<p> LENTEN PENANCE SERVICE 2013 Rend your hearts, not your garments.</p><p>Rite of Reconciliation of Several Penitents With Individual Confession and Absolution</p><p>Introductory Rites Opening Hymn Greeting Introduction Opening Prayer</p><p>Celebration of the Word of God First Reading Responsorial Psalm [Second Reading] Gospel Acclamation Gospel Homily Examination of Conscience</p><p>Rite of Reconciliation Litany of Repentance Lord’s Prayer Concluding Prayer Individual Confession of Sin and Absolution Proclamation of Praise for God’s Mercy Concluding Prayer of Thanksgiving</p><p>Concluding Rite Blessing Dismissal Closing Hymn</p><p>1 PREPARATION</p><p> Hospitality Ministers should be recruited to welcome the assembly as they arrive and to distribute worship aids.</p><p> At least two readers should be appointed to proclaim the reading(s) and to read the Examination of Conscience. A reader or deacon may lead the Litany of Repentance. </p><p> A musician and cantor(s) should lead the assembly in song. Instrumental music may be played during individual confession. </p><p> A Lectionary should be readied with the appropriate readings.</p><p> Lighting may be subdued. Candle(s) in the sanctuary should be lit.</p><p> Stations for confessors should be prepared. Priests might stand or sit in isolated areas around the main body of the church to receive penitents. In this way, the communal nature of the rite is maintained. </p><p>2 INTRODUCTORY RITES OPENING HYMN</p><p>GREETING</p><p>Presider: Grace and peace be with you from God the Father and from Jesus Christ who loved us and washed away our sins in his blood.</p><p>All: Glory to him forever. Amen.</p><p>INTRODUCTION</p><p>Presider: In these or similar words…</p><p>My brothers and sisters, </p><p>Tonight (today), we are invited to return to God, with our whole heart. We do this without fear because Jesus died to save us all, to redeem us from our sins. Once again, and still, he offers us his saving mercy.</p><p>Let us appreciate the great compassion and everlasting mercy that only God can give. In this time and in this place, and through his Church, let us turn our hearts back to God and hear Christ’s words of forgiveness.</p><p>3 OPENING PRAYER</p><p>Presider: Let us pray.</p><p>Silent prayer.</p><p>Lord our God, You are patient with sinners and accept our desire to make amends. We acknowledge our sins and are resolved to change our lives. Help us to celebrate this sacrament of Your mercy so that we may reform our lives and receive from you the gift of everlasting joy. We ask this through Christ our Lord. </p><p>CELEBRATION OF THE WORD OF GOD</p><p>The following are suggested readings. Alternative readings may be selected. The homilist may wish to use one, two, or three readings. If only one is chosen, it is preferable that it be the gospel.</p><p>4 First Reading Joel (Lect. Vol. IV, no. 948.3)</p><p>Responsorial Psalm Psalm 51</p><p>[Second Reading] 1 John 2:1-5a (Lect. Vol. IV, no. 893.3)</p><p>Gospel Acclamation</p><p>I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked man, says the Lord, but rather in his conversion that he may live.</p><p>Gospel Matthew 9:1-8 (Lectionary Vol. IV, no. 952.1)</p><p>Homily</p><p>Examination of Conscience </p><p>The assembly is now invited to make an examination of conscience. This can be done in silence or by using the examination of conscience below. One reader alone may read the examination or two readers might alternate between questions. Allow a brief period of silence between each one.</p><p>Presider: Sisters and brothers, let us call to mind our failings so that we may seek God’s forgiveness.</p><p>5 Reader 1:</p><p>• Do I “live a life worthy of the calling I have received”? • Do I bear with my friends and family “with patience, meekness, and humility? • Do I “make every effort to preserve unity” in family and in my Church?</p><p>Reader 2:</p><p>• Do I strive to “set aside my former way of life” and try to avoid sin? • Do I lie? Do I speak the truth even when it is difficult to do so? • Do I resist God? Do I pray to know his will?</p><p>Reader 1:</p><p>• Do I lose my temper? Do I “let the sun go down on my anger”? • Do I steal? Am I honest in my business dealings? • Do I share my wealth with those in need?</p><p>Reader 2:</p><p>• Do I gossip or say evil things? Have I slandered the reputation of another? • Do I hold onto bitterness, passion, and anger?</p><p>6 • Do I forgive as the Lord has forgiven me? Is there someone I need to forgive? </p><p>Reader 1:</p><p>• Am I “intent on things of earth” or “things of heaven”? • Am I too busy? Do I make time to pray? Do I participate in the Sunday Eucharist weekly? • Do I “harbor evil desires”? Am I faithful to my spouse?</p><p>Reader 2: Do I use foul language? Does peace “reign in my heart”? Do I actively work for peace in my family and in the world? Do I “dedicate myself to thankfulness”? Do I regularly express my gratitude to God and those around me?</p><p>Rite of Reconciliation</p><p>General Confession of Sins</p><p>Presider: Brothers and sisters, Let us call to mind the goodness of God our Father, and acknowledge our sins, so that we may receive God’s merciful forgiveness.</p><p>7 All kneel.</p><p>All: I confess to almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore, I ask blessed Mary, ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.</p><p>Litany of Repentence</p><p>(The response, “Lord, have mercy” may be sung.)</p><p>All stand.</p><p>Presider: God gives us an example of love; when we were sinners he first loved us and took pity on us. Let us turn to him with a sincere heart and say to him, Lord, have mercy:</p><p>8 Deacon/Minister: Lord, like Peter we have relied on our own strength rather than on grace. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Deacon/Minister: Our pride and foolishness have led us into temptation. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Deacon/Minister: We have been vain and self-important. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Deacon/Minister: We have at times been pleased rather than saddened by the misfortune of others. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Deacon/Minister: We have shown indifference for those in need instead of helping them. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>9 Deacon/Minister We have been afraid to stand up for justice and truth. Lord, have mercy.</p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Deacon/Minister We have repeatedly broken the promises of our baptism and failed to be your disciples. Lord, have mercy. </p><p>All: Lord, have mercy.</p><p>Lord’s Prayer</p><p>Presider: Now in obedience to Christ himself, Let us join in prayer to the Father, asking him to forgive our sins: Our Father…</p><p>The priest concludes:</p><p>Presider: Lord,</p><p>Draw near to your servants who in the presence of your Church confess that they are sinners. Through the ministry of the Church free them from all sin so that renewed in spirit they may give you thankful praise. We ask this through Christ our </p><p>10 Lord.</p><p>All: Amen.</p><p>Individual Confession and Absolution</p><p>The presider or other minister might tell the assembly where the confessors will be located. Some brief words regarding the manner of confessions should be given. The assembly may be advised to remain in church if there is to be a common ending. Quiet instrumental music might be played during this time.</p><p>Proclamation of Praise for God’s Mercy</p><p>After all have had the opportunity for confession and absolution, the assembly is invited to join in singing/praying a psalm, litany, or hymn of praise. A musical setting of any of the following scripture passages could be used or any other appropriate song.</p><p>Psalm 28:6-7 Psalm 103:1-4, 8-18 Psalm 32:1-7, 10-11 Psalm 119 Psalm 54 Psalm 136:1-9, 13-14, 16, 25-29 Psalm 66 Psalm 145:1-21 Psalm 95 Isaiah 61:10-11 Psalm 98:1-9 Jeremiah 31:10-14 Psalm 100:1-5 Daniel 3: 52-57 Luke 1:46-55 (Magnificat)</p><p>11 Continue onto the next page for the concluding prayer of thanksgiving and final blessing.</p><p>Concluding Prayer of Thanksgiving</p><p>Presider: All holy Father, You have shown us your mercy And made us a new creation in the likeness of your Son. Make us living signs of your love for the whole world to see. </p><p>We ask this through Christ our Lord.</p><p>Amen. CONCLUDING RITE</p><p>Blessing</p><p>Presider: May the Lord guide your hearts in the way of his love and fill you with Christ- like patience. All: Amen.</p><p>Presider: May he give you strength to walk in newness of life and to please him in all things. All: Amen.</p><p>12 Presider: May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit.</p><p>All: Amen.</p><p>Dismissal</p><p>Deacon/ Presider: The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace.</p><p>All: Thanks be to God.</p><p>13</p>
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