<p> CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEM</p><p>Governing Board Agenda Meeting Date: October 25, 2011</p><p>Item Number Item Title Responsible Agents V.D.1 Curriculum Dr. Maria Harper-Marinick</p><p>Recommendation</p><p>The curriculum proposals attached have been processed through all procedures established by the Maricopa County Community Colleges.</p><p>It is recommended that the proposals be approved as submitted.</p><p>AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS: Please refer to the curriculum Summary on page 2 for a complete listing of all program and course proposals.</p><p>Justification</p><p>Funding Approvals/Certifications</p><p>Source: Chancellor ______Academic & Student Affairs______Account Identification: Business Services______Human Resources______ITS ______Res Dev & Cmty Relations______College President______GBA October 25, 2011 MCCCD Governing Board Action Items Curriculum Summary</p><p>COURSE PROPOSALS: </p><p>Course Modifications………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 4</p><p>GW DMI103, DMI104, DMI204, DMI214, DMI221, EEG116, EEG130, EEG200, EEG205, EEG206, EEG211</p><p>New Courses…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………page 7</p><p>GW CNS102, DMI112, DMI114, DMI118, DMI124, DMI223, HEO120, ICE223</p><p>PROGRAM PROPOSALS: </p><p>New Occupational Program (NOP)……………………………….………………………………………..……………page 9</p><p>GW CCL/5746 Construction Trades: Pre-Apprenticeship 9</p><p>Occupational Program Modifications (OPM)………………………………………………………….………………page 10</p><p>GW AAS/3336 Health Services Management 10 AAS/3582 Medical Radiography 10 AAS/3688 Nuclear Medicine Technology 11 CCL/5461 Computed Tomography 11</p><p>CCL/5566 Construction Trades: Heavy Equipment Operations 11</p><p>Note: *Indicates addition of an Occupational Program through the Occupational Program Modification process</p><p>2 CURRICULUM ACTIVITY: COURSES FOR October 25, 2011</p><p>Total Course Proposals Submitted (19 with 0 X-refs added and, 0 X-ref deleted) Proposal Type/Outcomes CGCC EMCC GWCC GCC MCC PVCC PC RSC SCC SMCC Dist Totals Course Deletions (CD) 0 New Course (NC) 8 8 Course Modification (CM) 11 11 New Courses from CM (Cross-References, Modules or Suffixed Courses) 0 Total Courses College Columns 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19</p><p>*Exp = Experimental Courses # = AES or MIR (Aerospace Studies or Military Science)</p><p>CURRICULUM ACTIVITY: PROGRAMS FOR October 25, 2011</p><p>Total Program Proposals Submitted (6, with 0 Program Addition(s)) Proposal Type/Outcomes CGCC EMCC GWCC GCC MCC PVCC PC RSC SCC SMCC Dist Totals Occupational Program Deletions (OPD) 0 New Occupational Program (NOP) (*primary college if Shared) 1 1 Occupational Program Modification (OPM) 5 5 OPM-Program Additions New Programs Created (*primary college if Shared) 0 OPM-Change in Availability New Programs Created 0 Academic Program Deletions (APD) 0 New Academic Program (NAP) (*primary college if Shared) 0 Academic Program Modification (APM) 0 APM-Program Additions New Programs Created 0 APM-Change in Availability New Programs Created 0</p><p>Total New Program 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total Modified Programs 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 Total Programs College Columns 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6</p><p>Shared Programs include programs offered by two or more colleges and District Wide Programs are offered by all 10 colleges.</p><p>3 ATTACHMENT: CM COURSE MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>DMI103 Radiographic Processing L+L 1.5 2.5 2.2</p><p>Proposed Changes: Description, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Complete instruction overview on imaging receptors, image processing and imaging systems. Discussion of image processing procedure that renders physical and chemical changes as a visible radiographic image. Prerequisites: Permission of Program Director.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI104 Radiography Practicum I LAB 3.5 21.0 0.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Credits from: 6.0 to: 3.5, Periods from: 35.0 to: 21.0, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Observation of and familiarization with hospital procedures and environment. Demonstration of appropriate patient care. Process examination requisitions and other documentation related to the procedure. Image acquisition, processing and storage. Operation and maintenance of radiographic equipment. Performance of basic radiographic procedures to include the chest, upper and lower limb. Prerequisites: DMI101, DMI102, DMI103, DMI105, and DMI107, or permission of Program Director.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI204 Radiography Practicum IV LAB 3.0 18.0 0.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Title, Credits from: 4.0 to: 3.0, Periods from: 30.0 to 18.0, Requisite, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Supervised student performance of routine radiological procedures, including surgery and portable procedures. Prerequisites: DMI124 or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI214 Radiography Practicum V LAB 4.5 28.8 0.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Title, Description, Credits from 5.0 to 4.5, Periods from 30.0 to 28.8, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Reinforcement and broadening of routine and advanced procedures, portable skills and surgical procedures acquired in earlier practicum. Operation and maintenance of radiographic equipment. Correct use of radiation protection devices. Evaluation of radiographic images. Ethical and professional job-related skills. Prerequisites: DMI204.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>4 ATTACHMENT: CM COURSE MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>DMI221 Advanced Digital Imaging LEC 2.0 2.0 2.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Description, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Equipment used in digital imaging, including image intensification, calculation of minification, brightness gain, viewing, and storage systems. Components and operating principles related to digital fluoroscopy. Principles, physics, and instrumentation related to digital radiography. Prerequisites: DMI105 and DMI107.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Fall ______</p><p>EEG130 Introduction to EEG L+L 4.0 4.0 4.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Description, Activity Type from: LEC to: L+L, Credits from: 3.0 to: 4.0, Periods from: 3.0 to: 4.0, Load from: 3.0 to: 4.0,Competencies</p><p>Introduction to EEG (Electroneurodiagnostic) theory, with emphasis on instrumentation, testing protocol and major disorders for which EEG is diagnostically useful. Introduction and hands on experience with the 10/20 International Electrode Application System. Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program or admission to Polysomnographic Technology Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>EEG140 Basic Electroneurodiagnostic Skills LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0 LAB 1.0 3.0 2.4</p><p>Proposed Changes: Number from: 116 to: 140, Activity Type from: L+L to: LEC LAB, Credits from: 4.0 to: 1.0 1.0, Periods from: 5.0 to: 1.0 3.0, Load from: 4.7 to: 1.0 2.4</p><p>Theory, practical application, and clinical procedures germane to the electroneurodiagnostic (EEG) department. Stress on hospital orientation, job competency, professional growth, and interpersonal communications with staff and patients. Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>EEG200 Clinical Rotation I LAB 3.0 18.0 0.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Title, Description, Competencies</p><p>Clinical application of Electroneurodiagnostic (EEG) skills and knowledge acquired during required program classroom and lab courses. Full supervision of tests performed with progression to independent testing. Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>5 ATTACHMENT: CM COURSE MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>EEG205 Applied Evoked Potentials and Nerve Conduction Studies LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0 LAB 1.0 3.0 2.4</p><p>Proposed Changes: Title, Activity Type from: L+L to: LEC LAB, Credits from: 3.0 to: 1.0 1.0, Periods from: 4.0 to: 1.0 3.0, Load from: 3.7 to: 1.0 2.4, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Theoretical and practical aspects of Evoked Potentials (EP), mainly Visual Evoked Response (VER), Brain Auditory Evoked Response (BAER), and Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP) tests. EP instrumentation, recording techniques and data analysis of electrical activity of the nervous system elicited by using selected physical stimuli (evoked potentials) and concepts of signal averaging, (in accordance with the most recent American Clinical Neurophysiology Society (ACNS) guidelines on Evoked Potentials). Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>EEG206 Advanced EEG LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0 LAB 1.0 3.0 2.4</p><p>Proposed Changes: Activity Type from: L+L to LEC LAB, Credits from: 3.0 to: 1.0 1.0, Periods from: 4.0 to: 1.0 3.0, Load from: 3.7 to: 1.0 2.4, Competencies, Outline</p><p>Comprehensive, advanced study of neurological and neurophysiological medicine. Studies in cerebrovascular and central nervous system lesions, metabolic and infectious disease, trauma and congenital and pediatric disorders. Normal and abnormal pattern review. Case presentations. Board Examination review. Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>EEG211 Clinical Rotation II LAB 3.0 18.0 0.0</p><p>Proposed Changes: Title, Description, Competencies</p><p>Clinical application of Electroneurodiagnostic (EEG) skills and knowledge acquired during didactic courses and clinical practicums. Full supervision of tests performed with progression to independent testing. Prerequisites: Admission to the Electroneurodiagnostics Program.</p><p>Type: O College: GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>6 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>CNS102 Foundations for Apprenticeship LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>The demographics and industry projections of the building and construction trades. Structure and purpose of registered apprenticeship. Apprenticeship roles and responsibilities. Overview of fluctuation in employment and finances inherent to the construction trades. Emphasis on preparation for periods of high and low employment debt management within registered apprenticeship. Prerequisites: None.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI112 Radiographic Positioning II LEC 2.0 2.0 2.0 LAB 1.0 3.0 2.4</p><p>Radiographic anatomy of the upper and lower limb, pelvis and bones of the thorax. Positioning of the humerus, shoulder, pelvis, hip, and bones of the thorax. Radiographic anatomy of the vertebral column and cranium. Positioning of the vertebral column and cranium. Emphasis on radiation protection, image evaluation and modifications. Serving the culturally diverse patient. Prerequisites: DMI101, DMI102, and DMI107, or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI114 Radiography Practicum II LAB 3.0 18.0 0.0</p><p>Reinforcement and broadening of routine and advanced procedures, portable skills and surgical procedures acquired in earlier practicum. Operation and maintenance of radiographic equipment. Correct use of radiation protection devices. Evaluation of radiographic images. Ethical and professional job-related skills. Prerequisites: DMI104 or permission of Program Director.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI118 Contrast Media Procedures LEC 2.0 2.0 2.0</p><p>Terminology, gross and radiographic anatomy, procedures and image evaluation related to contrast media procedures. Type, administration, and adverse reactions related to contrast media. Select topics related to surgical radiography. Unique positioning situations. Prerequisites: DMI101, DMI102, and DMI107, or permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>7 ATTACHMENT: NC NEW COURSES: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>ACT CREDITS PERIODS LOAD</p><p>DMI124 Radiography Practicum III LAB 3.0 18.6 0.0</p><p>Reinforcement and broadening of routine and advanced procedures, portable skills and surgical procedures acquired in earlier practicum. Operation and maintenance of radiographic equipment. Correct use of radiation protection devices. Evaluation of radiographic images. Ethical and professional job-related skills. Prerequisites: DMI114 or permission of Program Director.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>DMI223 Introduction to Computed Tomography LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0 X ICE223</p><p>Overview of the principles and operation of computed tomography (CT) scanner. Content includes history, physics processes, instrumentation components, imaging acquisition, reconstruction and display for computed tomography imaging. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>HEO120 Heavy Equipment Operations: Hazardous Materials Awareness LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0</p><p>Emphasis on detection and identification of dangers associated with the release of hazardous materials or the discovery of illegally dumped hazardous materials by heavy equipment operators. Step-by-step guide to personal protection and initiating an appropriate hazardous materials incident response within heavy equipment environment. Prerequisites: Registered Apprentice status or permission of the Apprenticeship Coordinator.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>ICE223 Introduction to Computed Tomography LEC 1.0 1.0 1.0 X DMI223</p><p>Overview of the principles and operation of computed tomography (CT) scanner. Content includes history, physics processes, instrumentation components, imaging acquisition, reconstruction and display for computed tomography imaging. Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor.</p><p>Type: O College : GW Effective: 2012 Spring ______</p><p>8 ATTACHMENT: NOP NEW OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5746 Program Title: Construction Trades: Pre-Apprenticeship Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 12 CIPs Code: 46.0000 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Anna Lopez Instructional Council: Occupational Administrators (53)</p><p>The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Construction Trades: Pre-Apprenticeship program is designed to train and upgrade skills of people interested in entering construction trades registered apprenticeship programs. Training is included in the areas OSHA-10 certification and introductory courses in the areas of hand and power tools, math, blueprint reading, rigging, materials handling and green construction overview. Soft skills training includes problem solving, communication and computer basics. The skills acquired in this program can be applied toward advance placement in a participating registered apprenticeship program which may require a background check and/or drug testing. ______</p><p>9 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3336 Program Title: Health Services Management Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 63-64 CIPs Code: 51.0701 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Cris Wells Instructional Council: Health Care Integrated Education System (16)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 63-64, Program Description, Program Notes, Admission Criteria, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Restricted Electives, Gen Ed First-Year Composition Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Health Services Management program has two separate tracks. The Health Services Management track prepares students to become successful supervisors and managers in all types of varied health care settings. The Clinical Research track specifically prepares students to become successful managers and leaders in the clinical research setting. Both tracks focus on the development of skills to be an effective leader and planner, capable of directing, coaching and developing motivated employees and employee teams. The Health Services Management track includes an internship in a health services setting under the direction of an on-site mentor. The Clinical Research track does not require an internship. However, upon special circumstances, it may be arranged as an elective. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3582 Program Title: Medical Radiography Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 84-97 CIPs Code: 51.0911 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Mary Carrillo Instructional Council: Allied Health (51)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 84-97, Program Description, Admission Criteria, Program Prerequisite Credits, Program Prerequisites, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Gen Ed First-Year Composition Requirements, Gen Ed Mathematics Requirements, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Medical Radiography program provides training in patient services using imaging modalities, as directed by physicians qualified to order and/or perform radiologic procedures. Curriculum includes training in patient care essential to radiologic procedures; this includes exercising judgment when performing medical imaging procedures. The program focuses on principles of radiation protection for the patient, self, and others, anatomy, positioning, radiographic techniques, maintaining equipment, processing film, the digital environment, keeping patient records, and performing various office tasks. ______</p><p>10 ATTACHMENT: OPM OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAM MODIFICATIONS: MARICOPA COMMUNITY COLLEGES MCCCD GOVERNING BOARD DATE: 10/25/11</p><p>Award/Major Code: AAS/3688 Program Title: Nuclear Medicine Technology Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 95-119.5 CIPs Code: 51.0905 Overall G.P.A.: 2.5 Faculty Initiator: Jeanne Dial Instructional Council: Allied Health (51)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 95-119.5, Program Notes, Admission Criteria, Program Prerequisite Credits, Program Prerequisites, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Gen Ed Oral Communication, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Nuclear Medicine Technology program is designed to prepare students to function as competent members of the healthcare team in the role of nuclear medicine technologists. Employment opportunities exist in hospitals, medical offices and ambulatory clinics. Upon completion of the program, the student will be eligible to apply for the certifying board examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technology [ARRT (N)], the nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) and Arizona State Licensure. The curriculum is structured to provide appropriate didactic instruction, as well as ample supervised clinical exposure, to assure sufficient opportunity to achieve all didactic and clinical requirements. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5461 Program Title: Computed Tomography Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 12 CIPs Code: 51.0911 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Sharon Luczu Instructional Council: Allied Health (51)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Total Program Credits to: 12, Program Description, Program Notes, Required Course Credits, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Computed Tomography program offers graduate Radiologic, and graduate Nuclear Medicine Technologists the opportunity to complete both didactic coursework and clinical skills experience necessary to prepare to become eligible to sit for the professional registration test in this field. The program focuses on specific skills and knowledge necessary to become proficient in this field. ______</p><p>Award/Major Code: CCL/5566 Program Title: Construction Trades: Heavy Equipment Operations Initiating College: GW Effective Term: 2012 Spring Program Availability: College Specific</p><p>Total Credits: 30 CIPs Code: 49.0202 Overall G.P.A.: 2.0 Faculty Initiator: Anna Lopez Instructional Council: Occupational Administrators (53)</p><p>Proposed Changes: Program Description, Required Courses, Program Competencies</p><p>Description: The Certificate of Completion (CCL) in Construction Trades: Heavy Equipment Operations program is designed to train heavy equipment operators in safety related to heavy equipment operations, basic calculations, rigging, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Specific vehicles that will be used in training will include but not be limited to: tractors, scrapers, aerial lift trucks, backhoes, graders, forklifts, bull dozers, all terrain vehicles, excavators, and cranes. Training will include earth moving, grading, soil analysis, hazardous materials management, and soil compaction. This classroom training is supplemented with required on-the-job-training that leads the student to obtain certification from Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT). ______</p><p>11</p>
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