
<p> MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO. LTD., KOLHAPUR ZONE, KOLHAPUR.</p><p>- TENDER NO –</p><p>CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.- 08/2007 – 2008</p><p>SUPPLY OF</p><p>FIBRE GLASS FUSE BOARDS</p><p>Address :</p><p>ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING, 1ST FLOOR, VIDYUT BHAVAN, TARABAI PARK, KOLHAPUR – 416 003 MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRBUTION COMPANY LTD., KOLHAPUR ZONE, KOLHAPUR.</p><p>Tender No. :- CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.-08/2007-08. </p><p>Particulars :- Supply of Fibre Glass Fuse Board. </p><p>Last date of acceptance:- 05/11/2007 upto 14.00 Hrs Date of opening :- 05/11/2007 at 16.00 Hrs. ( If possible )</p><p>Cost of Tender form:- Rs. 2,000 /- by cash &Rs. 2,200 /- by post</p><p>Receipt No. ……………………….. Date ……</p><p>Name & Address :- ………………………………………………………… of the Firm ………………………………………………………….</p><p>………………………………………………………….</p><p>Earnest Money Deposit :- Rs. 25,000 /- ( Rs. Twenty five Thousand only )</p><p>Receipt No. ……………………. Date…………..</p><p>Divisional Accountant M. S.E.D.Co.Ltd., Circle Office, Kolhapur.</p><p>MAHRASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LTD., KOLHAPUR ZONE, KOLHAPUR. INVITATION OF TENDER & INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS </p><p>Tender No. : - CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.-08/2007-08</p><p>Returnable not later than 14.00 Hrs. on 05/11/2007. This Tender will be opened at 16 Hrs. on 15/11/2007 at the Company’s office (If possible). The tenderer or his representative may be present at the opening of the tender at the above specified time and date . To, M/s: - ______</p><p>Please quote your lowest rates F. O. R. Destination and earliest delivery period for the supply of the articles as per the schedule enclosed and return this tender form duly signed stating that time of delivery in column 13, Delivery is required at Any store under Kolhapur Zone, Kolhapur For conditions of Tender and Supply, please see on the next pages, It is important to note that tenders not confirming to F. O. R. Destination basis and to the unit as specified in column 3 of the enclosed page No. 15 will not be considered even though they may be lowest packing proposed to be employed and forwarding charges. In case of price Ex. Godown must be separately stated per unit quantity and forwarding charges. In case of price Ex. Godown must be separately stated per unit quantity and the item, otherwise packing and forwarding charges will not be entertained as claimed by the supplier. The rate and the amount of insurance charges included in your tender should separately as per the Company’s conditions of contract.</p><p>Chief Engineer (KOPZ), Kolhapur Zone, Kolhapur.</p><p>1</p><p>TENDER NOTICE</p><p>Sealed and super scribed tenders are invited from reputed manufacturers / suppliers for supply of material as specified in tender form. </p><p>Sr Estimated cost in Cost of No Tender No. Description Rs Tender Form EMD to be paid Rs. 1 CE/KOPZ/ Fibre Glass Fuse Board Rs. 2,000/- Tech/ (600mmX450mmX 200mm) Rs. 25.00 Lakhs. By Cash. Tender Fibre Glass Fuse Board No.08 / (450mmX300mmX 100mm) Rs. 25,000/- Rs. 2,200/- 2007-08 Fibre Glass Fuse Board By Post. (300mmX300mmX100mm)</p><p>The blank tender forms will be issued from the Office of the Superintending Engineer, MSEDCL, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur-416003, on payment of cost of Tender form as above (non-refundable) either in cash or DD on all working days from 29/10/2007 to 03/11/2007 during 10:30 Hrs. to 16:00 Hrs. </p><p>The tender documents duly filled in and sealed and super scribed should be submitted at the office of the Chief Engineer, Kolhapur Zone, Tarabai Park, Kolhapur – 416003, along with payment of E.M.D. by D.D. only, in favor of M.S.E.D.C.L. Kolhapur drawn on Nationalized / Scheduled Bank payable at Kolhapur.</p><p>1) The last date for issue of blank tender forms - 03.11.2007 upto 16.00 Hrs. 2) The last date of submission of tender forms - 05 .11.2007 upto 14.00 Hrs. 3) Date of opening of tenders - 05 .11.2007 at 16.00 Hrs. (If Possible) </p><p>The undersigned reserves the rights to order the full or partial quantity tendered or reject any or all offer without assigning any reasons whatsoever. This office takes no responsibility for delay or loss or non-receipt of documents sent by post.</p><p>Tenders will be opened in the presence of bidders who remain present at the time of opening. Right to reject/accept any or all tenders in part/full is reserved by the undersigned without assigning any reason/s there of.</p><p>CHIEF ENGINEER (KOPZ), KOLHAPUR.</p><p>2</p><p>I M P O R T A N T </p><p>(a) For all imported items only (1) If stocks as not readily available with you please quote on forwarded delivery basis. (2) If necessary we shall assist you in obtaining an import license. (3) In all cases of items of equipment, the tendere will have to import the same in accordance with the instructions of the Chief Engineer, M. S. E. Board as regards shipment of such goods. ( b ) Sale Tax / VAT :- 1. Are you registered dealer under the Bombay Sales Tax Act / VAT (Yes or No) 2. If you are registered, dealer, Please state: -</p><p>Sales tax / VAT Reg. No. Date: - 3. Is sales Tax / VAT is payable in addition to the rates quoted by you? (Yes or No) 4. If so please rate of Sales Tax / VAT payable against item in the tender and sign the declaration below. 5. Offers not giving the above particulars and certification are liable to be overlooked. Certified that Sales Tax / VAT indicated is payable by us to Govt. of Bombay on the sales of goods mentioned below. (c) In case of divergence between rates in figures & words, it will be construed to read the rate most favourable to the board. ( d ) Quotation subject to price variation ( other than import variation ) will be understood to be accepted only on the condition, that the tenderer will intimate only price variation prior to manufacture or shipment and the Company shall have the option to accept the revised price or to cancel order.</p><p>(e) If delivery particulars are not specifically mentioned by the tenderer, delivery will be presumed to be ex stock and free at our Store Office or at Site Station as required as per Tender. (f) TENDER WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNLESS (1) The Earnest Money Deposit, as specified in clause 5 of the condition of tender enclosed is paid along with the tender except where a permanent deposit is paid. (2) FULL SPECIFICATIONS and make offered are specified. (3) Samples of the offer if required are to be submitted before the opening of the Tender & the requirements i.e. Sales Tax / VAT as above fully complied with. (g ) Please state the amount and Receipt No of the permanent Deposit.Amount </p><p>Rs.______ReceiptNo.______Date______</p><p>Seal & Signature of Tenderer. 3 CONDITIONS OF TENDER & SUPPLY</p><p>1. EXTENT OF WORK:- This tender is for the supply of materials to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd., ( herein after referred to as the Company ) for the stores, any materials or any part of portion there of tendered for by the supplier and accepted by the Store Purchase Officers ; duly authorised in that behalf of the Said Company’s at the rates and deliveries to the place at or within the time specified overleaf and without any extra charges or expenses to the said Company other than those mentioned overleaf.</p><p>2. VALIDITY OF TENDERS:- All tenders shall be valid for acceptance by the Company for the period of 90 days from the date of opening of tenders & tenderer shall be bound to do supply on such acceptance. All tenders submitted against this tender shall be deemed to comply with condition unless otherwise agreed to by the Company.</p><p>3. QUOTATIONS:- The tender must quote his rates per unit specified in the schedule in figures as well as in words. Any variation in the rates etc. will not be allowed on any ground, such as a mistake, misunderstanding etc. After the tender has been submitted the tendered rate must include - a) All charges for containers and packing. b) All charges necessary to effect for free delivery of the Depot or site station or outside city as the case may be specified in this form. c) All charges such as freight, insurance, custom excise and town duties & other imports of a similar nature, clearing in case of materials to be sullied ex-stock or on forward delivery. No variation in rates or prices will be allowed in case of any such charges unless specifically mentioned. </p><p>Tenderers are prohibited from making any additions or alternations in the description of articles mentioned in the schedule or in columns (3) and (4), they should either quote rate for the articles described in the schedule or write the word ‘ No rate’ against each item. If they wish to quote for any similar item, they may do so by adding such items at the end of the schedule. All tenders must be submitted in this form and must be clearly & legibly filled in Tender & remarks must be either in ink or typewritten, Tenderers are requested to sign the form of tender and schedule of rates and if not so signed the tender shall be rejected. In case of store subject to price fluctuation clauses, the details viz. (i) Manufacturer’s price Ex – works or Ex point of dispatch whether by rail or sea ( ii ) freight ( iii ) duties and ( iv ) other charges including firms margin should be clarify and separately stated. Basis of revision in price, if claimed should be accompanied details of variation. Otherwise any revision in price will not be admissible. The tenderer shall arrange to furnish a firm price quotation based on the average price ruling during a month’s period from the date of receipt of the import license. The firm the price quotation should be furnished together with the necessary details of adjustment made and the price of raw materials ruling during the period to enable the Board to check up the price variation, so far as any variation clauses in regard to the cost of labour is concerned the same will apply for the period of the manufacture only.</p><p>4 Tenderers should, if not in a position to quote to entire quantity & for delivery as required, state specifically the quantities which they can deliver at the price quoted & according to the required delivery Schedule on the point will entire responsibility for supply at the quoted price in full quantities as per required delivery.</p><p>All correction whatsoever made in the tender must be initialed by the tenderer. </p><p>4. SAMPLES:- Tenderers shall, if required send samples of the supplies he is tendering for, of standard of proprietary articles samples may not be insisted upon. Samples must be of sufficient size and quantity for them to be compared with supplies. All samples must be properly label & sealed by Tenderer’s. The labels must give the following particulars (a) Tender No. (b) Name and Address of the tenderer (c) Brief description of samples.</p><p>5. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT:- The amount towards Earnest Money Deposit should be paid by Demand Draft in favour of M. S. E. D.Co.Ltd., Kolhapur on any Nationalised / Scheduled Bank payable at Kolhapur as stated below. Rs. 25,000/- for tender No.CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.-08/2007-08. A reference to the tender No. should be invariably given in case Earnest Money Deposit is before the due date of tender and the relevant Deposit amount and receipt No. should be mentioned in your tender. No interest will be paid on the above E.M.D. Earnest Money Deposit will be liable for forfeiture (a) if the tender which it covers is withdrawn before the tender receives format intimation as to the decision taken in regard to his tender (b) if the tenderer fails to deposit the Security Deposit as per clause 11 below. Earnest Money will not normally be retained by this office for more than 3 months from the date of opening of the tenders. I M P O R T A N T 6. ADDRESSING TENDER:- Tender must be submitted in envelopes which must properly sealed by the tenderer with their office seals and must be superscripted with the following:- (a) Tender No. (b) Returnable date of tender (c) E. M. D. Paid :-</p><p>7. OPENING OF TENDER:- All tenders received will be punctually opened by the any officer of the Company on the due date and time if possible.</p><p>8. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDERS:- The Company does not bind it self to accept the lowest or any tender, neither will any reason be assigned for the rejection of any tender or a part of tender. It is also not binding on the Company to disclose any analysis report on tender samples. The tenderer on his part binds himself to supply any item or items selected from his offers, in part or whole at the option of the Company. The Company shall reserve the right to order out quantities in excess or less upto a maximum of 50 % of the quantities specified in the tender. The quantity specified may be before dispatch to one destination or several.</p><p>5 9. EARNEST MONEY OF UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERERS:- Earnest Money Deposit by unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as soon as possible after the tender has been settled upon. The tenderers should return the original receipt of the Earnest Money Deposit paid, duly discharged in favour of the Company to the C.E. (KOPZ) Kolhapur. 10. DISREGARD OF TENDER CONDITIONS: - The Company reserves to itself the right to reject any tender which does not confirm to any of the above conditions. 11. SECURITY DEPOSIT: - Every tenderer whose tender is accepted either in whole or part must deposit money within 7 days from the receipt of intimation, by way of security for the due and proper fulfillment of his contract by Demand Draft payable to the Maharashtra State Electricity Distrubution Co.Ltd.,of in Govt. securities or bank guarantee from a recognised bank in the form approved by the Company as noted below. For casual tenders under Rs.3000 /- Nil. For casual tenders over Rs. 3000 /- Minimum of 10 % of value of contract. For all annual tenders – Minimum of 10 % of value of contract. In the event of the tenderer / Contractor failing to deposit such security within the stipulated time period, the Company shall have full discretion to cancel the acceptance communicated to the said tenderer. The security deposit will be returned in the normal course along with the final payment of the bill except when a period of a guarantee is specified & forms a condition of contract. No interest will be allowed on the Security deposit.</p><p>12. PERMANENT DEPOSIT:- Firms of standing made be exempted from payment of Earnest money and on Security Deposit in respect of Tenders issued or contract placed by the Company for this purpose the Company has classified the various suppliers into two classes viz. (a) ‘ A ’ class contractors comprising those who pay a permanent deposit of Rs. 5000 /- in G. P. notice or fixed deposit of approved bank. (b) ‘ B ’ class contractors comprising those who pay a permanent deposit of Rs. 1000 /- in G. P. notice or fixed deposit of approved bank. Class ‘A’ Contractors as approved by the Company will exempted from the payment of Earnest Money Deposit of any tender of whatsoever value. They will also exempted from payment of security deposit provided the value of the contract does not exceed Rs. 5 Lakhs, if it exceeds Rs. 5 Lakhs they will have to furnish a bank guarantee equivalent to 5 % of the value of the contract in the form approved by the Company towards security deposit As regards payment, they will eligible to receive 95 % payment against the R/R and the balance 5 % within two months unless a long period of guarantee happens to be a conditions of the contract in which case the balance 5 % will be paid after the satisfactory completion the contract any expiry of the guarantee period. Class ‘B’ Contractors as approved by the Company will exempted from the payment of Earnest Money Deposit for tenders up to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs for amount over Rs. 2.5 Lakhs the earnest money payable shall be. 1) For the tenders of value over 2.5 Lakhs 1 % of the value subject to selling of Rs. 10,000 /- For the next Rs. 7.5 Lakhs @ 0.50 % For the balance over 10 lakhs @ 0.25 % This class of contractor, all conditions of Securities Deposit as per clause above shall be applicable.</p><p>6</p><p>13. QUALITY OF SUPPLY :-</p><p>All material supplied shall be strictly as per specification laid down for them and strict accordance with and as per approved standard samples. In case of any supplies of which there are no standard approved samples, the supplies shall be of the best description and quality obtainable.</p><p>14. DELIVERY:- In the event of the tender being accepted as a whole or any portion of the articles in the tender, the successful tenderer, hereafter referred to as “ the contractor ” shall execute all orders for “ immediate Delivery ” within due date from the date of receipt of the Company’s Purchase Order and in other cases by the time stipulated in the tender. The delivery period specified shall be strictly adhered to, and the time is the essence of the contract.</p><p>15. PENALTY LATE DELIVERY: -</p><p>In case the materials are not delivered in time contractor shall be liab1le to pay at the discretion authority Penalty up to 0.50 % per week of the price subject to maximum 10 % reckoned on the contract value of such complete portion or section of the plant, equipment of materials including the portion supplied which could not be brought into commission due to any part thereof not delivered in them, Due consideration will be given in the levy of pain tally for reasons absolutely beyond the control of the contractor of which documentary evidence will have to be produced to be satisfaction of the competent authority of the Company. The Company shall be entitled to deduct / recover the amount of penalty from the Current Bill payable to the supplier of any other amount due to payable to him against this or any other contract. </p><p>16. INSURANCE: -</p><p>In all cases of supplies, whatever indigenous, imported or ex-local stock, the contractor shall insure with the Government Insurance Fund, Finance Department, Sachivalaya Mumbai the plant, equipment and materials against all insurance risks, from the place of destination for loss or damage for the full value of the plant equipment, materials etc. As arranged with the Government Insurance Fund, the insurance will remain on force unit the goods are delivered to the purchaser at site or the place of delivery as defined and provided in the contract and up to a maximum period of six months after the date of arrived at the final destination or up to the date the process of erection starts which ever is earlier. The insurance charges will be borne by the Company, there for the purpose of adjustment of the amount payable to the contractor, he shall furnish at the time of submitting his tender the rate amount of insurance included in his tender whether it is F, O, B, C, I, F, or F, R, any place, at the time of the payment of bill the amount of insurance charges included in the tender will be deducted from the bill, the Company will however, reserves and exercise the right to ask the contractor to insure the goods with the contractor, insurance. The insurance shall be effected as the goods with the contractors for all risk in transit up to the place of delivery provided in the contract, and at all the cost of the purchaser beyond the place of delivery to the site or place where the purchaser wants the plant equipment or materials to be delivered.</p><p>7</p><p>In the event of any claim on insurance arising from the loss damage to the plant equipment or material or any part thereof any transit up to the site where the materials are received & inspected in regard to any loss or damage it shall be the responsibility of the contractor when the insurance is effected at the cost of the contractor to take up the matter with the insurer for the recovery & settlement of any claims and pending such settlements or recovery the purchaser shall be entitled to withhold or deduct the like amount from the contractor’s bill. The contractors shall be responsible for the plant equipment or materials or any parts thereof which have been damage depreciate or lost as started herein above and the contractor shall be replace the same without any addition cost to the Purchaser. </p><p>17. FAILURE TO SUPPLY: - For failure to supply of materials as above, the authority i.e. C.E. (KOPZ), Kolhapur is at liberty to purchase the same or any portion there of without further notice or reminder to the contractor on account of the risk of the Contractor and to prefer claim for the difference in price and for all the expenses whatsoever incurred on purchasing the same which the such expenses will include 15 % supervision charges.</p><p>18. ACCEPTANCE OF SUPPLIES: - All or any material supplied against the contract will be subject to the approval of the office in charges Stores or any other officers directed for the purpose. He is at liberty to reject any or the whole lot without assigning any reason and his decision in respect of such rejection will be binding tenderer.</p><p>19. SUBMISSION OF BILLS: - No payment will be made for part supplies of order, Bills should be submitted only after full supply has been effected.</p><p>20. PAYMENTS OF BILL: - The tenderer will be paid 100% payment on receipt of materials at site and inspection thereof as per the procedure described above and after receipt of S.R. Notes, submission of bills in triplicate, Test Certificates, Bank Commission on Payees Account. In no case the R/R will be accepted through a Bank.</p><p>21. OTHER CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY IF ANY: - As per Annexure “A” </p><p>22. You will be deemed to be fully aware of the Company’s general Conditions of contract for the supply of plant, equipment and materials particularly in respect of security deposit, terms of payment, penalty for late delivery etc. and any ignorance of this conditions will not exempt you from liability to abide by the same. Copies are available from the Company’s office.</p><p>23. DEDUCTIONS:- Any amount or amounts which become payable by the contractor to the purchaser under a particular contract may be deducted by the purchaser from any amount / amounts due or becoming due by him to the contractor under the same or any other contract. </p><p>8 24. SAVE AND EXCEPT: -</p><p>Amount / amounts due on account of damage or compensation for defaults or breach of contract in which case instead of deduction of the said amount / amounts shall be retained and the purchaser shall have the right or lien of amount / amounts so retained or withheld.</p><p>25. JURISDICTION: -</p><p>All questions disputed or differences arising under, out of or in connection with the contract if concluded shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Kolhapur court.</p><p>26. Attested true copy of SSI registration certificate should be enclosed along with offer.</p><p>To, </p><p>THE MAHARASHTRA STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION CO.LTD., KOLHAPUR.</p><p>I / We agree to supply the articles noted at the rates herein tendered by me / us subject to the conditions of the Tender and Supply above which I / We have carefully read and which I / We have thoroughly understood and to which I / We agree.</p><p>I / We hereby agree to keep this offer open for 90 days after the returnable date of tenders and shall be bound for a communication of acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time.</p><p>Your’s faithfully, Date :- ( Signature of Tenderer) Address :-</p><p>9 Ref: - CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.-08/2007-08.</p><p>TO BE RETURNEDAFTER DULY FILLED IN AND SIGNED</p><p>Sr. No. Particulars Comments of the Tenderer. 1 2 3</p><p>1. E. M. D. :- Whether the EMD required has been paid by you. If so, indicate money receipt/ D.D. No. etc.</p><p>2. SSI REGISTRATION :-</p><p> a) Whether you are registered as small scale industry to manufacture the materials offered.</p><p>B) Please quote the authority with Whom you are registered.</p><p>C) Please quote the registration No. & date of manufacturing offered material started.</p><p>( A COPY MAY BE ENCLOSED ALONGWITH TENDER)</p><p>3. MANUFACTURER OR TRADER :-</p><p>A) Whether you are a manufacturer or Trader or authorized Distributor of material to be supplied.</p><p>B) In case you are a trader, please Indicate the name of manufacturer whose product you have offered. Also indicate the details of Manufacturer.</p><p>4. TESTING FACILITIES :-.</p><p>Whether your factory is equipped with all the testing facilities to carry out all the tests required as relevant ISS & specifications of the tender. </p><p>10</p><p>Sr.No. Particulars Comments of the Tenderer. 1 2 3</p><p>5. EXCISE DUTY :-</p><p> a) If rates quoted are exclusive of Excise Duty.</p><p>1) Indicates the rate of Excise Duty livable extra at percent by you.</p><p>2) Please confirm in the clear terms that you shall not claim or charge Excise Duty more than the rate quoted by you in respect of supply against this tender. If your rates with Excise rates are variable, please quote present percentage of Excise Duty. Yours rates will be then compared considering 5% rise in Excise Duty in future.</p><p>3) If the Excise Duty is not leviable, please indicate the reasons thereof.</p><p>4) In case the quoted rates are inclusive Of Excise Duty, please confirm the split up of the rate quoted for destination price.</p><p>5) Please confirm that the amount of Excise Duty included in your quoted rates shall be claimed by you against documentary evidence. ( please note that the Excise Duty payment shall be made against documentary evidence only )</p><p>6) If the Excise Duty amount included In your quoted rate or extra at the concessional rates of Excise Duty, please confirm in clear terms that you shall not claim Excise Duty more than the amount included in your quoted rate or extra leivable rates.</p><p>11</p><p>Sr. No. Particulars Comments of the Tenderer. 1 2 3 6. SALES TAX / VAT:-</p><p> a) In case the quoted price is exclusive of Sales Tax /VAT– </p><p>1) Please indicate the rate of Sales Tax /VAT as leivable extra. (Please note that Sales Tax / VAT concessional form ‘E’ or ‘C’ shall be provided by the Board ) 2) If the Sales Tax / VAT is not applicable At present, please confirm that the Same shall not be charged for this tender. 3) If the Sales Tax / VAT is not payable Please indicate the reasons thereof. 4) Please indicate your Sales Tax / VAT/CST No. Registration no. etc. b) In case the quoted rates are Inclusive of Sales Tax / VAT. 1) please confirm whether the amount of Sales Tax is included in the quoted rates. If so give the percentage or actual, against declaration form. 2) Please indicate whether Sales Tax /VAT amount including in your price is at the concessional rate against E/C form to be provided by Company.</p><p>7. I.S.I LICENCE :- </p><p> a) Whether you held relevant ISI license to manufacture the good as per ISI specification & supply the same with ISI mark.</p><p> b) Quote your ISI license number</p><p> c) Quote the date upto which ISI license is valid. Comments of the</p><p> d) If the material offered is confirming to I. S. specification mentioned, give the details of testing of material i.e. date of testing / authority etc.</p><p>8. The Fibre Glass (FRP) Fuse Boards shall be tested and approved by ERDA.</p><p>(A COPY OF TEST REPORTS SHOULD BE ENCLOSED ALONGWITH TENDER)</p><p>12</p><p>Sr. No. Particulars Comments of the Tenderer. 1 2 3</p><p>9. Whether you are ready to accept the lowest rates of tender.</p><p>10. Please indicate the annual turn-over of your firm during last year. Please enclosed the details with Income Tax clearance certificate.</p><p>11. Inform any of your relative is working in M. S. E. D.Co.Ltd., if so, give the details with designation.</p><p>12. Whether any other orders of similar items are pending with you. In such circumstances are you able to supply / manufacture the required quantity in delivery period mentioned in schedule of the tenders. If so, mention your capacity to supply material in delivery period mentioned.</p><p>Signature of Tenderer </p><p>13</p><p>Tender No. CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/T-08/2007-08</p><p>ANNEXURE-A</p><p>1. Rate should be applicable foe FOR destination any M.S.E.D.Co.Ltd., store center coming under the area of Kolhapur Zone i.e. only one rate should be quoted.</p><p>2. On receipt of material to stores and on receipt of supplier copy of S.R. note, Bill in triplicate Test certificates Excise Duty Challan, Gate Pass, Guarantee Certificate payment as per Company’s rule will be effected by this office / as stated in the firm order.</p><p>3. Payment terms such as “Through Bank against dispatched documents” will not be accepted.</p><p>4. Attested true copy of small scale registration certificate must be submitted along with the tender, if applicable.</p><p>5. Specific make (Brand name) should be quoted for the material offered, wherever applicable.</p><p>6. Fibre Glass (FRP) Fuse Boards shall have smooth finish and shall be manufactured by using male-female molds wherein the reinforcement will be placed in the mold and the resin shall be injected using imported RTM machine along with necessary curing ingredients. The boards shall be tested and approved by ERDA.</p><p>Seal & Signature of Tenderer.</p><p>14 TENDER NO. : - CE/KOPZ/TECH/JE-I/TENDER NO.-08/2007-08</p><p>PRICE AND OTHER CHARGES TO BE QUOTED BY THE TENDERER Sr. Split-up FOR Destination price No.</p><p>Ex work price Excise Central sales Total cost in Consignee FOR including Duty tax/VAT Transit Rs. at FOR And Delivery Description of material Unit Qty Destinati packing Freight Included included Insuranc @_____% Destination Destination Period on price charges but Charge @_____ e against form (Col. 4 x 5) (Delivery) excluding s on Ex- Charges “ C ” duties and works on taxes etc. price Ex-works</p><p>1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 Supply of Fibre Glass No. At various 30 days (FRP) Fuse Boards. Stores from the As per specifications Centers date of mentioned at Serial No.-06 under receipt of in Annexure-A. Kolhapur order. (Page-No.-14) Zone. Enclosed Herewith.</p><p>1)600mmX450mmX200mm 4000</p><p>2)450mmX300mmX100mm 4000</p><p>3)300mmX300mmX100mm 4000</p><p>Note: - Rates shall be quoted in figures as well as in words.</p><p>Seal and Signature of Tenderer. 15</p>
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