Harding Township Board of Education

Harding Township Board of Education

<p> Regular Session July 25, 2016 HARDING TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976 Monday, July 25, 2016, 7:30 p.m. Regular Session Agenda</p><p>Mission Statement</p><p>The Harding Township School provides a strong educational foundation which inspires students to achieve academic excellence. Our dedicated faculty stimulates intellectual growth using a challenging curriculum within a supportive learning environment. We encourage students to become self-directed, lifelong learners who are well prepared for the academic and social challenges of the future.</p><p>I. Call to Order – The regular session of the Harding Board of Education is called to order at ____ p.m. in the Library of the Harding Township Middle School, 34 Lee’s Hill Road, New Vernon, NJ 07976</p><p>II. Presiding Officers Statement/Sunshine Statement – read by ______: In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et seq., adequate notification of this meeting has been provided to the Daily Record and the Observer Tribune on January 28, 2016 and posted on the bulletin boards of the New Vernon Post Office, Green Village Post Office, Harding Township Municipal Building, Harding Township Elementary School and Harding Township Middle School on January 28, 2016.</p><p>III. Pledge of Allegiance</p><p>IV. Roll Call </p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>Also Present: Superintendent, Mr. Matt Spelker Business Administrator, Ms. Cuykendall </p><p>V. PRESENTATION EVVRS – Semiannual Report (Electronic Violence and Vandalism Reporting System) - Mr. Spelker Superintendent</p><p>VI. HEARING OF PUBLIC REGARDING AGENDA ITEMS (Policy 0167)</p><p>VII. REPORTS/DISCUSSIONS A. Superintendent B. Business Administrator C. Curriculum and Instruction D. Facilities and Finance E. Personnel and Management F. Madison Board of Education G. Morris County School Boards Association – No Summer Meeting H. Morris County Educational Services Commission – No Summer Meeting I. Buildings & Grounds Committee Page 1 of 6 Regular Session July 25, 2016 J. Climate & Culture Committee – No Summer Meeting</p><p>VIII. CORRESPONDENCE</p><p>IX. BOARD BUSINESS BB-01 Approve Minutes BB-02 Approve District Goals, 2016-17</p><p>MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:</p><p>BB - 01 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the following board minutes: - Special Session, June 26, 2016 - Regular Session, June 27, 2016</p><p>BB - 02 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the following district goals for the 2016-17 School Year. District Goal 1: To measure the academic progress of our students through the administration of district- wide assessments in Reading, Math Facts and Writing. a) To administer a district-wide reading assessment to all K-3 students in the spring. Ninety percent (90%) of all students will be reading at grade level or will move up one reading level. b) Ninety percent (90%) of students in each grade, K-5 shall pass with 90% accuracy, a timed grade level “Math Facts Assessment” shall be aligned to the Common Core State Standards and will assess students on the four core mathematical functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). c) Ninety percent (90%) of students in grades K-8 shall improve one point (one quintile) on the District Writing Assessment. This assessment shall be administered in the fall and in the spring. Students scoring a 5 in the spring shall be counted as having met the goal. District Goal 2: Implement the iReady assessment program in grades 2-5 in ELA and grades 2-8 in Math. a) Provide necessary Professional Development for teachers. b) Gather and analyze data to be shared with parents and to differentiate instruction. c) Add results to the Data Dashboard. District Goal 3: Improve communication with the school and township community. a) The school administrative team will hold informational meetings with the school’s parent communities on a rolling monthly basis. b) The district will use technology and other forms of outreach to improve its communication with the Township community-at-large.</p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>FACILITIES/FINANCE FF-01 Approve Monthly Financial Report FF-02 Approve Budget Transfers FF-03 Approve Payment of Bills, June FF-04 Approve Payment of Bills, July FF-05 Approve Tuition Contracts FF-06 Approve Special Education Professional Services, Summer 2016 FF-07 Approve Transportation Agreement FF-08 Approve 2016-17 Bus Routes FF-09 Approve Facility Use FF-10 Approve request to submit request to county Superintendent of Schools to transfer more Page 2 of 6 Regular Session July 25, 2016 than 10% from/to a budget line.</p><p>MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:</p><p>FF - 01 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23- 2.12(c), accepts that as June 30, 2016 no line item account has encumbrances and expenditures, which in total exceed the line item appropriation in violation of N.HJ.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(a). Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.14(c)4, after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s monthly financial reports certify that as of June 30, 2016 and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of their knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A23-2.11 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year, and N.J.S.A. 18A:22.8 and 18A:22-8.1 and sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. And furthermore;</p><p>FF - 02 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, approves the following Budget Transfers for the end of the month of June 2016:</p><p>Page 3 of 6 Regular Session July 25, 2016 FROM ACCOUNT TO ACCOUNT AMOUNT Maintenance Supplies, 261-610 Utilities Electric, 262-622 4,936.39 PPTS Speech, 216-320 Salaries Speech, 216-100 215.46 Extra Curricular Sup, 401-100-610 Salaries Extr Curr 401-100-100 240.00 Salaries Curriculum, 221-106 Salaries Curriculum Secty, 221-105 276.68 Salaries Principal, 240-103 Salaries Secretarial, 240-105 300.27 Health Office Supplies, 213-610 Salaries Attendance, 211-105 632.03 Maintenance Overtime, 261-100-100 Salaries Maintenance, 261-100 0.04 Insurance District, 262-520 Salaries Operation of Plant, 262-100 933.28 Miscel Exp. Business Office,251-890 Salaries Business Office, 251-100 550.00 Misc Exp Supts Office, 230-890 Salaries Supts Office, 230-100 845.82 PERS Contribution, 291-240 Social Security/FICA, 291-220 1,477.63 Supplies Supts Office, 230-610 Miscel Exp Supts Office, 230-890 159.10 Health Benefits, 291-270 Purchased Services-Maint, 261-420 16,000.00 Supplies Maintenance, 261-610 Purchased Main Svc, 261-420 3,079.11 Utilities-Natural Gas, 262-621 Purchased Main. Svc., 261-420 2,712.05 Purch Plant Services, 262-420 Purchase Main Services, 261-420 2,373.71 Supplies Business Office, 251-610 Miscel Exp Business Office, 251-890 176.00 </p><p>Overtime Oper. Plant, 262-100-100 Supplies Maintenance, 261-610 261.46 Supplies Supts Office, 230-610 Purchase legal Services, 230-331 433.64 Supplies Supts Office, 230-610 Purchased Prof Svc, 230-339 2,500.00 Supplies Business Office, 251-610 Misc Exp Business Office, 251-890 945.18 AIDE-in-Lieu, 270-503 Regular Transportation, 270-511 1,743.27 AIDE-in-Lieu, 270-503 Supplies Supts Office, 230-610 341.70 AIDE-in-Lieu, 270-503 Trans Management Fees 578.45 TOTAL 41,711.27 </p><p>FF - 03 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the payment of bills for checks from #34183 through #34378 ending June 30, 2016 for the total amount of $1,346,354.32.</p><p>FF - 04 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the payment of bills for checks from #34381 through #34489 ending July 31, 2016 for the total amount of $1,025,721.75.</p><p>FF - 05 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approve the following special education tuition contracts for Harding Township children during the 2016-2017 school year:</p><p>SCHOOL STUDENT TUITION School Days Academy 360 Lower School #10353 $67,028.85 205 Days West Morris Mendham M2020 $42,240.00 180 Days WM Mendham - ESY M2020 $ 3,130.00 23 Days West Morris Mendham M3540 $42,240.00 180 Days Page 4 of 6 Regular Session July 25, 2016 WM Mendham – ESY M3540 $ 3,130.00 23 Days Chapel Hill Academy #3948058713 $59,400.00 180 Days</p><p>FF – 06 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves additional professional services for special education student to attend Stepping Forward Counseling Center during the summer 2016 for the annual amount to the district of $2,400.00.</p><p>FF - 07 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the revised 2016/17 Joint Transportation Agreement with Educational Services Commission of Morris County, to provide transportation for its public, special education, and nonpublic school students for each school session day during the school year, effective July 1, 2016 thru June 30, 2017, fees in accordance with the provision of the payment policy.</p><p>FF - 08 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the 2016/17 list of public bus routes for a total cost of $394,663.77 at a decrease in the renewal rate of -1.36%.</p><p>FF – 09 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education approves the Facility Use application from Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Jacobs for use of District parking lot on October 8, 2016 between 2:00 p.m. and 12 a.m. for a private event with certificate of insurance provided.</p><p>FF - 10 RESOLVED, that the Harding Board of Education approves the submission to transfer more than 10% from/to a budget line to the county Superintendent of Schools for approval for the 2016/2017 school year.</p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION C/I-01 Approve Curriculum Reformat</p><p>MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:</p><p>C/I - 01 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following certificated staff member to reformat the Science curriculum: Dr. Michael Gervis, Gr. 6; $30/hr not to exceed 30 hrs.</p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>PERSONNEL AND MANAGEMENT PM-01 Approve Learning Disabled Teacher Consultant – Leave of Absence Replacement PM-02 Approve Teacher Assistant’s, 2016-17 PM-03 Approve Teacher Assistant Resignation</p><p>MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to approve:</p><p>PM - 01RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following Leave of Absence certificated faculty</p><p>Page 5 of 6 Regular Session July 25, 2016 appointment: Mrs. Andrea Schechter, Learning Disabled Teacher Consultant (LDTC), MA+45 Step 18, at an annual salary of $89,735 effective August 31, 2016 through June 30, 2017.</p><p>PM - 02RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following non certificated teacher assignments: Ms. Jessica Bergman, Teacher’s Assistant, at an annual salary of $22,750 for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Alexandra Frascella, Teacher’s Assistant, at an annual salary of $22,750 for the 2016-17 school year. Ms. Christine Valdes, Teacher’s Assistant, at an annual salary of $22,750 for the 2016-17 school year.</p><p>PM - 03 RESOLVED, that the Harding Township Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following non certificated teacher resignation: Ms. Laura Van Bendegem, TA, effective July 13, 2016.</p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>X. HEARING OF PUBLIC REGARDING (Agenda and non-Agenda Items- Policy 0167)</p><p>XI. OTHER BOARD BUSINESS</p><p>XII. PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS 1. August 29 BOE meeting 2. Board Offsite – 6/26/16 Thank You 3. September 6, 2016 – Opening Day Students/Faculty XIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION XIV. ADJOURN MOTION presented by ______and seconded by ______to adjourn at ______.:</p><p>Mr. Davor Gjivoje ______Mr. John Flynn ______Mrs. Kim Macaulay ______Mr. Abi Singh ______Dr. Howard Kotkin ______</p><p>Page 6 of 6</p>

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