VOL. XXVL MASON, MICHIOAN, THURDSAY. OCTOBER 31, 1901. NO. 44: citizens' Entertainment Course. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. YES OK NO. InKham County Covernment. Hiffh School Notes, Michigan (Tentrai Tiie sale of season reserved seat Below is a synopsis of the proceed The .S, 0. A. met Wednesday, Oct. 30, with Miss Marshall as leader. "lho Niagara Fallt Route," TonlRlit Is Hiillowe'cn, tickets for the Citizens' Entertain­ Ings of tlie board of supervisors since ment Course will take place at E. Cul­ Vote on the New School House Pro our last issue, the board adjourning The fifth grade has just linlshcd BOUTirWAUD. .Sliecp to let, IrKiuire of ,T. A. Mason,. I0:00a,in. l ;30 p. m. Oliil) p, in ver's at eight o'clock a. m., local time, Saturday afternoon: the study of Soutli America, B.arncs, .Jr,, Aurelius. *1 jcct Next Tuesday. Jackson lltoo 2;30 lOlDO on Nov, 15th, Tiie report uf tlie special committee Roy Adams returned to school last Detroit ... Bisop, m. Blaop.m,7!i5a.in Justice Ferguson is sliintrllnf? Ills Reserved seats for single entertain­ to look after needed repairs to the Monday, iiouse sltuvited on Mill street. In anotlier column will be found a Chlcano .,. 0;30p. ln. SAip. in. liiiiOa. m ments in the lecture course will be on county jail wasadopted. An estimate The eighth grade history class is. .Several Ma.sonites went to Lansinff sale at noon the day before eacli en­ call for a vote upon the new school Of the cost is placed at $S00. Fiv preparing for a test on the explora­ NOIlTinVAllI), last Tuesday evening toattcnd apliiy, house question. The polls will be Mason 7:18 a. in, I2;0i p. in. 0:33 p. in tertainment, as usrial. hundred dollars of this amount was tions and the colonial period of the Lanslns 8:12 12;2,1 p. in. 0:00 A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. The management wish to make this open at tlie common council room raised tills session, the balance to be United States, It is also making •Owosso 0;QO 1 :30 7:16 Warner Small at Eaton Rapids last course in every w.ay the most success­ next Tuesday, Nov. 5th, from twelve taken care of at the January session. great progress in tlie study of the ele­ BaRluaw 10:33 2;B2 8:4(1 Thursday. ful of any yet held and will cheerfully to four o'clock standard time, Tliis The claim of Lawton T. Hemans of ments Of Latin. The study jids them Bay Olty 11:10 3:25 0:20 call is Issued by tlie scliooI board upon Mackinaw. 7:46 p.m. 7:0Ga. m. 7;00a. m L, P, Collins lias moved from Eden receive suggestions, criticisms, etc $180,40, for'services performed as rep­ much in giving tiie pupils a good Entertainments will begin promptly a petition signed by twelve taxpayers resentative for Ingham county on the knowledge of English grammar. 0. W, liUOOLKS, onto tlie E, H, Williams, farm, nortli at eight O'clock, Incai time; doors will Of the district. state board of equalization, was allow The Erosophiao society met Tues­ V, D. Stanton, Gen, Pass. & Ticket Agt. of tlie city. Ticket Agent, Mason Chicago be open at seven o'clock. Tlie Democrat is favorable to cd at Its footing. day afternoon. Tiie following pro­ Tourists will meet at tlie Presby­ new building forseverarreasons. The Extra elTort will be made this year By a vote of 19 to 4 Sheriff Ham gram was given: Music, announce­ terian parsoniiRe on Wednesday even­ present building is over 30 years old BUSINESS DIRECTORY. to iceep good order among the children mond was allowed 35 cents per day for ment by Mr. Palmer, poem by Miss ing, Nov, Otii. it is inadequate for our present needs who congregate -on the front seats the board of prisoners. This is a raise Nellis, story by Miss Coy, oration by J. E. Taylor is selling buggies at It is too high and is injurious In order to obtain admission, children of five cents per day and was made by Mr. McComb, description by Miss greatly reduced prices. See ad, in health. It is too dark and cannot be u. C. B. IIENDEIISON. Over Brown & must be accompanied by their par­ reason of the raise In price of provls Gunn, quiz on authors by Mr. Palmer, this wecl<'s issue, Loomls.' At Dansvlllo Tuosdiiys. Crown ents. • properly lighted and ventilated, It report of committees. anDa bridge work a specialty. ons, etc Tiie ladies' aid of Eden will meet is unhandy in its arrangement for Nov, 19th is the first number of the The proceedings of the October ses­ The Senate met in the ninth grade with Mrs. IT, B. Wlllett Wednesday school work. course. Tlie Hungarian Orchestra sion were authorized to be printed in room Monday niglit. afternoon, Nov. 6th. To say nothing from an educational HAS. G. .IHNKINS, M. D. Practice iiinltcd comes highly recommended as ilrst- supplement form and circulated in The junior Latin class has made a . to diseases of Eye, Ear, INos e, .an d Throat. G, J. Franklin has purchased of class musicians. Tiiey were born in standpoint, our school is the best special study of the character ot 122C4 Washington Ave, S., Lansing, Mich. the various papers of tlie county. James Kerns the old Vandercoolc place business, proposition wc have and we Cicero during the past week and noted music and have made it a life study A standing committee on purchas­ E, MANN, Physician and Surgeon, Olllco on Main street, paying $575 for it. They appear in tlie largest courses in should do everything we can to ad­ particularly his integrity and devotioa .in, iii Nea- r Block.' 1 lours •2 •to 6 •p. '' in., and 7 to ing supplies for county olllcers, con 8G 1). m. Speclai attention to diseases ot eye, ear, vance it. We have a large list of to ills country's good. The harp orchestra will furnish tlie state. sisting Of the chairman and two mem­ nose and Hrrout. Glasses solontllleally and ac­ foreign pupils and could materially curately titled. Uesldenoe at C. W. Browne's. music for a dancing party at tlie M The thimble party this week wil bers of the board to be appointed at increase it with a new building. Below Is the jury in the trial of H. FREELAND, M, D. Lawrence Block, A, C. this wneli Saturday evening. meet at Mrs. Hervey Rowe's in Vevay tiie October session, was authorized As to the cost. District No. 1 of Cliarles H, Pratt, charged with brib­ O nour8-8toi)li.in..ito3,7to8p.m. ^ett McDonald died at the county M. J. Bement has a fine ruliber tire by a unanimous vote of the board, Vevay and Mason is a wealthy dis ery : Alvin Edgar, Aurelius; Silas E. road wagon made by the Mason Buggy upon motion of Sup, Hinman. Sups, p ''LrsSTti^boTeKssM^^^ J"ft Saturdiiy of consumption trict. It is assessed in round num­ Bliss, Delhi; Orson J.Swan, Ingliam; Store, riotirs, •8 to" I) a. in., 2 to 4 ami 7 to 8 p.H me. was buried at Brighton, Sunday. Co. Coy and Hinman and Chairman Bullen Stor bers $1,100,000. The proposed new Ernest Kowalk, Henry Erb, Lansing; Country and town calls promjitly attended. are the committee for tills year. Farmers—We want poultry every Rev. Zimmerman will preach at the Hanford Bennett, Locke; Myron 0. H. IfRANK E. THOMAS, Physician aud Sur­ building is to cost $15,000. To raise geon. Olllce over Webb Id Whitman's store;da y in tiie week but Saturday, DuBois school house next Sabbath at this amount in ten years, as the call Sheriff Hammond and Sups. Hamil­ Robinson, Mason ; Frank Potter, On­ residence at corner II and Oak streets, Mason. Mason Cold Storage. three o'clock. proposes, with interest at four per ton and Barber were announced as the ondaga; .John IT, VanBuren, Vevay; BIrney E. Brower of Stockbridge Henry IT, Freedman of Lansing has cent., and there is no doubt the bonds committee on jail repairs. George W. Whitney, White Oak; has been granted a third grade, second been granted a patent on a fumigat can be tloated at this rate, will cost On Friday tlie board had a Qeld day George L. French, Onondaga. Trial U. SANDERS, Attorney at Law, Mason, | year, teacher's certlflcate in Jackson . MIcli. Money to Loan. ng apparatus, each person who is assessed $1,000 upon contagious disease claims and began last Tuesday morning. county, Beginning next Monday night and $1.91 the flrst year, $1.80 tlie second knocked tliera out as fast as the roll A. BERGMAN, Attorney at Law. Offlco School Report for October. over Longyear Bros., Mason, Mich. continuing until further notice the year, $1.80 the third year and so on, A. Tlie Ladies' Baptist Missionary So­ could be called. Whole nuinber enrolled 38.t, B. MoARTHUR, Attorney ,and Counselor al ciety will meet at the home Mrs. E, electric lights will run all night. reducing about Ave cents each year The claim of A, B, Casterlln of the Average tiinnber belonging 352 , Law. Cli'cttit Court Oomtnlssioner. C until the expiration Of the ten years. Average dally attendance 331 oveLr Karniers' Bank, Mason. A. Tyler on Wednesday, Nov. C, at All accounts not paid by December Hudson House at Lansing, of $110.25, Number belonging at date MS 2i;i0 p.
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