<p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 1 Minutes MINUTES TO THE LAUDERDALE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 BUDGET HEARING AND BOARD MEETING AT 5:00 P.M.</p><p>The Lauderdale County Board of Education met with the following members present: Chad Holden, Chairman Barbara Cornelius, Vice Chairman Dan Beavers Jerry Fulmer</p><p>Daniel Patterson ABSENT</p><p>A Budget Hearing was held.</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Gray the motion was made by Mr. Fulmer, seconded by Mr. Beavers and passed the meeting agenda.</p><p>As recommended by Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed to add another supplement to the 2013-2014 salary schedule under Academic Supplements in the amount of $600.00 per school. A supplement for Robotics is needed due to the academic competition and the sponsors spend innumerable hours working with their team. </p><p>(School teams must participate in the NW Alabama BEST Robotics Competition). </p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Fulmer, seconded by Mr. Beavers and passed as recommended by Mrs. Gray the proposed Annual Budget with Salary Schedule September 12, 2013 (#21) 2 Minutes adjustments for Fiscal Year October 1, 2013—September 30, 2014.</p><p>NOTE: BUDGET HEARINGS were held on the following dates: September 4, 2013 @ 4:00 P.M. September 12, 2013 @ 5:00 P.M. </p><p>The following minutes were approved:</p><p>September 4, 2013 (#20)</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Beavers and passed to pay the following:</p><p>(A) Vendor: Nelson Construction Co., Inc. Date: September 3, 2013 B.C. No.: 2013052 RE: Classroom Addition to Underwood Elementary School Amount: $108,730.62 Fund Source: Public School Funds (PSF)</p><p>(B) Vendor: M.G. Roofing Inc. Date: August 27, 2013 B.C. No.: 2013357 RE: Partial Roof Replacement at Brooks High School Amount: $12,025.09 Fund Source: Public School Funds (PSF)</p><p>(C) Vendor: Stephen Ward, Associates, Inc. Date: September 5, 2013 Number: 13-0805-4180 RE: Partial Roof Replacement at Brooks High School Amount: $1,549.71 Fund Source: Public School Funds (PSF)</p><p>(D) Vendor: Alabama Risk Management for Schools (ARMS) RE: 2013-2014 Renewal of ARMS Liability/Errors & Omissions Liability Fund Participation Date: August 22, 2013 Amount: $19,540.00 Fund Source: General Funds September 12, 2013 (#21) 3 Minutes</p><p>As recommended by Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed the Capital Plan for the years 2014-2018 which was presented at the September 4, 2013 Board Meeting. </p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Beavers, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed as recommended by Mrs. Gray for Lindon Ezell to be the architect for the 4 classrooms/2 science labs to be built at Lauderdale County High School.</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Beavers, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed the personnel supplements for the 2013-2014 school year as follows:</p><p>ANDERSON SCHOOL </p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>Whitney Littrell Yearbook $450.00 $450.00 </p><p>Elem.Scholar Whitney Littrell Bowl $300.00 $300.00 </p><p>Whitney Littrell Green Schools $200.00 $200.00 </p><p>Whitney Littrell Webmaster $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>BROOKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 4 Minutes</p><p>Allison Hall AA 4 Webmaster $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>Kelly Moreland BS 13 Yearbook $324.26 $324.26 </p><p>Clara Scholar Woodward BS 9 Bowl $422.00 $422.00 </p><p>Chris Green Kimbrough Schools $200.00 $200.00 </p><p>BROOKS HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL DEGREE EXPERIENCE Extra 1 mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>Gerald Johnson (Contract) Basketball-JH Boys $1,701.00 $1,701.00 </p><p>Brian Wright Basketball-Varsity 1/2 Boys Head month $7,743.00 $7,743.00 </p><p>Kevin Creekmore Sr. Scholar Bowl $846.00 Basketball JV Boys $2,604.00 $3,450.00 </p><p>Tracy Behel Cheerleader JH $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Cheerleader Leigh Black Varsity $2,200.00 $2,200.00 </p><p>Cross Country- Joy Rook Girls $651.00 Cross-Country- Boys $651.00 Drama $750.00 $2,052.00 </p><p>Jerry Hill Football-Head 1 month $8,979.00 $8,979.00 </p><p>Russ Robbins Football-Var.Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Todd Nelms Baseball-Head $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Luke Mansell Baseball-Feld Asst. $500.00 Baseball- Asst.Coach $1,000.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Brenda Burns Annual Sponsor $1,840.00 $1,840.00 </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 5 Minutes</p><p>1/2 Danel Seay Band month $5,206.00 $5,206.00 </p><p>Ryan Roberson Golf - Boys $651.00 Golf - Girls $651.00 Basketball-Girls 1/2 Head Coach month $7,743.00 Basketball-JV Girls $2,604.00 Volleyball-Head $2,800.00 $14,449.00</p><p>Jeff Peek Football-JV Head $2,604.00 Softball-Head $2,800.00 Softbal-Field Asst. $500.00 $5,904.00 </p><p>Megan Hatton Volleyball-JV $782.00 Softball- Asst.Coach $1,000.00 $1,782.00 </p><p>Trey Lane Track-Boys $651.00 Football-JV Asst. $1,500.00 $2,151.00 Sherry Tippett Jr. Scholar Bowl Level 1 $350.00 $350.00 </p><p>Melanie Coburn Jr. Scholar Bowl Level 2 $552.00 $552.00 </p><p>Barry Daniel Football- Varsity Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Brad Black Track-Girls $651.00 Football- Varsity Asst. $3,904.00 $4,555.00 </p><p>Tonya Thorp Tennis-Girls $651.00 Tennis-Boys $651.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Danielle Hill Volleyball-Jr.Hgh $651.00 Basketball-Jr.High Girls $1,701.00 $2,352.00 </p><p>Celeste Jackson Webmaster $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Amy Wilcoxson Green Schools $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>Joel White Math Team,Sr.High $450.00 $450.00 </p><p>CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL </p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL September 12, 2013 (#21) 6 Minutes</p><p>Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>Heath Wood BS 11 Football-Head 1 mo. 20 days $8,979.00 $8,979.00 plus 1 mo.</p><p>Ty Coates BS 2 Football Asst./ $3,904.00 Asst. Softball $1,000.00 $4,904.00 </p><p>Alex Lindley BS 4 Football-Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Bradley Grigsby BS 10 Football-Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Head.Jr. Bryan Haddock MA 10 Football $2,604.00 $2,604.00 </p><p>Zach Miles MA 9 Asst. Jr. Football $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Head Boys 10 Josh Bryant BS 7 BBball days $7,743.00 $7,743.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Norman Head Girls 10 Lovelady MA 21 Bbball days $7,743.00 $7,743.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Andrew Murphy BS 0 Asst. Volleyball $782.00 Asst.VG Basketball $2,604.00 $3,386.00 </p><p>Eric Oakley BS 1 Cross Country- Boys and Girls $1,302.00 Asst.VB Bbball $2,604.00 $3,906.00 </p><p>Jonathan Oakley BS 0 JH Volleyball $651.00 JH Volleyball $1,701.00 $2,352.00 </p><p>Jennifer Brown MA 10 Var Cheer./JH Cheer Sponsor $3,700.00 $3,700.00 </p><p>Laura Ledgewood MA 7 Head Softball $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Whitney Holcombe BS 2 Volleyball-Head Softfield-Field Asst. $3,300.00 $3,300.00 </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 7 Minutes</p><p>Jerome Lambert MA 15 Head Baseball $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Jason Hubbard BS 10 Baseball-Asst. $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Lindsay Hubbard BS 2 Tennis-Girls $651.00 $651.00 </p><p>Nena Dial BS 10 Webmaster/ Tennis Boys $1,651.00 $1,651.00 </p><p>Steve Mayfield BS 28 Golf Boys and Girls $1,302.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>10 Jeremy Thigpen MA 10 Band days $5,206.00 $5,206.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Cheri Broadfoot BS 24 Scholar Bowl- Elem. $422.00 $422.00 </p><p>Nancy Lawson MA 20 Jr. Scholar Bowl Level 1 and 2 $1,104.00 $1,104.00 </p><p>Tonitia Butler MA 24 Scholar Bowl-Sr/ $846.00 Yearbook $1,821.72 $2,667.72 </p><p>Carol Rea MA 21 Drama $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>Paul Crawford PhD 13 Green Team $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>Zack Cooper BS 10 Baseball-Field Asst. $500.00 $500.00 </p><p>LAUDERDALE COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement Hire Date </p><p>Jordan Allen 2013 Head Softball $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Tyson Brown 2012 Softball-Assist. $1,000.00 Softball-Field Asst. $500.00 $1,500.00 September 12, 2013 (#21) 8 Minutes</p><p>Carla Clemons BS 2004 Basketball- JV Girls $2,604.00 $2,604.00 </p><p>Chastity Cosby Cheerleading-JH $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Zane Football-JV Crumbley Asst. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Janice Ezell Volleyball-Head $2,800.00 Volleyball-JV $782.00 $3,582.00 </p><p>Patrick Football- Freeman MA 1999 Var.Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Robert Grisham MA 1991 Football-Head 20 days $8,979.00 $8,979.00 plus 20 days</p><p>Football-JV Josh Jennings BS Head $2,604.00 Golf-Boys-Girls $1,302.00 $3,906.00 </p><p>Brant Basketball- Llewellyn BS 1997 Varsity Girls 10 days $7,743.00 $7,743.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Tennis- Katie Manset BS 2011 Boys/Girls $1,302.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Jeff Mason BS 2004 Football-V. Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Basketball- Mark Newton BS 1992 Varsity Boys 10 days $7,743.00 $7,743.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Whitney Owens MA 2005 Basketball- JV Boys $2,604.00 $2,604.00 Trent Baseball- Patterson BS 2000 Head $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Brett Sinyard BS 2010 Baseball-Asst. $1,000.00 Basketball-JH Boys $1,701.00 $2,701.00 </p><p>Catrina Smith Track-Boys/Girls $1,302.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 9 Minutes</p><p>Joetta Trousdale MA 1996 Cheerleading-V $2,200.00 $2,200.00 </p><p>Michael Williams MA 1997 Footbal-V.Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>Auburn Wilson Cross-Country Boys/Girls $1,302.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Jr. High Melody Wilson Volleyball $651.00 $651.00 </p><p>Lynn Newton Scholar Bowl- Elem. $300.00 $300.00 </p><p>Sarah Cox MA 1999 Drama $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>Sarah Hurst 2012 Band Director 10 days $5,206.00 $5,206.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Krista Patterson Webmaster $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Kelli Reding Yearbook $1885,.00 $1,885.00 </p><p>Cherie Webster BS 1992 Scholar Bowl- Senior High $846.00 $846.00 </p><p>Tania Williams MA 1999 Jr. High Scholar Bowl Level 1 $552.00 $552.00 </p><p>LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement Hire Date </p><p>1/2 David Wiseman MA 1995 Band Director month $5,206.00 $5,206.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Basketball- Ricky Bryan MA Boys 1/2 Head month $7,743.00 Cross Country September 12, 2013 (#21) 10 Minutes</p><p>Boys $651.00 Girls $651.00 $9,045.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Melissa Hammond 1996 Head Volleyball $2,800.00 $2,800.00 </p><p>Renita Toner MA JV Volleyball $782.00 $782.00 </p><p>Jr. Hgh Kristi Pettus MA 1995 Volleyball $651.00 $651.00 </p><p>Jason Lard BS 2005 Head Football 1 month $8,979.00 $8,979.00 plus 20 days</p><p>Michael Cole MA 1997 Head Baseball $2,800.00 Asst. Football $3,904.00 Baseball Field Asst. $500.00 $7,204.00 </p><p>Taylor Leathers MA 2008 Asst. Football $3,904.00 JV Baseball $1,000.00 $4,904.00 </p><p>Randy Ratliff MA 1994 Asst. Football $3,904.00 JH Boys Football $1,701.00 $5,605.00 </p><p>JV Boys BB David Hill 2010 Ball $2,604.00 $2,604.00 </p><p>Tony Shirley MA 1997 Football -Head Jr. High $2,604.00 Golf $651.00 $3,255.00 </p><p>Lauren Pyle BS 2009 Varsity Cheer $2,200.00 $2,200.00 </p><p>Ashley Sinyard BS 2013 Jr. High Cheer $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Nick Cottrell MA 2004 Varsity Girls 1/2 Basketball month $7,743.00 JV Girls Bbball $2,604.00 $10,347.00 plus 10 days Cindy James MA 2006 Girls Track $651.00 Boys Track $651.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Allen Naylor BS 2008 Head Softball $2,800.00 .5 Softball Field Asst. $250.00 Asst. Jr. High Football $1,500.00 $4,550.00 </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 11 Minutes</p><p>Ty Long MA 2007 Webmaster $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Patricia Bryan MA 1991 Tennis-Girls $651.00 Tennis-Boys $651.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Sr. High Rose Pettus MA 2004 Scholar $846.00 $846.00 </p><p>Gayla Holley MA 1979 Elem. Scholar $422.00 Jr. High Scholar I $552.00 Jr. High Scholar II $552.00 $1,526.00 </p><p>Patty Nagle MA 1997 Yearbook $1,501.23 $1,501.23 </p><p>Sherry Truitt MA 2008 Drama $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>J.T. Weeks Contract JV Softball $1,000.00 .5 Softball Field Asst. $250.00 Jr. High Girls Basketball $1,701.00 $2,951.00 </p><p>Tammie Duncan MA Green Schools $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>ROGERS HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>20 days Randall Martin Head Football plus $8,979.00 $8,979.00 plus 20 days</p><p>Head 10 days Chris Krieger Basketball plus $7,743.00 $7,743.00 plus 10 days</p><p>James White Basketball-JH $1,701.00 $1,701.00 </p><p>Football- Jerry Fulks V.Asst. $3,904.00 Track-boys $651.00 $4,555.00 </p><p>Blake Prestage Head Softball $2,800.00 Main.-Field $500.00 JV Volleyball $782.00 Basketball- Girls September 12, 2013 (#21) 12 Minutes</p><p>Jr. High $1,701.00 $5,783.00 </p><p>Tyler Mobley Basketball-JV Girls $2,604.00 Volleyball- Head $2,800.00 Vollleyball-JH $651.00 $6,055.00 </p><p>Footbal- Charlie Meyer V.Asst. $3,904.00 J.V.Basketball $2,604.00 Golf-boys $651.00 $7,159.00 </p><p>Basketball- Shelly Brown Girls 10 days Head plus $7,743.00 Track-Girls $651.00 $8,394.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Football-V. Russell Shaw asst. $3,904.00 Baseball-JV $1,000.00 Field-1/2 Main. $250.00 $5,154.00 </p><p>Football- Brad Newton Jr.High $2,604.00 $2,604.00 </p><p>Melanie Pope Varsity Cheer $2,200.00 $2,200.00 </p><p>Amber McLemore J.H.Cheer $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Eddie Matthews Boys Cross Country $651.00 Girls Cross Country $651.00 $1,302.00 </p><p>Scott Mitchell Baseball-Head $2,800.00 Football- Jr.High $1,500.00 1/2 Field Main. $250.00 $4,550.00 </p><p>10 day John McCombs Band Director plus $5,206.00 $5,206.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Jr. High Jamison Hines Scholar $552.00 $552.00 </p><p>Jr High Tammy Hines Scholar $552.00 $552.00 </p><p>Amy Mayfield Drama/Show Choir $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>September 12, 2013 (#21) 13 Minutes</p><p>Shannon Clemmons H.S. Scholar $846.00 $846.00 </p><p>Barbara Wilson Yearbook $600.00 $600.00 </p><p>Joyce Robertson Webmaster $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Greg Dial Green Team $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>Michael Moreland JV Softball $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>UNDERWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>Paula Brewer MA 22 Scholar Bowl $414.00 $414.00 </p><p>Sherri Clemmons EDS 15 Yearbook $179.00 $179.00 </p><p>Mitzi Brooks BS 8 Yearbook $179.00 $179.00 </p><p>Aron Cole Tech. Mgr. $1,200.00 $1,200.00 </p><p>TOTALS $1,614.00 $358.00 $1,972.00 </p><p>WATERLOO HIGH SCHOOL</p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement Tana Basketball- Robertson MA 11 Head Girls 1/2 $7,743.00 Head Volleyball $2,800.00 $10,543.00</p><p>Matt Brooks BS 11 Head Softball/ Field Asst. $3,300.00 Asst. Football $3,904.00 $7,204.00 </p><p>Josh Cooper BS 13 Softball- Asst. $1,000.00 H.S. Scholar Bowl $846.00 Football, Asst. $3,904.00 $5,750.00 </p><p> plus 20 Issac Fuller MA 8 Head Football days $8,979.00 $8,979.00 September 12, 2013 (#21) 14 Minutes</p><p> plus 20 days</p><p>Barry McFall MA 20 Head Baseball Field Asst. $3,300.00 Basketball- JV Boys $2,604.00 Head Basketball 1/2 $7,740.00 $13,644.00</p><p>Bill Cox MA 17 Football-Asst. $3,904.00 Green Schools $250.00 $4,154.00 </p><p>Tim McFall BS 7 Basketball- JH Boys $1,701.00 Basketball- JH Girls $1,701.00 $3,402.00 </p><p>Hannah Hubbard BS 3 Varsity Cheer $2,200.00 JV Volley- Assist. $782.00 $2,982.00 </p><p>Aundrea McFall BS 13 JH Cheer $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Jerry Anderton MLIS 11 Yearbook Jr.H. Scholar- $369.00 Levels 1 and 2 $552.00 Webmaster $750.00 $1,671.00 </p><p>Chris Franks MA 14 Elem. Scholar $300.00 $300.00 </p><p>Brad Palmer MA 4 JV Baseball $1,000.00 Head. JH Football $2,604.00 $3,604.00 </p><p>Vanesha Mason MA 16 Yearbook $369.00 $369.00 </p><p>Asst.JH Brad Eads BS Football $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Kristy Dillard BS Drama Sponsor $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>WILSON HIGH SCHOOL </p><p>NAME OF PERSON TEACHING TEACHING ASSIGNMENT BOARD BOARD LOCAL TOTAL Extra 1 DEGREE EXPERIENCE mo. County School and 1/2 mo. Supplement Supplement </p><p>Head Vr. Scott Brown MA Football 1 month $8,979.00 $8,979.00 September 12, 2013 (#21) 15 Minutes</p><p>Jeremy Head Pounders BS 13 Vr.,Basketbal Boys 10 days $7,743.00 Jr. High Basketbal Boys $1,701.00 $9,444.00 </p><p>Erica McCollum BS 7 Head Varsity Basketball-Girls $7,743.00 $7,743.00 </p><p>JV.Basketball- Robin Phillips MA 23 Boys $2,604.00 Cross Country $651.00 Track $651.00 $3,906.00 </p><p>Jessica Freeman MA 2 JV.Basketball Girls $2,604.00 Tennis $651.00 $3,255.00 </p><p>Jr,. High Jay Stejskal Contract Basketball Girls $1,701.00 $1,701.00 </p><p>Ashley Robison BS 3 VR.Cheerleader $2,200.00 $2,200.00 </p><p>Sarah Oakley BS Jr. High Cheer $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Jeremy VR. Football Jeffreys BS 12 Asst. $3,904.00 $3,904.00 </p><p>VR.Football Matt Poarch BS 8 Asst. $3,904.00 Girls Golf $651.00 $4,555.00 </p><p>VR.Football Harold Hall BS 20 Asst. $3,904.00 Boys Golf $651.00 $4,555.00 </p><p>James King BS Jr. High Football $2,604.00 $2,604.00 </p><p>Jake Mills Jr,.High Football Asst. $1,500.00 $1,500.00 </p><p>Laura Franks MA 18 Head Softball $2,800.00 Field Mainttenance $500.00 $3,300.00 </p><p>Courtney Michael BS JV Softball $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Sandy Bradley MA 20 Head VR. September 12, 2013 (#21) 16 Minutes</p><p>Volleyball $2,800.00 Jr. High Volleyball $651.00 $3,451.00 </p><p>Kelly May BS JV Volleyball $782.00 $782.00 </p><p> plus 10 John Robbins BS 5 Band Director days $5,206.00 $5,206.00 plus 10 days</p><p>Austin Newkirk Band Extra Help $2,040.00 $2,040.00 </p><p>Shawn Pierce MA 16 Elem. Scholar $300.00 $300.00 </p><p>Tammy Stults BS 6 Drama $750.00 $750.00 </p><p>Jeff Borden MA 8 Scholar Bowl- Level 1 $450.00 Scholar Bowl- Level 2 $450.00 $900.00 </p><p>Charles McCombs Scholar Bowl Jr. Level 2 $350.00 $350.00 </p><p>Tim Vick Green Schools $250.00 $250.00 </p><p>Stephanie Smith Webmaster $1,000.00 $1,000.00 </p><p>Patricia Chandler Yearbook $1,562.00 $1,562.00 </p><p>As recommended by Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed for Wilson High School to purchase a new marquee at a cost of $17,500.00. The funds were provided by a legislative grant. </p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Fulmer, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed as recommended by Mrs. Gray the following plans to be updated for the 2013-2014 school year: (A) LEA Parental Involvement Plan September 12, 2013 (#21) 17 Minutes Lauderdale County School System 2013-2014 (From No Child Left Behind Guidance)</p><p>(B) Lauderdale County Schools Title 1 LEA Plan 2013-2014</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed for Tina Simmons, teacher at Wilson High School to be paid a stipend of $125.00 for participating in the English CCRS Training on July </p><p>31, 2013 from Title II Funds. </p><p>As recommended by Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mr. Beavers, seconded by Mrs. Cornelius and passed to revise the following supplement for the 2012-2013 school year for Lauderdale County High School varsity boy’s and girl’s track and field/cross country teams that was previously approved on the August 27, 2013 Board </p><p>Meeting:</p><p>Auburn Wilson $638.00 Jeff Mason $638.00</p><p>The motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed as recommended by Mrs. Gray the following trips for students:</p><p>(A) Students from Brooks, Central, LCHS, Lexington, Rogers and Wilson High Schools request to attend the Joint Leadership FBLA/FCCLA District Development Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on September 23-24, 2013. There will be 12 employees from Lauderdale County School System to chaperone as follows:</p><p>Tisha Hanback Teacher Brooks High School (Tisha Hanback and her student will go September 22-24, 2013 due to the student is a State Officer and must go a day early— everyone else will go September 23-24, 2013). September 12, 2013 (#21) 18 Minutes</p><p>Kim Malone Teacher Brooks High School Diane Hamner Teacher Brooks High School Jeanette Smith Teacher Central High School Linda Quigley Teacher Central High School Valerie Thigpen J.A.G. Specialist ATCTC and LCHS Schools Judy Smith Teacher Lexington High School Kim Walker Teacher Lexington High School Michelle Cabler Teacher Rogers High School Connie Morrow Teacher Rogers High School Linda Quigley Teacher Wilson High School Dan Sides Teacher Wilson High School </p><p>Expenses will be paid from Alabama FBLA and Brooks, Central, Lexington, LCHS, Rogers and Wilson High Schools FBLA and FCCLA Funds and local school funds.</p><p>Upon the recommendation of Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Beavers and passed the following trips for employees:</p><p>(A) The following employee requests to attend the ACTM Forum in Montgomery, Alabama on October 31-November 1, 2013:</p><p>Sherry Tippett Teacher Brooks High School</p><p>Expenses will be paid from local school funds. </p><p>(B) The following employees request to attend the ALEX Web Resources Conference in Birmingham, Alabama on September 24-25, 2013:</p><p>` Celeste Jackson Teacher Brooks High School Joel White Teacher Brooks High School</p><p>Expenses will be paid from Alabama State Dept and Title II will pay for subs.</p><p>(C) The following employee request to attend the CTE Certification Program in Montgomery, Alabama on September 25-26, 2013:</p><p>Titus Grisham Building Constructor Allen Thornton</p><p>Funds will be paid from Perkins Funds. September 12, 2013 (#21) 19 Minutes</p><p>As recommended by Mrs. Gray, the motion was made by Mrs. Cornelius, seconded by Mr. Fulmer and passed to employ certified personnel for the 2013-2014 school year, Exhibit “A”</p><p>The motion was made by Mr. Fulmer, seconded by Mr. Beavers and passed as recommended by Mrs. Gray to employ classified/support personnel for the 2013-2014 school year, Exhibit “B”</p><p>EXHIBIT “B” EMPLOYMENT OF CLASSIFIED/SUPPORT PERSONNEL FOR THE 2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR SEPTEMBER 12, 2013 5:00 P.M.</p><p>The next Board Meeting is scheduled for:</p><p>THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2013 WORK SESSION AT 4:00 P.M. BOARD MEETING AT 5:00 P.M. AT THE LAUDERDALE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION CONFERENCE ROOM</p><p>The Board voted to adjourn. September 12, 2013 (#21) 20 Minutes</p><p>______</p><p>Jennifer B. Gray Chad Holden Barbara Cornelius</p><p>Secretary Chairperson Vice Chairperson</p><p>ABSENT ______</p><p>Dan Beavers Jerry Fulmer Daniel Patterson </p>
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