Pobl Dewi Menter Esgobaeth Tyddewi . An initiative of the Diocese of St David Gorffenaf / July 2006 N o w i s t h e NowNowNow isisis thethethe TTTimeimeime forforfor ActionActionAction Bishop’s Call to Venturing Parishes by John Holdsworth S Mission Action Plans were presented to three special services, ABishop Carl Cooper told delegates that the time for talking was over. “The Church is great at bureaucracy,” he said, “but now is the time for action.” He stressed again the importance of the key elements of the Venturing in Mission direction, and defended planning as a Christian enterprise. Drawing a parallel from his experience as a member of the Broadcasting Council for Wales, he said that we must have ways of judging success. Broadcasters judge programmes by their quality, the number of people who are attracted to them, and by their ability to make a difference. The Church has something to learn from this. Around 700 people attended branches. Delegates at the St the three services, on behalf of all David’s service in Tenby placed the parishes in the diocese. Each a stone to add to a cairn. This was service was locally devised, and meant to speak not only of the each drew on different symbols to sense of place and the living interpret the significance of the stones Bible image, but also of the occasion. The Cardigan service, idea that travellers add to a cairn held in Lampeter, concentrated as they pass through: their small on the theme of light. The contribution adding to something Carmarthen archdeaconry service that future generations will find held in Carmarthen town used the a beacon and landmark, Bishop Carl said “there is something deeply humbling about receiving plans with the words, we are Biblical image of the vine and the explained the archdeacon. the parish of so-and-so and we are committed to Venturing in Mission.” the Beloved, “When we keep claim- Mentro mewn Lampeter Light Show – ing light we become more and more Mentro mewn radiant”. As we venture to break new God’s Radiant People! ground the prayer of this service was Cenhadaeth Caerfyrddinfyrddinfyrddin that that light might not only radiate by Mandy Williams-Potter from us but that it might spread gan Hywel Davies throughout our communities in this N Tuesday 6 June, Cardigan the point that if we fail to plan then diocese. YNA yn wir oedd naws y I lawer ohonom, bu’r OArchdeaconry held its Ventur- we plan to fail! Nothing ventured, Dnoson – dathlu. Gyda band â Cynlluniau Gweithredu y ing in Mission service at St Peter’s, nothing gained. Pobl Dewi will next be drymiau yn gyfeiliant yn osgystal gofynwyd i bob plwyf eu cyflwyno Lampeter. The service was based on This call to action led us to the published on ag organ bîb fawreddog yn dipyn o her ers wythnosau, the theme of Light and Darkness rec- central act of this service which was 26 November 2006. Christchurch, a chydag eglwys onid misoedd. Sut oedd ymateb i’r ognising that the passage from dark- the presentation of the Venturing in Articles, which should not lawn a’r Esgob Carl Cooper yn gwahoddiad yn realistig ac yn ness to light is one of the most basic Mission action plans. Plans which exceed 400 words, should be tanio pawb gyda’i weledigaeth am ddychmygus? Dilewyd y fath of all human experiences. Light in each church has committed itself to; sent to the lead regional editor, Esgobaeth ar waith, y siarad wrth amheuon gan anerchiad yr Esgob. Christian spirituality is a sign of plans that have been decided upon Revd Nicholas Cale fynd adre oedd am wasanaeth i’w Nid strategaeth haearnaidd mo’r God’s active presence and power by individual congregations so that [email protected] gofio. Gyda’r Archddiacon Alun Cynlluniau, dywedodd, ond even before the world began and this they reflect where they are and what by 3 November. yn arwain y litwrgi a cyfeiriad cyffredinol a benir gan y was portrayed in the service by the their vision is for their own locality. This edition’s lead editor was chynrychiolwyr o blwyfi plwyfi unigol. Golygfa hardd, lighting of the Pascal Candle from a These were presented to the Tessa Briggs, Archddiaconiaeth Caerfyrddin yn felly, oedd gweld cynrchiolwyr y fire at the back of the church, and a Bishop and archdeacon designate, [email protected] cyfrannu yn eu tro, fe’n plwyfi yn cyflwyno eu Cynlluniau gradual spreading of the light Andy John, and then symbolically hatgoffwyd am yr hyn a osodwyd wrth eu hongian ar goeden throughout the congregation. recognised by the placing of a lit can- To contact us by post please address correspondence to: yn nod i ni. Fel Eglwys Gatholig bwrpasol yng nghangell yr The Bishop urged us to act now dle in a large central cross. This lit yn canolbwyntio ar y lleol, eglwys. Bendith Duw ar ein on all that we have talked about since Cross was a powerful symbol of The Editor, Pobl Dewi, mentrwn ar fod yn Eglwys sy’n mentro a bydded i’r Cynlluniau the launch of Venturing in Mission; Christ in our midst, of us as light- St Davids Diocesan Office, addoli, efengylu, gwasanaethu, ddwyn frwyth ar eu canfed to make real what has been dreamt filled people and as Henri Nouwen Abergwili, Carmarthen SA31 2JG cydweithredu a chydweithio. ymhlith ein pobl. of; to plan in order to grow, making reminds us in his book The Life of Heaven’s Angels: see page 6 Am ddim Free 2 Pobl Dewi, July 2006 Schori yn braenaru’r tir ar gyfer THE CHURCH IN WALES has begun the process of considering whether or not to allow women Bishops. A special edition of Theology Wales will be published on the subject Esgobion benywaidd? in August and distributed early in September. Parishes will then have until April 2007 to discuss and ponder the issues LWYDDYN nesaf, bydd hi’n ddegawd ers i ferched gael eu relating to this development with a substantive debate on Fhordeinio am y tro cyntaf i’r offeiriadaeth o fewn yr Eglwys yng the subject expected at the April 2008 meeting of the Nghymru. Nid syndod felly fod yna ail-ymweld ar y gorwel o bwnc Governing Body. gweinidogaeth merched o fewn urddau sanctaidd – ac yn benodol Fifteen of the churches within the Anglican Communion felly’r posibilrwydd o ordeinio merched i fod yn esgobion. already allow women to be bishops including the Episcopal Church of Scotland and the Church of Ireland. The Church Eisoes mae pymtheg o Llywodraethol ar y mater. of England are also presently discussing this matter. eglwysi o fewn y Cymundeb Felly ai dyfroedd tymhestlog In a recent article on the subject, published in The Anglicanaidd wedi penderfynu o sydd ar y gorwel yng nghyswllt y blaid y datblygiad hwn, a chydag pwnc hwn? Yn sicr dyna oedd Western Mail, (22nd February), the Bishop of St Asaph, the Eglwys Iwerddon a’r Eglwys awgrym Esgob John Davies, Rt Rev John Davies, predicted some turbulence in the Esgobol Albanaidd yn eu plith, Esgob Llanelwy mewn erthygl debate, but nonetheless concluded that this could serve to ac Eglwys Loegr wrthi’n trafod y ddiweddar yn y Western Mail. sharpen the church’s sense of calling and that “to delay would mater ar hyn o bryd, nid syndod Fodd bynnag, noda’r esgob fod y not be helfpul”. efallai fod Cymru hefyd yn storm a’r dymestl yn ymddangos cychwyn ystyried y pwnc. yn gyson fel motiff yn y Beibl, a’i Ar hyn o bryd mae rhifyn fod yn cael ei bortreadu fel modd Mae Esgob John yn cydnabod esgobion Eglwys Loegr, arbennig o Theology Wales i finiogi’r ymwybyddiaeth o y bydd y pynciau hyn yn rhai rhybuddiodd y Cardinal Walter Esgob Katherine Jefferts wrthi’n cael ei baratoi dan alwedigaeth. Cyfeiria’n benodol poenus i’w trafod i’r eglwys gyfan Kasper, pennaeth Cyngor Dros Schori, a etholwyd ym mis olygyddiaeth y Parchedig Ganon at storïau Jona, Pedr a’r ond nid yw’n anobeithiol - “Bydd Undod Cristnogol yr Eglwys Mehefin fel Esgob Llywyddol Dr Raymond Bayley, Warden Disgyblion a Paul a brofodd hyn yn gryn her i ni drafod rhai o’r Babyddol, y byddai ordeinio Eglwys Esgobol Unol (Rheithor) Rhuthun, a fydd yn yn eu tro. materion dan sylw gyda’n gilydd menywod i fod yn esgobion, heb Daleithiau’r America. Hi yw gwyntyllu’r ystyriaethau Noda’r Esgob John Davies mewn ffordd gyfrifol; ond i raddau gefnogaeth yr Eglwys Babyddol ynghlwm â’r datblygiad posib hefyd ei fod ef o’r farn fod llawer mae’n gallu i wneud hyn wedi ei a’r Eglwysi Uniongred yn ergyd ‘Archesgob’ benywaidd hwn. Bwriad yr Eglwys yng o’r materion diwinyddol yn y roi ar brawf eisoes yn ystod y farwol i’r berthynas rhwng yr cyntaf y Cymundeb Nghymru yw dosbarthu copïau cyswllt hwn wedi eu gwyntyllu cyfnod pan fu merched yn eglwysi, ac yn lladd unrhyw Anglicanaidd o’r rhifyn hwn ynghylch y degawd yn ôl yn y drafodaeth ar offeiriaid yng Nghymru. Mae obeithion ar gyfer undod a hyd yn posibilrwydd o Esgobion ordeinio merched i’r offeiriadaeth, gennym yma yng Nghymru - o oed rhyng-gymuno. Er mor Rt Rev Katherine Jefferts Benywaidd i bob plwyf ddiwedd ond mae’n cydnabod fod sawl fewn yr eglwys ac fel cenedl - ddiamwys y rhybudd efallai y Schori, elected in June to be Awst / ddechrau mis Medi. Bydd mater ymarferol i’w trafod o hyd - draddodiad cryf o letygarwch. byddai mwy o rym iddo pe na bai the next Presiding bishop of cyfnod wedyn ar gyfer trafod ac “Er enghraifft, bydd rhai pobl yn Mae’n diwylliant dwyieithog hefyd pynciau eraill hefyd yn ein the Episcopal Church in the ystyried y mater rhwng Medi cael trafferth derbyn gweinidogaeth o gymorth i ni wrth ddal gwahanu fel eglwysi, a’r gwir USA, and the first female 2006 ac Ebrill 2007, pryd y bydd esgob benywaidd a chydnabod ei safbwyntiau amrywiol gyda’i amdani yw fod llu o bynciau Primate of the Anglican y pwnc yn cael ei wyntyllu am y hawdurdod.
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