<p> SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Policy Dialogue and Formulation: Continue to support member states in their policy dialogue trough the Meeting of Ministers of Sustainable Development and the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development 1 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) Program: Sustainable Management of the Water Presentation to CIDI on progress in integration and 2. To continue to promote in the framework of the OAS policy Resources of the Plata Basin with Respect to the development within the framework of the Coordinator dialogue on strategies and to continue supporting best practices Effects of Climate Change and Variability. SF, Intergovernmental Committee of the countries of the Plata in the development of sustainable cities and communities in the December 2016 Basin (CIC). context of the post-2015 development agenda. Program: Technical Cooperation Agreement Alternative financial mechanisms associated with between Republic of Honduras and GS-OAS for environmental services for municipalities of the Trifinio. sustainable development projects in Region Trifinio-Honduras. SF/RF, December 2018</p><p>2 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) Process: The IV ordinary meeting of the CIDS took Further information available in: 5. To entrust the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable place on October 22 and 23, 2014 and review and http://www.oas.org/es/sedi/dsd/ELPG/Recursos/CIDS.asp Development, in the review and update process of the Inter- update process of the Inter-American Program for American Program for Sustainable Development, to: Sustainable Development was initiated, taking into Updated and Revised PIDS taking into account the a. Continue its efforts to address the adverse effects of climate account the criteria established in this mandate (RF) considerations established in this mandate with regards to change as an essential element of the Program, especially with and (SF) December 2015. Climate Change, approved by the III Inter-American regard to the most vulnerable states of the Hemisphere; Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on b. Take into consideration the outcomes of the 20th session of the The GS/OAS established a dialogue series on Sustainable Development Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP-20), to be held climate change to establish a consultation space in Lima, Peru, including tasks for implementation and pending regarding climate change relevant issues and had matters. high level representation during the 20th session of c. Consider the outcomes of the consultations on the focus area the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC of climate change that are now under way at the multilateral and (COP-20), held in Lima, Peru. The GS/OAS, hemispheric levels, as well as efforts related to the advancement supported four side events and took note of the by the OAS member states of the post-2015 development agenda COP results. (SF) December 2015 and the sustainable development goals related to climate change. d. Consider the conclusions of the Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and especially the conclusions on the effects of climate change in the Hemisphere. 3 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Process: Preparation and organizations of the Third 14. To request CIDI to convene the Inter-American Committee Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High- Updated and Revised PIDS approved by the III Inter- on Sustainable Development (CIDS) at the OAS headquarters on Level Authorities on Sustainable Development American Meeting of Ministers and High Level </p><p>DSD page 1 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates October 22 and 23, 2014, and allocate the appropriate resources implemented with technical secretariat support Authorities on Sustainable Development to hold it, so that said Committee begins the preparation and being provided by the DSD. (RF) and (SF) organizations of the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers December 2015. and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development and the process of reviewing and updating the PIDS. Also, to instruct SEDI to provide the necessary support in this process. 4 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Process: Honduras as chair of the CIDS with High Level Authorities participate in successful III Inter- 13. To accept with pleasure the offer by the Government of the support of the Department of Sustainable American Meeting of Ministers and High Level Republic of Honduras to host the Third Inter-American Meeting Development has begun arrangements for Authorities on Sustainable Development of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable preparation and hosting of the Third Inter-American Development in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on October 22 and 23, Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities 2015 and to request CIDI to convene it and allocate the on Sustainable Development. (RF) and (SF) appropriate resources, and to also urge the highest authorities on December 2015. sustainable development of member states to participate. 5 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Program: In progress through the multiannual Results of PIDS implementation reported to member 12. To extend the mandate of the Inter-American Program for portfolio of the Department of Sustainable States. Revised and updated PIDS to incorporate options Sustainable Development (PIDS) through December 31, 2015. Development.PIDS continues to be implemented. for measuring progress made in the advancements of 6 AG/RES. 2780 (XLIII-O/13) The Declaration of Santa Cruz +10 and the sustainable development processes identified by CIDS To instruct the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable . (SEDI), to continue moving forward with the effective Development of the Americas is being implementation of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable implemented. (SF) December 2018 Development 2006-2014 and the action initiatives agreed upon by the Ministers and High-Level Authorities responsible for the sustainable development in the Declaration of Santa Cruz+10 and the Declaration of Santo Domingo for the Sustainable Activity: Options for measuring progress made in Development of the Americas, related to integrated water the advancements of sustainable development resources management. processes in a comparative manner at a hemispheric 7 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) level taking into account available sources of data, OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 avoiding duplication and promoting synergies with 23. To entrust the CIDS with identifying options for measuring the existing mechanisms that address this issue, as progress made in the advancements of sustainable development appropriate to be considered within PIDS review processes in a comparative manner at a hemispheric level taking and update process. (SF) December 2015. into account available sources of data, avoiding duplication and promoting synergies with the existing mechanisms that address this issue, as appropriate. 8 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) 3. To urge the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable </p><p>DSD page 2 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Development (CIDS) to report on progress in its process for the revision and update of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (2006-2009) (PIDS). 9 AG/RES. 2312 (XXXVII-O/07) CIDI/RIMDS/DEC.1/06 rev. 1 54. We entrust the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development, in collaboration with other pertinent bodies with coordinating, monitoring, and supporting the implementation of the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development. 1 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) 0 5. To instruct the General Secretariat, through the Department of Sustainable Development of SEDI, to work with authorities for sustainable development in implementing the measures and decisions adopted at the Second Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development, and to report periodically on this process to the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI). 1 AG/RES. 2312 (XXXVII-O/07) 1 To instruct the General Secretariat to collaborate, through the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI), with authorities in the sustainable development sector in implementing the actions and agreements adopted during the First Inter- American Meeting of Ministers and High-Level Authorities on Sustainable Development and to report periodically on this process to the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter- American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI). 1 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) A session in CIDI dedicated to Integrated Water Progress on the issue in the hemisphere with case 2 32. To request SEDI to continue to strengthen technical Resources Management (IWRM) was held in presentations and contributions from Member States. cooperation and the exchange and discussion of information, January 2014. SF/RF experiences, best practices, and lessons learned through the national focal points designated by member states of the Planning the session on Water Resources under the Organization of American States in the area of water resource integral development for the Third Ministerial management. Process on Sustainable Development. 1 AG/RES. 2780 (XLIII-O/13) 3 To promote dialogue on the water agenda in the Americas in the framework in the Inter-American Council for Integral </p><p>DSD page 3 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Development (CIDI) and to give due consideration to water in the context of the post-2015 development agenda. In this regard, to request the General Secretariat to provide the relevant support for the achievement of this goal. 1 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) Activity: The IV ordinary meeting of the CIDS has Further information available in: 4 OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 been convened for October 22 and 23, 2014 to http://www.oas.org/es/sedi/dsd/ELPG/Recursos/CIDS.asp 22. To promote inter-American dialogue on sustainable initiate the review and update process of the Inter- development and convene regular meetings of the Inter- American Program for Sustainable Development, Progress reported to CIDS American Committee on Sustainable Development (CIDS) in taking into account the criteria established in this order to support and evaluate the execution of the Inter-American mandate. (RF) and (SF) December 2015 Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS), as well as to follow up on the various decisions arising out of the Summit of the Americas and this ministerial process on sustainable development. 1 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) 5 OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 20. To extend the Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS) for the period 2010-2014 and to urge the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development (CIDS) to initiate a process for its revision and update, taking into consideration the assessment of PIDS presented to member states and the recommendations and directions provided by this Declaration. 1 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) Program: DSD, in coordination with other entities and international organizations, mobilized a multi-annual 6 OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 project portfolio of approximately US$45 million and in 2013, leveraged over 18 million dollars of in 21. To entrust the General Secretariat of the OAS, within the kind contributions towards achieving this mandate.(SF) December 2018 framework of its mandates, and in coordination with other entities and international organizations, with promoting the mobilization of resources and facilitating technical assistance to advance effective implementation of this Declaration, the Inter- American Program for Sustainable Development (PIDS), and the Declaration of Santa Cruz + 10. 1 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) Program: Five Operational Inter-American Networks and two clearinghouse mechanisms in place that have been 7 4. To instruct the General Secretariat of the Organization of created to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices among member states.(SF) American States (OAS) to continue, through the Department of December 2018 Sustainable Development of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI), to support member states in their </p><p>DSD page 4 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates efforts to continue the exchange of information, experiences, and best practices to strengthen the sustainable development agenda in the framework of the OAS. 1 AG/RES. 2312 (XXXVII-O/07) Activity: Work plans prepared and reporting in progress(RF) and (SF) 8 CIDI/RIMDS/DEC.1/06 rev. 1 The Department for Sustainable Development will present to the Permanent Executive Committee of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CEPCIDI) an annual work program based on the guidelines of the CIDI strategic plan. In addition, the DSD will prepare semester progress reports on the implementation of this Inter-American Program for Sustainable Development. In its annual work program the DSD will, inter alia, monitor and evaluate the implementing of the Inter- American Program, and define a strategy for mobilizing funds to support the financing of the Program. The annual work program will include provision for monitoring the implementation and evaluating the results of the Program. A comprehensive ample evaluation of the impact will be undertaken in the final year of the Program, in accordance with the existing resources available for this purpose. The Department shall also present reports on the implementation of the program to the Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development or other appropriate sectoral meetings, which can propose updates to the Program. </p><p>The resources in the sectoral Account for Sustainable Development and Environment of FEMCIDI should be used to implement activities arising from the Program. Accordingly, MS are encouraged to present multinational projects following these criteria, and the DSD is to support MS that so request in the formulation of such projects, and shall cooperate with those member states in the search for additional external funding sources for its execution. Moreover, the DSD will provide support for the design and implementation of pilot projects to promote effective participation in innovative programs designed to promote sustainable development and environmental issues. 1 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) All projects of the Department of Sustainable Development consider poverty as a cross cutting issue and aim to 9 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 promote channeling investment opportunity as well as to create and sustain jobs and livelihoods.</p><p>DSD page 5 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Policy Dialogue and Formulation Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Ensuring that sustainable development policies and projects help reduce poverty, particularly in rural areas, identify and support new competitive and investment opportunities, and create and sustain jobs and livelihoods.</p><p>DSD page 6 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Energy Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Sustainable Energy: Support the development and use of sustainable energy solutions, through the delivery of policy and technical assistance services to OAS member states 2 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) Project: Closed Looped Cycle Production in the CLCP Training Seminars/Workshops provided in 0 3. To request the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Americas (CLCP) provides training in CLCP Ecuador, Colombia and Panama. (SEDI) to implement, through the Department of Sustainable design and manufacturing methods and tools for CLCP Module to be included in planned Sustainable Development, activities designed to strengthen training in sustainable, energy-efficient building and product Cities Course for Dec 01-05, 2014 in T&T in partnership policies, programs, tools for sustainable cities, as well as the design and manufacturing to foster the development with the Sustainable Communities in Central America discussion of experiences among the member states. of sustainable cities. (SF) September 2015 and the Caribbean Initiative. 2 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) Process: The GS/OAS established a dialogue series Results of dialogue towards and during COP-20 identified 1 3. To support dialogue and cooperation prior to and during the on climate change to establish a consultation space and support provided to Government of Peru through four 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, to regarding climate change relevant issues and had side events and high level segment attendance. C be held from December 1 to 12, 2014, in Lima, Peru; provide high level representation during the 20th session of support to the Government of Peru as incoming President of the the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC Co-hosted with the Center of Eco-efficiency and Social Conference; and express our highest commitment to seeking an (COP-20), held in Lima, Peru. The GS/OAS Responsibility (CER) of Peru interactive workshops at the ambitious, inclusive, balanced, and effective outcome of that supported four side events and took note of the World Resources Forum 2014 held in October in session, under the UNFCCC, taking account of all negotiating COP results. (SF) December 2015 Arequipa, Peru. CER shared the outcomes of the CLCP positions. workshops with the Peruvian Ministry of Environment, the 2 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) Project: Renewable Energy and Climate Science host of COP20. 2 2. To continue and to strengthen efforts made within the General (RECS) provides technical cooperation in Secretariat of the OAS to support member states towards the metrology and technology standards and National CLCP Work Plans prepared and approved by achievements of commitments made in the area of sustainable measurements to improve the deployment of national authorities of Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and development and climate change to counter the adverse effects of renewable energy technologies and foster low- Trinidad and Tobago. climate change; build the capacity of the states, populations, and carbon economic development, thereby curbing vulnerable ecosystems to adapt to climate change; and step up climate change effects per UNFCCC objectives. 1st Regional Meeting for North America on Renewable efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with (SF) October 2015 Energy and Climate Science for the Americas: Metrology the principles, objectives and provisions of the United Nations and Technology Challenges held at CENAM, Querétaro, Framework Convention on Climate Change. Project: U.S.-Brazil Biofuels Protocol delivers Mexico, October 8-9, 2013. technical training to key stakeholders in the bioenergy sector to build capacity to develop 2nd Regional Meeting for Central America on Metrology sustainable biofuels projects in participating and Technology Challenges for Renewable Energy and countries, thereby fostering low-carbon Climate Change Science, Guatemala, May 28-29, 2014. transportation which curb climate change effects per UNFCCC objectives. (SF) September 2015 Sustainable biofuels pilot projects have been developed in DR, HON, JAM. Project: The DSD is working to better understand the impact of climate variability and change in Bio-energy and Food Security Training workshops Payments or compensations for Environmental provided to key stakeholders to build capacity for </p><p>DSD page 7 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Energy Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Services as an adaptation strategy for livelihoods sustainable biofuels production taking into account food and to optimize financial contributions to the true security needs in participating countries (DR, HON, JAM, potential of the service in two selected areas with HAI, GUA, ELS). transboundary watersheds as case studies in the Andean region and/or Amazon basin covered by Climate Adaptation Policy Schemes incorporating PES Climate Outlook. (SF) December 2015 finalized and available to replicate </p><p>Activity: Climate Change Policy Dialogue Series Keypolicy messages regarding climate change conveyed to Established (SF) December 2015 decision makers</p><p>2 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Process: SEDI/DSD is liaising with OLADE, Current studies conducted by ECLAC and OLADE are 3 35. To request SEDI to continue encouraging partnerships to ECLAC, CAF and REEEP regarding the production under review in order to avoid the duplication of efforts. promote the development and use of renewable, clean, and more of a map showing the status of production and use efficient technologies in all sectors and to evaluate, based on the of clean and renewable energy in the Americas. First SECBI workshop held on February 4-6, 2014 in financial resources available, the possibility of coordinating with Funding has yet to be identified for the fulfillment Necker Islands to share experiences and discuss the other specialized agencies the production of a map showing the of this mandate. (No funding available to date) challenges of widespread deployment of renewable energy status of production and use of clean and renewable energy in the and energy efficiency throughout the Caribbean. Americas, with a view to presenting the findings prior to the Project: The Sustainable Energy Capacity Building forty-sixth regular session of the General Assembly. (SECBI) initiative provides technical assistance to Second SECBI workshop held on August 19, 2014 in Saint 2 AG/DEC. 52 (XXXVII-O/07) addresses critical commercialization challenges Lucia. 4 Their request that the General Secretariat, in coordination with related to expanding the development and use of other institutions and experts: sustainable energy alternatives as a means of User-friendly on-line database of current and upcoming • Continue to promote instructional and training programs for injecting lower cost and less environmentally initiatives will be developed to foster complementarity and relevant actors in the public and private energy sectors, taking harmful energy technologies into the Caribbean synchronization in the delivery of assistance in the into account the possibilities offered by the Scholarship and energy mix. (SF) September 2015 Caribbean region. Training Programs of the OAS and other possible funding sources; Process: SEDI/DSD is updating its registry of The registry of experts created in 2008 will form the basis • Maintain, update, and distribute a registry of specialists of the specialists of the member states. Some of these for upcoming instances for technical support and policy member states who, at the request of the countries of the region, experts participated in several sustainable energy dialogue under the ECPA umbrella. can offer cooperation on energy matters; and activities implemented by the GS, such as • Support regional dialogue for the creation and strengthening of workshops, technical exchange missions and ECPA Clearinghouse convened four public discussion markets and the promotion of energy efficiency and conservation seminars. (SF) June 2015 fórums and three regional technical workshops in Panama, for sustainable development. Colombia and Uruguay on topics pertaining to energy and Project: SEDI/DSD, through the ECPA climate change. Clearinghouse, is supporting regional dialogue on energy sustainability. (SF) June 2015</p><p>DSD page 8 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Energy Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates 2 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Project: Through the Clearinghouse of the Energy Four public discussion forums addressing specific topics 5 Promoting clean and renewable energy in the Americas and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), relating to sustainable energy were convened at the OAS 34. To request the General Secretariat to promote regional SEDI/DSD is promoting regional dialogue among headquarters in 2014. A website providing information on dialogue toward developing reliable, cleaner, more affordable, OAS member states geared toward advancing sustainable energy in Latin America and the Caribbean is and renewable and sustainable energy systems that facilitate policy and legal frameworks to strengthen energy maintained by SEDI/DSD, and a monthly energy access to energy and energy-efficiency technologies and security in the region. (SF) June 2015 newsletter is issued. practices in households and in the public and private sectors. Process: SEDI/DSD supports partnerships for the SEDI/DSD operates the REEEP Regional Secretariat for promotion of clean, sustainable energy through the Latin America and the Caribbean. Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership of the Americas (REEEP), for which it In the Americas, the OAS and NIST through the Inter- operates a Regional Secretariat. (SF) March 2015 American System of Metrology (SIM) is facilitating regional dialogue to strengthen the measurement and Project: Renewable Energy and Climate Science standards infrastructure in the hemisphere for renewable (RECS) provides technical cooperation in energy and climate change science. metrology and technology standards and measurements to improve the deployment of Several dialogues held regarding sustainable biofuels renewable energy technologies and foster low- development in the Americas. carbon economic development, thereby curbing climate change effects per UNFCCC objectives. OAS as member of the global bioenergy network dialogues (SF) October 2015 with international partners regarding best practices in the field of biofuels development Project: U.S.-Brazil Biofuels Protocol delivers http://www.globalbioenergy.org/ technical training to key stakeholders in the bioenergy sector to build capacity to develop Multiple biofuels and bioenergy related policies sustainable biofuels projects in participating developed. Multiple feasibility studies and pilot projects countries, thereby fostering low-carbon developed or ongoing showcasing low-carbon growth. transportation which curb climate change effects per UNFCCC objectives. (SF) September 2015 Two regional training workshops were conducted to identify specific requests for assistance and address Project: The Sustainable Energy Capacity Building challenges to sustainable energy execution among official (SECBI) initiative provides technical assistance to delegates, and development partners. addresses critical commercialization challenges related to expanding the development and use of sustainable energy alternatives as a means of injecting lower cost and less environmentally harmful energy technologies into the Caribbean </p><p>DSD page 9 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Energy Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates energy mix. (SF) September 2015</p><p>2 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Activity: Input on DSD CSR initiatives provided to Report presented to CIDI Regular Session 6 Promotion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the SEDI for reporting purposes (RF) Hemisphere 30. To instruct SEDI to present an annual report on its current and expected CSR initiatives to a Regular session of CIDI, no later than the 30th of November, 2014, and to invite other OAS entities and dependencies to join this presentation to share more about their CSR activities so as to facilitate better coordination. 2 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) Program: In progress through the multiannual Exchange of information, experiences, best practices and 7 OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 portfolio of DSD. (SF) December 2018 lessons learned in member states strengthened through 43. To continue to strengthen the exchange of information, inter-American networks established in the framework of experiences, best practices and lessons learned in member states the OAS on these issues. on integrated water resources management, sustainable energy, biodiversity, sustainable land management, disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, and policies, strategies and legal and institutional frameworks on sustainable development, through interAmerican networks established in the framework of the OAS on these issues 2 AG/DEC. 52 (XXXVII-O/07) 8 Their request to the General Secretariat of the OAS to promote the support and synergy of states, international organizations, civil society, the private sector, and the academic community, to promote the contents of this Declaration of Panama, and to report on a regular basis to the Permanent Council and to the Inter- American Council for Integral Development. 2 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) Program: Member States efforts to integrate Member States efforts to integrate environmental 9 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 environmental protection within policies, protection within policies, regulations, and projects on Supporting member states in their efforts to integrate regulations, and projects on natural resource natural resource management supported through the environmental protection within policies, regulations, and management currently supported through the Member States efforts to integrate environmental projects on natural resource management. multiannual portfolio of DSD. (SF) December protection within policies, regulations, and projects on 2018 natural resource management supported through through the 3 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) Project: The Closed Looped Cycle Production in To promote through public-private partnerships the 0 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 the Americas (CLCP) project works closely with implementation of CLCP methods to achieve energy </p><p>DSD page 10 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Energy Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Promoting the development of sustainable energy policies and industry associations (e.g., SIP of Panama, ANDI efficiency and sustainable production in the industrial projects, in cooperation with the private sector, in order to of Colombia, etc.) through public-private sectors of the participating countries. expand renewable energy, energy efficiency, and energy security partnerships to promote sustainable energy policies in the region. and projects. (SF) September 2015</p><p>DSD page 11 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change: Strengthen cooperation and knowledge-sharing for developing sustainable and resilient communities; addressing the increasing challenges in public transportation and mobility, waste management, water management, soil and ecosystem conservation, and reducing risk to disasters, in a changing climate. 3 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) (Program) “Sustainable Communities in Central Funding has allowed extensive sustainable cities 1 5. To request CIDI to report to the General Assembly at its America and the Caribbean” Initiative Phases I and initiatives to be implemented as mandated at Santa Cruz forty-fifth regular session on the implementation of this II funded by USOAS (US$2 million) Summit (1996) resolution. Execution of the activities envisaged in this resolution http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/DSD/Biodiversity/Susta will be subject to the availability of financial resources in the inable_Cities/SustainableCommunities.asp Networking Event "Clean Energy and Transport Solutions program-budget of the Organization and other resources. Phase 1: SF March 2015 in an Urban Hemisphere: Lessons from the Americas" in 3 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) Phase 2: SF: October, 2016 World Urban Forum 7 Medellin, Colombia April 10, 2014 2 4. To take note of the Medellin Declaration of the Seventh World Urban Forum, in which the governments, the private sector, (Activity) Sustainable Cities Networking event and Urbanism and Social Governance Course held in Medellin, international organizations, academia, professionals, civil society certified OAS sustainable cities course in Medellin Colombia in coordination with EAFIT University and other social actors reaffirmed the importance of cities in the completed. completed in December 2013. new post-2015 development agenda. Urbanism and Social Governance Course held in 3 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) Medellin, Colombia in coordination with EAFIT “ Towards Sustainable and Resilient Communities in the 3 3. To request the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development University completed in December 2013. Americas” - A Forum for Mayors. Miami, Florida. (SEDI) to implement, through the Department of Sustainable December 3-4, 2013. Development, activities designed to strengthen training in (Activity) 1 week Sustainable Cities Course to be policies, programs, tools for sustainable cities, as well as the held in coordination with the University of West Panel of Experts: Sustainable Cities in the Americas: discussion of experiences among the member states. Indies in Trinidad and Tobago December 1-5, 2014 Collaborating for Livable and Inclusive Cities 3 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) completed. 4 2. To continue to promote in the framework of the OAS policy http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/DSD/Biodiversity/Susta 1 week Sustainable Cities Course to be held in dialogue on strategies and to continue supporting best practices inable_Cities/Sustainable_Communities/Events/SC coordination with the University of West Indies in in the development of sustainable cities and communities in the %20Course%20Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago December 1-5, 2014 context of the post-2015 development agenda. %202014/SCCourse2014.asp http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/DSD/Biodiversity/Sustainable_ 3 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) (Project) In Phase 1: 14 US$50,000 grants Cities/Sustainable_Communities/Events/SC%20Course 5 1. To reaffirm the commitments assumed by the Heads of State completed %20Trinidad%202014/SCCourse2014.asp and Government of the Americas in the Plan of Action for the http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/DSD/Biodiversity/Susta Sustainable Development of the Americas, in the framework of inable_Cities/SustainableCommunities.asp 2 Panel of Experts CIDI Meetings completed: the 1996 Summit of the Americas in Santa Cruz, in the areas http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/Biodiversity/Sustainable_C referring to sustainable cities and communities. (Project) In Phase 2: 10 US$40,000 grants awarded ities/CIDINov2014/CIDIMeeting.asp and in process. http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/Biodiversity/Sustai Important events for policy dialogue and information nable_Cities/PhaseII/SelectedProposals.asp </p><p>DSD page 12 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates (Activity) 2 Panel of Experts CIDI Meetings exchange include: completed: Sustainable Cities Round Table in the framework of the 43 http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/Biodiversity/Sustai OAS General Assembly: Building Sustainable Cities and nable_Cities/CIDINov2014/CIDIMeeting.asp Communities in the Americas, Moving from Demonstration Projects to Scale, Guatemala June 3 2013 (Project) ReefFix awarded 16 Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) grants to complete Sustainable Cities Implementers Workshop and Midterm stakeholder analysis and socio-economic valuation Review Meeting, Guatemala June 2 2013 with a view towards improving oversight of marine Sustainable Communities in Central America and the resources to meet commitments made by SIDS to Caribbean Awards Ceremony increase coverage and effective management. ReefFix has multi-level linkages that trains Panel of Experts and Dialogue: Building More Sustainable participating countries in (i) ecosystem goods and Cities and Communities in the Americas in the framework services valuation methodologies (ii) cost effective of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development interventions to improve marine ecosystem health, (CIDI) and (iii) revenue raising techniques of cost recovery and user pays/polluter pays principles. Small grants of up to US$50,000 were awarded under the http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/biodiversity/ReefFi “Sustainable Communities in Central America and the x Caribbean” Initiative to fund innovative projects from SF: US$190,000 NGOs, academic institutions and civil society April 2015(Activity) 2 Panel of Experts CIDI organizations, working in 4 pillars: Renewable Energy, Meetings completed: Waste Management, Resilience to Natural Hazards, and http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/Biodiversity/Sustai Sustainable Transport Solutions. 14 projects were funded nable_Cities/CIDINov2014/CIDIMeeting.asp in phase I and 8 projects are being funded in phase 2 and are in process: (Project) ReefFix awarded 16 Integrated Coastal http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/DSD/Biodiversity/Sustainable Zone Management (ICZM) grants to complete _Cities/SustainableCommunities.asp stakeholder analysis and socio-economic valuation with a view towards improving oversight of marine ReefFix awarded 16 Integrated Coastal Zone resources to meet commitments made by SIDS to Management (ICZM) grants developed cost-effective increase coverage and effective management. techniques that have been replicated throughout the wider ReefFix has multi-level linkages that trains Caribbean that include capacity building exercises participating countries in (i) ecosystem goods and disseminate lessons learned and best practices. services valuation methodologies (ii) cost effective http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/biodiversity/ReefFix interventions to improve marine ecosystem health, and (iii) revenue raising techniques of cost recovery</p><p>DSD page 13 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates and user pays/polluter pays principles. http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/biodiversity/ReefFi x SF: US$190,000 April 2015 3 AG/RES. 2750 (XLII-O/12) SF Project funded by the Argentine White Helmet On-line monitoring and evaluation system for the 6 To request the General Secretariat of the Organization of Commission, through its Special Fund. implementation of the Inter-American Plan. American States (OAS) to implement, through the Department of Sustainable Development (DSD), a mechanism that takes SEDI/DSD developed an on-line monitoring and A presentation before CIDI is being coordinated with the advantage of the online database of the Inter-American Network evaluation system for the implementation of the Argentine Permanent Mission and the Argentine White for Disaster Mitigation (INDM) to update, analyze, and Inter-American Plan, available through the Web- Helmet Commission. systematize, periodically, the experiences and best practices based portal of the Inter-American Network for implemented and/or informed voluntarily by member states in Disaster Mitigation (INDM). accordance with the recommendations of the “Inter-American Plan for Disaster Prevention and Response and the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance”. The necessary resources for the implementation of this mechanism shall come from voluntary contributions of member states and external funds. 3 AG/RES. 2750 (XLII-O/12) RF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Program, and On-line monitoring and evaluation tool, and advocacy in 7 To instruct the General Secretariat of the Organization of supported with SF for the operation of the INDM. pertinent fora. American States (OAS) to lend support to CIDI, through the DSD, subject to the availability of resources from voluntary SEDI/DSD supports the implementation of this contributions of the member states and/or external funds, in the resolution and through it the Inter-American Plan implementation of this resolution. by advocating for its implementation in all pertinent fora. The on-line monitoring and evaluation tool developed with the financial support of the Government of Argentina through its White Helmet Commission is a direct response to this resolution. 3 AG/RES. 2704 (XLII-O/12) SF Program funded by the Argentine White Helmet Projects for the national volunteer systems in Guatemala 8 To encourage the General Secretariat to continue strengthening Commission, through its Special Fund. and El Salvador for disaster preparedness and response, and coordinating actions between the White Helmets Initiative emergency shelters and logistics, and a study on the case and the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development SEDI/DSD implements the OAS-White Helmet of the Dominican Republic as a transit country during the (SEDI/OAS), and with other relevant OAS agencies and Program, providing training for the formation of 2010 earthquake in Haiti implemented under the OAS-WH mechanisms, and also to continue encouraging other agencies volunteer corps in the OAS participating member Program. and institutions in the region to enter into partnerships and States. working agreements Phase II of the Guatemalan project is under formulation </p><p>DSD page 14 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates The White Helmet Special Fund established by the and a new project to support the organization of volunteers Government of Argentina supports post-disaster in the Choluteca River Basin in Honduras has been assessments and response, as well as coordination approved for funding by the Special Fund. of regional mechanisms for disaster risk management. 3 AG/RES. 2649 (XLI-O/11) Program: Sustainable Management of Water Models Hydro-climatic and Adaptation Scenarios: 9 10. To support the General Secretariat’s efforts to mobilize Resources of the Plata Basin with Respect to the Models and integrated hydrometeorological and resources aimed at furthering implementation of climate-change- Effects of Climate Variability and Change. SF, atmospheric scenarios. related activities. December 2016 4 AG/RES. 2588 (XL-O/10) Vulnerability Assessment in socio-economic sectors: 0 2. To continue and augment the efforts made through the OAS to Program: Regional Framework for Sustainable agriculture, energy, navigation, sanitation, tourism, etc. counteract the adverse impacts of climate change, strengthen the Use of the Rio Bravo. SF, December 2016 Institutional strengthening for joint risk management of climate change adaptation capabilities of the states, and of extreme events (floods and droughts). populations and ecosystems vulnerable to climate change, and Program: Sustainable Development Program in enhance our efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Region Trifinio-Honduras. SF/RF, December 2018 Guidelines and priority actions for adaptation to the effects 4 AG/RES. 2649 (XLI-O/11) of climate variability and change. 1 8. To highlight the special needs of people, communities, and Project of Program on Education for ecosystems vulnerable to climate change in the countries of the Sustainable Development: Culture Program of the Inputs for Applications of climate change models and Hemisphere and take them into account in OAS plans, programs, water (water and education). SF/RF impact assessment. and activities in the area of climate change. The plans, programs, and activities of the Support In formulating Fund proposal for adaptation to Department of Sustainable Development in the area climate change in the region Trifinio. of climate change are beginning to highlight the special needs of people, communities, and Planning for training youth on water issues and education, ecosystems vulnerable to climate change. coordination with program on "Education for Sustainable Development" DDS-SEDI. </p><p>Organization of Trifinio workshop with participation in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. 4 AG/RES. 2644 (XLI-O/11) Systematization of Experiences on IWRM and Generation of a virtual model for exchange of experiences 2 OEA/Ser.K/XVIII.2 CIDI/RIMDS-II/DEC.1/10 build a toolkit. based in the DELTAMERICA Project (GEF-UNEP-OAS). 43. To continue to strengthen the exchange of information, experiences, best practices and lessons learned in member states Preparation of proposal for funding. on integrated water resources management, sustainable energy, biodiversity, sustainable land management, disaster risk management, climate change adaptation, and policies, strategies </p><p>DSD page 15 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates and legal and institutional frameworks on sustainable development, through interAmerican networks established in the framework of the OAS on these issues 4 AG/RES. 2372 (XXXVIII-O/08) SF Program funded by the Argentine White Helmet The technical team was not considered by the Member 3 To instruct the General Secretariat to consider the advisability Commission, through its Special Fund. States during their deliberations and discussions. and feasibility of using a technical team belonging to the Regional Humanitarian Volunteer Corps Network of the White SEDI/DSD supports the use of volunteers from the Helmets Initiative as a rapid response mechanism allowing the Regional Humanitarian Volunteer Corps Network Organization to go to the scene of a disaster, at the request of the of the White Helmets, in cases of disasters. Hence, state affected, to coordinate aid and interact with the United a technical team belonging to that network has Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, as never been considered by member States in their appropriate, as well as with specialized and local teams. discussions, while the Permanent Council and CIDI Joint Working Group was in functions as per AG/Res. 2492 (XXXIX-O/09) that instructed “the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development to convene a meeting to begin the process of joint assessment of existing legislative and coordination mechanisms in the natural disaster and humanitarian assistance areas, which takes into account coordination efforts that can be made by the Organization and considers the advisability of updating said mechanisms, presenting a proposal for action by the third quarter of 2010.” 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Program, and SEDI/DSD participation in regional and global fora. 4 To instruct the General Secretariat, through the Executive supported with SF for the operation of the INDM. Drafting of cooperation agreements with CDEMA and Secretariat for Integral Development and its Department of CEPREDENAC. Sustainable Development: SEDI/DSD has been collaborating with all a. To cooperate with member states and to coordinate its efforts subregional specialized inter-governmental Executed the project “Country Needs Assessments for with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency organizations (IGO), such as CDEMA, Enhancing Disaster Risk Management National Systems (CDERA), the Coordination Center for the Prevention of Natural CEPREDENAC and CAPRADE, as well as with and Improving Hemispheric Cooperation and Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC), the Andean pertinent UN agencies, namely the secretariat of Coordination”, with the financial support of the US Committee for Disaster Prevention and Assistance (CAPRADE), UNISDR and OCHA. SEDI/DSD is a member of Permanent Mission to the OAS. relevant United Nations agencies, and other national centers in the advisory committee of the UNISDR Regional the member states, in order to implement the Hyogo Framework Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction and has co- for Action; and b. To work closely with the appropriate national, sponsored and co-organized the first three sessions </p><p>DSD page 16 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates regional, and international agencies on increasing the resilience of the Regional Platform: Panama, 2009; Nuevo of local communities and the most vulnerable sectors, with Vallarta, 2011; and Santiago, 2012. emphasis on developing and implementing risk self-assessment tools and systems; reducing the vulnerability of physical SEDI/DSD participates and supports all regional infrastructure, principally in the housing and education sectors; mechanisms and processes with subregional and increasing the ability to adapt to climate variations, specialized IGO, namely Regional Meetings on considering climate change scenarios, and including zoning, Enhancing International Humanitarian Partnerships, vulnerability maps, and planning for land use and tenancy; c. To known as MIAH, sponsored by OCHA, and the work closely with the private sector, with international, regional, Forum of Regional Mechanisms for Disaster subregional, and national natural disaster preparedness and Preparedness and Response. response agencies, and with nongovernmental emergency response organizations in eliminating obstacles to humanitarian SEDI/DSD, through its RISK-MACC, supports the assistance and to risk transfer, with particular emphasis on efforts of participating member States in advancing strengthening the necessary legal frameworks; and. To compile Disaster Risk Management policies and strategies, and disseminate information on diverse regional and international by assisting with the identification of country needs experiences regarding insurance-related aspects of disaster in that area to enhance national systems and prevention and mitigation, especially agricultural insurance for improve hemispheric cooperation and coordination. family-run small-scale farms or tenant farmers’ plots, in order to benefit the most vulnerable sectors. 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Program, and RISK-MACC 5 To reiterate the mandates set forth in resolution AG/RES. 2184 supported with SF for the operation of the INDM. (XXXVI-O/06) and to continue to accord high priority to the topic of natural disaster reduction, risk management, and SEDI/DSD executes the RISK-MACC program that assistance in natural and other disaster situations. addresses all priority areas highlighted in the AG/RES. 2184 (XXXVI-O/06). 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Program. Since 2007, 3 more OAS member States have ratified the 6 To request the General Secretariat to work, through its Convention: Dominican Republic, in 2009; Nicaragua, in Department of Sustainable Development, on strengthening the SEDI/DSD continued to raise awareness of the 2010; and Colombia, in 2013; bringing the total number of technical capacity of member states in the areas addressed in the Convention and promote its ratification. ratifications to six (6). Inter-American Convention to Facilitate Disaster Assistance. The Convention has been taken into consideration in discussions and debates in UN fora, such as the OCHA sponsored assessment of regional mechanisms for disaster emergency response and humanitarian assistance. 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF Activity. SEDI/DSD has convened technical meetings with program</p><p>DSD page 17 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates 7 To request the IACNDR and the General Secretariat to submit a officers from the IACNDR membership. The last one was joint annual report to the Permanent Council on the fulfillment of The IACNDR met only in 2007 and a report for that after the past-through X-Mas storm of 2013 that hit St. the mandates of the General Assembly and the Statutes of the meeting was submitted. A meeting of the IACNDR Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and Dominica. IACNDR. is scheduled for November 25th of 2014. 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF Activity and SF Activity part of the RISK- A new Inter-American Plan was endorsed by the OAS 8 To request the Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster MACC Program. General Assembly in 2012. Reduction (IACNDR), with support from the INDM, to update the Inter-American Strategic Plan for Policies on Risk Reduction, As a result of the Joint Working Group of the Risk Management, and Disaster Response (IASP); and to urge Permanent Council and CIDI –pursuant to AG/Res. the member states to establish near-term implementation time 2492 (XXXIX-O/09), the OAS participating frames for its recommendations, in accordance with the national Member States, in 2012, endorsed a new Inter- laws in effect in their countries. American Plan, the “Inter-American Plan for Disaster Prevention and Response and the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance” (AG/Res. 2750 (XLII-O/12)). 4 AG/RES. 2314 (XXXVII-O/07) RF and SF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Two Hemispheric Encounters; several virtual discussions; 9 4. To recognize the Inter-American Network for Disaster Program. publications; and a Web-based on-line database. Mitigation (INDM) as the permanent hemispheric mechanism for strengthening practical cooperation among intergovernmental SEDI/DSD, through its RISK-MACC, supports the SEDI/DSD publishes a weekly newsletter, Disasters This agencies in the area of disaster reduction, especially by sharing INDM by organizing Hemispheric Encounters; Week, with highlights of disasters and natural events, technical information and best practices. maintaining a Web-based on-line institutional interesting facts, new technologies and approaches, and database and a database of good practices, news on public and institutional policy for risk documents and publications, calendar of events, and management. more.</p><p>The INDM also sponsors regional and global meetings and events. 5 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) RF and SF Activity part of the RISK-MACC Worked with national agencies in matters of disaster 0 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 Program. preparedness and response in 7 member States of the Strengthening the capability of member states to identify and Central American Isthmus (Belize, Costa Rica, El mitigate the risks of natural and man-made disasters, in order to SEDI/DSD implements the Risk Management and Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama) mainstream planning of both areas within economic development Adaptation to Climate Change Program, which and the Dominican Republic to publish a harmonized policies, working at the sector-specific levels with the private provides technical support to OAS participating manual for the design, installation and operation of sector and civil society. member States in Central America, the Caribbean community-centered Early Warning Systems (EWS) for and the Andean Community in community-centered Floods as well as an on-line database for the registry of early warning systems, as well as in physical and multi-hazard EWS with the financial support of the </p><p>DSD page 18 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Sustainable Communities, Disaster Risk Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Reduction and Climate Change pursuant to said Mandates Mandates environmental planning, and risk management and Governments of Germany and the People’s Republic of tourism. China.</p><p>Cooperation agreement signed with the Pan Supported the formulation of a mitigation project in American Development Foundation (PADF) for Honduras in collaboration with PADF. Completed a advancing technical assistance for disaster country needs assessment in the Caribbean, on the area of prevention and mitigation and increase institutional physical and environmental planning, in Central America, capacity for the sustainable development of our and in the Andean Community, on the area of tourism and member States. risk management.</p><p>DSD page 19 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Environ. Law, Policy & Governance Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Environmental Law, Policy & Governance : Contribute to capacity building for the formulation of environmental laws, policies & programs and strengthen mechanisms that advance the incorporation of sustainable development concerns into decision-making 5 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) Process: Contribution to UN-IPCC Fifth Author of the chapter on emerging risks. 1 3. To support dialogue and cooperation prior to and during the Assessment Report on Impacts, Vulnerability and 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, to Adaptation to climate change.(RF) be held from December 1 to 12, 2014, in Lima, Peru; provide support to the Government of Peru as incoming President of the Process: The GS/OAS established a dialogue series Presentation of IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Impacts Conference; and express our highest commitment to seeking an on climate change to establish a consultation space and Adaptation to OAS member countries through ambitious, inclusive, balanced, and effective outcome of that regarding climate change relevant issues and had dialogue series . session, under the UNFCCC, taking account of all negotiating high level representation during the 20th session of positions. the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP-20), held in Lima, Peru. The GS/OAS, Resulting key messages are available at: supported four side events and took note of the http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/PoliticalDialogues.asp COP results. (SF) December 2015</p><p>5 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) Program: Through the Clearinghouse Mechanism Member States commitments made in the area of 2 2. To continue and to strengthen efforts made within the General of the Pathways to prosperity in the Americas sustainable development and climate change to counter the Secretariat of the OAS to support member states towards the initiative, DSD is supporting environmental adverse effects of climate change Supported. achievements of commitments made in the area of sustainable performance of the private sector and enabling Onbjectives of UNFCCC supported development and climate change to counter the adverse effects of policy dialogue on conditions for Sustainable Capacity of the states, populations, and vulnerable climate change; build the capacity of the states, populations, and production and consumption. Additionally, a Trade ecosystems to adapt to climate change built vulnerable ecosystems to adapt to climate change; and step up and Environment Capacity Building Seminar is efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with implemented by DSD on an annual basis in the principles, objectives and provisions of the United Nations Washington DC. In 2014, 30 key stakeholders from Framework Convention on Climate Change. the region where trained. (SF) December 2018</p><p>Project: The DSD is working to better understand the impact of climate variability and change in Payments or compensations for Environmental Services as an adaptation strategy for livelihoods and to optimize financial contributions to the true potential of the service in two selected areas with transboundary watersheds as case studies in the Andean region and/or Amazon basin covered by Climate Outlook. (SF) December 2015</p><p>DSD page 20 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Environ. Law, Policy & Governance Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates</p><p>5 AG/RES. 2588 (XL-O/10) Program:The capacity development efforts in the Capacity of member States for adaptation and mitigation 3 2. To continue and augment the efforts made through the OAS to area of environmental law and policy Good of greenhouse gas emissions enhanced with regards to counteract the adverse impacts of climate change, strengthen the governance contemplate the use of legal tools that enabling legal instruments. climate change adaptation capabilities of the states, and of support mitigation and adaptation to climate change populations and ecosystems vulnerable to climate change, and and policy development. (SF) December 2018 enhance our efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. 5 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) Program:DSD continues to support capacity UNEA Symposium key messages and UNEA Adopted 4 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 building of key stakeholders including legal Resolutions: Supporting public-private collaboration in human resource practitioners, parliamentarians, judges, academia, http://www.oas.org/en/sedi/dsd/ELPG/aboutELPG/Events/ capacity-building in the sharing of scientific information, best mayors, and civil society organizations on sharing UNEA_Symposia.asp environmental management practices, regulatory standards, and of scientific information, best environmental enforcement issues, and encouraging the use of information and management practices, regulatory standards, and Key messages resulting from Policy dialogue on communication technologies in support of sustainable enforcement issues in support of sustainable Governance and Justice for sustainable development: development. development. (SF) December 2018 Program: </p><p>DSD page 21 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Integrated Water Resources Man. & Sec. Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Security: Strengthen regional cooperation for coordinated management of shared river basins (Central America, South America) and water security 5 AG/RES. 2819 (XLIV-O/14) Program: Sustainable Management of the Water Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA). 5 3. To request the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Resources of the Plata Basin with Respect to the (SEDI) to implement, through the Department of Sustainable Effects of Climate Change and Variability. SF, Satellite applications for planning (images, models). Development, activities designed to strengthen training in December 2016 policies, programs, tools for sustainable cities, as well as the Retrofitting of pilot projects focused on water quality in discussion of experiences among the member states. Program: Development Program of a Satellite the basin of the river Bravo (Mexico USA). System and Earth Observation Applications 5 AG/RES. 2818 (XLIV-O/14) (PROSAT). SF, December 2016 Capacities and training in the use of satellite information for productivity. 6 2. To continue and to strengthen efforts made within the General Secretariat of the OAS to support member states towards the Contribution to UN-IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation to climate Harmonization of Legal Framework and Institutional achievements of commitments made in the area of sustainable development and climate change to counter the adverse effects of change. Author of the chapter on emerging risks. Strengthening. RF/SF climate change; build the capacity of the states, populations, and vulnerable ecosystems to adapt to climate change; and step up Implementation of SSTD. Contributions to the Conference of the Parties of efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, in accordance with the principles, objectives and provisions of the United Nations the UNFCCC in Peru, November 2014: Preparation Referential system for users and entities interested in the and roundtable side event, in collaboration with water resources of the Plata Basin. Framework Convention on Climate Change. Peru, France and IICA. RF/SF 5 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Implementation of Public Participation Fund. 7 33. To request SEDI to continue moving forward with the IUCN Project on ecosystemic adaptation to climate effective implementation of the current PIDS 2006-2009, and the change. SF Operationalization of the education and awareness action initiatives agreed upon by the Ministers and High-Level program of the Plata Basin Framework Programme. Authorities responsible for the sustainable development in the Program: Sustainable Land Management in the Declaration of Santa Cruz + 10 and the Declaration of Santo Transboundary Ecosystem of the Gran Chaco Surface water balance for the Plata Basin: Estimation of Domingo for the Sustainable Development of the Americas, in Americano. SF, December 2016 water uses and demands over large basins. the area of integrated water resource management. 5 AG/RES. 2816 (XLIV-O/14) Program: Regional Framework for Sustainable Analysis and integration of the scenarios results of climate 8 Promoting integrated water resource management in the Use of the Rio Bravo. SF, December 2016 change and variability using Water Balance information. Americas Assessment of water quality at a basin level: Inventory of 31. To request the General Secretariat to continue to promote Program: Technical Cooperation Agreement pollution sources (point and diffuse sources). Identifying dialogue on the water agenda in the Americas in the framework between Republic of Honduras and GS-OAS for critical areas and management recommendations. of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI) sustainable development projects in Region in the context of the post-2015 development agenda. Trifinio-Honduras. SF/RF, December 2018 Analysis and integration of the scenarios results of climate 5 AG/RES. 2780 (XLIII-O/13)</p><p>DSD page 22 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Integrated Water Resources Man. & Sec. Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates 9 To continue to strengthen technical cooperation and the exchange Programme on transboundary aquifers (ISAR- change and variability using water quality and quantity and discussion of information, experiences, best practices, and Americas) RF information. lessons learned through the national focal points designated by OAS member states in the area of water resource management. All these programs and projects have been Action plan guidelines for monitoring water quality at a 6 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) developed specifically for the harmonization of basin level. 0 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 Legal Framework and Institutional Strengthening, Supporting member states in their efforts to integrate particularly for strengthening the Bi-National Preparation of contingency management plans. environmental protection within policies, regulations, and Commissions activities in border territories. Conflict Resolution in the River Basin Cuareim / Quarai projects on natural resource management. (Brazil and Uruguay).</p><p>Presentation of IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Impacts and Adaptation to OAS member countries. </p><p>Workshop on climate change impacts on water resources and their implications for agriculture.</p><p>Policy Orientations through the Council Director of the Project.</p><p>Experiences on pollution and erosion control in the Cotagaita Basin of the Pilcomayo River (Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay)</p><p>Alternative financial mechanisms associated with environmental services for municipalities in the Trifinio. Sub Project for Integral Sustainable Development in eleven municipalities Ocotepeque and one of Copán. Sustainable Farming in six municipalities in the department of Copán.</p><p>Satellite Applications for planning (images, models). Capacities and training in the use of satellite information for productivity. </p><p>Input for IV Libor publication: Management of transboundary aquifers in the Americas. Generation of a virtual model for exchange of experiences </p><p>DSD page 23 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT # General Objective: Integrated Water Resources Man. & Sec. Updated Programs, Projects, and Activities Expected or achieved results Mandates pursuant to said Mandates based in the DELTAMERICA Project (GEF/UNEP/OAS). 6 AG/RES. 2779 (XLIII-O/13) 1 To invite the General Secretariat, as appropriate, to support the Caribbean Sea Commission, in the mobilization of financial resources, capacity-building, the development of technical and technological cooperation, and the exchange of experiences in the fields in which the Commission is actively engaged. 6 AG/RES. 2779 (XLIII-O/13) 2 To reiterate the invitation to the Association of Caribbean States to submit to the Secretary General a report on the progress made in the implementation of this present resolution for consideration before the forty-fifth regular session of the General Assembly. 6 AG/RES. 2312 (XXXVII-O/07) Proposals for international cooperation in IWRM, Requests to International cooperation and strategic 3 CIDI/RIMDS/DEC.1/06 rev. 1 water governance and its articulation with peace, partners of the water agenda. 31. To entrust the General Secretariat of the OAS, within the democracy and peaceful coexistence and poverty framework of its mandates, and in coordination with other reduction. RF entities and international organizations, with promoting the mobilization of resources and technical assistance, for the DSD, in coordination with other entities and implementation of agreed regional and sub-regional programs international organizations, mobilized a multi- and projects on sustainable development, including the objective annual project portfolio of approximately US$45 of poverty eradication. million and in 2013, leveraged over 18 million dollars of in kind contributions towards achieving this mandate. RF 6 AG/RES. 2201 (XXXVI-O/06) AG/RES. 2741 (XLII-O/12) Program: Sustainable Management of the Water Hydro Environmental Alert System at the confluence of 4 Strategic Plan Extended Dec. 2015 Resources of the Plata Basin with Respect to the the Paraguay and Parana rivers (Argentina, Brazil and Strengthening the capability of member states to identify and Effects of Climate Change and Variability. SF, Paraguay). mitigate the risks of natural and man-made disasters, in order to December 2016 mainstream planning of both areas within economic development Retrofitting pilot projects in border region to address water policies, working at the sector-specific levels with the private Program: Regional Framework for Sustainable quality issues. sector and civil society. Use of the Rio Bravo. SF, December 2016 </p><p>DSD page 24</p>
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