that the institution is providing initial, on-going, and focused opportunities leading to student achievement of competencies, state and national standards, and outcomes determined by the Commission, Regents, SDE, and the institution.</p><p>The teacher education unit and programs: Require the portfolio development process to begin no later than initial enrollment into the professional education course work or advanced program. The development process should include periodic checkpoints that provide feedback to the candidate; Develop and maintain a portfolio handbook(s), available for review during all Board of Examiners site visits, which includes: a written philosophy related to portfolio development and assessment which is consistent with the institution’s and unit’s mission and conceptual framework(s); written policies, criteria, and institutional rubric(s) related to the assessment of the portfolio as a whole or individual artifacts contained in the portfolios for all individuals enrolled in initial and advanced certification programs. Focus initial level portfolios on Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) standards and the Oklahoma General Competencies for Teacher Certification and Licensure. If the organizational scheme of the portfolio reflects the unit’s conceptual framework, units may wish to provide an alignment document for the framework with the INTASC/Oklahoma General Competencies. Focus advanced level portfolios on national program standards for other school personnel. </p><p>Overview All Oklahoma teacher candidates in professional education are required to prepare a teacher candidate portfolio. This portion of the handbook is designed to guide all Southwestern Christian University teacher education candidates as they prepare their portfolios. The portfolio is defined as a documented profile of an individual's accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to the learning outcomes, standards, and outcomes established by the learned societies for each content/specialty area, the Oklahoma Commission on Teacher Preparation, State Regents, State </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Department of Education and the Department of Education at Southwestern Christian University. The portfolio should represent the candidate's professional knowledge, performance, experiences, and dispositions. </p><p>Philosophy The Southwestern Christian University Teacher Education Portfolio is an edited collection of teacher candidate's evidence of professional growth and reflections representing progress through the entire professional education program. It demonstrates the candidate's progress toward meeting teacher education learning outcomes, SCU goals and personal life development goals of a balanced life. Evidence and reflections show how candidates have met the Teacher Education learning outcomes and reflect the philosophy of the program. A personal philosophy of education must be included. Throughout the SCU program, teacher candidates will assemble the items of evidence that best represent growth toward each of the required learning outcomes and will present that evidence in a professional format. There are a number of purposes for development of the Teacher Education Portfolio: . To demonstrate the talents, skills, and experiences of the teacher candidate. This demonstration indicates professional growth in becoming an effective teacher. . To demonstrate a unique, fluid and evolving display of life-long learning. The candidate bases the portfolio on personal goals as they relate to state standards and the impact of learning communities. While learning outcomes are standard, the portfolio must reflect a personal creative style demonstrating additional knowledge and skills. . To document a teacher candidate's skills, accomplishments, learning, and strengths related to designated learning outcomes, standards and outcomes. . To provide examples of the quality of the SCU Teacher Education program. The portfolios are units of measure which present evidence that SCU is providing initial and on-going assessment that focuses on opportunities and experiences which lead to student development of learning outcomes, standards, and outcomes determined by the Commission, the Oklahoma Regents, the State Department of Education, and Southwestern Christian University. . To demonstrate to prospective employers the evidence of a candidate's professional growth. Work on a professional portfolio will assist a candidate in developing the skills to be used throughout a teacher's teaching career and to document professional development. </p><p>Policy As mandated by the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation, the Oklahoma State Department of Education, National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Department of Education at Southwestern Christian University, all students admitted to Teacher Education, are required to establish a portfolio which is begun during the sophomore year and documents the teacher candidates performance in regards to the SCU Conceptual Framework, state, program, and national standards. SCU Portfolio provides documentation of: . experiences supportive of becoming a professional decision maker . the ability to relate principles and theories to practice . experiences in a variety of school communities, school settings and teaching styles . involvements with parents and the school community . clinical practice in partner school settings </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Each teacher candidate will prepare a portfolio, known as the SCU Teacher Education Portfolio, as a requirement of the Professional Education sequence. Most artifacts are required; however, teacher candidates are encouraged to add artifacts that demonstrate their competency in a certain area. From these portfolios, a teacher candidate can share selected artifacts which can be used during interviews with school districts with whom the teacher candidate is attempting to gain employment.</p><p>Purpose The purpose of the portfolio is to show the progression of understanding of subject matter and teaching strategies and to show evidences of various teaching experiences of the teacher candidate. Therefore, some artifacts are taken from activities that the teacher candidate experienced early in his/her undergraduate degree, while other artifacts are taken from the clinical internship (student teaching) experience. Individual artifacts should reflect the teacher candidate’s best work at the time the artifact was submitted to the portfolio, and the portfolio should reflect the development of the teacher candidate as they develop into a professional decision maker.</p><p>Content Teacher Education Portfolio Content </p><p>A. Table of Contents . The organization of your portfolio will be provided in EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education </p><p>B. Introduction . The purpose of the Portfolio . A general summary of the contents . Philosophy of Education</p><p>C. Artifacts . Artifacts will be completed as part of coursework associated with professional teacher education courses and major core courses. . Specific instructions will be given in associated courses.</p><p>D. Clinical Practice . Clinical Practice Log Sheet . Clinical Practice Reflections . Clinical Practice Summary </p><p>E. Professional Development Activities . Professional development activities . Membership in professional organizations</p><p>F. Documents</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>. Certification Test Scores . Resume . Letters of Recommendation </p><p>G. Showcase . Candidate selected artifacts</p><p>Check Points The portfolio will be assessed according to the SCU Teacher Education Portfolio Rubric. It will be assessed four times by the SCU Teacher Education Office at the following Check Points</p><p>Sophomore Year Second Semester a. EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education & EDUC 2110 Clinical Practice i. Portfolio Check Point #1 - Set up Portfolio and add specified artifacts Junior Year First Semester a. EDUC 3202 Educational Technology and EDUC 3202 Clinical Practice i. Portfolio Check Point #2 - Continue Portfolio and add specified artifacts Senior Year First Semester a. EDUC 4232 Assessment and Evaluation & EDUC 4230 Clinical Practice a. Portfolio Check Point #3 - Continue Portfolio and add specified artifacts Second Semester c. EDUC 4815 & 4825 Clinical Internship (Student Teaching) i. Portfolio Check Point #4 - Complete Portfolio requirements</p><p>Assessments “Target” demonstrates exemplary qualities, which indicates that on the Reflection form the candidate clearly states two ways that the artifact is related to the competency and three ways the experience helped him/her grow into a professional decision maker. The candidate has no mechanical errors on the typed reflection form. “Acceptable” demonstrates adequate work, which indicates that on the reflection form the candidate clearly states one way that the artifact is related to the competency and two ways the experience helped him/her grow into a professional decision-maker. The candidate has no mechanical errors on the typed reflection form. “Unacceptable” demonstrates inadequate work, which indicates that on the reflection form the candidate does not clearly relate the artifact to the competency, and he/she gives only one way that the experience helped him/her grow into a professional decision-maker. The candidate has at least one mechanical error on the typed reflection form.</p><p>3 points = Target - all requirements have been met and portfolio demonstrates both quality and quantity</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>2 points – Acceptable – most requirements have been met, there may be missing components or the quality and/or quantity 1 point – Unacceptable – missing requirements or poor quantity/quality</p><p>If the teacher candidate does not have a passing score, he/she must meet with the evaluator to discuss a plan of improvement. For each level of evaluation, the teacher candidate must have all documents that are listed under the checklist. No passing score will be given unless all documents are presented.</p><p>SCU Clinical Practice Handbook, pg.17 - 20</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>2. Foreign Language Requirement</p><p> The unit has a policy in place that ensures that teacher preparation candidates demonstrate conversational skills at a novice high level, as defined by the American Council on the Teacher of Foreign Languages, in a language other than English. Demonstration of competency must occur prior to candidate completion of the teacher preparation program. </p><p>Foreign Language Competency Requirements </p><p>The SCU Teacher Education program has a policy in place that ensures that teacher preparation candidates demonstrate conversational skills at a novice high level, as defined by the American Council on the Teacher of Foreign Languages, in a language other than English. Demonstration of competency must occur prior to candidate completion of the teacher preparation program. </p><p>Foreign Language Proficiency Form</p><p>FOREIGN LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY FORM</p><p>CANDIDATE NAME: ______</p><p>Has demonstrated the required Foreign Language Proficiency by the following documentation in the language of:</p><p>______</p><p>______Signature of teacher candidate Date</p><p>Please review the SCU Teacher Education Handbook for more information regarding which qualifications are needed to complete the Foreign Language Proficiency. </p><p>Students should bring this form as well as a copy of the transcript(s) showing completed work demonstrating the proficiency to Teacher Education Director, in the Adult Studies Building.</p><p>Mark the method used to meet the foreign language requirement.</p><p>_____ High School Courses (attach official transcript) _____ Sign Language (attach official transcript) _____ SCU Foreign Language (attach transcript) _____ Course CLEP (test results or official transcript) _____ Transfer Course (attach official transcript) </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>_____ Native Speaker (see Teacher Education Director) </p><p>______Signature of Teacher Education Director Date</p><p>SCU Clinical Practice Handbook, p. 21-22</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>3. Input from Stakeholders </p><p> The institution has an established process for seeking program information and input from teacher preparation faculty, faculty from arts and sciences, other programs and disciplines which are appropriate, candidates within the teacher education program, teachers, administrators, parents, guardians or custodians of students, and business and community leaders. This process may include surveys, websites, or other means of seeking input from stakeholders.</p><p> The institution will report annually to the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation the procedures used to inform the public regarding the institution’s teacher education program and the manner through which public input is solicited and received. The Institutional Plan shall be accessible to any interested party under the Oklahoma Open Records Act.</p><p>The Admissions Department provides information to prospective students concerning the School of Education at Southwestern Christian University. Information is provided in multiple ways. Printed material is provided to prospective students in person and through brochures (being developed spring 2015). The website has information about entrance requirements and degrees offered in addition to contact information. Fall and Spring Preview Days are held each year for prospective students and those interested in more information about pursuing a degree in Education visit with the Department of Education Chair. National recruiting yearly at YouthQuest also shares information to potential students. As athletic representatives interact with potential students through recruitment efforts, they are provided information about the education degree options. </p><p>Feedback is garnered through surveys administered to students interested in potential education degrees. Input also comes from our school partners by providing feedback pertaining to how SCU can help encourage P-12 students to further their learning opportunities. Site visits produce informal feedback concerning teacher candidates strengths and areas for concern in order to enhance candidate preparation.</p><p>Announcements concerning the progress and development of the School of Education and Sport Studies are sent to the entire university body. Monthly meetings of the Teacher Education Faculty include faculty from The School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education and Sport Studies. SCU degree programs participate in a cyclical review process. Programs with courses included in Education degrees work collaboratively to provide review, input, and communication. </p><p>The Teacher Education Council includes community representatives, partner schools, and meets once each semester acting as the governing body of the unit. The Education Department participates in the annual Career Fair open to all students and the public providing summary sheets of information about the degree option. The university electronic marquee is also used to advertise about the education program options.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>4. Content and Pedagogical Preparation</p><p> Secondary and elementary/secondary teacher candidates have undergraduate majors, or their equivalents, in a subject area.</p><p> Teacher candidates in early childhood, elementary, and special education have subject area concentrations that qualify them as generalists. Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education require 12 semester hours in mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies. Candidates must document they meet subject matter competencies in mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies.</p><p> Teacher candidates study, in existing coursework, substance abuse symptoms identification and prevention, mental illness symptoms identification and mental health issues, classroom management skills, and classroom safety and discipline techniques.</p><p>Teacher Education Four Year Sequence of Study</p><p>A. Freshman Year – 30 hours 1. First Semester (complete 15 semester hours) a. General education courses (9 hours) b. Religion course (Old Testament or New Testament) (3 hours) c. Lower division major courses (3 hours)</p><p>2. Second Semester (complete 15 semester hours) a. General education courses (9 hours) b. Religion course (Old Testament or New Testament) (3 hours) c. Lower division major courses (3 hours)</p><p>B. Sophomore Year – 35 hours 1. First Semester (complete 17 semester hours) a. General education courses (10 hours) b. Religion course (3 hours) c. Lower division major courses (3 hours) d. EDUC 2301 Introduction to Education (1 hour) . Prepare for the OGET (Oklahoma General Education Test) . Plan for foreign language competency requirement </p><p>2. Second Semester (complete 18 semester hours) a. General education courses (9 hours) b. Religion course (3 hours) c. Lower division major courses (3 hours) d. EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education & EDUC 2110 Clinical Practice (3 hours)</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>. Candidates are required to be in P-12 public schools for 40 hours during the semester. . Pass OGET (a passing score is required for admission to teacher education) . Set up Portfolio and add specified artifacts . Apply for Admission to Teacher Education </p><p>C. Junior Year – 35 hours 1. First Semester (complete 17 semester hours) a. Complete general education courses (3 hours) b. Religion course (3 hours) c. Continue courses in major (6 hours) d. EDUC 3202 Educational Technology and EDUC 3202 Clinical Practice (2 hours) . Candidates are required to be in P-12 public schools for 40 hours during the semester. . Continue Portfolio and add specified artifacts e. PSYC 3123 Educational Psychology (3 hours)</p><p>2. Second Semester (complete 18 semester hours) a. Religion course (3 hours) b. Continue courses in major (9 hours) c. PSYC 3213 Child and Adolescent Psychology (3 hours) . Continue Portfolio and add specified artifacts d. Appropriate methods course(s) as required (3 hours) and Methods Clinical Practice (0 hours)</p><p>D. Senior Year - 29 1. First Semester (complete 17 semester hours) a. Religion course – capstone (3 hours) b. Complete major courses (9 hours) c. EDUC 4232 Assessment and Evaluation & EDUC 4230 Clinical Practice (2 hours) . Candidates are required to be in P-12 public schools for 40 hours during the semester. . Take OSAT (a passing score is required for admission to clinical internship) . Continue Portfolio and add specified artifacts . Apply for Admission to Clinical Internship (student teaching) d. PSCY 3143 Psychology of the Exceptional Child (3 hours)</p><p>2. Second Semester (complete 12 semester hours) a. EDUC 4812 Classroom Strategies (3 hours) b. EDUC 4815 Clinical Internship I (3 hours) c. EDCU 4825 Clinical Internship II (3 hours) . Complete the OPTE (Oklahoma Professional Teaching Examination) with a passing score (required for application for teacher licensure) . Complete Portfolio requirements </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Teacher Education Four Year Sequence of Study Chart</p><p>Classification Semester Gen. Ed. Religion Major PTE Total Yr. Total Freshman First 9 3 3 15 Second 9 3 3 15 30 Sophomore First 10 3 3 1 17 Second 9 3 3 3 18 35 Junior First 3 3 6 5 17 Second 3 9 6 18 35 Senior First 3 9 5 17 Second 12 12 29 Totals 43 18 36 31 129 129</p><p>Teacher Education Handbook (p.21)</p><p>Candidate Coursework</p><p>SCU Catalog, Education Degree Requirements English Education (p.66-67) History Education (p.63-64) Physical Education, Health, & Safety (p.78)</p><p>SCU Catalog, Education Course Descriptions English Education (p.121-123) History Education (p.125-128) Physical Education, Health, & Safety (p.129-132) Teacher Education (p.119-120)</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>5. Advisement</p><p> Teacher candidates are provided with advisement services to assist them in taking course work designed to maximize their opportunities for certification and employment. At the minimum teacher candidates are provided information on the latest supply and demand information concerning teacher employment, state salary structure and teaching shortage areas. </p><p>In the Foundations of Education class, topics concerning teacher employment, state salary structure and teaching shortage areas are dealt with through classroom discussion, activities, and outside projects designed to communicate the current status of teacher education in Oklahoma.</p><p>The SCU Center for Student Success has degree program printout for all degrees with specific course requirements readily available for all students.</p><p>Each education degree program has a program coordinator who is knowledgeable and able to advise students. Potential candidates can meet with coordinators either formally or informally throughout the semester. Full-time faculty, program coordinators, and department chairs are required to maintain office hours to be available to students Program coordinators meet monthly with the Department of Education Chair and discuss policies, procedures, and any implementation concerns that might arise. Program coordinators keep an individual file on each candidate consisting of their degree completion plan, progress made, transcript, advising notes, and other pertinent information.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>6. Field Experiences (Student teaching minimums)</p><p> A minimum of 45 hours of diverse field experiences or its equivalent is completed by all initial candidates prior to student teaching. </p><p> A minimum of 12 weeks of full-time student teaching or its equivalent is completed by all initial candidates prior to program completion.</p><p> In advanced programs, practicum/clinical experiences are in place that adequately address the requirements established by their respective learned societies.</p><p>Diverse Field Experiences</p><p>All candidates will have completed a minimum of 160 hours of clinical practice prior to clinical internship. Due to the nature of our partner schools, candidates will experience diverse settings in a minimum of 120 hours of clinical practice. This level of diversity is designed to prepare them for future classrooms and become effective in working with diverse populations. Beginning with EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education SCU’s candidates begin learning about culturally responsive teaching that recognizes and incorporates the growing student diversity of schools into teaching and the curriculum (see EDUC 2113 syllabus). Lessons and assignments are aimed at exposing candidates to current issues from applied and theoretical perspectives using historical, philosophical, religious, political and diverse cultural understandings of education and their relationship to classroom practice. This exposure continues through candidates’ general education, major coursework, and the professional education sequence.</p><p>The unit maintains a commitment to diversity in its field placements. It places its candidates in clinical placement sites that are aligned with the its mission and the CF. Criteria considered in its commitment include school population, student population race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, classroom/administration characteristics including number of special education teachers, and free/reduced lunch information. Beginning with EDUC 2000 Foundations in Education Clinical Practice candidates are place in one of our partner schools for a 40-hour clinical experience. Candidates are required to log the time they spend each week at their assigned school and reflect on the experiences they have had. Time in the partner schools continues with EDUC 3000 Educational Technology Clinical Practice, EDUC 4000 Assessment and Evaluation Clinical Practice, and the candidate’s specific methods class. Candidates are required to complete two of the four clinical practices in partner schools that reflect appropriate diversity and socioeconomic status (see Clinical Practice Handbook, p. 56). Clinical practice requirements include a total of 160 clock hours of time spent in partner schools in the P-12 classroom with clinical faculty member (P-12 classroom teachers) followed by a 16 week (two 8-week placements) clinical internship. As shown in the tables below SCU’s partner schools are very diverse in their race/ethnic make-up, as well as their socio-economic status and number of special needs students. Each partner school has expressed a level of commitment to the SCU teacher preparation program by actively working with the Director of Teacher Education to determine the </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011 best placement of teacher candidates. Candidates are placed in a variety of partner schools as they progress through the program to ensure a wide range of diverse experiences.</p><p>Diversity of Partner Schools – Fall 2013 r d y l e n e s i a l f h o y t h a e r e B M v O e l l t o a Ethnic Group o t o o y S h r h c c a S t S</p><p> n e e l l e d d m d d i i e l E M M</p><p>Caucasian 55% 26% 79% 59%</p><p>Black 11% 23% 2% 9%</p><p>Asian 3% 5% 2% 2%</p><p>Hispanic 25% 22% 14% 14%</p><p>Native American 6% 3% 3% 16%</p><p>Free/Reduced Lunch 86% 99% 39% 62%</p><p>Classroom/Administration Characteristics</p><p>Enrollment 505 664 372 383</p><p>Poverty Rate (district) 16% 16% 19% 17%</p><p>Students in Special Education 14.9% 23.5% 15.9% 14.9%</p><p>Special Education Teachers (FTE) 3.0 8.0 3.5 2.4</p><p>For each clinical practice, candidates are placed with a clinical faculty member whose teaching license area most closely aligns with the candidate’s major. PK-12 majors can expect to complete clinical practices in both elementary and secondary sites as they progress through their programs. </p><p>Clinical practice placements1, 2, 3, and 4 must be completed in an identified partner school within a 30-mile radius of SCU. Special placement options beyond the 30-mile limit may be considered on a limited basis during the candidate’s clinical internship semester. Arrangements addressing site suitability, supervision, assessment, and logistics must be established. The strength of a candidate’s academic background and the rationale for requesting a special placement are factors in determining approval. Requests for special placement during the clinical internship semester must be made at the time of application. </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>The unit currently works with Bethany Middle School, Mayfield Middle School, and Overholser Elementary School to place candidates for EDUC 2113 Foundations of Education. However, we have contracts with several other schools in the area and are continually seeking others (see Partnership Agreements). We will utilize the agreements with other schools as we have candidates matriculate through the program and need different clinical experiences. Each partner school has actively worked with the Director of Teacher Education to determine the best placement for teacher candidates. Placements are a shared responsibility between SCU and the partner school (see the Clinical Practices Handbook, p. xx). Candidates are tentatively assigned to a partner school based on the candidate’s placement preferences, requests from program coordinators, school and clinical faculty availability, and diversity requirements. Requests are made by SCU to the school/school district. </p><p>Partner schools may choose to accept, modify, or reject requests. Partner schools confirm the placement in writing to Teacher Education Office. Clinical faculty are assigned based on areas of certification, experience, and effective teaching practices as identified by the partner school principal, university supervisors, program faculty, teacher candidates and the Teacher Education Director. Teachers selected for mentoring teacher candidates and clinical interns (student teachers) are required to have completed a total of three (3) years of teaching experience and have standard certification in the teacher candidate’s major area of study verified through the school administrator.</p><p>To avoid potential conflicts of interest, candidates cannot complete clinical practices at school sites where they have children attending, close family members employed, have graduated from high school, or have completed other clinical practices. Depending on the size of the district and the closeness of the relationship, candidates may be precluded from completing clinical practices in a particular district if the potential for conflict of interest is high.</p><p>Candidates are expected to identify and disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest during the clinical practice enrollment process. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest can impact admission status, clinical practice credit, and possible delay or denial of clinical internship eligibility. Teacher candidates and clinical interns cannot complete clinical practices at school sites where they have been or are now employed. </p><p>The unit maintains a commitment to diversity in its field placements. Criteria considered in this commitment include school population, student population ethnicity, socio-economic status, classroom/administration characteristics including number of special education teachers, and free/reduced lunch information (see Table 3.1.a). Candidates will be required to complete two of the four clinical practices/clinical internship in partner schools reflecting diversity and socioeconomic status percentages established. </p><p>Clinical Internship Semester Components </p><p>Clinical Internship I The Clinical Internship I is an 8 week placement in a partner school under the direction of an approved clinical faculty mentor.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Clinical Internship II The Clinical Internship II is an 8 week placement in a partner school under the direction of an approved clinical faculty mentor.</p><p>Classroom Strategies </p><p>EDUC 4812 Classroom Strategies is a 2 hour course that meets throughout the clinical internship semester on 8 Fridays. Meetings are held on the SCU campus.</p><p>Assessment of the Clinical Intern and Program </p><p>Clinical Faculty Assessment of Clinical Intern Throughout the clinical internship experience, clinical faculty member should provide both formal and informal evaluations of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. This information should be communicated regularly with the clinical intern and the university supervisor. Early documentation of concerns is a must. The clinical faculty member should complete the mid-term progress report and share that information with both the clinical intern and university supervisor. Clinical Internship is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. At the end of the semester, assessments are received from both the clinical faculty member and the university supervisor and are included in the candidate’s placement folder. Candidate assessments are also aggregated to provide data about program strengths and weakness.</p><p>Clinical Faculty Assessment of University Supervisor The clinical faculty member from each participating school will receive a program assessment form near the end of the semester. Any suggestions for improvement of the overall process will be appreciated. This information is aggregated to provide data about program strengths and weaknesses.</p><p>Clinical Faculty Assessment of Program The university supervisors will assessment the SCU Teacher Education Program based on the identified roles and responsibilities.</p><p>Supervisor Assessment of Clinical Intern The university supervisor completes five formal observations of the clinical intern during the semester. Each visit is comprised of the observation of the clinical intern engaged in the delivery of instruction. The university supervisor is also responsible for assessing the portfolio artifacts completed during the clinical practice experience. Assessment of the clinical intern’s professional growth is a continuous process involving the mentor teacher, the university supervisor and the intern. As a university faculty member (or adjunct faculty member), the university supervisor assumes direct responsibility for the final grade earned by each intern for credit hours in clinical practice. “Pass” and “Fail” will be used for reporting the final grade.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Supervisor Assessment of Clinical faculty member/Placement The university supervisors will assessment the clinical faculty member based on the identified roles and responsibilities.</p><p>Supervisor Assessment of Program The university supervisor will assessment the SCU Teacher Education Program based on the identified roles and responsibilities.</p><p>Administrator Assessment of Program </p><p>The partner school administrator will assessment the SCU Teacher Education Program based on the identified roles and responsibilities</p><p>SCU Clinical Practice Handbook (p.54)</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>7. Admission Requirements</p><p>Oklahoma requirements for admission to initial teacher preparation programs include:</p><p> Documentation of the candidate’s experiences working with children.</p><p> Assessment of academic proficiency (e.g., general education skills proficiency tests) or successful completion of any prior college/university course work with at least 3.0 grade point average (GPA) on a 4-point scale in the liberal arts and sciences courses (a minimum of 20 hours) as defined by State Regent’s policy or achieving an acceptable score on the State Regent’s approved assessment for admittance into teacher education programs. </p><p>Documentation of the candidate’s experiences working with children is included on the SCU Teacher Education Admission Application.</p><p>Unit Assessment System: Transition Points SCU Teacher Education program uses four transition points (Fig. 4.5.1a) as its primary assessment structure to make decisions regarding the progress of initial teacher candidates through the program:</p><p> Transition I: Admission to Teacher Education Transition II: Enrollment in Professional Coursework and Clinical Practice Transition III: Admission to Clinical internship Transition IV: Recommendation for Certification</p><p>Transition I: Admission to Teacher Education The Unit evaluates the successful completion of admission requirements to determine that teacher candidates demonstrate the academic knowledge, the dispositions, and performance skills necessary to enter teacher education. The Faculty Interview is used to assess candidates’ communication skills and disposition. </p><p>Transition II: Enrollment in Professional Coursework and Clinical Practice The Unit deliberates the recommendations of the specialization coordinators to determine that teacher candidates are ready to enter a full-time professional experience. Throughout the teacher preparation program, candidates are expected to successfully pass program-based assessments during courses and clinical practices. Students who are not successful on any assessment will have to first successfully complete the assessment before advancing through the program. This process is monitored through course assessments and/or transition point checks by program faculty. Each program has designated six to eight program-based assessments as part of requirements for the program review process to the Specialized Professional Associations (SPA). These key assessments include assessments of content knowledge, effective planning, impact on P-12 student learning, and additional program-based assessments. </p><p>Transition III: Admission to Clinical internship</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Approval for clinical internship provides a key assessment point for initial candidates within teacher education programs. For approval to student teach, candidates submit an application to the Teacher Education office and must be approved by their department (including both education and content area departments). Each department checks to ensure students have met the necessary requirements and makes recommendations to the Teacher Education office for placements in the clinical internship.</p><p>Transition IV: Recommendation for Certification The Unit deliberates the recommendations of the university faculty and clinical faculty to determine that teacher candidates successfully complete all components of the program to earn a degree. The Teacher Education office determines if teacher candidates meet the requirements for recommendation for certification. OGET, OSAT, and OPTE scores, GPA, and course grades qualify applicants and candidates. The evaluation of SPA-specific assessments, portfolios, development and delivery of unit plans, and clinical internship evaluations determine candidate proficiencies. Survey analysis of cooperating teachers, supervisors, and principals help determine the competence of candidates. </p><p>Unit Assessment System: Transition Point Assessments Program - Undergraduate Teacher Education Program Assessment Transition I: Transition II: Transition III: Transition IV: Admission to Enrollment in Admission to Recommendation Teacher Professional Clinical internship for Certification Education Coursework & Clinical Practice GPA Cumulative grade Maintain 2.75 Maintain 2.75 Maintain 2.75 point average of cumulative grade cumulative grade cumulative grade 2.75 or higher point average on point average on point average on and additional all coursework all coursework all coursework grade earned and earned and earned and requirements. verified via verified via degree verified via degree degree check check prior to check upon clinical internship graduation Grades C or higher C or higher C or higher C or higher * Completion of * Completion of * Completion of all requirements major core/PTE all coursework sequence coursework State Tests Oklahoma Oklahoma Subject Oklahoma General Area Test (OSAT) Professional Education Test Teaching Exam (OGET). (OPTE) Portfolio Establish SCU A satisfactory A satisfactory A satisfactory Teacher score on Portfolio score on Portfolio score on Portfolio </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Education – Check Point II – Check Point III – Check Point IV Portfolio – Check Point I SPA Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Standards completion of completion of completion of assessments assessments assessments Legal * Submit an Current approved Current approved . approved background background check background check check * Complete Felony Questionnaire & Accuracy Statement. * Complete Code of Ethics Clinical *Documentation Complete 40 Successful Successful Practice of work with hours clinical completions of completion of children practice with Professional Clinical internship * Clinical Practice each selected Teacher Education including 16 weeks Requirements professional courses including of clinical Agreement sequence 160 hours of internship courses. clinical practice. Recommend *Recommendation * Univ. Faculty * Univ. Faculty * Univ. Faculty ations & s-on letters * Clinical Faculty * Clinical Faculty * Clinical Faculty Evaluations from church * Supervisor * Student Teacher officials and/or Self-Rating Chart faculty * Student Teacher members. Education * Faculty Interview Program Evaluation * Clinical internship * Evaluations * Clinical Faculty Evaluation * Supervisor Evaluation Requiremen * Plan for Completion of ts meeting Foreign Foreign Language Language Competency Competency. * Written interest</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> in teaching. * Complete the Emergency Contact Information Form Approvals * Receive formal * Receive formal * Receive formal approval by the approval by the approval by the SCU Teacher SCU Teacher SCU Teacher Education Education Council. Education Council. Council.</p><p>Unit Assessment System: Transition Points Assessments</p><p>Transition I: Admission to Teacher Education Requirements The Unit evaluates the successful completion of admission requirements to determine that teacher candidates demonstrate the academic knowledge, the dispositions, and performance skills necessary to enter teacher education. The Faculty Interview is used to assess candidates’ communication skills and disposition. </p><p>Grade Point Average (GPA): Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.75 in all courses completed at SCU or other colleges or universities at the time of application. However, if your overall GPA is less than 2.75, you may qualify for admission if you have met the following criteria: You have taken the last 30 hours of coursework at SCU with a GPA of 3.00 or better. You have completed all coursework in the major including all support courses any Professional Teacher Education courses taken with no grade below “C” Have met all other requirements listed. Grade point must reach 2.75 to be recommended for certification. Teacher education degrees also require 2.75 for completion. Grade Requirements All coursework taken in degree certification major or general education courses required for majors must be completed with no grade lower than “C”. OR If concurrently enrolled in coursework in the degree certification major or general education courses required for majors at the time of application, you will be considered as *“Pending Approval” until a grade no lower than a “C” at the end of the semester of application is achieved. It is the can All coursework taken in the professional teacher education sequence must be completed with no grade lower than “C. OR If concurrently enrolled in coursework in Professional Teacher Education at the time of application, you will be considered *“Pending Approval:” until a grade no lower than a “C” at the end of the semester of application is achieved. Demonstrate a proficiency in written and oral English as indicated by having a grade of “C” or </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> better in six hours of English Composition. OR If concurrently enrolled in the English course in which you have achieved a grade lower than a “C”, your application will be considered *“Pending Approval” until a grade no lower than a “C” at the end of the semester of application is achieved. State Tests Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET). Pass the Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET) prior to submission of application. OR If you intend to take the OGET exam during the semester of your application, your application will be considered *“Pending Approval” until documentation is received showing a passing score. This must be turned in to the Department of Education office prior to approval of admission. The OGET exam must be taken and passed during the semester of your application. Portfolio Establish SCU Teacher Education Portfolio – Check Point I Established in Foundations of Education course Required component of Application to Teacher Education A satisfactory score on the candidate’s portfolio establishment and initial assessments Legal Submit an approved background check for clinical practice Background checks are valid for one year Complete Felony Questionnaire & Accuracy Statement Complete Teacher Education Code of Ethics Clinical Practice Clinical Practice Requirements Agreement Documentation of work with children. Provide documentation of experiences working with children OR Completion of EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education (C or higher) OR Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 2113 Foundations in Education Recommendations & Evaluations Recommendation letters from church officials and/or faculty members. Recommendation letters are completed by individual church officials OR Faculty members to assess candidates’ spiritual, intellectual, and cognitive qualifications to enter the Teacher Education Program. SCU Disposition of Candidate #1 Self Assessment is required SCU Disposition of Candidate Assessment #2 completed by teacher education faculty member of candidate’s choice Discussed with candidate, signed, and submitted to Department of Education office Faculty Interview Complete interview with assigned faculty member to review plans, program requirements, etc. The faculty member will submit a verification of the interview to SCU Department of Education office regarding candidate admissibility and completion of all admission requirements.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Requirements Plan for meeting Foreign Language Competency. While individual degree plans may include a foreign language component, successful completion of courses in a foreign language DOES NOT document proficiency in a foreign language as defined by the American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages. As a result, the SCU Teacher Education Council has established the following ways in which a candidate may attain documented novice-high competency: The candidate who wishes to be tested in a language may choose, at personal expense, to successfully complete the Oral Proficiency Interview developed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, OR The candidate may complete two years of high school coursework in a single foreign language with grades of "B" or better (from a State Department of Education approved high school program), OR The candidate may complete one course, five or more credit hours, in a single foreign language from an accredited college or university with a grade of "C" or better, OR The candidate may meet the requirement by transfer of documentation of meeting the foreign language competency from one of the teacher education programs in the State of Oklahoma approved by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education OR Candidates whose native language is other than English may document proficiency in English as their second language with a score of 550 or more on the Test of English as a Foreign Language. Written interest in teaching Provide a 500 word paper explaining interest in teaching. Complete the Emergency Contact Information Form. Approvals Receive formal approval by the SCU Teacher Education Council. All candidates applying for any education degrees are required to apply for admission to teacher education. </p><p>Processing Steps: o Turn in the application on the due date. o All teacher education candidates with completion of all requirements for admission will be approved by a vote of the SCU Teacher Education Council. Upon this approval, a letter showing admission to teacher education will be available in the Department of Education office. o Applications will be evaluated and assigned a status. . Approved – all requirements have been successfully met . Pending Approval – all requirements have been successfully met except for requirements pending an outcome of a currently enrolled course grade. Applications in this category must be successful completed at the end of the semester in which the application is submitted. o If the teacher candidate is denied admission (not meeting requirement(s) currently), a letter will be sent explaining the deficiencies that need to be met by the end of the semester. . Denied – one or more requirements have not been met and it is not dependent on current course enrollment.</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> o A letter will be received explaining the deficiencies that need to be corrected and the need to reapply for admission to teacher education. o Pending files will be placed in the “Pending Approval” files in the Department of Education office. o The teacher candidate will bring the “Pending Approval” letter and an unofficial transcript to the Department of Education office at the end of the semester. o Verification of completion of all requirements for admission will be made by the Department of Education office. o The teacher candidate’s “Pending Approval” status will be changed to “approved” for admission upon completion of all requirements and a letter of admission will be made available in the Department of Education office.</p><p>Transition II: Enrollment in Professional Coursework & Clinical Practice Throughout the teacher preparation program, candidates are expected to successfully pass program- based assessments during courses and clinical practices. Students who are not successful on any assessment will have to first successfully complete the assessment before advancing through the program. This process is monitored through course assessments and/or transition point checks by program faculty. Each program has designated six to eight program-based assessments as part of requirements for the program review process to the Specialized Professional Associations (SPA). These key assessments include assessments of content knowledge, effective planning, impact on P-12 student learning, and additional program-based assessments. </p><p>Grade Point Average (GPA): Maintain 2.75 cumulative grade point average on all coursework earned and verified via degree check prior to clinical internship Grades C or higher in major core and professional sequence coursework Progression toward completion of major core/PTE sequence coursework State Tests Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) Portfolio A satisfactory score on Portfolio – Check Point II Checkpoint occurs during Methods course associated with major SPA Standards Satisfactory completion of assessments Legal Current approved background check Clinical Practice Complete Successful completions of Professional Teacher Education courses including 160 hours of clinical practice. Recommendations & Evaluations Univ. Faculty Clinical Faculty</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Requirements Completion of Foreign Language Competency Approvals Receive formal approval by the SCU Teacher Education Council</p><p>Transition III: Admission to Clinical Internship Approval for clinical internship provides a key assessment point for initial candidates within teacher education programs. For approval to student teach, candidates submit an application to the Teacher Education office and be approved by their department (including both education and content area departments). Each department checks to ensure students have met the necessary requirements and makes recommendations to the Teacher Education office director for placements in the clinical internship.</p><p>Admission Status Candidates must have received formal written approval of admission to Teacher Education and must maintain all admission requirements. Completed Coursework: ¾ of Major courses must be completed with a C or higher Methods courses must be completed with a C or higher Professional Sequence courses must be completed with a C or higher Grade Point Average (GPA): Maintain 2.75 cumulative grade point average on all course work completed and verified via degree check prior to clinical internship Grades C or higher in major core and professional sequence All incomplete grades must be cleared Minimum GPA of 2.75 overall GPA in all coursework completed at SCU and other universities / colleges. State Tests Complete and Pass Oklahoma General Education Test (OGET) Complete and Pass Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT) Portfolio A satisfactory score on Portfolio – Check Point III Checkpoint is a required component of Application for Clinical Internship SPA Standards Satisfactory completion of assessments Legal Current approved background check Clinical Practice Successful completions of Professional Teacher Education courses including 160 hours of clinical practice Recommendations & Evaluations</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> SCU Disposition of Candidate Assessment #3 completed by teacher education faculty member of candidate’s choice (different from faculty in assessment #2) Discussed with candidate, signed, and submitted to Department of Education office Required component of application for clinical internship University Faculty Clinical Faculty Supervisor Evaluation Requirements Successful completion of Foreign Language Competency Approvals Receive formal approval by the SCU Teacher Education Council</p><p>Processing Steps: o Turn in the application on the due date. o All teacher education candidates with completion of all requirements for admission to clinical internship will be approved by the SCU Teacher Education Council. Upon this approval, a letter showing admission to clinical internship will be available in the Department of Education office. o Applications will be evaluated and assigned a status. . Approved – all requirements have been successfully met . Pending Approval – all requirements have been successfully met except for requirements pending an outcome of a currently enrolled course grade. Applications in this category must be successful completed at the end of the semester in which the application is submitted. o If the teacher candidate is denied admission (not meeting requirement(s) currently), a letter will be sent explaining the deficiencies that need to be met by the end of the semester. . Denied – one or more requirements have not been met and it is not dependent on current course enrollment. o A letter will be received explaining the deficiencies that need to be corrected and the need to reapply for admission to teacher education. o Pending files will be placed in the “Pending Approval” files in the Department of Education office. o The teacher candidate will bring the “Pending Approval” letter and an unofficial transcript to the Department of Education office at the end of the semester. o Verification of completion of all requirements for admission to clinical internship will be made by the Department of Education office. o The teacher candidate’s “Pending Approval” status will be changed to “approved” for admission to clinical internship and a letter of admission will be made available in the Department of Education office. o Candidate’s assignment of clinical internship placement will not be confirmed until the application gains final approval.</p><p>SCU Teacher Education Handbook (p. </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>8. Exit Requirements</p><p> The unit provides information on the criteria for exit adhering to all rules and regulations established by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. </p><p> Requirements for exit from administrator preparation programs include: successful completion of an administrator assessment that is aligned with state and national standards. a culminating portfolio that is aligned with state and national standards. </p><p>Since the program officially began fall 2014, we do not anticipate having any graduates until 2018.</p><p>Transition IV: Recommendation for Certification The Teacher Education office determines if teacher candidates meet the requirements for recommendation for certification. OGET, OSAT, and OPTE scores, GPA, and course grades qualify applicants and candidates. The evaluation of SPA-specific assessments, portfolios, development and delivery of unit plans, and clinical internship evaluations determine candidate proficiencies. Survey analysis of cooperating teachers, supervisor, and principals help determine the competence of candidates. The quality of the unit and program is determined by course evaluations and surveys completed by graduates, cooperating teachers, and principals. The Unit deliberates the recommendations of the university faculty and clinical faculty to determine that teacher candidates successfully complete all components of the program to earn a degree. At the final clinical internship, all student teachers complete a Student Teacher Evaluation of Education Program survey for each clinical internship experience placement. This form helps the Teacher Education office Chair, as well as the faculty, to assess the quality and appropriateness of each field experience placement. This survey also allows candidates to assess the quality of coursework, preparation, and the overall clinical internship experience.</p><p>Grade Point Average (GPA): Maintain 2.75 cumulative grade point average on all coursework earned and verified via degree check upon graduation. Grades C or higher in major courses and professional sequence Completion of all coursework State Tests Oklahoma Professional Teaching Exam (OPTE) Portfolio A satisfactory score on Portfolio – Check Point IV . Assessed upon completion of clinical internship and all coursework, candidates will submit their portfolio for evaluation to Department of Education office . Successful completion of Teacher Work Sample SPA Standards</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> Satisfactory completion of assessments Clinical Practice Successful completion of 160 hours of Clinical Practice and 16 weeks of Clinical Internship Recommendations & Evaluations Clinical Intern Self Assessment Clinical Intern of Assessment Clinical Faculty Clinical Intern Assessment of University Supervisor Clinical Intern Assessment of Teacher Education Program Clinical Faculty Evaluation / Recommendation University Faculty Evaluation / Recommendation Supervisor Evaluation / Recommendation Approvals Receive formal approval by the SCU Teacher Education Council Certification </p><p>Standard Certificate</p><p>Standard Certificate – Upon successful completion of the teacher education program and testing requirements, an application is made to the State Department of Education for a certificate. Application is made directly to the SCU Teacher Education office and then processed through the Oklahoma State Department of Education.</p><p>Issuance of an Initial License </p><p>The State Board of Education shall issue a certificate to teach to any person who completed his/her initial teacher education program after January 31, 1982, has not taught in a state accredited elementary or secondary school for a minimum of one year and who meets all of the following requirements: (If the individual completed his/her initial teacher education program prior to February 1, 1982 he/she should contact the State Department of Education regarding certification requirements). A. Has successfully completed all training and courses required by the State Board of Education based on the guidelines and program in effect at the time of application for certification. B. Has graduated from an accredited four-year college or university and holds the standard baccalaureate degree (The only exceptions are those applying for certification in specific vocational-technical programs). C. Has received a passing score on all of the curriculum examinations (OGET, OSAT, ORT (for EC, Elem., and Special Education only), OPI (for foreign language majors only), and OPTE). D. Has completed an application to the Teacher Education Services office and paid the appropriate application fee to the State Department of Education. The Teacher Education Director will review course work with respect to the appropriate SCU approved program requirements and certifies that those requirements have been completed. When the Dean </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p> concurs, the application is then forwarded to the Professional Standards section of the State Department of Education. E. Have on file with the Oklahoma State Board of Education, a current Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation criminal history record AND Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint based criminal history record. (Effective Nov. 1, 2001, 70 O.S. 6-190) </p><p>License/Certification Requirements </p><p>Compliance with certification requirements is the responsibility of the individual seeking the credential. The Teacher Education Director can assist in the process, but compliance with all rules and regulations pertaining to certification is the responsibility of the candidate. </p><p>The individual seeking certification is responsible for following all guidelines presented in Southwest Christian University undergraduate catalog, depending upon the academic level of the credential sought.. Bachelor level programs require the completion of educational degree requirements and passing scores on all three (3) state exams for certification. </p><p>Periodically the program guidelines, course work, and state regulations change. It is the responsibility of the individual interested in or seeking certification to meet the revised standards. An individual should therefore periodically review the most recent SCU catalog, certification course lists, and state regulations, particularly when an extended period of time has elapsed during the completion of a program.</p><p>Program Completers: Application Procedures for University Recommendation </p><p>Southwest Christian University Department of Education/Teacher Education office is located in the Adult Studies Building. Information regarding certification may be obtained from that office. Information and applications for certification based on meeting the requirements of Southwest Christian University approved programs are completed through the Teacher Education Director and an online process through the State Department of Education. </p><p>To obtain certification, the individual should A. Complete all courses identified for Major Core Curriculum and the respective professional education and specialized areas as listed in the undergraduate catalog or communicated through the academic advisor. B. Candidates must wait until their degree is posted to the transcript before applying for their certification. If a bachelor’s degree has been completed prior to seeking certification (seeking certification only), candidates can apply after final grades are on the transcript. o All coursework from other colleges must be transferred to the SCU transcript. Candidates will need to attach official transcripts all other colleges attended. o Candidates can be interviewing for jobs before they apply for certification. </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>C. Candidates must have passed all appropriate exams (OGET, OSAT, ORT (for Special Education, Early Childhood, and Elementary majors only), OPI (for foreign language majors only), and OPTE. D. Candidates should make application for the license during the final day the Classroom Strategies class that meets during the clinical internship semester with the Teacher Education Director’s office. When the director at SCU completes the review of coursework with respect to the appropriate SCU approved program requirements and certifies that those requirements have been completed and the Dean concurs, application is made to the Teacher Certification Section of the State Department of Education. </p><p>Candidates will be required to complete the following: Submit Application to SCU Teacher Education Director in office AS 101: o Provide all university official transcripts o Verify Portfolio completion o Other tests required for certification. (OGET, OSAT, ORT (for EC, Elem. Special Education only), OPI (for foreign language candidates only), OPTE) </p><p>Apply Through the State Department of Education: o Access the State Department’s online application website at www.sde.state.ok. o Submit processing fee. You must use a credit card or debit card. o Supply Name (do not use caps), Social Security Number, Sex, Birthday (00/00/0000). o Submit Address (this is where your license will be mailed). o Fill in Telephone Number (must list at least one number). o Submit Felony Questionnaire. o Review your information (check to correct errors). </p><p>F. Candidates should arrange OSBI and FBI fingerprinting and background checks. State </p><p>Department of Education (www.sde.state.ok.us). Phone: 521 – 3337 Fingerprint and background checks are good for one (1) year only.</p><p>Issuance of Standard Certificates </p><p>The State Board of Education shall issue a certificate (valid for 5 years) to any person who meets all of the following requirements: A. Holds a license B. Has successfully completed the residency-year program (one year of teaching in Oklahoma at a state accredited elementary or secondary school C. Has received recommendation by the residency-year committee D. Has made application to the State Department of Education and paid the certification fee. </p><p>Clinical Practice Handbook (p. 58-61)</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>9. Faculty Professional Development</p><p> Units have an active system in place documenting and reporting the annual professional development activities of all teacher education faculty members.</p><p> All full-time teacher education faculty members directly involved in the teacher education process, including all administrators of teacher education programs, are required to serve in a state accredited public school for at least ten (10) clock hours per school year in direct contact with meaningful and relevant responsibilities related to their respective teacher education fields.</p><p>All teacher education faculty are required to complete the Faculty Development Plan and submit to the Department of Education chair by the end of the spring semester. Monthly Teacher Education Faculty meetings provide the opportunity to check on the status of each faculty in this area. </p><p>Teacher Education Faculty</p><p>Teacher Education Faculty Designation Full-time faculty members who teach courses in majors / programs that prepare teachers or those who teach courses within the professional education core are designated as teacher education faculty.</p><p>Teacher Education Faculty Development Plan All teacher education faculty must show evidence of professional development annually. They must develop a plan which is reviewed by the SCU Teacher Education Council. Once approved, the plan is returned to the faculty member who then documents completion of the proposed activities at the end of the academic year. </p><p>Public School Service State regulations require that teacher education faculty serve a minimum of ten (10) hours in a public school annually. These hours should be activities beyond those assigned as part of the faculty member’s regular load. </p><p>State Guidelines For Faculty Professional Development Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) requirements for teacher education faculty are grounded in the recommendation of the External Program Review committee that operated from 1992-1995. The committee’s recommendation was as follows: </p><p>Recommendation 15 Increase the requirement that teacher education faculty members teach in public schools a minimum of 10 hours per year to keep faculty attuned to and cognizant of the reality of today’s classrooms and schools. </p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>TEF Professional Development Plan</p><p>Revised 6/2011 OKLAHOMA STATE REQUIREMENTS 2011</p><p>10. Alternative Placement Program</p><p> A plan for alternative placement is in place that addresses the unique needs of candidates who seek teacher certification following professional experience in other professions. </p><p> The unit maintains records on alternative placement candidates as required by law, including the submission of data on alternative placement candidates as part of the annual reports* submitted to the Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation.</p><p>Alternative placement candidates are advised by the Department of Education Chair. Education program coordinators are also informed about alternative certification options and visit with students both through formal and informal means. The Teacher Education Office has a one page document summarizing the alternative pathways available in Oklahoma. Throughout the degree program, candidates are informed of the alternative certification process as well as introduced to the State Department of Education website for information and forms: http://ok.gov/sde/faqs/oklahoma-alternative-placement-program. </p><p>The Department of Education Chair meets with individual students preparing for the state tests (OGET, OSAT, etc.) and discusses the format and approaches to preparing for the exam. Announcements are made in chapel on a regular basis and students are encouraged to ask faculty, program coordinators, department chairs, and deans. Since the teacher education program officially began in fall 2014, several students had wanted to pursue a teaching degree but had already completed the majority of their coursework in another degree. So, in some cases students could still take education courses and count them as electives and still graduate on time. The Education department has worked closely with each of the students in this situation to support them in becoming a teacher, even if through alternative means.</p><p>Student Grad. Alternative Year Yr. Degree Option Status Employed 14-15 initially as a teachers aid for PK, May Social & Behavioral Science – hired as teacher of new K classroom due to Callie Hollis ‘14 Concentration Early Childhood Paraprofessional increased enrollment Employed 14-15 by TFA school after completing Alexandra May Social & Behavioral Science – summer training Myers ‘14 Concentration Early Childhood Teach for America Employed 14-15 as a teacher’s aid for reading, will Jamin May Social & Behavioral Science – pursue paraprofessional application at the end of Bishop ‘14 Concentration Early Childhood Paraprofessional the school year Lindsay May Queen “15 Sociology and Human Services Paraprofessional</p><p>Revised 6/2011</p>
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