<p> Welcome To Pamphill CE VC First School</p><p>Dear Parents,</p><p>On behalf of us all at Pamphill First School, I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you. This prospectus has been compiled, hoping to be able to give you information and a taster of life at our lovely school. We have included our aims and objectives, and feel strongly that we are only able to attain these with the full cooperation between parent, teachers and children. The door is always open at Pamphill and we actively encourage parents and children alike to share any suggestions and concerns that they may have. As Headteacher of the school I want you and your children to feel that they belong and that you are proud that Pamphill is your school. Please feel free to pop in anytime or call and make an appointment to see us.</p><p>We look forward to meeting you.</p><p>Yours sincerely,</p><p>Mr Trevor Davies School Information</p><p>School Address</p><p>PAMPHILL C.E. V.C. FIRST SCHOOL Pamphill Green Wimborne Dorset BH21 4EE</p><p>Telephone and Fax: 01202-883008</p><p>E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>Chairman of the Governers:</p><p>Mrs Mary Royle</p><p>Headteacher:</p><p>Mr Trevor Davies</p><p>Pamphill is a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School. This means that whilst the local authority provides all the schools finances the Church appoints Foundation Governors and Religious Education in the school can include Anglican denomination teaching in addition to the religious education normally given. We have close links with the parish and hold services at St. Stephen's Church at various times throughout the year.</p><p>The school also has links with Wimborne Minster whose Governors own our building.</p><p>Clergy from both parishes take assemblies in the school.</p><p>We are a First School catering for children from 4+ to 9 years of age. Open Enrolment This means that parents may choose which schools their children attend. Many of our families live outside our catchment area and have expressed a preference for our school. Interested prospective parents are invited to make an appointment with the Headteacher to see the school before the date of school entry.</p><p>Why choose a small school for your child? Pamphill is a small school and this gives it some particular characteristics. Small means flexible, eg. we can be spontaneous in our responses to children's needs. There is a high level of participation for everyone - children quickly take on responsibilities within the school. They are all involved in whatever is happening. We can accommodate individual needs and respond to the children's enthusiasms and interests. We have mixed age classes. Prospective parents may wonder how this works, but we know that this can have positive benefits for the children. A 'bright' child entering the school will instantly have the opportunity to work with older children. The 'average’ entrant has many older children in the class who are able to guide and assist. The experience of helping the younger children allows the older ones to deepen their own understanding and to take on responsibility at an early age. The teacher often works with the children as individuals or in small groups so that the children have work to match their ability irrespective of age. As we have mixed year classes much of the work is planned on a two year rolling programme. This ensures stability and continuity for the children and makes the curriculum more manageable for teachers. Mixed year classes are treated as mixed ability classes and work is planned and children grouped on that basis. We have small intakes and the reception children enter into a happy and settled working atmosphere where the school routines are established. This enables new children to settle very quickly.</p><p>Other Adults We have a small number of teachers and we are very conscious of the need to bring in other adults. At Pamphill we really welcome parent helpers; we work a good deal with the National Trust Wardens, we have 6th Formers from Queen Elizabeth's, Corfe Hills and Canford Schools as regular helpers, we have the support of Clergy from our Parish and Wimbome Minster and we make good use of the many opportunities that arise to bring in County Advisory Teachers.</p><p>Environment We are particularly fortunate in our surroundings which are rich in heritage and ecological interest.</p><p>The school is surrounded by the Kingston Lacy Estate land which now belongs to the National Trust. We have a conservation area close at hand, a natural pond and a variety of heath, woodland and river valley environments within walking distance. The school has been involved in a number of conservation projects with the assistance of various organisations. The area around the school is also full of historical interest. The building itself was constructed as an Almshouse and school in 1698 during the reign of William and Mary. Previous to this there had been a Roman Camp Site near to where the school was built.</p><p>The school was founded and built with monies from the will of one Roger Gillingham, a local boy who made his fortune as a lawyer in London. The intention was to house four men and four women in the roomed sections across the front of the building, whilst the hall area was the school room for forty boys from the west side of Wimborne. Elderly people lived in the Almshouses until 1972 when the school took over the whole premises. The Gillingham Trust is now administered by the Governors of Wimborne Minster. Pamphill and Cowgrove are a delight to historians from the Saxon Moote to the variety of domestic and grander architecture spanning many hundreds of years. There is much of interest to the school and we have been involved in a number of historical re-enactments.</p><p>Participation for Parents and Children To produce anything in a small school the demands are greater on a few and it is this high level of participation that instils responsibility and pride in the individual. There is a sense of belonging and taking part - a social circle in which he or she is known, respects and is respected. All our children are well known to everyone in the school and this generates a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The children take on a lot of responsibility and no-one is left on the side lines. With a small number of children we need everyone to make the fullest use of their talents.</p><p>Our School day The school day runs from 9am - 12 noon (12.15 pm for KS2), and from 1pm - 3.15 pm. There is a morning break of 15 minutes, but no break in the afternoon session.</p><p>Children should not be left unsupervised on the school premises before 8.50 am.</p><p>Absences If your child is absent from school for any reason please contact the school office and supply a reason for the absence either by phone, text, email or even handwritten.</p><p>Children may be excused from school for dental appointments and such like, but please would you inform us beforehand to say what time they will be collected.</p><p>Absence for Holidays Any requests for absence for holiday cannot be authorised except in the most exceptional of circumstances. Any requests should be made in writing to the Headteacher providing the dates required and an explaination for the absence included.</p><p>Arrival and Collection of Children Children should be delivered to the school playground at the beginning of the day where they will be met and taken into class. At the end of the school day class 1 and 3 will be collected from the playground and class 2 will be collected from the garden entrance. If on a rare occasion you are going to be late please let the school office know so we can reassure your child and they can be collected from the school office. Visiting the School Parents are welcome to visit the School at any time. As teachers are generally preparing for the day ahead before school the best time to speak to them is immediately after school at 3.15 pm, but come in the morning if you find the afternoon inconvenient. It is often helpful if you can send queries or messages in by note with your child in the morning. This enables teachers to pace demands being made on their attention and may allow us to have information ready for you after school. Appointments can be made in advance if the matter to be discussed is likely to take some time, and will be made at a time to suit parents.</p><p>We have an official parents evening for parents to discuss their child's work, but we are very happy to meet parents for discussion at other times. Please do not hesitate to see us if you have any queries.</p><p>Helping in School We are always pleased to have Mums, Dads, Grannies, Granddad's etc., in school as helpers. If you would like to help please contact your childs teacher. We are always on the look out for parents who can help with school visits and walks in the local area.</p><p>School Meals Hot school meals are offered free of charge for YR-Y2 (Y3/4 can obtain these for a small charge). Children will need to bring a lunch box if they opt out of hot school meals and please do try to adjust the amount of food to your child's appetite. Water is available, but children may bring their own drinks (avoid sugary carbonated drinks). Within limits we endeavour to see that they eat their sandwiches first, but we do not feel it is our place to insist that they eat if they do not wish to. Meals and playtime afterwards are supervised by ancillary staff.</p><p>Medicines School follows advice from the Health Authority that only prescribed medicines may be administered. A form will need to be completed at the office giving permission, times and dosage instructions. The medicine must be the original container and have the printed instruction label included.</p><p>Illness If a child is taken ill or injured during the day we will endeavour to contact you. All parents are requested to make sure that we have emergency telephone numbers where they or others can be contacted. Please make sure that we are kept upto date with any changes to personal details.</p><p>Medical/Dental Inspections The School Dentist screens all our children annually and will notify parents if they need treatment. Family Doctors now do pre-school medicals for children. When children have started school they will be given a School Nurse Health interview, which includes a formal hearing and vision test. On a parent's request the School Nurse will be willing to check hearing and vision at any time.</p><p>School Uniform Boys Winter Summer Navy Trousers Navy Trousers or Shorts White/Red School Polo Shirt White/Red School Polo Shirt School Red Sweatshirt</p><p>Girls Winter Summer</p><p>Navy Skirt or Pinafore Red Gingham (small check) Dress or Trousers White/Red School Polo Shirt Red School Sweatshirt</p><p>P.E. Navy Shorts, White T- Shirt with school logo and elasticated plimsolls in a draw string bag. </p><p>All uniform can be ordered through the school office.</p><p>The School may be willing to provide some help to parents in financial need towards the cost of purchasing school uniform. Please apply to the Governing Body.</p><p>Swimming We are fortunate to be able to take Class 3 for fortnightly swimming lessons at Queen Elizabeth’s Leisure Centre. Pupils should wear any sensible one-piece bathing costume (and towel!) in a waterproof bag for swimming.</p><p>The children are instructed by members of staff. The school also employs a life Saver from the Leisure Centre to be on duty during our session. This cost is borne by parents and at present is a small sum paid each term via the school.</p><p>Emergency Closure In the event of an emergency school closure we will use the dorset for you website http://mapping.dorsetforyou.com/closedservices to indicate whether the school is open. We will also use our text service to provide updated information. Further information may be broadcast on Heart FM (102.3fm); please tune in and listen for the school notices if you think there may be a closure particularly due to heavy snow.</p><p>Staff Training Days There are normally five of Staff Training days throughout the academic year. We will notify you of the dates as far in advance as possible.</p><p>Admissions The Governors have adopted Dorset County Policy on admissions. Children may be admitted to school at the start of the Academic year if they have already had their fourth birthday. There is now only one admission time per year. This means that a child may be as young as 4 years old and 1 day when they enter reception in September or as old as one day before their fifth birthday.</p><p>Autumn Term Reception Class Arrangements The parents of Reception class children have the option of starting either full or part time during the autumn term. All children will be initially part time for an induction period (usually until the 3 rd week of September). Part time hours are mornings only each day except Wednesday which is for the afternoon only.</p><p>Governors Charging Policy The Governors policy is in accordance with the 1988 Education Reform Act ie. that activities arranged during school hours are free, but there is no prohibition on the seeking of voluntary contributions to support school activities. No pupil will be discriminated against because of a lack of contribution, but insufficient funds may mean the activity will not take place.</p><p>Sex Education Policy The Governors have approved the use of the Draft Dorset Curriculum Guidelines for sex education. For our children this means a small amount of knowledge in preparation for what they will be taught in middle school, set in a context of values which give regard to moral considerations and family life. We regard parents as the key figures in the education of their children in sexual matters.</p><p>Discrimination The school has a Single Equality Policy to eliminate unlawful discrimination of any kind and to promote equal opportunity and good relations in all aspects of school life. </p><p>Parents and School We do not see school as the sole educators of children; they have already learnt much from their families before they come to us and we hope to enter into a partnership with parents for the benefit of the children.</p><p>Homework Children will have regular homework, which may well need the support and some assistance from parents. The development of your child's ability to articulate their ideas and talk coherently about their experiences is of paramount importance in the early years. Please encourage clear speech, correct grammatical forms, the growth of vocabulary and the enjoyment of words. These verbal skills are an essential foundation to reading and writing. You will be asked to hear your child read at home and with the older children to see that they learn spellings and tables, and sometimes follow up specific projects.</p><p>Nursery We are fortunate to have Pamphill Pre-School Nursery based on our school site. Full details can be found on their website www.pamphill.com .</p><p>Queries/Complaints Procedure If you have any concerns about any aspect of the school's life please contact us as soon as possible. Your first approach should normally be to the class teacher concerned and then to the Headteacher. If, however, your complaint is unresolved the Governing Body has adopted a "General Complaints Procedure".</p><p>The procedure is devised with the intention that it will: o Usually be possible to resolve problems by informal means o Be simple to use and understand o Be non-adversarial o Inform future practice so that the problem is unlikely to recur. Full details of the procedure may be obtained from the School Office or from the Clerk to the Governing Body.</p><p>Behaviour We aim to develop in children a sense of self-discipline and an acceptance of responsibility for their own actions. Good behaviour and caring for others is of fundamental importance for the happiness and well being of everyone in the school. We emphasise care and respect for individuals and the school community.</p><p>The pupils themselves debate and decide upon the important rights and responsibilities they want to adopt within their class and this philosophy is supported through rewarding positive behaviour with ‘Golden Time’ where pupils can chose activities they would like to do themselves. Where behaviour does not meet expectations there will be a loss in their golden time. In all behaviour matters we aim to work in a positive fashion, promoting the behaviour which is expected and always following Christian principles of forgiveness and the opportunity for a fresh start.</p><p>Special Educational Needs Further information regarding this aspect of our school can be found on the Local Offer http://www.pamphill.dorset.sch.uk/key%20information.html</p><p>Personal Belongings Please do not allow your children to bring personal belongings to school such as watches, money, toys, jewellery, as we cannot take on responsibility for these.</p><p>Friends of Pamphill School Association The Association has been formed to organise self help projects, fund raising and social events. We are very grateful for all the hard work and support the school has always received from its parent body. They are always on the look out for extra volunteers to help share the load.</p><p>Free School Meals Parents in receipt of either Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers’ Allowance are entitled to claim a free packed lunch for their child. Forms for this are available from the school office and all enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence</p><p>The Curriculum Further information on the curriculum taught at Pamphill School can be found on the following link https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum </p>
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