<p> OLD DOMINION REGION FACT SHEET FOR</p><p>2013 QUALIFYING GAMES RALLY May 4, 2013</p><p>AND</p><p>POLOCROSSE FUN DAY May 5, 2013</p><p> at Airfield Conference Center/ Wakefield 4H Center Polocrosse fun day is not a rally, but both an introduction to Polocrosse and Fun Day Opportunity for those with experience and those without! (Info for polocrosse starts on page 10)</p><p>GAMES RALLY </p><p>GAMES RALLY HOSTS: Games Crescent Bay: Sharon DeCant, DC [email protected] </p><p>CLOSING DATE: April 12, 2013 ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE!</p><p>SECRETARY: Terry Abrams along with Sharon DeCant 825 Apache Rd Pembroke, VA 24136 540-357-0700 Cell [email protected]</p><p>FEES: $80/ Rider. Entry fee includes 1 stall all day on Saturday to Sun. (1 stall per horse) Each team will have a tack stall fee of $25/day. All teams must have a tack stall on Sat but Fri is optional. A late fee of $20 is applied for any entry received after April 12 and/or for any incomplete entries. </p><p>REFUNDS: No refunds will be allowed after the closing date, unless the competitor can fill the spot with another competitor within the same division—a $25 administrative fee will apply to any such change. </p><p>RULES: 2009 USPC Rules for Games Competition and addenda (used for the rules for specific Games that will be played). 2012 and 2013 Games Newsletter 2010 USPC Horse Management Handbook & Rules for Competition and all addenda 2013 Horse Management Newsletter The following Divisions will be offered if participation allows:</p><p>Non-qualifying divisions:</p><p>Walk-Trot: Non-qualifying, for members who will walk and trot only. Teams of 2 to 5 riders accompanied by a C level member and 13 years of age or adult who know games and will trot with ponies safely if required.</p><p>First Timer: Non-qualifying, for members who are new to games. May canter. Teams of 2-5 riders. </p><p>Open Masters: Non-qualifying, for members who are experienced players and are not trying to qualify for championships. Teams of 2 to 5 riders.</p><p>Qualifying divisions:</p><p>Junior Team: Qualifying Division: Members of the team must be 12 years or less as of January 1, 2013. Teams of 4-5 riders. To qualify for Champs 2013: All members of a junior team must be 12 years of age or less as of January 1, 2013. Championship competitors must be at least 10 years of age and a D-2 riding and D-3 HM certification.</p><p>Senior Team: Qualifying Division: Members of the team must be between 10 and 15 years of age as of January 1, 2013. Teams of 4-5 riders. To qualify for Champs 2013: All members of a senior team must be 15 years of age or less (but no younger than 10) as of January 1, 2013. All Championship competitors must be at least 10 years of age and a D-3 certification.</p><p>Advanced Team: Members of the team must be between 13 and 18 years of age as of January 1, 2013. Teams of 4-5 riders. To qualify for Championships 2013: All members of an advanced team must be between 13 and 18 years of age as of January 1, 2013. All Championship members of an Advanced team must have a C-1 or higher certification. </p><p>Tentative Games List</p><p>Junior, Senior, Advanced, Masters First Timers Walk – Trot Balloon Race Three Mug Bending Race Bending Race Bending Race Two Flag Ball and Bucket Ball and Bucket Ball and Bucket Spillers Ball and Racquet Ball and Racquet Ball and Cone Sword Race Mug Shuffle Mug Shuffle Ball and Racket Tie-breaker: Two-Flag Pony Club Ring Race Egg and Racket Ring Race Spillers Five-Flag Race Spillers Stepping Stones Housewife’s Scurry Stepping Stones Sword Race Mug Shuffle Sword Race Three Mug Needle & Thread Three Mug Tie-breaker: Two-Flag Pony Club Tie-breaker: Two-Flag Ring Race Three-Legged Race TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (Please note the keyword here is Tentative!!!)</p><p>Friday, April 5, 2013 4PM-9PM: Competitors who pay for Friday night stall may move in between 4 and 9 pm. If paid for Friday night tack rooms may set up tack room.</p><p>Saturday, May 4, 2013: 6:00 Grounds open 8:00 Rally Begins—Briefing follows by Parent Briefing 8:30 Weights & Measures, Jogs - Jr/Sr/Adv/Masters followed by Walk-Trot/First Timers 9:30 Turnout Inspections Begin- Jr/Sr/Adv/Masters followed by Walk-Trot/First Timers 10:30 Games Begin Jr/Sr/Adv/Masters 12:00 Games Begin for Walk-Trot/First Timers 1:30 Games continue Jr/Sr/Adv/Masters 2:30 Games continue for Walk-Trot/First Timers TBA Awards</p><p>HOUSING: A number of Executive 2 double bed rooms have been blocked off at the Airfield Center for Fri and Sat. The rate for double occupancy is $76/night. Additional person $10. The Center has other room options in Family Style Lodges (up to 6 per room) and Dorm Style Lodges (Up to 8 per room). More info on these rooms and rates can be found on their web site: airfieldconference.com/lodging.php No pets are allowed. Camping sites are also available. To reserve call: (757) 899-4901</p><p>FOOD: There are no close by restaurants in the area so you will have to order food at the facility or plan to bring at least breakfast and lunch. There is food available on site for lunch and dinner (menu is attached). Take-Out breastfast for Sat AM and Sun AM must be pre-ordered on entry form. Breakfast options include: # 1 Continental Breakfast: Fresh Country Sausage stacked on two of our homemade rolls. Includes Orange Juice. 4.99 #2 The Airfield Breakfast Specialty: Virginia Fried Ham, two eggs, biscuits with your choice of grits or hash browns. $8.99 #3 Country Breakfast: Two eggs, grits, biscuits with your choice of sausage or bacon. 7.79 #4 Three Hotcakes: served with bacon or sausage & fried Apples $7.89 #5 Veggie Option: #2, ## or #4 with out the meat. Subtract $1 from the price.</p><p>VOLUNTEERS: All adults coming with the Pony Clubbers will be assigned a job at this Rally. Please use the enclosed form and the organizers will try to keep them matched with the jobs they selected. There will be a volunteer meeting held immediately after the competitor briefing on Saturday. No competition will start until all volunteer jobs are filled. </p><p>LOCATION: This rally will be held at the Airfield Conference Center/Wakefield 4H Center at 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield, VA 23888. Directions: (see last page of this document).</p><p>BEDDING: The Airfield Center only allows straw or shavings…NO SAWDUST ALLOWED. Competitors can bring their own bedding or purchase from the Center. Please be prepared with proper change or to present a check in the amount for the bedding purchased. Shavings are $7.50/bag.</p><p>FEED/HAY STORAGE: Participants must be prepared to store feed and hay in trailers. Feed stalls will not be provided. </p><p>Medical Cards and Armbands: All participants will be expected to have their Medical Arm Band with the required Medical Card in place on the upper arm at the time they check in and for the duration of the Rally. No packet will be handed out to a participant who does not have the medical arm band and medical card in place. Attire: Dress should be as per the Games rulebook. Footwear appropriate for working around horses must be worn when working in the barn.</p><p>Stripping Stalls: Stalls must be completely stripped upon vacating and MUST be checked by a horse management judge.</p><p>Pinnies: Teams do NOT have to provide pinnies unless you already have them and would like to use them. Otherwise regional pinnies will be available.</p><p>Rally T-shirts: Will be available and must be ordered in advance. Use the electronic order form and follow instructions on this form. </p><p>Medical Waste: Please note ALL MEDICAL WASTE (to include needles, syringes) must be placed in the appropriate containers. Medical waste must NOT be discarded in stalls, manure pits, garbage cans, or on the grounds.</p><p>EACH GAMES RALLY ENTRY MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING:</p><p>Note NEW ON-LINE Entry format!! (Directions for this procedure are on the next page) Completed on-line entry for each team or individuals to scramble On-line Team Chaperone Form – 1 per team or per individual entered to scramble On-line Volunteer form – 1 form per team or per individual to scramble Check payable to ODRPC in the proper amount for entry fees for each team or partial team. Riding Center participants must pay entry fee in the form of a personal check payable to ODRPC. Current Negative Coggins for each Pony/Horse (name on Coggins must match entry form) sent by either email or ‘snail mail’ (postal service) Optional: On-line tee shirt form if you want any tee shirts! OLD DOMINION REGION FACT SHEET FOR POLOCROSSE FUN DAY</p><p>May 5, 2013</p><p> at Airfield Conference Center/ Wakefield 4H Center</p><p>This is not a rally, but both an introduction to Polocrosse and Fun Day Opportunity for those with experience and those without!</p><p>CLOSING DATE: April 12, 2013 REGISTRATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THIS DATE!</p><p>SECRETARY: Terry Abrams 825 Apache Rd Pembroke, VA 24136 540-357-0700 Cell [email protected]</p><p>CLINICIANS: Jen and Pat O’Reilly</p><p>What to Expect at this Event: You do not have to have any Polocrosse Experience to participate but can have lots of Experience too! This day will begin with a briefing about the day and polocrosse. Then riders and their mounts will be introduced to equipment needed, how to use it and have a chance to practice with them. Polocrosse racquets and balls can be provided, but for those who have them please bring them with you. Those with experience may be asked during the introduction time to demonstrate and help those who do not have experience. After Lunch we will be playing chukkas and if you don’t have a team don’t worry we will create teams as needed! </p><p>FEES: $45/ Rider. Games rally competitors have paid for their stall through Sunday. Those who come in on Sunday for this event will need to pay for a Sunday stall if they want one. The same is true for a tack stall. Stalls are not required for this event but be sure your mount can tie to a trailer quietly if you do not purchase a stall. Mounts will spend some time in stalls or tied during the morning. A late fee of $20 is applied for any entry received after April 12 and for any incomplete entries. All forms with required signatures must accompany the entry. </p><p>REFUNDS: No refunds will be allowed after the closing date, unless the rider can fill the spot with another. </p><p>HORSE MANANGEMENT: There will be no Horse Management Judges at the event as it is not a rally and open to the public; however safe, neat, appropriate attire is expected as well a good pony care. There will be ‘Unofficial Officials’ to answer questions and keep an eye on things! Of course all pony clubbers must wear Medical Armbands at all times during the event. RULES: 2012 USPC Rules for Polocrosse Competition and addenda (used for the rules for Polocrosse that will be played). 2013 Polocrosse newletter 2010 USPC Horse Management Handbook & Rules for Competition and all addenda (although we will not be judging HM we will expect that horse stalls be set up safely as stated in the HM rulebook)</p><p>TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (Please note the keyword here is Tentative!!!) Saturday, May 4, 2013 4PM-9PM: Riders who pay for Saturday night stall may move in between 4 and 9 pm. </p><p>Sunday, May 5, 2013: 6:00 Grounds open 8:30 Briefing on Polocrosse 9:30 Introduction to Equipment and Practice 10:30 Introduction of Equipment to Mounts 11:30 Lunch Break 12:30 Chukkas Begin 4:30 End HOUSING: A number of Executive 2 double bed rooms have been blocked off at the Airfield Center for Sat. The rate for double occupancy is $76/night. Additional person $10. The Center has other room options in Family Style Lodges (up to 6 per room) and Dorm Style Lodges (Up to 8 per room). More info on these rooms and rates can be found on their web site: airfieldconference.com/lodging.php No pets are allowed. Camping sites are also available. To reserve call: (757) 899-4901 FOOD: There is food available on site for lunch and dinner. Take-Out Breastfast for Sun AM must be pre- ordered on the entry form. Breakfast options include: # 1 Continental Breakfast: Fresh Country Sausage stacked on two of our homemade rolls. Includes Orange Juice. 4.99 #2 The Airfield Breakfast Specialty: Virginia Fried Ham, two eggs, biscuits with your choice of grits or hash browns. $8.99 #3 Country Breakfast: Two eggs, grits, biscuits with your choice of sausage or bacon. 7.79 #4 Three Hotcakes: served with bacon or sausage & fried Apples $7.89 #5 Veggie Option: #2, ## or #4 with out the meat. Subtract $1 from the price. VOLUNTEERS: All adults coming with the Pony Clubbers may be assigned a job at this Event! LOCATION: This event will be held at the Airfield Conference Center/Wakefield 4H Center at 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield, VA 23888. Directions: (see last page of this document). BEDDING: The Airfield Center only allows straw or shavings…NO SAWDUST ALLOWED. Riders can bring their own bedding or purchase from the Center. Please be prepared with proper change or to present a check in the amount for the bedding purchased. Shavings are $7.50/bag. FEED/HAY STORAGE: Participants must be prepared to store feed and hay in trailers. Feed stalls will not be provided. </p><p>Medical Cards and Armbands: All Pony Club members will be expected to have their Medical Arm Band with the required Medical Card in place on the upper arm at the time they check in and for the duration of the Event. STRIPPING STALLS: Stalls must be completely stripped upon vacating and MUST be checked by organizer. PINNIES: If you have team pinnies please bring them and if not don’t worry we can provide them! EACH POLOCROSSE FUN DAY REGISTRATION MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING: Note NEW ON-LINE Entry format!! Completed on-line registrationfor each group or individual Current Negative Coggins for each Pony/Horse (name on Coggins must match registrationform) sent by either email or ‘snail mail’ (postal service) If in pony club payment is by Club check payable to ODRPC for registrations fees for all members in that club. The General Public and Riding Center participants must pay entry fee in the form of a personal check payable to ODRPC. If not in pony club a USPC Waiver Form must be signed and sent or brought to the event before riding (see form attached after menu) Location Details & Driving Directions</p><p>Airfield Conference Center is located at 15189 Airfield Road, Wakefield, VA 23888</p><p>Take Route 460 to Wakefield. East bound traffic turn right at the signal light on Route 628. West bound traffic turn left at the signal light on Route 628. Go 5 1/2 miles on Route 628. Turn right onto Turkey Pen Road and go 3/4 of a mile. The Airfield Conference Center entrance is on the left.</p><p>From Richmond, VA: Take I-95 or I-295 South to Petersburg. Take Route 460 East toward Suffolk / Virginia Beach, VA. In Wakefield, turn right at the stoplight onto Route 628. Follow Route 628 for 5 1/2 miles. Turn right on Turkey Pen Road (Route 729) and go 1 mile. Turn left at the gate and follow Airfield Road to the Gray Building.</p><p>From Norfolk, VA: Take I-264 or I-64 West to Bowers Hill area and pick up Route 58 West towards Suffolk. Follow Route 58 until you see the exit to 460 West. Turn on Route 460 West to Wakefield. In Wakefield, turn left at the stoplight onto Route 628. Follow Route 628 for 5 1/2 miles. Turn right on Turkey Pen Road (Route 729) and go 1 mile. Turn left at the gate and follow Airfield Road to the Gray Building.</p><p>From Courtland: Take Route 35 toward Petersburg. 3 1/2 miles outside of Courtland, turn right onto Route 628 to Wakefield. Go about 12 miles. You'll come to the Airfield Lake spillway (leave Southampton County enter Sussex County). Continue for 1 mile and turn left onto Turkey Pen Road (Route 729) and go 1 mile. Turn left at the gate and follow Airfield Road to the Gray Building.</p><p>From Williamsburg, VA: Take Route 31 (Jamestown Road) to the ferry. Off the ferry, continue on Route 31 to Wakefield. At the stoplight, continue straight through onto Route 628. Follow Route 628 for 5 1/2 miles. Turn right on Turkey Pen Road (Route 729) and go 1 mile. Turn left at the gate and follow Airfield Road to the Gray Building.</p><p>From Newport News/Hampton via the James River Bridge: Take the James River Bridge to Smithfield. Follow Route 17 to Highway 258. At Ben's Church, turn right onto Highway 10/258. Go four miles, Route 258 turns left toward Windsor. Follow Route 258 about 2 miles. Turn right onto Foursquare Rd Route 620 toward Ivor. In Ivor turn right onto Route 460 go 6 1/2 miles to Wakefield. In Wakefield, turn left at the stoplight onto Route 628. Follow Route 628 for 5 1/2 miles. Turn right on Turkey Pen Road (Route 729) and go 1 mile. Turn left at the gate and follow Airfield Road to the Gray Building.</p><p>THE UNITED STATES PONY CLUBS, INC. RELEASE, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FOR USPC NON-MEMBERS This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing.</p><p>I AGREE for myself, and/or my child, my/our administrators and assigns, in consideration for my, and/or my child’s, participation in this, Polocrosse Fun Day, May 5, 2013 United States Pony Clubs, Inc. (USPC) activity to the following: I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in an USPC activity, as a rider, driver, handler, lessee, owner, agent, spectator, volunteer, and/or trainer. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and USPC activities involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including, but not limited to, broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering or death (“Harm”). I fully understand that this release covers, but is not limited to, inherent risks of an equine activity which mean a danger or condition that is an integral part of an equine activity, including but not limited to, any of the following: • The propensity of an equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, death, or loss to persons on or around the equine; • The unpredictability of an equine’s reaction to sounds, sudden movement, unfamiliar objects, persons, or other animals; • Hazards, including, but not limited to, surface or subsurface conditions; • A collision with another equine, another animal, a person, or an object; • The potential of an equine activity instructor to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury, death, or loss to the person of the participant or to other persons, including but not limited to, failing to maintain control over an equine or failing to act within the ability of the participant. </p><p>I AGREE to release the USPC, its successors or assigns, officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and affiliated organizations from all claims including, but not limited to, claims for money or property, disability, covenants, actions, suits, causes or action, obligations, debts, costs, expenses, attorneys’ fees, judgments, orders and liabilities of whatsoever kind or nature in law, equity or otherwise, whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, and whether concealed or hidden, including but not limited to any state or federal statutory or common law claim or remedy of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the USPC or the USPC activity. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the USPC or the USPC activity, and specifically agree to the applicable state statute/law regarding equine/farm animal activity liability and signed posting (if any), in any state in which I or my child participates in a USPC activity. A list of state statues and select portions of those statues believed to be in effect at the time of the execution of this agreement is attached hereto. I AGREE to review and understand the full applicable state statutes. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the USPC and the USPC activity and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse in the USPC activity. I AGREE that neither I, nor any one claiming through me, will hereafter bring, commence, prosecute or maintain, or cause or permit to be brought, commenced, prosecuted or maintained, any suit or action, either at law or in equity, in any court in the United States or in any state thereof, or elsewhere, against the USPC, its successors or assigns, for, on account of, arising out of, or in any way connected with any Harm to me or my horse, and that neither I, nor any one claiming though me, will enforce, prosecute, or recover upon, or attempt to enforce, prosecute, or recover upon, any claim or right of action whatsoever, which I, or any one claiming though me, may now have or hereafter assert, in any way connected with claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harms caused by me or my horse at the USPC activity. I AGREE this Agreement is the entire agreement of the parties, and supersedes all prior oral and written understandings and agreements. This Agreement may be modified only by a written amendment signed by both parties. I AGREE that if any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions shall be construed as if the affected provision had not been included in order to effectuate the intent of the parties. In the event this form is signed by the parent/guardian of a child, then all representations and acknowledgements herein are expressly made by, for, and on behalf of the parent/guardian and child. By signing below, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable USPC rules and all terms and provisions of the USPC activity. I acknowledge that I enter into this release after having read the same, and place my signature hereto of my own free voluntary act and deed. By signing below, I represent to the USPC that I fully understand its contents that I do not need any further explanation, and I waive any further explanation.</p><p>I have read and AGREE to abide be the above. REQUIRED — all signatures must be originals, not photocopies. </p><p>______OR ______</p><p>Original Signature of Participant Date: ______Original Signature of Applicant’s Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s) Date: ______</p><p>Required if applicant is of the age of majority in their state of residence. Required if applicant is under the age of majority in their state of residence Revised 12/2012 Monday-Thursday: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday & Saturday: 11:00 am to 7:00 pm Available for Pick Up. Call for Information: 757-899-4901</p><p>“All American” Grilled Cheese Sandwich & Chips $ 4.99 Add Ham or Turkey for $1.00 Extra </p><p>“The Original” Bacon Cheeseburger 6oz All Beef served on a pretzel roll topped with lettuce, tomato, cheese & onion Served with “Homemade” Chips $8.99 </p><p>Airfield Wrap Grilled Chicken or Ham in a Tomato Basil Wrap w/ Lettuce, Tomato & Ranch Dressing Served with “Homemade” Chips $8.99 </p><p>“The Real Deal” Chicken Fingers 2 Hand-Dusted Fried Chicken Tenderloins Served with a side of Honey Mustard and “Homemade” Chips $8.99 </p><p>Club House Grill Virginia Ham, Turkey, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Bacon & Melted Swiss Cheese Toasted on Texas Toast Served with “Homemade” Chips $8.99 </p><p>“House” Chef Salad GENEROUS portion of Iceberg and Romaine Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumbers, Ham, Turkey, & Cheddar Cheese served with your choice of dressing $9.99 </p><p>“Blacken” Chicken Salad Fresh Romaine Lettuce, Tomato, Black Olives, Cheese topped with Cajun Chicken Tenderloins & Choice of Dressing $8.99 </p><p>Fish & Chips Fried Seasoned Tilapia Filet with Slaw and “Homemade” Chips $8.99 </p><p>“Eastern Shore” Crab Cake Sandwich Delicious Crab Cake served on bun with lettuce and tomato Served with “Homemade” Chips $10.99</p>
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