Member of Audit Bureau of Ctreidatloiu Three Parishes Clear or Heavily Reduce Debt Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Perm&sion to Reproduce, Except on Two Priests Named Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue S21.000 Paid Off To Archdiocesan DENVER CATHaiC In Past Two Years Consnitors’ Board By Cheyenne Wells Ogden, Utah.— Funeral services Appointment of Frs. Manus P. Boyle and Eugene for James McDonald, 64, Southern Pacific locomotive engineer resid­ REGISTER Good Records of Paymani, Coupled With Ex- A. O’Sullivan by Archbishop Raises ing at 628 22nd, Ogden, who waS The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We killed in a train wreck early Sun. Have Also the IntematioDal News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller day morning, Dec. ,31^ near Bag- Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. lensivo ImprovemeRts, Made in Loyola Number to 11 ley, Weber county, were conducted Thursday morning, Jan. 4, in St The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Archbishop of Denver, Joseph’s church, where a Solemn VOL. XL. No. 18. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1945. $1 PER YEAR And AnDoneialion, Denver this week announced the appointment of two priests to Requiem Mass was celebrated Burial was in the Ogden city ceme­ the board of archdiocesan consultors. They are Father tery. HT ( i l n Skf" A r*/TdlP1Yl'V at 14th and California Sireeu in Denver has been sold Three parishes in the Arch­ Manus P. Boyle, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul’s parish, The wreck, the worst in 1944 O U C UJ O L e IVIU I y ^ Loretto. The property, owned by diocese of Denver have an­ Denver, and Father Eugene A. O’Sullivan, pastor of St. and one of the most disastrous in the mother-house at Nerinx, Ky., has been occupied in recent years by the Home Public market. The picture below shows nounced successful debt reduc­ Joseph’s parish. Fort Collins. many years, took the lives of 48 old St. Mary’s academy as it appeared in 1891. See also pictures on pages 3 and 4. The appointments bring the. number of consultors to persons. Eighty-three were injured, tions during the past year. 11. The other nine are the Rt. Rev. Monsignors Joseph some severely. There was a report One, Sacred Heart parish in soon after the^wreck that indica Cheyenne Wells, is now en­ Bosetti, Hu^h L. McMenamin, tions were Mr. McDonald had suf­ Matthew Smith, John R. Mulroy, fered a heart attack just before tirely debt-free, and two Den­ William H i^ n s, and Charles H. the accident occurred. A number ver parishes, Loyola and An­ NURSE 5IUDENIS Hagus, and Fathers William Kipp, of service men were involved in nunciation, have been able to Harold Campbell, and Joseph P. the collision. O’Heron. A diocesan consuitor make substantial payments who is not the possessor o.f a higher Came to U. S. at 15 on debts that a few years ago title as a prelate is given the title From Ireland were exceptionally heavy. SEGIN D U n AS Very Reverend. Mr. McDonald was born Nov. 8, The Chancery office announced Canon law sets forth that dioc­ 1880, in Cooltrim, County Mona­ this week that the Sacred Heart esan consultors are to be named in ghan, Ireland, a son of Michael church in Cheyenne Wells, whose dioceses that do not have chapters and Mary Murnaghan McDonald. pastor is the Rev. Alphonse Kief- SENIOR CiOEIS of Cathedral canons. It has not He was schooled in Ireland and fer, in 1944 paid the last $9,000 of been customary in most of the came to the U. S. ‘ when he was a debt that two years ago stood at United States to set up chapters 15 years old. He worked in steel $21,000. of canons, who are grroups of men (Turn to Page to — Colum n 3) Father Kieffer has served tha A number of nurse students with the obligation of reciting the from the three major Catholic hos­ people of the Eastern Colorado Divine Office publicly, etc. Con­ district since the days when he waa pitals in Denver, St. Joseph’s, sultors are named by the Ordinary Prelate Speaks pastor of Stratton and had charge Mercy, and St. Anthony’s, have be­ and there must be at least six, of all the territory along the U, P. though no higher definite number railroad east of Denver to the gun government service as senior is set. They have to take an oath cadets. Before 120,000 Kansas line, and along the Rock that they will faithfully attend to Island from Limon to the Kansas Of 12 volunteers from the sen­ their office without respect of per­ line. In 1918 the Stratton parish ior class of the Mercy hospital sons. The term of appointment In^Army Camps was divided and Father Kieffer be­ lasts three years, when the Ordi­ came the first pastor of Cheyenne school of nursing five cadets. nary must either reappoint them Misses Helen David, Margaret Wells to serve the families who or name others. had moved to that section during Gallavan, Mary Meehan, Bernice The record of having addressed Although for the most part these at least 120,000 soldiers in the the boom days of the cattle indus­ Nieslanik, and Alice Sweeney, will men serve in an advisory capacity past year has been made by the try in such numbers as to make a report for duty in the Naval hos­ the law says that' whatever role Rt. Rev. Joseph L. O’Brien of resident pastor a necessity. At the canons play through the Cathedral pital, Oakland, Calif.; Miss Eileen Charleston. S. Car., who spoke at present time the Cheyenne Wells chapter in the government of a parish has 75 to 80 families and Moore and Miss Phyllis Shaw Lowry Field this week and will diocese either during the reign of talk at Buckley Field next week. cares for three missions, Brandon, will serve in Fitzsimons General the Ordinary or during a vacancy Monsignor O’Brien for two years Kit Carson, and Wild Horse, hospital; Miss Doris Hicks and is to be carried out by the consul- has been visiting military camps, The parish plant includes a Miss Marguerite Ritter will spend tors. They cannot be removed ex particularly those in the South, in Gothic style church, built in 1914; cept for a just cause and with the . their senior cadet lieriod in the company with a representative of a rectory, built in 1918; and a advice of the other consultors. In the Jewish faith and one of combination convent and school, U. S. Marine hospital in San Fran­ case the see is vacated through Protestant Churches. In Denver built in 1922. The school, which cisco; serving in veterans’ hos­ death, transfer, resignation, etc., with him were Rabbi Manuel has an enrollment of 57, is con­ pitals will be Miss Marie Redland the consultors still retain their Laderman of Denver and the Rev. ducted by five Sisters of St. Jos­ and Miss Ruth White at Sheridan, power, although the power of a Mr. William C. Burton of Kansas eph, of a branch of the Sisters of W’yo., and Miss Constance McAfee Vicar General passes with the Or City. The trio gave addresses at Albuquerque, N. Mex. Two of St. Francis, whose mother-housa dinaiy. The consultors name the Wednesday at Lowry and are con­ is at South Bend, Ind. There ara the class will do public health administrator who is to reig;n over tinuing them Thursday. The work service. Miss Faye Snyder will three classrooms for the grade (Turn to Page S — Column i ) is trying; Wednesday each man school pupils and a three-year high work with the Visiting Nurse as­ spoke four times between 7:30 school course. sociation in Denver and Miss Fr. Lane Returns to a.m. and noon. Donna Smith with the State Health Addition to Church Planned department in O^ero county. Colorado; Now Works Monsignor O’Brien is pastor of After the war, Father Kieffer From St. Joseph’s hos^tol three St. ’ Patrick’s parish in CKartMton plans to double the seatiilg-capa-” and founder and rector of the city of the church by an addition, senior cadets, Misses Norma Wor- famous Bishop England high land. La Verna Foy, and Margaret In Parish of Peetz to add a modern heating plant, and school there. 'This institution is a Roskte, will report to the Nayy to make other improvements on central high school under control hospital, Oakland, Calif. Miss the church property. Besides his The Rev. Joseph Lane, well of the Bishop. Sisters of Mercy Mildred Groeger of St. Anthony’s duties as pastor of Cheyenne and diocesan priests teach there. hospital will also see duty in the known in Colorado because of (Turn to Page X — Column t ) same hospital. ' years of work here, has obtained It was founded in 1912, shortly after the prelate’s ordination. REGISTERED NURSES a leave of absence from the Mon.signor O’Brien was bom TO SERVE IN NAVY Omaha diocese and has returned and reared in Avoca, Pa. His col­ 37 Adults Are Baptized Three registered nurses from St. to the Denver archdiocese for lege studies were made in Mt. St. Site of First St, Mary^s Academy Anthony’s hospital, Misses Lucille work. At present, he is taking Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md. Then Yacobetti, Pauline Erosky, and charge of the Peetz parish, in the he went to the Catholic university Anna Marie Kelly, will leave for in Fribourg, Switzerland, where In Class at Cathedral navy service on Jan.
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