<p>FACULTY</p><p>Only employed teachers of the assistant professor and higher LEVEL are listed.</p><p>The teachers’ data are listed alphabetically.</p>Teacher / Professor <strong>Jugoslav Bagatin</strong> MD, PhD<br>Institution / University Hospital Centre Split<br>E-mail / <br>Personal Web page<br>Short curriculum vitae / Professor Bagatin was born in 1949 and graduated from University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia in 1775. In 1994 he was awarded a doctorate in science at the University of Zagreb for the thesis: "The comparison of beta blockers and diuretics in long term treatment of arterial hypertension". During his work he went through several positions and appointments:<br>1976-1979 General practitioner in the Department of school medicine in Split, Croatia<br>1979-1983 Resident, Department of Medicine, General Hospital Split.<br>1983-1990 Specialist in Clinical Pharmacology, General Hospital Split.<br>1990- Specialist in Internal Medicine, Chief of Clinical Pharmacology unit, University Hospital Center, Split, Croatia.<br>1993- Assistant of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.<br>1996- Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Zagreb, School of Medicine.<br>1999- Professor of Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Split, School of Medicine.<br>2000- Specialist in cardiology.<br>He is member of following associations and editorial boards:<br>· Croatian Medical Association<br>· Vicepresident of Croatian Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics<br>· President of Croatian Medical Association, Department of Split<br>· Member of Bioethic Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia<br>· Member of the Drug Committee for medicine, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia<br>· Member of editorial boards of Pharmacy, Zagreb<br>To date he has published 185 papers, of which 55 are original scientific reports. Most are dealing with clinical pharmacology, particulary cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and arterial hypertension.<br>List of publications (last 5 years) / 1. Punda A, Polić S, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J, Marković V, Lukin A. Effects of atenolol and propranolol on platelet aggregation in moderate essential hypertension: Randomized crossover trial. Croat Med J. 2005;46:219-24.<br>2. Bagatin J. Nuspojave i interakcije lijekova. In: HKD editor. Lijekovi i njihova racionalna primjena. Zagreb, 2005: p. 14-25.<br>3. Rakić D, Rumboldt Z, Carević V, Bagatin J, Polić S, Pivac N, Avelini-Perković R. On behalf of the Approach to Sudden Cardiac Death Study Investigators. In-hospital Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation Outcomes: Rationale for the Approach to Sudden Cardiac Death Study. Croat Med J. 2005;46:967-12. <br>4. Bagatin J. Racionalna primjena antibiotika u liječenju infekcija dišnog sustava u djece i odraslih. Zbornik radova l. simpozija Suvremeni pristup infekcijama dišnog sustava u djece I odraslih, Komiža 27-29 04. 2006., p. 7-8.<br>5. Bagatin J. Beta blokatori u liječenju nekomplicirane esencijalne hipertenzije-pro et contra. In: Hrvatsko društvo za hipertenziju: Prvi hrvatski kongres o hipertenziji .Zagreb 2007, p. 147-151<br>6. Novak K, Carević V, Rumboldt Z, Bagatin J. Arterial hypertension is major risk factor for free wall rupture in STEMI patients. (P2.119. XVI European meeting on hypertension ). Journal of Hypertension 2006;24: S46 <br>7. Vitezić D, Matana Z, Buble T, Mrsić-Palčić J, Knežević A. Bagatin J, Zupan G, Simonić A. Cardiovascular drugs utilization in Croatia during a four-year period. Acta Pharmacol Sinica 2006;Suppl 1: 204: (P160001- XV th World Congress of Pharmacology:Meeting Abstracts. Beijing, July 2-7,2006)<br>8. Karanović N, Carev M, Berović N, Bagatin J, Karanović S, Đogaš Z. The impact of sleep deprivation on the staff anesthesiologist during in-hospital 24 hour call. EJA (Eur J Anesthesiol) 2006;23:suppl 37 (253-4), A984. (Poster na kongresu anesteziologa u Madridu u 6. mj 2006.) <br>9. Bagatin J. Primjena lijekova u starijih osoba. U Francetić I, Vitezić D, editor. Osnove kliničke farmakologije. Zagreb 2007, Medicinska naklada, 174-182. <br>10. Bagatin J. Hipertenzija i metabolički sindrom. Kardiolist 2007; 2 Suppl 1:5<br>11. Polić S, Lukin A, Bagatin J. editor. Odabrana poglavlja iz kardiovaskularnog liječenja. Split. 2008. Jedinica za znanstveni rad kliničke bolnice Split, 439 strana. <br>12. Bagatin J. Podjela i liječenje arterijske hipertenzije u svjetlu novih preporuka iz 2007.godine (ESH/ESC). Ibidem p. 43-56.<br>13. Bagatin J, Fabjanić D, Pivac N, Carević V. Današnje mjesto diuretika u liječenju hipertenzije. Medicus 2007;16:173-77. <br>14. Korljan–Babić B, Bagatin J, Kokić S, Barišić-Ostojić S, Carević V, Berović N. Comparison between continous ambulatory arterial blood pressure monitoring and standard blood pressure measurements among patients of younger and older age group. Coll Antropol 2009;33:65-70<br>Publications and other qualifications / From 1984 Prof. Bagatin participates in the lectures from Internal medicine on the Faculty of medicine, University of Split, and from 1997 he is in charge of the department of “Doctor and patient I” in which he has performed lectures and praxis from the course “Urgent medicine and patient caring”. During these years he participated in the writing of several chapters in various books that have been recommended as student teaching materials, while two times he was an editor of the book “Antibiotics – rational therapy “(2001 and 2003.)<br>Several times he has been a reviewer of various medical books (his last review was for the Internal medicine, Prof. Vrhovac, Zagreb, 2008.) and several projects from the Croatian Ministry of Science.<br>Last academic advancement / September 15, 2010.<br>Course / Courses and praxis from the internal medicine on the Medical and Stomatological faculty. Courses from the clinical pharmacology. <br>Courses from the internal medicine and clinical pharmacology on the University of Mostar, and on the University of Zagreb.<br>Teacher / <strong>Darija Bakovic Kramaric</strong><br>Institution / School of Medicine, Clinical Hospital Split<br>E-mail / <br>Personal Web page<br>Short curriculum vitae / University of Split School of Medicine, Šoltanska 2, 21000 Split, Croatia, Tel: (021)557896 <br>Date of birth: April 30. 1975.<br>1999. M.D. degree obtained at University of Zagreb School of Medicine Split<br>2006. Ph.D. degree in Physiology at Department of Physiology Medical School Split<br>2001. - 2006. specializing internal medicine in University Hospital Split<br>2006. internal medicine specialist in University Hospital Split<br>2006. assistant professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split<br>2008. sub specializing in cardiology in Clinical Hospital Split<br>2000.-2005. Postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physiology Medical School Split<br>2005.-2006. Senior Instructor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split<br>2006. Assistant Professor at Department of Physiology Medical School Split<br>2006. Internal specialist in Clinical Hospital Split<br>2004. - Split School of Medicine: an annual award for the most valuable medical publication<br>2004. -The Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia: an annual award for the most valuable medical publication for the author under 35 years of age<br>2010, Project leader on the UKF 2A grant named: The application of latest advances in Doppler echocardiography in clinical and experimental <br>echocardiology, gaining experience grant (2A)<br>2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Diving with compressed air and cardiovascular system” with a financial value of 90 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic, and it involved a group of 6 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a total value of 450 000 kn and role of which is to determine the influence of a single and multiple field dives on pulmonary pressure, endothelial and heart function. The work on the project already resulted in a number of publications that explained various aspects of field dives on cardiopulmonary function. <br>2006-2011 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Breath hold diving and cardiovascular system” with a financial value of 80 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zoran Valic, and it involved the group of 5 co-workers. The project is a part of a 5-year program with a total value of 400 000 kn and role of which is to elucidate the mechanisms of rapid splenic contraction in response to breath holds, hematological and cardiopulmonary changes evoked by breath holds as well as autonomic and brain blood flow adaptations in elite apnea divers. The project resulted in a number of publications to a leading physiology journals. <br>2008-2010 as a co-investigator on scientific project entitled “Physiology of SCUBA diving, crossing borders grant (1B)” with a financial 555 000 kn/year. The project is headed by dr. Zeljko Dujic and involved a group of 4 co-workers. The project is a part of a 2-year program with a total value of 1110 000 kn and role of which is to understand all the mechanisms that influence the risk of decompression sickness. <br>Collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Karolinska Institute,<br>Duke University and Diving Alert Network.<br>List of publications (last 5 years) / 1: Dzamonja G, Tank J, Heusser K, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V, Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Luft FC, Dujic Z, Jordan J. Glossopharyngeal insufflation induces cardioinhibitory syncope in apnea divers. Clin Auton Res. 2010 Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 20623312.<br>2: Marinovic J, Ljubkovic M, Obad A, Bakovic D, Breskovic T, Dujic Z. Effects of successive air and trimix dives on human cardiovascular function. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2009 Dec;41(12):2207-12. PubMed PMID: 19915497.<br>3: Bakovic D, Pivac N, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Paukovic-Sekulic B, Dujic Z. Changes in platelet size and spleen volume in response to selective and non-selective beta-adrenoceptor blockade in hypertensive patients. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2009 Apr;36(4):441-6. PubMed PMID: 19702597.<br>4: Ivancev V, Bakovic D, Obad A, Breskovic T, Palada I, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z.<br>Effects of indomethacin on cerebrovascular response to hypercapnea and hypocapnea in breath-hold diving and obstructive sleep apnea. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2009 May 15;166(3):152-8. Epub 2009 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 19442931.<br>5: Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Tank J, Palada I, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Obad A, Ivancev V, Breskovic T, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Luft FC, Jordan J, Dujic Z. Cardiovascular regulation during apnea in elite divers. Hypertension. 2009 Apr;53(4):719-24. Epub 2009 Mar 2. PubMed PMID: 19255361.<br>6: Glavas D, Bakovic D, Obad A, Palada I, Breskovic T, Valic Z, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Effects of tetrahydrobiopterin on venous bubble grade and acute diving-induced changes in cardiovascular function. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2009 Apr;29(2):100-7. Epub 2008 Dec 4. PubMed PMID: 19076728.<br>7: Bakovic D, Glavas D, Palada I, Breskovic T, Fabijanic D, Obad A, Valic Z, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. High-grade bubbles in left and right heart in an asymptomatic diver at rest after surfacing. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2008<br>Jun;79(6):626-8. PubMed PMID: 18581949.<br>8: Bakovic D, Eterovic D, Palada I, Valic Z, Dujic Z. Does breath-holding increase the risk of a thrombotic event? Platelets. 2008 Jun;19(4):314-5. PubMed PMID: 18569868.<br>9: Glavas D, Markotic A, Valic Z, Kovacic N, Palada I, Martinic R, Breskovic T, Bakovic D, Brubakk AO, Dujic Z. Expression of endothelial selectin ligands on human leukocytes following dive. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2008 Sep;233(9):1181-8. Epub 2008 Jun 5. PubMed PMID: 18535169.<br>10: Breskovic T, Denoble P, Palada I, Obad A, Valic Z, Glavas D, Bakovic D, Dujic Z. Venous gas bubble formation and decompression risk after scuba diving in persons with chronic spinal cord injury and able-bodied controls. Spinal Cord. 2008 Nov;46(11):743-7. Epub 2008 May 13. PubMed PMID: 18475278.<br>11: Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Obad A, Ivancev V, Eterovic D, Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Restoration of hemodynamics in apnea struggle phase in association with involuntary breathing movements. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2008 Apr 30;161(2):174-81. Epub 2008 Feb 7. PubMed PMID: 18337193.<br>12: Dujic Z, Ivancev V, Heusser K, Dzamonja G, Palada I, Valic Z, Tank J, Obad A, Bakovic D, Diedrich A, Joyner MJ, Jordan J. Central chemoreflex sensitivity and sympathetic neural outflow in elite breath-hold divers. J Appl Physiol. 2008 Jan;104(1):205-11. Epub 2007 Nov 8. PubMed PMID: 17991789.<br>13: Palada I, Eterovic D, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Lojpur M,<br>Shoemaker JK, Dujic Z. Spleen and cardiovascular function during short apneas in divers. J Appl Physiol. 2007 Dec;103(6):1958-63. <br>14: Ivancev V, Palada I, Valic Z, Obad A, Bakovic D, Dietz NM, Joyner MJ, Dujic Z. Cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia is unimpaired in breath-hold divers. J Physiol. 2007 Jul 15;582(Pt 2):723-30. Epub 2007 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 17412771; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2075341.<br>15: Palada I, Obad A, Bakovic D, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Dujic Z. Cerebral and<br>peripheral hemodynamics and oxygenation during maximal dry breath-holds. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2007 Aug 1;157(2-3):374-81. Epub 2007 Feb 8. PubMed PMID: 17363344.<br>16: Valic Z, Palada I, Bakovic D, Valic M, Mardesic-Brakus S, Dujic Z. Muscle oxygen supply during cold face immersion in breath-hold divers and controls. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2006 Dec;77(12):1224-9. PubMed PMID: 17183917. 17: Obad A, Palada I, Valic Z, Ivancev V, Baković D, Wisløff U, Brubakk AO, Dujić Z. The effects of acute oral antioxidants on diving-induced alterations in human cardiovascular function. J Physiol. 2007 Feb 1;578(Pt 3):859-70. Epub 2006 Nov 16. PubMed PMID: 17110413; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2151345.<br>18: Baković D, Eterović D, Valic Z, Saratlija-Novaković Z, Palada I, Obad A,<br>Dujić Z. Increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced stroke volume in association with CO2 retention and inferior vena cava dilatation. J Appl Physiol. 2006 Sep;101(3):866-72. Epub 2006 May 25. PubMed PMID: 16728515.<br>19: Dujić Z, Ivancev V, Valic Z, Bakovic D, Marinović-Terzić I, Eterović D,<br>Wisløff U. Postexercise hypotension in moderately trained athletes after maximal exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2006 Feb;38(2):318-22. PubMed PMID: 16531901.<br>20: Baković D, Eterović D, Saratlija-Novaković Z, Palada I, Valic Z, Bilopavlović N, Dujić Z. Effect of human splenic contraction on variation in circulating blood cell counts. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 2005 Nov;32(11):944-51. PubMed PMID: 16405451.<br>Publications and other qualifications / Coauthor in the books: Ultrazvuk u kliničkoj praksi (Izet Hozo, Deni Karelović), Odabrana poglavlja iz Kardiologije (Dinko Mirić)<br>Last academic advancement / January, 2007.<br>Course / Physiology course at University of Split School of Medicine<br>Internal course at University of Split School of Medicine <br>Postgraduate School<br>Teacher / Igor Barišić<br>Institution / Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University Hospital Centre Split, School of Medicine University of Split<br>E-mail / igorbarisic{@net.hr<br>Personal Web page<br>Short curriculum vitae / Born 02.11.1958. Split, Republic of Croatia. Croat. Croatian citizen.<br>Employment: Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology, University hospital of Split, School of medicine University of Split
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